#also I know their outfits are also vaguely 70’s and 90’s
struwwelzeter · 3 years
For a variety of reasons, I got into a bit of a rabbit hole about Richard's guitars, and my brain went "oh I know someone who will probably have opinions on this" so essentially, if you feel like it, pretty please talk RZK guitars to me? Favourite? Retired one that needs to come back? (Though I probably already know the answer, that fancy black one?)
Allrighty, buckle up because this is gonna be long. After much consideration I have decided to split it up in two parts because I don’t think I can make it fit into one post that is still vaguely tumblr appropriate, and I really wanted to do it some sort of justice. I still feel like I don’t. But oh well. Full disclaimer, I am NOT a guitarist, but I lived with a few, two of my best friends are pro players and I’m a sponge so I kind of soaked some bits and pieces up over the last 15 years. But in case any lost guitar hero finds this and disagrees with me over the finer points of tone wood: I know honey, I oversimplified, and I am wrong. I tried? 💜 for easier read I formatted everything specific to Richard’s guitars normally and anything general about electric guitars in cursive.
My main sources besides watching about a 100 a month of guitar tube videos (that is youtube for guitarists) with my ex, my main sources will be this interview and this.
Richard Z. Kruspe (of Rammstein and Emigrate)’s Guitars - In Order of Appearance, Part 1/2
Diamant (Les Paul Style)
“I traded the acoustic for a guitar called Diamant, which was like a Les Paul version in East Germany.” - RZK
Now I’m skipping the acoustic he started out with, because it’s basically impossible to know what that was, and go straight into the electric. Now presumably, it would have been something like this, a soviet build Les Paul rip off. The irony is that these still go for several thousands up on reverb today for being historical and collectors pieces. The thing is, that while anything east build might have used cheaper materials, I would assume this thing isn’t worse than any of the beginner/intermediate models sold today, if not better, and kids all over the world do decent stiff with those.
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Something general about electric guitars is that you don’t really so much play the guitar, you play an entire system. The instrument doesn’t make the sound, it only influences it. You play a guitar - but you even more so play the amp. Which makes this a bit tricky, because an e-guitar is a slab of wood and a copper coil, and amps are way more complex. You can make the exact same guitar sound so many ways. Still - there are tendencies. The fact how and why and to which degree the shape and wood of a solid body (a guitar without a hollow wood piece) influences the sound is highly debated and can get a bit esoteric sounding to sane people non-guitarists, but there are some differences in how the general set up and build of the guitar changes things, and tendencies how they are traditionally outfitted. Les Paul style guitars are normally humbucker guitars, Stratocasters and Telecasters normally are outfitted with single coils. Usually a guitarist can switch - between using the bridge, the neck, or both (or more) pick ups and depending on where the pick up is located they pick up different frequencies, different aspects of the sound. Humbuckers produce a richer, deeper or fuller sound than single coils. Very roughly speaking, think the Stones vs. Metallica.
Fender Stratocaster
“Then in East Germany, we had this imagination to get one of the great guitars, to me it was always the Fender Stratocaster because it was the Jimi Hendrix guitar. I didn’t know anything about pickups or humbuckers or whatever. So there was this guy that I met in a café in my old hometown and he was buying all these books because he could get all the books out through customs and he would store them in my apartment. So we became kind of acquainted. He would come over and pick up the books. So one time he came over and I asked him if he could get me a guitar and bring it over. In East Germany, if you exchange money from East to West it would be like 1 East mark and 20 West mark. SO everything I had, I changed it to West Mark and I gave him the money and I gave him the money and asked him to please buy me a Fender Stratocaster. I gave him the money and I didn’t hear anything for like three months, nothing. I wasn’t able to call because we didn’t have phones and stuff like that – it was a different time. So I thought fuck, I gave him 1400 west mark and now he’s gone and never coming back. [...] Then my imagination was so high, I thought the guitar would just play by itself and I wouldn’t really have to do anything, which I found out was bullshit. I was really happy that I had the guitar but it wasn’t really the sound that I had in mind.” - RZK
The first time I heard that story, I literally went “no, no, no, don’t be stupid, don’t give him your money, you won’t even like that guitar, stupid, lost dumbass.” I can not, for the life of me, imagine him play anything other than humbuckers. He apparently does use single coils for some things today again in the studio, but still, it’s so obviously wrong. He did play one again sometime during the late 90s, but I couldn’t find anything on the pick ups he used with that, but can hardly imagine he kept the original, unless he needed it for a specific sound maybe in one or two songs. I get it though. For many, many people the Fender Stratocaster is THE guitar. Jimi Hendrix is the main reason for that, but it’s also the countless idols that picked it up after him for the same reason, people who ended up plastered on the walls of angsty teenagers in their own right. This totally has to do with the whole amp thing aswell. You see your idol play that type of guitar ... but it’s not even half of the sound, and it won’t sound the same. Maybe probably they changed the pick ups, they have an effect rig, the spend hours fiddling with the knobs on an amp you can never afford. It’s never the same. Which is why ...
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Fender Telecaster Black Gold
Then I had a guitar that I was very fond of. It was an older black and gold telecaster – there weren’t very many of them made at that point. I put a Seymour Duncan Jeff Beck SH-4 in there, like a humbucker. I remember it was like my beauty guitar and I needed someone to put that pickup in and I was with Paul and he had more experience with that stuff than me so he would get out a hammer and a chisel and he start banging away on it and I was like ‘Fuck! Fuck! Don’t do that!’ but we put the thing in there and it was one of my favorite guitars” - RZK
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... this one first didn’t really make sense for me for him. It’s even more a classic single coil guitar than the Strat is, and it only really started making sense for me when I learned he Paul indeed put a Humbucker in there. It’s a stunningly beautiful guitar, and weirdly non-modern for him. I don’t know why and this is completely instinctual on my part, but I find it fitting he played it during that time after the wall came down, which seems to have been a rough time for him generally, it seems like a somehow super emotional guitar, this relic. Telecasters were some of the first electrics ever build, it’s such a pioneer, but it’s also one that alot of punk bands used, possibly because they were old and cheap in the 70s and noisy and people customized it and put other pick ups in. The whole putting a chisel to it and adding a humbucker into it is such a “I’m gonna make whatever I have fit for me, and I’ll love it” move. If you look at it, a double coil pick up is really something you have to force to go in there, you really have to break it open. There is also this:
“... and then I think I had to sell it because I needed drugs or something. I was really sad that I sold it because I was at a very low point in my life.” - RZK
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If I would get the chance to do one thing only for him to thank him for his music, I would go back in time to that Richard who is just sad about selling that guitar and hug him, and tell him he doesn’t need to worry, because they will name guitars after him in the future. It breaks my heart so fucking much. But of course, it’s what opens the doors to what happens next, which is ...
ESP 901
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“That led me to my very first convention in Frankfurt. With guitars, it is like with women, you have to fall in love. Sometimes you get a guitar and you fall in love later but there has to be some sort of connection with it. So I was walking around that convention and I saw that guitar hanging at the ESP stand. It was a 901 ESP Sunburst and I was looking at it because it was such a beauty. And I was walking around for hours – they probably thought I was some weird guy who wants to steal the guitar. I bought that guitar and that’s how I got connected with ESP.” -RZK
He might have fallen for it because it is pretty, but it did come with a ESP double humbucker set up, with an added condensator to muffle up the sound, although not yet an active one (more on that later). It was a 90s metal guitar, one of those things marketed to the Metallica generation, something loud and heavy and full. Also, and this is where I will put in another general insert, there is something else about the choice of electric guitars that we haven’t talked about yet.
Now, I’ve discussed that you can push or pull the sound of a electric quite far in one or the other direction with what pick ups you use, what effects, what amps. But what this ignores is that especially standing up a guitar is a really shitty asymmetrical piece of equipment. And what that does to your body is that it needs to fit you, your hands, and your playing style. Some people prefer it chunky, others like sender. Guitarists, especially the 80s shredders, like to talk about a “fast neck”, which is another one of those things that get slightly esoteric, but which usually means a slimmer neck and slightly bigger frets, that need less way for your fingers to press until the string gets stopped. Someone who plays very bendy blues might dislike that and prefer something to dig in their fingers more down to the fretboard to get more control over how they bend the string. There are different neck profiles, there are different neck lengths, and all of it contributes to how comfortable someone might find their guitar.
I am mentioning this, because until today, Richard’s guitars are build very similarly to that ESP 901. His Eclipse Model is a tad different (again, more on that later), but the one he uses the most, the RZK I, has the same neck scale, similar frets, and that comfortable ESP slender neck. Even the shape seems to be inspired by turning it upside down. He has said in interviews that he hasn’t got very strong hands, and it makes perfect sense to me. I bought my own electric (again, more on that later) purely because I wanted to own one and not even so much because I ever had any real ambitions of learning to play it, but my friends at the time (10 years ago now) forced me to try out alot (!) of models (despite me knowing what I wanted), and the only guitars that I tried that had slimmer necks were Ibanez guitars, which in turn were wider. Ironically Frankfurt is my hometown, so the place to try a lot of different models is That exact convention Richard went to, and I haven’t skipped a Musikmesse in the last 15 years. I was at atleast one were Richard was too (I just didn’t care at the time, yikes), and it somehow greatly pleases me he found “his” guitar at that particular convention. Things have changed in recent years, but electric guitars always were in Hall 4.01, with ESP being left of center in the middle, and I don’t know, I can just see him walking in circles around it, and it makes me so emotional for him because it’s what musicians do at that place. It’s really loud, everyone is playing, there is someone better noodling around at every corner, and it can be quite an intimidating setting I think. And every year you see that one kid coming back and back again to that same stand, staring at that one guitar until they finally work up the nerve and ask to try it (or the staff takes pity on them and offer). And it’s the same everytime, they think “oh god they must think I am crazy” but really, nobody does. Everyone in that hall who owns a heart knows what those dreams are made of, and all it maybe does inspire is a “oh god, I hope that one makes it”. I digress. I think it’s more common now to look for different neck styles and companies started caring about it, but especially coming from Fender and Gibson guitars, that neck is honestly just very, very nice for weaker hands.
