#also i love grace she is so cute. you deserve better girl good for you dumping roman’s ass
shortkingromanroy · 2 years
interesting how in 1.5 i went to market the kids all get logan cranberry sauce, completely ignoring marcia and making themselves look like idiots by doubling gifts, but gerri gets french chocolates she knows marcia likes. instead of complaining that logan is impossible to shop for, she just prioritized marcia instead, which is pretty clever
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moshpitgamma · 5 months
HIII!!! It's me. The infamous asker ONCE AGAIN!
Is it alright if I asked for seperate NSFW hcs for Creek and Branch with a submissive fem!reader who is:
generally shy but absolutely LOVES complimenting them in general (just bc she feels like they deserve it despite Creek's ego probably being THE FUCKING WORST)
touch-starved, a bit insecure in general
tends to get easily flustered (who may have a thing for being praised in bed and all that jazz )
but I'd also like to hear what they would say to the reader specifically AJFJKDMGM THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY😋😋🤭
Since we all are waiting on the Mega Poll🙄😂 I have decided to feed my Babies till the big story gets decided and hope you have a nice day to Hun🤭🫶🏾
||Separate Nsfw Headcannons||
Creek and Branch x Submissive Fem!Reader
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🧘‍♂️He just loves it when his baby just boosts his big ass ego and I would like to think he has a massive kink for praise himself.
Will be into degrading and will do it just to see your pretty eyes tear up from pure humiliation.
Will call you cute nicknames in public and WILL call you out from your embarrassment. Don’t worry tho he’s making up for it in bed with his skilled and flexible hands.
If he sees you looking at yourself wrong in the mirror or saying bad things about your image, he is fucking you lopsided while whispering affirmations in your ear. (Will ask you to repeat them while he’s ball deep in your wetness)
You guys have a compliment contest that usually ends up with you guys getting handsy. “Your yoga moves were so graceful bub ” “Well I can show you something even better my sunshine” Creek says as he walks towards you teasingly
Creek likes to sometimes take advantage of his flexibility and loves to put you into those positions that looks hard as hell (but babes he makes you scream from how deep he is😩)
He knows how flustered you get so he gives you playfully spanks throughout the day.
The first time he praised you in bed he could’ve sworn he say stars in your eyes. But you confirmed it turned you on when he called you a good girl and your tail starting wagging vigorously.
You’re not the only one touch starved hun. He’s grabbing, licking, touching, and kneading everywhere he can on your skin
Loves to leave hickeys and love bites all on you just so he can cuddle you and trace those sensitive areas
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When you compliment him he doesn’t know how to act at allll. He’s blushing and sputtering out thank you’s and is whispering some compliments back to you
Since this man has been isolated for some years, seeing you react to his praising is like him finding hella materials for his bunker. This man is playing with your switches and over stimming you with his words (fingers🤭)
Will get real flirty with you and sensual just to see you blush and get caught off guard.
He probably has a praising kink like Creek and just wants to stuff your cunt while you’re thanking him for treating you so well👀
If he finds out you’re being insecure and talking bad about yourself, he is picking you up with no effort and fucking you in front of a mirror till you plead him to stop and take everything you said bad about yourself back
You guys usually go back and forth with compliments and love comments. He’ll use his dirty mind and say a sex joke in the midst of it. “You have such a nice structure and a nice nose” “Well love, how about you come ride it” (I have a thing for big noses ok😢)
Since Creek has flexibility, Branch has strength. Likes to pick you up and fuck you against walls, shelves, and counters for where your legs are dangling and barely touching the floor.
Likes to give teasing touches all over your body to get you flustered
When he first figured out you were into praising it was when he complimented your friendship bracelet making skills and he saw your cheeks turn red and your tail was wagging. (He also picked up on how your thighs rubbed together)
He’s not too big on leaving love marks or bites on your body but loves to fill you up with his seed and loves to make you stare at yourself in the mirror and show him how beautiful you are being filled with his essence…
HOPE YOU BABIES LIKE IT🤭🫶🏾🤍I know it’s not a lot but it’s something🤷🏿‍♀️
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lovelaetter · 11 months
you mentioned dollie wony a while ago and omg :( sweetest girl who is a prototype for realistic sex dolls, with nerves and feelings etc- literally humans but programmed. wony who is her creator’s first successful dollie and somehow ends up becoming sentient and refuses to be sold to someone else- running to her creator and sobbing, grinding on her lap while moaning how she wants to stay and be her little slut instead :( and how could you refuse that offer? especially when wony is so good :((
she breaks in your arms after hearing you say that she’s perfect, ready for sell :( what do you mean by ready for sell? she isn’t enough for you? skilled enough? pretty enough? don’t you love her? poor thing begs you to let her stay, saying she will let you make any adjustments in her if it means that she gets to be perfect for you! and how stupid of you, thinking about selling your best creation, the doll you made out of the image of the girl of your dreams!! how could it even come across your head that there’s any other person that deserves her more than you? needless to say that seeing her there kneeling in front of you, gripping at your clothes, weeping and begging to stay breaks your heart in million pieces :(
the way her eyes shine when you tell her “it’s okay, it’s okay, don’t cry. you will stay, baby, i would never give you away, my perfect girl” :( getting up and throwing herself at you, forcing you to take her in your arms and carry her to the closest seat cause she wouldn’t let you go. such a baby in your lap, arms around your neck and kisses all over your face, repeating “thank you, thank you” while you caress her back… poor thing can’t help but grind on your thigh, tho :( it’s only part of who she is, a sex doll, she can’t help it, feeling your hands on her body does thing to her doesn’t matter the situation.
keeps saying how she will be the best, please you, will do everything for you and how you won’t regret letting her stay, all while moaning and holding your shoulders to balance herself, hips back and forth, bare cunt leaving a shiny wet spot on your pants :( so desperate, goes back to thanking you when she’s close, almost crying, so pretty :(
best dollie wony who keeps on her promise, doing anything she can to please you, loving when you praise her :( work is so stressful sometimes, she was your first doll so she has been there since the beginning, she knows how it is, so she is more than happy to spend hours and hours inside your office making sure you’re happy, either by kneeling under your desk and eating you out, gracing you with the view of her touching herself, riding your shoe or just bending over and letting you do whatever you want with her holes. sometimes she just sits with you gives her opinions on whatever project you’re working on, she’s a very smart doll after all!
i also love the idea of her being jealous of other dolls. like, maybe there’s this one who was requested for you and you’re really focused on making the best product for you customer that you end up spending a bit too much time working on the said doll and then you turn around and wony is standing at the corner like 😤😤😤 it’s just cute, you always make sure to say things like “princess, i would never create something better than you” but still, she’s silly 😭
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ma1dita · 2 months
I was wondering if.. You can do an Jason Grace x Fem!Reader who's the child of eris?
jason grace x eris!reader hcs
i think jason would instantly think you’re the most interesting person at CHB. there’s already so many confusing aspects about him being on the wrong coast, but instead of shying away from you like all the other campers do—he’s somewhat attracted to the chaos that ensues when you’re around.
jason grace is never one to back down from a challenge, after all
i imagine a meet cute? like you drop your wallet or something, storming across CHB like a cloud of darkness that everyone like of runs away from and here’s this shy blonde guy quietly following you through the forest holding your coinpurse like an idiot trying to give it back to you until you spin around and glare at him
“are you stalking me, new kid?” “noooo…”
he finds a friend in you whether you like it or not, both of you being outsiders at CHB and spending time with each other whenever you can. he tells you about what he can remember about home and you teach him how to be a normal teenager
he’s like your own personal shadow now, which is funny because you didn’t even have to manipulate anything. for the first time you pray to your mom in thanks for your powers and hope you can keep him
if you were a magnet to chaos, he’s a magnet to you— the first time you guys kiss it’s because a tree fell in the forest during capture the flag and chaos ensues after—campers scattering and jason tripping on a tree root hurtling towards your grinning face. you didn’t mean to do it on purpose (sure…because waiting for him to make a move was just as painful) but him falling into you and the both of you ending up pressed against a tree and kissing was definitely one of the better results of your mishaps
“i’m sorry…” “i’m not!”
also he was raised by wolves and made into a soldier by the time he could walk. you really think this guy would bat an eye at you manipulating shadows or pulling out your wings? he’d just push his glasses up closer on his face and admire the hell out of you. ultimate himbo when it comes to his gf.
“wow she’s so pretty and cool guys look at my girl…” yeah. once he’s comfortable with you there’s no way he’s letting you out of his sight.
(i love adding this hc to readers w wings) the both of your flying around above CHB and eating snacks and kissing on the top of the Big House until Dionysus threatens to pull you down. maybe even his father being an absolute dick (as usual) and cutting off his ability to fly for the day lmao so you catch him easily and he doesn’t protest about you holding him like he’s a princess. he prays extra hard that night to jupiter though so that he can fly more with you. it’s the least he deserves for being a good kid.
he finds what you think are your worst parts the most endearing, and you convince him that he’s not just a soldier but an amazing guy; the both of you teaching each other to embrace and love your powers and identity together <33
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Hi! Can you write one where fem!reader is the one who can make baby Helaena calm down and Alicent is so in awe but reader also assure her that she isn’t a bad mother? One cute moment with Helaena with her moms.
Hi! This is my first time writing for Alicent, I hope it’s ok. My girl deserved so much better than she got, and there's an extreme lack of fics on here for her, so I’m taking one for the team and writing a few. Anyways, I love this request, it’s adorable. Hope you like it, let me know what you think!
(Warnings: mentions of death, alicent’s insecurities, young motherhood, let me know if i missed anything)
Helaena’s wailing could be heard from across the courtyard. Ser Criston had come to retrieve you after Alicent asked for you, and you immediately rushed to be at Alicent’s side.
“The Queen has asked for you, My Lady. Princess Helaena is rather upset.”
You nodded, accepting his hand to help you up from where you were sitting. You walked in tandem, your pace quick. 
“Is she alright, are they both alright?”
“Don’t worry, My Lady,” he assured. “They are both well. But the Princess cannot be calmed, and the Queen refuses to let one of the midwives help. She’s requested that you be the only one to take her.”
You quickened your pace, finally reaching Alicent’s chambers. Ser Criston opened the door for you, announcing your presence. You scanned the room to find the midwives all standing in a corner, worriedly whispering, and Alicent sitting on the floor in front of her bed, baby Helaena screaming in her lap.
“Your Grace,” you whispered, trying to sound as calming as you could. 
Alicent sighed, fighting the tears she felt welling up, willing them not to fall. She waved her hand, signaling for the midwives to leave. Ser Criston followed them out to stand by the door, but you stopped him. 
“Ser Criston, would you stay a moment?”
He nodded, shutting the chamber door. “Yes, My Lady. How may I assist you?”
You quickly bent down, scooping Helaena into your arms. “Would you hold the Princess, just for a moment?”
Both Ser Criston and Alicent looked at you with wide eyes, shaking their heads. 
“My Lady, I don't think–”
“Ser, it is just for a second, I promise,” you said, gently placing Helaena in his arms. “I will not have our Queen on the floor any longer.”
