letraspal · 10 months
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Sweet creature…
Always honor the awtwb nap 🛐
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Christmas Presents (Children Part 6)
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 3341
Summary: Christmas morning with all the Snow-PItch extended family there.
Read on AO3
“Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?”
I crack a single eye open. It’s still dark out, but there’s a sunshine bright grin right in front of my face. His dark blue eyes are lit up with joy. I try to smile as much as I can, considering I just woke up.
“Morning Ebb,” I mumble. “What is it?”
“It’s 6am. You said we could come get you up at 6am.”
I sigh heavily. “Yes, we did tell you that, didn’t we? Where’s your sister!”
“Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!” Tasha shouts as she runs in and jumps on our bed. I’m jolted up violently with the first bounce, making me wheeze. She marches back and forth across our mattress. Baz groans and puts a pillow over his head.
“Five more minutes,” he grumbles
“Papaaaaa!” Tasha whines. “You have to get up! It’s Christmas!”
I chuckle, rubbing his back. “Well kids, Papa had too much ‘grown up drink’ last night at dinner and he’s not feeling so great.”
“Awww, Papa!” Tasha flops down on top of him. “Don’t be sad, it’s Christmas. No one should be sad on Christmas.”
"Yeah," Ebb chimes in, crawling up over me to see him and digging a knee into my lungs (wonderful). "No sadness on Christmas. Not allowed."
Baz chuckles, rolling over to hug them both properly. He strokes her curly black ponytail and holds Ebb’s little hand. “Don’t worry, little puffs, I’m not sad. Just a bit groggy. How about you two go wake up everyone else while Daddy and I get ready?”
“Okay!” Tasha chirps. They both slide to the floor takes her hand. “I’ll go to Aunt Penny and Uncle Micah’s. And you go to Aunt Agatha’s. Okay, Ebb?”
“Okay!” He replies. They run off together giggling. I prop up on my elbow to smirk down at him.
“You’re so evil,” I whisper playfully.
He grins wide, obviously pleased with himself. “You did marry a plotting vampire, Snow.”
“Yeah, and after all these years you’ve still got it.”
“Damn right.” He leans up and quickly presses his lips against mine. His smile soft and warm and everything I could ever want. “Merry Christmas, Simon.”
I tap my forehead against his. “Merry Christmas, love.”
“Gah! Tasha! Stop jumping!” Penny’s voice carries perfectly from down the hall.
“For Crowley’s sake, Ebb, I’m up, I’m up,” Agatha moans.
Baz and I both giggle like schoolboys who’ve pulled off the ultimate prank. “Santa should’ve given us both coal,” I say.
“Hm, you may have a point. But...”
“Stop shaking me, Tash!” Gil groan-yells.
Baz chuckles lowly. “It’s too funny.”
I laugh with him. “Agreed.”
We gather in our flat’s living room. Tasha, Ebb, and Gil sit on the floor next to the tree, whispering to each other giddily. I go around to the adults with much needed morning coffee.
“Morning, Pen,” I say with large shit eating grin as I pour. She stares daggers at me through frizzy green bangs.
“Your children are nightmares,” she grumbles.
“And your child has thrown up on me six times over his life. Call it payback.”
She grunts and sips her coffee. I pour for Micah too, who gives me a brief glare over his own mug. Even his usually pleasant demeanor is overridden by tiredness. Next I stop at Agatha. She came all the way from California to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with us. But from the look of murder in her eyes she may be regretting it.
“Merry Christmas, Ags,” I say cheerily.
“I was right,” she mutters, “you did have demon spawn.”
“Yup! You should see them on April Fool’s. They’re lethal.”
“Aleister Crowley, no thank you.”
“Daddy?” Ebb asks from the floor. “Can we open presents now?”
“Yeah, we want presents,” Gil adds loudly (he’s still pretty loud even at twelve.)
“Gil,” Micah says sternly. “Manners.”
Gil groans. “Can we open presents now, please?”
“In one minute,” Baz says from behind the camera. He’s been setting up his tripod for the last five minutes. “I want to get a good picture.”
Agatha puts a hand to her heart. “Aw Basilton, you’ve gotten so sentimental in your old age.”
“I’m only a month older than you, Wellbelove.”
“Still, it’s so cute. Tasha, Ebb, your father is adorable. No matter how scary he is, always remember that.”
“That’s what Daddy calls him!” Tasha giggles. “He also calls him hot, and se-”
Gil claps a hand over her mouth (he's old enough to be aware, thank Merlin,) just as I choke on my coffee. If Baz had more blood in his system, his face would be beet red. Penelope tries to contain her snickers unsuccessfully. Agatha doesn’t even try. Micah just looks away and drinks his coffee.
“Let’s take the fu- darn picture,” Baz mutters. He sits next to me and whispers in my ear. “We need to watch our conversations around the children better, Snow.”
“Light’s blinking,” Micah says. “Everyone say cheese!”
The flash goes off with all of us smiling. Ebb tugs on my pants. “Can we open presents now, Daddy?”
I ruffle his dark curly hair. “Sure thing, love. You and Tasha and Gil can hand them out.”
