#also don't assume Jewish people's opinions on Israel
unbidden-yidden · 3 months
And so as not to derail that previous post further, I'm taking my rant to this new post, but shit like that makes me so angry for so many reasons:
It's a hate crime against Jews, many of whom are totally uninvolved in the current situation
Let's say that hypothetically that this organization and every single one of its members was publicly advocating for the destruction of Gaza** or something: vandalizing a synagogue is still a hate crime, because you're not just targeting that community by spewing antisemitism, you are targeting all Jews. Every Jew. Every Jewish institution. Because the thing is that there is never an excuse for antisemitism. If you say that there is, what you're saying is that antisemitism IS okay as long as it's directed at Bad Jews or Jews you don't like. I can't stand Caitlin Jenner, but I'm not gonna call her out of her name or misgender her. Kanye is a walking dumpster fire of a human, but that doesn't mean I get to say racist stuff about him. And yeah - even Jews with the worst, ugliest opinions do not legitimize antisemitism. Come on guys, this is Social Justice 101.
And another thing: Let's assume again the worst about this group - they still don't have any power to actually change or stop what's happening in Israel. They are diaspora Jews who, unless they are randomly dual citizens, cannot vote and do not live there. Even if this antisemitic hate crime somehow inspired a deep reflection about who and how they are as Jews (massively unlikely for reasons that should be obvious), them taking up the torch of anti-Zionism does not have any legal significance. This act, in addition to being a hate crime, is one that is not even strategic in helping to shut down bad actors with actual power, nor is it at all calculated to build community bridges.
In fact, it is almost guaranteed to have the opposite effect: these vandals have not only made enemies of this community, but alienated any other potential Jewish allies.
But even if we set that aside, assuming that they don't care, it's massively counterproductive in that it will likely inspire more diaspora Jews to feel unsafe in that location and consider aliyah as an answer. If anything, these kinds of acts of blind hatred only reinforce the legitimate fear behind much of Zionism. You people just can't help proving again and again that Jews are physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially unsafe in the diaspora and need somewhere that is guaranteed to take us in when the next Kristallnacht happens.
It's also counterproductive, even if you actually just want Jews to die and don't care where we go; you actively want the destruction of Israel and all of the Jewish people because you're an antisemitic jackass you think it's somehow deserved: Normal people actually don't want that, and so if you're trying to attract other goyim who are decent people to your cause, associating pro-Palestinian activism with hate crimes is one of the worst things you can do in terms of PR and moral high ground.
Using Palestinian lives, deaths, and suffering as a bludgeon ignores them as real people and dehumanizes them and their struggle in the process. Anyone engaging in or excusing this kind of behavior is misusing their cry for justice as a get-out-of-antisemitism-free card, dehumanizing them by turning them into a weapon, and diverting much-needed energy away from things that actually help to doing PR cleanup and having to publicly distance themselves from these disgusting acts.
(**Please note that I am not saying these people were; in fact, I have yet to see a not-reactionary right-wing fringe Jewish group calling for anything but a return of the hostages and praying for peace in the region)
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
There was a post a while ago pointing out that "Zionism" doesn't actually mean support for Netanyahu or the present-day government Israel, opposition to Palestinian rights or a Palestinian state, etc. when condemning the way it gets used on this website (I literally saw someone the other day list it in a DNI right next to "Nazis" with no sense of irony). And some people in the notes who are usually well-informed claimed this was "whitewashing" it, referring to an older term to erase how it's used now. Well, the problem is.... if you were actually as fully informed on this topic as you think you are, you'd know that this "older definition" is still how the term gets used in a lot of present-day Jewish communities, especially in the diaspora. That's one of the reasons that the term polls so well among Jewish people in the diaspora, even though a lot of them obviously don't agree with what the current government is doing in Gaza and a lot support a two-state solution - but upwards of 90% or more of Jews in the U.S. and UK for instance identify as Zionists.
