#ZoLu has taken over my life
andaniellight · 9 months
with so many gutting ZoLu moments in the live action I'm actually quite glad they didn't put the 'Luffy standing between the marines and Zoro to protect him as human shield when the bullets fly toward them' as their first meeting just like in the anime and manga, escalating Zoro's respect for this goofy stranger at the moment way too hard and fast in the beginning, justifying his oath even deeper and more sacred later because. if they did. I. think I might be forever ill, incurable and irrecoverable
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bluegalaxygirl · 5 months
Celestial Wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P4
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, blood, Violence, kidnapping, forced marriage and salivary.
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P15 - P16 - P17 - P18
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Your skin was scrubbed clean to the point of it hurting, the skin on your arms starting to split a little with the ruff sponge and scrub they where using. You couldn't hate the two girls since they were just doing as they where told, and they would whisper apologies when you would hiss slightly in pain, helping you out the tub the two girls help dry you off and put you in pink shorts and bra, they brushed your hair and tied it back up before placing the cuffs back on your wrists. You hated the feeling of eyes on you mainly form the guard standing in front of the door, you couldn't see his face but you could tell he was looking at something on you, it made your heart race wondering what he's looking at and why. The guard form outside knocks on the door before opening it not waiting for an answer "The masters want to see you now" The guard states holding the door open and waiting for you and the two girls to walk out, following the guard you walk with the two girls, they haven't said much to you this whole time and a part of you hoped they would have talked to you more. The only voices you've heard so far are those who want to hurt you, it would be nice to hear someone who has no ill intent. Entering a large dinning room the guards and slaves bow to the three Dragons sitting at the table eating a large feast, you bow too copying the two girls "Much better" Rosward calls out after finishing his bite of food and holding his glass out for one of his servants to fill it back up. As the two girls stand back up you follow scanning the room with your eyes to see servants lining the walls waiting for orders along with guards.
The three Dragons sitting around the long white table stare at you, Rosward at the head of the table while his two children sit on either side of him. Charlos looks you up and down while taking a big bite of meat while his sister, Shalria sits across form him sipping on her crystal glass of wine "Are you sure about this farther? I don't want a lower life form to be a part of our family tree - su" The woman keeps her head high as she speaks seeming disgusted by the thought alone while her brother laughs out rubbing his runny nose "She'll be just like my other wives, The wedding is just a show, right farther?" Charlos smiles looking at his farther who nods sipping on his wine "Correct" Rosward answers seeming to make his son happy only to spot something on you making him frown and slam his glass down on the table. You jump along with some of the slaves not sure of what the dragon is angry at and what he'll do "What is that?" Rosward glares at your thigh as his voice grows with anger, his two kids look from their farther to you soon spotting what he's seeing. You now know why people have been looking at you ever since your legs have been showing, the straw hat tattoo on your thigh, your heart races wondering what there going to do or say. "We'll we can't have that" Shalria smiles standing out of her seat and making her way over to you, panic hits you as you try to step back only for the two girls next to you to grab your arms.
The female dragon glares at you grabbing your face in her hand "Don't you dare step away from me" The woman growls only for her farther to stand out of his chair, the sudden action making his daughter turn to look at him "Not her face" The man sighs seeing his daughter pout a little but agreeing letting your face go "Or her back and chest, i know the dress i want for her and i don't want scars showing on the day" Rosward sits back down going back his meal as his son frowns, it seemed he wanted to pick out your dress but knowing the man it would most likely only be some shorts and a top, the young dragon seemed to like his wives showing a lot of skin. Shalria's laugh breaks you out of your thoughts noticing she's now by the end of the table picking up a sharp knife "Pin her down" She pats the table and steps away as some of her male servants walk over and grab you, you try to get away but the men are strong and with the drugs still in your system you don't have a lot of energy to fight. Being slammed onto the table the slaves pin you down, two holding your legs and two holding your arms, you struggle trying to kick them away, but they stay put using their weight to keep you there. Shalria grins as she steps closer running her hand over the tattoo on your thigh "No please" You call out as tears start to form in your eyes, its the first time you've talked since being here but it seems to make the three dragons happy hearing you plead and beg for them not to hurt you.
