#ali g imagines
bound-up-feelings · 10 months
Ali G
Ali G: You is my bitch
Ali G: Prompt: Kissing against a wall 
Ali G: Watching a horror movie
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archipithecus · 8 months
Friends at the Table is a podcast focused on critical worldbuilding, smart characterization, fun interaction between good friends, and asking "what if X was Y? what if W could do Z?"
anyways here's a non-comprehensive selection of some times FatT asked good hypotheticals
(spoilers for Autumn in Heiron, Marielda, Winter in Heiron, COUNTER/Weight, Twilight Mirage, Sangfielle, and some Bluff City i think) (i know Spring, Partizan, and Palisade must also have good "what if X was Y?" but i'm still catching up) (this got way long so i'm putting it behind a readmore) (shoutout to Search at the Table at https://curiosity.cat-girl.gay/ for letting me do this) (also to Transcripts at the Table for writing this all down in the first place)
KEITH: What if I was a snow...hawk… ART: What if you're like, a Dr. Seuss animal? KEITH: Yeah! What if I was a star-bellied sneetch?
KEITH: (laughing) What if the bird was a can opener!
AUSTIN (as Zaktrak): It's like, what if a, what if a factory or train or a windmill could read a book?
AUSTIN (CONT.): And then he, he looks up, he actually has like a very… his build is kind of like, angular and… not thin in terms of like, weak? But he has a sort of… androgynous character about him, in terms of his like, what you would think of as like his body structure. And… very beautiful blue eyes. He’s sort of like, what if David Bowie was super black.
AUSTIN: And that's kind of like, the picture you get of her, is like, What if Fero was like, 30% less hyperactive? Still way more hyperactive than everybody else in-- the world? (laughter) but like, just a little more in tune, with the world.
AUSTIN: What if fire was matte?
ART: What if a—what if a 90s after school special needed some graffiti
AUSTIN: Yeah. He asks you, um... watching what unfolds, and there's, there's, it's--and this is the fuckin' nerdiest thing I'm ever gonna say; it's like what if A-ha's Take On Me was an AMV? Was an anime music video?
AUSTIN: Ali’s character, how did she describe her character, “what if Han Solo used to be Beyonce?”
AUSTIN: It’s like, what if the American government was just another American company?
AUSTIN: It’s like what if holograms did gifs, basically?
ART: You how like Han Solo’s always talking to the Millenium Falcon, but what if the Millenium Falcon-- AUSTIN: Could talk back? ART: Had a chance of, yeah, of deciding he was angry.
SYLVIA: For example. Like just p - yeah, what if they have psychic assassins there. Oh! What if this planet’s an alien? What if this planet is a psychic assassin? Which is a great sentence I just said.
AUSTIN: Yeah, I should note that this is also like "What if the Super Bowl was attended by high fashion models?", right?
AUSTIN: We don’t get a lot of elderly non-binary people. And so Saint Auger is like, what if someone you knew from Portland was 82?
AUSTIN: It’s almost like, what if a crown could be a dunce cap?
AUSTIN: It's like- what if there was a really enterprising twelve year old, who like, [laughs] made a physiology- uh, person- a physiology like, model, but with dirt and rocks and sticks. Also there's no face, the face is also just one of this solid black rock plates.
AUSTIN: And again, there’s just light streaming in through—I think this room is mostly, like, does not have a huge window, but it does have little eyelet windows at the top of the, towards the ceiling, that run horizontally along the room, and just like, bright—it’s almost like, what if colour could be shadow? Do you know what I mean? Like, what if instead of it being that a shadow crosses your face, it is this prismatic glow that moves across the group of you as this thing crawls around this space station.
AUSTIN: It’s like white and blue, there are stars, it- you know, I think that the- it’s, it looks like the way you might imagine like, what if the UN had spaceships?
AUSTIN: What if you mixed your- your selfhood, with the notion of wings. Or the notion of flight. Not just flying. That’s where we’re going.
AUSTIN: This giant battleship that’s like ‘what if a millipede instead of legs had guns and what if it was all around it’?
AUSTIN: This thing is like the size of like a major city. This thing is like, what if Manhattan was a battleship. And instead of buildings it had guns. Except now they’re made of weird black glass.
AUSTIN: The first time he showed up I described him as what if Canderous Ordo decided to have a robot body one day? And slowly began to replace it.
AUSTIN: There’s a little— Yes, it’s like what if a cow— what if Christian Slater was playing a cowboy from New Jersey, and also was Canderous Ordo. And also he eats through his hands.
AUSTIN: There is just this like… I think it’s just metal unfolding across space. Like, at some point Volition just kind of spat out a, a, almost, it looks like a cloud of ink but instead of ink, it’s metal. And it’s just unfolding indefinitely in space like a huge— like what if Akira, what if at the end of Akira when Tetsuo turns into a weird flesh monster? It was that but various types of metal, just like bubbling all over the place throughout space, and I don’t know how you deal with that! But suddenly in the middle of the Mirage there is just this, this ink splatter, this, this gaseous, you know, spread of metal.
AUSTIN: And it’s like — again, it’s like a pistol — it’s like what if a pistol was also like a curved sword, like almost like a scimitar or something?
JANINE: What if we do a live show, but the only live show we ever do is at Bakucon?
ART: Um, let me tell you, this is a nice coat, you guys. Um, I think it’s sort of like what if… What if a leather duster jacket was like an ephemeral idea.
AUSTIN: It’s like … I think the way I described it was, what if there was a Companion Cube that could have its corners pulled apart and in the middle is a weird glowing sphere?
AUSTIN: He has this dope, like, “What if the Millenium Falcon was a deep V?” Instead of just that little bit at the top, it goes really deep down. Or like, “What if Pacman was really long?” You know what I mean?
AUSTIN: Okay. You find him like, rolled under the bottom of his, uhh, or like on a, it’s not rolled under, he’s on like a little, like cart that has a pneumatic lift, or it’s like, it’s like a, it’s like a robot that walks around. It has like- it’s like a Boston Dynamics- like what if a Boston Dynamics, like four-legged robot was also a thing you laid on top of? Like one of those carts that goes underneath a car, to repair it. You know what I’m talking about?
AUSTIN (as Morning’s Observation): [exhales thoughtfully] Like what if milk was a solid.
AUSTIN: But it still has that ribbony-quality? [chuckles] It still has the sound of fabric rubbing on fabric? But is definitely amplified a great deal, probably? And also, we know it’s sharp, so there’s probably some… sharpness to it? You know… there’s probably, like… what if a ribbon could be a sword you pull out of a sheath?
AUSTIN: And also, Saint Sommer is a big lion man. Saint Sommer is, like… Skein. And is a big… a big… like, a big lion man. Not like Lion-o from Thundercats. Like… what if Scar could… had a big human body? Was, like… What if Scar was cut?
KEITH: And it sort of like, snap! Like, that, it's like… when we were talking about what the sound it makes, I was picturing… what if folding a blanket sounded like sheet metal?
AUSTIN: Yeah, yeah. I don’t know I think it’s like, I think this is very much like, what if the Venom symbiote was made of thread, right?
AUSTIN: So maybe it's like a- like imagine, what if a mop could just mop by itself.
AUSTIN: I won’t talk more about that stuff, but you already saw the big picture of “what if Connecticut was a space ocean,” so, you have at least some context there.
AUSTIN: It’s huge. It’s the size of a continent, right? It’s “What if South America was a big circle?” It’s “What if Europe and Eurasia was a big circle?”, constantly cast on this planet. And, you know, from space it kind of looks—not flat necessarily, right, because it’s a curved planet, it’s a sphere, or spherical, but, you know, it’s flat.
AUSTIN: It’s like what if Texas stood up.
AUSTIN (as Morning’s Observation): “What if cars brought things to you instead of bringing you to things?”
AUSTIN: It’s just like a very bright, colorful—like, what if Steven Universe did the Sailors of the Ark? What if that team did it? It’s very good.
AUSTIN: It’s like what if it’s a can opener that does that. Like a living can opener like. Grrrngaaah! I’m going fucking open holes in things! Grrngaah!
AUSTIN: Imagine that they're almost- in my mind they're like what if a martini shaker was a piston.
AUSTIN: It's like what if you could package a sunset, y'know? Into like a cube
AUSTIN: I can't believe we started this recording by looking at pies [KEITH and DRE laugh] that make me hurt and ended with ‘what if all foods could be jelly juice?’.
AUSTIN: I saw a big buffalo picture and I was like what if that was a person, that looks cool.
ART: But what if some of these skeletons are like, sick of this shit?
AUSTIN: I think I pitched this show as like: what if Ghost in the Shell but-but magic and witches instead of cyborgs and stuff?
JACK: So, out come this nascent organization who we’re calling Shapeknights. Who are -- I think the easiest way to say it is “cowboys for trains?” They are, like -- what if instead of the cowboy riding alongside the train on his horse, he was corralling the train? Or he was trying to understand the train, or was trying to --
ALI: I think Marn, herself is a little bit more like—like what if a capybara was a siamese cat?
KEITH: Yeah. So, I wholeheartedly recommend this movie, but if not, if you don't know what I'm talking about with the goggles, at least look at that. ‘Cause it's a good image. It's sort of like, what if you had a jeweler's loupe that had a jeweler's loupe that had a jeweler's loupe?
ART: It’s like, what if the antagonist won the Mummy movie right, this is what happens-
KEITH: What if instead of one, big, beautiful hat I have two small, beautiful hats?
KEITH: Like what if they made headphones just for being cool at a party?
KEITH: What if you make pizza by opening the box? That it was an empty box until you opened it.
AUSTIN: What if insects were made of teeth?
JACK: She’s the fuckin’ person of the train. She’s like what if a train could output a person.
KEITH: What if the train was a nice train?
ART: What if a Madame Tussauds came to life?
AUSTIN: What if fire could be a ghost?
AUSTIN: Looking through this here, sounds like what you wrote here was “What if a dolphin was like a velociraptor?”
AUSTIN: They’re hitched. Yeah, they've been hitched. Three of them have been hitched. And I said horse, but I want you to imagine is what if…what if a shrimp were a horse?
JACK: You sort of just like rise up the slope. It's a bit like what if a train was an escalator.
AUSTIN: What if Beyonce was Poison Ivy?
AUSTIN: All my cards on the table, Millennium Black is like what if Blade stopped being a vampire hunter and started being a casino owner.
AUSTIN: He's sort of like what if Alex Jones wasn't terrible
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jalwyn21 · 2 months
Miles Teller is attached to Barry Levinson's “Francis and the Godfather? Yikes. Jake G. has been cast in one of the roles in that movie and Miles was portraying Jake in Taylor’s batshit insane bridal music video where Taylor crashes Jake’s imaginary future wedding 🤦‍♀️Also didn’t Joe want to be in that movie with Jake but director didn’t cast him because he didn’t want unwanted press though Jake and Joe don’t seem to have problems with each other? Taylor was actually ruining career opportunities for Joe because of her crazy one-sided beef with her ex.
Yup! Someone at Paramount leaked to DM what was happening behind the scenes.. cause it was good gossip. 🙄
Barry Levinson’s “Francis and the Godfather” is about the making of “The Godfather.” Jake Gyllenhaal is playing Paramount executive Robert Evans. Joe was in talks to play actor Steve McQueen. Elle Fanning will portray actress Ali MacGraw. Apparently there were several meetings with Joe and his team and Paramount. Gossip was that Joe really wanted that role and he was fine with working with Jake. Barry Levinson’s was fine with both of them. Jake was fine to work with Joe.
