#aeryn rambles
aerynwrites · 4 months
So my Dad has started playing Baldurs Gate 3 - he’s played all the OG games and stuff but.
It’s so funny to me bc I’ll just be like out and about and I’ll get a phone call and he’s like “how the FUCK do you defeat the Grym?” Or “where did the hag go?”
Or other small little Google type question and I love it so much lmao. He calls me his clue book and it’s so fun helping him on video games for once instead of the other way around haha.
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aeryntheofficial · 2 years
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Why do these clouds look fake??? They’re so perfectly placed 😂
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radiantaerynsvn · 11 months
constantly wishing i was more eloquent and a better writer so i can give the proper words to my feelings about aeryn sun but i wouldn't know where to start and where to end, i just love her so bad and she makes my heart hurt in both the best and worst way. she really is The character, my best girl, beautifully complex and haunting and with the best character growth i've possibly ever seen, no one's doing it like her.
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nadiiselsil · 11 months
Lowkey (by which i mean highkey) jealous of John Crichton because he is in a relationship with Aeryn Sun and I am not
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gaychocolatehomicide · 10 months
tell me about your messy inky i’m curious 👀 (if you want, idk if you haven’t talked about your ocs out of shyness or if it’s a Decision™️ but if it’s the former. I Am Giving You Permission)
HI OKAY SO sorry about the wait I had a really busy week (or three) at work but I wasn't ignoring you I prommy
So I have a ton of Inquisitors but specifically the one I was thinking of is Tristan Trevelyan, my terrible terrible boy from the Wrong Answers Only playthrough. The general concept for that worldstate is "what if I just make the objectively wrongest choice in every instance" and I will almost certainly never actually play it (can't bring myself to do some of the choices x.x) but it's a delightful thought experiment, particularly in the "what kind of person would you have to be to act like that in this situation" department. Just to give you an idea: the Warden in that run DOESN'T rescue the dog from Ostagar. It's that bad.
So Tristan! A nobleborn artificer rogue (really he should be a Champion if we were allowed to cross-class spec, but of the rogue options artificer makes the most sense. He's a tricksy bastard and besides, tempest is too messy and assassin is a little too denial-of-the-self-y.), Tristan is at the conclave because his mage cousin was going with the delegation from Ostwick and he wanted to travel. He learned most of his rogue skills sneaking out of the family home to go get into trouble in town, and he is primarily concerned with his own personal comfort and advancement. Mostly, at least before the conclave, he's content to wait. His father is a pretty powerful noble and he's the oldest son so as long as he doesn't do anything TOO heinous, he'll inherit and then he can do whatever he wants. He's twenty six and unmarried, though he's been kinda lazily courting one of the daughters of a noble out of Starkhaven. He's starting to think his father is taking too long to die/retire and should maybe hurry up, and maybe he needs some help... But only if there's no way for it to trace back to Tristan, obviously.
Then he gets caught up in the explosion and survives, and suddenly everyone's calling him the Herald of Andraste, and he really doesn't need his father's estate if he's in charge of the greatest military force on the continent, now does he? Basically the Inquisition offers him power beyond his wildest dreams and he 100% leans into that shit. He is the gaslight gatekeep girlboss king, and he makes every choice directly dependent on growing the Inquisition's power and thus, his own. He goes "yes actually I WAS sent by the Maker in your time of greatest need, I'm here to rescue you from everything. All you have to do is exactly what I say~"
The issue with him is that he's way too smart for his own good, so he always pushes just far enough to get what he wants and no farther. He's incredibly deft at keeping himself out of trouble by not being held accountable for the shit he absolutely did. Did the envy demon at Therinfall get him? No, he's just like that, actually the demon was a little freaked out by his ambition and ruthlessness. Also, he's unfairly attractive. Appearance-wise I like to think of him as one of those ethereally beautiful people that can sometimes happen when one parent is Chinese and the other one is from like central Africa? I'm thinking specifically of a guy I knew in college who could literally knock me out by smiling in my direction. Anyways.
