#also as an additional i like nonbinary buddy...she is just buddy
basofy · 7 months
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god this was so cringey shut up all you've ever seen regarding women has been a smelly rat in the mirror and distorted photoshopped images of women with big boobees you know nothing
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blueskyscribe · 1 year
Okay, so I thought of two ways to rewrite the Sam and Nightshade scene to make it more interesting. But first I'd like to talk about why it didn't work for me.
Needs a conflict.
Sam needs better characterization.
(I know Sam is a one-off character who isn't going to get five pages of backstory. But Stevie was a one-off character in this same episode, and we got a lot more from him. Even a mini character arc.)
Okay, let's go!
Scenario #1:
I think Sam needs to bring the conflict to the scene. And one way to do that would to have her be biased against Transformers--in a more aggro way than Stevie, like a foil to him.
(Sidenote, I thought Sam deciding that she could trust Nightshade because they're nonbinary--not because they saved her from a mugger--was extremely silly. Queer robots can be evil; trans Skywarp would squash you where you stand.)
So in this scenario, Sam is less mild mannered and more of a punk. Leather jacket covered with patches with studs all over it! Chains around her neck! Wild hair! T-shirt with the arms ripped off and "SHE / THEY" written on it in magic marker. The "SHE" starts with the Stussy S that we all drew in middle school.
Punk Sam actually tries to fight the guy mugging her, but Nightshade sees the mugger has a gun and swoops in to save her.
So Sam is on the roof with Nightshade, putting up her dukes and trash-talking to cover how scared she is of this giant robot.
Sam: You want some of this, you dirty 'Con? I'll punch you so hard you'll fly all the way back to your home planet!
Nightshade: Please don't, I fear you will injure your hand. And for your information I am not a Decepticon and I am on my home planet. Rude.
Sam: Oh please! Everyone knows all the flying robots are bad guys.
Nightshade (raises an eyebrow): That is a gross generalization. And why exactly did this 'bad guy' robot *puts their fingers on their chest with a flourish* prevent you from being grievously injured by a miscreant?
Sam (reluctantly lowers her fists): Eh, I could've handled him. Why do you talk like that? You swallow a dictionary, green bean?
Nightshade: If only one could absorb words so easily! No, I simply read a lot. Though it does mean my siblings don't always understand me . . .
Sam: Buddy, you and me both.
And then Sam and Nightshade bond, and it turns out Sam has three brothers, one of whom doesn't respect that she's nonbinary and keeps calling her "little lady" to taunt her. Nightshade is shocked by the thought of family being unsupportive, but consoles her and encourages her to focus on the support of her two other siblings, of her friends, and most importantly to have faith in herself. (Also they paraphrase Tarantulas during this part because we love a callback.)
Nightshade is thrilled to learn the word "nonbinary", and before Sam departs, she self-consciously asks Nightshade if they can give her a ride in their owl form.
Nightshade: *arches a brow* Are you sure you want a ride from an "evil" flying Transformer?
Sam: Whaaat? Who said that? Point me at 'em, I'll punch their lights out.
Nightshade: *chuckles and transforms* That won't be necessary.
So Nightshade drops off Sam in her neighborhood, and the twist is that Stevie is actually one of Sam's (supportive) brothers, and she spots him just as he finishes changing the graffiti to "Transformers are home", and she nods approvingly.
Scenario #2:
Non-punk Sam; she looks the same as in the show except her pins are mostly space related, and in addition to the "she/they" pin she has one that says "nonbinary." Sam is also going to provide the conflict in this scenario, but this time the conflict is internal, as we will see.
So Nightshade saves Sam from the mugger and hovers in midair with Sam in their hand, fifty feet above the ground. This version of Sam doesn't quietly freeze when she's scared, she flips out.
Nightshade: It's all right, you're safe now. :D
Nightshade: Er, my name is Nightshade, my pronouns are--
Nightshade (more and more desperate to calm Sam down, sees a pin on Sam's bag): Oh, "nonbinary"! That's a computer language, is it not?
Sam (stops screaming with comedic abruptness): Um, no? It means people who aren't female or male.
Nightshade (delighted): Oh my . . . like me!
Sam: Whoa, really? Me too. I mean . . . *gestures towards pins* . . . obviously, ha ha.
Sam: . . . *looks at the ground, still far below*
Cut to a scene of the other Maltos, then cut back to Sam and Nightshade, who have now landed on a roof and are chatting comfortably. Sam is into astronomy and Nightshade, Science Nerd, is happy to learn new science facts.
Nightshade: . . . and so a moderate star such as our own sun can eventually expand into a much larger Red Giant? How wondrous! Oh, I must tell my siblings all this . . . *sighs* Yet I wonder if it will keep their interest.
Sam: *laughs* Science isn't everyone's thing, but there are lots of ways to enjoy the stars, you know? When I was little my parents and I would lie in the grass and look at the constellations.