When he didn’t protest, cautiously cradling the child into his chest, you nodded, turning away from him. 
Helaena was still wailing, but you worked quickly. You rushed over to Alicent, who’s eyes were brimming with tears. You gently shushed her, bracing her arms with yours. 
“Stand up, Your Grace.”
Embarrassed, she turned her head away from yours, and you tutted. You readjusted to wrap one of your arms around her waist, the other gently grasping her wrist. You softened your tone, not intending to sound scolding.
“Please, love,” you said, starting to lift her. “Let’s get you up.”
She nodded when she saw the look in your eyes. No pity, no disgust, no disappointment. Just concern, and love. She held onto you, helping you pull her up. You settled her at the foot of her bed, making sure she was steady. You bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head, before turning back to Ser Criston. 
Helaena was still crying, and Ser Criston looked seconds away from crying himself as he awkwardly held the child. 
“That will be all, Ser,” you said, gently taking Helaena. “Thank you for your assistance.”
He nodded, grateful to go. “I’ll be just outside if you need me. My Lady, Your Grace.”
You watched him go and waited till he shut the door before you turned your attention back to Alicent and Helaena. You cooed at the girl in your arms, gently bouncing her on your hip. 
“It’s alright, my love,” you said, offering her the beads of the necklace around your neck to distract her. “No need to cry, you’re alright. Look Helaena, it’s a ladybug!”
Helaena eased as a ladybug flew in the window from the balcony, wings spread as it landed on your hand. She got a good look at it, wide eyed, before it flew away. She focused back on your necklace instead.
You looked at Alicent, who had a tear running down her cheek. “Why won’t you let the midwives help? That’s what they’re here for. You’re going to run yourself ragged chasing after both these children and doing your royal duties. I don’t want you exhausted all the time.”
“Do you not want to help anymore?” She murmured, eyes on the floor.
“Of course I want to help you, love, that’s not what I meant. I’d do anything for you. Anything, you know that. But I think you should let the midwives help too, if one of us isn't nearby. You don’t look like you’ve been sleeping, and I’ve been told you’ve had Helaena with you nonstop for two straight days.”
Alicent watched as you bounced Helaena on your hip, smoothing a hand over her hair. Helaena melted into you, her cries ceasing. She was more interested in clinging to you now than crying, fiddling with your necklace. Alicent’s heart warmed at the sight, but she felt a twinge of hurt at the same time. 
“I just…I want her to like me.”
“Oh, love,” your eyes softened at her words as you watched her lip tremble. “Why wouldn’t she?”
You placed Helaena in her cradle, handing her one of her toys to play with, wrapping her in her quilt. You moved to sit at the end of Alicent’s bed, taking your place beside her. You took her hand in yours, settling it into your lap.
“What’s going on? Why are you saying these things?”
Alicent wouldn’t look at you. “Because! I’m her mother, and she doesn’t even like me.”
“She’s two, darling. She doesn’t even speak, she’s barely said a coherent word. How would you know she doesn’t like you?”
“Aegon doesn’t. He is only five, and it’s already clear. He doesn’t want me around, he’d rather be with his dragon, or see his father. Anything to be away from me.”
You shook your head. “No, that’s not true. He loves you, I know it. He’s even told me himself. He asks after you, when you’re busy. He misses you.”
Alicent was quiet, sniffling. 
“Is this why you won’t let the midwives help with Helaena?” You asked softly. “Are you afraid she’ll follow after Aegon?”
“I want her first memories to be of me, of you. I want her to grow up knowing she’s loved and wanted. I’m a bad mother. I know it. I let the midwives whisk Aegon off whenever I couldn’t handle him, I never let him sit with me during the day. I’ve already ruined him, it’s instilled in him that his own mother didn’t want him around.”
“Alicent, you were a child yourself when you had him. You lost your own mother too young, you didn’t have her there when he was born. You couldn’t be expected to know what to do from the beginning, of course you needed the help. There’s nothing wrong with asking for it either. Nobody blames you for needing it. As for Aegon, he won’t remember it. And even if he does when he's older, we’ll tell him that. He’ll know that he’s not a burden, he never has been. We’ll make sure he doesn’t feel like one. Raising a child is one of the hardest things you can do in this world, and he’ll come to understand that one day.”
You stood up from the bed, moving to kneel in front of her on the ground. You took one of her hands in yours, the other coming up to cup her chin, tilting her head so she had to look at you. You swiped the tears away from her cheeks, caressing her face.
“You’re not a bad mother. You’re not. Don’t ever let me hear you say that about yourself again. Do you hear me?”
She nodded, bending her forehead down to rest against yours, letting out a calming breath. “You’re a good mother, too.”
You smiled, cupping her cheek. “You think so?”
“I do. I don’t know what I would do without you. They both love you, Helaena especially. You’re the only one who can calm her down, I don’t know how you do it.”
You pressed a kiss to her forehead, standing up to scoop Helaena back up into your arms. You picked up the quilt in her crib, wrapping it around her. 
“I’ll tell you how. I just tell her stories about you, talk to her to calm her down. This quilt? I had it made from some of your old gowns. It smells like you. It soothes her. It’s my go to trick for when words aren’t enough.”
Alicent smiled, standing up too, gently taking Helaena from you. Helaena melted into her, happily cooing. Alicent held her close to her chest, her face slightly falling. 
“What is it?” You asked. 
“If all that is true, then how come I couldn’t console her earlier? Why did she want you?”
You hummed, pondering the thought. “Well…I think that Helaena’s different. I know she’s young, but I think she already feels more deeply than most of us will in our whole lives. She feels a lot, and doesn’t always know how to process it. So she cries.”
You moved to stand behind Alicent, your arm snaking around her waist to hold her close. You smiled at Helaena, who had her head resting on her mother’s shoulder. 
“And when she cries, you get upset. You love her, of course you don’t want to see her upset. So you try to console her, but in the process, you get overwhelmed. And that’s not your fault, it’s a normal reaction. But Helaena…she’s very perceptive. She sees a lot, and she feels a lot. I think that she can sense when you’re upset, and it makes her even more upset. She knows her mother is upset, and she doesn’t understand why.”
You pressed a kiss to the top of Helaena’s head, and another one to Alicent’s shoulder. 
“I think she knows how much I love you, and how much I love her. So she knows that when I’m around, I can make it all better. I can lessen your stress, I can stop her from crying. I think all she wants is for her mother to be happy, I don’t think her little heart can take you being upset. She’s got so much love for you.” 
You gave Alicent a squeeze, settling your chin on her other shoulder.
“So it’s a good thing that I’ve got enough love to go around for all of you, and there’s nothing I love more than seeing my girls smile. Helaena knows that. That’s why she stopped crying earlier. I was here to make it all better, to make my girls smile.”
It was quiet for a moment, before you felt Alicent shake. She let out a sniffle, and you felt your chest tighten.
“Don’t cry, darling. I didn’t mean to get that mushy, don’t cry. Stop with the tears, even if they’re happy ones.”
She turned to face you, her cheeks flushed, her nose pink. “How did you know they were happy tears?”
You swiped your thumbs under her eyes, grinning. “Helaena isn’t crying. She knows they’re happy tears. She’s got pretty good judgment, I trust her.”
Alicent laughed, a bright sound that warmed your heart. You brought the pair of them into your arms, clutching them tightly. You felt Alicent squeeze you tight, and little Helaena’s hands reaching for you as well. You smiled, giggling.
“I have an idea. How about we take Helaena and Aegon for a walk? Just you and me. I think they would enjoy that, and I know Aegon would be happy to spend some time with you. What do you think?”
She nodded, calling Ser Criston in. 
“Yes, Your Grace?”
“Would you please retrieve Aegon from his lessons?”
“Yes, Your Grace, give me one moment–”
“Wait!” You said, moving towards the door. “I’ll accompany you, Ser Criston, if that is alright with you.”
“Of course, My Lady. If you’ll excuse us, Your Grace, we will return in a moment.”
“I’ll get Helaena ready. Meet us in the courtyard!” Alicent called to you, and you nodded as you closed the door.
Aegon was in his lessons, learning Valyrian with the Septa. He had started in the weeks prior, and didn’t seem too interested in learning it. He looked bored to tears, seconds from falling asleep. 
“Pay attention, My Prince,” you called to him as you came into the room, Ser Criston behind you. “How do you expect to fly a dragon if you cannot remember the words to command one?”
He grinned when he saw you, excitingly getting up out of his chair. He ran over, clinging to your leg. You smiled and picked him up, turning to the Septa. 
“So sorry to interrupt, please forgive us. The Queen has requested the Prince’s presence. I hope he wasn’t giving you any trouble today.”
“No more than usual,” she said, putting away her books. “He did well today. Good day, My Lady.”
Ser Criston led you towards the courtyard as you settled Aegon in your arms, listening to him chatter. Half of what he was saying was nonsense, but you entertained him all the same. 
“Oh really…very interesting…fascinating…and then what?...”
You finally reached the courtyard, where Alicent was sitting, Helaena in her lap. He smiled when he saw her, kicking to be put down. 
“Aegon!” She mirrored, laughing as he settled into her skirts. You smiled as you caught up, sitting beside them all. Aegon crawled back over to you, leaning against your side. 
“Do you want to tell your mother what you learned in your lessons today, Little Prince? It was quite interesting, I think. Go on, tell her.”
He excitedly turned to her, babbling in broken Valyrian. “Muña!”
Alicent cocked her head, glancing at you. “What does that mean?”
“Mother,” you grinned. 
“He said it was his favorite part of today’s lesson. Well, he also said dōna havon, which means sweet bread. I think he was trying to say cake or something like that. But he was very excited about learning to say mother.”
Alicent smiled, running a hand through Aegon’s hair. “How sweet. Would you like to go for a walk, Aegon? We can visit the dragonpit, see Sunfyre.”
“Yes, Mother. Is Y/N coming?”
“Of course I am! If you want me to, that is. I’m not letting you have all the fun. Would you rather me stay here, entertain Ser Criston? We’d be quite bored here.”
“Alright. You can come.”
“How generous of you, Little Prince. Well, come on! Lead the way. Ser Criston has already left for the pit, we can catch up.”
Aegon laughed, excitedly running ahead. Helaena babbled, and Alicent smiled down at her, then at you. 
“I would race you, but it seems you have a disadvantage,” you said, grinning at her. 
“What are you talking about? You have a disadvantage.” She quickly passed Helaena to you, bunching her skirts up around her ankles, taking off in a sprint. Her laughter could be heard as she raced down the hill, the happy shrills from Aegon following as she caught up to him.
“What? Not fair!” You called after her, strapping Helaena, who was in a fit of giggles, to your chest. You took off after her and Aegon, determined to beat at least one of them to the dragonpit. 
A/N - Hi! I hope you enjoyed this, let me know what you think!
