#ai is immoral
tardisesandtitans · 4 months
There is inappropiate AI pictures of Taylor going around Twitter. I'm disgusted, my heart dropped when I read this. Those monsters! I hope Taylor herself never ever sees these. Thats just as bad as what K@nye did in his music video of figures of celebs nude. It's disgusting, it's vile, its tasteless, it's heartbreaking, it's sexual harassment, and it's illegal. (I'm refering to the AI images here, unfortunately I don't know if what K@nye did was illegal but that's not the point)
Even if you don't like her, which is fine if you don't, you cannot deny this is wrong and sickening.
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annabelle--cane · 8 months
say it with me everybody: personal health is completely immaterial to morality, including mental health. leading a mentally unhealthy lifestyle (or what you perceive as a mentally unhealthy lifestyle) does not a bad person make. no one has to socialize, exercise, have healthy coping mechanisms, or lead (what you perceive as) a fulfilling life with fulfilling hobbies in the same way that no one has to go to the doctor to get a broken bone reset. both of those types of management of personal health are likely to be beneficial to the individual, but they are in no way moral requirements or debts owed to society. they do not actually say anything about a person's principles, personality, or actions towards others. additionally, people know themselves and their own situations better than you do. maybe a person judges that the physical and financial toll of going to the doctor outweigh the benefit of getting their bone reset, maybe a person just does not have the capacity to develop healthy coping mechanisms at this point in their life, and yes, maybe a person feels like they are totally fulfilled by "media based" hobbies alone and would feel no difference in their life if they picked up a loom. just like. let people be sick without accusing them of being representative of the lazy, degenerated state of modern society.
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it's a very low standard. but the RELIEF of seeing someone make a fanmade PJSK mix and they use the ACTUAL VA's covers and not AI
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freakoutgirl · 2 months
Art is not an inherently moral thing, and so something being art does not absolve it of its harm. It's a vehicle of expression, that's all.
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bluegateway · 7 days
Someone came in my DMs to let me know I accidentally reblogged genAI and still had it in my queue from before I realized this person was generating it. I forget their url cause I deleted them, but they generate a bunch of ‘glitchcore’ anime genAI images that morph and stuff, and seem to be pretty popular from what I remember.
So just to be clear, please let me know if I accidentally post something AI! I find it’s harder to notice in stuff with glitch and corruption art in it because it’s supposed to look jank usually, so pls feel free to message me and I’ll take it down. I try to check but this one slipped. This is a no AI zone, I’m an artist for a living and it’s hurt me and lots of my co workers at a game studio.
Fuck AI oh and thanks for 50 followers!! :D
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evanatsuhi · 3 months
(looks around) i think no one on this site should be allowed to talk about ai or ai art anymore until they stop getting all their information from reactionary buzzword posts
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thesagebrushkid · 1 month
AI Art Question Answered
People ask me about my view point on AI ART and so here it is:
1) If you use AI to create images (the proper term is IMAGES, NOT ART) Then you are lazy, a thief and essentially a murderer. You are also an advocate of Satan and all divine powers of evil.
2) If you do not list the images you are posting as rendered by AI, you are a liar.
3) If you render AI images and post them but do not have a profile filled out, you are a coward.
4) If you claim you cannot draw and that's why you use AI to create images, you are a karen and a bullshit artist of the highest degree.
5) If you ask me to forgive you because you feel you can create "art" by "uttering a few words to a computer" the answer is no. You are a pathetic karen of a life form and you deserve no forgiveness. If that's the only way you can create then becomes a writer and leave the REAL art to REAL ARTISTS. if you REALLY want some art made, PAY A REAL ARTIST. Sorry if it takes more than 15 seconds to get done. but you are not the center of the universe.
6) If you call yourself an "artist" and what you create is "art" then you are a moron and need to go back to school and learn what art is.
7) If you call yourself my friend and say you support my art and career but go behind my back and use AI, you are a two-faced bastard.
8) If you use AI to create any form of porn or sexual fetish images, you are a pervert, mentally deranged and need serious intervention. Not to mention a Boy/Girlfriend.
9) If you consider "INSPIRATION" and "THEFT" as meaning one of the same thing, in the terms of "AI ART" (or anything for that matter) then you are a totally uneducated buffoon for not even knowing the different meanings of the two words and need to go back to school.
10) If you live in the USA and render AI images, then sign them and put them up for sale, you are (as of the latest governing laws of 2024) committing a crime and officially labelled a criminal in all forms of the word.
11) If you print out AI images and host them at a convention or museum as ART, then you are not only a liar, criminal and a thief, but you are a pathetic piece of wasted air and flesh that needs to be (censored)
12) If you claim your ADHD or Dyslexia prevents you from learning to draw, you are a pathetic narcissistic sot. There have been great painters throughout history with mental and physical problems bigger than yours. So, cry me another river KAREN!