This is where I will stop, because it makes a good moment for a break and this post is honestly getting too out of hand otherwise. There will be a part 2 - where Richard starts using active pick ups, starts playing my favorite guitar in the whole wide world (and stops playing it), and finally, set up his own signature.
This is him with that 901 though: when he must have had it pretty much brandnew, while he used it, and right before he sold it.
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mj-spooks · 4 years
Hey Mia. Guess what I found. If you managed to guess a flash drive with all my middle school anime music, you are correct. It's nostalgic and cringey and so much more of me makes sense right now. Anyway, Leverage Crew by bad trends they were into as "kids"
This would not happen to me because all my cringey music from middle school is on my spotify and I listen to it on the regular lmao
Also let the record show that I do not actually believe in or support cringe culture, the only thing cringey is bullying people for liking a thing, or gatekeeping said thing
Okay so the thing is, I tried to google trends from the 70′s, 80′s, and 90′s but everything is fashion related, which does not seem to be what you’re going for? So I just... picked “cringey” interests that seem to fit them vibe-wise, rather than timeline-wise. The term “trends” is also being applied loosely in a couple cases to mean “interests” rather than actual trends.
I think that Eliot probably saw Fight Club once and thought “seems legit.” Not that he’s not smart enough to recognize the core message of the film, just, I can definitely see teen-him watching a movie about a bunch of dudes forming a secret society dedicated to punching each other and getting in on it. There were a lot of attempts to catch the boys (and two girls) involved but they never panned out because, well, first rule of fight club is...
Hardison, meanwhile, is The Matrix kid all the way. He had the coat. He had the sunglasses. There was a solid four month period where he tried to emulate that weird low gruff voice Keanu Reeves does in the movie. He started learning to hack in earnest because he legitimately thought perhaps he was living in a simulation and wanted to hack it from ~the inside~.
Nate is was one of Those History Guys. He watched all the documentaries he could get his hands on and would lecture about them at the drop of a hat. He was a nightmare to have in your history classes because he would. not. stop. arguing with the teacher. The best thing that can be said for him is that he’s at least more well-rounded than those people that know every single thing about, like, WWII or Julius Caesar. He was an equal opportunity know-it-all.
Sophie was a theater kid, is that even a question? She spoke in quotes that were only vaguely related to the actual conversation being had. She was physically incapable of standing still when she spoke, emoting with her hands and arms so much that the quickest way to shut her up was to hold them still. She made dramatic entrances and exits. She had a bumper sticker on her first car that said All The World’s A Stage.
Now then, Parker specifically is a fashion trend, because she very definitely dressed like Disney Channel stars circa early 2000′s. Picture her in literally any of Ashley Tisdale’s outfits. How easy is it? Super easy, because she did and you can’t change my mind. I would love to see art of this. She dressed like that and the only reason she doesn’t still is because it’s not exactly effective dress for thievery.
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rael-rider · 4 years
Ewing GotG Interview: Thoughts about what he said in regards to Star-Lord
I originally wanted to write all of my thoughts on everything that Ewing said on his SYFYWire GotG Interview but it got too long and I realized I mostly just wanted to talk about Peter and Rich since he provided more new info about them than anyone else. But here’s what caught my eye. Going to make this a post only for Peter (and Rich’s will come out later) or else it’s going to get long (with bolding done by me for emphasis):
A lot of what I do involves going right back to the first appearance of a character — not because I think that's the best they've ever been and deviating from it is blasphemy, but because I think there's usually a nugget of primal mojo that you can find there while the idea's fresh and not fully coalesced.....Star-Lord's first appearance is weird as all get-out, set in some alternate future and 100 percent not in continuity, so you'd have thought that technique wouldn't work this time — but when I looked back at it, it did have one of those little globules of primal magic in it that I'm going to be making a lot of use of over the first year.
Oh, Peter's a total mess. All the old guilt is back. Old false memories, strange dreams where he's asked if he feels the purpose of his life is wrong. He's got his support system, his found family is around him, but as we'll see, he's still got that deep-down need to atone for the past. Put simply -- he can't sleep at night. We've got a journey for Pete to make over the course of this book -- it's a journey that's been waiting patiently for him for a very long time, and it's a journey he might to have to make alone.
This is really interesting to me considering the talk of false memories and weird dreams and Peter‘s first appearance being in a then alternate future (it was the 70′s when his comic came out and his story took place in the 90′s IIRC) and I want to see how Ewing will incorporate all of that to the character for his GotG run.
Now Star-Lord’s 616 introduction happened in a Thanos mini (now collected as Thanos: Samaritan) by Keith Giffen and we didn’t get much about his backstory other than he was in the Kyln for something horrible that he did (which I’ll get into later). Annihilation Conquest expanded a bit on his backstory but it was still pretty vague as to what stuff from the original comics was still canon or not. We knew Peter still had his old Star-Lord outfit at some point and had a sentient ship that he called “Ship” but that’s pretty much about it what was said in the comics.
The Nova corps files companion comic for Annihilation describe his backstory as being pretty similar to his original one except it took place in the 616 universe but still how much of what he did in his original comic was canon other than the origin itself (Meredith gets killed by aliens, Peter goes to space when he’s older seeking revenge and he becomes Star-Lord) was still up in the air. Around the time Thanos Imperative came out a companion book that had character bios (supposedly written by Rich himself) called The Thanos Sourcebook also came out and it added something interesting to Peter’s backstory. The Thanos Sourcebook entry for Star-Lord mentions that Peter’s father was a “time traveling space man”. It’s an odd little thing that really doesn’t get addressed anywhere else but could have been a nod to Star-Lord’s original story taking place in the future or an explanation as to why young Jason of Spartax was in an Inhuman story when Medusa and Blackbolt were young too. However in Dan Abnett’s Guardians 3000 we meet the Star-Lord from the year 3000 who is related to present time Peter but there’s something odd about him. He wears an outfit similar to the one Peter used to wear, he has the space ship Peter used to have, and he's even named Peter Jason Quill just like him. It’s assumed he’s our Peter Quill’s descendant but there’s a twist in their relationship. I made a post which goes into more detail about it but basically future Peter Quill from the 30th century is present Peter Quill’s Great-Great Grandfather.
The reason I bring this up is because Ewing is a writer who really does his research when it comes to the characters he’s writing and said research usually inspires new ideas and dictates were he’s taking his characters and informs him of who they had met or not and what relationships they already formed (his tumblr is full of posts of comics he’s reading that tie into his Hulk run and you can really see what’s inspiring him and what he’s looking at when he makes a story) . Like with Rocket he mentioned the way he changed as a character from who he was to who he is right now reminded him of Noir characters so he’s writing Rocket as a noir character. As weird as that may seem for someone like Rocket it’s something new for that character and it’s not retreating to the same stuff. With Rocket most of his stories post-Bendis have been that he’s angry and he’s a thief who loves to steal and he's violent but in Ewing’s Rocket mini he takes those elements and tells a noir heist space story and he gives us a look into Rocket’s past and tells us why Rocket went from a sort of space sheriff into someone who steals (and it’s a story that really makes you sympatize with him). Old stories and concept are used by Ewing to build up new ideas and stories from existing ones.
Going back to Peter, Ewing mentions that he’s going to have elements from his original comic in his GotG run and that there’s some sort of journey “that's been waiting patiently for him for a very long time ” and I can’t help but think about what Steve Englehart once said about his unrealized Star-Lord story before Claremont took over the book:
Englehart said he’d planned for Quill to evolve, to become an “enlightened being”.
“I envisioned it as a 12-part series, moving Quill from asshole to Star-Lord,” Englehart explained. “Horoscopes have twelve houses, and it would have been a twelve-part series. But the real distinguishing feature between chapters would have been Quill moving outward through the solar system, having an episode on each planet in turn. Each episode would be keyed to the astrological meaning of the planet, so that on Mercury he would have a fast-action story involving twins, on Venus he would have a love story, on Mars a war story, etc.,” Englehart said.
“As he passed through these different realities, he would discover his humanity, so that when he passed by Pluto he would have experienced all facets of life and be ready to take his place among the stars.” [x]
Could this be what Ewing was referring to as the journey that’s been patiently waiting for Peter for a very long time? Will Ewing have Peter go on a similar journey to the one that Englehart had planned? Is Peter going to reach some sort of enlightenment/revelation from it? Will Star-Lord have a new meaning for him? How will Peter Quill’s character grow from this?
Also the whole “old false memories” and dreams Peter has been having were he’s asked if he feels his life purpose is wrong, could that be Ewing just retconning everything from the Bendis and Humphries run? Will we see Peter’s true origin and the real Jason of Spartax who might possibly be a time traveler? (and is the J’Son that we know a fake?) I don’t think Ewing is much about retconning as he is about connecting and making sense of things but I wouldn’t be opposed to him doing away with everything Bendis and Humphries did when it comes to Peter Quill because it was awful.