He's a hanging judge except for when the person in question could maybe help him, in which case he takes their stuff and/or throws them in prison. He loves the skyhold prison, it's huge. The only people in that whole place he gets along with are Varric (zero morals but very loyal, exactly Tristan's kind of guy), Leliana (further hardened), Cassandra (cop), and Vivienne (pro-establishment free marcher who sees a lot of herself in Tristan). Solas and Sera both hate his guts, Iron Bull doesn't trust him as far as he can see him (not as far as he can throw him because he could probably yeet Tristan quite a ways, and his suspicions turn out to be confirmed uhhhh rip the Chargers), and Blackwall clocks him as the type of guy that Ranier used to be (but turned up to 11) in about 30 seconds flat. Cole really doesn't understand him at all, and after a few botched attempts to get in his head (Tristan reacts REALLY badly to that kind of thing after the demon at Therinfall, and Cole was there for that so really all the sweet baby is doing is giving Tristan flashbacks while he tries to help) he just decides to drift around helping other people. Dorian... Ok he definitely sleeps with Dorian but he also says homophobic slurs. Which is not ideal for anyone. Bull tries to kinda protect Dorian from that nonsense at the beginning but after the Chargers, well... It's not good. Josephine is briefly delighted by having someone else competent at crowd control, then she gets to know him and treats him much like people treat the Du Launcets in DA2. Cullen isn't really in a place to have much of an opinion, Tristan is way too much like a smoother version of the worst commanders Cullen has had in the past for him to do a lot other than paperwork and panic attack.
So I feel like @the-chantry-sucks-ass's boy Aeryn would meet Tristan one time and be like "ah yes this is a Prophet of God" and Tristan would clock that in an instant, and especially since Aeryn's best skill seems to be killing the shit out of whatever happens to be in front of him. Tristan would take one look at an incredibly dedicated, very capable, very stabby man and go "perfect, mine now." (And from what I understand Aeryn would be pretty into that...)
Images of the terrible boy are forthcoming, I need to make him in the CC and get some screenshots. For posterity.
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autumnslance · 4 months
Year of the OTP 2023 - Thancred & Aeryn Masterpost
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Originally started by a Batman fandom group, Year of the OTP is a challenge to end up with 12 new fics from a series of prompts for one's favorite ship. They've been gracious enough to open it to anyone and everyone, however, so a few of us decided to add our Final Fantasy XIV wolships into the mix.
So here are 12 fics/screenshot sets for my OC Aeryn Striker with that canon rogue, Thancred Waters. Also migrating the stories onto my Ao3, mostly in "Unexpected" and "Despite the Gods We've Outlived", though a few stand alone in my "Aeryn Striker" series.
January - Dual Perspectives (ARR, Pre-relationship) February - Linkpearl (Stormblood, early relationship, long distance) March - Ladyhawke Fairy Tale AU (image set, plot summary) April - Desert Divergence (AU/Canon Divergence, Love Confess) May - Illness (ARR pre-relationship, sick fic/comfort) June - Confession (Shadowbringers Love Confess, poorly timed) July - Stars (Yearning at the start of Shadowbringers) August - Snowstorm (Heavensward pre-relationship comfort) September - I Wrote This For You (A letter of yearning, Endwalker) October - On A Dark & Stormy Night (Dark Fairy Tale AU images) November - Missing Scars (Post-Shadowbringers readjustment) December - Home (post-Endwalker holidays & belonging)
Some of these did get written later, going back and filling in months I'd missed. Life happens! Also original story writing eating up my brain, but I cannot complain about more writing productivity!
This also let me get in at least one long-sitting WIP completed finally ("Snowstorm"; we're not going to talk about how long that's been in drafts...), while others still didn't mesh ("Meeting the Family" is being a rambling monster) but led to entirely new things getting written. And it got me to play with a few AUs, which I normally don't do, aside from the Halloween silliness, which found its way into this set as well.
Thanks again to YOTP for hosting and opening up this little challenge, and here's to a new year of creativity around all our blorbo pairings!
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stormbabylore · 6 months
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I just... really love them both a lot. ;-;
A great deal of Stormbaby WoLship rambling below:
My intention was to roll Aeryn through this entire game without her forming any romantic attachments. I knew she was ace and thought she might also be aro, too; and with the backstory I was slowly brewing up for her, I felt she would be too focused on discovering herself to even think about complex interpersonal relationships. In a place where she woke up with nothing but her name, it seemed natural that she might secretly yearn for family and friendship, for belonging and for home - but no more than that.
She had a unique and close friendship with Ywain that I thought might develop into an innocent little crush if I ever wanted to explore something different for her, but it wasn't something I felt she had time to consider with all the early ARR happenings and her own internal strife. Ywain (and the guild) became a safe haven for her to return to. She trusted him, and she enjoyed his company because he accepted her reticence without question and didn't belittle her lack of strength - only offered opportunities to grow stronger. It seemed like a decent foundation for a Potential Something if I ever wanted to go that route with her.