Shalria presses the tip of the knife to your thigh hearing you cry and beg for her not to do it, but she just smiles slicing your skin around the tattoo. The pain was unlike anything you've ever felt before, not only physical but also emotional, you got the tattoo because the crew means so much to you and you were loyal to them and them only but now it was being ripped away. Tears stream down your face as you scream out in pain and sadness the knife slicing under your skin to remove the tattoo from your thigh "She has a pretty scream" Charlos picks his running nose as he watches you scream and cry, his sister puts the knife down and places the piece of skin on a plate before holding her hands out. As you continue to sob on the table a slave walks over and wipes her hands clean of your blood while she looks over her work. "Much better" She comments walking around the table to sit back in her seat and drink her wine seeming very pleased with herself while her father snaps his fingers, the slaves let you go as two guards grab you and help you off the table "Fix her up and take her to the dress maker" Rosward orders his guards who nod supporting your weight as they walk you out the room "Farther can i have a say in the dress?" Charlos looks at his farther seeming to pick up the courage to ask his farther who simply sighs and nods, a big smile appears on his sons face who looks over at his eight wives all standing in a corner "Go with them, make sure the dress is pink and almost see through" His wives bow to him and walk after you and the two guards.
Making it back to the Docks was hard for Zoro and Luffy mainly because both of them where lost but luckily they came across Robin who was talking to a tied up marine "Robin" Luffy calls out running over to her with Zoro in toe "There you two are. We gathered a few but none of them seem to know where Y/n is" She smiles at them stepping away form the marine "We know where she is" The captain stops in front of the black haired woman who looks at him concerned since he doesn't have his usual big smile on his face "There's a lot to explain later, but we need to go now" Zoro states placing his hand on Luffy's shoulder who nods "We're heading to the red line, that's where Y/N is" The woman nods at her captains orders and leads the two back to the docks where the Sunny is now docked. It takes a few minutes to get everyone on the ship and head off but with Nami and Franky sensing the two's urgency they got away form the small island much faster. The navigator yelled orders as Franky set up the ship for a Coup de Burst, so they could get to the red line quicker, the crew became more and more worried as the ship took off wondering why you were taken back to the red line and the enraged look on their captain's and swordsman's face. "Hold on" Franky yells out near the wheel of the ship getting ready to press the button once everyone is holding onto something "Coup de Burst" The cyborg yells pushing the button launching the Sunny out of the water and into the air.
With the Sunny at full speed and back on the water Sanji hands out drinks to the crew as they all sit on the grassy deck, Zoro and Luffy told the crew what they knew trying not lash out in anger at the situation. "What? They can't do that" Chopper yells jumping up form his spot on the floor "Their celestial dragon's they can do whatever they want" Nami glares down at the cup in her hands anger taking over her, its bad enough that your a slave to those monsters but now ones marrying you as a show of power. Robin places a hand on her shoulder feeling saddened by the news, but she knew you were a fighter, and they would get you back. "Those bastards, how dare they. Oh, my sweet Y/N its going to be ok, your prince charming will come to save you" Sanji cry's out holding his hands to his heart swaying a little making Zoro growl, it only took one thing to throw the swordsman over the edge and the cook just stepped too far "I told you to cut that crap" The swordsman stands placing a hand on his sword "How many times have i told you, stupid cook?" Sanji jumps a little and growls at the green haired man stepping closer, he didn't want to start a fight, but he can't help it when Zoro yells at him like that "Hay man i just care about her thats all" The cook yells back the two getting in each others faces "Guys stop this isn't helping" Nami yells at the two as Usopp walks over to Luffy and sits next to him.
The sniper puts an arm around his captain trying to comfort his angry and slightly shaking friend, "We'll get her back, at this speed we'll make it there in time" Luffy sighs and looks at his friend with a small smile and a nod "I can't wait to punch that guy in the face again" The captain laughs a little while punching his fist into his hand making the sniper crack a smile. "Guys i said stop" The two are brought out of their conversation by Nami yelling at Zoro and Sanji who are kicking and punching each other "Knock it off moss head, i just care about her" Sanji yells dodging a punch and trying to get away form the very angry swordsman "I said cut that crap, you know how i hate it when you fawn over her. Its bad enough those assholes have her but now your making comments too" Zoro yells grabbing Sanji by the shirt and shoving him into the wall, the cook stares with wide eyes watching the swordsman's eye tear up a little. Luffy stands and tilts his hat down before walking over to the two prying Zoro's hand off Sanji and lightly pushing the swordsman away. The swordsman didn't put up a fight and stepped back his hands gripping his swords but had no intention of pulling them out. "This isn't helping." The captain states keeping his head down as he stands in between the two, Sanji nods and looks away while Zoro's eye's shift to the ground.