The one last thing I will talk about is the mention of Peter “old guilt” and need for atonement. It’s an aspect of the character that’s been a thing since Giffen’s Thanos Samaritan all the way through Thanos Imperative. It wasn’t something that was present in Bendis’ run and we know from Nicole Perlman that the Creative Comittee (which Bendis was in) wasn’t that interested in a Peter Quill who was seeking redemption and found that idea “a bit boring”. Ewing seems to want to touch it, and the one big source of Peter’s guilt and need for atonement has always been his fight against the Fallen One and the 350,000 people in a Mining Colony that he sacrificed to defeat him. It’s such a big source of guilt for Peter that he stopped being Star-Lord over it, turned himself to the Nova corps, and he even tried to lose his humanity because of it. He also refused to talk about it (even Rich didn’t know for a long time but Peter eventually told him because he wrote about it in his files in the Thanos Sourcebook). So I’m thinking that someone that had a loved one in that mining colony or escape its destruction is seeking revenge on Peter and it’s part of what sets him into his journey. Because all this time and I really can’t believe anyone hasn’t tried going after him for 350,000 people that died.
Also seeing how Peter was in charge of Hala’s security in Annihilation Conquest and he was the one that let the Phalanx infected Space Knights into Hala and that caused more deaths and seeing how Ewing’s has plans to involve the Kree in his GotG stories... Peter’s guilt over what happened in that event will definitely come into play. It’s also those events and the Kree still having faith in his Star-Lord persona that makes him go back to being Star-Lord (and they also pushed him into it) and it’s also what makes him form the new Guardians of the Galaxy.
I’m very much looking forward to what Ewing will do with Peter.
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freewheelen · 5 years
1 YEAR REVIEW: 2018 Harley-Davidson Softail Low Rider (Sofia)
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Whenever I read or watch motorcycle reviews, I can’t help but notice a heavy reliance on spec sheets. And I get it, approaching a subjective review of a product with an objective data set certainly helps set the playing field for all competing models. However, this post isn’t about the latest electric naked bike that just hit the market or the revamped scrambler that is being hyped as “game-changing”. This post is about my daily rider.
With that in mind, I could dwell on the dual-bending valve Showa forks, or my high-flow S&S air cleaner, or the 102 ft lbs of torque that the Milwaukee 8 engine produces. But bragging about your bike’s specs is like plastering a “Proud Parent of an Honor Student” on your bumper or boasting about how attractive your significant other is. They’re used to favorably reflect on you, not reflect how that person - or in this case, motorcycle - makes you feel. Sure, your girlfriend could be model material but if she treats you like shit, why does her “hotness” matter, right?
So I’m not going to take that approach in this review. Instead of flooding you with figures on compression rates, length of suspension travel, or lean angle**, I’m going to explain how all of those things contribute to the feeling she gives me. 
**Please see the stock spec sheet here (if it interests you)
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I purchased my Low Rider in April of 2018. I had to trade in my Sportster Iron 883 - which was heartbreaking for me at the time (see the story here) - but it was well worth the sacrifice. From the moment I rolled her off the lot, I knew I made the right decision. 
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She handled better than the Sporty. She accelerated WAY faster than the 883. And most importantly, she braked lightyears beyond the Iron.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: 
I don’t want to know if it’s better than a Sportster, I want to know whether it’s a good purchase.
But I think it’s important for me to establish the bike I originally owned and how that shaped my assessment of the FXLR, and the first place I noticed an improvement was in the suspension. 
The combination of Showa forks up front and the monoshock out back puts Harley’s past suspension offerings to shame. For 650 lbs., the bike feels responsive and surprisingly nimble. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the bike dives into corners and I’ve definitely put that feature to use. But the fork not only allows you to attack the twisties, but it also does a great job of keeping the rubber to the road. The wheel hop of the Sportster: eliminated. If you’re debating whether you should buy a new Softail, I could easily make a case with the upgraded forks alone, but that’s just the front suspension, you still have the brilliant monoshock in the rear. 
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While the fork provides improved handling, the rear suspension grants a new level of comfort. Those potholes no longer send shocks through my spine. Those railroad tracks no longer make my teeth click. Those road irregularities no longer buck my girlfriend off the seat. And if there’s any barometer of rear suspension performance, it’s your old lady’s ass...and mine loves the FXLR. But comfort isn’t the best feature of the monoshock, the stability it provides is. I’ve hit 120 mph twice on the Low Rider thus far, and the stability of the bike never faltered. The speed wobbles of the Dyna: eliminated. Are you noticing a theme here yet?
But don’t get me wrong, the suspension isn’t perfect. There’s no adjustability in the front and the rear doesn’t give you dampening or rebound settings. Also, you have to remove the seat to adjust the monoshock. Unless you’re planning on carrying a flathead screwdriver on you, I wouldn’t set my heart on changing the preload on the fly. 
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Now, I should note that I plan on upgrading to Ohlin’s suspension (front & rear) in the future, but the stock setup would be sufficient for 90% of those looking for a Harley. 
Ultimately, the OEM suspension makes me feel grateful. Grateful for the safety it provides. Grateful for the responsiveness it adds to such a massive bike. Grateful that I get comfort and performance right out of the box!
Which leads me directly to the heart of the Low Rider, the Milwaukee 8 motor.
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It shakes less. It runs cooler. It pulls harder (through all 6 gears). Compared to the Twin Cams I’ve ridden, the M8 outshines them in every way. To be honest, you’ll probably need to regulate your own speed if you buy a new Softail because they’re most comfortable at 85-90 mph. Every time I ride on the highway, I hit 100 mph at least once (unintended and intended). There have been many times where I unconsciously hit 70 mph on surface streets! 
On the flipside, the M8 is very particular when it comes to modifications. My tuner/mechanic has told me that finding the right configuration of parts is crucial to any performance upgrades you install on the new mill. Luckily, I had some guidance, but if you’re considering customizing your Milwaukee 8, I suggest consulting a professional - or at the very least read some forum boards - before you slap on any old exhaust or fuel manager. 
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On the note of fuel management, if you want to maintain the maximum range (200+ miles per tank), leave the engine in stock form. After my numerous mods, I’m lucky if I can squeak out 150 miles between fill-ups. I’d be lying if I said I regret sacrificing those additional 50 miles per tank - because Sofia absolutely rips - but it’s something you should weigh before buying or upgrading an M8.
 If I had to express how the engine makes me feel, I’d say it makes me feel spoiled. Spoiled by all that torque. Spoiled that she pulls through all 6 gears. Spoiled that I get the power of a Harley without all the shaking or heat.
Now, we’ve been dwelling on speed up to this point, but if you’re planning on going fast, you have to be able to stop as well...
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When it comes to the brakes, I have to caveat that I ride my Low Rider harder than most Harleys are intended. I currently need new rotors, pads, lines (braided), and a master cylinder rebuild because I’ve run the brakes into the ground. 
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Though the front end is only outfitted with a single disc, the bite of the 4-piston calipers really help to slow down the 650 lbs. of the Low Rider. While the front brake lever loses feel over time - due to the rubber brake lines - it easily retains the forceful braking of those 4-pot calipers. However, the same can’t be said of the rear caliper, which lacks any responsiveness and is downright mushy. 
Most riders say that the front brakes provide 70% of your stopping power while the rear covers the remaining 30%. On the FXLR, that ratio is more like 90/10. But in the end, you’re riding a Harley, and Harleys have never been known for their braking components. Now, that’s by no means an excuse, but if you’ve ridden a Harley before, your expectations are already set appropriately. If not, good luck! 
With the vague feel of the rear pedal and the diminished responsiveness of the front lever over time, I’d say that the brakes make the bike feel sketchy. But hey, you’re riding a chopper, baby! Sketchiness is part of the package.
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In the end, if I had to do it all over again, I would buy the Low Rider every time. The bike outperforms every Harley I’ve ever ridden and it’s one of the most aesthetically versatile platforms under HD. You can go Club Style, Bobber, Chopper. Hell, I’ve even seen Scrambler and Cafe Racer M8 Softails. It’s for that reason, that I didn’t cover the design of the Low Rider. I think my bike is the perfect example of the FXLR being a blank canvas for you to customize yourself. 
Now the only question left is: when are you upgrading?
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Lullaby [60%]
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Read Equinox here and come back!
“What?” Kiba demanded before he began choking on his donut. Kakashi reached over to thump him on the back. Sakura reached across Kakashi’s lap to hand him his orange juice to help clear his throat. And once the hacking quieted, Sakura turned back to Tobirama.
“Are you serious?” she asked. 
Tobirama folded his arms across his chest. He nodded. Sakura closed her eyes. She fell back on the sofa, rubbing her temples.
“This is weird, right? I’m not just overreacting, right?” she heard Kiba ask. Followed by a soft cough.
“No, it’s weird. Tobirama said that sirens don’t really meddle in other nests. Not even their own kids’,” Itachi agreed with him.
Sakura cracked one eye open. Tobirama sat on the rug in the same spot. He raised his eyebrows when he met her gaze. 
“Why?” she questioned. 
Tobirama’s eyes darted around to the others before he peeked back at her. “I asked my mom if there were any good hospitals in the area with an S-ward that could accommodate for sirens,” he replied. 
“And she figured out that Sakura was pregnant,” Kakashi concluded. Sighing, Sakura put her feet up in Kakashi’s lap. 
“So, your parents want to meet Sakura,” Kiba repeated, a little needlessly. Tobirama shook his head. 
“No. They want to meet all of you too.”
Kiba choked on his donut again.
“I’m out,” Itachi declared, raising his hand. “I’m charm-weak. No sense in going to meet in the in-laws and making a fool out of myself.” He sat on the hearth of the unlit fireplace. His phone buzzed beside him. He’d been waiting for this call all afternoon. He shot Sakura an apologetic look as he answered it, getting to his feet to go talk outside. He squeezed Sakura’s shoulder as he passed.
“I’m also in favor of Itachi not going. I’m not sure how he’ll react to my mom. But it probably won’t be good,” Tobirama said. And then he turned his attention to the people sitting on the sofa.