The three kids start handing out presents. Penelope receives a tea cozy from me and a necklace from Micah, both of which she loves. She and Baz exchange books, of course, as they have on every Christmas for years. Gil gets a new chemistry set from Baz and I, as he blew up his last one. Weirdly, Agatha and Baz give each other small Troye Sivan posters. They give each other a strange knowing look. Penelope and Micah gift me with cherry oven mitts. Baz groans at them with a slight smile at them. Agatha gives me a pile of American chocolate, because she knows I love it. In exchange, I give her a new book on horses she'll certainly love. Tasha gives everyone each a small book she wrote herself, and Ebb gives us some of his favourite rocks from his rock collection. Ebb gets more Legos to add to his already enormous collection, and Tasha gets lots of books from both everyone. She buries her nose in them immediately.
Once all the gifts are open, I turn to Baz with a questioning look. He nods.
“Tasha,” I say, making her look up from her novel, “come up here for a second.”
“Okay.” She puts down Harry Potter and scrambles up in between us. I carefully tuck a stray piece of her black hair behind her ear instinctively. It’s familiar, comforting me for this ensuing conversation. “What is it?”
“Darling,” Baz starts, “we’d like to give you one more present.” He reaches behind the sofa and pulls out the thin, wrapped present.
Tasha eagerly rips the paper off. She looks at it confused. “What’s this? It looks like Daddy’s wand.”
Her observation isn’t incorrect. The wand is very similar to Baz’s, white bone with a leather handle. “Yes, it does,” I say. “This was your grandmother’s wand.”
“The one I’m named after?”
“Yes, Papa’s mother, Natasha Grimm-Pitch. She was a very good mage, and she was headmistress at a special school just for mages. Like you and Ebb and Papa.”
Tasha furrows her brow. “Okay? Why are you telling me?”
“Because,” Baz chimes in, “we were wondering if you would like to go that school eventually. It’s called Watford. A lot of mages go there. You would learn how to use your magic better up there, and you’d need your own wand to do so. Hence, we’re giving you your grandmother’s wand.”
“What’s Watford like? Did you go there? Is it nice?”
Oh shit. Baz and I give each other a nervous look. Penelope and Agatha share the same expressions. We all know Tasha is still too young for the whole story of our time at Watford. Me and Baz have talked about it about a bit when needed, but with none of the truly gory details. I honestly don’t know what to tell her.
“Sweetheart,” Agatha says softly, sliding to the floor in front of Tasha, “to be perfectly honest, no, it wasn’t nice when your Dads, Aunt Penny, and I went. There was a lot of bad stuff going on that we unfortunately got involved in. Even though we didn’t want to.” Tasha’s face scrunches up, along with my heart. I open my mouth to speak, but Agatha puts a single finger up to stop me. “But, it’s not like that now. It’s much nicer. All the bad stuff is gone, mostly thanks to your Dads and Aunt Penny and Aunt Penny’s Mum. She was headmistress for years after a very bad man and she fixed what he did.”
Penelope moves to sit next to Agatha, putting a hand on Tasha’s knee. “Yeah, there’s nothing bad there now, we promise. My Mum got rid of his bad things, but kept the few good things. You can go there and learn to use your magic and have fun with other little magicians just like you. Funny enough, the current headmistress is a woman named Trixie. And I know for a fact she’s very nice, because we were roommates at Watford. She’s a bit high strung, sure, but she makes sure Watford stays a pleasant place to be now. Gil can tell you, he’s in his second year there.”
“Yeah!” Gil shouts, popping up from the ground. “It’s great. There are so many other mages there all together. It’s unlike anywhere else. Also you get to live in a dorm with a roommate, and there are really fun and interesting classes. Oh, and the food there is the best. Especially the sour cherry scones.”
“Agreed, Gil!” I say, earning a soft chuckle from the others.
Baz puts an arm around Tasha and she leans into him. “So, little puff, what do you think?”
She looks up at him with big round hazel eyes. “Do I hafta go?”
“No, no of course not. You only have to go if you want to. Neither Daddy or I will force you.”
I rub her back up and down, something I’ve done to comfort her for years. “It’s your choice, love. We’ll support you matter what. Promise.”
She turns the wand over in her hands, lips twisting in contemplation. “Will I live there? Away from home?”
“Yes. But we can come visit you or you can visit us on weekends. And mobiles are allowed now, so you can call us anytime you like. Plus, Gil will be there, so you’ll know at least one person. It’s still up to you, though. Whatever you want, darling.”
“Do I hafta choose right now?”
“No,” Baz says. “Not right at this moment. You wouldn’t even have to go there for another two years.”
She nods slowly, just like Baz does when he’s thinking. “Okay. I’ll think about it.”
“That’s great, love.”
Tasha holds up her wand. “Can I keep this though?”
“Sure. Just be careful. It’s quite old and very precious to our family.”
“Of course.” She jumps to the floor with flair. “Ebby! Gilly! Let’s go play in the snow! I’m really good at those kinda spells.”
The two boys look at us for permission. Baz, Penelope, Micah and I all nod. They jump up and follow Tasha to the coat rack. Baz sighs, just a little wistfully.
“I’ll go watch them,” he says. “Make sure they don’t blow anything up, or reveal magic to Normals.”
I pat his shoulder. “Good plan, love.”