And that's the point that was being made. The way that the term is used on Tumblr or even in left-wing activist and academic spaces on Tumblr is pretty different from how it's used among a lot of Jewish communities, and that disconnect in terminology use is leading to a lot of people who should otherwise be allies alienating each other. Don't be so arrogant as to assume that when it comes to a term that is most associated with a group you're not a part of, that how you're seeing it used is the only way it's being used anywhere. And don't make fights over one term obscure the end goals of uniting to support Palestinian liberation. The point was that a lot of people who aren't very informed on what the term actually means are using it as a slur word to mean "people who have the opinions on I-P I disagree with," and don't realize that they're both alienating a lot of people that definition actually does fit in while also encouraging people they probably don't actually agree with, antisemites. (There are literally posts I've seen going around on Tumblr about "Zionist-controlled Hollywood" and "Zionist-controlled media" and look, people. The famous Jewish conspiracy theory is literally called ZOG or Zionist Organized Government. If you sound indistinguishable from those people, then it's not about Palestine anymore. And if you want it to be about that and not about just pushing away Jews, then you need to better inform yourself on the history of antisemitic tropes and find different ways to phrase your argument.)
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royalberryriku · 1 month
// Sort of a vent/ political rant but yeah
TLDR Free Palestine and there IS no antisemitism besides Israel itself, and the Zionists speaking for Jewish survivors of the holocaust who consistently say "not in our name".
Absolutely fascinating how we've gotten to this point of hundreds of Jews saying "hey this thing doesn't represent us!" and "Not in our name" while not-Jews say "hey stop being antisemetic" at these exact said Jews for saying a thing non-Jewish people don't like. And yes there are Jews saying this too, but a very large number are also saying Not Us and we're just. Ignoring them. Speaking over them. Silencing them. Then act like that isn't fucking antisemetic??
Also how said non-Jews are predominantly white Christian Zionists who also want Jews dead alongside Muslims because they think Israel belongs to Christians and in government positions of country's who have historically hated Jews and wanted them dead or legislated against them at the very VERY least.
And here we are still, in this western society that has a huge ass history of antisemitism that has existed since way after world war II with how badly they're still treated, calling freaking Jews antisemetic for not agreeing to the non-Jew WHITE CHRISTIANS WHO HATE THEM with their opinion of literally just "shut up for being the wrong kind of Jew" since that is, you know, really antisemetic but hey since they said it and they're defending Israel they're apparently totally allowed to tell Jews to shut up apparently when they "say the wrong thing".
It reminds me of other times when the suffering of a minority group is co-opted by people not even in that group who only listen to the smallest, TINIEST fraction of said minority who happen to agree with them. Usually out of internalised fear or hatred for other minorities.
All the while being okay with Jews saying by the hand of the IOF and being "yeah but what about Hamas" when Israel has killed hostages and Israeli civilians over and over again with "friendly fire", meanwhile Jewish Palestinians also die, and also as if arabic people in general aren't also of the Semitic people like... Israel itself has been antisemetic and murdering the Semitic race for, what 76+ years now? but we're still willing to back and ethnostate that refuses to even teach the holocaust properly more than listen tobthe majority of Jews who have said, over and over, "not in our name". Particularly holocaust survivors who have said they're appalled and who we actively silence in all of this because, woopty doo, they don't say what white Christian leaders want.
And by fascinating I mean absolutely fucking horrible.
It costs nothing to maybe think for five seconds "huh, why are so many Jews against Israel" to figure out that maybe Israel is fucking antisemetic that's why?? Because WE, our nation's in the west, have been antisemetic for a long ass time while we go "huh I wonder who's gonna deal with those neo Nazis attacking synagogues :/" and "I wonder why it's on the rise and no one's caring or talking about it" because our nation's are okay with it maybe like Jewish people have been saying and we've been ignoring for a long ass time?? Maybe because this shit about "aww the west just cares about Jews guys, stop being insensitive" is bullshit because where were you all when Jewish graves were being defaced by neo Nazis?? Because maybe Israel saying "we celebrate the killing of arabic babies because no child is innocent" is fucked up and doesn't represent Jews and claiming it does makes you antisemetic as all fuck?? Damn, what's not to get.