The tension was still thick everyone waiting with baited breath for something to happen, Zoro made the first move turning and walking up the steps to the kitchen "I need a drink" The swordsman groans walking into the kitchen and slamming the door closed. The crew lets out a collective sigh of relief now that the moment was over, "I'm sorry" Sanji sighs lighting up a cigarette as he looks at Luffy who's eyes are still covered as he looks at the ground. The captain simply nods before heading up the stairs and into the kitchen knowing he needed to have a talk with his first mate, Its normal for Sanji and Zoro to fight but this was different , Luffy could see the hurt and rage in the swordsman. Robin stands and takes Nami's hand as she watches the kitchen door close behind Luffy "We should get everything ready for tomorrow and get an early night" Robin's calming voice brings everyone back down to earth and nod heading off in order to get their weapons or the ship ready but Sanji stayed leaning against the wall smocking his cigarette trying to calm down from what just happened. Zoro downed another bottle while standing in the kitchen, he needed to take his mind off things for a second in order to calm down but all he could think of was a stiff drink. The swordsman sighs hearing the door open but upon feeling Luffy's aura he relaxes a bit glad that its not the cook, placing the empty bottle down along with the others he grabs another and pops off the top "Zoro" Luffy's voice soon calls out from behind the swordsman, but he can't bring himself to turn around and look at his captain.
Zoro knew the captain must be angry with him for the way he acted and didn't want to see the sad or angry face of the man he loved, at least not right now. "I'm sorry Luffy" Zoro sighs downing his drink, Luffy steps closer moving around the swordsman and leaning against the counter now able to see his face, tear stains on his red cheeks and a slightly blood shot eye. Its very rare for Zoro to cry and it broke the captain a little "I'm not mad, just wanted to see if your ok" Luffy leans a little closer as the green haired man slams the now empty bottle down but keeping a tight grip on it "I'm fi-" the swordsman goes to say but stops himself his hand loosening on the bottle as his eye finally looks over to Luffy, the two stared at each other for a minute until Luffy wraps his arms around the swordsman burying his head into the mans chest "I miss her too" The captain lets a few tears fall as he grips onto the back of Zoro's shirt, with a shaky sigh Zoro hugs back running his hands up and down his lovers back "It hurts Zo" Luffy looks up tears running down his face making Zoro's eyes soften and lean closer while wiping some of the tears away "I know... i feel it too" The two no longer feeling alone in their feelings hold each other close letting their emotions show even though Zoro try's to hold back as much as he can but soon caves in burying his head into Luffy's neck who starts rubbing his back. "We'll get her back so don't worry" The swordsman whispers into Luffy's neck trying to reassure the both of them "We will Zo. i promise" The captain says back placing a kiss on Zoro's shoulder who returns it with a kiss on the captains neck.
Your leg was bandaged up and the blood washed form you leg but the pain was still there even though your heart and body felt numb, a part of you felt so empty as the old dress maker measured you and pressed different shades of pink cloth to your skin. The other girls in the room watches sitting together on a sofa with vials covering their faces, they told the dress maker what Charlos told them and it made your skin crawl. "All done, your dress will be ready in the morning, congratulations" The dress maker smiles walking out the room the guards following her and locking the door behind them, why would she say that? Congratulations? For what getting married to the most disgusting, Arrogant and cruel man in the whole world? One of the girls stands and walks over lightly touching your hand as you stand in the middle of the room "Come sit" Her soft voice calls out as her hand takes yours and walks you over to the sofa helping you sit down. "Its over now" She whispers pulling her vale up so you can see her face, the other girls do the same moving closer to you so the eight women can hold each other. You felt a little bit of comfort as the girls hugged and tried to tell you I'll be ok, you know things won't be ok but you appreciate their kindness and effort. "What are your names" You finally speak some of the girls tearing up a bit, the girl who walked you over takes your head and lays it on her shoulder stroking your hair "It doesn't matter" she whispers with a sad voice.