Nightshade: The what?
Sam: Look, I'll show you *points* Trace a line between those four stars--
Nightshade: How?
Sam: *smiles* Just in your mind. They form a rectangle, right? Now look at that line of three stars beside it and imagine they're a handle. That's the Big Dipper. And the Little Dipper pours into it.
Nightshade: In my mind as well?
Sam: *laughs* Exactly. You have to use your imagination. Some people see them as something totally different, like bears or caribou, all kinds of things . . . and some constellations are even more abstract. Like check out Aries, the ram. *traces it in the sky* And over there, that's Tauros the bull. Those two stars are his horns, that one's his eye--
Nightshade: *gasps* Isn't a bull similar to a cow? Oh, I must show Tauros to my siblings! Praytell, are there any owls?
Sam: Not that you can see from here-- *phone buzzes as she receives a text* Hang on a sec . . . My mom's asking where I am.
Nightshade: Oh dear, I did not mean to make your family worry.
Sam: *finishes texting back* It's cool, I told her I'll be a little late 'cause I'm hanging with a friend.
Nightshade: *looks extremely flattered / pleased* I can give you a ride home, if you wish.
Sam: That would be great! Just one sec . . . *is removing the 'she/they' and 'nonbinary' pins from her bag and putting them in a side pocket*
Nightshade: Why are you removing your adornments?
Sam: Oh, uh, it's just . . . I don't want my parents to see, you know?
Nightshade: No, I do not. *clasps hands around knee, tilts head* Is it a surprise?
Sam: More like a secret.
Nightshade: They do not know you're nonbinary? *concerned* Would that upset them?
Sam: Oh, no. My parents are cool, they wouldn't be mad. It's just . . . *clasps her hands together, looks down at her lap* I don't know. I've always been 'their little girl' and I don't want to ruin that for them.
Nightshade: I don't understand. You are who you are. *remembers Tarantulas's words* And it is a gift to know yourself so young.
Sam: I think I know myself, but what if . . . *bites her lip* What if I tell my parents and then it turns out all their expectations were right and I was wrong? What if I disappoint them over nothing?
Nightshade: Perhaps they will not think that seeking the truth is nothing', or ''disappointing'? Regardless of what that truth turns out to be?
Sam: *sighs heavily* Sometimes it's just easier to be what you 'should' be. What people expect.
Nightshade: . . . *gazes at the sky* How beautiful are the stars.
Sam: Yeah . . .
Nightshade: Why, Sam! You were playing a joke on me, weren't you? There is an owl constellation.
Sam: *slight smile* Sorry N.S., not in this hemisphere.
Nightshade: I must correct you. I see it clearly. *traces stars with their finger* There is the wing . . . the eyes burning brightly . . . and another wing. Sentry, the Owl.
Sam: That's not a real constellation. You just . . . made it up.
Nightshade: What makes it less real than a crooked line that people call a ram or a rectangle they see as a bear? *deftly picks the she/they pin out of the side pocket* What makes this *puts their finger on 'she'* more real than this? *puts their finger on 'they'*
Sam: . . . *stares at the pin, then the stars, eyes wet*
Nightshade: *gently* The lines are not etched in the sky, but in our minds, are they not? And so what is to stop us from drawing our own? *after several moments* Ready to go home?
Sam: One sec. *takes the she/they and nonbinary pins and pins them back on their bag* Now I am.
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Far from the truth
Read it on Ao3
Rating: T
Relationships: Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Meliorn/Raphael Santiago, Izzy Lightwood/Meliorn, Clary Fray/Maia Roberts/Izzy Lightwood (background), Maia Roberts/Simon Lewis (background), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (mentioned)
Additional tags: polyamori, open relationships, nonbinary!Meliorn, trauma recovery, Raphael’s neverending Catholic guilt, pre-relationship saphael, found familie(s)
Summary: “Oh, I see,” she says in that way she does when she’s being sarcastic, teasing and grinning, “so everyone who dates me must call me Isabelle? I don’t remember that part of the Accords.”
Raphael, Maia and Clary roll their eyes in unison. Simon is, again, unphased. He just shrugs. “I guess we were all trying to Alexander you, but since we all had the same idea, it doesn’t feel special anymore,” he reasons. “But now it’s too late, because it’s caught on.”
Raphael grimaces instantaneously.
(can be read as a standalone)
Part 1
“Isabelle,” Maia says, trying to get her attention.
Izzy huffs, annoyed. “Does no one call me Izzy anymore?” she asks, hands on her hips, “what’s even the point of having a nickname?”
Clary laughs. “Come on, babe, she’s your girlfriend, let her be.”
Her eyes are glinting in that particular way they only do when she’s looking at Izzy, soft and adoring in such an obvious, simple way. Izzy smiles at her, pretense gone.