But, it was 2021. Remember what happened in 2021? Redtv and atw 10 min. and ts with her one sided war against an ex she dated a decade ago. 🙄🙄🙄 So, the suits at Paramount were like, nope, Jake and Joe in the same film is awkward af so they kept Jake and dropped Joe before any official announcements were made. 😢 It makes sense, Jake is the bigger star. But I can't imagine how upset Joe must have been.
And yeah, Miles Teller is now cast in this film. Seriously, he better not play the role of Steve McQueen 😤
Like, it makes me sick hearing swifties saying that ts helped his career. 🙄 Yeah, she really helped his career..
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goforth-ladymidnight · 5 months
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The Perfect Gift
Pairing: Tamlin x Feyre (Feylin)
Rating: G
Word Count: 5k
Summary: What do you give a High Lord who already has everything?
Read in its entirety below the cut:
Snow was coming, but not to the Spring Lands. The sky beyond the dining hall windows was heavy and gray, but the magic over the Spring Court kept all but the gentlest rains at bay. Then again, the newly reinstated High Lord of Spring had been rather distracted lately, tending to his Court and countryside in the wake of Amarantha’s reign. And it was late enough in the year that it could possibly snow, just a little.
Had it already been three months since their triumphant return from Under the Mountain? Those dark days were like a bad dream, darker than the darkest night of the year, which was fast approaching. Winter Solstice was in less than a week. Even though it was not a Spring holiday, there was much to celebrate. There was much left to do.
The servants had already begun decorating for the grand celebration. Faerie lights twinkled in the evergreen wreaths and garlands adorning the hearths and halls of the manor. The air was filled with the spicy scent of pine, mingling with the perfume of the large bouquets of white roses on display in every room. Crystal vases and bowls sparkled on their beds of delicate white lace, filled with flowers or an assortment of mixed nuts or colorful sugar plums.
Even the dining table looked festive. Gold plates and fine silver gleamed in the light of a half dozen brass candelabras as fine beads of white wax rolled down the tall tapered candles. Fragrant steam rose from savory tureens of herbed, golden broth, wreaths of freshly baked bread, and a large dish of seasoned fingerling potatoes. There was also roast lamb, mincemeat pie, and slabs of sweet and smoked cheeses amidst pots of honey and bowls of fresh fruit. Cut-crystal decanters of white wine stood tall between the platters of food. If anyone was still hungry, the kitchen had prepared a sweet, dark plum cake for dessert, purportedly the High Lord’s favorite as a child. The only thing missing was the High Lord himself.
As Feyre stood beside the table, she took a slow deep breath, willing her wild heartbeat to slow. The lunch hour was growing late, and Lucien had promised to send Tamlin to the dining hall, alone, where Feyre would be waiting for him. It had taken her nearly two weeks of planning to arrange everything. Alis had helped her select the menu, and Lucien had agreed to keep Tamlin busy until the table was set.
Once the room was ready, no one else was permitted into the dining hall. This was no easy task, but it was the only place she could spend with Tamlin alone, at least outside the bedroom. Tamlin gave her as much attention as he could, but it was nearly Solstice, and he was very busy.
Feyre twisted the fingers of her velvet gloves, her eyes darting between the door and the foods she had so carefully chosen. Was it enough? Would he like it? Oh, when was he coming?
Sssoon enough… The tattoo on her left hand seemed to writhe in answer. She frowned and tugged the hem of that glove down further. If a certain High Lord of Night dared to show his face now after months of silence… Ugh. It would be just like him to force her to join him for Winter Solstice, just to torment her and Tamlin… That arrogant prick… Just as she imagined slapping his smug face with the same glove she wore to hide the bargaining tattoo, the doors to the dining hall opened.
She sucked in a sudden breath, then, when a familiar figure stepped through, she straightened up with a glad, grateful smile.
Tamlin glanced around the empty hall with a furrowed brow and slowly stepped inside. “Feyre? What… Where is everyone?”
Feyre took a deep breath and spread her hands wide. “Surprise.”
With a bemused smile, he stepped closer. There were still faint lines where his enchanted mask used to be, but, like the memories Under the Mountain, they were beginning to fade. Even so, they did not detract from his otherworldly beauty. His unbound hair curled softly around his broad shoulders, as warm and golden as his flawless skin and the flecks of amber in his spring green eyes. The tunic he wore was much darker, evergreen edged in gold thread, which was one of the more formal ones he wore to meetings, of which there had been several, lately.
As he came to stand before her, Feyre continued, “I… I asked Lucien to take over your duties for the day.”
Tamlin’s eyebrows raised. “Take over…?” He let out an amazed chuckle and rubbed his chin. “That explains his odd behavior…” he murmured, then asked, “What on earth did you have to promise Lucien in exchange for that?”
She gave him a wincing smile. “Unrestricted access to your wine cellar… for a year.”
“Oh, is that all?”
She twisted the fingers of her gloves as she admitted, “And… no border patrol assignments for a month.”
Not to mention keeping Ianthe away from him for an entire week, she thought, but since Tamlin seemed to value the High Priestess’s counsel, she kept that to herself.
Sss-sss-sss. The tattoo seemed to mock her, but a quick pinch on her wrist seemed to silence it.
If Tamlin noticed, he showed no sign. Instead, he chuckled wryly and rubbed the back of his neck. “That will take some rearranging,” he mused, “but I’ll manage.”
Feyre grimaced. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make more work for you. This was supposed to be an early Solstice gift for you…”
“Is that right?”
She blushed, then halfheartedly gestured to the table set for two. “It’s just… You’ve been so busy lately, I thought…” She hugged her arms and mumbled, “Never mind. It was a silly idea.”
Tamlin stepped closer and placed his warm hands on her arms, being careful not to de-puff her puffed sleeves. “It’s not silly,” he insisted. “It was very thoughtful of you to arrange all this.”
“Thoughtful,” she scoffed. “If I were truly thoughtful, I would have known what to give you for Solstice.” She shook her head and shrugged. “But what do you give a High Lord who already has everything?”
He opened his mouth to answer, then looked away as he considered her point. “Well, I… That is… I mean…” He spread his hands and shrugged. “You don’t have to give me anything at all. You went Under the Mountain for me… If anything, I should be showering you in gifts—”
She huffed a laugh and stepped back. “You already have,” she said, gesturing to the blue velvet gown she was wearing. “I have enough gowns to clothe a small town.” She dropped her hands and sighed. “I just… I wanted to give you something because I… I love you,” she said softly.
He smiled sadly. “I love you, too.”
She nodded. “I know you do.” She sighed again, a heavier sigh as she gestured to the table. “We’ll have lunch together, and then you can go back to your usual duties. I won’t keep you.”
“No, please. Keep me. You already have me,” he insisted, touching her arm, then he looked over at the meal she had thoughtfully planned. “You said Lucien agreed to take over my duties for the day, right?”
“For a price, but… yes.”
“Hmm.” Tamlin rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful. “You know,” he mused, “that means that I have the whole day—we have the whole day—to do whatever we want. And I don’t want to be High Lord anymore.”
Feyre’s eyebrows shot up.
“In fact,” he went on, “I would rather follow orders instead of give them. So, Feyre Cursebreaker, how would you like to be High Lady for a day?”
She realized her mouth was hanging open, but she managed to find her voice as she pointed to herself. “Me? High Lady?”
“It would only be for a day,” he assured her. “And only if you want to.”
She looked at him askance. “This doesn’t involve any transference of magic, does it?” she asked cautiously.
“No,” he promised. “At least, not unless you plan on putting me out of my misery,” he added with a teasing wink.
She bit back a chuckle. “I think you’re safe.”
“Then you agree?”
She nibbled on her lower lip, considering it. “On one condition.”
“Name it.”
“No one can know that we’re doing this,” she said firmly. “I don’t think I could handle anyone else calling me High Lady… Not Alis, not Ianthe… If Lucien found out, I would never hear the end of it.”
“I wouldn’t dream of telling him, or anyone else,” Tamlin promised, placing his hand on his heart and giving her a solemn half-bow. “High Lady.”
She let out a sudden giggle, then pressed her fingers to her lips. “So… what exactly does a High Lady do?” she asked nervously.
“Whatever she wishes,” he said, straightening. “Unlike certain unfortunate emissaries, she has no meetings to attend. No important decisions to make. No duties, whatsoever.”
Her shy smile grew into a grin. “None?”
“And you…?”
He waved his hand with a flourish. “I am but your humble servant, my lady,” he said, bowing deeply. When he rose, although he tried to maintain his solemn air, a coy smile touched his lips, and his green eyes sparkled with mischief.
It reminded her of the Tamlin she had fallen in love with, before they went Under the Mountain, when there was time for riding horses and lying beneath singing willows and swimming in pools of starlight… Which gave her an idea…
“Very well, then, my loyal subject,” she said, drawing herself up, which made Tamlin’s eyebrows rise. “My first decree as High Lady shall be… a picnic.”
“A splendid idea, my lady,” he said grandly, which made her grin. As he offered her his hand, he asked, “Where to?”
After a moment’s consideration, she slipped her hand in his calloused palm and declared, “Somewhere I’ve never been. You know the Spring Court best. Surprise me.”
He smiled and squeezed her hand. “I know the perfect place.”
He winnowed them there in the blink of an eye. One moment, they were standing in the dining hall, the next they were outdoors, surrounded by falling snow. Except it wasn’t snow, for the air was warm, and the scent was sweet and fragrant. Feyre gasped as she turned around and realized they were standing in the middle of an apple orchard in full bloom.
Falling blossoms drifted past and landed on her hair and shoulders, which made her giggle like a child. The sky was still gray, but it didn’t matter. She felt lighter than she had in a long time. How long had it been since she let herself laugh? Too long, she realized, as she closed her eyes and tipped her head back and let the blossoms fall from her hair and tickle her cheeks.
“You look so beautiful,” Tamlin said in an awed voice.
She opened her eyes to look at him and found herself speechless. Despite his fine dress, he looked right at home among the flowering apple trees, a true prince of the wild. And when he smiled, her heart fluttered like blossoms on the breeze. This was the Fae she had fallen in love with, the one she had gone Under the Mountain for, and she would die for a hundred times over if it meant spending eternity with him.
She found herself blushing under his attentive gaze.
“So do you,” was all she could think to say, even though she meant it. Being Made High Fae had not made her any less tongue-tied. She could only hope that would become easier with time. She wanted him to know how much he meant to her, which was why she had come up with this arrangement in the first place. She hoped he liked it. She hoped it would be enough.
He smiled again and nodded. “Shall we?” he said, gesturing to the blanket spread out at his feet, and it gave her something new to stare at.
It would have taken a dozen servants to pack the feast from the dining hall and transfer it to the blanket underneath the apple trees, but Tamlin had done so in the blink of an eye. There was the dish of potatoes, the bread, all the cheeses, the pies, the roast lamb… He had even poured the wine, or at least his magic had.
“Ohh, it’s perfect,” she breathed, and it was.