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x10, a mix of everything, part 1
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didn't expect it to happen that fast but HELL YEAH. there's nothing for Nathan to do next to Rupert. Rupert keeps switching his lovers like socks while his wife is still at home with their daughter. come on!! villain arc for Bex and Rebecca when? when is Rupert gonna get killed die and leave Bex all the money??? and then Bex and Rebecca become best friends and raise a daughter together?
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Trent being the heart of the team? do you remember how it all started and how wary everyone was of him? do you? it warms my heart, but it warms it twice bc of the clear bond we see between Colin and Trent. like, older queer with younger queer, helping each other out and bonding. their friendship does things to me tbh. it's so very important and intimate and—
in other words, representation matters.
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yaaay! also, Trent <3333 again, this warms my heart.
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sometimes I really have no idea what this season is doing. i miss them being a dramedy, not a full on sitcom. i'm enjoying this season, but sometimes it's borderline too much. it's out of nowhere and it's not necessary at all.
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besties unlocked <3 Trent is such a sunshine, I love him. the way he and Ted share a raised eyebrows look. there is something so wonderful happening between Ted and Trent from the moment they met. it's like they're connected and are being drawn to each other.
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girl talk, especially when it involves middle aged men <3 Rebecca as their leader is really something. i love it.
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I think Rebecca is being mean to the actual devil. also, why do iphone users love their matte screen cover? why not the regular one?
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Trent is so in love with Ted, my goodness. that cute smile. Ted is so freaking oblivious, I need the show to do something about it. i need Ted to learn Trent is in love with him.
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this is such a nice shot. something something, the idea of press taking pics of Nate's gf leaving. which at first I thought was kind of nice, but then she leaves with a suitcase and it looks like a breakup of some sort, so not that nice. hm. still, the shot is pretty.
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this is such a nice look & I like her hair a lot, but my GOD, how do people wear those minies? it's beyond good and evil for me. shorts i can kinda understand, but skirts? that's... yeah, no.
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there you go Jack's "me and Keeley are dating" without asking Keeley first if she wants to announce it and then Jack totally ghosting Keeley. *frustrated high pitched growl* I hate that plotline. if it's their way to push Keeley back towards Roy bc she will no longer be that busy so Roy can't come up with that excuse again, that's a very shitty thing to do. so far I don't see the bigger picture of this. they've been messing up Keeley's storyline this season just like that.
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"the board" oh, fuck you, Jack. (in Grace Le Domas' voice) fucking rich people.
Dani crushing Van Damme's chips is such a dick move, ESPECIALLY since you're trashing the airplane!! you're not the one who's gonna have to clean it up, you asshole.
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can somebody connect this parallel for me pls? it's just within my reach but it slips away.
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sooo, Beard isn't getting out of a toxic relationship? gotta say, this plotline concerns me. idk where they're going with it and WHY in the first place. Beard deserves better & Jane needs some serious therapy.
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#fired immediately
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I'm here for Rebecca standing up for herself against Rupert. I hate that asshole so much.
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I don't remember, have we seen Roy's sister before? it's so rare.
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go fuck yourself. yes, i'm quick to jump to conclusions and violence.
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Leslie is NOT having a good tea time this season. let him enjoy his tea 2k23! however, the fact that he knows every friend Rebecca has. some friendship between him and Rebecca developed along the way since s1.
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ddesfleurs · 2 years
It hurts to love you, but I still love you.
chapter 3
summary: Michael always made a point of surprising Grace, he liked to see her with a smile on her face, especially when he was responsible for the smile. She was worth gold and he knew he didn't deserve her.
warnings: cheat, angst, anger, melancholy, light smut, mention of sex, fluff
notes: sorry for the delay, i take my own time to write. i need to feel that it's time to continue writing instead of just doing it. that doesn't make any sense, does it? here we will have some cute moments and memories but also a lot of anguish and sadness. hope you like it.
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Michael was walking among the shelves full of rather dusty books in a small old bookstore away from the center. If on the outside he maintained a calm and austere countenance, on the inside the man felt like a nervous wreck. He faced certain difficulties in business with his associates and with the other families, but oddly enough this was not even the issue that most concerned him at the moment. The biggest difficulty Michael was having was balancing his time between his family, wife and children, and his lover. Pathetic.
When he started having an affair with Grace, Michael had no idea that he would quickly find himself emotionally involved with the girl. He had to admit, he'd started dating her because his marriage bored him. The relationship with Kay was no longer the same, he had deluded himself into thinking that by marrying her he would be doing the right thing and would rescue the love he felt for her before going to Italy.
The more time passed, the clearer it became to Michael that Kay was the wrong choice, she didn't understand the family's life and business, and he felt her gaze of fear and silent rebuke all the time. So, like many men who have already lost the shame of their own actions, Michael, upon seeing that bright-eyed angel for the first time, resolved that he had to have her for himself and what should have been just a physical involvement, momentary amusement, only to forget about problems at home, became essential to Michael's existence. He never told Grace that as he thought it was unfair to trap the girl with pretty words and false promises he could never keep, but he loved her. He loved her in a different way than he had loved Apollonia, and he loved her far more than he had ever loved Kay.
Michael felt like an unscrupulous scoundrel, from his actions he was making two women unhappy. His relationship with Kay was doomed from the start and in a way even she knew it, but he felt guilty for dragging Grace into this story because he could never give her a happy life, no matter how much he wanted to. Grace was constantly on his mind, the first person he thought of in the morning and the last person he thought of before bed. He thought of her smile, her sweet words, and the way she always held him tight and said, "I'm yours, Mike. I love you." Sometimes he wondered if it wouldn't be better to end it all and give her the chance to be happy with a man who could fulfill her desires, but Michael felt too selfish to bear the thought of giving up his sunshine so that she was from another man.
He was supposed to go to their apartment yesterday, but he couldn't because Kay, who is pregnant for the third time, got sick. Michael did what was decent and spent the entire night at his wife's side, he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to her or the baby. He was happy with her pregnancy, always wanted a big family, and it was good news. Michael was very happy for the children he already had, Anthony and Mary were the owners of his heart and now this third baby would come to claim his share.
Of course, he couldn't tell Grace the real reason he didn't show up yesterday, but he hoped that after some drama, she'd forgive him and be as nice as ever. That was one of his favorite things about her, Grace wasn't a person to hold a lot of resentment, usually he always managed to soften her heart with nice words and a few kisses. But this time, he felt they would have such an argument. Michael had noticed, during the phone call, that she was strange. Something was troubling the girl and she certainly needed him to make everything okay. And Michael wanted to be that person for her, that man who would make everything okay, but he had other obligations and people who also demanded his attention.
He had no intention of buying her, but since he couldn't explain himself by telling the truth, he hoped the book he was looking for would soften her heart. One of the things that made him fall in love with Grace was that she was as passionate about a pair of diamonds as she was about an old book. She had that youthful glow that suited her so well, that reminded him that she wouldn't be with him forever and made him want to enjoy every moment with her. He was looking forward to seeing Grace and apologizing for not going to see her yesterday.
Finally found the book he was looking for, Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. Grace loved the author and, she didn't know how, had lost her favorite book of hers. She had been talking about it for days and in the same minute Michael had decided he was going to give her another copy. He picked up the book and lightly stroked the cover. Austen. Grace really was a romantic, wasn't she? Your romantic girl.
As soon as Grace knocked on the door of her aunt's house holding a suitcase and her eyes red and tearful, the woman knew something was wrong. She had no trouble hearing the truth from Grace's lips, as soon as she asked what had happened, Grace told her everything. The whole story from the beginning to the last events. She cried in her aunt's arms as she had only cried once before, on the occasion of the tragic death of her parents. Maureen didn't scold her niece, nor did she say harsh words to her, she knew that the girl's heart was broken and that this was not the time or the right moment to talk deeply about everything that had happened in Grace's life. Now what the girl needed was a safe haven and a shoulder to cry on, and that's exactly what she gave her niece, especially as she worried about her niece's nervous state that seemed to be on edge.
Grace lay down on her old bed, the bed she used to sleep in as a little girl, and stared at the old, worn wallpaper in her old room, it was pale pink with tiny wildflowers arranged in arrangements. It was beautiful, she had always liked that wallpaper. She shouldn't have left San Francisco, gone to Nevada to work, and look what she's gotten herself into. She started to cry again, the tears flowed without embarrassment, they seemed to be already familiar with the route they had to take. Her thoughts wandered to Michael and Nevada. Michael. Your beloved Michael. He was the reason for the deep weeping she was crying and for the pain in her heart. Grace missed him so much that she thought that if it was possible to die from missing someone, that would be the cause of her death.
She missed Michael, mostly missed the part of him she never had and could never have. Grace dreamed of having him all to herself but instead received small fragments of him. Fragments that had long satisfied her and probably would have stayed that way if Kay hadn't come to her apartment to break the news that she was pregnant with her third baby. That was the last straw for Grace, she was giving up everything, a whole life full of possibilities, and for what? For Michael to just use her as a diversion while he had another child in his wife and they were the perfect family? Grace felt so stupid for not realizing it sooner, for not walking away before getting involved, for letting it get this far.
Grace felt stupid and desolate for having been content with so little for so long. But she couldn't help it, she loved Michael and, well, they say love is blind. Mine certainly must be, Grace thought, remembering the few atrocities Michael had told her about his work and how little it bothered her. Grace didn't care about Michael's job and what he did or didn't do. All that mattered to her was the way he treated her and the time they spent together. It mattered to her that he was okay and that he would see her on Thursday. It mattered the way they made love throughout the house and the way he held her in his arms like she was the most important thing he owned.
She especially remembered a day when Michael had taken her for a walk by the lake. Grace felt so happy to be there, the place was beautiful and romantic, it really touched her heart that Michael had bothered to take her on a romantic date, a place outside the apartment where they could be comfortable and act like love birds. Grace kicked off her shoes and jogged to the edge of the lake where she waited for Michael with expectant eyes.
"Oh no, you're not going to convince me to go in there."
"Come on, Michael. Just a little!"
"There's nothing you can do to convince me." Michael said as he looked at her with a small smile at the corner of his lips.
"Come on, take off your shoes, let's at least walk along the coast. We'll just get our feet wet. You don't want to miss out on all the fun, do you?" Grace spoke in a slightly mischievous tone.
Michael took off his shoes angrily and walked over to Grace. He felt the cold water touch his feet but he didn't care, he only had eyes and thoughts for the woman in front of him. She was radiant and smiling like he had never seen her before. He loved her smile and the way her eyes sparkled.
Grace took Michael's hand and they walked down the coast, making small talk and exchanging nice words. The day shone, shone like their love, clean and vicious and with a hint of the impossible. The two walked, played with each other and even played little guessing games. When she got bored, Grace just ran out and yelled at Michael: Catch me if you can. Not only did he catch up with her quickly, he spun her through the air as they both laughed happily at their silly child's game. When Michael put her down, he looked at her in a way that made Grace's heart race, and then he kissed her deeply like a movie kiss that she willingly indulged in.
Grace loosened Michael's tie as she fumbled for his belt, trying to loosen it. He let out a low laugh as he hurried to take her hands in his. She bit her lower lip as she shot him a confused look and blushed.