Also an interesting (and by that I mean fucked up) fact; so far, each time I talk about this issue with really pro Israel people, they keep being like "well I don't really like Jews either" or "I think it's good that Jews aren't in my country". So many pro Israel people are just antisemetic to the core.
Anyway, sorry for the rant but also not sorry if you support Israel by now I'm just gonna fucking assume you hate both Arabs and Jews. Wanting the side that actively bombs its own hostages doesn't care about Jews so no don't come at me with excuses either. Israel doesn't help Jews they don't care about Jews.
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azhdakha · 6 months
What I noticed from going through Israeli media is that it seems like they live in a separate reality. I don't how much of that is intentional and how much is due to being brainwashed.
They look on the protesters and the "free Palestine" movement and they genuinely think that it means wiping out all the Jewish people from Israel and Palestine(well, some do ngl). Ofcourse together with how all these masses completely ignored the Oct 7th massacre by hamas, it's easy to assume that these huge crowds of protesters are gathered there to call for eradicating Jewish people. Knowing the history of antisemitism it's easy to believe that.
However we're not in an info vacuum, internet exists and you cannot excuse bigotry and wsr crimes with bring brainwashed.
They also post the videos of... I don't know what is this, some sort of events and military trainings for children organized by Islamic military groups in Palestine, I believe. Which I think is a fucked up thing to do - to engage kids in military stuff and make them used to it.
But it's not a rocket science to be and adult and realize that just because kids grow up in certain conditions and parrot whatever their parents make them to, it doesn't make these kids neither guilty nor a threat to you.
I know that have some Israeli and Jewish mutuals, I'd love to know what they think about this, because my opinion is an opinion of an outsider that sees only social media.
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a-witch-in-endor · 1 year
do you think it’s silly that as someone who isn’t really religious (more in a chill way than in a completely convinced way like i mostly just don’t think about it too much) but who was raised somewhat catholic (never really believed as a child either but some practices were fun/ parents alternated between saying they believed and saying they didn’t and didn’t do religious practices that often or assiduously) to want to reconnect with my great grandmother’s religion and culture (on my mother’s side; she was jewish). like sometimes i feel it’s pointless or that since i’m not religious that i’m just going to do it to feel interesting but that i’m not really sincere. i’m not really looking to convert but more like picking up and observing some common practices that are somewhat commonly observed as cultural rather than only religious? my family history is nebulous and complicated but. i think maybe my great grandmother would’ve liked her things to be passed on and that’s what keeps nagging me about it.
sorry about a long personal anon especially if it’s inappropriate or if you don’t feel like replying feel free to delete it, i am asking because it’s hard to get an answer myself and it’d be nice to have an opinion from someone who /is/ jewish. like i’d post on a thing like quora or reddit or whatever but i don’t really use that so i figured i’d try here. also obviously i know you’re just one person and not representative of all jewish people and all varieties of jewish faith and groups etc etc i’m taking all this with a grain of salt etc etc. thank you i hope you’re doing well and have a good day!
Hi anon, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.
The first thing I want to ask you to think about is... your maternal great-grandmother: was this your mother's mother's mother? Because if so, I have bad news, and that bad news is that you're actually Jewish already. Oops. Jewish law about "who is a Jew" is traced down the maternal line. Do contact me again if you want to talk through what that might mean (or not mean) for you.
Secondly, I think it's worth pondering the relationship between religious feeling and religion. Christians do like to frame religion in terms of faith, sometimes to the point that we call them "faiths" in English, but most religious groups in the world don't self-define that way. Religion is ill-defined because it's actually a lot of things. It's ethnicity and culture, it's shared language and concepts, it's mythology and worldbuilding and metaphors, it's relationship with the soil of a homeland, it's the physical rituals we use to hold important moments of life and development, it's law and ethics, it's connection with ancestors and the ways in which they shaped us and changed the world. And yes, it's also how we feel about the Divine, how we connect with the Great Other, how we give prayers and offerings, but that's only one part of what religion is.