They all bundle up and shuffle out the door. I let out a shaky breath and relax against the sofa. That conversation had been terrifying me for months. Penny grabs my hand, and I squeeze it once firmly.
“That,” I sigh, “went much better than I thought it would.”
Agatha nods. “Yeah. I was worried she was going to freak out more about possibly living there.”
“Me too. But despite her volume level and rambunctiousness, she’s a lot like Baz, very logical. She knows living there doesn’t mean we’re abandoning her.”
“You think she’ll end up wanting to go, though?” Penelope asks.
I shrug, shoulders coming up to my ears.”Maybe. She seems to like the idea of learning more about magic, but she’s still wary. We’ll see, I guess. It’s up to her.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” She tugs me up. “Let’s see what those hooligans are up to now.”
We all go to the window facing the terrace. They’re all standing in corner away from most of the other apartments so they’re mostly hidden. The still dim sunlight helps. Tasha is whipping up a trail of snowflakes and making it dance in figure eights in the air. Baz catches it from her with his own wand, making his own patterns. Gil uses his magic to help a giddy Ebb build a snowman. My family is absolutely fantastic.
“Hey, Simon,” Micah says, voice wondering. “If Tasha has Headmistress Grimm-Pitch’s old wand, what are you gonna give Ebb?”
I laugh slightly. This is something Baz and I have already discussed. “Well, we actually still have my old one, so he’ll get that. He’ll probably use it better than me.”
“Definitely,” Agatha says with a shit eating grin. We all laugh. I knock her shoulder. Okay, my family is full of arseholes, but they’re fucking great.
After hours of chatting, playing with presents, and spell casting practice for Tasha, we eat Christmas dinner together. With lots of wonderful noise. We have to tell Tasha to put her new wand down to eat (something she does very reluctantly). Gil regales us all with tales of his Watford antics. He’s not fighting a super villain like we did, but he likes to play pranks with his roommate. They’ve got some good ones. Like replacing the sugar in the kitchen with salt, or releasing snakes at a school picnic. Ebb, Natasha and I howl with laughter. The others rolls their eyes while shaking their heads.
“He’s done well, but it’s no chimera,” Baz whispers in my ear. It sends me into another fit of cackling.
Eventually, the sky gets dark, and we gather around the gas fireplace together with hot chocolate. Baz gets out his violin, and Micah gets out his guitar. They take turns between playing and singing. Micah’s voice is full and warm, strangely complementing Baz’s usual eerie violin tune. Baz’s melodious singing tone weirdly goes with his guitar strumming. Penelope tries to join in at one point. But she has a truly terrible voice, and it just sends us all into giggles, even her.
At Penelope’s off key rendition of Jingle Bells, Ebb tugs at my sleeve. His eyelids are drooping heavily.
“Daddy, I’m tired. Can I go to bed?”
“Sure thing, sweetie.”
Tasha leans against me, cheek pressed into my bicep. “Me too, Daddy. I’m all Christmased out.”
“Perfectly understandable, love. It’s been a long day. Baz? Little help?”
Baz puts down his violin immediately. “Sure thing.”
I scoop up Ebb, his little arms wrapping around my neck. Baz takes Tasha as she’s heavier and he has vampire strength. We walk them carefully up the stairs. With lots of effort and help from us, they get changed into their pyjamas. Ebb falls asleep clutching his dragon stuffie that Tasha passed down to him a few years ago. I gently close the door behind him, just as Baz does the same in Tasha’s room. We turn to each other with matching smiles.
“Tasha tried to cuddle the wand to sleep,” he chuckles.
“Merlin,” I sigh, “even if she doesn’t go to Watford, she certainly loves magic just as much as you.”
“Very true.”
I let out a long yawn. “Y’know, I think I’m Christmassed out too.”
Baz yawns too. “I’m feeling quite sleepy. Let’s say goodnight and get to bed.”
“Sounds good.”
We tell the others that we’re off to bed. Micah says a kind goodnight. Penelope half heartedly waves, as she’s also falling asleep. Agatha calls us old men while dozing on our couch. (She’s immune to irony.) Gil is already passed out on the floor on one of our throw pillows.
Baz and I go through our usual evening routines then crawl into bed together. The warm blanket feels perfect after a long day. I let the heat of it whisk me off into comfortable sleep. But as I’m drifting off, Baz shakes my shoulder.
“Hey, Snow,” he whispers, “don’t fall asleep just yet. I still haven’t given you your Christmas present.”
“Mm,” I grumble. “Gimme it tomorrow like always.”
“Ugh, fine.” I sit up, glaring at him as best I can. “What is it? If it’s sex, I’m too tired.”
“No, it’s not sex, you dirty minded git. It’s this.” He hands me a folded piece of thick paper.
I sit up against the headboard and unfold it. My eyes go wide. It’s...me. A sketch of me done in pencil. I’m sleeping on a desk, head pillowed in my folded arms. It’s from Watford, as I’m in my uniform and my hair is much longer. I turn to Baz with my mouth hanging open. He’s smiling in that kind, soft way he only really does around me and our kids.
“Wha...what is this?” I whisper.
“While I was getting my mother’s wand at Hampshire, I came across this in my old room. I went through a drawing phase in sixth year. And, well, I mostly drew you, as I was...”