You shake your head and lift it up form her shoulder now getting a good look at the girls, their either wearing blue or pink belly dancer outfits with long hair and very skinny waist's "It does to me" Your words seem to cut deep for one girl who breaks down crying being comforted by one of the other girls trying to shush her "You'll learn that they never use our names here so there's no point in telling you" Another girl speaks up gritting her teeth and looking away from you but you reach over and take her hand "It doesn't matter what they do or think... I'm Y/N and want to call you by your names" you state looking over the girls who seem to take a second to think about your words "Sakura" You look at the girl next to who helped you before, she smiles a little as her eyes meet your, smiling back you take her hand in yours "It's nice to meet you Sakura" the girl tears up at the sound of her own name and quickly hugs you slightly crying into your shoulder. "I'm Emi" The girl crying soon wipes her tears away and looks up at you with a small smile, the other girls decide to tell you their names too, Rin, Claire, Marie, Lina, Kashvi and Jae. You greet all of them hoping for once that they feel seen and acknowledged, they all seemed so sweet even though they've been through hell, At that moment you decided that when you leave they will be coming with you, their not going to suffer anymore.
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garden-bug · 6 months
ABOUT ME 🐞🦟🐛🪲🐜🪳🦋🪰🦗🐝
I am garden-bug and you can refer to me as such. I love bugs big and small but mostly big (unless I have a microscope handy which I literally don't guys I don't have a microscope). My favourite insects are praying mantids or ants and I have written too many essays that talk about ant symbolism.
I am a literature student and literature analysis is not my degree it is my lifestyle.
I am multi fandom. I will list fandoms I engage with, my takes and my fics below:
Star Wars
OG Trilogy: Amazing incredible
Prequels: Flawed but culturally relevant
Sequels: 💀💀
The Mandalorian: Seasons 1 & 2 changed my life but none as much as season 3 which I was so appalled by that I spent the summer of 2023 rewriting
Ahsoka: 💀💀
Thrawn 1st 2 trilogies: Literally space Sherlock Holmes I love the Thrawn trilogies (haven't read the original yet I know shock horror but idt I'd cope)
Clone Wars: Very cool, Ahsoka my beloved. Darth Maul.
Anything not mentioned I either haven't seen, abhorred, or forgot what happened in.
My other takes:
New Star Wars is kinda… trash??
I do not like Dave Filoni's writing or his mando-verse or whatever he's calling it.
Ezra and Thrawn space adventures forever in our hearts 💔
Thrawn is an anti-villain guys.
I wish I could ship Shin x Sabine but I've seen brick walls with more chemistry.
My Fics:
Mandalorian S3 (+ Ahsoka series rewrite):
Force-school crack fic:
One Piece
I am on WATER SEVEN! I love Franky with my whole life and Iceberg is a beautiful man. Finished Dressrosa for Doflamingo and Law and Corazon. I cried. I’m kind of skipping around honestly because I’ve pretty much had everything spoiled I just pick an episode and go.
Zolu and Lawlu on the aroace spectrum my beloved 💞💞
Not been convinced by Zosan...
Oh my god dofuwani
Other takes:
I LOVE OPLA! It stole my heart. OPLA cast my beloved. So good. Amazing. Even my mum loved it.
Yes it’s a little different to the manga/anime and misses some details, but I think it does a brilliant job for what it is, capturing the essence of One Piece and making it more accessible to a wider audience. You would not catch my mum watching the anime that’s all I’m saying.
Crocodad/Crocomom is real idc
The one piece is real
My fics:
This was meant to be a silly genderbend dofuwani fic but it derailed significantly. Now it’s like 30k, Croco’s got a traumatic backstory, Luffy abandonment complex origin story *spoilers: crocomom*, Doffy has some gender realisations, fem dofuwani has taken over my brain like a fungus, it’s also somehow just really really fun to write.