“Sheriff- ah. Sorry,” Tobirama stopped himself. Biting his lower lip. 
Kakashi sighed, rubbing his hand through his hair. “Wish I could. But I guess I have no choice but to hold down the fort.”
Sakura and Kiba exchanged a panicked look over his shoulder. Kiba mimed strangling Tobirama, who grimaced in return. 
Kiba laughed too loudly, slapping Kakashi on the back. “Don’t worry! I’ll bring back all the good leftovers!” 
Kakashi wasn’t stupid. When he looked up, he saw the looks of panic on their faces. He ruffled Kiba’s hair, which only reminded them more of the fact that although the sheriff looked young, he was much, much older than them. 
It was quiet for a while. And then Sakura spoke up. “Maybe we shouldn’t go.”
The sigh Kakashi gave in response conveyed so many things. But from the way he smiled, she knew that they weren’t all bad feelings. “You can’t not do everything that I can’t be a part of. Go,” he urged her. 
And Sakura suddenly imagined something. Kakashi sitting alone on his sofa. Sipping warm cider, the TV buzzing low in the background as his eyes drifted to the clock over and over again. She knew that he wouldn’t be all alone. The dogs would be snuggled up at his sides. But the scene still made her chest hurt. 
“Doing things without you is stupid,” Sakura mumbled, looking away from him. She felt him lean in to kiss the top of her head.
“Bring me those leftovers,” was all he said.
A week later, Sakura felt Kiba grab her hand as they headed down the sidewalk. Their fancy shoes tapping against the concrete. Tobirama pointed to a building on the corner of the big intersection ahead. Kiba let out a long whistle in response.
“I always knew you were a rich boy. But this...” Sakura trailed off. She craned her neck to look up at the gleaming skyscraper. She moved her hand so that she could link her arm through Kiba’s instead. His hands were sweaty. Or maybe it was hers. 
“You make it sound like they own the whole building. It’s an apartment,” Tobirama protested. 
“I’m nervous. Do I look weird?” Sakura fretted. She looked down at her outfit. The shimmery fabric was supposed to drape around her. But now she just felt like a bloated sausage swathed in someone’s gaudy curtains. 
“Hey,” Tobirama said. His hand cupped her cheek, redirecting her gaze to him. “You look pretty. And it’s gonna be fine.”
“It better be. You’ve got me dressed up in this bullshit. My tie’s too tight,” grumbled Kiba, his hand in his pocket. He glowered at Tobirama. “I wanted to wear mine.”
Tobirama sighed. “An elastic bow tie does not count as a real tie. You’re lucky I didn’t burn it.”
Kiba continued grumbling as they walked into the lobby. 
They hung back as Tobirama spoke to the person sitting at the desk. After a few moments, Tobirama motioned for them to follow. The man looked up to greet them as they passed. Instead, his eyes latched onto Sakura, mouth falling open. 
As they got into the elevator, Tobirama hit the button for the right floor. Sakura fixed the collar of his shirt. Then she reached up to tousle his hair so that his part fell just off-center. 
“It’s my parents. Not a bunch of investors. Relax,” Tobirama assured her, grasping her hands to pull them down. 
Sakura made a face. “Investors, I can do. I don’t know what to do with parents,” she told him. 
“Smile and say ‘thank you’ a lot. You’ll be fine,” snorted Kiba, knocking his elbow into her arm. 
That made Sakura feel a little better. By the time the elevator doors opened, she had managed to stop fiddling with clothes and hair. They stopped in front of the door. Tobirama glanced over at the both of them. 
“Yep,” Kiba answered right away. 
Sakura took in a deep breath through her nose. She nodded.
Tobirama rang the doorbell. They could vaguely hear a woman’s voice inside. Someone responded to her in a deeper tone. There was laughter from somewhere too.
“Don’t worry so much. The canapé’s look fine,” the man called over his shoulder as he opened the door. 
“Dad,” Tobirama said. Sakura recognized him from the photos Tobirama had shown her. The man with the grey eyes and dimples- which he flashed when he smiled at them. 
“Hi there. Come inside,” he greeted them. He stepped aside and gestured for them to enter the apartment. As Sakura and Kiba silently debated whether or not to keep their shoes on or off, Tobirama smiled. Actually laughing as he hugged his dad. The way they clapped each other on the back was so in-sync that Sakura and Kiba elbowed each other, trying not to smile.
“Where’s my boy?” a voice boomed from further inside. 
“Father,” Tobirama sighed. He shot Sakura a helpless look before he turned to face the man. Who crushed Tobirama in a hug. The kind that glued his arms to his sides. He swayed back and forth, glaring when Kiba snickered at him. And then Tobirama let out a grunt as his father lifted him off his feet.
“And you must be Kiba and Sakura. We’ve heard so much about you,” Tobirama’s dad said. He observed Sakura, his head tilting to one side. After a moment, his face split into a smile. Softening his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes.
“Ah, finally. It’s so wonderful to meet you,” he declared. He grasped both of Sakura’s hands, squeezing them just a little. Sakura found herself smiling back. And then he did the same for Kiba, holding both his hands for a moment, the gentleness of his voice putting them at ease. 
Tobirama joined them a moment later, gesturing to the other man.
Sakura braced herself for a similarly crushing hug. Instead, she received a handshake. Kiba, who had been steeling himself for bodily assault, looked bewildered as he was only subjected to a handshake as well. When Sakura looked to Tobirama, he shook his head. 
“He does it just to annoy me,” he explained.
“Look who it is!”
It was a lovely soprano voice. Soft and liquid. The woman who appeared through a doorway looked just like the voice sounded. Beautiful and dainty- even shorter than Sakura, who had never considered herself tall. She reached up with both hands to hug Tobirama, who had to stoop so that she could reach. 
Cheeks flushed, she then reached for Sakura and Kiba, putting an arm around each of them. A sweet fragrance drifted from her skin and clothes. Sakura cast a nervous glance at Kiba, wondering how he was doing. To her surprise, he seemed unworried. In fact, he laughed as he hugged her back. 
“Wow, aren’t you both just wonderful? You must be starving,” Tobirama’s mother trilled. 
She ushered them out of the foyer, into the dining room. To the table heavy with dishes. 
“You must have worked all day for this. It looks amazing,” Sakura remarked.
The older woman beamed at her. “I had it catered. But thank you for saying so. You’re very sweet.”
Sakura felt Kiba’s hand on her elbow, guiding her to one of the seats. 
“You feeling okay?” he asked in her ear. 
“Yeah. I’m fine,” she replied. Still, she felt him run his hand along the side of her neck. And then he sniffed a few times. Whatever he sensed seemed to satisfy him because he pulled out a chair for her. 
Tobirama offered to help his mother in the kitchen. She shooed him out, instead pulling his father through the doorway to help her bring out drinks.
Tobirama took the empty seat to Sakura’s left. And his dad sat across from him. He offered Sakura a smile.
Dinner was delicious. Kiba nudged Sakura to mouth ‘leftovers’ halfway through the meal. Sakura wiped her mouth with her napkin, trying not to laugh. 
It wasn’t as awkward as she had feared. Tobirama’s parents didn’t pry. They wanted to know what she and Kiba did for a living. They asked about Old Pines, which Kiba was more than happy to boast about. When they moved on to ask about her pregnancy, Sakura was ready. It was the standard list of questions everyone seemed to run through. 
“How far along are you?” 
“Five months. I’m due in February.” 
“And you’ve been feeling alright?”
“I’m alright now, but my morning sickness was pretty bad. I think these two suffered more than me,” Sakura laughed, gesturing to the men on either side of her. Tobirama and Kiba exchanged a look. 
It was true that they had gone through every recipe and tried out every home remedy to help with her nausea. Kiba had harvest herbs from his garden to brew herbal teas, looking crushed when they proved ineffective. And Tobirama had been so careful not to eat anything that she couldn’t eat. He still refused to drink alcohol or touch sushi, even though she assured him that she didn’t mind at all. 
After dinner, as Tobirama and Kiba went to do dishes, Tobirama’s mother reached across the table to pat the back of Sakura’s hand.
“Sakura, tell me if I’m making you uncomfortable, but I was never close to my mother. When I got pregnant, there were so many things I wanted to ask but never could. So I just want you to know that you can ask me anything,” Tobirama’s mother said. 
Sakura felt the inner corners of her eyes sting as she replied, “Thank you.” She laughed when Tobirama’s father pushed her a plate of chocolates while Tobirama’s dad handed her a clean napkin.
As Sakura dabbed at her eyes, something occurred to her. She looked up. Tobirama’s mother raised her eyebrows, waiting.
“Not related to the baby,” Sakura warned.
“Ask away.”
Sakura pointed in the direction of the kitchen. She could see Kiba and Tobirama with their backs to her. Kiba scrubbed the plates clean while Tobirama wiped most of the water off and placed them in the drying rack. Neither of them could hear her over the hiss of the faucet.
“Kiba and I are fine even though we’re in the house of three Sirens,” Sakura observed. 
“Ah. We smell like family. You also wouldn’t be affected by any of Tobirama’s brothers,” Tobirama’s dad explained. And then his dark eyes flickered in the direction of the kitchen too. 
“Also, if I remember correctly, once a were has bonded, it’s for life. I’ve never heard of a happily-bonded were leaving their partner for a Siren. I could be wrong, though.”
It took Sakura a moment to process that. She nodded after a long moment. And then she looked to Tobirama’s mother again, who smiled.
“Anything else?” she prompted.
Sakura pressed her lips together, wondering if it was alright to ask. When the other woman nodded, Sakura opened her mouth to ask: “What was Tobirama like as a kid?”