A similar picnic in the mortal world would have seen them picking stray blossoms off their food, or awkwardly repositioning themselves around protruding tree roots, or even spilling their wine when they set their goblets down on uneven ground… but this wasn’t the mortal world. This was Prythian.
The lamb stayed warm, the wine stayed cool, and the plum cake tasted like it had been baked with faerie wine, which it had probably had. The combined flavors of steamed fruit and rolled spices burst pleasantly upon her tongue, and the hint of faerie wine gave her a pleasant buzz.
Tamlin was seemingly not immune to its effects, either, for he set his empty plate aside to lay back upon the ground, looking less like a High Lord and more like a human… that is, the faerie equivalent of one. As he tucked his hands beneath his head, he closed his eyes with a satisfied sigh. “I can’t remember the last time I had plum cake,” he said contentedly. “My compliments to Her Ladyship for her most exquisite taste.”
Feeling immensely pleased with herself, Feyre rested her back against the nearest tree and smiled. “I’ve never had plum cake before,” she admitted, picking up her wine to salute him in turn. “My compliments to the High Lord for his taste. What a pity he can’t be here to enjoy it.”
Tamlin opened one eye and smirked at her. “I’ll be sure to save a piece for him when he gets back,” he quipped.
She chuckled and lifted her wine for a sip.
“What about you? What did my High Lady enjoy for Solstice growing up?”
She nearly choked on her wine, then ducked her head in embarrassment. “I don’t know,” she mumbled, wiping her mouth on her glove. “Chocolate torte, I suppose.”
“You suppose?” Tamlin rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow. “Don’t you know?”
She shrugged. “Sweet treats and fancy dresses were the first thing to go,” she admitted reluctantly, looking away. “You know. After my father…”
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed his bemused smile fade as he remembered her poor, mortal life in the cottage, and she wished she hadn’t said anything at all.
“Look, it doesn’t matter now,” she said hastily, trying to distract him. “Today is about you. This is your Solstice gift, remember?”
“I remember,” he said firmly. “I also seem to remember appointing you High Lady, which is why—” He shifted from his side onto his knees in one smooth, fluid motion, “—I want to know how to make today special for you, too.”
Her cheeks heated in embarrassment, or perhaps it was the wine. “You don’t have to—”
“I want to,” he insisted. “You’re my High Lady…”
“I don’t want to be your High Lady,” she said irritably, then wished she could take it back when she realized how it sounded, when she saw the hurt in his eyes. “I didn’t mean it that way,” she said quickly. “I meant—not your High Lady—I mean, I still want to marry you—not that you’ve asked yet—I-I mean…”
She covered her hot face and groaned. When he didn’t speak, she managed to take a deep breath, then sighed. As she lowered her hand, she looked away so that she wouldn’t be able to see the disappointment in his eyes.
“I don’t want to give you orders,” she said softly. “I don’t want to give anyone orders. Please. Take back your title, and let’s just pretend that I didn’t say anything. All right?”
She glanced up in time to see him sit back on his heels and take a slow, deep breath. After a long, painful moment of silence, he nodded. “All right,” he said gruffly, then offered her his hands to help her stand.
The picnic was over, then. So much for her Solstice gift. She set down her wine with a sad sigh, then slipped her hands in his. As she stood, she opened her mouth to apologize and say that she would gladly continue the game, when something cold hit the top of her head, and she could only squawk as it fell across her face and her hair.
“What the…?” She let go of Tamlin’s hands to brush away the cold something, only to find clumps of snow sticking to her gloves and melting in her hair.
A soft, rather sly laugh distracted her from her shock, and she looked up to see Tamlin trying—and failing—to hide his smile.
“My apologies, dear lady,” he said, mouth twitching. “When I winnowed us here, I didn’t expect the trees around us to be so… low.”
This was the second time today that he had left her standing there with her mouth wide open, and she closed it with a snap. “You winnowed us…?” She looked around at the pale landscape. “Where?”
“The Winter Court, of course,” he said simply, as if they hadn’t been standing in a Spring orchard only a moment ago. “At least, the outskirts,” he added, gesturing to the snowy pines and the mountains behind him. “I didn’t want to alarm Kallias by dropping in to his Court unannounced. Wars have been started for less, you know.”
“You don’t say,” she drawled, then sucked in a quivering breath as she rubbed at her blue velvet sleeves, trying to ward off the sudden chill. She was standing ankle deep in a snow drift, and her breath was visible in the icy air. “And we’re here because…?”
“Oh, forgive me,” he said, flicking his hands and unfurling a heavy cloak that hadn’t been there a moment ago, from somewhere between. As he stepped forward and drew its welcome warmth around her shoulders, he said kindly, “There now. That should help.”
As she gratefully pulled the fur-lined cowl closer to her chin, she sniffed and remarked, “Thank you, but you still haven’t told me what we’re doing here.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he said with a sly twinkle in his eye.
She looked at him askance.
“Your first—and last—decree as High Lady was to take you somewhere you’d never been. So, here we are. Somewhere you’ve never been.”
Her eyes widened. “I meant in the Spring Court!”
“Did you? You never said.”
She barked a laugh and slowly shook her head. “You’re mad.”
He gave her a grand bow. “You flatter me, lady.”
With a twinge of guilt, she remembered her earlier retort. “I didn’t mean what I said before. About not wanting to be your High Lady…”
He slowly straightened, his smile fading. “I’m afraid it’s too late,” he said quietly.
The icy air seemed to stab her lungs, and her hand froze at her throat.
Before she could reply, he continued, “If you want your title back, you’re going to have to take it from me.”
Her eyebrows rose as he stepped backward in the snow with a slowly growing smirk. As an understanding smile touched her mouth, he turned around and dropped to all fours, changing into his beast form. His golden hair turned to golden fur that then sprouted all over his changing body, and bone-white antlers sprouted from his head. The transformation was almost too quick to follow, but she was High Fae now. His beast form didn’t frighten her anymore; she marveled at the sight of it.
Tamlin took a few bounding leaps into the snow, then shook the flakes of snow free from his fur as he turned to face her. His plumed tail slowly wagged as he dropped his forelegs into a strangely playful bow. She bit back a laugh, for it reminded her of a dog wanting to play fetch.
“Well?” he asked, in his deeper, beastlier voice. “Do you want your title back?”
She slowly nodded. “Yes,” she breathed.
“Then come and get it.”
She hesitated with her gloved hand still at her throat, then, when he didn’t move, she took a slow, deliberate step toward him.
As the snow crunched beneath her boot, he bounded away like a deer in the woods, startling her with his swiftness. She scarcely had time to register his movement before he circled back with a huge, beastly grin. “You’ll never catch me at this rate!” he called out before running away again.
Her laugh carried across the snow as she watched him, then, gathering her courage and her heavy velvet skirt at the same time, she began to give chase.
Her pretty white boots were not made for snow, but the snow was fresh, and she had more strength as a High Fae than she ever did as a human. Still, she stumbled occasionally, but running kept her warm. Tamlin never ran as far away as he did the first time, and he often circled close enough that she could almost reach out and touch his fur… Almost.
Her laughter echoed through the snowy woods each time she came close enough to see the wicked green gleam in his eye, and his beastly grin told her that he was laughing, too. But he would not let himself be caught so easily. A distant part of her wondered if anyone in the Winter Court would notice their game and report back to their High Lord, but aside from a few startled birds, she saw no one, and she was grateful. Not because she was afraid of looking foolish, but because she didn’t want to share Tamlin with anyone else.
After several minutes of this, she paused to catch her breath in the middle of a clearing. She was too winded to call after him, so she dropped to her knees and watched as Tamlin zigzagged through the snow-laden pines, a golden blur in the gray mist. It didn’t take long for him to notice that she was no longer chasing him. He quickly circled back and padded to a standstill at the edge of the clearing.
“Do you give up?” he called out, breathing hard himself. Although his words could have been taken as a challenge, there was a cautious nature to his tone. This was just a game, after all.
She sniffed and wiggled her stiff, frozen nose as she pushed herself to her feet. “Not yet,” she called back, then, straightening up, she launched the snowball she had formed and hidden beneath her cloak. He was fast, but not fast enough. She was High Fae, too, after all. His green eyes widened just before the snowball struck his muzzle and spattered all over his beastly face.
He shook his head, but not in a pained way, then pawed at his muzzle to brush away the rest of the spatter.
That was all the distraction she needed.
“Oof!” he cried as she tackled him, throwing her arms around his furry neck. They fell into a great heap there in the snow, and she would have cried out “Victory!”, but she was laughing too hard.
It took her a moment to realize that he was laying beneath her, unmoving, and his stillness made her smile vanish. She pushed herself off of him, then leaned over him and touched his great furry shoulder. “Tam?” She swallowed hard, then gently shook him and said, “Tamlin… Are you all right? Did I hurt you?”
He didn’t answer, but opened one green eye before suddenly rolling onto his back and pulling her along, pulling her against him and trapping her with his massive paws.
“I’ve been slain,” he moaned as she giggled into his fur. “The High Lord has been slain! Who would have guessed his consort was capable of such treason?”
When she managed to stop laughing, she said, “Treason, indeed,” then lifted her head high enough to look into his eyes. He winked. She smiled and wiped away the last of the snow from his muzzle. “I thought it was rather clever.”
“Indeed, it was,” he agreed, then changed shape as he laid beneath her, shrinking back into his High Fae form. His heavy paws shrank into hands, and his antlers disappeared into his hairline. He was still wearing his green and gold finery, although he looked a little more tousled than before. More than that, he looked… happy. He brushed a melting tendril of hair from her cheek as he smiled up at her and murmured, “High Lady.”
Her breath caught. Unable to speak, she traced his jawline with her fingertips, then bent her head and kissed him. His fingers were welcome warmth as they threaded through her hair at the back of her neck, as he slowly and lingeringly kissed her back.
“Thank you,” she breathed when they parted.
His head fell back into the snow as he sighed, still smiling. “There’s no need to thank me,” he said, then huffed a laugh and touched the side of his nose where the snowball had struck him. “You earned it.”
She bit back a shy laugh. “I didn’t mean that,” she said, reaching up to rub that spot on his cheek. “I meant… Thank you for giving me another chance. For forgiving me at all.”
“There is nothing to forgive,” he assured her, covering her hand with his. “I did trick you, after all.”
She couldn’t help her smile. “So, you did. Was it worth it?”
“Without a doubt,” he said firmly, then sat up with her. “I haven’t had this much fun in years. Centuries, in fact.” He brushed off his sleeves and glanced around. “As much as I love Spring, there’s something to be said about getting away from it all, if only for a day.”
“That’s what I wanted for you,” she said eagerly, then blushed when he looked at her curiously. “I… I didn’t think you would agree if I asked you to come away, so… I suppose I tricked you, too.”
“You’ll have to trick me more often, then,” he said, nudging her playfully with his shoulder. “The Cauldron knows I needed it.”
She reached out and tucked a stray, wet strand of hair behind his arched, pointed ear, which was beginning to turn red in the cold. “Why Winter?” she asked him. “You could have taken me anywhere in Spring, yet you brought me here. Why?”
“Do you remember that painting you gave me?”
Her brow furrowed. Had he guessed that she had tried—and failed—to paint something for him for Solstice? She hadn’t enjoyed painting since—with a sudden gasp, she remembered. The painting of the frozen woods.
