#actually looking at the full lyrics it's kinda stalkerish but anyways
taconotatsujin · 2 years
You are my way of life
The only way I know
You are my way of life
I'll never let you go
- "My Way of Life", Frank Sinatra
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spiralledcupid · 6 years
Spoon Views: My Hero Academia Season 3
Episode 6: Roaring Upheaval
And here we are again after another great episode ! I have to admit, I had trouble with this one, just because I had to fit in my hour+ watching time into the 45 minutes I had before Eurovision started. I did it though !! But this isn’t a Eurovision recap, so let’s get started with what we’re actually here for.
Okay, first here’s something personal I noticed. Those of you who keep up with these review things will know I hate the intro they have going on with a passion, but today I realised I’ve been so busy hating it I don’t actually know what happens in it. So well done me for that.
Into the actually episode, is it just me who’s getting damn stressed about Midoriya’s injuries like ??
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Is there not like a first aid kit somewhere, or can someone not call an ambulance or ?? He’s just badly stressin me out, like I’ve read the manga so I know what happens but even that doesn’t make it less stressful.
Onto Dark Shadow,,, Like I said before, I’ve read the manga, but the small panels cannot get across how scary this is.
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Like, it’s the first time you properly realise just how powerful and scary Dark Shadow actually is. It makes me wonder whether Tokoyami was scared of his quirk when he was younger, because Dark Shadow really does look like the monsters children often see in the shadows. Juts some food for thought. Also, the soundtrack behind this scene really did emphasis the fear factor this part had, it was really well used imo.
This isn’t really analysis but-
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Can u get a truer hero than Shoji honestly he’s just too good.
Honestly though, I have to pity Todoroki and Bakugou when they try to work together.
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They are such bad allies. Honestly, this could be because they’re both used to being the most powerful one in the partnership, but whatever the reason, it was still a little bizarre to watch them try and work together- very badly.
Honestly though, neither of them are as bad as Moonfish
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He grosses me out so much, and the fact I have to save pictures of him on my laptop for these reviews makes it so much worse lmao, I hate him and everything he stands for.
The plan they came up with to trap him was good and all but seriously
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These kids need to stop taking risks! It’s just very very worrying even though I already know everything works out fine. But, y’know kudos where they’re warranted, it was a very clever plan, and did work very well.
Again, just an observation rather than analysis but-
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This was such a lit shot. I love the way these scenes are being shown in the anime, they do make them a lot more hype with the way it’s stylised and honestly it just increases my enjoyment of the episodes.
So my first thought for this one was that it’s such a classic Bakugou thing to say
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But on further thought, I was thinking, maybe in a roundabout way Bakugou’s trying to be kind. Like, he’s expressing it in his usual vain way, but at the same time he’s also reminding Tokoyami that his murderous quirk is still controllable. Idk, take it as you will, but to me, it seemed to be expressed in a different way than his gloats usually are.
This just made me giggle, especially after the intensity of that fight but
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Midoriya looks so confused here, my poor boy. Please can someone not just force him into safety or something?
Speaking of confusion, I love how confused Bakugou is when everyone sets out to protect him.
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Basically everyone and their mum has made a gif of this, and for good reason too because he just looks so silly. I would feel bad, but it’s for his own good. Even though that doesn’t make him any less moody.
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I love this moody little bitch so much.
Moving onwards, I’m so excited that we’ve finally seen Toga!!
At first, I really did not like Toga. She still sorta gets on my nerves, just because I think she’s a stereotypical female villain, but there is some complexity to her that I can appreciate. It doesn’t stop her being mad creepy though.
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But it did make me really happy to see Uraraka using the moves that she learnt at Gunhead’s agency to take her down.
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I do have this fear that when the final showdown actually happens, Uraraka and Toga will have a fight in the ‘love interest fights female villain’ trope, but I’m hoping that the ease with which Uraraka took down Toga in his episode will stop that happening.
Also, with Toga I’m really happy with the voice they gave her. I was fully expecting the usual five year old mixed with candyfloss voice, like very childish and sweet enough to give me toothache, so I was v surprised when Toga slipped into a more creepy voice. It was quite similar to Shigaraki in tone, and idk it was just pleasant to here, because female villains are usually fit into either seductress or cute and unexpected, so for me Toga kinda broke out of the box with her non-typical voice and stalkerish tendencies- even though she still very much leans towards the latter archetype.
Sticking with the villains-
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There he is !! aaaaaa I’m just so happy we’ve got Mr Compress this episode ! Although what he’s saying really is a horrific misconception of Bakugou’s personality.
Also, oh my god.
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This shot really hits you with Midoriya’s distress. He’s very hurt, he’s probably tired and stressed and, at this point, he believes he’s failed to save someone. It’s so upsetting to see and I can 100% feel his distress through that single line. Nice use of language.
But, in contrast to Midoriya-
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It’s very easy to look down on Aoyama for not moving Jirou and Tooru back to camp like he was told to. On one hand, it is pretty cowardly and he IS training to be a hero, but at the same time I have to think…What would I do? Aoyama’s quirk is still pretty hard for him to use, and it hurts him quite a bit, and against two villains while carrying two people he would almost definitely be defeated. Idk I can’t really disrespect him for this tbh because it would be hypocritical- I know I would be hiding too if I were in that situation so. I’m not gonna look down on him.
Okay, but moving back to personal preference.
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Dabi is hot n I’m not just talking about his quirk lmaoo.
Moving very very swiftly onwards, I love how they show Yaoyorozu’s development here.
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She’s very much starting to show faith in herself and it’s really nice to see that change, especially after her lack of self-confidence in the last arc. I have to feel bad for Awase though.
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I would very much like to write a fic about these two, just because I think they could get on well and work together really well. Maybe soon.
Okay, final little point:
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That looks like an absolute back breaker, honestly someone should get Mr Compress some ice or something.
So that concludes my episode talk through ! I cannot believe they’re still baiting THAT interaction (you all know what I mean), but they are somehow. It has to be next episode, and I cannot wait for it. Also, the full versions of the op and ed are out, so if anyone would like a lyric talkthrough- if I can find accurate translations- I am 100% down. Analysis counts as English Lit revision, right?
Anyway, as always thank you so much for reading !
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