After dinner, they headed to the lobby, Kiba spinning his keyring on his pointer finger as they rode the elevator. 
“Your parents are pretty cool,” Kiba announced. And then he thought a little bit. “But they’re also.... so good-looking. Like, what the hell, man.”
Tobirama chuckled, head falling back to rest on the shiny wall of the elevator.  “I wouldn’t be seen in public with you if you were hideous. You’d be fine if you’d wear something besides plaid all the time,” he retorted. 
“Ouch. Sakura, you hear that? He’s bullying me,” Kiba pretended to whine, clinging to Sakura’s arm. 
Once they reached the street, they strolled a couple blocks to where Kiba had managed to find a parking spot at a meter. Tobirama helped Sakura climb into the pickup truck, which still gleamed from the wash and wax Kiba had toiled over early that morning. Tobirama got into the truck after her, slamming the door behind him. Kiba settled into the driver’s seat, already checking the traffic on his phone. 
“Looks pretty good,” he told them, snapping his phone into the mount. 
“Let me know if you get tired. We can trade off,” Tobirama reminded him like he always did. Kiba nodded. 
Kakashi met them a few hours later. He sat next to the old wooden sign that spelled out the name of their town. Outsiders never noticed it with the way overgrown branches and vines crawled over the paint. His mismatched eyes gleaming in the darkness. His ears pricked up high. 
As the truck slowed to approach him, Kakashi took off running. Smoky tail trailing behind him. He guided them down the streets, on the way they always took to Sakura’s house.
He fazed into human form as they pulled into the driveway. Kiba’s pickup truck growled one last time as they killed the engine. 
“The leftovers are awesome, Sheriff. You have to try the the skirt steak,” Kiba began talking before he had even gotten out of the car. 
Less than an hour later, Kiba lay sprawled on the futon in the living room in just his boxers and a t-shirt. The suit he had worn lay discarded on the floor beside him. His head dangled over the edge, knuckles brushing the floor as his chest rose and fell in an easy rhythm. Tobirama sat hunched over the kitchen table, scowling as he read over the emails he had been ignoring throughout the day. 
“You didn’t have to drive all the way back here. You must be tired,” Kakashi said, his voice soft against her shoulder. They sat on the worn leather sofa up on the loft, their feet resting on the coffee table. 
“Oh, so you’re not happy to see me?” Sakura pretended to be offended. She stuck her lower lip out in a pout as Kakashi rubbed his hand up and down her arm. 
“Of course not.”
And then his hand kept running up and down her arm as he thought. His eyes growing distant. 
“I hope you don’t feel like I’m holding you back. That’s not what I want,” Kakashi fretted, not for the first time. The tap of Tobirama’s fingers on the keyboard went silent as he caught bits and pieces of the conversation. 
“And I’m worried that you might not say anything even if you are unhappy,” Kakashi went on.
“Sheriff, are you drunk? Sakura’s broken up with me twice because she was unhappy,” Tobirama interrupted, still typing away.
“He can’t drink! He’s a ghost-dog..... dog-ghost?” Kiba slurred, half-asleep. 
They heard the front door open and shoes clacked inside. 
“Hey, how was dinner? I brought leftover pizza back,” Itachi called. There was a thunk as Kiba rolled off the futon and onto his feet. 
Sakura and Kakashi smiled. But before he could stand, Sakura took his face in her hands. She looked him in his mismatched eyes- just to be sure that he was listening. 
“I’m very happy. I always am when you’re with me,” she assured him. And then she pressed a kiss to the mole on the left side of his face before she pressed another kiss to his smiling mouth. As she drew away, she glanced over her shoulder.
“Are we saving the pregnant lady a slice?” she called.
"We can only fight Kiba off for so long. Hurry up, you two,” Itachi replied. Someone opened up the refrigerator door, the glass bottles rattling together in the shelf. 
“You want grape jelly on yours?” Kiba asked.
“Yeah. Thanks,” Sakura answered, pausing by the stairs. She reached back, waiting until Kakashi took her hand to follow her down from the loft. Where the rest of their family crowded around the kitchen counter, slices of cold pizza in their hands.
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marcoshassanlevy · 4 years
Screamo, emo’s slightly more ferocious outgrowth, might not be quite as big as it was around the turn of the millennium, but the subgenre still thrives in the underground; young artists still find power in its mathy arrangements and throat-destroying scream-a-longs. As it turns out, some of the most exciting bands playing this type of music at the moment come from Latin America and/or feature predominantly Latinx members.
These groups, hailing from countries like Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and even the U.S., share the strong work ethic and DIY principles that helped older generations of bands establish a distinct circuit for themselves. Throughout the mid ‘00s, many different post-hardcore and screamo scenes operated in the Americas, with bands releasing records on small labels as well as split releases, and in some cases, occasionally touring Europe and the U.S. These included bands such as Arse Moreira, Te Lloraría Un Puto Río, Non Plus Ultra, and Zarathustra Has Been Killed In The ‘70s from Mexico; Asamblea Internacional del Fuego. Amber, Teoría De Un Sueño Muerto, and Leidan from Chile; Árboles En Llamas, Arde Hollywood, Agitamares, and Los Años Mueren from Argentina; and Angkor Wat y Fútbol Peruano 97 from Perú.
After this relative heyday, some of the bands above have broken up, with members moving on to post-rock, powerviolence, and even indie folk—see Apocalipsis, Richard Harrison, and Garcya. However —as documented by outlets such as the blog El Basurero Del Emo— these scenes never really disappeared, “There have always been bands playing this kind of music,” says Joliette’s Azael González, who also played in Te Lloraría Un Puto Río, among other projects. “And it’s always been a global thing, all connected throughout the world. There has been a resurgence of this kind of music in the U.S. and Europe as well; there are more bands involved in the scene right now.”
Indeed, a new generation of bands making discordant music have emerged in many Latin American countries and communities, keeping the tradition alive. González thinks this new renaissance is due to the younger generation being more open-minded about genre and subgenre conventions. “I don’t think many bands today are screamo, per se. I think they take elements from that sound and mutate it into something else,” he says. “I also think that the perspective younger people are bringing into the music is very healthy. It’s like everything that you get passionate about: you find something that moves you and you surround yourself to it, even if you don’t know why it speaks to you.”
By adding musical elements from other genres and keeping things raging with heart and guts, this new generation of bands is capturing the imagination of an ever expanding pubic. Here are ten groups worth checking out.
Although they call Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela their hometown, Zeta’s closest thing to a place to call their own is the road: they’re almost always on tour. Founded in 2003, the quartet makes spiky, passionate post-hardcore—think At the Drive-In meets Saetia—with the occasional non-standard element to keep things interesting. (Most notably, they incorporate Afro-Caribbean percussion.) Their willingness to experiment—and to play anywhere—has helped them land some notable gigs, like Gainesville, FL’s Fest. For those intimidated by their large recording output, their latest, Mochima (2019), is a further refinement of their sound, making it a great place to start.
One of the signature aspects of this Cali, Colombia outfit is their use of melodic guitar lines against vocals that oscillate between all-out screaming and vaguely alternative rock-inspired singing; in fact, it’s not unusual for the guitars to go without distortion for many of the tracks. This doesn’t mean they’re not full of fire, though. They work at a prodigious pace—they’ve put out two full-lengths in the past two years, 2017’s Las Huellas Que Dejamos and 2018’s Semillas (a new EP, Fronteras, is expected to drop before 2019 is over). Their dedication to uniting scenes can be seen through their constant networking and touring, which has resulted in trips to Mexico and the U.S.
This five-piece San José, Costa Rica band describes their sound as melodic hardcore, a term that has been associated with everything from Adolescents to Comeback Kid, something that leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Having said that, for Nossara, it means bridging the gap between the more commercial sounds of post-hardcore and the harsher side of emo, as heard on 2017’s Pacífico (2017) and 2019’s Sobre La Brevedad de La Vida. They also incorporate the united-we-scream attitude of classic hardcore, placing them in the same neighborhood as bands like Blacklisted.
Since 2011, this quartet from Puebla, Mexico has refused to stop even for a second to take a break, a quality that carries through in their music. With a few transcontinental tours under their belt, Joliette has spent their time in Puebla in the studio, resulting in albums, EPs, and splits with the likes of Frameworks, Life In Vacuum, and LYED. Their latest full-length album, 2019’s Luz Devora, finds them at their most artistically ambitious, featuring to-the-point tracks like “Vacío” and “Pudre Infante” as well as longer, more atmospheric fare like “Defenestra.” Through and through, Joliette have kept their music complicated and heavy without going sacrificing gut-churning intensity, and there are no signs they’re stopping any time soon.
Quiet Fear
This L.A. quartet wear their roots on their sleeves and their lyrics; they sing entirely in Spanish, to particularly intense results on records like 2016’s Delirio, 2018’s Melodías A La Luna Muerta, and 2017’s split EP with Joliette side project Aves. Their screamy brand of hardcore uses clean guitars to sharp effect, and their jazzy arrangements up the jitter factor considerably. There’s a definite influence from the noisier corners of the Dischord Records discography—and they’ve got some of the finest screams in the business, something that has helped Quiet Fear land a spot at this year’s Fest.
Perhaps there’s something in Cali, Colombia’s water. Like scenemates Vientre, Anhedonia’s music have a hint of ‘90s alt-melodicism. And there’s also real underlying sense of drama in Anhedonia’s music, something borrowed from the early ‘00s screamo scene. Their lone release so far, 2018’s Estar Rotos Nos Hace Indestructibles, features guitars that switch from melodic lines to power chords in an almost unpredictable fashion, lending the whole thing an epic feel. It’s just a matter of time until this young band ventures outside their scene and embarks on an international tour of their own.