But then I got her to the Waking Sands, and Urianger flipping opened his mouth. My entire brain short-circuited. I Could Not Even with the poetic language and the voice and the hiding his face and the everything. The more partial I started feeling toward his character, the more I thought about sweet moments that might occur between him and Aeryn. A good friend would tell you that I maintained for months that they would just forge a very strong friendship and soulmate-level of understanding, even while side-writing fic that I maintained wouldn't be canon to Aeryn's story.
Some 85,000 words later, now... oops?
I don't think I can deny anymore than I have a very strong bias toward my little WoLship.
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duskaris · 7 months
OC-tober 2023 Day 3: Ritual
More Jay-centric stuff but it just fits so well, especially as the daily-routine type ritual. A little bit shorter today, but I had tryouts so not as much time to write. (Still did this instead of homework tho)
Basically, Jay walks his sister to school. Note that this is not Jay's biological family, but he has basically been adopted by Wren and he and Ivy are very sibling. For this, Jay is around 15, making Ivy seven.
Prompts: @oc-tober2023
CW: Mentions of harassment/bullying
“Jay, come on! We’re gonna be late!” Ivy had grabbed onto his arm and was attempting to tug Jay towards the door. Not phased by her fruitless endeavour to make him budge, Jay glanced over at the clock. If they left now they’d be almost half an hour early.
“Do you even know how to read a clock?” he teased, ruffling the girl’s silver hair. She stopped pulling on Jay long enough to smooth her hair, pouting indignantly at the accusation.
“Of course I do, and it says that we’re going to be late,” she yelled, giggling at her own joke as she clapsed onto his arm and resumed pulling. Though he could easily play along, it was funnier and cuter to stay completely still and watch her face get red with effort. 
“Any help here, Mum?” he asked Wren, who was lounging on the sofa, reading while enjoying her morning coffee. He gave her his best pleading eyes, but she only laughed and shrugged. No help for him there, obviously. Left with little choice, Jay let out an exaggerated sigh of defeat. “Okay, let’s go,” he relented, trying not to smile when his sister’s eyes lit up in delight. 
“Yay!” She clapped with glee. “Bye Mom,” Ivy said as she dragged Jay out the door. 
“Bye, sweetie. Have fun at class,” Wren called out after them.
Now, out in the public corridor, Ivy suddenly stopped; Jay almost walked into her. She paused for a moment, lost in thought, then plastered a devilish smile onto her face.
“You’re gonna carry me,” she announced as though it were the most obvious idea in the world. Jay raised an eyebrow at her.
“Am I now?” 
“You are,” she confirmed. Well, Jay couldn’t say no to that now, could he? He hoisted her onto his back. Thankfully with his added strength, he couldn’t even notice the extra weight. One of the only useful things about his powers, really. As they headed to the classroom wing, people often glared at them as they passed, but Jay knew it wasn’t because a teen was carrying his kid sister to class. Luckily with Ivy around they didn’t dare say anything, and if she noticed the looks, she ignored it as well as Jay did. Instead she rambled away to him about whatever they were learning in class and fiddled with his hair. He made a mental note to go a different route to Aeryn’s office; they wouldn’t hesitate to let him know what they thought if he were alone. Monster. Murderer. Worse insults that Ivy really didn’t need to hear.
But even despite all that, Jay was content. Happy, even. No matter what other people thought of it he cherished the couple minutes a day they spent like this. Most kids her age walked to class on their own, and it’s not as though Ivy was any different. She could, she just didn’t want to, it was their thing.
“Okay, we’re here. Time to walk again,” Jay said as he placed Ivy down onto the floor. He peered into the classroom. Unsurprisingly, Ivy was the first one there.
“You want me to wait with you until Mister Karl gets here?” he offered.
“No, I’m fine. Bye!” Ivy replied as she disappeared around the corner. Jay turned to leave but saw Ivy pop back into the doorframe from the corner of his eye. “Wait, will you come get me when class is done?” 
“Only if Aeryn lets me,” he teased and Ivy giggled. 
“So that’s a yes. Okay, bye!” She disappeared again and Jay laughed to himself. His sister wasn’t wrong. If Jay told Aeryn that Ivy wanted him to walk her home she’d let him go, no questions asked. She always did.
