goblin-biscuits · 2 years
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Between class I try to find time to draw, and it’s about time Zak’s character sheet received a massive overhaul.  I’m not done by a long shot.  I still have to redraw his props and tattoos and expression range but I thought I’d give ya’ll a sneak peek.  Lots of trimming has been done.  A tattoo that didn’t serve much purpose was removed, scars were adjusted and added.  I have to make room for those good, good, story elements, right?   Plus, now that Zak is no longer associated with Warcraft in anyway, he’s had his proportions adjusted. The sad thing is this means most of his previous art isn’t accurate... save for the two most recent pieces I’ve done which still need a little tweak here and there to match. (©Akelei. Please do not re-upload or modify my art, or attach NFT/blockchains. Thanks for understanding!)
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doodlesomestories · 1 year
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Baby goblins coming into the fray w/ mine and @akeleiart tiny tots
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frostahesmegabite · 2 years
Reopening of the FBC
[ I know I haven't much discussed it here in an OoC capacity, but over the years I've led several guilds, most of them to never reopen but they continue on in spirit through story all the same. But, I am currently the GM of a guild on WrA called the <Frostbite Contingent> and for the largest part of the last year, we've been inactive. We began to go dormant because of our distaste for how Blizzard was handling Warcraft and how unhappy we were with the Shadowlands Storyline and the ABK issues definitely solidified our justifications in stopping to play. Since then, I've had a lot of time to reflect, read a lot of view points and also learn, grow, and recharge my batteries and a lot of that was in no small part, thanks to the @daily-writing-challenge that I participated in and a lot of you who have written me with words of encouragement, have given me RP prompts and have even RP'd with me here & on Discord too. All of this has led me to decide to reopen my guild in the hopes and pursuit of creating even more story in-game for people (and myself) and to continue trying to entertain others in the one medium I feel I'm remotely good at. That being said, if you happen to see any of us Frostbite Contingent folks walking around, feel free to say hello! <3 ]
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[ Beautiful Artwork done by @akeleiart ! ] [ If you're interested in knowing more about this group, you're more than welcome to poke me in DM or asks and ask things too! My Inbox is always open to any questions, no matter what they are, prompts up or not! ] [ Est. time of reopening will be sometime around the beginning of February. ]
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Credit: Doodlesomes
“ Week 3's prompt! Selfie ;D Sizwix doesn't like pictures ahaha @STVBonfireBash - With, @AkeleiArt , @Piximae , @MamaMingles , and @Senri_Ions goblins! - #STVBB2020 #goblins #worldofwarcraft #WoW #characterart #oc #originalcharacter #illustration #cartoon “
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goblin-biscuits · 2 years
It's done. Not really what I was going for but it's what I got. Sometimes you wanna draw your OC like a Levi’s model. Really though, I just wanted to draw his tattoos and scars since you almost never get to see them
Do not re-upload or use my art without permission. Thanks.
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goblin-biscuits · 2 years
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A spooky OC I share with my SO. He’s the sort of villain who’s easy to love. At least I think so.
I haven’t been in a great head space lately and haven’t had the energy to draw or create like I used to. When Rebelle came on sale though, I wanted to mess around and see what the program could do. While this isn’t the tightest or cleanest painting I’ve ever done, I really like Rebelle. The program allows me to achieve an effect that would have taken me twice as long in Photoshop.
Do not re-upload or use my art without permission. Thanks.
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goblin-biscuits · 2 years
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I’m still alive, just busy with school.  It’s been a dogs age since I’ve gotten to draw for myself but I’m super duper happy with how this came out.  It feels good to see the gang all together!
Valence Goldenrod, Vesper Goldenrod, and Zak Ironside © AkeleiArt and @VesperGoldenrod on twitter. Qualix Blacksteel and Wix Blacksteel  © @doodlesomestories
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goblin-biscuits · 2 years
It’s me, Akelei! I made myself a gobsona, one I actually really like! I want to turn it into a 3D model later, when I have time.
Do not re-upload or use my art without permission. Thanks.
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goblin-biscuits · 3 years
I am not good about updating tumblr but have some nice art of Wix and Zak having fun; a rarity considering all the conflict and turmoil in their lives.
Do not modify or re-upload my art.
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goblin-biscuits · 3 years
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When you have a legitimate reason to be afraid of someone but no one believes you 'cause she's a cute peanut. Obligatory meme doodle before I dive into my next commission. Please, do not reupload or modify my art.
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goblin-biscuits · 2 years
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First post of 2022.  I still don’t know what I’m doing but I hope this is a sign of things to come!  I know I’ve said it already but I’m really proud of what I’ve learned so far. Do not modify or re-upload my art.
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goblin-biscuits · 3 years
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A commission that took me way to long to complete.
Please, do not reupload or modify my art.
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goblin-biscuits · 3 years
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I am learning zbrush and I’m so hecking proud of the progress I’ve made. It’s only been me, myself, and I plus YouTube tutorials for teachers. I really love 3D even though I don’t know what I’m doing.
This guy belongs to my friend Doodlesomestories on Twitter and I love him so.
Do not modify or re-upload my art.
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goblin-biscuits · 3 years
A treat for those that follow me on Twitter; the full story!
Zak let the authorities talk him into shooting his influential friend in exchange for amnesty… which as you can imagine, didn’t go well. With all kinds of ne’er do wells breathing down his neck he was forced into hiding. He cut and died his hair and changed his name to Klide Buckshot and moved to a little frontier town in the mountains! As you can guess, he was hard to recognize. Even I have a hard time, looking at this version of Zak. I drew his face in full before adding the facial hair and even then…. This is not my boy! (The blond version was just for funsies).
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goblin-biscuits · 3 years
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A scene written with friends that really affected the growth of my character.  This was a great story.
Zak awoke in an alley beside the body of a woman he knew.  While he didn’t do it, not everyone was sure he was innocent, including himself. Please, do not reupload or modify my art.
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goblin-biscuits · 3 years
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Painting practice.  This piece is a few years old now but I’m still in love with it. Please, do not reupload or modify my art.
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