If I assume that you're not actually Jewish (which is not a given), then you are what we might call zera Yisra'el, or "seed of Israel". This means that your ancestors, fanning out through many generations, were Jews. Their food and culture and language and mythology and texts and prayers were Jewish. Feeling a draw to connection with that is not at all strange to me. It's part of the constellation of your history, and I think it's beautiful that you'd like to carry some part of that forward.
Jews are a people primarily of text and physical ritual. I have no advice on where to start aside from reading and acting. But I hope this was helpful, and please feel very free to de-anon and message me if you want to talk about it any further.
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borrelia · 6 months
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I'm definitely not the most knowledgeable on this topic, but I know enough to know SOME of this seems wrong/misleading. the holocaust thing was true for sure as recent as 2013 but I can't find anything since then. that's relevant bc the point op made about the charter is completely outdated. this was true of the 1988 charter, but the 2017 charter explicitly distinguishes between resistance to zionism vs antisemitism. From the charter:
16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity. 17. Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage. The Zionist movement, which was able with the help of Western powers to occupy Palestine, is the most dangerous form of settlement occupation which has already disappeared from much of the world and must disappear from Palestine.
now I could be completely wrong but to me this says "we do not oppose the people of israel because they are jewish, we oppose them because zionism is a settler project. israel is the one equivocating zionism with judaism. this is not about that." point 17 may be a "we couldn't even be anti-semitic if we wanted to be, because that's a european invention" point, but the first sentence makes me lean more to "antisemitism is also bad and that is not in the interests of arabs and muslims."
but also since op said these things in the replies i don't think their post is as unbiased as I'd like to hope it is
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("from the river to the sea" is, as I understand it, more of a land-back call than a call for displacement, and assuming it is the latter does not inspire confidence in op's position here)
Unrebloggable bc I don't trust my opinion here enough to want it spread around. but if anyone disagrees with my assessment here you're welcome to comment, i'd appreciate other perspectives here.
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unwounding · 6 months
I knew anti-arab racism was bad but um I didn't expect it to be this bad. I was expecting dog-whistles and micro-aggressions and winks and nudges, not "these filthy Arab animals need to be wiped off the face of this earth." And now that I know it's this bad I'm convinced that the fears of being called anti-semitic for critiquing Israel stems not only from Western guilt over the Holocaust but also not viewing racism towards Arabs as an axis of oppression. I often see that a popular move to deflect charges of antisemitism is to invoke that Jewish people also criticize the Israeli government, but it literally does not matter. No circumstances and amount cultural relevatism can ever justify treating other human beings like this. You cannot force 2 million people in a 5 x 25 mile cage and pelt feces, rocks, and trash at them while calling them dirty Arabs, you cannot taunt civilians while watching them with a rifle in your hand to make sure they can't escape, you cannot ban them from walking on certain streets, cannot argue with a straight face that decapitating a baby via a bomb is more morally permissible than beheading them (even though this did not happen), cannot call them animals that don't deserve water, or tell a man whose entire family was annihilated by a bomb launched by the IDF that he should really blame Hamas because they probably didn't let them leave. You just can't. And when I saw this rhetoric I assumed that it was a minority opinion; after all, the loudest people receive the most attention even if they are few. I no longer think that. Given it's frequency and the number of high-profile people who espouse it, it's not taboo. Like anti-blackness is rampant in America, but very few mainstream figures will say niggers need to die because they know they'll face severe backlash. But apparently it's so normal to say these things about Arabs that no one has any reservations about saying it in public. More than anything it shows a precedent has been set: this has gone on for years and years without criticism and is thus seen as the rule of the game.
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hazzabeeforlou · 2 months
Well Irving Azoff signed an open letter in support of Israel. He is undoubtedly a Zionist. It doesn't seem like much of a stretch to think that Jeffrey would also be a Zionist. As is Ben Winston. I feel like Harry's knowledge of the history between Israel and Palestine would be very one sided being surrounded by those people. When Anne and Gemma were criticised for not showing support for Palenstine they liked a post saying something along the lines that it's a delicate situation and siding with one side would hurt the feelings of family and friends. I don't blame people for being iffy about the people around Harry and even Harry himself at this point.