For contemporary artists practicing screamo, elements of math rock are useful tools used to make the music more exciting. Of all the bands on this list, Mexico City’s AMBR is probably the one that is closest to crossing over to this subgenre. There’s plenty of high-speed virtuosic runs in most of their music, making everything sound more nervous and exhilarating. Yet they are definitely a screamo band—their remarkable use of vocals, ranging from raw to melodic, makes their album Rompes/Quemas, as well as their EP Hey Joi, some of the catchiest, most challenging music to hit the worldwide screamo scene.
Although this Quito, Ecuador trio is immediately recognizable as a screamo band, there’s plenty here to indicate they’re intent on expanding that sound. Their guitar work is some of the busiest and most inventive in the game, while their song structures are everything but common yet completely mesmerizing. Founded in 2014, this trio has done a little touring over the years but have not dropped a proper release so far—Facebook updates from 2018 suggest they are working on an LP. For a taste of their magic, check out Singles and 19 Junio 1955, and don’t miss out on their split with Quito post-rockers Escape From The Machinery.
El Incendio Más Largo Del Mundo
Hailing from Medellín, Colombia, El Incendio Más Largo Del Mundo are one of the most extreme bands currently operating in the screamo business. While their songs don’t qualify as skramz or emoviolence in the fast-and-loose sense, it’s extreme in a very specific and satisfactory way: vocalist Angelo Franco has a wide ranging arsenal of voices, from throat-shredding wails to harsher guttural cries and black metal-like screeches. The band’s music mutates seamlessly throughout—from thrashy riffs to math rock-like fragmented time signature to melodic motives—resulting in music that keeps listeners constantly hooked, and always guessing. Their 2018 debut album, Condenadxs, is a highlight of the recent wave of Latinx emotional hardcore.
Probably the newest band on this list, this trio from Mexico State know how to keep a listener waiting in suspense until their songs explode into shouts and distortion, a trick borrowed from ’90s underground heroes like Still-Life and Policy of 3. Tapping into post-rock as well as classic screamo, Satón demonstrate their use of dynamics and patience can pay off big time—just listen to their debut album Lleno de Hienas . From the desperate cry of (internal) war on “Transitorio” to the tension-filled slow burner “IV,” the range and inventiveness displayed here is second to none.
-Marcos Hassan
November 14, 2019 at 11:01 am
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one-real-summer · 5 years
rules: answer 22 questions and tag 22 people
i was tagged by @lynmunn and @yourundead I am a popular one uwu
nicknames: Summer, Mon Chevre if you’re Nick T ;)
zodiac sign: Leo sun/Aries moon, metal horse
height: 5′2″ but no one believes me??? Everyone says I look taller. It’s all that big dick energy I have I guess. I measured my height after I got into one of those “you look taller than five two” conversations and I am 5 feet and 2 and a quarter inches exactly
last movie i saw: The Unicorn Store. Spoilers, but I was kinda disappointed on how that one ended. Like I understand what they were going for, that Kit learned her lesson and stopped being selfish. But idk why she can’t have a boyfriend, a good relationship with her parents, AND a unicorn
last thing i googled: “bottom of the barrel meaning” like... 90% of my google searches are meanings of idioms/words because I’m paranoid that I’m not using them right. I ended up not using this turn of phrase because the connotation that the dregs at the bottom of the barrel are bad/undesirable. I just meant that I was getting to the very last bits of stuff that I’m collecting (they aren’t bad, just obscure) and I’m gonna run out of things to buy for my special interest lololol
favorite musician: Nick Thorburn nee Diamonds
song stuck in my head: Sad Middle. Mostly just the “The FDA put you away, there was mold but just a little, the hole, the sad middle” part
other blogs: @veneer-of-a-disease is about my skin problems, @convalescepress is my blog for my printmaking business that I never log into, and @diamonds-is-5ever is me being even more thirsty for Nick T than I am on main
following: 1812
followers: 300
do i get asks: Once in a while, usually just anons telling me i accidentally reblogged stuff from TERFs or acephobes or transphobes etc. I never look into blogs I’m reblogging shit from so I appreciate being told this. Just please tell me the specific post/username so I can delete/block them. I’ve gotten some vague ones that I have no idea what post they were talking about so I can’t fix that?? To that one anon who wanted to send me money, my papal is paypal.me/convalescepress or hmu on venmo @convalescepress and to the other anon that has a crush on me: That’s really unfortunate and I hope you can move on because I’m emotionally unavailable
amount of sleep i get: 6 hours?? I can’t sleep more than that. If I go to bed early I wake up at like 4am it’s the woooorst I just want to sleep in 
lucky numbers: 9, hooray
what i’m wearing right now: My “Gumby the Original Modeling Clay” shirt. It’s funny because I’m a model and Gumby is my son and he’s made of clay. I’m wearing other clothes but that’s the important part of my outfit
dream job: Master Printer
dream trip: I want to visit the remains of my childhood home, the one that got destroyed by a volcano. Uncle Ryan went back to his in his early 20′s and said it was just overgrown jungle and my home is probably the same
favorite food: Am I allowed to say cheese because it pays the bills?? lol. Also I really want some raclette right now so I guess I also like eating it
instruments: I own a guitar. I cannot play the guitar but I’m trying to learn. I might buy a second guitar if I can come up with $300. The guitar I want to buy is literally in my room right now so like... I have it but I’m just borrowing it atm
language: English. I studied ASL in college. Spanish and Japanese in high school. I don’t remember anything
favorite song: Of Corpse by Islands, that’s what my business name references. “Convalesce in a pretty dress while I rob your ass in a ski mask” 
random fact: There’s a disease that only Affineurs get called “Cheese-washer’s lung” so there’s like no research on it because there’s so few of us that no one cares I guess. Affineurs age cheese, and basically I get to scrub mold of cheese for hours and breathing in all that over a long period of time is what causes the disease. It’s probably what’s gonna kill me if something else at work doesn’t kill me first. At any rate, cheesemaking is gonna be my cause of death. Someone spilled acid on my face on tuesday, every day there’s a new way to suffer
describe your aesthetic: Analog music, pastels, grotesque, too many eyes, 90′s shapes, 70′s colors, primitivism illustrations
tagging: I don’t think I even know 22 people but @eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu @anxiousorion @loupvenimeux @the-outspoken-introvert @comickit @steamed-tets @zemkohai
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deputy-sarah-sux · 5 years
can i be a psycho and your worst nightmare by asking ALL the writers asks?
You are a demon omg. I love it though this was so much fun to do.Since you didn’t specify fic specifically for some of these questions I’m just gonna write about The Devil Has Come for all of the “in xxx fic” asks.
Answers are below since this is such a long ask :):):)
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? 12/13 it was between 7th and 8th grade and it was all anime fanfiction
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?Far Cry 5, RDR2, Assassin’s Creed, DC, Marvel, Fallout, Skyrim, Preacher. Far Cry 5 is definitely my favorite to write for though
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.Personally, I prefer OC’s, with OC’s I can build their character, give them a personality and growth. I like shaping the character as the world changes based on their actions
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?Action or romance unless I totally misread that question
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why?The Devil Has Come!!! It was my first in the Far Cry fandom and it’s my baby. I love all the characters and the world that I’m building. It’s got action, romance, some twists, it’s exciting
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?If we’re talking things that I’m currently writing and enjoy writing then I guess Bridges only because it’s the same characters as TDHC just in an AU form so I’d survive without it.
7) When is your preferred time to write?Night, 10pm on basically.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?Everywhere really? TV shows, movies, video games, other fics
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?So far my favorite scene that I wrote in TDHC that has been published was either the confrontation with Rook in Chapter 11 or Jacob finding Sarah in the hotel in Chapter 8. They were both really fun to write.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternate ending in mind?Well it hasn’t been ended yet, but there were two possible endings that I was originally considering. I’m not saying much more other than the ending that I went with is gonna hurt me when I eventually get to it.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?Not after posting but I have amended stories due to criticisms. If I’m a bit worried about a particular scene I’ll share the doc with my best lady @farcryfuckmeup and get her opinion. She usually points out things that aren’t great and I go from there. She’s the closet thing to a beta reader that I have.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?Sarah!!! She’s my best girl and I love her personality and attitude. In terms of canon characters though I’ve been writing some stuff from Arthur Morgan’s pov and that’s been really fun too. I really love playing around with his sense of self and morality.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?I don’t have one yet? We’ll see how the future plays out there. It might be Ethan Seed but I’ve never written stuff for him so I’m not 100% sure.
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.Almost every fic name is from a song. The Devil Has Come is from Blues Saraceno’s “The River”, Icarus is from Bastille’s “Icarus”, and I’m not sure where Bridges is from but I’m 90% sure it was a song. The series that TDHC and it’s connected stories are a part of is called Bottom of the River from Delta Rae’s “Bottom of the River”.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?I use name generators for modern characters or look up names with a specific meaning. If the character is from the past (ie cowboy times or pirate times) I look up names popular in that century. Sarah’s name I got by looking up popular names with religious meanings and Sarah was on the list.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?I came up with the idea for TDHC by playing co-op with @farcryfuckmeup. It was originally supposed to be a crackfic based on the dumbshit we did in-game. Then in my desperation to pretend that the game didn’t end the way it ends I started coming up with ways it could have gone differently and thus my fic was born.
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.I have so many wips! I’ll do a few because I’m in a sharing mood.Fallout 4 WIP: “‘You don’t even use power armor, why did you steal so many?’”RDR2 WIP: “Valentine was a crap town with crap people and even crappier whiskey. It was tiny and smelled like mud and horse shit and something else that she was pretty sure was vomit.”Another RDR2 WIP: “Trouble was the bastard was clingy apparently as he was hot on Arthur’s heel.”