Or half-gone. “It’s not just Maia though. Didn’t you hear what I said? Everyone in here calls me Isabelle. Even the ones I don’t date,” she points a finger nonchalantly at Simon and Raphael, lounging on the couch.
Raphael freezes for a second, but Simon is unphased. “Well, in our defense, we used to,” he says, raising his hands as if in surrender.
“Oh, I see,” she says in that way she does when she’s being sarcastic, teasing and grinning, “so everyone who dates me must call me Isabelle? I don’t remember that part of the Accords.”
Raphael, Maia and Clary roll their eyes in unison. Simon is, again, unphased. He just shrugs. “I guess we were all trying to Alexander you, but since we all had the same idea, it doesn’t feel special anymore,” he reasons. “But now it’s too late, because it’s caught on.”
Raphael grimaces instantaneously. “I’m not trying to copy Magnus’ relationship,” he says.
Meliorn nods in his direction like he’s just said something wise. “There was also no plagiarism on my part. I simply think Isabelle is a beautiful name,” they explain. “Besides, names are essences. Saying it is bringing you close to me,” they finish with a half smile, leaning a little towards Isabelle and putting their hands on her waist. She looks up at them, grinning, eyes shining in that particular way that only Isabelle’s can. Raphael’s always thought her eyes were something like gems, big and shiny and precious, like the light that went through them fragmented outwards, revealing a new world.
It’s much better than in the closest memories he has of her, when they were glassed over, almost closed, almost dull. Lost facing inwards.
He is grateful for that, too.
Raphael might not be in love with her anymore, but he does love her. And he’s happy to see her so recovered.
Isabelle holds Meliorn by the jaw and leans to kiss them, back pressed against their chest. There’s a smile in both of their lips. Maia jokingly slaps her arm. “I had a question to ask you,” she reminds her.
“Sorry,” Izzy answers, in that way of hers that sounds sincere while simultaneously saying that she doesn’t regret it all, “got distracted by the whole Alexandering discussion.”
“Don’t call it that,” Raphael says.
“Agreed,” Meliorn murmurs.
“Doesn’t look like that’s what distracted you,” Maia laughs.
Raphael rolls his eyes again. Simon nudges him with his elbow. “Stop pretending you hate love,” he says.
“I don’t hate love, I hate the idea that I’d ever try to emulate Lightwood’s relationship,” Raphael argues.
“-Bane, yes, yes, I know,” he finishes before Simon can. These two had been pointing that out to everybody for so long it looks like the entire world must correct him now. “Will I ever be free?” he looks upwards, as if accusing God of abandonment.
Simon rolls his eyes. “You sound like a jealous stepchild.”
“You’ve become real brave, fledgeling,” Raphael counters, pointing an accusing finger at him. Simon doesn’t even look at it. Damn him and his complete disregard for fake drama. It’s like he’s not even part of the Shadow World.
“Just telling it like it is. You had nothing against Alec before he started dating Magnus.”
“Of course I did. He’s a shadowhunter.”
Simon rolls his eyes. “So’s Izzy.”
“Don’t remind me,” he says sourly.
“So what, you can date a shadowhunter, but Magnus can’t?”
“I’m dating a Seelie.”
“Who dates a shadowhunter, who’s also your ex,” Simon raises his eyebrows in challenge. Then immediately ruins it by overexplaining, “meaning you used to date her. Who’s a shadowhunter. So you dated a shadowhunter. So you can date shadowhunters,” he finishes, in a triumphant tone.
“Yes, I got all that from the first part,” Raphael answers.
“So you don’t have a problem with Alec.”
Raphael huffs. Simon is exhausting sometimes, but even more so when he’s right. “Doesn’t mean I have to like that he’s dating Magnus.”
“I think marriage is a little past dating.”
He grimaces like he’s just taken a bite of an onion. “Right, so even worse.”
Simon’s been rolling his eyes an awful lot lately. “So what, you think Alec isn’t good for Magnus?”
“No,” Raphael answers immediately, then curses himself and Simon for taking the truth out of him so easily. “I’d have to be an idiot. Magnus has never been happier. He deserves everything, and Lightwood, for all his stupid, at least knows that.”
Simon’s grinning like he just won a prize. Raphael feels the need to cover his eyes, and thinks some half-cooked thought about daylighters and sunrays. Which doesn’t even make sense, because he’s also a daylighter now, and he definitely doesn’t- for lack of a better word, shine. Simon is just like that. Untouched by the shadows.
Which is why he’s so annoying most of the time.
“Lightwood-Bane,” Raphael corrects with a small tilt of his head, turning away from Simon so he doesn’t see his lips twitching. Then, before this becomes some sort of moment, “But it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Jealous stepson,” Simon sing-songs.
“I’m not his stepson!”
“He married your dad, he’s your stepdad.”