But it’s all supposition. And inference. Harry has a Jewish ‘boss’ who signed a letter (I’m assuming it’s the one tons of people signed after the initial attack) and it’s assumed his Jewish friends gave him a one sided opinion and that Harry himself is funding Zionism by proxy by simply making music. That’s a smidge too close to “it’s all about the Benjamin’s” for me. By that logic republicans are right to fear that every Taylor Swift song streamed contributes to Biden’s reelection campaign. Critique Harry’s silence on the issue if you will, or any celebrities’, that’s valid. But to make up a money conspiracy without any hard facts and entirely due to his Jewish friends and business connections? A bridge too far imo.
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bubbaluz · 4 months
Hey I just wanted to ask, what is going on with taz Skylar in regards to Palestine? I can't find what you're talking about and wanted to know. I don't have Twitter so maybe it was there? I don't follow him on ig but I have checked his profile a few times and thought it was weird that he hadn't made any statements (as well as the other cast members I saw) and kept posting regularly like normal. I feel like them staying silent is weird considering the themes in the show they act in and praise so much. And him in particular cause I believe he's from Arab descent, Lebanese specifically if what I saw was correct, which would make him standing with the occupiers or even neutral that much worse imo
(You can answer this privately if you're getting hate about it btw)
I woke up yesterday and went on twitter. I see artists on my tl complaining about Taz, saying how they definitely won’t be supporting/ will be dropping the show. So I’m curious. From what I gather, he promoted a fundraiser marathon he did, for the British Red Cross. While the BRC stands as a neutral organization, they still fund Israel. If the fundraiser/organization had gone to the Palestinian people in Gaza, no one would’ve really had a problem. Most people would’ve liked it, since that would make him the first main cast member to speak up in support of Palestine, (I mean main as the main group, Morgan who plays Koby has shown support). Majority are displaced/homeless, are being starved, more than 20,000+ of them of died and are continuously still being bombed.
People in his comments did say “hey, taz, i know you have good intentions but this organization also supports israel” “can you post something for Palestine too?” He deleted the post. Sometime after that he tweeted out:
“Our opinions can be different. And that's okay. Just because my opinion is different to yours, doesn't mean either of us are wrong. It just means we see things differently. If you go to war with everyone who differs in opinion, we'd all be at war with everyone all the time.”
(Also now deleted, twt is priv) (scrolling through twt, someone got blocked for calling him out?)
Vague tweet on the surface, but the timing and climate that we are in, this tweet can only be referencing what we believe it is in reference to.
At this time he has not said anything. I don’t know if he will say anything in response. I’m sure many people hope for and would appreciate an explanation or an apology or just anything, because this fucking hurts okay? If there’s any Palestinian fans of his or of OPLA, or just the general fans like me, of course they would hurt/disappointed/angered by this. We have every right to. Especially since we all think he and the cast are decent people, you never want to assume people who are tied to your favorite piece of media are bad people, you know? Edit: And I wish he hadn’t reacted the way he did. He could’ve said anything afterwards to clear things up, or at least answered the more calmer people in his comments, rather than deleting and privating. If he genuinely comes to understand and talks, I’ll probably calm down since this situation has been quite rage inducing. But as of right now, I don’t want to look at him…
It is ironic that the cast of One Piece has remained silent throughout, except for Morgan. I know Iñaki posted a little insta story about how there’s a lot of hurt in the world right now. I saw a screenshot of Jacob’s story, telling people to look out for their Palestinian and Jewish friends during this time. That’s about it. Whether it’s an issue of not feeling educated enough or being fearful of the consequences about speaking out (i.e. Barrea being fired from scream, Jenna quitting in solidarity etc.) (I’m iffy on Mackenyu though? I don’t know if he’s allowed to say anything either way, doesn’t he belong to an actor company in Japan? Maybe advise against?) I don’t know. You don’t have to be out here speaking like your in a VICE video, even just a retweeting, liking, sharing news, or just acknowledgement would be a nice sentiment.
