#ahh sweet anons
gurugirl · 8 months
oh my gosh guru-you always outdo yourself. everytime i read something new of yours it's just getting better.
i've been away for months and just redownloaded tumblr a few days ago and i've been binging some of your newer stuff.
a good boy is amazing. immaculate. the plot is so unique and the characters are all so interesting. i'm in love with a good boy harry. i didn't think i'd like this trop but you did this justice and it's my new favorite thing ever. i cannot say enough about it. cannot wait for the next check-in.
your professor x professor one shot? i can see this becoming an au. that was so delicious. i love that you have a story that leads up to everything instead of just getting your characters into the smut right away. you're literally the queen of the build up. damn - and the way he left her at the end?
best friend's dad harry? another i was sure i wouldn't enjoy but it turns out this one is super deep and complicated. like? you made this hot and then you took it to the next level and gave us a something to really chew on. the characters and their emotions and the guilt. like i feel that in my bones. i feel that conflict and the push and pull of it and it makes me question myself even. well done. this little au is at the top of my faves list right now.
i still have more to read and catch up on but i'm sat for your stories. super unique and so well thought out fics with a bit of spicy smut added throughout. i'm addicted. your writing and the planning of the characters and the plot. like i know when i begin to read one of your fics it's gonna have real depth and i cannot tell you how satisfying it is to read your stuff.
I've been reading over this again and again and I'm so so happy to have you reading, C (I assume you want to go by C given the little C at the end?).
I appreciate you telling me this. I like writing just gratuitous smut once in a while, but to me? Without some kind of story or build up it's really dull. Like if the scene opens with smut I'm usually not that invested in it as a whole (like I need some foreplay 😂 before we get into it). Not that I don't enjoy that sometimes but I need a story and I want to know what happened to get them where they are. To me that's the hottest part of a story is the... well the story itself. How it happened. What led to them being where they are? SO to hear you say all this really is an amazing compliment.
PS - this was in my drafts for dayssss! I'm so sorry! I thought I posted this when it was sent but it saved to my drafts and I didn't notice til now 😭 C, thank you so much for these kind words again. Hopefully you'll see my response to your ask.
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
Hiii This is my first time requesting, ngl I’m abit excited but uhm if you haven’t done one already could I request seventeen members and reader doing face masks or just any late night shenanigans, Thank you so much<3
hi welcome!! this was such a cute idea, they all kinda turned into cute and sweet late night stuff with each member hshs, hope you still like it!!
late night shenanigans with seventeen
tw/cw: mentions of alcohol
❝ seungcheol ❞
━☆ you couldn’t sleep because of the jetlag, tossing and turning in bed. you and seungcheol had come back from a small holiday you took together but the timezone difference and jetlag really got you. you hadn’t eaten dinner yet, still not hungry because of the jetlag. so, when your hunger finally hit, it was 2 am. you sat up, rubbing your stomach to try and soothe the small grumbles that occurred. seungcheol stirred awake next to you and you give him a small apology for waking him up. he doesn’t mind, pulling you back to lie down as he nuzzles his face in the crook of your next, asking what you wanted to eat. you mumble about how you wanted fries and nuggets and he smiles against your neck because he had already guessed. he asks if you wanna go to the 24/7 mcdonalds drive-thru and you nod but also tell him you can go alone if he was sleepy but he’s not having it. “can’t leave you plus it's so late mh”, he mumbles kissing your cheek. you both head to the car, you in your sweats and hoodie. you guys order and sit and when the food comes, the smell of the fries hit you. you take some and eat, sighing in contentment, seungcheol looking at you with a happy smile. you get a mcflurry too and he's appalled that you’re eating the fries and ice cream together going on about how that combination shouldn’t even exist, refusing to try it no matter how much you coax him. finally, you just give up, feeding him a nugget instead.
❝ jeonghan ❞
━☆ you couldn’t sleep, not after watching that creepy movie that jeonghan made you watch with him. you were sitting up in bed, tangled in jeonghan's arms who was awake, sitting up with you. “i know just the thing to help you sleep”, he says with a mischievous grin. “what?”, you ask.” let me tell you a ghost story”, he says. “hannie what no, that is not going to help”, you counter. “shh just listen okay it’s a really good one trust me”, he says. he then proceeds to tell you the story and to be honest, it was really interesting, and soon you found yourself getting sleepy, your eyelids slowly drooping until you were fast asleep against his chest. he smiles to himself once he looks down to see you sleeping, pressing the softest kiss to your head, whispering goodnight.