“No. Magnus isn’t even my dad. He’s just Magnus.”
“Oh, so he isn’t family?”
“Of course Magnus is family.”
“Then so’s Alec, because they’re married, and when you marry you enter the family.”
Raphael groans. Maia, Izzy and Clary all giggle, and Simon does a little bow for them like this is some sort of show. Meliorn’s lips are tugging, but they maintain eye contact with Raphael for the entire duration of his betrayed glare.
“Like I said. Jealous stepson,” Simon finishes. “Unless you have a great closing argument.”
“To be fair,” Meliorn says, “Lightwood did punch him.” There’s no amusement in their eyes now, jaw set and nose twitching. Raphael and Izzy both jolt at that. Raphael wasn’t even thinking about- it.
“He was protecting his sister,” Raphael mumbles. He barely even fought back at the time. But he’s not going to say it, because last time he did, it just made Meliorn angrier.
“It was my fault,” Izzy says.
“We both-”
“Raphael,” Izzy says, eyes begging. Her gem eyes look like they’re full of tears, even when they’re not. Isabelle has this way of telling tragedies with her eyes, sad and mournful like an epic tale that's destined for doom.
Raphael relents. He still isn’t willing to let himself off the hook, but- “Fine. But Alec did apologize, when Isabelle told him the full story.” It was an awkward moment.
But it wasn’t bad.
“Working against yourself here, buddy,” Simon points out. Then, at Raphael’s glare, “what? I’m just saying, Meliorn gave you a great point to use and you’re just giving it back.”
“I suppose guilt overrides jealousy,” Meliorn says, still sounding like a soldier ready for battle.
Raphael would reach for their hand, maybe give it a soft kiss, because he hates seeing them act like they’re still at war and need to endure torture and killings, but- “I’m not jealous.”
“You know," Meliorn begins, in a wise, musing tone, "us Fae Folk have spent centuries mastering the art of wordplay, half-truths, diplomacy and trickery. It’s always amazed me how you, monorealms, can simply… Say things that aren’t true,” they say, smirking at the end. “Must save you a lot of time.”
“I hate all of you,” Raphael says solemnly, getting up to get some blood-infused cake so he can have a dramatic exit.
“Is this a sentence, or just another example?” Meliorn calls back.
Raphael laughs. It’s loud enough for them to hear from the other room.
He doesn’t even care.
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renardtrickster · 5 years
ThePedanticRomantic Rebuttal: “Traps” Don’t Exist And Here’s Why
This video has been out for a month, so maybe nobody cares about it. I made a previous debunking, but decided to re-do it. If you still care, you’ve come to the right place. If you don’t, then why are you still reading? There’s two other rebuttals on this, one which I’ll link because I liked the video, the other I won’t because... I didn’t.
First thing’s first, kudos to PR for clarifying the Lily Hoshikawa situation. Really frustrated at people trying to weave Lily into what she isn’t. Unfortunately, that’s about the only good thing I have to say about this video.
Second thing, before we move onto The Beef. Neither Astolfo nor Ferris/Felix Argyle are nonbinary/trans. Astolfo does use they/them pronouns sometimes and their gender is listed as a secret sometimes, but they also use he/him pronouns, and get listed as male. Astolfo has a very teasing personality, liking to mess with people, and that’s painting the medium by reflecting that mindset in some of the official guides and stuff. That’s the exact same tier of joke as a girl’s character sheet listing her weight as “that’s rather rude to ask”, but you somehow believed that was an official sources even though that only happens sometimes.
The Felix situation is even more blatant ignoring of the actual character. The reason Felix acts girly is because Crusch, the lady of house Karsten, is something of a tomboy and people expecting her to act like a real lady gets in the way of her work. They made a promise to each other, with Felix lending Crusch his “knightly side” and Crusch lending Felix her “girlish side”, so Crusch would be unobstructed in her duties and Felix could excel at serving her better. Demanding to be called Ferris and declaring himself a “pretty girl” is part of this, so he could seem more feminine and “make up for” Crusch and otherwise hold up the promise. Blocking secondary sex characteristics is also this. If he went through puberty and became more man-ish, that would break the promise because he couldn’t be girlish like what he promised. Felix doesn’t actually identify as a girl. He outright says he is a man “in both body and soul” and one chapter is outright titled “Felix Argyle is a pretty boy”.
ThePedanticRomantic used Lily’s backstory, context, and character to point out how she was trans, but completely glossed over all of that for Astolfo and Felix to lie about them being nonbinary and trans respectively. It’s incredibly transparent (pun not intended), because Lily’s explanation takes the first 5 minutes of the video, Astolfo gets 10 seconds, and Felix gets a minute.