"What? you do not want?" Said the disappointed girl.
"Yes, yes, I do." Michael spoke with a frustrated sigh.
"Then why did you stop me?"
"I want but not here."
"Why? What's the matter?" She spoke getting closer to him and leaving a trail of kisses on his neck.
"Neri is here too remember?" Michael said as he let the moment roll.
"He's in the car that's parked far away from here, there's no way he can see us."
"But he might not be. Or he might need to leave for some reason and come looking for us. I won't let anyone see you like this, not when we make love. This is too intimate a moment for me to want to risk anyone seeing you." He spoke as he held her close to him and gave her a tight smile in apology.
"So this is a definite 'no' and I can't change your mind?"
"Not here, honey." He said as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Wait until we get home." Home. Their apartment. It was your home too. Michael's home.
Michael gently rubbed his nose over Grace's face and showered her with soft kisses, which soon brought a smile to her face and she surrendered to his charms again.
She remembered that after that moment, the two began to dance softly, there was no music but that didn't matter to them. Michael had one hand on her back while the other held her hand. He held her so tightly, it seemed like he would never let go and Grace, silly as she was, felt her heart flutter because she felt that at least for that moment, she was everything to him, his world.
Back to reality, Grace was crying lying on her old bed in the old room she used to occupy when she still lived with her aunt. She felt so empty now that she had left Michael. She didn't know how she was going to move on now that she'd left him. He was everything to Grace and she had no idea how to live without him anymore.
She rolled over, determined to get at least a few hours of sleep. She had a trip to make and needed to be minimally well for it. Grace knew she couldn't spend much time in San Francisco, it would be the first place outside of Nevada that Michael would look for her and she didn't want him to find her. If she saw him one more time, if she heard his voice and smelled him… she knew she would be back home with him in the same minute and she couldn't. It couldn't when Michael had a wife pregnant with their third child and she was always going to be the other woman. The next morning Grace was going to catch a bus to Wisconsin. Her aunt had insisted on paying her plane tickets but Grace had flatly refused, Michael would find her in a heartbeat if he tried to trace her name. Anyway, it was all set, Grace was going to stay with an old friend of her aunt Maureen's and rebuild her life without Michael in it. Her little fairy tale, her sweet illusion, had come to an end.
Michael crossed the threshold and knew immediately that Grace wasn't home. The reason was simple, the apartment was quiet and Grace, when she was home, always had a record playing or the radio on. She loved music and even if it was in a low key, in their apartment she was always playing a soft melody. Michael remembered several times he'd arrived at the apartment and found her humming along to whatever song was playing on the radio while she cooked in the kitchen. Grace mainly liked to cook sweets and Michael soon found himself a big fan of cakes in general. His favorite was the lemon cake she made, it reminded him of Sicily, the coast and the freshness of calmer, milder days. He wanted to take Grace there one day, so she could see the beauties of her father's homeland, the land that gave Michael's last name.
He sat on the couch, wanting to be visible so she would see him as soon as he entered their apartment. Michael smiled slightly at the thought, their apartment, he already thought of him and Grace as one, although that wasn't entirely true as Michael was still legally bound to another woman by marriage. He found it curious the way he felt connected to Grace, the connection that existed between them made him feel like he had never felt before, he felt that she was "the one", but Michael felt lost about it, something that rarely happened in his life. He felt lost because in the first place this was not what his father had taught him.
His father had always set the example of a faithful and respectful marriage, he never betrayed his mother, for Vito there was only his wife and children, his family was the most precious asset. Of Vito Corleone's sons, everyone thought Michael was the only one who had come out like his father, faithful and tied the only woman to death. But, time proved otherwise for Michael, he had been hasty in marrying Kay after returning to the US, he liked her but didn't love her enough to spend the rest of his life with her, and Kay's inability to understand and accept the Sicilian way, their way of life and business, created an insurmountable barrier between them. Of course, that was no justification for betrayal, but that was the way things were between the two of them.
After meeting Grace and falling head over heels in love with her, Michael began to consider something he had denied at the beginning of his relationship with the girl, a divorce with Kay. He was trying to put the matter off, he wanted to find a quiet way to do it all, an amicable divorce without major scandals, he didn't want his family name in any kind of vicious gossip. He didn't want to tarnish the Corleone family's reputation, didn't want to expose Kay, his children, and himself. Above all, he didn't want to expose Grace to malicious comments, he knew that depending on how things turned out, it wouldn't be hard for people to realize that his relationship with her started while he was still married to Kay and Michael didn't want to take the risk that Grace to be seen as some whore who stole someone's husband because she was absolutely none of that.
If anyone was to blame for anything, it was Michael and he knew it himself. But the heart wants what it wants, and his heart desperately wanted Grace, needed her to live. He loved her as he had never loved a woman in his life, and he was ready to tell her that and to tell her of his plans to divorce Kay when he received the news that he was going to be a father for the third time. The news tasted bittersweet, he felt happy because he'd always wanted to have a big family, lots of Sicilian-style kids, and he felt a little sad because now, more than ever, he couldn't divorce Kay. Not in his worst nightmares would he commit the atrocity of divorcing his pregnant wife and that was not just because of the comments they would make about them, but also because of his honor as a man, husband and father. It was out of the question for Michael to be a scoundrel who leaves a pregnant woman.
So he put aside plans for a divorce and didn't tell Grace that he loved her more than anything in the world, nor did he tell her that he was going to be a father again. Michael just didn't know how to break this news to her, knew she wouldn't react well because she loved him and wanted him for her. He knew that Grace dreamed of a family, she loved children, but she would never have an illegitimate child and Michael couldn't give her more than that. He, thinking he wouldn't bring more pain and sadness into the life of the one he loved most, decided that he wouldn't tell her, at least for now, about Kay's pregnancy.
Michael's thoughts wandered to a memory that always made him happy, the first time he tasted the lemon cake she'd made. Grace had made a lot of suspense around which cake she had made, he knew it would be a new flavor and that she was eager for him to taste it, Grace wanted to please him and do domestic things to make him feel at home. He didn't care all that much about these things, but he appreciated her effort and really liked the things she cooked, especially her cakes, even though he couldn't eat much of it. She served him a slice of the cake that, by this point, he had already discovered was lemon.
"Lemon?" He asked as he picked up his fork to help himself.
"Yes, I thought it would be nice to bring in some of your Sicilian roots." Grace responded with a playful smile.
"You know, I was born here in the States." In response to this statement, Michael received a smack on the arm with the dish towel.
"Eat before it gets cold, I want to know what you think."
Michael took a piece of the cake to his mouth and from that moment on, Grace's lemon cake had become his favorite. It was simply the best he had ever eaten in his entire life.
"Mmm." Michael moaned in satisfaction. "This is simply the best thing I've ever eaten in my life. I loved it, honey."
"Really? Did you really like it? You're not just saying that to please me, are you?"
"Of course not, you should give yourself more credit, the cake is just delicious, the best lemon cake I've ever had in my life. You have fairy hands. You could work with that, it would be very successful."
"Is that a suggestion?"
"No way. I like having you all to myself and knowing that I'm the one to taste all your cakes and any other food you decide to make." He spoke as he hugged her waist and brought her to him. "I love these little moments between the two of us, I really appreciate everything you do for me, it makes my life easier. I adore you, Grace. My life is better since you arrived, my dear Grace."
Michael cupped her face and kissed her urgently as he slowly pushed them both backwards until her body touched the kitchen table. Once they reached the table, Michael was separated from Grace for just a few seconds, enough to lift the girl's body and place her on the table. He knew her and knew that sometimes she liked to be surprised and to have sex somewhere other than her bedroom. Michael unbuttoned the front buttons of her dress as he planted kisses down her neck, which made her moan softly and grip his shirt tightly.
When they were at home, relaxing, Grace often wore little underwear and that was the case here. When he opened her dress, her breasts soon showed, since she wasn't wearing a bra. Michael felt the excitement coursing through his entire body, he loved her, he loved her body and he loved knowing that she was his and only his and no one else's. He decided to be a little mean, wanted to hear her moaning his name out loud and begging for him. So he took the nipple of one of her breasts and gave a light pinch, which made her squirm in pleasure and let out a murmur.
Michael, still holding her breast, whispered in her ear, "I want you to be my little whore today, I want to hear you moan my name out loud. I want everyone to know that you're mine, got it?"
She nodded 'yes' and flashed the most naughty smile Michael had ever seen on her face, which drove him crazy. He wanted to fuck her until they couldn't take it anymore.
They kissed again and soon got rid of the remaining pieces of clothing. They felt an urgency that could only be quenched after they had each other. That night, they had rough sex that started at the kitchen table and then spread to other furniture and rooms. Fast, strong, hot and highly addictive, it was like that until they got tired and went to bed where they made slow, sweet love before falling asleep clinging as one. They belonged together in every way.
The memory faded from Michael's thoughts, that had been a happy day. In fact, every day with Grace was happy, she made him happy by simply existing. The smile, the look, the little things that made her who she was, it all made Michael happy, knowing that he existed in the same world as her and that she was his and his alone.
Michael started to get restless with Grace's delay, he didn't care when she left but he liked having her for as long as possible. Besides, Grace was taking too long to get home. Restless, he decided to leave the book he had bought on the sofa and go look at their apartment, sometimes he feared for the worst, that she would be somehow involved in his business at the hands of his enemies. But Michael found the apartment as usual, nothing seemed out of place, except for a piece of dress that poked out of the wardrobe, as happens when someone closes the door in a hurry. He walked over to the wardrobe where Grace's clothes were and opened it only to be surprised, significant amounts of her clothes were gone. He then went through all the drawers, closets and dressers and discovered the same, all the places where Grace's things were messed up, clothes and personal effects were gone, while other things were left behind.
Michael, surprisingly nervous, went downstairs to get Neri to look around the apartment and then get his men to find Grace as quickly as possible. Michael feared the worst, thought that maybe someone from the other families had found out about Grace and kidnapped her or worse, feared they would use her to get revenge on him, feared that she would pay for the mistakes and crimes he committed and ordered.
As soon as Al Neri walked into the apartment, he knew this wasn't a kidnapping case. The girl certainly must have left on her own, there wasn't an object out of place, apart from the clothes and personal items drawers that looked like they had been rummaged around by someone who had packed her bags in a hurry. There were no signs of a break-in and no signs of a struggle, nothing broken or overturned, and the woman's suitcase was gone. In a corner on the floor, next to a window that was half open, the security guard spotted a white letter envelope that must have blown away on account of the wind, as soon as he picked it up he saw that it had the name of Mr. Corleone.
"Sir, I believe this is for you." Said the man as he handed the envelope into Michael's hands and walked out of the room to give him privacy.
Michael took the envelope and opened it quickly finding only a sheet of paper inside that contained only a few words.
Don't worry about me, I'm fine and safe. Please don't look for me anymore, I can't go on like this, I can't be with you anymore. Goodbye, Michael.