13) If you put a watermark on AI images, you are a serious piece of shit and are ignorant about the laws currently in play against "AI art."
14) If you hide your AI image and ask for a donation to see them, you are breaking the law and need to be arrested.
15) If you tell your computer to render the image a God or any other religious figure head, you are a sinner and breaking your own faith's moral codes. Remove yourself from the world of the living please.
16) If you use an AI program to render images of any Aboriginal or Native People from anywhere in the world, you are an immoral turd fest and no better than the people that treated them centuries ago.
17) If all you do is render images of underage boys and nothing more (clothed or not), you are a Pedophile and you need to have your member, and hands chopped off with a dull axe and locked away for life.
18) If you use AI to create images to spread hate, lies, fear and violence to people you are prejudice against, you are just the product of Satan's seed and a Daemonette's egg. From Hell you were born and back to Hell you WILL go.
19) If you claim that you are "expressing yourself" with AI art", you are an asswipe. You are lying to yourself and no, you are not expressing yourself. Expressing yourself comes from inside yourself and artistic talent, be it traditional art, music, or dance. It comes from inside you; your heart, mind and soul. You are not expressing yourself; you are lying to yourself.
20) If you dare utter "what is the harm?" you are inhuman and you deserved to be dragged into the street and (censored). Today 4/2/2024 NYC is starting to post AI art on subway tunnels and on billboards. That alone has taken jobs away from 52 REAL ARTISTS, not to mention food off the tables for their families, utilities unpaid, rents and mortgages unpaid. But I guess you do not care if kids go hungry. Just do not complain where you see more people living on the street because YOU PUT THEM THERE.
21) If you say you do not have the mind to learn art, then you are a born looser. If you were able to graduate HS, College, learn to drive a car, restore some old furniture, do laundry on your own and play sports, you can learn to draw. you are just a lazy looser looking for any reason to cheat your way through life.
22) If you know all this and do it anyway you are a monster.
In short, AI art is NOT ART and never will be ART. Art can only be created by human beings. No other creature on this planet. Art is the product of imagination, study, time, practice, technique, style, control and love. Art is not JUST expressing yourself, it's the ability to step back and look at the completed work and gain a sense of accomplishment, be its good or bad. And from that completed work, we learned how to improve. Art comes from the mind, heart and the soul. AI imagers are not artists. It takes away the very things that make us human.
If you paid someone to create a picture for you, telling them what you want to see in the picture, does that make YOU an artist?? NO! And the exact same thing can be said for AI. You did not create the image. Hell, you did not even pay for the image to be created. There-fore you are NOT an artist. You are just a narrator with inhumane criminal intent.
I seriously do not care if this post causes me to lose any or all of my watchers with this post. I would rather have no watchers at all than a whole bunch of demonic AI crime lords on my board, there just for a quick steal or sexual fix.
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Had a dream that Yaz, Gwen and Martha set up a new Torchwood and when Yaz was in serious grave danger, that AI Thirteen implant showed up with a “Hiya Yaz! Oh, where are we?” and then I woke up angry, both that it ended there and that it’s not real.
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everydaythings7807 · 2 months
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Issue #26, Paperinik New Adventures, translated from Italian.
It’s in the ancient texts: AI poopy stinky
“It’s art without artists.” (Bad connotation)
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hypaalicious · 1 year
One thing I will say about the A.I. art ish is that it glaringly shows how the general public doesn’t have an eye trained for art.
This is important to note because the general public is who A.I. is catered to and will give it legitimacy through ignorance.
I’ve seen regular people fawn over how good A.I. art looks. Or share random images because it “looks cool”. Some may not even know that it’s A.I.
It’s not because A.I. is actually that good; in fact, most A.I. art is downright nightmare fuel. But it’s because the average person only glances at something shiny for a maximum of 5 seconds before hitting share or like. They don’t look at details or sit in quiet appreciation of the masterpiece in front of them. If they did, they’d notice the uneven eyes, extra limbs, disconnected lines, soulless composition and sloppy rendering.
But this is how these A.I. tech enthusiasts are gonna continue to slip under the radar. They’re taking advantage of people’s blind spots and low attention span and combining that with the instant gratification of “with a few keywords and button push, you too can make beautiful art”!
I believe that’s going to be a harder hurdle to get over moreso than the other valid points folks are making about security risks from uploading pics to random software that can use them however they like (cause in the age of social media and smartphone apps especially, people don’t care what company has their face when it’s already out there), or the ethical ramifications that harm real artists (cause a lot of people simply never respected artists in the first place outside of what they output).