“Terribly obsessed with me?” I quirk an eyebrow.
He swats my shoulder. “Shut up, you were just as obsessed with me. Anyway, most of my sketches were shite, but this one was pretty good. You look pretty cute. Drooling all over your desk.”
“I don’t drool!”
“Sorry, love, you definitely do.”
I humph and turn back to the sketch. It’s not perfect, but it’s rough in a way that’s beautiful. Sort of fascinating in it’s rawness. I can really tell it’s by Baz. He focused heavily on my freckles and moles (he loves them) and my wild curly hair. It makes me sort of want to grow it back. I love it, so much.
I turn to Baz, cupping his cheek. “It’s wonderful, Baz. Thank you.”
“Welcome, darling. Happy Christmas.” He leans forward and kisses me. Our lips move slowly, but we smile between every peck. I feel it all the way down to my toes.
When we pull apart, I carefully place the drawing on my bedside table and open the drawer. “Well, if we’re giving presents now, I should probably give you these.”
I had him the two pieces of stiff paper. He looks at them with narrowed eyes. “Opera tickets? You hate the opera.”
“Yeah, but you love it. Look at where it’s playing though.”
He sighs and looks more closely. “Playing on May 30th at the...Teatro alla Scala.” Slowly, he lifts his head, grey eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open. “That’s...that’s in Milan.”
I grin very, very hard. “I know.”
“W-Wait, what?”
“Well, we haven’t a trip that’s just the two of us in a long time. So I thought, ‘hey, why don’t we drop the kids with Penny and Micah for Easter break and go to Italy for a few days? Then you can watch your weird screechy sing play and I can stuff my face with Italian pastries. Win win!’”
I stare at him grinning for a long second, him staring back bewildered. Suddenly, he throws his long arms around me in a crushing hug.
“You are absolutely ridiculous,” he whispers into my ear. “I love you so much.”
“Love you, too. Merry Christmas.”
He pulls back, smiling in a way that makes my heart leap. Putting the tickets aside, we curl up under the covers together. Baz holds my waist tightly, nose pressed into the back of my neck. I watch the snow slowly fall outside our window. I happily fall asleep with my husband snoring softly behind me and watching the snowflakes sparkle like magic.
AN: This fic is so cheesy you could pair it with crackers :D Yeah I love me good ol' fluff. Plus some discussions about Tasha going to Watford. I think Baz and Simon really would suggest it but leave the decision up to her. Since they didn't get much choice growing up, they'd make sure she'd have that. That's my take. Tomorrow we have the finale: anniversaries!
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snowkatze · 7 years
Here’s to the Fools Who Dream
Loosely based on ‘City of Stars’ from La La Land and ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ from ‘Les Misérables’. Lyrics in italics.
We all dream every now and then. The human mind likes to wander beyond the sky and beyond what is, into a world where everything feels lighter than the heaviness of our reality. We like to dream of the future and of the past and of the things that we wish were true. Of things that will never be because they're impossible or unreachable or just made of magic and stardust. They're the things that seem untouchable to us. That's the essence of the dream – the longing for something that appears to be so, so far away.
So is it any wonder that there were two little boys, a long time ago, laying awake at night, staring through the window at the night sky, dreaming. Building themselves castles made of clouds. Getting caught up in a dream, an illusion, didn't seem all that bad to them. Even if a castle of clouds wasn't real, it was still better than what was awaiting them in the morning: nothing. They would have done anything to run away from the nothingness.
One day, there laid a little blonde boy in his bed in the orphanage. He was called Simon Snow, a name the other kids laughed about whenever he introduced himself. He watched the clock on his nightstand. The number turned and suddenly it was midnight. Simon let his gaze drift out of the window and at the sky. It was midnight.
Wow, he thought. Now I'm six years old.
As he gazed at the sky, he thought about how it was his birthday that day and only the stars even cared enough to shine for him. Nobody would light the world for him to make him feel special.
City of stars,
are you shining just for me?
City of stars,
there's so much that I can't see
But there was no one there to judge him or to remind him of how things really were – so he let his mind wander off. Tomorrow morning, his mother would wake him up, with a smile so bright, it would light up the whole room. She'd have light red hair that'd dance like fire in the sunlight. She'd have chubby cheeks and the warmest hugs anyone could imagine. (Simon didn't remember what it felt like to be hugged really tight and full of love but he was still allowed to dream about it). And tomorrow morning, she'd give him freshly baked cherry scones for breakfast. (Simon didn't know what cherry scones tasted like, but he imagined if he ever ate one, it would taste like Christmas and pretty sunflowers and soft voices.)
City of stars Just one thing everybody wants There in the bars And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants It's love Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else A rush A glance A touch A dance
Then his father would come in, a tough looking man who would protect him from all the ones who shot him hateful glances every day. He'd laugh the most heartfelt laughter, loud and gentle, like a warm summer rain. And then he'd turn up music – cheerful and happy, carrying all the colours in the world into his ears. The three of them would dance together, messy and constantly stepping on each others feet because, and Simon was sure of that, they all would suck at dancing. They'd dance until their feet would hurt and they were completely out of breath.