Michael sat stunned on the bed, had she left him? So suddenly, without there being any reason or explanation? Without even saying goodbye. Michael, with tears in his eyes, looked at the window in front of him, he felt lost, he didn't know what to do. Had he lost her forever? Had Grace just left because he hadn't shown up the other night? He didn't know what to think, much less what to feel. For the first time in years Michael allowed himself to cry, tears streaming down his face as he stared straight ahead as a whirlwind of thoughts hit him all at once. He lost the woman he loved, the love of his life, for being a coward and not choosing her when he had the chance.
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fan-kingdoms · 10 months
reposting my rant about sirenix and why s5 ROBBED US
so i wrote this rant a while ago in an addition to a personal post and i figured it deserved its own post. basically i have a lot of feelings thoughts and anger over sirenix as a fairy form and i think a better-executed harmonix would've been a better sirenix. here we go:
so we can’t just start on sirenix without first talking about harmonix, which is a big part of my anger towards it. while i do find the idea of a “stepping-stone” fairy form that builds up to a more advanced form interesting, the whole concept falls apart when the endgame form is such an obvious downgrade from the preliminary form. let’s look at harmonix for a minute.
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the two main criticisms of harmonix are that it's A. unnecessary and B. very same-y in terms of character design. it is kind of unnecessary but that doesn't mean it can't be fun! i think the whole "temporary form" thing could have been handled better than just getting it when they open the book. it's like the winx equivalent of "it's dangerous to go alone, take this! *gives link a sword*" which makes it feel incomplete. it could've been really cool if harmonix posed some sort of challenge that forced the girls to grow into their powers or think of new angles of using them, in addition to the whole "find these gems before the month is up or lose your powers forever" thing. i would've liked a plot where the girls have to prove that they're worthy of sirenix not necessarily through getting some crystals, but by mastering harmonix first. but hey we can't really expect fantastic writing from winx club (affectionate) so sometimes we gotta deal with the fact that a fairy form is there to sell some dolls and look cute
first off i really wanna say that harmonix really slayed with the transformation sequence, SO aesthetically pleasing. you can tell the girls are becoming water nymphs it's so flowy and graceful, plus its nice to see them with wings Not the size of a fucking truck. i see the samey-ness here with the design but i actually think they did a really good job with it, and that it's suitable for the concept
first off, harmonix is a temporary form that only lasts maximum a month, because that's how long you have to complete the sirenix quest before losing your powers forever and never having a fairy form again. with this logic, it makes sense for harmonix to be a one-size-fits-all costume to slip into for a bit— it doesn't have to be properly tailored to the girls' individual selves and styles. yet, it does a much better job than sirenix at doing that!
when you look closely, each harmonix outfit calls back to the girls' older fairy forms. look at bloom— she's the only one with a tiara, bringing to mind her magic winx crown, and her skirt has all these layered ruffles, reminiscent of her enchantix dress and even her believix skirt. stella's got the same ruffling that matches her believix skirt, and if you look at her wings you can tell they're modeled off her magic winx wings. flora's dress has that light pink triangle on the top, which exactly matches the design of her magic winx dress, and her skirt has these flower petal shaped pleats which echo back not only to her powers but her believix skirt. as for musa the diagonals in her dress remind me of the mesh cutout in her magic winx dress. tecna's wings are clearly modeled off her past wings, and so are aisha's, that jagged shape from magic winx is there even with the gentle style of harmonix. she's also got the one-shoulder top with the strap on her right side, like in magic winx. it's really subtle but the resemblances are there! also, i love the way each girl has unique sparkle effects on their wings (bloom's hearts, stella's stars, flora's flowers, musa's notes and treble clefs, tecna's diamonds, and aisha's swirls)
and no matter what you say about harmonix you have to admit the spells are BANGERS. thirteenth seal? diapason? incredible.
and now we can finally move onto the main event
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honestly this should speak for itself i shouldn't have to explain it. fashion? gone. individuality? gone! CHARACTER COLOR SCHEMES??? GONE. it's just so terrible. what in the 2012 justice store fashion is this.
why is there so much purple. the only one who's actually in her own color scheme is flora, and even her colors are slightly off. why is there so much purple in bloom and stella's outfits purple has NEVER been in either of their color schemes. what is with musa's lime green skirt. WHERE did those blue-green colors in tecna's leggings and wings come from. even aisha's purple isn't right, her purple has always been very pink, the magenta morphix color. why are the streaks in their hair like that.
it's the same massive wings copy-pasted onto everyone, high ponytails across the board except for flora and tecna, same weird mesh cutouts?? like what's happening here. they look like they're wearing tacky patterned leggings. despite the uniformity in outfits among the girls, the outfits themselves aren't cohesive— they're chaotic and look like they've been thrown together without any regard for actually looking good. and looking good means a lot to the winx!! and what's more it just looks so… immature compared to harmonix. they go from these mermaidlike, gorgeous, graceful creatures to the garish eyesore that is sirenix and it just feels like a regression. if getting sirenix makes them these powerful fairies that can coexist with the ocean, make the outfits reflect that growth and that power
i really hate the way sirenix fit into the overall story. it really isn't any more powerful than enchantix, only better suited to water, so why would the ancestral witches have to curse it? why was that the trump card power daphne was going to use against them? like she definitely has enchantix why did she need sirenix on domino while the witches were attacking?? and daphne is another reason why the sirenix designs are so heinous!!!! daphne is THE sirenix fairy, we assume it was her favored form (though i don't know WHY), and we always saw her in nymph dress, with her flowing gown and mask and general ethereality. if it weren't for her coming back to life (and believe me i also hate her human character design i barely even consider it daphne) and transforming, i would not be able to imagine her wearing anything like the sirenix outfit. you're telling me that daphne, nymph of magix and previous guardian of the dragon flame, beautiful goddess older sister, would be wearing that tacky legging-ribbon-bathing-suit abomination??? absolutely fucking NOT! it just clashes with literally everything we know about daphne up until that point (s5).
lastly. why the hell do the winx keep using sirenix post-s5. they hardly Ever go underwater after that please god just use enchantix again
in conclusion harmonix was good actually and we all got robbed by sirenix they should have switched the designs and the spells
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TheAwkwardAnglophile's Year in TV shows: 2022
It seems I've started a tradition, and even though I know only very few people will actually see or read this, it's still fun to put together. This is my third time doing this. Feel free to check out my lists for 2021 and 2020 as well.
My criteria for shows making the list is the show either aired new content in 2022, or I'd never watched it before. So, while I did several rewatches, those didn't count. Also, beware: SPOILERS ABOUND! Here's the list in alphabetical order:
Abbott Elementary: What a perfect little sitcom that just stormed onto the scene after so many beloved sitcoms had gone off the air the last few years. They deserve all the accolades! It is genuinely hilarious. Ava probably makes me laugh harder than any of them, and of course I'm here for Janine and Gregory.
Andor: Holy crap, I was not expecting to be drawn into this show as much as I was. What a brilliant deep dive into the Star Wars universe. So many layers and subtleties to it. Luthen's monologue BLEW ME AWAY, and I looooved the prison escape. You get such a better understanding of how terrifyingly far the Empire's reach went.
Baymax: I was expecting a full-blown series, so I was very disappointed to find only 6 short episodes that were only a few minutes long. However, it was more Baymax, which is always a good thing. I think my favorite was the episode Kiko, which had Mrs. Kim from Gilmore Girls (Emily Kuroda)!
Blockbuster: I know it got cancelled, but I actually kind of enjoyed it. It wasn't the best, but it had potential. There were a few genuinely funny moments for me, and I think the episode where they do inventory was my favorite.
The Book of Boba Fett: Ok, so I know there are a lot of Fett fans out there from the past 40 years, but I'm indifferent to Boba. But I found a lot to enjoy in this show. I liked watching Boba connect with the Tusken Raiders. However, the pacing and structure were terrible, Fennec was underutilized, and the Mos Espa "power rangers" left me scratching my head. The BEST PART of it all was the Mandalorian season 2.5 they snuck in there! Watching Grogu with Luke, seeing what Mando had been up to, and the most beautiful father/son reunion!! MY HEART. Sorry you got sidelined in your own show, Boba, but the Mando eps were WIZARD.
Call Me Kat: I'm still watching, still enjoying, but this show is kind of a mixed bag sometimes. I was not happy with how everything went down with Oscar. He was such a sweetheart! Am I happy Kat and Max have become a couple? Yeah, I guess, but I think it could've been done differently. Also, it won't be the same now without the lovely Leslie Jordan, RIP.
Derry Girls: Loved the final season. It's so quirky and fascinating and hilarious. The parents' high school reunion was absolute GOLD.
Dream Home Makeover: It's definitely one of those shows that you question why you're watching, yet you can't turn away. I don't want to like it. The couple is just odd together sometimes, and everything was shown out of order! One minute she was pregnant and then she wasn't, but then they'd go back to her being pregnant!
Emily in Paris: Season 3 was pretty good, although I found Emily a bit grating. I was worried they were going to make the whole season about her shenanigans working for both companies, but thankfully that got resolved quickly. Luc is still such a delight, and Sylvie has even grown on me. Gabriel and Alfie are still 🔥🔥.
Hawkeye: I watched this at the beginning of '22, so it's a bit fuzzy now, but it was enjoyable. Not quite at the level of some of the other Marvel shows (like Loki or Wandavision) but still pretty fun.
History 101: A fascinating little documentary series! I was hooked. Each episode was about a very specific topic and was brilliantly done.
Home Economics: This sitcom is pretty fun. I've always loved Topher Grace (although oddly enough I never watched That 70's Show 🙈), and he still nails awkward comedy. All the family dynamics are fun to watch, the kids are cute. And the Spiderman joke when they were at Disneyland had me ROLLING.
The Home Edit: I devour these episodes whenever they drop, and then I want to revamp my entire house, and life. I love organization, plus Joanna and Clea make everything fun to watch.
How I Met Your Father: I was SUPER skeptical about this one, and maybe still am a bit (HIMYM fans, you understand). But I ended up enjoying it more than I thought. I need to watch the last ep again to prep for the upcoming season 2, because I've forgotten a lot. I'm curious to see where it goes.
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: The last season was wild, and I COULD NOT STAND Kenji's dad. The woooooorst. Shipped Brooklynn and Kenji, and happy Yaz and Sammy found happiness together. The ending was very satisfying for everyone!
Moon Knight: Oh DANG, what a ride. So many moments I'm like, "WHAAAAAAT am I even watching?!" But it was a fun, trippy adventure, and Oscar Isaac deserves all the awards.
Name That Tune: Always fun. I slay at this game.
Never Have I Ever: I just LOVE this show. Season 3 was another stellar season, and I am still definitely Team Ben! That ending! And the show still makes me cry, especially the scene with Devi and her mom in the finale. 😭
Obi-Wan: I know this wasn't as well received as was hoped, but I enjoyed it. Young Leia was fantastic! Lola, too (I have adopted her in my club of beloved droids). The story worked, and the Vader/Obi-Wan showdown was pretty amazing. The last 20 minutes of the finale was just a giant checklist of fan service, but honestly, I'm not complaining.