Second, the video really bothers me as someone who is vaguely interest in language, lexicon, and all that junk. Pedantic spends several minutes talking about how Trap evolved from “crossdressing boys who make pingy feel funny” to trans and other similar identities too, making the point that the language is too fluid to just say “well that one’s wrong”... But then she says that because it’s gone too far, it’s unable to be reclaimed or used non-offensively? That’s doublethink so bad I got whiplash and am now typing from the hospital. Language can have multiple uses, but still have “wrong” use. Like, let’s look at “Lterally.”
Speaking on strict terms, Literally means “exactly, without exaggeration”. “That bear was literally nine feet tall”. But people also use literally in a figurative sense. “That bear was literally the size of a house”. I’m sure there’s a proper word for this, but it’s taken on a slang connotation. Both of those sentences were “correct” in that they both flow correctly, and you get what the person means, but by the book, the second person was incorrect because that’s not what the word means, and they stretched it for some purpose.
Similarly, let’s look at “trap”. “Bridget from Guilty Gear is a trap” is correct because this fits the original definition of the term, and the intent of the usage aligns with what the majority of people mean when they say this, contrary to what the video would have you believe. “Erica Anderson from Catherine is a trap” is incorrect because she, a trans girl, doesn’t fit the original definition of the term, and even though you know what people are egging at when they say this, they are the minority, and the vast majority would agree that they are using the word wrong, in addition to the fact that they’re probably dicks or at the very least misinformed.
Additionally, Jasou and Otokonoko, while I like those words and a buddy o’ mine even uses them frequently, are not the solution. First of all, you even said that the history included both crossdressing men, and trans women. So does Trap and Drag Queen and any other word implying some degree of not conforming to gender roles. This seems to be saying that Jasou and Otokonoko are “good” simply because they haven’t been “tainted” yet. Tying into the second point, what’s to stop transphobes and Edgy People and other buttheads from adopting Jasou and Otokonoko and use those to refer to trans people. At best, we’re just rotating words and sooner or later, we’ll be right back at square one. At worst, you’re actively ringing a dinner bell for them. You know that these kinds of people love jumping on “safe words”, mandating a newer, gooder word that doesn’t have offensive connotation will just encourage them to use it in an offensive sense, and then we’re back to square one.
Perhaps the biggest one of all though, ties back into the idea I discussed with Literally. The intention of the user matters a whole lot. Trap alone is just a word with a few implications and meanings attached, but it’s nothing until someone applies it, and what it’s applied to. If a person calls a crossdressing anime boy a trap, that’s not transphobic. If a person calls a transgender anime girl a trap, that’s transphobic. Similarly, if you call a crossdressing boy a crossdresser, that’s not transphobic. If you call a transgender girl a crossdresser, that’s transphobic. If you call a crossdressing man a man, that’s not transphobic, If you call a transgender woman a man, that’s transphobic. You wouldn’t make a video trying to state that “crossdresser” or “man” are innately transphobic words and that we should stop using them and replace them with something else, you would correct the person using those incorrectly that it’s incorrect, and if they persist, you dropkick them like garbage into a trashcan.
And, while this isn’t as strong as the other points... The “far right memetic anime fan” burn says more about you than it does about any dissenters. If you end your thesis with “and if you disagree, you’re bad”, all it does is display a lack of confidence in your persuasive and informative skills on your part. To anyone who was on the fence, you guilted them into agreeing with you for fear of being called a transphobe, to anyone who disagreed with you, you just stacked the deck because now they’ll already have people predisposed to thinking them a monster, and to people who already agreed with you, you just pandered to them.
I’d also recommend watching this video by TheSMonroeShow. Seeing it on my dash inspired me to re-do this rebuttal, and he focus more on the general history and connotations and junk where I mostly focus on ThePedanticRomantic’s statements and how language works.
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shadeflare-sisters · 5 years
Ellie Shadeflare LF:RP
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The Basics — -
Server/World: Balmung
Age 28
Birthday 20th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Race Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Female-Presenting Nonbinary
Sexuality Bisexual, leaning toward the feminine
Marital Status Single.
Character Alignment  Chaotic Good/Neutral Good
Physical Appearance — -
Hair: Snow White
Eyes: Dalamud Red
Height: 6′0
Build:  Dancer/sprinter’s physique, but with an unrealistically large chest and modest rear
Skin Tone: Ash Grey
Distinguishing Marks: Fluffy tail, her face was clawed by Ifrit when she was a teenager. Various other scars and scratches line her body, though those are far more healed than her face. Her right hand holds an aetherially-induced knife scar, spelling the word “DUTY”.
Common Accessories: Red is her favorite color, but she wears a wide assortment of clothing and gear, from showy and exposed, to more modest and practical. She also owns replicas of various magical jobs. She NEVER leaves home without a crimson, fleshy version of the Kaladanda Lux.
Personal — -
Profession: Adventurer. In particular, she bills herself as a “Jack of All Magic”, due to her absurd aether and her talent of utilizing various magical arts directly from Soul Crystals. However, she is currently learning Red Magic, in honor of the fallen Crimson Duelists and due to her own concern of such a peace-keeping art being lost to time.