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?Yes, a few. I got bored or I decided to focus on other things. I do intend to one day finish them but who knows
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?The Devil Has Come!!! I can’t wait to write a sequel and I haven’t even finished the current fic.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?Sometimes I wish I’d written a follow up to my judge fic Joseph and his Judge. I’m not totally sure if I like how it ended.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?@farcryfuckmeup first and foremost, she’s amazing. I also love gwennolmarie and OutlandishWhalesharks on Archive of Our Own.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?My anime fics from middle school. It’s still posted and I won’t tell you what it’s called but every time I remember it a little part of me dies.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?Music mostly but it sometimes depends on the scene. For certain scenes I need silence but for the most part it’s music music music. I have playlists for all sorts of scene types.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?I love it, idk if I’m any good at it but I do like writing them.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?Yes, I’ve been writing some future parts of TDHC and I have cried a bit writing some of it.
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?The smut scene in Chapter 10 of TDHC, it was the first smut scene I’d ever published so I was really worried about that and kept rewriting it.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?Bit of both I guess. There is a vague outline in my head but only for like the big events, everything in between is go with the flow shit.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?It’s not going to be an instant hit. When I first started posting works back in the day I was always so upset when I’d check the next day and see only like 12 people had read it.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?Icarus :(   It’s only a baby fic and it’s in a mostly dead fandom but I love it.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?No, I love all the attention my fics get.
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)I’m gonna recommend one myself. Since this is a Far Cry blog I’ll recommend a Far Cry fic: come a little closer by lowtides on AO3Also here’s a Fallout 4 fic that isn’t finished but I absolutely love: RAIDERHEAD by TaraTargaryen
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?No real people no. Thomas is a combination of a few fictional characters though.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?I’ve gotten a few comments of analysis on chapters I’ve posted and honestly I love that so much. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing that someone not only read my fic but sat there and actually thought a lot about it.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?Like I said before I haven’t gotten a lot of criticism, but I guess the harshest for me was when I was discussing a character that I had really started to like and my friend (who I was ranting at about him) asked me to honestly think about what he brings to the table. Like is he actually necessary or just a throwaway character that won’t bring much to the story? I ended up scrapping him and putting a nameless character in his place to fill a few of his scenes.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?I share them with one (1) person and that person is my irl best friend @farcryfuckmeup. Everyone else has to wait until I post stuff I don’t want to spoil any big surprises.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?It’s a chapter very far in the future for a fic I’m sure you can guess but I won’t outright say.“Against his better judgment, he reached out and grabbed the hysteric woman, tightening his grip against her struggling and pulling her into his lap. He wrapped her in a tight hug until she finally began to calm down, humming softly and running his fingers through blood-soaked hair.“
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?I haven’t written a lot of funny stuff. I mostly do angsty. But when I was in middle school a wrote a novel where I spent two paragraphs talking about my MC’s hair color and current outfit and I cackle every time I read it. 70 pages or pure cringe, it’s hilarious.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.@farcryfuckmeup hmu bitch!also you @onl-you
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?Third, every now and then I write in first but idk I just don’t like it much.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?My close friends do
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?Thomas Moore, he’s a lot of fun to write for.
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.I don’t actually have any song fics in the traditional sense. I do however have some fics inspired by songs. I listen to music almost constantly, sometimes a song comes on that gives my fic vibes and I add it to my prompt playlist.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?@/farcryfuckmeup has but I don’t try too hard to keep secrets when she’s around
44) What is the last line you wrote?“John rolled his eyes and finished unbuttoning his shirt.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?This is cliche probably but the readers. I don’t want to leave someone waiting around for the next update forever. I also want to see how things play out myself so my own desire to see the finished product also helps.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?Again, going with TDHC for this. I am writing a sequel currently (I know it’s not done). It’s going to focus on a different character but Sarah will make appearances. I’m also working on a standalone sequel for her but that won’t be posted until the first sequel fic is complete.
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made-up title. What would this story be about?I used a title generator: Hidden Midnight. It’s about a pair of idiots in love, one is a vampire so they can only meet at night and it’s very secretive. The human dies at the end.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?Forced partnerships. I love it when two characters are forced into a partnership. One of them can’t fucking stand the other but slowly grows to like/love them in secret. If the chill one is in danger the annoyed one freaks the fuck out and does everything they can to get to their partner and afterwards claims they couldn’t care less what happened.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?I don’t remember the name of it but I’m pretty sure it was a Supernatural fic. I think it was Destiel (don’t just middle school me) and a high school AU. I’m not 100% sure. It was either that or a Fairy Tail fic and I like to forget my anime days.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?Angst. I love fluff and smut but in the end, I always go back to angst. It’s so much fun and there are so many ways to do it.
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rana-capito · 7 years
blue, navy blue, i'm as blue as i can be, cause my steady boy said "all of them", one hundred something questiiiions
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?I’d take a couple more inches but like this is fine2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)It would be so cool to have a snake…but a dog is also really good…3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?cool jackets are cool…for myself I like target man tshirts4: What was your favorite video game growing up?I had these Magic School Bus computer games that were truly excellent. there was one about whales and dolphins and one about rainforest animals5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:idk…the Majority of my thoughts are either very self-centered or just the song that it’s time to have in my head6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?fuck idk. warning: occasional stupid bitch 7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?hmm! vague8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]I got sanguine on a quiz I took once and I like that because I like blood9: Are you ticklish?yeah, not Extremely tho10: Are you allergic to anything?guinea pigs, cats, pollen11: What’s your sexuality?i’m Gay12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?Tea13: Are you a cat or dog person?they are both good and i really like both…i’ll say dogs because i’ve been seeing a lot of very good ones lately + the cat allergy14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?VAMPIRE15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?I watch beckiejbrown a lot and I think she’s cool16: How tall are you?5'7"17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?Benjamin..perhaps…but there’s too many bens so I guess I’ll just have to be Larl18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]between 144 and 150 pounds19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?eh…nah20: Do you like space or the ocean more?The ocean..has more animals in it21: Are you religious?non22: Pet peeves?when people call frogs venomous or spiders poisonous23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?diurnal…i like Sunshine24: Favorite constellation?i like cassiopeia she’s spiky25: Favorite star?uhhhh I don’t have one26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?i think they are..flexible?27: Any phobias or fears?MIRRORS IN THE DARK MIRRORS IN THE DARK scary. 28: Do you think global warming is real?yeah lol29: Do you believe in reincarnation?not really30: Favorite movie?hmmm. i liked inglorious basterds a lot but i’m mostly saying that because i can’t think of any movies that have made an especially big impression on me at the moment31: Do you get scared easily?..yes i’m sensitive32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?1 frog 2 tortoises 4 guinea pigs & a lot of fish33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]8/10 content is great but posting frequency is too spread out34: What is a color that calms you?green like my room at home35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?I want to go to like..australia. or some other place with cool and weird animals!36: Where were you born?atlanta :P37: What is your eye color?brown38: Introvert or extrovert?IntroVert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?not really but i like to read things about them anyway40: Hugs or kisses?WHY not both41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?clarissa…so far away…an entire TIMEZONE42: Who is someone you love deeply?Antonie Hvan Leeuwenhoek43: Any piercings you want?maybe something extra on my ear?44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?they’re cool45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so?i neiver have done so46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!sexy. very shapely calves. extremely good at calculus and physics and programming. 47: What is a sound you really hate?when my shoe scrapes on the sidewalk48: A sound you really love?the echoes from the main staircase in the mlc49: Can you do a backflip?no :(50: Can you do the splits?no51: Favorite actor and/or actress?i like..karla souza52: Favorite movie?this has been asked previously and i still don’t have a good answer. 53: How are you feeling right now?cool! kind of tired54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?uhh this color’s good55: When did you feel happiest?jeez idk that’s pretty hard to answer56: Something that calms you down?my green chair in my room at home57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]i do not58: What does your URL mean?it’s vaguely homestucky59: What three words describe you the most?cool. sexy. innovative.60: Do you believe in evolution?hell yeah61: What makes you unfollow a blog?content that i don’t like or no content for a long time62: What makes you follow a blog?content that i like63: Favorite kind of person:cool person64: Favorite animal(s):guinea pigs. orcas. cane toads. naked mole rats.65: Name three of your favorite blogs.teensplop.blogspot.com is my ultimate favorite blog ever. my favorite tumblrs are of like random people who i follow and i would feel weird @ing them66: Favorite emoticon:girl with carrots67: Favorite meme:bode was pretty good68: What is your MBTI personality type?i think i got infp when i took it69: What is your star sign?capricorn70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?i don’t have a dog :(71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?dark gray vneck from target and my Excellent jeans72: Post a selfie or two?i’ll do that..later73: Do you have platform shoes?no i’m tall74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?my blood type is A positive75: Can you do a front flip?into a pool or on a trampoline76: Do you like birds?hell yeah! i wanted to be an ornithologist in 6th grade and if that ended up being my life i would be satisfied and happy77: Do you like to swim?Yeah Put Me In The Water78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?hmm. i guess swimming? ice skating is very fun though. and it has to be the correct context of swimming like the water is clean and i can swoop around in it79: Something you wish didn’t exist:*****es80: Some thing you wish did exist:my huge future muscles81: Piercings you have?one in each earlobe82: Something you really enjoy doing:dancing in a loud bar83: Favorite person to talk to:different people have different good talking qualities but there is a special kind of conversation i can only hold with my sister84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?this sure is The Place For Fanart85: How many followers do you have?15086: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?hmm…i feel like yes but i would be very tired after87: Do your socks always match?almost always yes88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?i used to be able to but no longer89: What are your birthstones?i think turquoise?90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?something sneaky and timid and nocturnal91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?it has 5 smooth white petals and a smooth green stem and i was so into it for like some time in second grade92: A store you hate?urban outfitters93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?ideally zero94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?fly95: Do you like to wear camo?not particularly96: Winter or summer?summer for sure..i like Sunlight97: How long can you hold your breath for?i don’t feel like testing this rn98: Least favorite person?let’s say johnny rives99: Someone you look up to:my veterinarian cousin is cool100: A store you love?binders is pretty cool101: Favorite type of shoespumas 102: Where do you live?in a College Town103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?no i love MEAT104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?star sapphires are pretty cool?105: Do you drink milk?on occasion106: Do you like bugs?yeah :)107: Do you like spiders?yeah :)108: Something you get paranoid about?people thinking i shouldn’t be in a place109: Can you draw:yeah i think so110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?nothing comes to mind111: A question you hate being asked?what kind of music do you like?112: Ever been bitten by a spider?maybe…i had this huge itchy leg bump the past few days that i think might have been from that113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yah it’s nice114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?mmm sunny115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:Antonie Hvan Leeuwenhoek116: Favorite cloud type:Ummm ones that are interestingly shaped! not just stratus. everything else is cool117: What color do you wish the sky was?blue is good118: Do you have freckles?yah119: Favorite thing about a person:do people like actually have an answer to this in mind120: Fruits or vegetables?VEGETABLES121: Something you want to do right now:eat dessert122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?mmm sky!123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet…124: Bright or dim lights?uhh depends on the mood125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?