Only Murders in the Building: LOVE LOVE LOVE. This show is so incredible, and season 2 didn't disappoint! It's smart, hilarious, and I love the intro music so much. The intros were actually made even better by each one being slightly different with something related to that particular episode.
The Orville: If this journey for The Orville is truly at an end, then they sent it off well. A satisfying ending. I think the supersized episodes didn't work as well as their punchier 40-minute eps, but man, when they go big they go BIG. Incredibly well done topics, and the effects! INSANE. I swear Hulu must have kept just dumping money on them, like "Go ahead and make whatever effects you want!"
Paper Girls: This was...weird. I went through most of this going, "WHAT AM I EVEN WATCHING?" Obviously I loved all the retro vibes, and I was curious enough in the story to stick it out, but that was about it. It got pretty dark at times, and I thought the language, while warranted, got excessive enough at times to detract from the story. Anyway, if they were trying to capture the magic of Stranger Things, it didn't work, and it got cancelled anyway.
The Rookie: MY HEART! MY OTP. MY BEST SHIP AND SHIPPING EXPERIENCE EVER. My obsession with Chenford has exploded even more, as any of my followers can clearly tell. I love Tim and Lucy SO MUCH, and watching them become canon has been INCREDIBLE. But also, the show itself has stepped up its game in S5. The plots are better, more balanced, and I love all the different relationships shown. Making Thorsen a regular was a fantastic decision. The social media team has been killing it. And the show has gained tons of viewers and fans. We are truly in the golden age of The Rookie.
The Rookie: Feds: I like the show, but don't love it...yet. Maybe I will? It is done well, but it's just there. I watch it when I get around to it. Garza and Laura are probably my fave characters. I do like Simone, but she's also a lot. And I say this only because it's the FBI and there must be some kind of dress code, she should probably cover up the girls more. I swear she's going to end up having a wardrobe malfunction.
School of Chocolate: Pretty fascinating little chocolate-making competition.
Star Trek: Discovery: S4 was kind of a mixed bag. I'm not sure it was as memorable as previous seasons. I hate Tilly left. I did like that there was a running thread throughout of identity and belonging, and mental health. My FAVORITE part was how they found a way to communicate with Species Ten-C. Some brilliant television.
Star Trek: Lower Decks: S3 was ok, not my favorite, but it's still funny. My fave moment actually came in the DS9 ep. The background swing music at Quark's is actually from a band that my mom does booking for, Denver & the Mile High Orchestra, and for other personal reasons I won't go into here, that moment meant a lot to me.
Star Trek: Picard: Insert Picard facepalm here. I wanted S2 to work so badly, and be amazing, and it just wasn't. I mean it had Q and time travel and all the ingredients for something incredible, and it still didn't work. It would take too long to hash it all out here, but if anyone wants to vent with me, I'm around. I am excited (and nervous) for S3, however! I hope they don't let me down.
Star Trek: Prodigy: I still love the animation, and the kids are fun. I'm gonna be real honest, though. I'm mainly here for Janeway and Chakotay, because no, I'm still not over how Voyager ended, and if an animated kids show will let me see more of these two, I will take whatever I can get.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Before I go any further, may I just point out the amazing WONDER that FIVE different Star Trek series aired new content in 2022?! A new record! The Trekaissance is real. This show exceeded my expectations. It's so different, yet still so classic Star Trek style. The characters are great, and the intro is incredible! I cry at that intro. It's sweeping and gorgeous and ahhhhh.
Stranger Things: I've loved Stranger Things from the beginning, was excited for S4, but when I watched 4x01 I almost gave it up. It felt so dark and depressing, and the scene at the end was horrifying. I put it off for a couple weeks before deciding to try again, and I slowly worked my way through the rest of the season. There were still parts I couldn't watch (I really don't do horror, Stranger Things was always about as far as I would go, but then they really upped the horror in S4, much to my dismay), but ultimately I'm glad I did watch, although unlike the rewatchability of S1-S3, I'm not sure I can go through S4 in its entirety again. But there were some BEAUTIFUL moments we got, lots of laughs, lots of emotions. All the reunions in Vol. 2! El seeing Hopper again 😭. And my absolute favorite part...JOPPER IS CANON!!
Supermarket Sweep: Always a lot of fun. Sad that it won't be back.
Young Sheldon: It's losing steam, but I'm still watching. The whole storyline with Georgie has been interesting.
And there you have it! 33 shows in all, which is probably a record for me. Feel free to message me or send an ask if you want to further chat about any of these. If you read this far, YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR AND I APPRECIATE YOU.
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deldeldel90 · 1 year
Leelathae/Isolde college au headcanons because the latest episode ruined me and I need something happy <333
- isolde is def a little spoon
- and also touchstarved but won't admit to it
- leelathae likes having somebody to hold, it makes her feel really cozy and warm inside
- isolde is crazy about her girlfriend. Loves her to a gushing amount. Like, if you ask her about her day, there's a 99% percent chance that leelathae will end up being brought up
- leelathae is a bit more chill/subtle about her affections but it's clear that she cares for isolde really deeply
- leelathae calls isolde her princess <3
- they both live in a shitty apartment with a equally shitty landlord that lowkey hates them both, leelathae still defends him when isolde calls him an asshole
- they both still have their issues and its a bit hard to talk about sometimes (leelathae doesn't wanna bother her girlfriend while isolde is prideful and doesn't want to shatter the image she's given leelathae)
- leelathae takes pottery classes and donates her creations away bc she thinks that it's better for them to go to someone who would cherish them more than her (and because she doesn't think she deserves nice things)
- leelathae's past with Jack's family instilled a lot of stuff in her
- they're both English majors !!
- isolde's in a band that she's been in since freshman year, leelathae goes to every concert she can
- leelathae attracts possums into their apartment somehow, they just come and she'll let em stay
- isolde thinks the possums are pretty cool :) they have the same taste in music
- isolde works at a pet shop while leelathae working at an aquarium (and, during the holidays, she usually bakes cookies to sell on the side)
- isolde was a bit of a party girl in her first year, always planning something with someone but now she's just kinda likes to stay with her girl and her select few of friends watch movies on the weekends
- leelathae wants to visit her family a lot and she misses them everyday but since they live in another country, its difficult. Each month, she saves money for one week-long trip in December so she can go
- isolde and leelathae are the type of couple to always be touching. Isolde is more kissing and hand holding, while leelathae likes shoulder touches and leaning against each other
- isolde is 5'5ft and leelathae is 5'6ft
- leelathae writes in diaries and isolde has a blog - they both enjoy writing out their feelings
- isolde literally loevs loves loves desserts. About 10% of her income each year is spent on sweets. She'll drop anything for a slice of pie, and the fact that leelathae sometimes bakes makes her want to marry her on the spot
- leelathae knows how to ballroom dance <3 isolde loves to watch her while she's doing it, thinks that she's the most graceful woman to ever glide ever
- leelathae plans romantic, slow dates like picnics so that they can bond better. Isolde plans dates that are more geared towards having the most amount of fun like amusement parks. They both plan movie dates
- isolde once tries to randomly play guitar for leelathae and normally she's pretty good at it but she got really nervous because Cute Girl, oh my god, this is straight out of a cheesy romance movie--
And she ended up playing a single note and dropped her guitar directly on the sensitive part of her foot and swore every curse in the book until the cows came home
- leelathae thinks that was the moment she fell in love with isolde
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thegreymoon · 2 years
Love Like the Galaxy
Oh, Yuanyi, what does it say about you as a mother when your fifteen-year-old shows up at an acquaintance’s house looking for protection, all battered and bruised, and everyone assumes it was you who did it 🙄
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OMG, did Mr ~I-Don’t-Eat-At-Other-People’s-Houses~ Zisheng just invite himself over for dinner as the host was pointing him towards the door? 🤣🤣
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The power of Niaoniao!! 
LMAO, look at her perking up at the prospect of learning how to ride a horse!
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I hope Wan Qiqi gets to marry one of her brothers, it’s going to be chaos! 🤣🤣
Loving Grandmother Wan! 😍
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Oh, shut up, you doormat.
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Yes! Say it! Speak up for Niaoniao!
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No wonder Qiqi has a nice shiny spine! She inherited it all from you!
Wait, so she has 13 daughters?? 🤣🤣
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Poor woman! I just wish I could take the modern knowledge we have about who decides a baby’s sex and smack all these ancient people blaming women for giving birth to girls over the head with it. 
LMAOOOO, so he invited himself to stay the night??
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He’s so gone 🤣🤣
They are stupid cute, look at them! I love them so much 🤗🤗
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LMAOOOO at these fools eavesdropping on their conversation about men 😂
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Aw, baby 😢
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Your mother didn’t teach you anything because she is incompetent and also because she wants to see you fail. But, look! Your future husband is spying on you, and he is a general, and an aristocrat, and a hero! He is anything but simple and he will worship the ground you walk on! Your future is much brighter than you think! 
Good for you!
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Run, baby, run in the opposite direction like your heels are on fire! 
‘Fiend’, LMAO 
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Cuties 🖤
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LMAO, opportunist 😂😂
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I’m dying 🤣🤣
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Oh, so you stayed the night because of the map, did you 🤣🤣
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LMAO, no search warrants needed in ancient China when your name is Ling Buyi! 🤣🤣
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LMAO, she’s going to stir up so much trouble 🤣🤣
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I love her so much 🤣🤣
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LMAO, he brought you there to help a certain Fourth Lady Cheng drown as many of them as possible 😂😂
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I died laughing 🤣🤣
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Look at this adorable gremlin! The look of pure bliss on her face! 🤣🤣
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I am dead and buried 🤣🤣
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That’s what you get for trying to drown Yangyang!
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Everything that you can do, Niaoniao can do ten times better! 🤣🤣
Look at these two drowned rats, having the worst day!
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Much deserved! 🤣 Much, much deserved!! 🤣🤣
Shed some blood? Jesus. With parents like these, who needs enemies?
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Coward. Self-serving hypocrite.
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The only thing worse than an abuser are their enablers. 
The way she just politely told her to fuck herself 🔥🔥
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Shut up, bitch. You’re the literal worst. 
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LMAO, some loss! 
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When did you ever take care of her to begin with? You abandoned her as an infant, came back fifteen years later, and the little time you did spend trying to act like a mother all went into abusing and belittling her. Go fuck yourself. 
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The thing that gets me about Yuanyi is that she’s so pissed off everyone is calling her out on her atrocious treatment of this child, she’d rather renounce her daughter than admit that she’s wrong because she’s just that kind of abusive, narcissistic bitch. Leaving with Third Uncle and Aunt can only be good for Niaoniao. Fuck mothers like this. 
LMAO, poor Ling Buyi, he just can’t catch a break 😅
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And he probably thinks he’s managed to worm his way into her good graces because he helped her lure those stupid geese onto that bridge.
Fuck you, bitch.
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LMAO, what planet are you living on?
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What kindest heart? She’s an abusive narcissist who can’t stand being questioned, no matter how cruel and unjust she is. Heartless is more like it.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Hi, so thought. I haven't admittedly watched alot of the new season bits and pieces at best but had a Muncy/Velasco thought.
