savingcontent · 8 months
Only DREDGE can get me excited about "Boat Paint & More" in its third post-launch update today
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desadaptad0 · 8 months
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Blasphemous 2 Fan art
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Worms Armageddon
“Raised on worms” (Arcade #13, Dec. 1999)
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stinkywormynoob · 2 months
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someone probably did this before
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gamemories · 4 months
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brutalgamer · 10 months
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Aquatic adventure Dredge adds "passive" and photo modes with new update
Time to set out to sea once again, in the nautical Dredge. The new update adds a chill “passive” mode and you can get snappy too.
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xanswitchhut · 9 months
Other stuff! (Featuring worms!)
I've done some stuff on youtube, mainly dumb videos or edits when i'm bored. As you can tell i'm quite fond of the worms franchise as i kinda grew up on it, specially worms Armaggedon! It's just a cute little game Speaking of which!
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Oh i can use bold, heck yeah So yeah i got bored one day and decided to mess with blender to make a little model based on the in-game worms of Armaggedon! I used a grease pencil to give it a more 2d look which i think came out nicely. I've been messing around with this model to also equip this little fella with a weapon
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A bazooka!
Bold letters are fun, anyways! I just liked how it turned out and messing with the textures to get that highlight was also quite fun, specially on the missile itself as i had to drop the cel shaded effect for it (Not like the original weapons had it anyways so i think it's good enough)
But yeah, i guess this is going to be my type of posting for a while! Just a blog where i can ramble about my stuff in peace. How fun! oh my gosh this has cursive too hell yeah
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bestgamedeveloper · 10 months
Best game developer tournament
Round 1 brackets
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Round 1:
Blizzard vs Landfall games
Sony vs Game Freak
Ubisoft vs Electronic Arts
Dennaton games vs Rockstar games
Bandai Namco games vs Id Software
Team Reptile vs Retro Studios
Mojang vs Sloclap
Microsoft vs InnerSloth
Supermassive games vs Team17
Rare Games vs Curve Digital
Rocksteady studios vs Telltale games
3909 LLC vs Studio MDHR
Sega Vs The Behemoth
Nintendo vs Askiisoft
Valve vs Bethesda game studios
Toby Fox vs Epic Games
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karlstad · 10 months
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suck on my claw
(i’m not sure what’s the meaning of this.but i think there is something cool with it. i mean whenever did you see a claw coming up through the water? sadly the writer put it on the biggest ‘team 17′ piece ever made, so it is on top of the buff list right now)
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casual012xyzcom · 5 months
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#Team17 #Oc #She #Te #CasArcGames #SurSimGames
Live https://www.twitch.tv/team17
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stinkek · 10 months
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sonsofks · 4 months
¡Selecta Play Desata Contenido Exclusivo para la Edición de Coleccionista de Blasphemous 2!
El Penitente Regresa: ¡La Edición Física llega a Consolas en 2024! La editorial y distribuidora mundial Selecta Play nos sorprende al revelar el contenido de la esperadísima Edición de Coleccionista de Blasphemous 2, que llegará a las tiendas especializadas de Europa y América del Norte para Nintendo Switch™ y PlayStation®5 a principios de 2024. Desarrollado por The Game Kitchen y publicado por…
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clickbliss · 6 months
Trepang 2 is FEAR for the creepypasta generation
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by Amr (@siegarettes)
Developers - Trepang Studios
Publisher - Team 17
PC, PS5, Xbox
When Monolith’s FEAR hit the scene in 2005, it astounded with its sharp AI opponents, technical achievements and blend of slow motion gunplay and J-Horror atmosphere. Even now there’s a particular appeal to that first game, with the two sequels tossing away its unique atmosphere and gunplay for something more conventional. And with Monolith stuck working on whatever license Warner Bros. assigns them, it seemed that nothing would even attempt to achieve the same alchemy that defined the first FEAR entry.
That is, until Trepang 2. Trepang immediately makes it clear where its influences lie. From the way bullets tear through scenery, to the oversharpened look of the slow motion, the enemies’ ragdoll reactions to melee attacks, and the way shotguns instantly pulp bodies, Trepang’s entire aesthetic is directly pulled from the first FEAR game. Even mechanical choices, like the lack of aiming down the sights and the particular feedback of the guns, reflect the very specific gunplay dynamics of the original game and the era it was made in. Some modern conveniences keep Trepang from becoming a complete throwback, but its modern influences are most felt in the works of horror it draws from. 
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Where FEAR drew on the J-Horror wave sparked by movies like RING and Ju-On, Trepang is rooted firmly in the halls of internet horror. Cryptids and creepypasta lurk in the world of Trepang, and find yourself unlucky enough and you may even take a trip to the Backrooms. By far the strongest influence here is the SCP Foundation’s wiki based meta fiction, which chronicles attempts by a shadowy foundation to contain and document various anomalies causing a wide range of bizarre effects. Different documents across the world reflect the typical format various authors use across the SCP wiki, going as far as using the term “anomaly” in a directly analogous way, with the Syndicate your character works for having similar stated goals and a formidable paramilitary force.
SCP entries and creepypasta are known for being deeply variable in their quality thanks to the open format, and this is something that Trepang unfortunately inherits. The wide well of influences it draws on ends with a scattershot atmosphere. It opens with you fighting cryptids and bioweapons, before focusing in on the wider corporate conspiracy, leaving only side missions to explore the horror side. Even then it’s sporadic, with some missions being little more than combat arenas, and some laying on everything from cheap jumpscares and bad stealth, to genuinely unnerving and atmospheric moments. 