❝ joshua ❞
━☆ you came home tired and late and you opened the door to see joshua waiting for you on the couch, a book in his hand. he smiles upon seeing you, getting up, and giving you a hug. he helps you change and you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, contemplating if you should do your night skincare routine or just give up and go to sleep because you were really tired. joshua notices you standing zoned out and taps your shoulder. “baby you okay?”, he asks. “yeah, just wondering if i should do my skincare routine tonight or not”, you say softly and he’s immediately offering to help you and do it for you. he makes you sit on the counter top and you guide him about what to put and he gently does it. you decide he could use some spoiling too and grab a sheet mask from the rack, opening it and putting it on his face. “you’ll have glowing skin in the morning”, you say with a gleam on your face as you gently pat the sheet mask on his face.
❝ junhui ❞
━☆ you guys were sitting on the couch late at night when jun had a spontaneous idea to make a blanket fort. so that's how you guys were now trying to make one. You had gotten some blankets and pillows and after some time you finally managed to secure it and be done. You guys crawl in, feeling like children as you look at junhui with a wide smile. he pulls you down with him so you’re lying down and he starts telling you about how he had some childhood memories you listen intently, grateful that he was sharing those moments with you, and you take turns telling a precious childhood memory to each other. you guys later end up falling asleep in the blanket fort.
❝ hoshi ❞
━☆ you guys were making your way home, parting ways with the rest of the members. you and hoshi decided to walk around a bit, the alcohol still buzzing in your system and since you had a lower alcohol tolerance than hoshi, you were definitely tipsier than he was so he held your hand as you walked, telling you to be careful. you spotted one of those photo booths by the corner and dragged hoshi along there going on about how you wanted to take some pictures. you guys enter the booth and your mind is still a bit fuzzy, accidentally pressing the start button when you neither of you were ready *click* so you’re turning around in a hurry trying to get in the photo with hoshi *click* and in the hurry you miss your footing and slip, hoshi catching you in his arms. *click* you look at him as you steady yourself with a frown *click*. “be careful love”, he says, pulling you closer to him, his arm around your waist. you guys decide on some posed and he clicks the start button. you lean in to kiss his cheek *click* and he does the same for the next one *click* you look at each other and burst into laughter *click* you end up squishing his cheeks *click*. It’s only clear in the morning when you look at the photos again how drunk you both were but also how cute those photos turned out, and it was something you were going to treasure a lot.
❝ wonwoo ❞
━☆ if you were anxious and couldn’t sleep, the thoughts eating at you, making your head hurt and heart ache, wonwoo read to you. it always helped you calm down and feel okay. and that’s what he did tonight. you were sitting next to him, his arm wrapped around your waist as you rested your head against his chest and listened to him read. iy usually didn’t matter what he read but just the act of listening to him read, his voice, it somehow helped in slowing down your heart, helping you calm your anxious heart and mind. his voice was soft and gentle and so pleasant to listen to. he’d pause once in a while to look at you, to check up on you before continuing. he reads a few more lines and soon his voice is lulling you to sleep. “do you want me to continue?”, he asks after reading two more pages, turning to look at you, only to see you’re fast asleep on his chest. he looks at you with adoration, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. he’ll reach for the blanket which was bunched up around your waist and pull it up, covering you so you would be warm, and wish you that all your worries would disappear for tonight and you would sleep well.
❝ woozi ❞
━☆ you sat with woozi in his studio as he worked on something, trying to finish a demo to show to the rest of the members. you quietly picked up the guitar from the side and held it on your lap, strumming it softly. you didn’t know how to play, just strumming a few strings to see how they sounded. this caught woozi’s attention and soon he was sitting by your side, telling you which cord was which as he tried to teach you. he held yours gently as he guided them to the right chords and nodded with a smile when you strum the right chords. he teaches you a few more chords and when you play them all together all by yourself, he’s looking at you with a proud smile.
❝ minghao ❞
━☆ you were craving something…something sweet. and you needed asap. you glanced at the time and when you saw that it was almost time for the bakery to close, you hurriedly put on a coat, finding minghao in the room and pulling him along with you. you walked together, hand in hand, minghao telling how you should’ve dressed up warmer as he rubbed one of your hands in his since it was like ice. you guys made it in time to the bakery, just in time to secure your favorite cake and you gladly took it, excitement already on your face. you guys found a small bench under the tree nearby and sat, sharing the cake as you exchanged glances at each other. “you always look so happy when you eat this cake”, he saws with a soft smile, as he reaches out to wipe the corner of your lip with his thumb. once the pastry is finished between both you hear the low rumble of thunder and minghao stands up, helping you up too as he says it might end up raining soon and didn’t to get caught in the rain. you walk back together, your arm hooked around him and soon it starts raining and you guys run home, laughing once you finally reach home.