At the end of the day, these people are just actors. But in today’s stan culture, when something like this happens, some people will not let go of that image of the celebrity that they have in there head so they end up defending or sticking by their side through the worst of the worst of allegations. I’m sorry if I came off as harsh in that last vent, but in this scenario you have to. You have to be hit in the face with it in that hope that you’ll realize what the fuck is going on.
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makiruz · 4 months
Another thing about zionists, if you call them out they often respond that you're just labeling "jews you don't like" zionists, of "jews you disagree with", invoking the "good jew bad jew" from European history
I can only speak for myself, but when I call a Jewish person a zionist is because I went into their blog and found shit like "Israel has the right to defend itself" or "Jewish people are indigenous to Israel" or "the Left is more antisemitic than the Right" or any number of zionist arguments and dog whistles. If I see a bad Jewish opinion I investigate it, and every time I find zionist shit in the blog; if I were to find nothing I'd assume this person has bad takes but is not a zionist, but that hasn't happened yet. Also, if someone Jewish has a bad opinion on racism or whatever I don't wonder if they're zionist, unless they invoke dog whistles I just assume they're wrong
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eddieydewr · 5 months
i'm a zionist jew, and i don't understand people's negative reaction to noah possibly being a zionist. to me antisemitism and antizionism are often the same thing, even if people don't realize it. like i'm sorry but when celebrities like bella hadid and dua lipa say they're not anti semitic but that they're antizionism/pro free palestine, i am doubtful. my personal opinion is that you have to be anti jew, at least deep down, to believe that we cannot have a exclusive jewish nation state in our rightful HOMELAND (where we are free from persecution). and i know that palestinians also claim historical and national rights to the same place and believe that we shouldn't have conquered the land, but there is CLEAR evidence showing that jews are indigenous to the land of israel, like we have roots in the land dating back THOUSANDS of years. not to mention that in the 1940's before the state of israel was formed, there was no independent and sovereign state called Palestine!! i'm not saying i love the israel government (obviously they need to calm down with some of their actions), but i do believe israel has a right to defend itself against hamas. i'm also so sick of people in the left never condemning hamas. hamas started this on october 7th (regardless of israel's reaction, hamas always starts it), but that is conveniently ignored.
i think it was the stickers that got people rly riled up. i’ll agree that it was ignorant and extremely insensitive considering the current climate but it was some loser who went through noah’s friends’ accounts (looking for ammo, i’m guessing) and found the video on one of their insta stories. it wasn’t meant for public consumption (idk if it was public or friends only viewing); but it wasn’t noah himself who posted the video on his official account. and people wrote their own narratives despite not knowing anything, saying things like he was handing out stickers (he was IN the video, recording on his phone and smiling), and he’s pro-genocide, thinks the idea of genocide is sexy 💀😭 oh, and he’s islamophobic bc the other sticker said hamas is ISIS. like i’m aware ISIS doesn’t align with hamas and is pretty much worse as they seem to be absolutely against everyone and everything whereas hamas just wants all jewish people gone, as well as their own liberation, even it means killing their own people. the people they’re supposed to represent, as a ‘government’. but their values are similar and they are antisemitic. i don’t get how this makes noah islamophobic. are we supposed to root for terrorist orgs now?
people just ignore everything noah (or whoever wrote the post) said on insta. he sympathises with israelis and palestinians. he even made the distinction between hamas and palestinians clear but people still believe he referred to all palestinians as terrorists. so there it is, he’s an islamophobic, zionist genocidal maniac. apparently. and the painfully online leftists want noah and brett gelman gone, will byers to be recast, AND to cancel the show or boycott the next season.