A look in somebody's eyes To light up the skies To open the world and send it reeling A voice that says, I'll be here And you'll be alright
Just someone – they wouldn't have to be his parents. Realistically, Simon knew that his parents had left him and that they wouldn't come back for him. But someone – anyone. Anyone could come to give him all the love he needed. Someone who'd be there for him when he cried. Someone to tell him it was alright when he had gotten into a fight with someone – even though he never wanted to hurt anyone.
He wished at the stars that someone would come for him. They wouldn't even need to save him. They wouldn't even need to do anything – the only thing Simon needed was for someone to be there.
Because he was well aware of the truth. Tomorrow morning, he would wake up, on his own. He'd go to breakfast and they'd give him a muffin, bought at the store, with a single candle. Everyone's attention would be on him for a moment as they wished him 'happy birthday' and he'd feel nothing but uncomfortable.
As he looked at the stars, he pushed every thought away. Because he'd do anything, for just a minute, to live in a different world. He turned in his bed and closed his eyes.
He didn't think about the laughter – never with him, always on his costs. Nor did he think about the mean words of his bullies that hunted him day by day. He didn't dare think about the fights he got into far too frequently or the others, who talked to their friends whereas he sat all alone at lunch.
But most of all, he didn't want to think about the gaping hole in his heart.
We all dream, sometimes. But dreams can be painful and sometimes they can tear us apart.
Simon Snow knew nothing of the boy who, too, dreamed of impossible things and laid awake that night, far away from the orphanage. The boy was very different from Simon – he was dark where Simon was light and loud where Simon was silent. The thing they had in common was that they had the same parts broken and that loneliness was crushing their hearts.
The black haired boy lived in a house with little people and much space while the other lived in one with many, but neither of them felt at home where they spent their nights. Home is more than just a place. It can be a person or a feeling or the knowledge that no one will judge you.
That boy had eaten plenty of cherry scones and had he thought about them, he wouldn't even have remembered what they tasted like. Because since a year or so, anything he ate tasted like nothing.
They boy had an equally weird name as Simon Snow. He was called Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, but the only part of that which he cared about was 'Pitch'. Not only did it perfectly describe the blackness in his soul, but it was also her name.
When he laid there that night, and looked at the same stars that Simon glanced at at the same time, without being able to close his eyes, he allowed himself to think of her.
There was a time when men were kind When their voices were soft And their words inviting There was a time when love was blind And the world was a song And the song was exciting There was a time Then it all went wrong
The blackness hadn't always been there. There was a time when Baz had smiled and laughed and didn't lie. There was a time when he was able to be happy with no concerns. When people loved him and there was no dreams needed, because the dream was reality.
Now she only existed in his memory. Her hair had been black and her skin had been dark and soft. He could still recall her smell when she held him in her arms. He knew that she had loved him unconditionally, as a mother was supposed to, and he still loved her.
I dreamed a dream in time gone by When hope was high And life worth living I dreamed that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving Then I was young and unafraid And dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung No wine untasted
Promises had been made when he was younger. Nice words she had said to him and all the what ifs. She had shown him the world and he had seen wonders in it and beauty. She had given him books to read. He remembered her being proud of him when he soothed the children in the nursery. He wondered whether he'd feel home there.
Baz knew that he was too young to feel sad like this, but in his mind there was only just before and after. Before she left him, hope beat in his heart. His future had looked bright then, now it was just grey.
But the tigers come at night With their voices soft as thunder As they tear your hopes apart As they turn your dreams to shame
He knew that she was gone and that she wouldn't come back. And at night, when nothing was there to distract him, he missed her like crazy.
“I'm scared,” he whispered and thought of the children in the nursery. He wished for her to come and tell him: “It's okay, little puff.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and when he opened them again, he thought he saw her face in the stars for a second.
“Please,” he whispered again. “I know you can't come back... But can't you send someone? Is there not a hero who can save me? Because - ”
He buried his face in the pillow. “Because it's really hard to carry on, all on my own.”
For a second, he waited, as if she'd send him a sign or answer. But there was nothing, no sound and nothing else. He was alone.
She slept a summer by my side She filled my days with endless wonder She took my childhood in her stride But she was gone when autumn came
And he thought of her lying there, by his side, stroking his hair when he was afraid or had a nightmare. He wished that this was nothing more than a nightmare too and he'd wake up in the morning. She'd still be here and she'd smile her caring smile.
And I still dream she'll come to me That we will live the years together But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather
But Baz knows that these dreams are stupidity. He won't ever wake up from this nightmare. There'll be no one saving him from the darkness. His father told him more than enough that he's supposed to live in the real world. And so he does. He faces the plain white wall and the scary gargoyles at his bed post. No need to be afraid of them, or anything in the real world. What's hidden in his soul is much scarier. And he's endlessly afraid of the day it awakes and he knows that there's no way that his mother could love him again.
I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now, from what it seemed Now life has killed the dream I dreamed
Two boys laid awake that night, two sad songs playing in the darkness. The thing they longed for was the love of someone else. They were waiting for a miracle to happen. And little did they know that only five years later, a miracle would happen, when the crucible put them together and they attended a magical school.
But it was even more years later when their dreams finally clashed. It was another dark night and they sat in their bedroom, closer than usual, on Baz' bed. They looked at each other, hesitantly, and Baz' heart was swelling with love. He'd fought against the monsters for a very long time and he'd lived in the castle of clouds for just as long.