Death Note
I don't interact with this fandom much because my takes are shaped by my AU so I literally relate to nothing. Death Note has be in a constant choke-hold just always like it’s always there in the back of my mind. I think it made me who I am. Uhh help.
Not a lawlight shipper. Light was mean and evil and L deserved better 11yr old me was distraught and my feelings have never changed.
L x Lola (OC)
In my AU Near and Mello are raised as siblings so their ship kinda freaks me out.
Idc abt Matt I never even wrote him into my fic (rip).
Mello x Halle my beloved. I love when two bisexuals fall in love.
Other takes:
The manga is better.
The anime deserves a re-adaptation??
Near is my absolute favourite fictional character ever (genuinely do not know why huh) he is so annoying and I adore him.
Mello didn't die what L and Lola saved him.
My Fics:
I wrote this when I was 12 but it is the basis for my AU and deserves all the honorary mentions:
Jujutsu Kaisen
My fics:
Cosy one-shots basically:
Bungou Stray Dogs
Chaos shambled disarray that somehow I enjoy.
Pisses me off but it has its moments.
Sokoku is my all time absolute favourite ship ever of all time. Yeah no it still is I just checked.
My fics:
Dazai and Chuuya get hit by a tsunami oh no they have to face their tumultuous feelings for each other (spiral) and accidentally adopt/rescue a small child:
I love Ninjago. Lloyd my beloved. Zane is me fr.
Llorumi is a NO Harumi is an irredeemable monster and you cannot convince me otherwise. My sweet Lloyd deserves better.
I don't ship any of the ninja with each other ESPECIALLY not with Lloyd the age thing is a mess.
Images used in the ninjago memes are from Pinterest and saved to this board under the ‘I’m gonna make memes’ section: https://pin.it/4rN3gIj
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leviathiane · 4 years
Fic Rec Friday - One Piece (SFW)
I am going to make this a thing. Even if its just me and like 3 people see it lol 
Ao3 Edition!
The Wanderer (MaiKusakabe) - Marco isn’t the firstmate of the Whitebeards. He’s never even met them, actually– he’s not even a pirate. But Whitebeard wants him to be one. Badly. // High Contender for my Favorite OP fic I’ve read out of all of them. Im just weak in the knees for reluctant/In-denial!Marco and the entire crew trying to reach out to their (future) eldest brother. Also has Immortal!Marco implications and im LIVING for it
Being Human (MaiKusakabe) - Slave!Marco gets taken in by Whitebeard // Listen yall know im gay for Marco-centric angst but this one really takes me by the lapels and shakes me to pieces ok i am laid low 
To Build a Home (endlessblankpages) - ASL pirates get recruited (read: kidnapped) by the Whitebeards as an apology for a misunderstanding and it All Spirals From There // Very well put together, and Completed! Incredible found-family affection and fondness, som brotherly angst, All Good All Good. 
wish by spirit and if by yes (midnightluck) - Sabo has his memories. A series of shenanigans of him and Ace just trying to take care of each other even with all their chaos and distance, with the Whitebeards and Koala as unwitting audience. // The exasperation and family affection got me fucked all the way up. Midnightluck consistently has my favorite characterization of Sabo out of everything I’ve read. 
Clipped Wings (Beyond_Kailani) - Sabo gives up everything, as long as it means his brother’s live freely. Away from his parents. // Angsty and INCREDIBLE found family trope usage. The mental struggle to do what Sabo thinks is necessary to survive vs live his life freely is A+
Trapped in Eternity (Skyleaf19) - Ace is stuck in a long term time loop and his mental health is really, really suffering from it. // this is an angst MELTING POT and i love it. It recently updated off of hiatus but im so excited about it i literally cant focus enough to read it adefsgrth LOTS of the whitebeards trying to help Ace and Ace struggling to pretend he hates them. fantastic. *chef’s kiss* 
Living Dreams (Maikusakabe) - Canon-timeline!Marco wakes up two years in the past. Before Whitebeard died. Before Ace died. Before Thatch died. He doesnt handle it well. // I dont even know where to start this is a bundle of some of my favorite tropes in one completed fic. The angst, the disbelief, the denial– it’s perfect. I’m in love
Inanition (Taizi) - small fic about how Luffy’s body works differently than his crewmates. // Short, and yet I keep coming back to it. It’s unebelievably sweet, and the tension of things left unsaid and suppressed anger out of worry is incredible.