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thundergoodspeed · 2 years
Basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  aeryn/ari/tweeft 
PRONOUNS:  he/they
ZODIAC SIGNS: Leo. seriously. sun, moon, and rising. my top three signs are freaking leo. i am the biggest lion.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken...by MYSELF! don’t need none of that relationship noise, rather have fictional ones
———  three  facts! ♡
i have two jobs. one of which i get paid for (screenprinting), the other of which i CURRENTLY do not (acting/props/graphic design/social media) because we’re trying to get the grants for it. (the company with which i act has finally been registered as a nonprofit!!!). i will ramble on about either job without abandon, though NDA (and my own love of not spoiling my own story) prevents me from ranting TOO much about the acting one.
i am a walking contradiction. egotist with impostor syndrome, anxiety with depression, etc.
i have a dent in my head! literally. there’s a dent in my skull. i fell off a patio chair when i was 8 and got four stitches. the scar has drifted away from the dent a little in the 22 years since it happened, but both are still there
———  experience ! ♡
I HAVE ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TECHNICALLY? that’s still wild to me. i’m a professional immersive character actor as of september 2021, like whaaaaaat??? but before that i’ve been on tumblr since 2011 (right at the height of homestuck shenanigans, if you’ve been around that long you might remember a vampire Jake English who was married to a trickster Dirk Strider? the Jake was me). i took a little break due to lost motivation, for like, idk maybe half a year? at least a few months. might could figure it out if i go check my old multimuse but i don’t feel like it lol. and then found out final space was cancelled but i needed MORE so i started this blog
———  muse preference !  ♡
obviously this is a gary goodspeed fronted blog, but i am making banners for as many of the fs characters as i can. due to low activity in the fandom i’ve already been writing basically the whole team squad on and off (can’t rp more than 3 or 4 characters at one time bc at that point it just makes the replies feel clunky) as well as my own ocs with people i’ve got established story already going with. if you’re interested in any of my other characters feel free to ask!
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: i like fluff. fluff is good. it does get a bit boring to write if i just stretch it out over one thread but gary is a very cuddly person and i intend to write him as such
SMUT: i will NOT rp smut with anyone under the age of 18. even that is a LITTLE squicky to me as i am 30 (turning 31 in a couple months) so y’all are like half my age. and i will not write smut with underage characters. i will also not ship with characters who are underage (including my own, with the exception of the ones who are in my book because no smut happens in that book and also it’s not published yet). this INCLUDES little cato despite his being technically 74, because his body is still underage and he only just got “the talk”. that being said, as long as my OTHER characters are over 18 (basically anyone besides little cato and mooncake), i am definitely open to exploring the idea of writing smut. gary is a 32 yr old man and he has NEEDS. lince is an ageless demonic being and would be open to the idea. i’m blanking on the rest but yanno if you have questions about it just ask
PLOT / MEMES:  my forte, both professional and casual, is with “on the fly” kind of rp. my acting biz is literally glorified improv. my rp life...well, i’m generally very busy and kind of scatterbrained, so the most plotting i do is reblogging a meme, texting a friend like “what if THIS happens”, and then kind of going from there. i CAN plot, i just mostly like to plot the beginning and go from there. that being said, there are a couple of plot lines in the works that have not yet really come to pass because we’re building up to it. there are a couple ideas i have that i can’t actually do yet because 1) my side of things isn’t far enough “in the series” yet and 2) my partner hasn’t watched that part of the show yet so i haven’t been able to bounce the idea off of them. anyway, if you have a plot idea, just throw it in my dms, and if you are interested in a meme, EVEN IF I HAVE NOT TALKED TO YOU YET, please send it!
stolen from: @nurturing-starlight
tagging: steal it!
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eye-of-yelough · 2 days
part two of this post
[if you saw me post this as a tag ramble no you fucking didn’t.]
i’m thinking about Gortash n Aeryn being Friends again. thinking about it constantly. it is such an awful word to describe what they are to each other, not because it’s not accurate, but because it is. and that’s awful.
There are so many layers to their weirdness. at first glance (what most people who meet them see) they’re one of those annoying fucked up exhibitionist couples who bring their kink out in public with them. at second glance (what sceleritas fel and the companions see) it’s straight up abuse. stare for a while into The Nightmare that is the entity their two halves make up when they’re together, and you realise their relationship isn’t even romantic. not really. get the whole story and you realise they are all of those things and none of them at the same time. more and less, simultaneously. the only thing they are, consistently, is two truly awful people with awful perceptions of themselves, each other, the world around them and their place in it, love and how to process it, (let alone express it) who despite the atrocities find genuine enjoyment in each others company and are the only people who will ever understand each other. like it’s easy to shoehorn Aeryn into the role of victim and Gortash into the role of abuser, but the thing is. Aeryn actively chooses to remain with Gortash. consistently. from the very beginning. because despite believing himself to be, despite genuinely wanting to be, Aeryn is really not much better than him. They’re the same person, more or less. Aeryn is like, if you took away Gortash’s terrifying intellect, his ruthless pragmatism, and replaced them with unkillable empathy and a victim complex. he’d still be a deeply horrifying person, but he’d have a wildly different approach. That’s Aeryn. Gortash’s heart. :)
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aerynwrites · 3 months
Y’all I’m sorry but this is the best day ever.