He looked into Simon's eyes and as he stared into the depths of blue, he found something he'd been looking for for a very long time. He swallowed nervously and took Simon's hands in his. He felt Simon's magic pulsing through him and suddenly he felt like he could walk on clouds. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” he whispered. And that was the moment gold and black crashed and united to become something new.
A look in somebody's eyes To light up the skies To open the world and send it reeling
It was pure magic. The room seemed to vanish around them and there was nothing left but the stars, shining brightly. There were so many of them and they were beautiful and Baz started laughing because he was holding Simon Snow's hands and it was like touching the stars.
And then Simon started laughing with them because it seems ridiculous when dreams come true.
Their laughter was light hearted and honest and this was the place where for the first time in a very long time, they found home.
A voice that says, I'll be here And you'll be alright
In Simon's smile, Baz could see that he felt it too.
I don't care if I know Just where I will go 'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling A rat-tat-tat on my heart
It was the feeling the both of them had dreamed of one night when they were kids.
Think I want it to stay City of stars Are you shining just for me? City of stars
Baz wanted to stay like this forever. He didn't want to let go of Simon's hands and neither did Simon. The stars around them were the wonder that they'd been waiting for. You never shined so brightly
Some say it's foolish to dream. But for some of us, dreaming is the only way to keep breathing. Sometimes, dreams guide us through the dark until one day, we don't need them any more.
So whenever you meet a dreamer, be aware of the darkness that might lay somewhere in their soul. Be aware of the dangerous path that they're walking and never once yell at them for it.
Because it takes bravery to walk through the forest and don't you dare take away the light in their hearts. Don't you dare take away the hope that, one day, they'll reach the stars. Because, no matter how foolish it might be, the dream of it is better than nothing at all.
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wordmage-girl · 7 years
43 with penny x agatha?
You chose: falling in love with theirbest friend’s partner au.
Partner…in crime, right? (I’m sorry, I just couldn’t do it!*blubbery sounds of shame*) Watch Penny and Agatha fall in lurve in…
Double Agent, Double Date
“You are absolutely not allowed to come with me,” Baz said,emerging from the walk-in closet. He holds up two ties. “Blue, or green?”
“Why not?” Agatha whined from her blanket burrito in Baz’sbed. She’d just returned from a week in San Diego, and still hadn’t readjustedto London weather.
Baz turned and fixed her with a steely eye. “Because Simon isa normal person, Wellbelove. Do you understand what that means? Do you?”
Agatha shrugged. “That he pays taxes?”
“That he doesn’t have the tools to handle a narcissisticgrifter with the conscience of an old hat and the hair of a Disney princess.”
“He won’t even notice that I’m there.” Agatha fluttered hereyelashes in a way that had convinced many a millionaire to part with hismillions.
Baz merely sighed. “You are not, under any circumstances, toaccompany me on my date.” He held up both ties again. “Blue, or green?”
“…blue,” Agatha said sulkily. “And the grey shirt.”
“Thank you.” Baz set down both ties and picked Agatha up,blanket burrito and all. Agatha shrieked, fighting to get an arm out, butcouldn’t free herself before Baz dumped her on the living room sofa. “I expectyou to put that duvet back where it came from,” he said, and strode back to hisroom.
“I’m going to rub jam into your pillow cases,” Agathamuttered.
“I heard that!”
Agatha managed to free her arm, and showed Baz’s living roomexactly what she thought of him.
“What if I mess this up?”
“You’re not going to mess it up.”
“But what if I do?”
“Simon, you won’t.”
“Oh god, this is going to be a disaster.”
Penny looked up from her report. “Why would it?”
Simon stared at her. “Are you kidding me?” He ticked off alist on his fingers. “I don’t know how to use the fancy forks. I’m going tostain this suit in five seconds flat. This suit makes me look like I’m havingmy bar mitzvah. And I’m going to make a dumb Fruedian slip, try to cover my attractionto our informant, and end up revealing the sting we’re planning to pull onNicodemus’s gang to the entire damn restaurant!”
Penny looked him up and down, then returned her gaze to thereport. “I think the suit looks good, actually.”
Penny squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of hernose, pushing up her glasses in the process so that they magnified her eyebrowshugely. “It’ll be fine, Simon. You’re good at your job, you’re smart, and thatsuit can take worse than a few hollandaise stains.”
“But the forks!”
“Oh, nobody gives a damn about the forks,” Penny snapped.
Simon nodded mutely. He was pale where he was usually ruddy,and his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. If he’d been wearing ahoodie, the drawstring would be a sodden mess.
“You start from the outermost fork and work your way in.”
“Yeah, okay.” Simon nodded. “I can do this.”
Penny chewed her lip, and gave up. Magee would have her headfor it, but Magee would never find out. Besides, he was the one who’d assigneda newbie like Simon to this case. Battlefield experience did not mean he wouldbe any good undercover, damn it.
“I’ll come with you, if you like,” she offered.
Simon brightened, then shook his head. “You can’t.”
“I’ll use the department connections to reserve a table andsit somewhere out of the way. I won’t interfere. I’ll just be emotionalsupport, okay?”