…no?126: Something you hate about Tumblr:some of the discussions on here happen in really weird and negative ways but i’m pretty much never involved so whatever127: Something you love about Tumblr:lots of nice content128: What do you think about the least?i don’t fucking know since i’m not thinking about it129: What would you want written on your tombstone?something about science contributions maybe130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?i’m not in a really violent mood rn131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?nothing comes to mind132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?yeah133: Computer or TV?computer IS tv134: Do you like roller coasters?yeah :D135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?sometimes…not recently136: Are your ears lobed or attached?lobed137: Do you believe in karma?eh138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?this really varies but like in the middle somewhere. not a 1 and not a 10 for sure139: What nicknames do you have/have had?sarah calls me em…that’s it140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?hmm sarah and i had an imaginary little sister named lucille and an imaginary dog named ruby141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?non142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?i try to be a good influence?143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?i like…giving ;)144: What makes you angryjohnny rives145: How many languages do you speak fluently?One146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?i’m a lesbian147: Are you androgynous?hmm i think i’ve reached that somewhat148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:i like..my feet149: Favorite thing about your personality:i try to…be nice150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.julia clarissa sarah151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?i’m good staying here thank u152: Do you like BuzzFeed?it can be entertaining but i don’t think it’s good153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]introduced by a mutual friend is the most basic explanation154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?yeah!155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yah156: What embarrasses you?being in the gym157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:the gym158: Biggest lie you have ever told:i can’t say it here…it’s illegal159: How many people are you following?130160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?4,507161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?2162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?27,596 wow163: Last time you cried and why:thursday night and i have no Fucking clue164: Do you have long or short hair?short165: Longest your hair has ever been:i think it got past my boobs in the first semester of 9th grade166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?i don’t really have any religious affiliations at all so. neutral167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?..yes? like i think it’s cool and stuff168: Do you like to wear makeup?Not like, regularly, but I like doing my 3am editorial looks169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?No170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?mostly. i didn’t think Too Deeply
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eversage · 7 years
I dare you to answer all 170 questions luv youuuu
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I wanna be 6'1 
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) A FUCKING GRIFFIN, but real talk a hedgehog or a Newfoundland dog will suffice 
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Gay witch TM
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Idkkkk 
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Alec, Sky, my art/how stressed I am about my art
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Oh god this is a meme from forever ago. But uh idk probably "really gay messy artist"
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? Bleh 
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] fuck if I know?
9: Are you ticklish? Nope
10: Are you allergic to anything? Histamine, go look it up. Now cry for me. Now go look up high histamine food now cry for me. Now go look up how stress, heat, and hormones can all increase histamine in the system. Also dustmightd.
11: What’s your sexuality? Grey-Gay-Asexual-Aromantic 
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? I'm basically allergic to all three but cocoa 
13: Are you a cat or dog person? Both
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Merperson
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Dan and Phil
16: How tall are you? 5'8 ish
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Uhhhhh Oliver? I think 
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] 198 LBS
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? yes
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Yes
21: Are you religious? Yes 
22: Pet peeves? Idk 
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Diurnal
24: Favorite constellation? Ursa Major
25: Favorite star? Idk the sun
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? Yes but I'm brokkeeee
27: Any phobias or fears? Fuck idk 
28: Do you think global warming is real? Yes
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes
30: Favorite movie? Fuck if I know? 
31: Do you get scared easily? Nah
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 10
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]
34: What is a color that calms you? Pastel
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Philadelphia? Indiana because babe?
36: Where were you born? Mexico
37: What is your eye color? Brown with rings of blue
38: Introvert or extrovert? I'm so introverted
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Yes
40: Hugs or kisses? Kisses
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? Alec
42: Who is someone you love deeply? Alec
43: Any piercings you want? Septum
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Yes
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? No
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! He's a babe, he sleep talks, needs a hair cut and is a fucking idiot but he's mine
47: What is a sound you really hate? Machinery in horror films
48: A sound you really love? Alec's voice
49: Can you do a backflip? Used to 
50: Can you do the splits? Used to 
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Fuck if I know 
52: Favorite movie? Fuck if I know didn't I already answer this?
53: How are you feeling right now? Headachy but good
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Pastel pink 
55: When did you feel happiest? Fuck if I know 
56: Something that calms you down? Age regressing
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] hahaha depression, anxiety, ed, passive suicidal tendencies, psychosis, sensory processing disorder, probably some learning issues. Kinda duck if I know.
58: What does your URL mean? My blog is about my voice 
59: What three words describe you the most? Powerful, witch, gay.
60: Do you believe in evolution? No.
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? NSFW, any sort of hate/phobia (like homophobia transphobia and such), being thinspo/Mia/Ana, or anti age regression
62: What makes you follow a blog? Aesthetic, kind, funny
63: Favorite kind of person: idk
64: Favorite animal(s): polar bear 
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. 
66: Favorite emoticon: 🖕🏻
67: Favorite meme: fuck if I know
68: What is your MBTI personality type? Idk 
69: What is your star sign? Taurus
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? My Harry otter shirt, red sweater and whatever pants
72: Post a selfie or two?
73: Do you have platform shoes? Nope
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? Idk
75: Can you do a front flip? Yes
76: Do you like birds? Yes
77: Do you like to swim? Yes
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming I've sprained my wrist three times skating
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: hate 
80: Some thing you wish did exist: equality
81: Piercings you have? Just my ears 
82: Something you really enjoy doing: art 
83: Favorite person to talk to:
 Alec, Sky, jordan, Kerry 84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? Idk 
85: How many followers do you have? 198
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Idk if I tried probably 
87: Do your socks always match? Pfffttt you think I have the energy to find socks 
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? Barely, I have short hamstrings always have
89: What are your birthstones? Emerald
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? A polar bear probably 
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Idk 
92: A store you hate? Walmart 
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? None because caffeine=anxiety 
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly
95: Do you like to wear camo? No
96: Winter or summer? Winter
97: How long can you hold your breath for? Idk a whole
98: Least favorite person? Idk trump probably
99: Someone you look up to:
 Sky100: A store you love? Idk blick 
101: Favorite type of shoes, keds probably
102: Where do you live? Oregon 
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? Nope can't be 
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Uggghhh probably blue goldstone
105: Do you drink milk? Yes but not as much as I'd like because it makes me sick
106: Do you like bugs? Depends 
107: Do you like spiders? Depends 
108: Something you get paranoid about? Idk 
109: Can you draw: yes 
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Iddkkk
111: A question you hate being asked? Idkkkk 
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? Probably 
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yes 
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Depends
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: alec 
116: Favorite cloud type: idk 
117: What color do you wish the sky was? I like it 
118: Do you have freckles? Yes 
119: Favorite thing about a person: idk probably smile and laugh and voice
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruit
121: Something you want to do right now: see alec 
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Idk 
123: Sweet or sour foods? Sour
124: Bright or dim lights? Depends
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Yes 
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: discourse
127: Something you love about Tumblr: community
128: What do you think about the least? What? 
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? Gay and changed the world 
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Sam... 
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My weight
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Yes.
133: Computer or TV? Computer
134: Do you like roller coasters? Fuck yeah
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? Vaguely 
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Lobed
137: Do you believe in karma? Yes 
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? I'm like a 95
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Hayge, hayhay, denden, snow (please don't use that)
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Yes 
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? She was shitty 
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving
144: What makes you angry. Not a lot 
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? Sadly one vaguely three
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Boys
147: Are you androgynous? Yeah 
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: my eyes/smile 
149: Favorite thing about your personality: fucj if I know 
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. Alec, ren, Sky, 
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Greece probably 
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Vaguely 
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] got set up! 
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Fuck yeah 
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Yes
156: What embarrasses you? Idk 
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: being told "I need to talk to you" with no context
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: fuck if i know 
159: How many people are you following? Like 1000
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? Idk 
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? Idk 
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? Idk 
163: Last time you cried and why: uhhh cause I wanna move out 
164: Do you have long or short hair? Short 
165: Longest your hair has ever been: ass length 
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? It's a part of who I am 
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Yes 
168: Do you like to wear makeup? Yes
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? Idk 
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yeah
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