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It’s in the commitment to the alchemy of horror and action that Trepang 2 most disappoints. It simply can’t make up its mind on what it’s trying to achieve, and shoots in too many directions to make an impact. Given more breathing room, it might have had time to explore all of these, but its main campaign is comprised of only a few missions, over in a compact few hours, with many threads left underexplored. Side missions and combat simulator leave plenty of action to return to, but the story leaves a hurried impression, especially with its last hour revelations and sudden conclusion. It’s a world that’s sketched out more than suggested, and even with all the supplementary material you never get a real sense of the how or why. And not in the classic horror ambiguity way. 
Thankfully, a lot of Trepang 2’s narrative failings are easy to forget when engaged in its sharp combat. Trepang keeps surprisingly faithful to the original FEAR and its era specific quirks, meaning there’s no aiming down the sights to slow down the action, with only scoped weapons allowing you to zoom in. Combined with the gunfire, smoke and debris tearing up the battlefield, every engagement is chaotic and blisteringly fast. The stimulation is borderline excessive, made manageable by the ability to slip into slow motion to track enemy positions and line up precision shots. Quick melee attacks supplement the gunplay, with the most crucial move being the slide, which acts as both a method to escape and knock down enemies for a quick execution.
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The stealth mechanics are underbaked, but mostly serve as a way to silently take down a few enemies for an advantage before a fight, or escape under fire. My favorite addition has to be the ability to take unaware or stunned enemies hostage, using them as a shield, instantly killing them, or tossing them into a crowd while pulling the pin on their explosives, turning them into a free grenade. 
Combined, the moveset allows an explosive hit and run play style, weaving in and out of gunfire, then sneaking out with your cloak to appear at your next victim’s flank. Damage is high enough that even at full health and armor it only takes a few seconds under fire to get yourself killed, so even with this massive advantage you’ll need to make smart tactical decisions to survive. 
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With a massive suite of arena missions and a recently added survival mode that strings multiple arenas together, there’s a huge amount of challenges to keep digging into in the post-game. I’d definitely like to see more full sized, directed level designs, since that’s where the combat shines best, but what’s here provides plenty until the inevitable future DLC. 
Trepang 2 isn’t quite the FEAR successor that I envisioned, never hitting the same highs of combat or atmosphere as the original game, but even Monolith couldn’t pull it off twice. Instead Trepang 2 forges its own identity, taking those ideas that inspired it, and bringing them forward for a new generation to enjoy. 
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stinkywormynoob · 5 months
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I'm not the type of person to edit other people's fanart, but this should be fine..?
Original by ARTemych2010
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marianz-arts · 8 months
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Shout out to Worms 2 and Worms Armageddon and how it allows you to make custom voice and sound packs! Never get tired of that.
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wormsarmageddon · 8 months
Playing Worms Armageddon in 2023
I've attended enough events and mentioned Worms Armageddon enough times to get eyebrows raised - "I remember that game! I used to love it! I wish I could still play it."
Well, the good news is that you can! The PC version is available on Steam and GOG.com for $14.99, though it's frequently on sale for $2-3.
What's more still gets updates! The most recent update, v3.8.1, was released in July 2020, and added a ton of new features as well as patching some bugs.
Some of the new features that have been added to Worms Armageddon in recent years include:
Saved replay files! You can rewatch any game you've played, and even share replays with others.
improved movement, including the ability to keep your worm facing the same direction when moving by holding down the Shift key.
Full-color maps!
Support for higher resolutions! Want to play WA on an ultrawide monitor? You can now!
Official support for WormKit mods!
Despite these updates, there are still a few places where WA shows its age - the main menu, which is locked at 640x480, and the netcode, which needs some work. Fortunately, there are a couple of WormKit modules that can help with that, and I'm going to walk you through those right now!
Firstly, you need to enable WormKit support. To do this, launch WA then go to the Advanced button (found underneath the screen resolution):
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From there, find the checkbox marked "Load WormKit modules" and make sure it's checked.
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Once that's done, click Exit to return to the Settings screen. You'll be prompted to restart the game for changes to take effect. For now, you're just going to quit the game.
Now we're going to install two essential WormKit modules!
The first is WormNAT2. WormNAT2, when in use, allows you to host games online via WormNET without any additional tools. Simple to install - just download the zip and unpack it in the WA root folder.
The second is SuperFrontendHD, which allows the main menu to be rendered at the same resolution as in-game. This one is a little more complicated to install, but not by much - download the full package, then extract that to the root folder.
Once you've done that, go to the root folder and open wkSuperFrontend.ini - this is the settings file for SuperFrontendHD, and we're going to add a single line here under [Misc] - NoPrereleaseNag=1. This prevents SuperFrontendHD from displaying a pop-up in Windows every time you launch reminding you that the mod has some occasional, minor graphics errors.
(Note that I have a personal preference to keep the menus in a 4:3 aspect ratio, so when I edit the wkSuperFrontend.ini I change SetInternalResolution to 4x3. But you can leave this as-is if you'd prefer.)
Once you done that, launch your game! If you've already enabled WormKit in WA and have chosen an in-game resolution on the Settings screen, your frontend should go from looking like this...
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...to something like this:
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Or, if you're like me and you have an ultrawide monitor, you could even change it to something like this:
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(This is at 1680x720, which maintains the ultrawide dimensions while keeping the game at a satisfying zoom level.)
So that's that! If you have any questions about tweaking Worms Armageddon feel free to shoot me an ask!
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