Beginning the Next Dream (RikoJasmine) - Future!Luffy gets reborn as his own uncle, Garp’s kid and Dragon’s little brother. This changes a lot, esp. the ASL future. // Its still sort of in the beginning and already has 50k and my Heart I s2g every chapter i see updated makes me have to take a moment to calm down before I read it. Really worth the read. Very soft and sweet with the family vibes, and Luffy is a Hysterically overpowered child with haki. 
Guardian (Petiteneko) - Zoro’s POV for pre-post Dressrosa, and how Law slowly, quietly works through his frankly suicidal revenge plan. Includes lulaw // Im weak for outsider!POV mental health and trauma fics. That’s really all you need to know tbh
Acclimating (Justira) - Luffy may be the outspokenly crazy one, but he hand-picked his crew and the rest of the Strawhats are just as on his bullshit despite what they say. Law is struggling through a very nosy crew. // Similar to the fic above, Law trying to leave himself to his own self-harming tendencies and the Strawhats collectively having None Of It. 
Lionheart (cyan96) - Past!Law and Corazon get dumped into canon-timeline!Law’s submarine after a devil fruit incident. Trauma everywhere. // Manages to be funny and heartbreaking at exactly the same time! Lots of deeply buried trauma manifested suddenly and overwhelmingly. Incredible. 
The Games (Stormy1x2) - Humorous little fic about the Whitebeard’s participating in a sort of public-sport game, in which Ace volunteers and has a great time throwing shenanigans everywhere. // very cute!! another outsider!POV type as its in Marco’s POV while Ace runs around and is just excited and adorable. 
Older Brother’s Insight (Abyssal_one) - short fic about Older-brother!Luffy and Younger-brother!Ace w/ the Whitebeards // short and sweet! Im a sucker for role switch AUs and this one really highlights Luffy’s own eccentric sort of capabilities. 
Portgas D. Anne and the War of Shirts (glowingjellyfishtreelights) - Anne just doesnt like shirts. this has nothing to do with anyone else. // it’s Really funny. also incredibly accurate. 
Into Flame (Kurgaya) - Phoenix!Zoro, and the art of Not Actually Being Human But Never Saying That. // includes Zolu! Which usually isnt my jam, but im All Over non-human!AUs and this one is incredible. Zoro has three pairs of wings. Three. That’s wicked.
Pardus (ImperialMint) - A devil fruit materializes Ace’s worst fear. Which means he’s returning to the Moby Dick with Gold Roger himself at his heels. // funny, sad, and cute all at once. Cute family affection moments, lots of Ace being emotionally hurt and confused. 
Legacy (Anjelle) - Ace died and was sent back, all the way back to when his dad still was a pirate on the Oro Jackson. // Lots of emotional turmoil and childhood trauma neatly tied up with some cathartic mental revaluation ;) 
Paperwork of a Phoenix (ventusleone) - Marine!Marco and Marine!Izo happen to meet the Whitebeards during their downtime, every now and then, and, well, its not like theyre on duty. // Recently was completed! Slowburn platonic found-family vibes, a lot of Marco biting off more than he can chew and essentially being adopted in the process. 
Tension Headache and Migraine (JuHuaTai) Marco overworks himself and accidentally snaps at his crewmates, including Ace. // Very tense in the beginning and smooths out to something apologetic and softer. Has some nsfw in the end, overall Fanastic lmao
Tomorrow Never Happens (Midnightluck) - Sabo pickpockets the wrong marine and gets caught. Which sucks on a normal day, except this one is huge, and burly, and an admiral, and apparently his grandfather. // humorous and slightly angsty all at once! Another Sabo-Gets-His-Memories-Back-Canon-Divergence type story, because I am simple and predictable and it’s still fantastic. 
Blue Moon (MyLadyDay) - Werewolf!Marco protects the forest. It just so happens that (Witch?)Ace does so too. // Has some very quiet vibes I really dig, very calm and makes me think of a deep grey-blue color for some reason. Like Full moonlight through the trees. Very cute
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