And it won’t stop with art. Voice actors are having their voices digitized for future use to cut costs of hiring actual VAs for projects. People are experimenting “writing” books with A.I. All of these efforts suck in quality but do you think the general public will notice or care? The same public whose attention span is collectively bout the size of a goldfish? The same public with at most a 5th grade reading level? The same public who is trained to consume media spoonfed to them algorithmically at the speed of light?
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oimatchstickman · 2 months
Overall I just think that @staff know for a fact that the selling of user data and ability to scrape the site for AI garbage should have been opt-in rather than opt-out but the higher-up people who made that decision are cowards and know that they would've never gotten enough people to opt-in to make it worth it so they're banking on most of the userbase to not even know about this and/or that all the abandoned blogs will provide enough "content" for the AIs to spit out utter garbage with 🙃
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viridiscrow · 4 months
Y'know what's super fucking weird? I see a lot of stories about lab-grown meat & organs or genetic modification or quantum computers, and people will make comments about ''playing god'' and how ''robots are going to take over'' and be generally unfoundedly fearful of new technologies... but people don't generally meet those people with the same vicious spite and hostility that AI art apologists (which is to say those that ignore or excuse the fact it is theft of artists' labour) show anybody who rightly criticizes the unethical implementation of that technology. More specifically: I only see AI art apologists calling people ''luddites'' for pointing out the problems of AI art, but they don't say that to any other groups. It is a specific crowd trying to defend a specific thing in a way that is disingenuous, because the fact it's new technology is not the problem. People don't oppose AI on the basis that it's new and that it's technology. They oppose AI art on the basis that it is theft of people's labour (as well as on the basis that it is displacing industry workers and worsening the quality of life of their roles in their industries, among other non-hypothetical harms). This isn't even to mention that is not what ''luddite'' means in its historical context. But it's so fucking weird!!! I've seen AI art apologists claim that artists are just scared of getting harassed, and that they really do want to use AI, but ''luddites'' are making them scared, and... No. They're angry that their work's being stolen. They aren't on your side. You can wax hypothetical about ethical models, but none exist. The world how it is, matters more than your what-if-the-world-were-made-of-pudding red herrings for art theft. Stop pretending people are ''luddites''. People aren't unfoundedly scared of new technology on this one; it's THE FUCKING PEOPLE HARMED BY IT who are opposing it. It isn't John Smith at the football match, and it isn't Jane at the burger factory. Artists are the predominant voice against it, and for sound reason. There is reason why artists guilds and unions are bringing law suits to court against the people making these AIs. The reason is theft of their labour. Not all implementation of a technology is ethical, and not all needs to be kept around. That isn't luddism, that's history and reality. If you were actually in favour of beneficial new technologies that people are largely against, you'd protest the non-GMO movement. I don't even necessarily care all that much if somebody just tries out the bing AI or whatever, just to mess around. Maybe it's reasonable enough for private personal use like saving images to play with jpegs, as long as you aren't trying to market it as ''art'' that ''you made'' for money or clout, then whatever, curiosity is understandable, I get it, the concept is cool, you get to see your blorbos, I get that. It's a really rad concept that met a horrific nightmare scenario implementation (in a long list of ways *cough* the CSEM that they scrape *cough*) It's the dishonesty with themselves with the whole ''it's luddism'' mentality that's infuriating. Because demonstrably it isn't.
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mars-ipan · 11 months
i should specify i don’t really have an issue with character.ai/similar chatbots bc they aren’t really “stealing” anything i just personally do not find them interesting
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For a website that was all about pirating movies, TV shows, and music it suddenly got very anti-art theft on here.
And for a website that was all about fanfiction, fanart, and OCs, it suddenly got very anti-derivative art.
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lwoorl · 1 year
AI art isn't bad by itself, "It doesn't have the heart real art has!" and "It looks ugly!" are absolutely meaningless criticism, and "Maybe if we all work together and don't feed them these AIs won't success!" is wishful thinking. (Although it's still good practice not to feed corporations your information)
At the end of the day AIs are just a tool that won't go away by itself, and it does have its potential for good uses you know, there's no need to demonize technological advancement. The problem is that the industry isn't ready for its widespread use without causing great levels of unemployment, and that we don't have a good infrastructure to protect people's art from being used without consent.
At the end of the day what we need to push for is regulations and labor laws, framing it as an issue of robots vs humans is regressive, and demonizing the technology itself won't create laws around it. Stop fear mongering, stop getting mad at people who are excited about the technological advancement, AI art is here and it will stay and the technology itself is a neutral thing, now let's adapt to it and push for regulations.
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maniacalshen · 26 days
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This is 90% of Facebook now. Your relatives are getting absolutely brain-cooked by it.
We've all been taken in by a convincing AI image with a quick glance, and we all know it's getting harder to spot the fakes, but people who like and happily comment on stuff like the above really worry me.
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