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anyway, i’m in agreement with you. there’s historical evidence, and yeah, it sucks that the UN had to get involved bc the british didn’t know what to do but there was an opportunity for israelis and palestinians to co-exist within a two state solution but iirc, palestinians didn’t want it and not only they but also neighbouring countries started to attack israelis. this whole conflict is being viewed through a westernised lens; israelis are all white and evil. never mind the fact that there are many israelis who disagree with their government and don’t like how the conflict is handled. i assume zionism is an umbrella term, or it just gets used by antisemites when they see a jewish person behave badly and call them a zionist. aka a bad jew. it’s unfair. jewish people aren’t a monolith. it’s telling that non jew zionists don’t get as much flack.
btw, even without the current climate, people would hate on noah for the stickers anyway. i could do the same and say annibyniaeth is sexy, and people wouldn’t give a toss, apart from brit nats and the butcher’s apron bootlickers, lmao. but we’re not taken seriously anyway 💀 maybe a better example would be irish independence, or reunification. it’s politically charged but they get a lot of supporters too.
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spider-sideblog · 6 months
The phrase "death to Israel" expresses desire to end the state of Israel. As you are against this statement, you support the existence of the state of Israel. Zionism is the political ideology in support of the state of Israel. Thus, you are a Zionist. You also use the common Zionist logical fallacy of equating anti-Israel opinions with general antisemitism.
The one person with a bit of common sense. I don't support the state of Israel as it exists right now, I right hate the Israeli government. But I do support the existence of a Jewish homeland, since we aren't wanted anywhere else, and it should be around Jerusalem, as that is both the holy land and the ancestral home.
Now the problem is that you've decided I'm using logical fallacies, when in reality, I'm using logic just fine. There is a very fine line and I am more than willing to admit I don't always know where it is, people aren't always obvious with it. But there are hundreds of ways to say "6mil wasn't enough," and a lot of people in my inbox are saying just that. If you can find even one of my posts where I have genuinely assumed incorrectly whether the line has been crossed, let me know and I'm willing to rectify it. As it stands, however, I'm fairly certain I haven't misjudged
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getstickbugdlol · 6 months
if you have really strong opinions about how people should be talking about israel and palestine on social media this post probably isnt for you
i'm not very well informed on the current state of affairs in israel and palestine, except that the people of gaza are enduring unimaginable suffering.
i've volunteered with an organization run by a synagogue for the last couple of years, putting me into contact with quite a lot of extremely observant Jewish people, some of them Zionists. I went to college in Southern California, in a place with a strong Arab-American community, and I personally know people whose families were displaced by the Israeli government.
Anything - and I do mean anything - I'm posting right now - which, so far, have been a script to call Congress not to donate tax dollars to genocide, and a fundraiser for relief to children of the middle east - has been met with vitriol from people I know. By far the loudest people about it though, are Very Online Leftists who've basically said if you don't openly condemn Zionism you love genocide. Now I don't think it's an insane thing to say I'm not going to come out and say Hamas's actions (war crimes! war crimes have a definition and that attack was a war crime!) were justified or good. Civilian loss of life is always sad. It is a terrorist group. I also don't think it's an insane thing to say the Israeli government is currently committing egregious human rights abuses against Gaza - and again, I don't know that much about this! And even I can see that! We've been harassed by an Israeli business partner at my job after a client posted something pro-Palestine, and we've been directed to be careful what we post on social media. As a result I've had a couple of people ask me why the silence, or assume I have loyalty to "one side" or another. My heart aches, both for the people of Gaza, and for those who lost their lives at the concert and their families. It shouldn't be controversial to say that.
Speaking politically, I'm not sure what my voice on social media, as a white, non-Jewish American, has literally anything to add to this. It feels like there is a very sharp divide between "cool with Zionism" and "not cool with Zionism" and each side is rooting for the other to die. I don't know that much about Zionism and if I'm being real I'm not really sure what the relevance of who has an ancient claim to the land is here, as we deal with human rights abuse, now. As social media divides itself firmly into camps and demands vocal support from whatever faction people find themselves in, I feel more and more pressure, splintering, narrowing it down to "if I share the right Instagram post my politics are good and correct and I get an A in Instagram" I don't know that much, but I know this is an old war - a war we learned about in the literal Bible in my Christian school. It makes me deeply sad, everything I see in the news is horrifying. Now of course I have a political opinion. But why should I speak, except to say peace, and protect the children, and stop senseless murder? What else do I have to say?