❝ mingyu ❞
━☆ you’re tossing and turning from cramps, not able to sleep and you glance at the time on your phone – 12am. you are on the small light next to your bed and decide to scroll through Instagram, somehow coming under a tag of souffle pancakes and your stomach lets out a low grumble at the craving them. you hear mingyu turn and his hand reaches out for you, looking for you – a habit of his since he loved to cuddle you and sleep. you put your phone down and reach your hand out. he holds it, confused about where the rest of your body is, and opens his eyes slowly. he realizes you must be in pain and sits up asking if you were okay and needed a hot water bottle or pain killers, and when you softly told him you were craving pancakes, who is he to say no. so now you’re in the kitchen, sitting on the counter as mingyu cracks two eggs in a bowl. his hair was messily disheveled, somehow making him look cute. “gyu you can sleep if you need to, i can make them myself”, you say, getting down from the counter, attempting to take the spatula from his hand. “no no i’ll make them for you hm, it’s okay”, he assures, even though you still feel a pang of guilt. he makes you sit on the counter and you watch as he pours the first pancake. you reach for his hand and pull him towards you, engulfing him in a hug, going on about how you were really grateful that he was doing this and again apologizing for waking him up. he’d kiss you, mumbling about how you wouldn’t get any pancakes if you kept saying sorry, giving you one last peck before going to flip the pancake. in the end, you have a stack of delicious pancakes and you eat them happily, mingyu looking at you with the fondest smile on your face as he watches you eat, content just like that.
❝ dokyeom ❞
━☆ maybe you and dokyeom had one too many glasses of wine with dinner and now you had somehow found yourselves playing never have i ever for no reason. being a rather shy, quiet person, you weren’t really one to do wild things so it was quite surprising for you to see dokyeom's fingers go down each time you said something you’ve never done, even if you were making it up. “kyeom come one, you’ve really sneaked out of the dorn?”, you ask. “yeah i mean It’s actually pretty easy”, he says chuckling. it's your turn again and you really didn’t think much before saying this but also you’ve never actually done it. "never have i ever...hm made out with someone”, you say, the words leaving your lips without much thought, dokyeom looking at you quizzically. “what”, he asks. “really?”, he questions and you shly nod. “i think we need to fix that”, he says, coming closer, his hands finding your waist as he pulls you closer, making you let out a soft gasp. “do you want to?”, he asks softly, searching your eyes and you nod, managing a soft yes before his lips are on yours and your head is spinning and heart is racing.
❝ seungkwan ❞
━☆ you were sitting in bed, time past 10. you were sick of being home, to be honest. since you were also working from home, you barely stepped out. and you just wanted to do something. so when you saw the movie timings for a late show which would play in a bit, you decided to go with seungkwan. he drove you both there and the movie started, except you weren’t really following the movie and kept asking him questions, seungkwan kept telling you he didn’t make the movie so you should just watch 😭 soon you found yourself leaning towards seungkwan because you were getting bored. you didn’t exactly look up what the movie was about before buying tickets, only wanting to take the chance to step out. “bored?”, he asks, knowing as he laces his hand in yours. “should we go?”, he prompts and you shake your head, wanting to stay. even if you were bored, it was nice to be here with seungkwan. soon the movie ends and the last scene is a kiss with the main characters and you look at seungkwan, pouting your lips ever so slightly so he can kiss you too. “what here? people can see”, he whispers. “there’s literally no one here expect us, and it's dark”, you say. “are you going to kiss me or not”, you add, feigning a fake frown. he gives you that you’re unbelievable but i love you look as he leans in to kiss you.
❝ vernon ❞
━☆ you missed vernon. because of his busy schedule, you rarely had time to meet him this month. so one night, finding yourself missing him a little more than usual, you dial him, forgetting to look at the time. it’s only when you glance at the time and realize how late it is and that he’d probably be asleep. Yyu go to cut the call but it’s too late, he’s already picked up. seeing his face makes you feel better. “hey baby, all okay?”, he asks and you nod. “was just missing you that’s all”, you say and his expression softens. you guys stay on a call like that and catch up, talking late into the night.