So work partners/best friends (especially after seeing them shop together and her feet on desk eating that pizza slice) do any future GFs or loves have to eventually past the Muncy test so to speak?!? (In fic world or off screen canon?).
hi! that's totally fair! this season has been much better than the last couple of ones thankfully!
omg YES. i understand why people are shipping them, and i think the writers are like, attempting to make it happen, BUT i canon them much more as besties, a brother/sister kinda vibe. and I love the idea of Grace being the "wait. hold up. lemme talk to her" when Joe brings up a date. cause Joe would be protective and want to make sure the people she was going out with are safe and good and the like but also like, she'd just be all "please. pretty boy i can take care of myself."
BUT she'd go feral over making sure that the girls Joe dates are up to standard. esp since we know Grace has a younger brother so she probably spent years watching over him and making sure he wasn't getting hurt, and she knows Joe is this big ole softy who deserves everything good and lovely and a caring partner who will take care of him.
Like, you cannot tell me these two go out for drinks after work and start talking about dating/dates and Joe brings up tinder and Muncy just grabs his phone and starts swiping and sending messages for him because he's either being too lenient with his likes, or too stingy. all:
"what's wrong with her!? she's CUTE!"
"UH...absolutely not. she's a fucking scorpio" (no slander to scorpios, two of my besties are scorpios)
"bruh, you can do so much better than her, keep going"
"THAT'S your opening line? jesus christ."
"this one's got a real cute dog. swipe right."
"Jose, please, for the love of god redo your profile"
"....im swiping right on this one for me. pls tell me if she matches with you..."
and it's at that point that joe grabs the phone back and throws a coaster at her.
but he totally does let her redo his profile and pick out or take new pics for the app and he definitely starts to get more matches afterwards.
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solarsavoy · 2 years
Sunday Ship, Gakushuu x Akari
This ship is so rare, I don't even know what their official name is, and GakuAka doesn't sound cute to me, so Gakushuu x Akari it is. I was requested to analyze this rare pair by @tuulikannel, and I have to say, it's quite the challenge. Still, I'll do my best because I like it.
To start, I feel like Akari is mostly into boys and that Gakushuu prefers boys but could be with a girl given certain circumstances. With that said, I could definitely see Gakushuu being with her later in life and it working out for the long term. Both of these characters prefer a casual distance in their relationship and if Akari pursues acting (which I assume she does) these two would make for the "ideal couple".
Here you have Akari, beautiful, intelligent, graceful, out being the awesome actress that she is, and Gakushuu, brilliant, focused, hard working, and not afraid to go above and beyond.
Depending on how Gakushuu develops, I can totally see him using Akari's status to heighten his own while also treating her like a queen because it 1. looks good for both of them and 2. would mean the world to her since I imagine he goes over the top with things. He'd pay for an extravagant wedding, luxurious vacations, only the finest of jewelry, and I think Akari would love every second of it.
Here's the kicker though, I don't see a lot of passion in their relationship. They would care for each other a great deal, but I don't think either of them would ever know each other on a deep level. Both of them are the type that needs someone else to punch through their cold exterior to get to know them. I think they would both be okay holding each other at arm's length though, a comfortable distance if you will, and respect each other's space.
I don't think they'd have children either. In my mind, Gakushuu wouldn't want them for his own reasons and I feel Akari would just go along with it. Gakushuu's is because he wouldn't want to be his dad and the best way to skip that is to simply not be a dad. For Akari, I think it's because she's used to her family being small and the pain of losing her sister was so great that she would be okay if Gakushuu just said "no kids" and then she'd just accept that because it's not something she'd fight hard for.
I also think this relationship is dangerous, in a way, because I don't think they'd ever separate but they also don't do anything to make each other better as people. They are there for companionship, and because of the distance they are both happy to keep, it would never get deep enough to really develop that passion, that desire that every relationship deserves to have. And in a way, that's sort of sad.
Because I can see Gakushuu being asexual, I don't think it'd be too much of a problem for him to be away from her a lot, but Akari may just keep it in and never say anything because at the same time, she has the "perfect relationship", why ruin it?
To wrap this up, I wanted to end with something a little more positive. While they have their pros and cons of being together, a pro I'd really love to see played out are their conversations. I think they'd be wildly entertaining.
An example: Gakushuu: Yeah, I snuck out once. Akari: I broke your dad's trophy case/laptop on my first day at Kunugigaoka like a bad ass. Gakushuu, wide eyed: That was you???
Another example: Akari: I almost got my ultimate revenge on my worst enemy, but then I realized I liked him as a teacher, so… Gakushuu: I DID get revenge on my worst enemy. Akari, confused: Who was that? Gakushuu smirks. Akari puts it together: You're the one that put your dad in jail??? (Reference, bismuth's fanfic.)
So in the end, I feel like they'd make for a great platonic relationship, but I'm not convinced they'd stay that way because of their potential as the "perfect couple", and if they go into romance, I don't think they'll ever come out of it. That's just my opinion though and I'm always open to other headcanons of these two because honestly, there's almost nothing on this pair since it's so rare. So let me know if you feel differently about them.
And thanks for reading! Let me know if you'd like me to analyze another ship and I'll do it! Have a wonderful day, peoples.
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florencewellch · 1 year
Share them bestie
Journey to Fearless >> 1989 Tour movie
Vigilante Shit is... bad...
The re-recordings overall are an improvement, but there are a few exceptions (WANEGBT, IKYWT, Holy Ground and Girl at Home)
Reputation didn't deserve album of the year. It's not as bad as some of the critics who disliked it claim it is, but it's also not as amazing as the fandom thinks it is imo. It has some great songs (Getaway Car, Dress, Call It What You Want, Gorgeous, King of My Heart, Delicate), but also a lot of meh songs (So It Goes, Don't Blame Me, LWYMMD) and some of her worst songs (This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things and Endgame). It's a 7/10 album for me.
LWYMMD gets too much hate (I know, I just listed it as a meh song, but I don't think it's a bad song, it's just one that I don't really revist that often. And plus it gave us the best music video from the Reputation era)
Karma the lost album theory is not real.
Shake It Off should have been the single from the 1989 era that got a tour video, not New Romantics, because that song has a lot of imagery while Shake It Off doesn't. But it served its purpose as a lead single, which was to create a lot of hype around 1989, but still.
Some people need to stop acting like Folklore and Evermore are the only times Taylor has had great songwriting on her albums. Red, Speak Now, Love Story, The Best Day, Fifteen, White Horse, Clean, Dancing with Our Hands Tied, Clean, Soon You'll Get Better, Cornelia Street, YOYOK and WCS are right there.
None of her pop albums are underrated. Some get more criticism than others (Lover), but like her pop albums are still very popular and have a lot of people who love them and discuss their songs.
Her country ones (especially Debut and Fearless) are very underrated and are slept on.
Lover is my least favorite album. It has some of her best pop songs (Cruel Summer, Cornelia Street, I Think He Knows), but it also has some of her worst songs (Me!, YNTCD, I Forgot That You Existed) and the tracklist is messy and it's the one TS album that I'd say that the tracklist needs some adjusting for sure.
I really don't get why some people say she couldn't possibly have written the 10 minute version of All Too Well back in 2011, just because of the "fuck the patriarchy " line. She was just quoting what was written on the keychain, not just randomly saying it for the sake of saying it.
If This Was a Movie deserves more attention
The Fearless vault tracks are overall good (except Don't You and Bye Bye Baby)
As much as I'd like to believe Speak Now TV will be out in March, I doubt it now, because we're only 1 month away and no announcement yet.
I'd be perfectly fine with Shake It Off, Bad Blood, Me!, YNTCD getting cut from the tour setlist for other songs (aka Holy Ground, Enchanted, State of Grace, Wonderland, You're in Love)
Everything Has Changed and Run are good. Yes, Ed's music has declined quality wise from his earlier work, but these collabs are still good.
Mary's Song and Today Was a Fairytale are cute and I don't get why people hate on them.
Starlight deserves more attention too. Yeah, it's a bit weird that it made onto Red, but it's still a good song
I like August, but I don't think it's the best song of the love triangle songs on Folklore.
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assim-eu-sou · 2 years
S2 Recap
Favorite Extended Sequences (in chronological order):
Sleepover/Fake Diego Call
Angie's Farewell
Madrid Podemos
Gregorio's speech to Diego
Soy Mi Mejor Momento (finale)
Favorite Songs (in no particular order)
Soy Mi Mejor Momento
Algo Se Enciende
Si Es Por Amor
Alcancemos Las Estrellas
Peligrosamente Bellas
(But tbh, the whole Hoy Somos Más album is sooooo good).
Character Thoughts:
Violetta: You will always be my baby. This girl has been through the wringer, with the Esmeralda deceit, Jeremías, and Diego. Then add to that losing her voice, losing Angie, and then losing her passion for a time. I just want to give her a big hug. And she honestly handles it with more grace than most people ever could. She deserves every good thing that comes her way.
León: A male protagonist that deserves rights. I appreciate his Entre Dos Mundos arc as someone pursuing a double major, although the motorcross seemed to come out of nowhere. I'm mad that he was mad about the non-consensual kiss and he certainly had his moments that frustrated me but like. He cares about Vilu so much.
Ludmila: She's so stupid... I love her. It's hard to remember what about her is real and what I made up because I think about her so much, so I won't say too much. Her fake friend era was such a time. It was hard to watch her cause Vilu pain, but what can I say except I know where she's coming from. Seeing her finally realize that hurting Vilu wasn't going to solve her problems was such a moment.
Naty: babeygirl. period. poor thing goes through it with Ludmila and I'm glad she ended the season happy. and yet, in the end, she will always choose Ludmi. she is unconditional. there's not much more that needs to be said here.
Francesca: Ah, Fran. She's always looking out for Vilu and that is something that I treasure. Her going-to-Italy arc was so.... yeah. As someone who knew they were leaving their hometown for college and also someone who knows they have to leave their college town whenever classes aren't in session, I get it. It's a lot. She had a really hard time letting her heart say yes to Marco, which could be frustrating, but I don't blame her. Commitment is hard, especially when you wonder how permanent things can be.
Camila: Ooooooh she's so funny. So many lines here and there that cracked me up. Her boy scrapbook was funny to me because like. That's such a normal thing to do. Not. But similar energy to something I'd do at the same time.
Diego: I hate this show for making me feel sorry for him by the end of it. He's almost even likable now. Dang it. I despised this man at the start of the season... creepy stalker. But in the end... idk. Something happened. All of the dynamics that he's a part of just make it.
Andrés/Broduey/Marco/Maxi: They exist. I don't think enough thoughts about them to say more than that.
Germán: I HATE HIMMMMMMM. Stupid Jeremías and stupid helicoptering send him STRAIGHT to prison. He did not deserve applause for Soy Mi Mejor Momento. That belonged to Vilu and the kids. As the child of overprotective parents, I have a lot of thoughts about Germán and how the show Violetta itself could be a metaphor for other things, but that should be its own post, so I won't expand for now.
