#Worms W.M.D
stinkek · 11 months
I wish the Worms Revolution soundbanks were extracted. I heard a bunch of identical phrases in the Society Girl soundbank and W.M.D's Charleston Girl / 1920's Girl soundbank. I would've liked to do a direct comparison, but when I test soundbanks in-game they have an echo effect.
I recognise these from W.M.D, context may differ in Revolution
I'm the only one, you rat (?) - friendly fire
Who's the other broad? - friendly fire
Look, but don't touch - firing weapon
What brings you here? - approaching friendly worm
Us dolls should stick together - friendly fire
A girl can't trust no worm - hurt self
Ain't no way to treat a lady - hurt by enemy
I guess this date is over - death
I can do that all night long, sweetie - high damage; nearly identical in W.M.D, only "it" instead of "that" but it's insignificant; yes, it's an actual line in a family-friendly game
Damsel in distress here - approaching low-health friendly worm
Charmed, I'm sure - in W.M.D it's entering an occupied building, IDK the context in Revolution
Not on the first date, honey - first blood
I'm just a little lady - "mercy"? As in surrendering?
Are you ready for me? - firing weapon
I hear he is no good - approaching enemy worm
Boy, that's a lot, and I don't think this is even all.
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jayperior · 1 year
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Started playing Worms again - please appreciate my custom team.
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gamingingoodcompany · 2 years
Worms W.M.D.
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How many players? 1 to 4 What console(s) is it available on? PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PC
Did you know a brand new PS4 controller can cost $90? You can get off-brand ones for around $30 or so but they’re rife with imperfections and tend to break after a month. Still, $90 can be a bit steep, even if it’s a swell controller that’ll last you for eight years. For most people, this is negligible; they are alone, playing single-player games or online multiplayer, and they get their one controller with the console. But for couch multiplayer, like the games I promote? Eesh. Fortunately, some games are nice enough to have multiplayer that only needs one controller. Many of these are turn-based where players pass the controller around, like the 'Worms' series.
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In 'Worms W.M.D', players make up teams of worms with their own unique clothes and names, then take turns squirming around maps with cute squeaks until they get into the perfect position to unload all sorts of military mayhem on any other worms that don’t currently have the luxury of being allowed to move to safety.
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The appeal of the 'Worms' series lies in the juxtaposition of the cartoonish visuals of its Worms, the realistic and gritty visuals of the military weaponry, and the cartoonish violence enacted on the former with the latter. Fully destructible levels contribute even more to this, as every explosion whittles away the playable area and leave players stranded between other Worms without cover and a possible environmental kill. The series has been out since 1995, which should tell you how successful this formula has been to have lasted this one. It’s definitely worth a play.
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ryunumber · 5 months
Professor Worminkle from Worms 4: Mayhem?
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Professor Worminkle does not have a Ryu Number/has a Ryu Number of 3.
(CORRECTION: Per @skapokon, Professor Worminkle can have a Ryu Number of 3.)
(CORRECTION 2: The presence of Joanna Dark as an Xbox-exclusive weapon in Worms W.M.D and as a Minecraft skin gives an alternate Ryu Number of 3 that is not dependent on counting Helen of Troy as a Worm.)
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stinkywormynoob · 6 months
random late evening rambling
It seems that I got myself accustomed with the Worms franchise past its prime: their last all-new game was Rumble which got mixed reactions, and lately they released a mobile version of W.M.D and are now licensing a physical board game which is scheduled for next year. Even when I partake in a Russian Discord dedicated to the franchise, I find myself struggling to play with people other than a friend, and there are some things I want to try with others that aren't exactly newbie/casual-friendly - no one is obligated to become a pro at a videogame. Something makes me feel cautious of the Armageddon fanbase, it's probably knowing that in bigger fandoms you're more likely to stumble upon individuals you don't want to socialize with.
The idea of running a blog about Worms is kinda strange when I think about it. Many people on this site are into interesting and attractive characters, and shipping them. Worms is a game series where it's just fighting... and roping among enthusiasts. There's no plot and no actual characters aside from those in Mayhem AFAIK, and even if you look at renders for W4M you won't see story characters aside from the cyberworm, and even that one appears only in the last tutorial level. There's no shipping material in Worms, like, what can you do here? Worminkle x Queen of Sheba, just because he and his students ended up in the right place at the right time (he needs diamonds for the time machine and she had her jewels stolen, she promises to reward the one returning them), and he described her as lovely in mission briefing? Would've been intriguing to see that, but no, I don't wanna do it. Worms aren't attractive. Silly? Yes. Cute? Subjective, and depends on the game's art style. One needs to draw them with a more humanoid (naga-like) body for them to be considered "attractive". That one Armageddon wallpaper (if you know, you know)? Pretty sure that's just dark humor... what was the game's target audience again?