“I couldn’t take you over the Wall,” he explained with a sad smile. “I couldn’t risk you being seen in the mortal lands as High Fae, but… I wanted to show you those snowy woods. So, I brought you here, where I knew you’d be safe, because I wanted to remind you—just as you once reminded me—that you’re not alone.”
Tears pricked her eyes as he continued, “We’ve been through hell and back these last few months. We both have our bad days, even now, but… just like the frost at the edge of the forest, we can’t let them take over. We can’t let them win.”
She swiped away a stray tear and huffed a laugh, if only to keep from crying. “I didn’t think you noticed.”
“I always notice,” he said, taking her frigid hands in his. Her thin, velvet gloves were soaked in melting snow, but somehow his hands were as warm as sunshine cracking ice. He bent his head and breathed the warmth of Spring itself onto her hands. “I should have said something sooner, but I thought, with Ianthe there, you’d be all right.”
Feyre tried to hide her grimace. She couldn’t tell him that the High Priestess, who hadn’t even been there Under the Mountain, and who, with her effortless beauty and her ambition and her clever wit, made her feel lonelier than ever. Instead she murmured, “She’s not you.”
He said nothing, but released her hands to cup her neck and kiss her. It was a wonder the snow didn’t melt around them from the heat of his touch alone.
She sighed when they parted, and was glad when his hands didn’t leave her neck. She welcomed his warmth. She hadn’t realized how much she missed it, not when it was always Spring outside.
“Forgive me,” he whispered, rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs. “I couldn’t go to you when you needed me Under the Mountain, and I shouldn’t have continued to let someone else take my place at your side, even if it was temporary.”
Feyre winced at the memory. “I know you’re busy—”
“You’re a part of my Court, too,” he declared. “You shouldn��t have to bribe Lucien into taking over my duties just to see me once in a while. You’re my consort, and I love you.”
She smiled away her tears. “I love you, too,” she whispered. “But… I’m not your consort.”
His soft smile vanished until she reminded him, “I’m your High Lady, remember?”
He chuckled, then leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “Come along, then, my lady. Let’s get you out of the cold.”
He pulled away to take her hands and rose to a crouch to help her stand, but she pulled back on his hands and asked, “Where are we going?”
A sly smile touched his mouth. “I was going to take you home and bundle you in furs in front of the fire, and feed you chocolate torte and mulled wine, but… you’re my High Lady. Where would you like to go?”
It was a tempting offer, and one she would gladly accept that evening, but, at the moment, she had something else in mind. “We still have half the day to ourselves,” she reminded him with a smile. “You know Prythian best. Surprise me.”
He grinned. As he helped her to her feet, he said, “I know the perfect place.”
~ The End ~
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neptuneiris · 10 months
The way you wrote Cardigan has had been absolutely F R O T H I N G. I have gone FERAL rereading part 1 and 2, and just focusing on the extra angsty bits that take my breath away, to the point I have to step away and just let it sit in my system before going back to it. It just hurts soooo good, im in LOVE.
But I just want to take a moment and fan-girl over it and just go crazy because i am in love with the story and by extension you so you can totally ignore this message, but seriously, the effin’ nerve of Aemond!! His best friend!?!
When I step away to let the angsty bit settle into me I’ve been day dreaming what would Y/N do. What would *I* do in that situation? Granted, I’ve had some crappy friendships and relationships so I’m as petty as can be sometimes, but honestly, with age I’ve kind of calmed down? so i just imagine Y/N either handling it cool as a cucumber, not even acknowledging Aemond, not opening up, disappearing on him (like he’s been disappearing on their Friday night movie “not” date), forgetting dates and events—and then BOOM, he pulls another of his hardly home for the week and then when he gets home Y/N comes in afterwards and is all “oh, I didn’t think you’d be here…” and he’ll go all “I was hoping we could talk” AND BAM,
“SURE, BY THE WAY, I MOVED OUT.” AND THEN AEMOND WILL BE ALL SHOCKED BUT THEN Y/N WOULD be all “sorry, I have plans with my *friends* I gotta head home.” AND AEMOND WILL BE CRESTFALLEN LIKE “I thought this was your home…”
GOD, and then at some point Y/N has to introduce Aemond to one of her new friends or something, and he’s about to say he’s their best-friend only for Y/N to pull out the “he’s an old classmate/my old roommate”
Okay, that was it for now. Your story is amazing, I’m so excited for part 3, and in the meantime while you work that magnificent brain I’m going to be ✨daydreaming✨ the heck outta your story
omg everything you said just makes me think about how much you liked the story and seriously thank you very much🥺❤ you even gave me an idea for a specific scene that you will read very soon, thank you for that too❣ and your comment really makes me very happy, i read it and i thought: wow they really liked the story and also my writing that even though english is not my first language, i do a good job so you can read the story and it's understandable. seriously thank you very much and in fact I will post part 3 on Wednesday, but in case I get ahead, although I make no promises, then tomorrow but if I am late because of college, Thursday at the latest so wait for it😊 even I can't wait to read your opinion about the last part🥰
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
In which I can't sleep at 5am and look for figures on ebay.
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This Luffy is the state of my mental health
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Man I miss the preskip StrawHat pirates
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It's the uwu Shanks for me
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Jesus fucking heck, this Croc. Life if suffering with Franky in the background not feeling very super about things.
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This Nami reminds me of those bootleg as fuck badly painted and badly aged horses on janky carousels from the late 80s
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Not too bad but like, imagine looking over at her and she's always making eye contact with you no matter where you are in the room.
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Screaming and crying. These are so cursed. They look like in horror movies where its a still image and suddenly their attention whips to you in a single still.
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Kizaru looks like he farted and is trying not to laugh about it. Or he looks like Ali G
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dreaming-for-an-escape · 11 months
Adrian & Alys ;)
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@wolfanddragon98​ You asked for this, and here it is.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) 
Usually after sex Alys holds Adrian, and she’d run her hands through her hair while she either hums or sings her a soft tune. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think it goes without saying that Alys’ favorite body part of Adrian’s is her long legs. Adrian on the other hand loves Alys’ emerald eyes because they resemble her dragon’s, but also her breasts. They’re as soft as pillows. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) 
From the Her Darling drabble it’s made clear that Alys enjoys eating Adrian’s cum. In return Adrian also swallows Alys’ release whenever she returns the favor. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Hmm, I’d say a dirty secret of Adrian would be the kind of dreams she’s going to have of Alys before finally sleeping with her xD Our girl was frustrated, even with how often Aemond bedded her. It didn't help much with how she lusted for our milf witch. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) 
Between the two of them Alys has more experience. The only other person Adrian had been with was Aemond, and well, we already know how their relationship is like. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) 
I’m just gonna add a visual down below. Now just imagine Adrian and Alys doing this...whew. 
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G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) 
I wouldn’t say they’re super goofy, but they are soft with one another, especially at the beginning. Even when it gets intense the words exchanged are on the soft side. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) 
Both Adrian and Alys are well groomed. Even when in a different world Adrian takes care of herself down there. She’s into hygiene. I refuse to believe she wouldn’t be clean down below. 
And yes...the carpets do match the drapes for both as well. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
FUCK, when they’re intimate they are real soft but Alys knows how to bring in the intensity. Like sometimes our milf witch has Adrian orgasming for hours with only a bit of time for rest. Or for as long as she can before Aemond comes back. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) 
Adrian masturbated to the thought of Alys before sleeping with her. 
There will be a scene of that in the main story later on ;)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Hair pulling. Alys loves it when Adrian has her hands in her hair, pulling on it when she’s tasting her ;)
Adrian becomes a blushing mess when Alys throw her compliments when in between her thighs. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) 
Well, Adrian’s bedroom is there main place to do it. Alys in particular takes joy bedding Adrian on her marriage bed. It gives her pleasure that Aemond has no clue about their coupling. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) 
The better question is what about Adrian doesn’t turn Alys on? 
And the same could be said to Adrian about Alys. 
Alys’ emerald eyes has Adrian blushing. They give off a ‘fuck me’ vibe xD
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) 
The major nos that I can come up with is choking, degrading, and spitting (EW). 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) 
Alys LOVES giving Adrian head. I think it perhaps has to do with how Adrian uh...orgasms. If you know you know.... *watergardens* 
Adrian does return the favor but Alys would rather she stay her pillow princess. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) 
For the most part (with exceptions) it’s more on slow and sensual side, with Alys only going faster and rough if Adrian asks her to...(or more like begs her too). 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) 
Sometimes they don’t get to have the long lovemaking session because of Aemond, so Adrian and Alys have to settle with a quickie. On those occasions Adrian does ask Alys to go as fast as she can. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) 
All I am saying is that even in Westeros there are sex toys...so...
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) 
Adrian is in her twenties, and Alys is a milf witch. I don’t want anyone thinking just because of her age she can’t go more than a few rounds. Believe me...she can and will. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) 
As as I said...Westeros has sex toys. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) 
Alys loves to tease Adrian, though she does it gently. Which Adrian actually likes more than she wants to admit. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) 
Their relationship is a secret one. So Adrian tries to be quiet but damn, it’s hard when Alys has her underneath. But Alys unlike Adrian doesn’t hold back her moans. As she’s told Adrian, she’s taken care of the volume issue ;)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) 
I just had a crazy image of Alys eating fruit off of her Adrian.
So yeah....let’s make that happen. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) 
We have Alys, with her womanly body and Adrian, who although pregnant, is a stunning woman. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) 
Ahh, pretty fuckin’ high. More so for Adrian because she is suffering those pregnancy hormones. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I think it’s safe to say that it’s Adrian who would fall asleep first. How can she not when Alys has her safe in her arms, running her hands through her hair as she sings softly to her. 