❝ dino ❞
━☆ you made sure you’re parents were fast asleep before looking out your window and you saw dino down at your front porch waving as he saw you. you were dating dino but maybe your parents were a little too overprotective of you. but tonight you really wanted to see the firework show that was happening near the river except your parents said no since it was happening so late at night. you were about to sleep when you heard your phone ping, a text from dino.
“look out your window”
you looked out and saw him waving at you. you took your phone and texted him back asking what he was doing here so late.
“come to sneak you away to the firework show”, he said.
“oh my god, you’re unbelievable", you text back.
“if my parents find out, we both are so in for it”, you reply immediately.
“they wont *wink*" he replies making you smile.
so that’s how you were now climbing out your window and going on the roof, making your way to the staircase which was connected outside. he takes your hand and you both jog to the riverside where the show is almost about to start. you reach just in time to see it, watching as they glow in the sky. in all the hurry, you forgot to slip on a jacket but dino came prepared, taking off his jacket and slipping it on your shoulders. you sit down on the grass lean your head on his shoulder, thanking him and also going on about how this was your first time sneaking out, excitement and adrenaline buzzing through you. once it’s over, dino makes sure to drop you back home safely, pressing a kiss to your lips, not wanting to let go but also knowing it was late and you were probably tired too. he gives you one last kiss before you go and you climb up back to your room again, blowing one last air kiss to him, he holds a hand to his heart dramatically, making you chuckle at his antics.
©️ etherealyoungk / please don't copy, or translate my works in any shape, form or manner without my permission
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softleesam · 21 days
respectfully: your tummy (and you) deserves all the kisses ever
dkajahdh thank you anon😌💕
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eupheme · 29 days
ahh thank you!!!!! 🥺💖 I have been smiling about this all week, you really helped me get to the ending! Gotta use a cliffhanger as a vehicle for making the smut a tiny bit more tender, haha 💕
(the irony of him questioning her intelligence throughout, only to end up being the biggest dummy of them all 🥲💀💖)
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lanceappreciationblog · 9 months
Drop the Lance dead parents lore 👀🤲
Alright, alright! This is gonna sound crazy and probably be very long so bare with me.
So basically Lance's parents were alive during the era of Pokémon wars.
Lance's father (Draco) was supposed to lead the Blackthorn and ensure their safety during the tragedy, however he wasn't at all interested in becoming a Dragon Master. Instead he was an Anthrozoologist who was much more interested in studying the physical and spiritual bonds of people and Pokémon. After being blessed with the Viridian Forest powers. His father, (Lance's grandfather) was not happy about Draco's path, but supported his son on the sidelines anyway.
Lance's mother (Dracaena) was the Hammerlocke Gym Leader and brute warrior who wielded a Lance as her choice of weapon from Galar. (who also was going through their own tragedy at the time). She traveled to Johto after hearing that the Blackthorn could be the place where she could further strengthen her dragon Pokémon from their Dragon Master (who was Lance's father at the time).
To her disappointment, Draco was not the battle-hungry tough guy she thought he was but he insisted he could help her in other ways.
After years of them bonding and finding ways to stay safe during the war with each other. They fell in love. Opposites attract some may say.
It was a risk, but Dracaena hoped to give birth to her first child in Johto even if times were rough. They swore to protect their child with everything they had and if they had to sacrifice themselves in the war to do so, so be it.
... 9 months later a very disastrous event occurred.
Viridian Forest caught ablaze after some rebels fought to demolish the forest for their own base camp.
Dracaena, Draco, and his grandfather were not far from Kanto to witness the dark smoke and fire rising from where Viridian Forest was. It even affected Blackthorn and its citizens we're getting sick from the smog very quickly.
The three of them went to see what trouble was occurring in Viridian. The rebels already set traps in the flames and smoke was only getting harder to withstand. Dracaena, who refuses to stop fighting with her Dragonite even if her child could be born at any moment. Draco, who still was not the best fighter, tried his hardest to protect his love during the battle with his own Dragonite.
But it wasn't enough. Dracaena had fallen next to a tree, body in intense pain. The child had to be born now. Draco insisted that Dracaena had to fly off with her Dragonite to find the closest hospital with his grandfather to make sure their child is born safely and leave him to fight. Dracaena did not like that.
They promised that they'd stick together and protect this child no matter what. Draco understood. And the three of them did all that they could to help her give birth to her child in the currently hellfire state Viridian Forest was in right now.
The good news was, he was born. The bad news... was that the rebels have found them. They tried to aim for Dracaena as the weakest physically in the group. Draco didn't let them get the chance as we channeled every bit of the Viridian Forest power inside of him and obliterated the rebels.