I'm just here ogling 3D worms, mainly Mayhem ones because the camera lets you do that and they're vastly superior to W3D ones in expression department. They've been my main art subject this year, oops. IDK how to draw most weapons though. I'm not friends with geometry. Well, I'll never do good if I don't try. The one thing stopping me from taking a bunch of pictures for reference is laziness.
I'm probably exhausted and can't think clearly because I spent the evening editing some Renewation footage where I was just failing.
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shepardsherd · 1 month
Guys stupid question, but what does W.M.D means when I say WORMS W.M.D
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wormsgame · 1 year
Nothing too major, but the Worms Twitter account has changed its branding
Rumble branding has been completely removed, finally. I can't tell if this is just general branding or meant for W.M.D Mobilize. The Facebook account has yet to change, but that's still stuck promoting a 2 year old event in Rumble sooo..
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examples of local multiplayer games-worms w.m.d
worms is a couch game all about defeating your opponents thro out the turns. at the beginning you or your opponents have a turn to do their move with their worm then it cycles thro each players turn with one of their worms your objective is to make sure at least one of your worms survive the more the game goes on the more things will spawn on the map like stronger items heeling and sometimes vehicles
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fmpjamesy2 · 2 months
Top 12 Games with Destructible Environments
Battlefield Series: The games allow the player to blow giant holes in walls and destroy small bridges.
Teardown: In this game almost everything is destructible using voxels.
7 Days To Die: The doors and walls in this game can be destroyed by Zombies.
Minecraft: In this game everything can be destroyed.
Red Faction Series: The buildings are destructible in this game series.
XCOM Series: The player has the ability to destroy walls and ceilings in this game.
Rainbow Six Siege: The player can destroy walls, floors, and barricades in this game.
Destroy All Humans!: This game allows the player to use the spaceships to destroy buildings.
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames: This game allows the player to use explosives to destroy buildings in the open world.
Split Second: This game includes events where buildings explode or fall down while the players are racing
House Flipper: The player can destroy walls in a house.
Worms W.M.D: The game allows the players to destroy anything on the stage.
Teardown sounds the most interesting since it uses voxels so it allows the player to destroy anything in the game using weapons. I could use the voxels part in my game, but the destruction mechanics won't be using the voxels but will use the chaos destruction mechanic.
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gameforestdach · 5 months
In der dynamischen und ständig sich wandelnden Welt der Videospielentwicklung und des Publishings ist Team17 eine bemerkenswerte Entität. Das Jahr 2023 war für das Unternehmen besonders ereignisreich, geprägt von signifikantem Umsatzwachstum, Profitabilitätsproblemen, Marktschwankungen und strategischen Erweiterungen. Dieser Artikel bietet eine erschöpfende Analyse der finanziellen Reise von Team17 im Jahr 2023, untersucht die Erfolge, Herausforderungen und Zukunftsaussichten in der Spielebranche. Umsatzwachstum trotz Marktherausforderungen Profitabilitätsbedenken und operative Strategien Auswirkungen auf Aktienkurse und Marktleistung Strategische Erweiterungen und neue Spielveröffentlichungen Führungswechsel und zukünftige Ausrichtung Umsatzwachstum Trotz Marktherausforderungen Deutliche Steigerung des Umsatzes Team17 hat in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2023 eine bemerkenswerte finanzielle Widerstandsfähigkeit gezeigt und einen Umsatzzuwachs von 31% auf £69,7 Millionen erzielt. Dieses Wachstum ist besonders bedeutend im Vergleich zu den £53,2 Millionen Umsatz im gleichen Zeitraum 2022. Der Anstieg ist ein Beleg für das robuste Spielportfolio und die Marktpräsenz des Unternehmens. Herausforderungen bei der Profitabilität Trotz des beeindruckenden Anstiegs beim Umsatz sah sich Team17 mit Herausforderungen bei der Aufrechterhaltung seiner Profitabilität konfrontiert. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete einen Rückgang des EBITDA um 9,3%, von £18,2 Millionen im ersten Halbjahr 2022 auf £16,5 Millionen im Jahr 2023. Auch der Gewinn vor Steuern nahm ab und fiel von £11,2 Millionen auf £8,1 Millionen. Diese Rückgänge können auf gestiegene Marketing- und Betriebsausgaben zurückgeführt werden, die strategisch aufgewendet wurden, um die Veröffentlichungspipeline des Unternehmens für die zweite Jahreshälfte zu stärken. Marktleistung und Auswirkungen auf den Aktienkurs Die finanzielle Entwicklung von Team17 im Jahr 2023 hat ebenfalls seine Position am Aktienmarkt beeinflusst. Auffällig ist, dass die Aktien von Team17 um über 40% auf 185 Pence abstürzten, nachdem bekanntgegeben wurde, dass bestimmte Spieletitel nicht die internen Leistungserwartungen erfüllen. Dieser Rückgang spiegelt die Stimmung der Investoren und Marktreaktionen auf die finanziellen Neuigkeiten des Unternehmens wider. Neuerscheinungen und Strategische Übernahmen Vielfältiges Portfolio an Spielveröffentlichungen Im Einklang mit seiner Wachstumsstrategie hat Team17 im ersten Halbjahr 2023 mehrere neue Titel auf den Markt gebracht, darunter "Dredge", "Trepang 2" und "Killer Frequency". Zusätzlich erweiterte das Unternehmen seine bestehenden Spiele "Batora Lost Haven" und "Worms W.M.D" auf neue Plattformen und veröffentlichte 17 neue DLC-Pakete für diverse Spiele. Diese vielfältige Veröffentlichungsstrategie unterstreicht das Engagement von Team17, sein Spielangebot zu erweitern und zu bereichern. Übernahmen zur Stärkung des Portfolios Strategische Übernahmen sind ein Eckpfeiler der Expansion von Team17. So war beispielsweise die Übernahme des deutschen Entwicklers Astragon ein fruchtbares Unterfangen. Astragons Leistung in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2023 war robust und zeichnete sich durch die Veröffentlichung von 12 DLC-Paketen, zwei Season Passes und mehreren kostenlosen Content-Updates aus. Diese Bemühungen trugen wesentlich zum Umsatzwachstum von Team17 bei. Darüber hinaus verzeichnete das Bildungsspielstudio StoryToys, eine weitere Akquisition von Team17, einen bemerkenswerten Anstieg seiner aktiven Abonnentenbasis von über 250.000 in der ersten Hälfte 2022 auf über 320.000 in 2023. Führungswechsel und Zukunftsausblick Neue Richtung unter neuer Führung Auch das Jahr 2023 war ein Jahr des Umbruchs für Team17, wobei CEO Debbie Bestwick nach Jahrzehnten der Führung ihre Position abgab. Bestwicks Amtszeit war geprägt von strategischen Entscheidungen, die das Wachstum des Unternehmens vorantrieben. Unter dem neuen CEO Steve Bell steht Team17 bereit, die Wettbewerbslandschaft
im Spielesektor zu durchqueren und dabei den Fokus auf ein vielfältiges Portfolio und kosteneffiziente Strategien zu legen. Strategische Ausrichtung für zukünftigen Erfolg Blickt man in die Zukunft, so bleibt Team17 sich der Herausforderungen in der Spielebranche bewusst. Die Strategie des Unternehmens konzentriert sich darauf, interne Ressourcen auszugleichen und Outsourcing zu optimieren, um Kosteneffizienz zu gewährleisten. Dieser Ansatz soll Agilität und Wirksamkeit beibehalten und somit den fortwährenden Erfolg und die Relevanz des Unternehmens am Spielemarkt sicherstellen. Fazit Die Reise von Team17 durch das Jahr 2023 beleuchtet das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Umsatzwachstum, Profitabilitätsherausforderungen und Marktdynamiken in der Spieleindustrie. Trotz bedeutender Hürden positionieren die strategische Veröffentlichung von Spielen, Übernahmen und Führungswechsel das Unternehmen gut für zukünftigen Erfolg. Während sich Team17 weiter anpasst und entwickelt, bleibt es ein wichtiger Akteur, den es auf dem globalen Spielemarkt zu beobachten gilt. Quellenverzeichnis: GamesIndustry.biz Multiplatform.com 80.lv Prolific North
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gmlocg · 10 months
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2,521.) Worms W.M.D.
Release: August 23th, 2016 | GGF: Action, Turn-Based Strategy, Platformer | Developer(s): Team17 Digital Limited | Publisher(s): Team17 Digital Limited, Super Rare Games Limited | Platform(s): Linux (2016), Macintosh (2016), PlayStation 4 (2016), Windows (2016), Xbox One (2016), Nintendo Switch (2017), Windows Apps (2019), Stadia (2022)
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stinkek · 11 months
I don't think I mentioned how I got into Worms here before?