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Just for fun, imagine this as the cast/contestants of an American adaptation of “Physical 100”:
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, actor/former pro wrestler
Martin Sensmeier, actor/model
Jason Momoa, actor
Adam Driver, actor/former U.S. Marine
Brie Larson, actress
Brandon Curry, bodybuilder
Christian Guzman, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Bradley Martin, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Kali Muscle, bodybuilder/actor/YouTuber
Nonito Donaire, boxer
Deontay Wilder, boxer
Mary McGee, boxer
Andre Ward, boxer (retired)
Lauren Taylor, CrossFit
Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL
Cydney Gillon, IFBB professional figure and fitness competitor
Renee Enos, influencer/bodybuilder
Massy Arias, influencer/health and fitness coach
Jen Selter, influencer/fitness model
Lauren Drain, influencer/fitness model
Logan Paul, influencer/WWE wrestler
Jake Paul, influencer/boxer
Mike Trout, MLB
Bryce Harper, MLB
Mark Kolozsvary, MLB
Jesus Ferreira, MLS
Zach LaVine, NBA
Steph Curry, NBA
Seth Curry, NBA
Jimmy Butler, NBA
Jordan Clarkson, NBA
Jeremy Lin, NBA/PLG
Shaquille O’Neal, NBA (retired)
Brock Purdy, NFL
Patrick Mahomes, NFL
Jimmy Garoppolo (“Jimmy G”), NFL
Jalen Hurts, NFL
Joe Burrow, NFL
Josh Allen, NFL
Tyreek Hill, NFL
Phil Kessel, NHL
Becky Sauerbrunn, NWSL
Ariel Torres, Olympic bronze medalist in karate
Nevin Harrison, Olympic gold medalist in canoeing
Jennifer Valente, Olympic gold medalist in cycling
Andrew Capobianco, Olympic gold medalist in diving
Nathan Chen, Olympic gold medalist in figure skating
Alex Hall, Olympic gold medalist in freestyle skiing
Simone Biles, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Aly Raisman, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Gabby Douglas, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Sunisa “Suni” Lee, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Lindsey Vonn, Olympic gold medalist in skiing
Chloe Kim, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Nick Baumgartner, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Katie Ledecky, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Nathan Adrian, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Michael Cherry, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Rai Benjamin, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Athing Mu, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Katie Moon, Olympic gold medalist in track and field (pole vault)
David Taylor, Olympic gold medalist in wrestling
Nyjah Huston, professional skateboarder
Matt Ladley, professional snowboarder
Mia Fishel, professional soccer player (Tigres UANL Femenil)
Brian Shaw, professional strongman
Jerry Pritchett, professional strongman
Dom Gabriel (“Dom Cruise”), reality TV star (The Mole/Perfect Match)
Joey Sasso, reality TV star (The Circle/Perfect Match)
Kolohe Andino, surfer
Gemma Nguyen, stunt performer/martial artist (see: Gamology)
Noah Fleder, stunt performer (see: Gamology)
Vincent Bouillon, stunt performer (see: John Wick Chapter 4)
Chris Brewster, stunt performer (see: Daredevil)
Lateef Crowder dos Santos, stunt performer (see: The Mandalorian)
Danica Goodheart, U.S. Army veterinarian and NPC Figure competitor
Colby Covington, UFC
Julianna Peña, UFC
Stipe Miocic, UFC
Dustin Jacoby, UFC
Kelvin Gastelum, UFC
Beneil Dariush, UFC
Max Holloway, UFC
Cub Swanson, UFC
Matt Schnell, UFC
Tatiana Suarez, UFC
Rose Namajunas, UFC
Holly Holm, UFC
Breanna Stewart, WNBA
Candace Parker, WNBA
Roman Reigns, WWE
Dolph Ziggler, WWE
Alexa Bliss, WWE
Cody Rhodes, WWE
Ronda Rousey, WWE/former MMA fighter
Brock Lesnar, WWE/former MMA fighter
Mikhail Varshavski (“Dr. Mike”), YouTuber and amateur boxer
Cassey Ho (“Blogilates”), YouTuber
Adrienne Mishler (“Yoga with Adrienne”), YouTuber
Jeff Cavaliere (“ATHLEAN-X”), YouTuber/bodybuilder
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bound-up-feelings · 1 year
watching a horror movie with jean / ali g / bruno HAHHAAHA idk which character would make for a funnier or better fic hehehehe so u can decideeee ^^
He actually is not that scared of horror films
He does get grossed out by all the gory stuff but paranormal and demon based movies, loves it
But lord, don't let him watch Hellraiser or The Thing. He will literally leave the building, no, not the room that's still to close for comfort
Does like the moves The conjuring, Insidious, Sinister, mainly movies that have some type of demon shit going on
Will go the whole nine yards and get popcorn, chocolate, soda, and anything and everything for a horror movie marathon
Go big or go home baby, he's all in
He's not much into horror films but watches them anyway cause he loves you
But the best part is he doesn't do jumpscares
He cannot do them, he jokes through the whole movie and makes jokes but the second he's not paying attention somehow the movie knows and will fuck him up
Also, he doesn't like the movie Saw
Can't do the whole torture and broken bones stuff
Mainly, the broken bone stuff he hates that
Makes him nauseous as hell and would most likely leave the room to go straight to the bathroom
His favorite movie is scream
Simple easy and he's not one for the big jumpscares and knows that it doesn't have very many, and he can handle it
He does finger guns at the screen and will say how Sydney should have had a gun on her and will shake his head like he's disappointed that a high-school 17-18 year old doesn't have a hand gun
Don't let him around your nieces or nephews he's a great guy but a horrible influence
He doesn't do them at all
Will hide his face on your shoulder and cover his face with his hands/blanket
He'll let you put the movie in but will get three seconds into a scary part, and he will be covered up and doing something else entirely
But I swear if you have him watch a movie where there is a bittersweet happy ending like in Come Play, he will cry
He doesn't like to cry but will cry
That's his favorite movie out of all of them. Despite the scary parts and stuff that had him hiding through almost the whole movie, his favorite is the ending
The whole way through, he will hold your hand and lean his head onto you, and its sweet
Until you put in a really scary movie and he is back to square one
You love it, though
You really shouldn't torture him like this, but he knows you think it's funny, and so he'll keep doing it, but he'll never tell you that
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wqbytop150 · 2 days
Top150 for the week ending April. 28, 2024
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -1
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -2
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -9
Sleep Tonight (This is the Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -4
Kissing Strangers --USHER -13
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -10
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias' -21
Make Me Your Mrs. --Mae Stephens -6
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury f/Charlieonafriday -3
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -5
Before You Go --Seeb -8
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -7
Low Again --Bakermat -12
Without You ---Disco Fries, Lavish Life -18
Beat of your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -20
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -17
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -15
Monster --A7S, ALOK -11
Lonely Dancers --Conan Gray -16
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -47
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -14
Hell Together --David Archuleta -25
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -26
Slide Out --Life on Planets -19
She's on my Mind --Romy -22
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -24
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -27
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -23
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -31
Anyone --Morgan Page -30
Electricity --FAST BOY, R3HAB -32
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -34
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -35
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -36
Houdini --Dua Lipa -28
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -38
Dirty Desire --Vicetone -29
Triumph --Bishop Briggs -40
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -37
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -44
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -46
Weak --Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -33
Shipwreck --Mount Kimble -43
Murder on the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -45
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -39
Loose Ends ---Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -52
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -66
Everyone Know I'm High --SHAED -48
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -49
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -50
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight feat/Frank Moody -70
<>Public --Mike. -(re-entry)
<>What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best --Iamnotshane, EMME -(re-entry)
Soultrain --Triplism, Nandu, Radeckt -76
Good For You --Dimtri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -122
In Your Arms --Jess Bays, Jem Cooke -74
<>Lead Me On --Fletcher -(re-entry)
Come With Me --Claptone -91
You Know It --Gorgon City -61
Underwater --Dubvision, Afrojack -60
Give Me --Will Clarke, BURNS -41
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -42
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)i-DLE -51
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -96
***Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -(new)
Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -51
***Enhancer --Northeast Party House _(new)
***Karma --JoJo Siwa -(new)
Business As Usual --Eliza Rose, MJ Cole (Night Shift Mix) -101
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -54
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -80
Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -107
Count Me Out --Vicetone -73
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botin -74
***Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -(new)
Bad Blood--Theresa Rex -72
Out Loud --Cage the Elephant -77
Lose Control --Teddy Swims -78
Yes, And? --Ariana Grande -69
Mine --Micheal Gerow -111
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -57
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -58
Some Kind Of Static --Neil Francis, Alan Braxe -63
Keep Your Head Up --We Are Messengers -113
I Hate You In The Morning --Otha -114
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -108
In The Cards --Jamie Miller -118
Lil Freak --bbno$ -104
***Buscando Money --TWENTY-Six, Tayson Kryss -(new)
The Weekend --Anti-Up -106
***Undone --Forest Blakk -(new)
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzeer -87
***Eat the Bass --John Summit -(new)
20 Something --Jessica Baio -103
Sweet Love --Myles Smith -112
Me Voy Acostumbrando --Enrique Iglesias -86
***Wish I Never Felt --Nate Smith -(new)
***Yellow --Jxdn -(new)
Can't Stop Us --Regard -71
I Got Time --Brittney Spencer -64
Human Nature --Yot Club -115
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada -55
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -56
Graveyard --A R I Z O N A (Shoffy Remix) -59
Texas Hold 'Em --Beyonce -60
Kill Anyone --Two Feet, Ari Abdul -61
It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -62
Me Before You --Bleachers -68
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -88
Regret the Morning --SILK, Mali-Koa -89
Love Me --INNA -90
Everything You Do --AFROKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -92
One On One --The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -82
All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -81
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -83
Flex --Tony Dark Eyes -84
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE, ALWZ SNNY, Robbie Rosen -85
ADHD --Mae Stephens -93
Kiss Me Better --Julie Bergan -116
Say It Right --Dubdogs, Farfetch'd -117
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -102
Without Your Love --Deorro, TELYKAST, Catello -123
Can i Have This Groove --Kenyon Dixon -124
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -125
Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -126
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -127
Dreams --Ali Farben, Maurice Lessing, Emma Wells -110
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -105
Beautiful Things --Benson Boone -94
Rusty --Layto -95
Progressive Heart --Pat Premier (Dave Aude Remix) -97
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -99
Dizzy --Sick Individuals, LOUI LANE -100
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -98
Cutting Through The Country --Medium Build -109
She --Karin Ann (Benny Benassi Remix) -119
Fire In My Soul --Yulia Niko, Carn Crua -120
Need Your Love --Ikay Sencan, KALUMA, Adam Woods -121
Next Years Light --Elliot Moss -128
Life Goes On --HU -130
Premedicated --FETISH -131
Good In Goodbye --Frank Walker, Trivecta -129
Broken By You --Alexander Stewart -132
Never Be Lonely --Jax Jones, Zoe Wees -135
Gravity --Matt Hansen -138
More Baby --Chris Lake, Aluna -134
Body Moving --Eliza Rose X Calvin Harris -145
***Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue -(new)
***Whatever --KYGO feat/Ava Max -(new)
***Better Me --Michael Schulte, R3HAB -(new)
***12 new on the chart this week and <> 3 re-entries <>#52 Pubic <>#53 What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best <>#57 Lead Me On #65 Fallin Luv #67 Enhancer #68 Karma #75 Eyes Closed #89 Buscando Money #91 Undone #93 Eat the Bass #97 Wish I Never Felt #98 Yellow #148 Dance Alone #149 Whatever #150 Better Me
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babyawacs · 4 days
#utmost #vogelfrei #palletten #how #s #criminalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystems #s #thetruth #sfraudwes t #sgerman #yoursystem #experiments #utmosttheycouldtheydid untiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them clown #necessity #preci seconsequence #precision #intelrule #pornedtoddler #russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheys hxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bil d @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@ha mburg @muenchen @stuttgart #basics_and_necessities #ommelett e #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default  #fourhemispheres #itisgermany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judg e #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideou s_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyers pin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis .@law @law @harvard_law @all @bbc_whys @world lawyers banks insurances there is n o goodintent or mercy by germans usually the utmost they cou ld they did until they couldnt allthat map their crimes witnessprotect but sero tolerance with the facts each deed a german crime the utmost they could they did govt caused sys temcaused unpunished repetition until they couldnt as us pro tege and daytime separation they did a n y monstrosity andra pe and harm they gotaway with and with any alibi that was good enough for rightnow any framing anytrick any harm theutmos t they evercouldthey did until they couldnt onmymother too t o d a y they frame their victimblame twist trickery an d allthey want as any ambiguity of all them quell allalong in cluding any shitball they imagined during their crimes /// mercyalways moreprevention serotolerance with the facts witn essprotect misguided too misguided minors will pingpong the framing ofgerman crimes as true then how they frame and not un derstanding each deed a german crime whosthevictim who rul ed their dumpster with criminal intel control methods crimin al governance criminal securitypolicy all in efforts as ene my of state harm targetted individual extra medivalfreeforall vogelfrei //// ihad luck with goodpeople and bravepeople c heckif 2011pm was throat harm repair personsofinterest evenmo remykids thinktopic experiment drugs ofgermans p a l e t t e s palletten was theword a pharma technical word german palett en of experiment drugs damaged something not too visible that. p l u s intelcoma made r epetition effects ihadluck with good people that repaired wh at germans committed crimes and me as zombi not even know t o d a y they refreame it as: //// getting someone clueless o nase is a blessing and a curse usually ononehand they disp lace the murderous scums and intensity whenallmust play nothi nghappened then t h a t guy ontheotherhand they shuffle them until something sticks and noone says what whobefore hadto overlook that newclown imminen tly but this changed to all actors from courts to intel h e e n d a n g e rs security charging what we do tohim quel l it find something nut it criminalise it quellit sssexxxfool it something anything there on the shuffle brainmelt ali bis tobrainmelt and drug whatthey want that is thenone tric k until they must sth else //// while their crimes are goo d selfevidence of being an inert zombi as precondition from howthey get to the zombi and prepare and return and do whattthey do tothe civillians th anks to govt intel drugs this doesnot keepthem to later refr ame their crimes allthey want whatthey imagined during may be interesting but seriously serotolerance withthe facts wit nessprotect misguided too and mercyalways but thatdoesnot me an their twist is correct itmeans they map yet another germa n trick assumption during their govt caused crimes with in ert zombi as precondition each
#utmost #vogelfrei #paletten #how #s #criminalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystem #s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experimental #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them #clown #necessity #preciseconsequence #precision #intelrule #pornedtoddler #russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually #basics_and_necessities…
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Digital Activism: Social Media Vigilance and Fake News
In today's world, it is extremely important to be vigilant online, not only due to the Filter Bubble that I've previously written about within this blog but also because there has been a surge in the idea of 'Social Media Surveillance'. If we choose to remain vigilant within the digital world, we can become far more mindful in regard to the content we consume, and we can critically evaluate the sources of information being presented to us.