“But Magee-”
“Screw him,” Penny said, thoroughly enjoying Simon’s shockedexpression. “Now get out of here already, or you’ll be late for your debrief.”
“Yes sir, Agent Bunce, sir,” Simon said, saluting crisply.
“Scram, army boy,” Penny said, smacking him with the reportin her hand. “I have to get ready too, you know, and I have work to do.”
Agatha perused the menu. It had been a while since she’dlast come to The Club, and she’d forgotten how pretentious the place was. Atleast it had been easy to get a table at the last minute. The name ‘Wellbelove’still opened a few doors, even tarnished as it was. As she’d made it. Whatever.
Finally deciding on the kimchi risotto and Gigha halibut,she tried to catch the waiter’s eye. When even a discreet wave didn’t work (alady never called attention to herself, and she was being a lady), Agatha grewbored. Instead of looking to her phone for amusement (because she was beingrefined), she opted for people watching.
The couple two tables over were clearly bored with eachother, and the man was at least thinking of cheating on his wife, if the way heogled the bartender was any indication. The old ladies sitting to her left werebeing extremely snooty about someone’s fashion choices, even though one of themhad blue hair and the other had her eyebrows drawn in so high that she lookedpermanently shocked.
Agatha glanced at Baz’s table. He and Simon had their headsclose together, and their body language clearly broadcasted sexual tension. Nowshe regretted the cookie crumbs she’d stuffed into Baz’s duvet. Of course,Agatha herself didn’t see the point of it, but Baz looked like he wanted toshag his date right slap in the middle of the restaurant. He would definitelybe taking Simon home.
Turning away from that amusing scene, Agatha looked aroundidly. The businessman by the potted plant was very grumpy for someone who waseating his way through an £18 eel soufflé. The pretty woman sitting at the barwas-
-was looking straight at Baz’s table, and was almostdefinitely a fed.
Agatha squared her jaw, all thoughts of dinner vanished. Shelet her gaze drift away naturally and took stock of the situation from thecorner of her eye. The woman’s dress was well tailored, but dull enough to beoffice garb, and quite unflattering. Her shoes were nice, though. Sensibleflats, which would make running easier. Her purse would definitely fit a gun,but it wouldn’t need to- Agatha would have bet the Hope Diamond that she waswearing a thigh holster.
So, there was a federal agent stalking Baz’s romantic date.A date he really, really wanted to go well. And he would be really, reallyannoyed if she interrupted him right now. His little heart might break, andAgatha couldn’t allow that.
There really was only one option. Agatha got up from hertable and crossed the restaurant to sit down right next to Ms. MI5.
“Hi,” Agatha said, smiling the smile that had convinced aduke to allow her access to the family vault. “Mind if I join you?”
“Actually, I’d rather be alone.”
“Oh, no one wants to be alone.” Agatha leaned in. “Look, I’mreally sorry about this, but that bloke over there is my ex, and he’s not anice person. I’d really appreciate it if I could sit with you. That way hewon’t bother me.”
The fed looked in the direction Agatha had pointed in, whereEel Soufflé Man was stabbing his meal with undue vigor.
“I suppose I can’t leave a damsel in distress.”
“Thank you,” Agatha said. “Oh, how rude of me. Meredith.Meredith Reed.” One of the credit cards in Agatha’s purse was under aMeredith Reed’s name.
“Penelope Bunce.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Penelope. Would you mind if I orderdinner? I’m starving.”
“Go right ahead.” Penelope flagged down the waiter with anod that charmed Agatha right down to her toes. “Excuse me? She’d like toorder, please.”
“Yes, madam,” said the waiter. “Would madam like a menu?”
Agatha considered her previous choices, and the effectsthose foods would have on her breath. “Yes, thank you.”
“Very good, madam.” The waiter shuffled away, and Agathaturned back to Penelope.
“How did you do that so quickly? I never manage to catchtheir attention.”
Penelope raised her eyebrows. “You just have to beassertive. Besides, I don’t believe that you have trouble catching anyone’sattention.”
“Well, it’s not usually a problem,” Agatha admitted, tossingher head.
Penelope laughed. “I like that you’re direct.”
Agatha shrugged elegantly. “Why be coy? I know I’mbeautiful, just like you know that you are.”
“Oh, I’m not…” Penelope made a valiant effort at blushing,and was saved by the arrival of the waiter with the menu.
Baz really, really wanted this meeting to go well. He wantedout of the Coven, and he wanted Nicodemus and his lieutenants off the streets.But most of all, he wanted Simon to succeed on this case, kiss him on anadrenaline high, and fuck him hard against a wall before never looking him inthe eye ever again.
Well, actually, he’d like a lot more domesticity and romanticcandlelight than that, but he’d take what he could get. Men like Simon Snowjust didn’t date men like Tyrannus Basilton Pitch the Third.
At first, the meeting had gone great, but Simon was growingmore and more restless. He kept looking towards the bar, and tapping hisfingers, and answering Baz’s questions with grunts.
Okay, the grunts were oddly attractive, but still.
“Is something wrong?” Baz asked.
Simon started. “Uh, no?”
“You look so guilty right now, I can’t even begin todescribe it,” Baz said. “Pull it together, Snow. Be a professional.”