Hobbies: Learning more about magic, researching magic in ancient civilizations, socializing, meeting new people, adventuring for the sake of it, learning more about her people’s culture. 
Languages: Common, however, she can understand any language spoken to her. She is usually unable to speak back in the same language, however.
Residence: She has a home in Ul’dah.
Birthplace: Ul’dah
Religion: None.
Patron Deity: Menphina, the Lover
Fears: Amal’jaa, Ifrit, masculine men, voidsent, Glysoria*, loneliness, being a failure
Relationships — -
Partner: None
Children: She seems uncomfortable to say.
Parents: Mother (deceased)
Siblings: Sister
Other Relatives: None to mention.
Pets: None.
Annoying Pest: Glysoria, Mistress of Chains: Recently, Ellie had trapped her almost-decade long tormentor inside of her enhanced Kaladanda Lux. Due to Glysoria’s immense power, she was able to overpower the Anima within, but not without expending much of it in the process. As she is now too weak to fight Ellie and likely bound to the Kaladanda for good, she has reduced from a hostile entity to an irritating presence. It is still an unfortunate fate to be stuck with your abuser for the rest of your life.
Traits — -
Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional Information — -
Smoking Habit: None.
Drugs: None.
Alcohol: None, especially since she is a complete lightweight.
RP Hooks — -
ADVENTURER FOR HIRE! Ellie is always in need of gil, as she often finds herself devouring far too much expensive red meat and obtaining new clothes that fit her fancy. She’s also generally good natured and trusting, so it isn’t hard to edge her with the right motivation.
STUDY BUDDIES! Ellie is always willing to learn more magic (unless it is Blue Magic)! She’s a willing, albeit absent minded student!
TREASURE? WHERE?! Ellie’s often on the look out for more Soul Crystals and more magical artifacts. Also, more valuable items means easier living!
THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP? Ellie... could be having a much better time. Between living with her trauma and the full implications of being stuck with the abusive Succubus who helped ruin her life, she can’t stand loneliness. Whether the companionship is legitimate or has some nefarious purpose, it’s easy to lure Ellie in as a friend.
Wait, what’s that floating thing? Accompanied by Glysoria, by possessing Ellie’s Anima and its physical host, the Keeper can often be seen bickering either to nothing or to the “Anima” floating with her. Someone aware of the void might be able to discern Glysoria’s presence.
Open to most content. Just don’t god-mod/meta-game or attempt to do anything to Ellie without proper consent.
If that topic ever comes up, I’d prefer there be a reason to ERP rather than doing mindless ERP. There are exceptions, but keep in mind that I’m likely not wanting anyone in Ellie’s pants or otherwise. There’s been an oversaturation of that kind of contact for a bit too long, and I’d rather have legitimate RP and social encounters.
I do not/can not roleplay every day. Real life is a stinker!
I’m far from perfect, so if you have a problem with me, PLEASE let me know! I might not take it the best way depending on how it’s presented, but I’ll do my best.
I am open to roleplay on discord/In-game. Due to real life obligations, in-game is harder and harder for me to do.
On CST @balmungroleplayers @balmungrp
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subtletyislost · 7 years
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1. Tell us about your WIP!Currently I’m working on a lesbian romance novel about two girls in college,one is a double majoring in business and english education, the other doublemajors in computer science and astrophysics (the college she goes to doesn’t do“rocket science” or aeronautical engineering, so this is probably as close asshe’s going to get for programing rockets and theoretical space flightpaths/devices). The other major part of the story is that the MC (the rocketscientist) is searching for her missing brother at the same time.
3. What is your favorite/least favorite part aboutwriting?My favorite part about writing is that moment hen someone tells me eitherthat they like my writing or gives me some kind of critique/encouragement (yes,I actually like receiving constructive criticism). My least favorite part aboutwriting is trying find people to give that critique/trying to stay focusedenough to actually finish a story.