Traditionally, the idea of surveillance was linked to the idea of governments of corporations, who arguably, wanted to control society. "Yet with the proliferation of technologies that enable—and, significantly, encourage—the broadcast of personal information to networked audiences" (Duffy and Chan, 2018), it has become our own selves who either place surveillance on others, or others place surveillance onto us.
Fake News:
How can someone stay vigilant online? It''s a question which can provide a multitude of answers, but, there is one topic I want to focus on, and that's the idea of 'fake news'.
A definition: "news content published on the internet that aesthetically resembles actual legitimate mainstream news content, but that is fabricated or extremely inaccurate. Also referred to as false, junk, or fabricated news" (Pennycook and Rand, 2021).
Due to the, "increasing popularity of online social media, the Internet becomes an ideal breeding ground for spreading fake news, such as misleading information, fake reviews, fake advertisements, rumors, fake political statements, satires, and so on" (Zhang and Ghorbani, 2020), this idea reflects what I mentioned earlier that, the Internet, specifically social media, has allowed for fake news to have the same visibility as credible news sources. Meaning that, it is becoming more difficult to pick apart the fact from the fiction. "Now fake news is more popular and widely spread through social media than mainstream media" (Zhang and Ghorbani, 2020).
Duffy, B.E. and Chan, N.K. (2018). ‘You never really know who’s looking’: Imagined surveillance across social media platforms. New Media & Society, [online] 21(1), pp.119–138. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444818791318.
Pennycook, G. and Rand, D.G. (2021). The psychology of fake news. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, [online] 25(5), pp.388–402. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2021.02.007.
Zhang, Xichen, and Ali Ghorbani. “An Overview of Online Fake News: Characterization, Detection, and Discussion.” Information Processing and Management, vol. 57, no. 2, 20 Mar. 2020, pp. 1–26, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306457318306794, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2019.03.004. Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.
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alfarrabiosdaalma · 5 months
Casablanca: um olhar profundo sobre o filme
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Imagine se você estivesse vivendo em um período de guerra mundial. Se tivesse que escolher entre salvar sua vida e a vida de alguém que você ama muito, o que você faria? Este é o drama vivido pelo personagem Rick, do filme Casablanca! Sejam bem vindos à série Filmes de Todos os Tempos do canal Alfarrábios da Alma. Aqui eu conto um pouco sobre o filme, para você que ainda não assistiu, sem spoiler. E depois, teço alguns comentários mais profundos sobre o filme, do ponto de vista do autoconhecimento, do desenvolvimento pessoal e da espiritualidade, com um pouco de spoiler. Então, vamos pra telinha!
Resumo do Filme
O filme Casablanca é um dos mais importantes e conhecidos filmes de Hollywood (Hollywood – Wikipédia, a Enciclopédia Livre, 2023), lançado durante a Segunda Guerra, em 1942 e tratando do tema da guerra.  No drama envolvente, Rick se vê dividido entre seu amor por Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman) e seu senso de dever para com a causa aliada. O filme foi dirigido pelo austro-húngaro Michael Curtiz (Michael Curtiz – Wikipédia, a Enciclopédia Livre, 2023), que fez vários outros filmes importantes nos idos de 1940, tais como As aventuras de Robin Hood, Elvis Presley e Balada Sangrenta, além de diversos filmes de um ator muito famoso na época, chamado Errol Flynn (Casablanca (Filme) – Wikipédia, a Enciclopédia Livre, 2023). A história do filme foi uma adaptação da peça de teatro “Everybody Comes to Rick's” (Everybody Comes to Rick's, 2019), que em português seria “Todo mundo vem para o Rick”, uma peça não produzida, portanto só um esboço escrito por Murray Bennett e Joan Alison. Os autores, ilustres desconhecidos na época, viveram uma história verídica algo semelhante à história do filme e se baseiam nessa história para escrever a peça. Estrelado por Humphrey Bogart e Ingrid Bergman, o filme conta a história de Rick Blaine, papel de Humphrey Bogart, proprietário do café do Rick, em Casablanca, uma cidade do Marrocos, na costa atlântica do norte da África (Casablanca – Wikipédia, a Enciclopédia Livre, 2023), que estava sob o domínio da França de Vichy e, consequentemente da Alemanha, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Rick se vê dividido entre seu amor pela ex-namorada Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman) e seu senso de dever para com a causa aliada. Rick tem como amigo e como pianista de seu bar o saudoso Sam, interpretado por Dooley Wilson (Dooley Wilson – Wikipédia, a Enciclopédia Livre, 2023), que toca a música imortalizada pelo filme “As Time Goes By”. Na peça original, baseada em alguns fatos vividos pelos escritores, eles encontraram de fato, na França, um pianista negro tocava jazz para uma multidão de franceses, nazistas e refugiados. Uma informação interessante é que o piano em que Sam toca "As Time Goes By" no filme foi leiloado, em novembro de 2014, por 2,9 milhões de dólares em Nova Iorque (As Time Goes By – Wikipédia, a Enciclopédia Livre, 2023). O filme foi produzido em 4 meses, de maio a agosto de 1942, e teve um custo de US$1.039.000 (Um milhão e trinta e nove mil dólares), tendo sido lançado em  novembro do mesmo ano. O filme foi indicado a 8 oscars, tendo recebido de fato 3 oscars:  - o de melhor filme, pela Warner Bros. tendo Hal B. Wallis como produtor; - o de melhor direção, por Michael Curtiz - o de melhor roteiro adaptado, por Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein e Howard Koch O filme também é considerado um clássico do cinema noir e um dos melhores filmes de amor já produzidos.
Um Olhar Profundo (Início do Spoiler)
Rick é um americano que vive em Casablanca desde que foi forçado a fugir dos Estados Unidos por causa de suas atividades antifascistas. Ele é dono do Rick's Café Américain, que é uma casa noturna frequentada por todo tipo de pessoa, incluindo refugiados e nazistas. A característica principal do bar de Rick é justamente a liberdade e a diversidade de pessoas que ali frequentam, desde que não provoquem brigas, nem confusões, as quais o Ricky reprime sem pena. Um dia, Rick recebe a visita de Ilsa Lund, uma mulher por quem ele foi apaixonado no passado, quando vivia em Paris. Ilsa é casada com Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid), que é um líder da resistência tcheca que está sendo perseguido pelos nazistas. O casal precisa escapar de Casablanca e ir para o Estados Unidos, onde Lazlo poderá continuar sua luta contra o regime nazista. Existem 2 salvos-condutos que desapareceram, que são um misto de passaporte com visto de entrada num país, com validade determinada, mas ninguém sabe com quem estão. Estes documentos poderiam ser a chance de Lazlo e Ilsa saírem de Casablanca para os Estados Unidos. Será que os salvos-condutos estão nas mãos do Ricky? Estando ou não, Rick está relutante em ajudar Ilsa, pois ainda está magoado por ela o deixar esperando em uma estação de trem em Paris. Mas ele não sabe o porquê de Ilsa ter agido dessa forma (00:46). Ilsa procura por Ricky e pede ajuda para sair do país e ele concorda em ajudar. Ilsa imagina que ele tem os salvos-condutos e que eles irão fugir juntos, inclusive porque o próprio marido Lazlo aprova que ela vá embora sem ele. Mas Ilsa não concorda com isso. Ilsa acaba explicando a Rick que ela já era casada com Lazlo na época de Paris em que tiveram um caso. No entanto, não pode contar isso a Ricky, porque o próprio Lazlo não queria que ninguém soubesse que eles eram casados, para garantir a segurança dela. (01:21:00) Além disso, nessa mesma época, o marido havia sido capturado e jogado em um campo de concentração, de modo que Ilsa acreditava que o marido estivesse morto. Qual não foi sua surpresa quando o marido retornou vivo, logo depois de ela ter o caso com Ricky. Após as justificativas de Ilsa, Rick decide ajudá-la e prepara um plano de fuga, usando os dois salvos-condutos. Ilsa imagina que os documentos serão para ela e para o Ricky, porém Ilsa e Lazlo acompanham Rick ao aeroporto, junto com o chefe de polícia, estando este sob a mira de um revólver apontado por Rick.  Nesse momento, Rick precisa fazer uma escolha: renunciar ao seu amor por Ilsa e ajudá-la a escapar com seu marido, ou escapar com ela de Casablanca, deixando Lazlo para trás. No final, Rick decide ajudar Ilsa e Laszlo a escaparem.  Ilsa fica inconformada, mas Rick explica que ela tem um importante papel na vida de Lazlo e que Lazlo tem um papel importante como revolucionario contra o regime nazista, de modo que eles devem continuar sua missão nos Estados Unidos. Ou seja, Rick abdica de seu amor e coloca sua vida pessoal em segundo plano, em prol do bem comum, da luta por um ideal de justiça e humanidade. Em termos de autoconhecimento e espiritualidade, o filme ensina sobre o amor, o sacrifício e o senso de dever. A pessoa que ama e é abandonada, em primeiro lugar, ela tem a sensação de que não foi amada. No caso do Rick, ele e Ilsa combinaram de fugir juntos de Paris, para viverem juntos em uma outra realidade. Mas Ilsa deixa ele esperando na estação de trem com Sam e isso faz com que ele fique com ódio dela. E que tipo de amor é esse que se transforma em ódio? Esse é o amor condicional, é o amor egoísta. Porque a pessoa que tem amor no coração, ela vai compreender o outro e continuar amando.  Mas com o passar do filme, nós percebemos que aquele ódio que Rick sente pela Ilsa é algo superficial. Mas que nas profundezas do seu coração, ele continua sentindo amor. E em que momento temos certeza de que aquele amor que o Rick começou a sentir em Paris continua sendo o mesmo amor e que é verdadeiro? No momento em que ele salva a Ilza e o marido Lazlo, dando a eles os salvos-condutos.  