“I am being a professional,” Simon said. “Look, uh, I haveto tell you something.”
I need you, right now, said Simon in Baz’s head.
“I asked my partner to come with me to this meeting becauseI was afraid I was going to screw this up,” Simon said in a rush.
Baz raised one manicured eyebrow. “Really?”
“I used the cake fork for the scallops,” Simon pointed out.
“Fair enough.”
“But she’s distracted, and she hasn’t looked at this tablein twenty minutes, and honestly I think the woman she’s talking to is one ofyour, uh, coworkers?”
“Where?” Baz demanded.
“And then he threw it straight out the window!” Penelopesaid, taking a sip of her wine.
Agatha was laughing so hard that she had to gasp for breath.“He didn’t.”
“He did! I looked for it afterwards in the bushes, and Ijust gave up, there were so many lying around on the ground.”
“Ugh,” Agatha said. “I’m glad I’ve never had that particularexperience.”
“You’d probably have more finesse than I did,” Penelopesaid.
“Well, as I’m asexual, I really think I wouldn’t.”
“You identify as ace?”
“That was… not the question I was expecting,” Agatha said,prompting a giggle from Penelope. “More along the lines of, ‘so you’re a plant?’”
“Well, I’d like to think I’m a little better informed than that,seeing as I identify as queer myself.”
“Still, you’d be surprised how many people-”
“Ahem,” said Baz, right beside her elbow.
Agatha whirled. “Oh, Basil! What a pleasant surprise!”
“Is it? Because I distinctly remember asking you not tostalk me on my date.”
Agatha waved a hand dismissively. “Potato, potahto.”
“That is the opposite of potato potahto!”
“Look,” Agatha said. “Maybe it is. Maybe I did the exactopposite of what you asked me to do. But I did it out of friendship. I wantedto make sure you didn’t screw this up!”
“Thank you for that vote of confidence,” Baz said drily.
“I,” Agatha said, with one hand over her heart, “am here outof the goodness of my heart. Because I care for you. Besides, you were so worried,I had to be here. For backup.”
Baz glowered at her.
The man behind Baz- undoubtedly Simon- put a hand on hisshoulder, and Baz relaxed a little.
“Come on, Baz,” he said. “She’s just trying to do what Pennywas doing for me.”
“You brought a friend too?” Agatha asked.
“I didn’t bring you!”
“Where is she? I would love to meet her,” Agatha said,ignoring Baz.
“Um, she just came to, um, make sure that my date wasn’t aserial killer. And left,” Simon said.
He was a terrible liar. “You know, you can’t tell if someone’sa serial killer just from looking at them,” Agatha said, her mind coming to afew conclusions. “And Agent Bunce here, if that even is her real name, wouldknow that.”
“It is, actually,” Penelope said. “Although I’m guessingyours isn’t Meredith Reed?”
“And that man wasn’t my ex,” Agatha agreed. “I’d like toknow what’s going on. Now.”
“I suppose,” Penelope said. “Simon?”
“I say we play this off as a chance meeting of friends andleave before we draw an audience,” Simon said.
“Agreed,” Penelope said. “Now, you boys pay, and we’ll pay,and then we’ll all leave and go somewhere else.”
“I choose the location,” Agatha said quickly. “I don’t trustyou.”
But, Agatha found, as Penelope nodded and called for thebill, she still liked her.
“So, you’re giving MI5 insider information on the Coven tobring down Nico?” Agatha crossed her arms, looking at the little circle offaces standing in the most neutrally located parking lot she could think of. “Anddating the agent you’re working with?”
“I’m not dating Simon,” Baz said.
“Oh, darling. You can’t con me.” Agatha frowned. “Well, noton this. I know your body language. Even if you’re not dating, you definitelywant to.”
“So the narc part doesn’t bother you?” Baz asked dubiously. “Justthe part about my love life?”
Agatha rolled her eyes. “Of course not. I’d be delighted totake down Nico and his bloodsuckers. And honestly, you need my help, becausethat boy of yours is a disaster.”
Simon shrugged, looking vaguely embarrassed. “Sorry.”
“Not so fast,” Penelope said. “How do we know that we cantrust you?”
“Agatha’s trustworthy,” Baz said. “As long as there are norich men with expensive tastes around, that is.”
“Or women.”
“Or women,” Baz added.
Penelope sighed and pinched her nose. “God, Magee will havemy head.”
“No he won’t,” Simon said. “I’ll back you up on this.”
“He does love you like the son he never had,” Penelopeadmitted. “Okay, Agatha. Baz will tell you how and when to contact us.”
“Or,” Agatha said, “Baz could take Simon home and you couldgive me your number.”
“Or I’ll just give you a burner phone,” Penelope countered.
“When would you give me the phone?” Agatha twirled a lock ofhair around her finger. “I’m guessing you don’t have one on you, and I’m notgiving you my address.”
“Tomorrow, ten in the morning, Notes at King’s Cross,”Penelope said. “…Wait.”
“It’s a date,” Agatha said, getting into her car beforePenelope could change her mind.
“It is not a date!” Penelope called after her. “It’s againstdepartment policy to date criminals!”
“Really?” Baz asked Simon.
It was a date.
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