He sat next to his love, held her hand and gazed happily at their new born son. Smiles growing weaker by the second.
"...What's his name, Dracaena?"
With her last breath. Smoke filling both of their lungs trying to breathe out the exhaustion.
"Lance... The strongest weapon I know."
Draco with last breath urges his father to take Lance and make sure he lives a long happy life in Blackthorn.
Lance's grandfather, full of understanding but sorrow, took Lance and Draco and Dracaena's Dragonites off to Blackthorn as the two held their hands together against that tree and spent their last seconds together.
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kymsys · 7 months
Hello, looking to celebrate the holidays by splurging on a ton of art! Would you happen to have an inprnt shop or something similar? Would love to decorate my walls with your work :D
hey there lovely anon! <3 ahh youre so kind for asking! yes i do, i have a ko-fi:
ill be also uploading some more stsg stuff this week, so stay tuned :3 if you do end up actually putting my artwork on your walls, id love to see a pic. id be honoured to be on your wall! 🥺✨
LITTLE DISCLAIMER: ill be closing the shop starting 8th of december until next year. so if anyone feel like grabbing something, there is your heads up!
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sstrawbearies · 11 months
I think you're my only mutual that I don't know irl and I appreciate you
Omg this warmed my heart and made my day thank you sm I appreciate you too!!
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petrichoraline · 11 months
OMG I didn't know it was your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a really, really awesome year filled with lots of free time and great bls! <3333
omg this is so lovely of you, thank you!! hopefully I get to blog about shows in a way that's enjoyable both for me and ppl who care about this acc 🥰 like you! I assume hahah
getting this message like
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flyingspicerack · 11 months
hey… um. one of the cats i take care of— … i-i guess she’s a mom now or something. you wanna… come see the kittens with me sometime?
What! Kittens?! Yes! I'd love to, can we go rn? <:3c
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soapoet · 1 year
Loved the last pac 🥹 you are so detailed it’s incredible. Not sure if you take requests or suggestions but I’d love to see a continuation off that pac where you talk about dynamics. Just a suggestion :)
So sorry for the late response! Loved this suggestion and it has now been posted, thank you so much! ♡
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astrumocs · 1 year
Drazms has such a gorgeous design! I love their outfit! I'll tag on another question, what is their favorite flower?
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"Moi? I am a fan of Black Dahlia's and Red Orchids. Ah, and thank you, I put a lot of thought into how I present myself."
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taegularities · 1 year
I feel like you should post whichever one you think you can get done the easiest first! I know you said the last chapter of CMI that you wrote was super difficult, so if you feel a bit burnt out from CMI then definitely post the royal JK fic first! I personally want to read another chapter of CMI just because of the cliffhanger we were left on, but I don't want you to drain yourself writing it!
awh wait, that's so sweet of you !! you're right, cmi6 was difficult — mostly bc it was so emotionally loaded and the pain hurt me to write lol (and bc i was stressed it might be too long/boring smh). but i'll finish outlining both and then see what keeps my attention 🥺 definitely super excited to share both of them 🤍
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softleesam · 1 month
Just saying we don't talk but your blog just gives me pure comfort 🫂 maybe pass this into others who give you the same 💚💛
I just want to give some positivity back!
awwh anon😭 I'm so happy that my blog feels comfy for you💓 it honestly means the world love/p
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trashmenofmarvel · 1 year
I just finished Devil’s Backbone.. it took me a day and oh my.. I loved the way you wrote Bucky!! The angst was perfect and the spicy scenes were so good!! 🩵 I can’t wait to read more of your works!! Thank you!!
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katmaatui · 1 year
Hi. You are one of the few people who actually has good takes on Dick Grayson. Also based on one of your polls our Dick Grayson playlists share a lot of the same songs??? Finally someone who understands him like I do! Thank you for your service!
Anon I'm giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush, there's tears to my eyes over this just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are so sweet and just 🥺
Also Dick Grayson playlists 👀👀👀do you have any song recs, I need to beef up my playlist, its only like 15-20 songs currently after I purged it and my Hal playlists a month or so ago
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emsylcatac · 2 years
Hello 'w'
Would you mind if I made a fanart based on your fanfictions? With credits, of course
(I ask anonymously because I'm too shy... Sorry ;v;)
Hiiiii omg please do 🥺 don't be shy it's a honour to know my silly fics can inspire someone to draw art 😳
If you feel comfortable enough, please tag me I would love to see it! 🥺
Thanks for asking I really appreciate that ♥️♥️ have a nice day/evening anon!!
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