Além disso, ele também mostra a sua nobreza de espírito, salvando o Lazlo, que é alguém que se dedica quase integralmente às causas aliadas, que seria o bem comum. Ou seja, ele abdicou de sua amada e abdicou de sua própria segurança, ficando em Casablanca, em prol de manter a vida de uma pessoa que luta pelo bem comum, que é Lazlo, e em prol da sua parceira, que é o combustível de Lazlo para continuar lutando pela causa. Se ele fosse um egoísta, ele certamente não teria a nobreza de dar o salvo-conduto ao Lazlo, marido da sua amada e teria ele mesmo ido com ela, deixando Lazlo em Casablanca sozinho, só esperando a morte. Se você se lembrar de uma conversa entre o marechal alemão e a Ilsa, o marechal disse para ela que Lazlo só tinha duas alternativas: a primeira opção era um salvo-conduto que o marechal daria ao Lazlo para que retornasse à França de Vichy, ou seja, uma opção péssima, porque a França de Vichy estava sob o domínio da Alemanha. E a segunda opção era a morte dele em Casablanca. (procurar trecho no filme) Veja que situação difícil: coloque-se no lugar do Rick. Se você estivesse em meio a uma guerra mundial e tivesse se apaixonado por uma pessoa casada. Se essa pessoa vem até você pedir sua ajuda para manter a vida do seu parceiro ou parceira, o que você faria? Você ajudaria essa pessoa que você ama? Você se aproveitaria da situação para eliminar o parceiro ou parceira dessa pessoa que você ama, para poder ficar com ela? Você não ajudaria simplesmente? Deixaria a pessoa sem ajuda, mesmo você tendo as condições para ajudar?  Vamos complicar um pouco mais a situação? Vamos supor que esse parceiro ou parceira da pessoa que você ama fosse alguém importante para muitas pessoas? Fosse alguém crucial para ajudar a resolver um problema grande, relativo a uma cidade ou país?  Vamos supor que essa pessoa fosse um revolucionário, capaz de mudar o mundo? Uma pessoa que, de alguma forma, tivesse o poder de uma mudança substancial para o bem, que fosse em uma pequena parte do mundo? E vamos supor que você não tem esse poder. Você permitiria que essa pessoa fosse salva no seu lugar, como fez o Rick? Aí é que está a diferença entre o egoísta e o virtuoso. O egoísta vai salvar a si mesmo e, talvez, a pessoa por quem ele é apaixonado. O virtuoso vai pesar a situação e tentar alguma solução em que ele possa se salvar, porque nenhuma vida é dispensável, muito menos a sua, e possa salvar também aquela pessoa que pode salvar o mundo. E não simplesmente deixar que essa pessoa morra, por ser alguém que ganhou uma competição de amor, ficando com a mulher que ele ama. Foi isso que o Rick fez: salvou alguém com quem ele competiu e perdeu, de certa forma. Mas ele fez isso porque sabia de suas próprias capacidades. Se você se lembrar, o Rick já era uma pessoa que vivia bem, ali em Casablanca.  Ele também já era capaz de viver sem a sua amada Ilsa, porque já tinha aprendido a lidar com isso, com a solidão, com a tristeza. E ele conseguiu sobreviver e lutar pela sua própria vida em Casablanca, chegando a ser o dono de um bar que recebia todo tipo de pessoa, de qualquer nacionalidade, de qualquer corrente política. O Rick é uma pessoa admirável, no sentido de que aprendeu a lidar com as situações mais adversas, mesmo tendo se tornado um pouco rígido e duro, no fundo, ele é um sentimental, ele ajuda as pessoas que precisam. Mesmo que inicialmente ele demonstre um certo desprezo pela generosidade e até chegue a ser rude com as pessoas que pedem ajuda, ele sempre acaba ajudando a pessoa. Vejam o exemplo da moça que nem mesmo pediu ajuda a ele, apenas fez uma pergunta sobre o Capitão Renault (1:06:08). Mesmo assim, o Rick deu uma ajudinha para o marido da moça ganhar na roleta para ter o dinheiro dos vistos para a América. O Rick deixa claro em várias situações que ele é um egoísta durão. Mas nas suas atitudes, ele também mostra que tem um coração. Ou seja, ele é durão o bastante para se manter em Casablanca, um lugar cheio de surpresas e conflitos, onde passam estrangeiros de todo mundo, já que a cidade é o maior porto da África, e, na época, era considerado um centro de luta de poder entre potências inimigas europeias, que são França e Alemanha. Embora Casablanca estivesse sob o domínio francês, já que Marrocos só se tornou independente em 1956, temos que nos lembrar que, em 1942, em plena Segunda Guerra, parte da França estava sob o domínio da Alemanha.  Rick sabe que é um pouco egoísta e por isso não se colocaria no lugar do Sr. Lazlo, que deu a vida pela revolução. Ele sabia que Lazlo era a pessoa capaz de fazer o sacrifício necessário por uma grande causa. E também sabia que o que dava força para que o Lazlo fizesse tal sacrifício, era justamente o amor que ele sentia pela Ilsa. Assim, Rick também sabia que, se ele tirasse a Ilsa de Lazlo, ele não teria mais a mesma força para continuar suas batalhas. A história de Rick, Ilsa e Lazlo lembra um pouco a história do Rei Arthur, Guinevere e Lancelot. O Rei Arthur seria equivalente a Lazlo. Guinevere seria Ilsa e Rick seria Lancelot. A história conta que o Rei Arthur, em seu papel de rei e, portanto, regente do povo, era casado com a Guinevere, que também era muito respeitosa com Arthur, assim como Ilsa, porém não era propriamente apaixonada por ele.  Então, Guinevere conhece Lancelot em uma viagem em que este vai escoltá-la para se casar com Arthur. Assim, os dois se apaixonam, da mesma forma que Rick e Ilsa se apaixonam em Paris. Eles acabam tendo um caso e Ilsa trai o marido, assim como Guinevere traiu Arthur com Lancelot.  A diferença é que o final da história de Rick é mais feliz que o destino de Lancelot, que acaba sendo enfeitiçado por Elaine, a prima de Guinevere, que se passa por Guinevere e tem um filho com ele. Por causa disso, Lancelot é expulso do reino pela Guinevere e enlouquece, enquanto Rick, ao contrário, fica bem consigo mesmo em Casablanca. Assim, fica claro que Rick já desenvolveu seu espírito um pouco além do seu ego, sendo uma pessoa capaz de enfrentar a solidão, na forma de solitude; sendo capaz de abdicar do seu amor, na forma de compaixão; sendo capaz de viver com alegria e generosidade em seu bar tão amigo da diversidade! Bem, espero que essas reflexões te ajudem a ter um olhar profundo sobre o filme Casablanca! Se você já assistiu, que tal assistir de novo com essa nova perspectiva? Se não assistiu ainda, pegue a sua pipoca, e bota pra estourar!  Read the full article
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risingpakistan1947 · 5 months
The Enchanting Tales of the top 10 coldest places in Pakistan
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As the winter chill sets in and people bundle up in their warmest coats, spare a thought for those living in the coldest places of Pakistan. Nestled amidst towering mountains and icy winds, these regions experience extreme temperatures that most can only imagine. From the frosty peaks of Skardu to the freezing valleys of Hunza, these areas are not for the faint-hearted. In this article, we will explore the coldest places in Pakistan, revealing their breathtaking beauty and unforgiving climate. Step into a land where winters are more than just snowflakes gently falling from the sky, they're bone-chilling gusts that freeze your soul. Welcome to Pakistan's coldest corners - places that defy ordinary notions of coldness with their mind-numbing temperatures and harsh conditions. Here, survival is an art form mastered by resilient locals who have learned to embrace winter's icy grip rather than run from it. Join us as we embark on an adventure through these coldest places in Pakistan. Here are the top 10 coldest places in Pakistan - Ziarat Baluchistan - Skardu Gilgit Baltistan - Hunza Valley Gilgit Baltistan - Chitral Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Kalat Baluchistan - Swat Valley Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Malam Jabba Gilgit Baltistan - Rawalakot Azad Kashmir - Quetta Baluchistan - Murree Punjab Ziarat Baluchistan Nestled amid the snow-capped peaks of Baluchistan in Pakistan lies Ziarat, a hidden gem that transforms into a winter wonderland. As the coldest city in Pakistan, Ziarat offers an enchanting escape from the bustling city life. The mesmerizing beauty of this winter paradise is unparalleled. This charming hill station known as the Juniper Forest offers an enchanting retreat from the scorching heat of the plains during summer and becomes a magical paradise in winter. With temperatures dropping to sub-zero levels, Ziarat dons an ethereal beauty as every nook and cranny is blanketed in pure white snow. Top 10 most beautiful places to visit in Pakistan What sets Ziarat apart from other winter destinations is its unique blend of scenic landscapes and cultural attractions.  For those seeking solace, Ziarat Residency, where Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah spent his last days, offers tranquility like no other place, surrounded by snow-covered junipers. Ziarat boasts a rich history that adds depth to any visit. Dating back to British colonial times, this town served as a preferred summer retreat for high-ranking officials who sought respite from the oppressive heat elsewhere.
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Ziarat City Entrance Skardu Gilgit Baltistan Wrapped in a pristine white blanket of snow, Skardu transforms into a winter wonderland that beckons both adventurers and nature enthusiasts. Nestled amidst the towering peaks of Karakoram and the Himalayas, this picturesque town experiences freezing winters like no other place in Pakistan. The unique geographical location of Skardu, with its high mountain ranges and deep valleys, makes it one of the coldest places in Pakistan. Skardu valley, Gilgit Baltistan Tour The freezing winters of Skardu bring forth an ethereal beauty that captivates the senses. As gusts of wind whip through the narrow valleys, they carry tiny ice crystals that shimmer in the sunlight like magical diamonds. The frozen rivers and lakes reflect the muted colors of the surrounding landscape, creating a surreal mirror-like effect. The magnificent peaks stand tall and majestic against clear blue skies, their tops glistening with pristine white snow. Experiencing the freezing winters of Skardu is not for the faint-hearted but is undoubtedly an adventure worth undertaking for those seeking serenity amid nature's icy grip.
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Shangrila resort Skardu Valley Hunza Valley Gilgit Baltistan Nestled in the picturesque valleys of Northern Pakistan, the Hunza Valley is a winter wonderland that beckons travelers seeking an adventure amidst icy landscapes. Renowned as one of the coldest places in Pakistan, this hidden gem offers stunning views of snow-covered mountains and crystal-clear lakes. With its towering snow-capped peaks, frozen rivers and lakes, and pristine white meadows, this region transforms into a magical spectacle during winter. As you step into this frozen paradise, let yourself be captivated by the breathtaking beauty in every direction. 9 Days Hunza Valley, Pakistan Tour The Hunza Valley is renowned for its stunning glaciers, showcasing nature's mesmerizing talent for sculpting ice. These colossal ice formations create a surreal atmosphere as they glitter under the sunlight and reflect hues of blue and turquoise. Please take a moment to stand in awe before these marvels of nature; feel the chill in the air as you witness the silent power of these ancient glaciers slowly shaping the land around them. This section on the icy landscapes of Hunza Valley delves into an enchanting realm where ice transforms ordinary scenery into extraordinary vistas.