So when I was younger, I was obsessed with the Warrior Cat books as I’m sure a lot of you were as well lol. Well, I had saved up and spent all of my own money when I was younger buying all of the WC books until I had all of them. All the series, all the special editions, etc…They were my prized possessions and I LOVED them, I reread them all the time and all that.
Eventually though I lost them due to flooding damage in a storage unit and I was devastated. But at that time in my life was not financially able to replace the whole series or anything.
Anyways - I was at a garage sale today and literally found the entire complete series being sold for $10!!!!!
So I now have the complete set once again and my inner child is so fucking happy.
Maybe this is cringy or silly or whatever but idk. It just made me feel weirdly happy and exited.
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princesstokyomoon · 2 years
feel free to ignore me, im rambling and thinking out loud to distract myself from yet another depression spiral
its so fuckin weird to me that online it feels like "enjoying a story" must involve some form of shipping or another
ive never really understood the point of... well, even labelling it shipping? it kinda made sense to me as a teenager, bute as ive gotten older i understand it less and less. especially because it doesnt feel to me like there is a particularly unified school of thought as to what shipping even is.
i remember when i was 13 it was just a casual "oh this is/would be interesting", but now it feels almost like,,,,,, people get very invested in it in a way that i just cant understand or relate to. like... its an emotional experience it seems? and i just do NOT get that at all.
this isnt meant in a judgemental way at all. plenty of art or fiction things can and do make me feel a variety of emotions. but ive never gotten emotional from analysing a thing, and thats the bucket that anything "shippy" falls into for me. i can look at it in theory, even consider and explore potential outcomes. but until i see how something ACTUALLY plays out in canon i cant get emotionally invested in it?
it feels basically impossible for me to say i Actually ship anything, cus the majority of the time, its not something im thinking about, unless canon material gives me a reason to. if i see fanart of a ship, or whatever, then i will probably consider that ship. but regardless of if i think "ew" or "meh" or "yeah thats cute", i never really end up shipping it.
and yet it seems that thats what 90% of fandom discourse and posts revolves around. who the fuck you ship.
i think off the top of my head, i can think of Exactly two couples i would say i Actively "ship" in the way everyone else seems to ship - rufus and goal from deponia, and aeryn and crichton from farscape. thats Basically it. other than that, the extent of my "shipping" is "i want to smooch this character and therefore, i shall self insert uwu". and even THAT i keep 95% of it to myself, cus why the fuck should my private fantasies be broadcast to the universe
i used to try and force myself to be involved in shipping culture as a teenager, and it got so much harder the older i got. cus i just do not care. i dont have strong feelings about two characters being together beyond a "aw thats kinda cute". and it turns out, that is just NOT enough to keep my interest in a ship. at all!
and i EXTRA dont understand people dedicating their energy and time to ships that they hate by attacking people who like those ships.
like girl, get a Life please, go outside, watch some shakespeare and other classical theatre plays, i Promise you there are worse ships out there still being performed to people on a regular basis
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radiantaerynsvn · 11 months
i've been thinking of posting some of my (older) fanart on here, but for some reason it's so daunting? like sure i've posted my silly little drawings to twitter and instagram, hell they're even on redbubble and i've shown a few of them to none other than gillian anderson. but tumblr is the place that made me want to pursue fanart in the first place many, many years ago, and now it's like i'm back with my share of drawings and.. i'm too harsh a critic of myself and tend to kind of hide?
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stardustinthesky · 3 years
rewatching farscape for the bazillionth time while reading cam x vala fic at the same time might not have been the best of ideas now i’m twice as messed up as usual
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veshialles · 4 years
Rewatching Farscape and good gods I almost forgot about my huge crush on Aeryn Sun/Claudia Black 😍
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grvmp · 5 years
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Aeryn Mytharith!! Triton life cleric of Eilistraee. She is le Fin!!!
Sketches by THE WONDERFUL @fat-black-cat
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