I must've first heard of Worms when I was around 11-12, I think some nearby kids around my age played one of the mobile games (dumbphones were still common, maybe?) and the SFX of the Holy Hand Grenade sounds familiar... Actually I'm not even sure if the playing part is true because I didn't peek at their phones, but I DEFINITELY recognise the HHG sound. My memory is garbage but also oddly specific at times.
I never actually played a Worms game ago until February this year, when a friend suggested Ultimate Mayhem and we played it together. I won't go in details but things kinda unraveled from that point.
I've seen the 2D vs 3D division in the fanbase. I've seen the Rumble controversy (I like Rumble even if I'm usually around the middle or the lower half of the leaderboard). I've seen the NFT announcement which thankfully never came true. People want a new mainline game, the last one was W.M.D in 2016 (ignoring the mobile version which is also not free).
I feel like I missed out a lot. My childhood self was more into action and action-adventure stuff, but maybe I could've enjoyed it back then.
I made myself a wormsona. I've also seen old art (mostly from mid 2000's) with so-called sigworms - artists' self-representations as worms. "Sigworm" seems to have originated on some Team17 forum which got shutdown around a decade ago and nobody uses this word anymore. When I think about it, a sigworm and a wormsona are the same thing? I also noticed the Worms art from that time tended to be more angular and edgy. I found some really old animations made in Flash on DeviantArt and Newgrounds. Weird experience overall.
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duscarasheddinnytclips · 10 months
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Formula Retro Racing World Tour Review (PlayStation 4)
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 For our Formula Retro Racing World Tour Review, where we rediscover nostalgic racing as you drive through iconic locations in Formula Retro Racing: World Tour Fusing 90s-style arcade racing with realistic physics, split-screen multiplayer, and 60fps performance. With new tracks and car types!
Formula Retro Racing World Tour Review Pros:
- Brilliant bright graphics. - 1.74GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Works on Playstation 5. - Racing gameplay. - Arcade presentation. - Takes inspiration from the Daytona USA games. - Four game modes – arcade, grand Prix, eliminator, and free practice. - 3 difficulties – beginner, advanced, and expert. - Damage – fills up as you take hits and once full causes a slower restart in track animation. - 18 tracks from all around the world. - Chiptune soundtrack. - 3 driving views including in the car dashboard and you can look behind. - Automatic and manual gears. - Earn time from checkpoints. - 2 – 4 local multiplayer. - Earn points from races to unlock new tracks. - Eliminator mode is where every lap everyone else gets faster and you have to stay in the top 10 or it’s game over. - Grand Prix has your standard race start. - Arcade mode has a rolling start. - 20 colors to choose from for each car. - Each race can be done with either a car or an F1 car. Each type has five models. - Full damage model. - Choose your Hud position. - As you earn points you also upgrade your driving license rank. - Pre-race flyover. - Pixel art sparks fly from the car as you hit walls and jump. - Brilliant-looking locations. - Hitting the grass or walls will slow you down. Formula Retro Racing World Tour Review Cons: - You are playing just to unlock a couple of tracks. - No online racing. - Cannot rebind controls. - Every menu has a countdown timer. - The controls feel a bit loose. - The steering does take some getting used to. Related Post: Worms W.M.D Mobilize Review Formula Retro Racing World Tour: Official website. Developer: repixel8 Publisher: repixel8 Store Links -  PlayStation Read the full article
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xantarmob · 1 year
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stinkywormynoob · 6 months
I heard of people saying stuff like "the only people who like Worms Rumble are 12 year old Fortnite players".
I don't quite get it. I'm about twice as old as the kids they talk about. I never played Fortnite or any other battle royale (aside from briefly trying Super Animal Royale a couple years ago). I got to the Worms franchise pretty late, only about a month before the release of mobile W.M.D. Initially I sucked at Rumble, but I kept playing and it's grown on me. The players are nice (at least those who talk on the game's Discord), even when they have enough experience to destroy everyone they see. But I won't deny the waiting times can be long, especially if you're looking for any of the perma-death modes. The devs act like they never made this game. Even the Rumble players themselves ask to make it F2P just to keep it alive - there are no bots, without players the game would be just a menu simulator, but it could be still profitable with the DLCs which are all cosmetic... or maybe I shouldn't be the one talking about money, we're not poor but it's far from my favourite topics. I feel like I said some things before, but I can't be arsed to check.
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