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luckypebble42 · 3 years
Because I've been asked a million times a year since middle school:
I am not a Zionist. I would like to go to the state of Israel in the same way that I would like to go to Paris. I would like to visit the Kotel in the same way that I would like to see the Paris Opera Ballet. It has meaning for me as a place to travel to. I do not remotely consider it my home.
What I do feel DEEPLY is the impulse to build a Jewish home, a place where, finally, being Jewish would not make us other.
We are carrying thousands of years of being other on our backs and it is exhausting. We just want to go home.
I can't say what my position would have been of I were the age I am now in the 1940s, because I wasn't and I don't know. Many of those zionists were young, idealistic college kids who had just felt the full weight of that otherness drop, so they decided to build a Jewish home. I do vibe with that, and with the restless need to do something that drove them to put in the work.
The state of Israel as it is today does not uphold this impulse, or the idealism that tried to make it a reality (y'know, before it gave way to settler colonialism).
Now, we could get into my personal opinions about statehood and countries in general, and in doing so explain my solution to the problem that you've probably noticed with my reasoning above, but this post is getting long so we won't.
If you actually want to hear more, ask me -- I'm more than happy to continue this discussion. If you just want to yell about how wrong I am without listening to what I have to say, though, please go do it in a place where I can't hear you.
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sharkbait-o-haha · 3 years
Hey! So you seem to know quite about about the current Israel/Palestine situation. I’m confused at why ppl are mad at Lili’s post? She didn’t state she supported Israel, all it said was to stop hate against Jews which I don’t understand how that is problematic?? Jewish people live all over the world and not just Israel and at no point has she said to support Israel (as far as I’m aware). Is this just Twitter going crazy again or is this offensive? I’m genuinely curious
I actually don't know what was so offensive about the post, it was fine. It said nohateagainst muslims/asians/lgbtq/blacks/jews.... I think maybe the timing of it pissed some people off Cause it came right after Mads' post so people assumed she's siding with Israel, which I don't think she is (at least I hope not). But when has Twitter ever shown a positive reaction to anything? They really can't go 2 seconds without reacting tbh. Twitter stans really think they got it all figured out and can just be the judge and the jury for everything.
Like u said, Jewish people reside alll over the world and they shouldn't be associated or punished for the actions of Israel. Anti semitism will not be tolerated.
On one side I wish these celebrities took a little time out to seek better sources to educate themselves, but at the same time I'm also like maybe we shouldn't be expecting anything from them. There is quite a lot of learning and unlearning to do for all of us and we should focus on that instead of voicing irrelevant opinions that can cause problems for us.
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feyrealms · 5 years
It wasnt about ezra miller it was a specific popular jewish blogger that everyone seems to hate. Most of the people who started calling her anti-black were white people who don't care about black people beyond as a tool to make false claims about people's character. The thing that everyone hates about her is that her solution to the Israel/Palestine issue isn't creating an ethnostate and also just her being jewish in general. Sorry for lashing out at you, you didnt deserve it at all
For one, I accept your apology and I very much appreciate it.
For two, I’m sorry it took me a while to get back to you.
I really can’t have an opinion on any solution to the Isreal/Palestine issue because a) it’s really not my place since i’m neither jewish or Palestinian and b) i’m just not informed enough to say anything anyway other than giving my support to Palestinians.
I’m not sure if you’re referring to this post or not, it’s the only post before you sent the first ask that i can think of relating to this topic, because I’d like to point out that of the 8 people commenting on it only 2 are not confirmed black, but I’d feel safe assuming they were.  If you are referring to that post, in which multiple black people are talking about how a blogger who happens to be jewish is constantly anti-black, idk what to tell you. I’m not gonna repeat what black people have been saying, it feels too close to speaking for them/over them for me to feel remotely comfortable doing when you can just listen to them in the first place.
Talk to an actual black blogger about anti-blackness please it is not my place to do so.
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