5. Top five formative books?I don’t know what this means but the books I read as a child that made mewant to write were: 1. The Magic Treehouse Series 2. Molly Moon’s IncredibleBook of Hypnotism 3. Bloody Jack 4. The Tale-Tell Heart (and other Edgar AllenPoe things) 5. The Little Princebooks that shaped my writing style/preferences though were 1. Molly Moon’sIncredible Book of Hypnotism 2. Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witchof the West 3. Welcome to Night Vale: The Novel 4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide tothe Galaxy 5. Martin the Warrior
6. Favorite character you’ve written?Fandom: Sera, Leliana, Josephine, Cole (Dragon Age), Jack, Liara, Peebee (MassEffect), Pharah (overwatch), Raven (Teen Titans), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)Original: Cassandra Tesla (the MC of the wip from question 1), Scion, Xia,Sage, Ruka, and Nvros
8. Do you have anywriting buddies or critique partners? yes! @wardenpharah @snowstorm-thirteen @uswhovianswillholdasiton and acouple others who I mostly talk to on discord
9. Favorite/leastfavorite tropes? Favorite: I don’t know trope names, but there’s trope that I didn’t know was atrope until I came across it in a few fics and a podcast where basicallysomeone is separated from their spouse and when they meet back up with themthey’re like “I missed you so much! Btw I kind of accidentally adopted thiskid/[wayward character]”; that trope “remove your weapons” *pulls a ridiculousamount of weapons out of nowhere* “ALL of them” *reluctantly hands over one ortwo more*; “will this work?” “I have no idea” *thing explodes* “was it supposedto do that?” “I don’t know but it was awesome!”Least favorite: that trope where they destroy the MCs hometown/house/familyjust so the MC has nothing tying them back to where they began and then proceedto do absolutely nothing with that plotwise and it affects nothing but gettingthe MC to actually leave their town
10. Pick an author(or writing friend) to co-write a book with@snowstorm-thirteen or @wardenpharah or one of my new friends from discordwhose tumblr I’ve forgotten
12. Which story ofyours do you like best? why? Original Works: either Light in the Dark or The Forgotten Realm of Dreams orThe Invisibles, because they’re all really really gay and really really nerdyFanfic: Is This Home Yet is without a doubt my best work ever. I’m consideringrewriting it as a novel. Wouldn’t be hard because the only thing making it afanfic and not an original work is that I used the two mcs to basically justget more attention.
13. Describe yourwriting processIt tends to be: sit down, open a notebook/grab paper/open scrivener/word/googledocs, stare at the page, start writing, erase things, write different things,listen to music, check tumblr, write more, somehow things get done or they don’tget done.
15. How do you dealwith self-doubt when writing? look at paper, say “I hate this”, cry, complain to anyone who will listen,stop writing for however long that takes, go back to writing, say “this is bad”,complain more, talk shit out, then it branches: if feel better, keep writing! Ifnot, stop writing and play video games then come back to writing two or threedays later!
16. Cover love/dreamcovers? I love me some good book covers, but professional ones are expensive orrequire talent that I do not have. Light in the Dark would be good with eithera mysterious cover, cover with a bunch of letters and envelopes, a soft gaycover with two girls that fit Cass and Ruka’s descriptions, or a cover that’s likethe soft gay cover but with space and video games/a computer incorporated intoit.
17. What things(scenes/topics/character types) are you most comfortable writing? scenes: anything not smut or fightingtopics: I’m comfortable writing about anything except incest/ddlg|mmlb/anythingthat falls in the realm of ‘not my thing to talk about’ (ie. I will write transcharacters, but not specifically about trans issues—nonbinary/agender issuesthough I will; I’ll write mlm characters but not specifically about theirissues; I’ll write poc or religious characters but I won’t write specificallyabout the issues that they face-without a lot of research and talking to peopleand such—because it’s just not my place. To explain a bit, I mean that I’llwrite characters that are not like me, and will do research to make sure I don’taccidentally do that in an offensive manner, but I won’t tell their stories forthem because I am not them. I hope this makes sense.)character types: women or nonbinary individuals, rebels, nerds, autistics,abuse victims/survivors, lesbians, ace people, the secretly nerdy femme, thesecretly nerdy butch, the secretly nerdy anyone,the tough girl who likes soft things, the soft girl who will kick your ass, thereptile person (person who likes reptiles), pirate, scientist, explorer, ectthere’s a lot of character types I love to write
25. What’s yourworldbuilding process like? this deserves its own post
21. What aspect ofyour writing are you most proud of? characterization
22. Tell us about thebooks on your “to write” listmost of them are in some way all part of the same series, but not necessarilyconnected, and not necessarily linearly or direct successors. Some/most can be stand-alonethat just happen to take place in the same universe as the others
27. Every writer’sleast favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you docertain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come upwith story ideas?Dreams. Most if not all my story inspiration and ideas come from dreams, therest come from songs or random thoughts that just get stuck in my head. To getmore inspired I play games, bounce ideas off my friends, listen to music, orsleep. It’s fairly easy for me to come up with ideas, almost as easy as comingup with characters *shoves my like 300 ocs into the closet*
28. How do you stayfocused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?I don’t focus, that’s the problem that’s why there’s so much unfinished shit onmy ao3. Tbh I’m usually the one doing the comparing and I deal with it bylearning from the work I’m comparing mine to and improving.
30. Do you like toread books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick tonon-fiction/un-similar works?I don’t read. I can’t focus long enough to read. Instead I play video games inthe same genre or daydream or occasionally relisten to the Welcome To NightVale novel audiobook. I’m starting to branch out and try to find otheraudiobooks to listen to, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a pretty goodone on Audio.