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Rakaposhi peak (7788 M)Hunza Pakistan Chitral Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chitral is nestled among the stunning Hindukush mountain range and is often hailed as one of the coldest places in Pakistan. This mesmerizing region boasts breathtaking landscapes covered in blankets of pristine snow during the winter months. Picture yourself surrounded by majestic peaks, snow-capped trees, and frozen rivers; it's like stepping into a real-life painting. What sets Chitral apart from other cold destinations is its rich cultural heritage. The warmth and hospitality of the local people provide a stark contrast to the chilly temperatures. Embrace this opportunity to engage with the Kalash tribe, known for their unique traditions and vibrant festivals. Immerse yourself in their folklore, music, dance, and handmade crafts – truly an experience unlike any other. So, pack your warmest clothes and get ready to explore one of the coldest places in Pakistan—Chitral, a haven where nature and culture harmonize amidst snow-clad landscapes that will undoubtedly leave you breathless.
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Kalash People of Chitral Valley Kalat Baluchistan As winter descends upon the rugged region of Kalat, a unique and awe-inspiring spectacle unfolds. Nestled in the province of Balochistan, this town is considered one of the coldest places in Pakistan. The frigid winds blow relentlessly across its barren landscapes, transforming it into a winter wonderland. But what truly sets Kalat apart is not just its freezing temperatures, but the stoic resilience and adaptability of its people. Top 10 beautiful places to visit in Islamabad Kalat's residents have mastered the art of surviving in these extreme conditions. From wearing layers upon layers of clothing to lighting bonfires throughout their homes, they have developed ingenious ways to battle against Mother Nature's icy grip. Despite the hardships, there is a unique sense of camaraderie that emerges during these freezing months. Neighbors come together with warm cups of tea and comforting smiles, sharing stories and laughter as they navigate through this frosty ordeal.
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Kalat Balochistan, Pakistan Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Nestled in the mesmerizing mountains of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Swat Valley transforms into a true winter fairytale once the temperatures drop. As one of the coldest places in Pakistan, this picturesque region captivates visitors with its pristine snow-covered landscapes and breathtaking vistas. From glistening frozen waterfalls to charming wooden cottages dusted with snow, every corner of Swat Valley exudes a magical aura during the winter months. But Swat Valley's winter charm is not just limited to outdoor excitement; it also has a cultural allure. The local people are known for their hospitality and warmth, welcoming visitors with open arms even during the coldest months. With traditional festivities, tourists get a chance to immerse themselves in the rich culture and traditions of this picturesque region. Exploring ancient Buddhist sites like Mingora's Saidu Stupa or taking a peaceful walk through dense forests covered in snow provide opportunities for both adventure seekers and history buffs alike. 4 Days Islamabad Swat Kalam Valley Tour So, pack your warmest clothes and brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into Swat Valley - Pakistan's very own winter fairyland. Immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes, embark on thrilling adventures, and witness cultural traditions that have stood strong amidst changing times. This hidden gem promises an experience that will leave you spellbound long after you say goodbye to its snowy wonderland.
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Swat Valley KPK Malam Jabba Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Malam Jabba, nestled in the heart of the Swat Valley, is not only a popular ski resort but also one of the coldest places in Pakistan. Surrounded by awe-inspiring mountains and captivating landscapes, this frozen paradise offers a unique winter experience. What sets Malam Jabba apart from other cold destinations in Pakistan is its historical significance with ancient Buddhist stupas and monasteries that are spread across the resort. These remnants of archaeological sites provide glimpses into a rich past, and visitors to Malam Jabba can immerse themselves in natural beauty and cultural exploration. Things to know about Pakistan before you visit this beautiful land While many visit Malam Jabba for its world-class ski slopes, there's so much more to discover beyond the adrenaline rush on the snow-covered peaks. Nature enthusiasts will find solace in exploring nearby trails that lead to hidden valleys and pristine waterfalls, creating an unparalleled sense of tranquility amidst this frozen wonderland. Furthermore, local hospitality adds a charming touch to your experience as you warm up with steaming cups of kahwa (traditional tea) while savoring traditional delicacies at local cafes offering authentic Pakistani cuisine. So, if you're looking for an adventurous winter getaway that combines nature's splendor with cultural immersion, Malam Jabba should be at the top of your travel list.
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Malam Jabba Swat Pakistan Rawalakot Azad Kashmir Located in the heart of Azad Kashmir, Rawalakot is a charming city that boasts unmatched natural beauty and tranquility. Often referred to as Paradise on Earth, this picturesque destination mesmerizes visitors with its snow-capped mountains, lush green valleys, and crystal-clear lakes. With an average elevation of 5,400 feet above sea level, it remains one of the coldest places in Pakistan throughout the year. In addition to its outdoor activities, Rawalakot Azad Kashmir also boasts a rich cultural heritage that avid travelers can explore. The town is renowned for its traditional wooden architecture, which adds a unique charm to every corner. Visitors can delve into local history by visiting ancient temples and shrines, or immerse themselves in art and culture at various museums and galleries showcasing indigenous artwork. As the coldest city in Pakistan, Rawalakot Azad Kashmir promises an unforgettable winter retreat that combines nature's magnificence with cultural immersion.
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Banjosa Lake Rawalakot Azad Kashmir Quetta Baluchistan Quetta considered the coldest city in Pakistan, is notorious for its bone-chilling temperatures. Nestled amidst the picturesque mountains of Baluchistan, it stands as a testament to the harsh winters that sweep across Pakistan.  With average temperatures dropping below freezing point and sometimes even reaching -18 degrees Celsius, Quetta takes great pride in being one of the coldest places in Pakistan. But there is more to Quetta's chilling temperature than meets the eye. While it may deter some from venturing outdoors, for others, it offers unique opportunities for thrilling adventure and exploration. The frozen lakes and rivers become playgrounds for ice skating enthusiasts looking to glide gracefully on their frozen surfaces. Whether one seeks adventure or wishes to experience an intimate bond with nature and its people, Quetta's chilling temperature serves as both a challenge and an invitation—a chance to embrace the frozen beauty of this remarkable city while discovering new depths of resilience within ourselves.
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Quetta Fort Mirri Muree Punjab Nestled in the snow-capped peaks of the Pir Panjal Range, lies the enchanting hill station of Murree. Known for its captivating beauty and invigorating climate, this picturesque destination has earned its reputation as one of the coldest places in Pakistan. As winter blankets this picturesque retreat, it transforms into a wonderland that captivates all who venture there. Every turn offers breathtaking views of rolling hills blanketed in pristine white snow. The serenity that envelops Murree in winter is unlike any other, offering visitors a chance to pause and reconnect with nature. 3 Days Murree Tour Package Beyond its scenic beauty, Murree also holds a rich history that adds another layer of appeal to its winter charm. Established during British colonial rule as a summer retreat for officials seeking respite from the scorching heat of the plains, it has retained much of its old-world charm and elegance. Colonial-era buildings dotting its streets provide glimpses into the past while adding an air of nostalgia to this serene winter escape. While many flock to Murree for its tranquil atmosphere and stunning landscapes, it also offers many activities for thrill-seekers and adventure enthusiasts. From skiing down, powdery slopes to embarking on invigorating treks through snow-laden trails, there is no shortage of excitement for those craving outdoor adventures amidst the winter stillness. The coldest places in Pakistan offer a unique and challenging winter experience like no other. Whether it be Skardu's freezing temperatures or Murree's heavy snowfall, each destination has its charm and attractions for adventurous individuals seeking a thrilling winter getaway. However, it is important to remember that visiting these areas requires proper preparation and caution due to the extreme conditions. So, if you're ready to embrace the cold and embark on an unforgettable journey, pack your warmest clothes and gear up for the adventure of a lifetime in the top 10 coldest places in Pakistan.
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Muree Pakistan Read the full article
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eclipsecrowned · 9 months
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Gaz and Joobl child :3c // @teardownheaven
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Name: Alina Joanna G*rrick
Gender: Who Run the World
General Appearance: A baby angel. Has the perfect blend of her parents features. The fine bone structure of her mother, face just a little long, chin coming to a fine point -- and an adorable smattering of freckles along her nose and cheeks. From her dad, she gets her dark eyes, a fullness of face, and a smile to rival the sun. She's a pretty girl all wrapped up in a certain tomboy package, hair kept short and out of the way, always little knicks and mud on her durable jeans, loving a good old flannel over some irreverent t-shirt.
Personality: A self-sufficient self-starter, Alina is disciplined from a young age. A bit of a loner by nature, she does fine with her peers and various honorary relatives, but is a true introvert who values her 'me time.' Outdoorsy and adventurous as only her parents child can be, with a tendency towards zoomies as a child and wanderlust as an adult. A lover of animals. Prefers to live in the moment rather than vicariously.
Special Talents: Being part of Julia's line, I imagine she is versed in at least one instrument. Going against her maternal grandmother's family legacy of classical instruments and learned something more modern, the electric guitar or bass. A polyglot from the crib who excels at playing translator -- for the right price.
Who they like better: Gaz, obviously. How do you not like Gaz the most? Not that she dislikes Julia, or that there's any friction between mother and daughter, it's just that this is her father's daughter.
Who they take after more: She's pretty good balance of her parents, but on the whole gives off vibes of 'If Something Hadn't Happened to Julia.' The introversion, the diligence, the single-minded focus, it all points more towards her mother.
Personal Head canon: Not sure if she prefers Ali, Lee, AJ, or some other variant on her name, but I feel like she breaks out in hives if you use the full version of her first name. Hates to spend time in front of screens, ever since she was a kid.
Face Claim:
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muznew · 1 year
New Staff Picks May 2023: Organic House
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- DATA CREATED: 13/05/2023 - QUALITY: MP3/320 kbps - GENRE: House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Deep House, UK Garage / Bassline, Melodic House & Techno Tracklist - Abrão, Ayala (IT) – A Mente Delira (Francesco Chiocci Remix) 06:29 124bpm Am - Abrão, Ayala (IT) – A Mente Delira (Musumeci Remix) 06:29 124bpm D - Abrão, Ayala (IT) – A Mente Delira (Original Mix) 06:28 124bpm D - Abrão, Ayala (IT) – A Mente Delira (Tojura Remix) 05:51 120bpm D - Alberto Hernandez (MX) – Thinking About You (Original Mix) 07:21 122bpm Gm - Alberto Hernandez (MX), Dulus – Skywriting (Original Mix) 07:22 122bpm C - Alberto Hernandez (MX), Mario Eighta – Coming Down (Original Mix) 07:56 123bpm B - Alfonso Ares – Aniceto Fifteen (Original Mix) 07:12 121bpm Cm - Ali Kashani – In Your Imagination (Namito Remix) 06:45 119bpm Bm - Amarno – Dis Real (Original Mix) 06:22 121bpm G - Amarno – Hidden Complex (Original Read the full article
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