Lara: she's so cool! Funky lil mechanic! Never did anything wrong tbh. I hope she ends up happy wherever she is.
Gregorio: this man is unhinged. But his development with Diego destroyed me. Like. I felt it in my soul. He truly has the range.
Angie: Her scenes with Vilu are always so special. But poor woman, she definitely needed to go to France. And her send-off... affected me. One of the deserves better girls for sure.
Jade: Please free her from the shackles of Germán and Mati. Enough said. Also her opera scene was ICONIC.
Esmeralda: It would be nice if she got a redemption arc in S3 but that won't be happening so... oh well. I also like how she brought Ámbar with her. Seeing Vilu being an older sister was cute.
Pablo: what was WRONG with this man for the majority of the season? Bring S1 Pablo back!
Olga/Ramallo: They exist. They care about Vilu. They put up with Germán. I couldn't do their job.
Pairings (Platonic and romantic)
Leonetta: A main ship I can support. Madrid!Podemos was so much. And all Leonetta hugs... so true. There's just a lot of care there.
León and Fran: such a fun dynamic, especially in Madrid. Best detectives. They just want to protect their girl Vilu.
Fran and Cami: these two fight like a married couple but in the end they have each others' best interests at heart. They often give each other advice that they need to take themselves lol.
Ludmila and Vilu: Vilu puts up with so much, bless her. The way she kept trying to let Ludmi in to her circle at the beginning of the season? The way she just moves on so quickly at the end? And the way Ludmi finally comes to her senses and wants to help her get her sparkle back? Yeah... s3 sisters will kill me.
Ludmila and Diego: Oh... so much. They're just so much. I want to study them under a microscope. Just a shocking and entertaining dynamic all around. The way they both despise and care about each other.
Diego and Vilu: Their start and end was not good. They had some cute moments, unfortunately. In another life, maybe. I can tell that in the end, he really did care about her, and was caught in a very rough spot. He wasn't in the right but I get it. I will be interested to see where their interactions go from here.
Fedemila: I mean I had fun. I like seeing Ludmila enamored. I like seeing her try. And they're both just so much, so diva.
Naxi: Maxi just. doesn't trust Naty. So while she ended the season happy, she deserves better, I think.
Brodemila: They are what they are. They're always gonna be in conflict. But their cute scenes are cute.
Marcesca: It would never work out in the end, but it was nice for what it was. Like him learning Italian? So good. His Madrid gestures may have been a bit toooo grand lol. Still. after S1, Fran deserved someone at least as decent as Marco.
Caxi: not the worst tbh. I don't have strong feelings either way.
Natila, Cadmila: Some enjoyable moments for both of these pairings. Tension between Cami and Ludmi. Naty and Cami making the music video. Their trio dynamic. So much fun!
Franletta: the softe girls!!!!!!! They fight so hard for each other. Fran pulling the fire alarm? Vilu convincing Fran's dad to let her stay? That whole arc was so much. All their hugs and just being attached at the hip... yes. Sweeties.
Luty: I don't even need to say anything. We know what they did to me. Just. Yeah. There are so many moments that aren't even subtext, just straight (not) text. Like yeah. Solo te quería desear suerte. And fin.
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luvyanfei · 3 years
anon said. ooo a new blog! can you do confession headcanons where xiao, childe, and scaramouche react to reader confessing to them and the aftermath of it? thank you!  
a/n. xiao’s is kind of terrible ;; ue ue gomenasai
“i love you, [character’s name].”
huh? is this some kind of a joke? if so, it’s definitely not a good idea to mess with his feelings like this, especially when he also shares the same sentiment. scaramouche is almost impressed by your boldness. not everyone has the nerve to confess their love for a harbinger in front of their own faces, after all. when he’s hit with the realization that you’re serious, he secretly pinches himself to make sure he’s not in a dream.
the sharp pain that comes with his nails making contact with his flesh affirms that this is real. he stifles back a genuine smile, choosing to stay calm despite the bliss he’s currently feeling. “i guess it can’t be helped. hmph, you should be lucky i’m rather fond of you as well, [name].” he says that, but he’s the fortunate one to have successfully stolen your heart before others can claim you for themselves.
unfortunately, his time with you is quite limited due to his affiliation with the fatui, so any fleeting moments are captured in photos from the kamera to look back on. he secretly carries a picture of you while he’s out of town on important missions so that he won’t miss you too badly. he fondly looks at your still, yet smiling face to cheer him up after a tough work while everyone else is asleep. well, almost everyone.  
“hmm, who’s that in your hands, scaramouche?” childe asks, gesturing to the photo the harbinger is admiring fondly. scaramouche rolls his eyes to hide his slight embarrassment and hesitates a bit before he answers.  
“oh them? their name is [name], my... sibling.” childe almost gapes in disbelief as he looks at the blue-haired man in shock. 
“you have a sibling? why didn’t you tell me? they’re so cute!” the 11th harbinger squeals in delight, which honestly irks poor scaramouche. he scoots away to give himself some space as he tucks the picture in his pocket for safe-keeping. 
“you didn’t bother to,” he explains matter-of-factly. “now if you’ll excuse me,” he stands up from his crouched position and dusts himself, “i’m going to take a walk, alone.” 
he wanders through a dark forest and grassy fields, until he finds himself standing on top of a cliff, the moon glowing brightly above. he peers up at the twinkling stars in the sky and imagines you beside him, watching the breathtaking view together. humming an unfamiliar tune to himself, scaramouche muses over the past and replays your confession over and over again. if he could, he would respond differently than he did before. 
‘i love you.’ those three letter words echo in his ears like a melody and he allows himself to smile. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
he automatically perks up an eyebrow in confusion. what? is it just him or did you seriously admitted you love him? xiao stammers for a brief second, no words spilling out from his partially open mouth. what is he supposed to say? “thank you?” “i love you too?” 
when he pulls himself together, xiao shakes his head and frowns. his answer is clear and simple: no. you mortals don’t understand just how dangerous it is to get close with someone like him - a yaksha. drowning in the brink of debt and despair, he doesn’t need you to suffer all the same. the dejected expression on your face pains him to a considerable degree, yet he convinces himself, this is for your own good. 
since then, he avoids you like the plague in hopes that your feelings for him will disperse into flames. you deserve someone better, someone who won’t place you in harm’s way, someone unlike him. out of kindness, you still visit him from time to time while you go and do your daily commissions, but your interaction is heavily tense and an air of discomfort seeps through your gaze. why does his chest hurt as if he was impaled with a knife and so much more when you look at him like that? the thought of breaking down and revealing the truth that he’s also in love with you tempts him eagerly, but his pride and anxiety tides over his desires. 
you, on the other hand, is aware that xiao harbors feelings for you. you discovered this secret of his when you climbed the stairs to the spot on the balcony where he was to surprise him with a greeting, but your ears captured a faint voice in the night breeze and you couldn’t stop yourself from eavesdropping on the little conversation xiao was having with himself. he muttered about “rex lapis”, the fate of liyue, and etc. you were about to leave him to his own devices, but the next words he said stopped you in your tracks. 
“will [name] accept me if i say i love them? probably not, i suppose.” you left before he could spare a glance in your direction and a smile graced your features as you happily walked away. and being the persistent individual that you are, you inquire verr on why he’s acting so cold towards you, desperate to seek the answer you need. “xiao is, as you’re well aware, a yaksha who’s experienced hardships throughout his life, and probably lost loved ones along the way. i’m sure,” she turns to look at the setting sun in melancholy, “he doesn’t want to hurt anyone important to him again.”
you plan ahead of time for the best way to approach him without giving him any chance to escape. unfortunately, this is the only thing you can think of as you place a hand on either side of his head, trapping him between you and the wall. xiao looks at you curiously, devoid of amusement. he crosses his arms and frowns. 
“what are you doing?” your hands twitch and you chew on your bottom lip nervously before you explain yourself.
“i heard from verr why you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder, that you don’t want to hurt anyone important to you, but...” you trail off to blink back the tears threatening to burst. 
“it hurts, when you ignore me like this.” your voice is quiet enough that he needs to step closer to hear you. “it hurts how selfless you are. can’t you be selfish just once? i meant what i said and i’ll say it again. i love you.” 
xiao stammers, at a loss for words, before he starts sniffling and buries himself in your arms, crying out apologies as you stroke the back of his hair and gives a closed-eye smile. “it’s okay, xiao. i’m sorry too, for not realizing how much you’ve been suffering by yourself. you don’t have to carry the burden alone anymore,” you say, looking into his tear-filled eyes, “i will always be here with you, no matter what path you choose to take.” 
“even if that path may eventually hurt you?” he whispers in a cracked voice, fingers curling around your sleeves. you nod. 
“it’s worth the pain as long as i can hold you in my arms, like this.” he chokes out a bitter chuckle and wipes away the glistening tears. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
the harbinger blinks his cerulean eyes once, then twice, and... you find yourself pulled into his arms, as his lips uplift into a jovial smile. “really? you love me? [name], i had no idea you held such deep admiration for me.” you playfully roll your eyes and chuckle as you wrap your own arms around his body, fondly reciprocating his affection.
he’s the fastest to accept your confession than the other two men. you’d bet he would scamper to where he’s staying at to tell every grain of detail to his adoring relatives. 
he writes letters to his siblings about your daily dates and the progress you two are making in your relationship. they tease him for the most part, but they’re happy that he’s found the love of his life and requests that he bring you along with him on his next visit. childe smiles in relief, content that they accept you already despite never meeting you and he asks you if you’d like to come with him to his home country where you can introduce yourself to his family. without hesitation, you agree instantly, eager to meet the siblings he gushes about. 
snezhnaya is colder than you thought, as you hug yourself to preserve your warmth, even with the layers of clothing wrapped around you. “we’re almost there, [name].” childe notices your trembling and rubs his gloved hands against your back. “sorry, it’s a bit chilly here, but please bear with me.” 
you nod and continue on. when a building enters your field of sight, childe stops and grins shyly at you. “this is the place.” breath materializes in front of you as he gestures for you to head on in. almost immediately are you greeted with a little embrace as a young boy wraps his fingers around your waist and grins up at you. 
“so you’re the one who big brother said he’s in love with? have you kissed before? when is your wedding?” the child bombards you with questions excitedly and a girl has to pull him away from you, tonia, you guess. 
“teucer,” childe scolds gently, a light blush colouring his cheeks, which does not go unnoticed in his siblings’ eyes, unfortunately for him. 
a wedding, huh? seeing the sparkle in your eyes, the laughter in your voice, and the warmth of your touch as you idly chat with his siblings makes him hope, that maybe in the distant future, he’ll brave himself to take the next step to further deepen your relationship, for he wants to be with you always. 
as he tucks away the last sleeping child, childe wanders in to your shared bedroom, surprised you’re still awake. “you really love them a lot, huh childe?” he nods seriously, as you pull him to lie down comfortably into bed. 
“but do you know something else?” his breath tickles your ear as he intertwines his fingers with yours, offering a meek smile. you shake your head and nuzzle closer to him. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
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