33. What’s yourrevision/rewriting process like?draft one on one side of the screen, draft two on the other side of thescreen and literally rewriting draft one in draft 2. Sometimes I’ll rewrite onthe same document using markups like strikethrough instead of deleting thingsand other colors for the new additions, also lots and lots of sleeping andcrying, and soda (I don’t drink coffee).
34. Unpopular writingthoughts/opinions? Ernest Hemmingway sucks. He’s a terrible writer and you should not aspire towrite like him nor should you look up to him. Said is a perfectly valid word.The Oxford Comma is required not optional. Adverbs are not bad, use them if youwant. First person is a valid form to write in. Parenthetical asides (likethis) are just as valid as hyphenated asides—like this—and should be used if itfits the story/narration style. If your pov character doesn’t understand theforeign language the other character is speaking, putting the words in theother language in the text with a footnote translation is just as valid as “hesaid something in [language] but MC didn’t understand it.” Stalking is notromantic. Unhappy endings do not belong in the romance genre. Your charactercan be gay without complaining about it or it making their life hard. You canhave more than one minority character! You characters never going to thebathroom is unrealistic. Mosquitoes are a thing and if your character isoutside in the summer they had better damn well be protecting themselvesagainst them or slapping at at least one. A romance story with a character whowon’t take no for an answer, who isn’tthe antagonist/big (or little) bad, is not romantic. A romance story where thecharacters kiss or have sex when one of them clearly doesn’t want to, is notromantic. BOTH characters in your romance story need to change by the end ofthe story, that’s just good characterization. You can have polyamorouscharacters, but we are not a kink/fetish, if you don’t actually support actualpolyamorous people in real life don’t write about us in your fiction it’sdisrespectful and you’re probably going to do it wrong. Cheating is notromantic. Asexuals exist, Aromantics exist, Bisexuals exist. Romance doesn’tneed sex. … I’ll stop now, I have a lot of things I could say here.
35. Post the lastsentence you wroteShe blinked them back, willing herself not to cry.
36. Post a snippetCassandra had never been one for plans, if she had she might have actuallytalked with her roommate before move-inday. Even so, despite not planning things much, she did have goals. Her goal onmove-in day was simple: move in, preferably alone. She’d been under theimpression that she was the first one to arrive and that her roommate wouldn’tbe coming until later in the day. So, it was a shock to her when she arrived ather dorm room and found it was already open. She tapped her foot against the doorto get the attention of whoever was inside the room. She couldn’t quite see whomight be in there through the boxes that she was carrying.
“I hope you don’t mind,” a soft voice from inside the roomsaid, “it’s just that it was easier to leave the door open than to have to keepunlocking it.”
Cassandra tilted her head as she walked into the room,lowering the boxes just enough to see over them as she did so. “It’s notrouble,” she replied. “Who are you?”
The girl she was addressing, that she assumed was herroommate, was probably the most delicate looking girl she’d ever seen—wearing alight blue sundress with a ribbon around her waist and matching Mary Janes. Inher mind, the girl gave the impression of the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast; almost more likean idea than a person. She had long dark blonde—or was it light brown—hair withfaint, but still visible, red and dark brown streaks running through it, asthough it contained a fire within its French braid. Her smile was soft, barelyeven visible, and she looked like she might have played a sport in highschool—probably archery or fencing. Her brown eyes sparkled in the light fromthe window, like a stone of topaz against a blanket of snow. Never in her life,had Cassandra ever seen a girl that made her wonder if she was staring, but shehad now.
37. Do you ever writelong handed or do you prefer to type everything?100% depends on the story, and the day, and whether or not my eyes hurt.Sometimes ideas flow better on paper, sometimes typed, sometimes they flowbetter when I talk them out those days are bad for writing but good for gettingideas.
42. How many draftsdo you usually write before you feel satisfied? 100% depends on if it’s original work or fanfiction. Original works I’m usuallynot satisfied even after 6, 7, or even 10 drafts. Fanfiction, sometimes I justpost up the first draft without caring, sometimes I’m more satisfied with a seconddraft. It usually doesn’t go beyond that.
48. Do you prefer towrite skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut itback?I just write. Usually my second draft is longer and more detailed than thefirst, and by the 5th or 6th everything has changedbecause of added or removed details.
51. Are you asecretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books?I don’t shut up about my writing, not with my friends.
52. Who do you writefor? Myself., or anyone who pays me.
54. Favorite firstline/opening you’ve written? Absolutely nothing could go wrong, she thought just exactly as everythingwent wrong.
50. Do you share yourrough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?I share them, if I waited until they were polished no one would ever get toread them
55. How do you manageyour time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day ordo you only write when you have a lot of free time?) I have no job and no life. 0/10 do not recommend my method of having writingtime
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