#also sorry for the surprise backstory for eddie lmao
nburkhardt · 1 year
Other Parts: One, Two, Three, Four.
(Small trigger warning for overdose, not completely accurate I don’t think but still gonna warn) NOW, onto the fic! ~
The Plan? That’s fucking boring
Eddie Munson’s Way of Making the Sun Shine Brighter?
The End of Michael Wheeler?
Eddie’s Totally Put Together Plan? What a stupid fucking stupid title!!
(Title is still a work in progress)
Self reminder: do not in any way, say the word ‘asshole’ within hearing range of Steve. ALSO do not use any references to royalty or anything relating to being dumb.
Step 1:
Find out the reason why Michael Wheeler decided to be a total dickwad and call Steve an asshole. Yelling really comes out if it’s a dumb fucking reason.
Step 2:
Let the brats know that they are to stay away from Steve for at least a week to think about why he reacted the way he did. Don’t mention the breakdown, only say what is necessary.
Let Steve know about this part (double underlined)
Step 3:
Corner Dustin Henderson and Robin Buckley separately. Find out why they weren’t too concerned for their supposed best friend.
Hint to them what’s going on?
Step 4: most important
Comfort Steve !!!! Make sure he knows you’re in this for the long haul. Make it known you are not leaving him.
Help him open up a tiny bit more. Do not overwhelm him!!
Step 5: necessary for step 4
Hand holding, nicknames and reminders. Maybe cuddles ONLY if he’s up to it!!
Step 6: Step 2.0: (written over with a line harshly up the page connecting to step 2)
Shut up anyone who even dares to say The Word to Steve. Teach self to not say it anymore. Give a crash course to everyone in Hellfire that they were unknowingly being bullies. This step be after step 1? Maybe step 2?
Eddie glanced at his notebook and smiled. All morning he’s been writing out this plan. It wasn’t settling in his head whatsoever with his overactive hyper way of thinking, it was never going to come together.
He woke up only after a few hours of actual sleeping, he tossed and turned with images of a heartbroken Steve flashing in his dreams. At one point he jolted awake when a particular flash included Steve just silent and emotionless, like he wasn’t there anymore but he was breathing and that was absolutely terrifying.
Eddie has seen something similar like that look before and it wasn’t pretty either….
A recently turned twelve year old Eddie is frozen in the doorway. His face is pale, near white as he stared at his mom.
Charlotte Munson is slumped on the couch, nearly no emotion on her face. Her eyes glazed over, only half way open. Her mouth is parted in a dazed smile, the usual warmth in her face is completely and utterly gone.
Her hand is clutching a tiny bottle and there’s a bottle of vodka on the table.
Even in his frozen state, it doesn’t take long for him to figure out what is happening. Her chest is slow, he can tell she’s breathing. Only just enough but the glaze in her eyes isn’t clearing up; her eyes are actually slipping shut more.
He doesn’t know how long he stands there, doesn’t know how long she’s been there either.
Eventually, someone knocks and breaks the spell.
He’s told later on that she overdosed, but he already figured that out. He watched it happen. Two weeks later he’s shipped off to Uncle Wayne’s, promised to be cared for and he makes a silent vow to never take too much or to mix anything, ever.
Shaking his head out of the memory, he looks at the paper again before jumping out of bed to get dressed.
He doesn’t understand or know why his brain decided to be so fucked up and marge the images of his mom and Steve together, but he was jolted awake by it and has stayed awake since.
Now that his plan is laid out on paper for him to visibly see, he feels more confident in this. Before all his head could come up with was ‘Protect Steve’ flashing around as if it was a neon sign.
Grinning to himself, he grabs his notebook and his pencil plus a highlighter. Erasing the crossed out titles before writing down:
Sunshine Protection Squad (he also drew a tiny sun next to it)
It’s not exactly a good title for what this is, but it’s actually the perfect title. Simply because it’s what he is now. He is Steve’s protector and hopefully, for as long as possible. He’ll wear it with pride and scream it from the rooftops if Steve would like that, maybe get a tattoo imagery of it; he’ll remember to ask before doing such.
Steve has always been the protector and never the one being protected. It’ll be a change for him and Eddie knows this, but he’s ready for the challenge to prove it.
To prove that Steve is worth protecting. Even if it’s against his own friends.
I'm going to end it there, i think the stopping point is pretty good. Plus it means I can switch either back to Steve or get into the party. I had a blast coming up with the writing of Eddie's plan. It would be even better if tumblr allowed underlining in the text. (wrote most of this in my notes app and it looks so dumb and perfect lmao) btw if anyone has any tips on how to write any of the party members please send them my way!
taglist: @zerokrox-blog, @piningapple, @i-wanna-combust, @stevecarrington, @henderdads, @fiore-della-valle, @eddiemunsonswife, @mixsethaddams, @momotonescreaming, @ajamlessbaby, @novelnovella, @flustratedcas, @thelastwalkingsoul, @hellfire1986baby, @manda-panda-monium, @xo-blairej, @freyaforestafay, @princessstevemunson, @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring, @sapphirecobalt-1, @stevesworldxx, @jonathanbyersbbg, @fromapayphone, @anzelsilver, @adaed5, @koyislosinghismind, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @bornonthesavage, @seths-rogens, @xwildangel, @mightbeasleep, @y0urnewstepp4r3nt,
@saphhicwitchbitch, @m-chmcl-rmnc, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @steddieassheg0es, @didntwant2come, @itsfreakingbats, @stranger-poets-society,
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vintageseawitch · 2 years
okay so this has been bugging me for a while. like, ever since my obsessive beast side clamped its jaws on Twilight like it never has before (for this franchise at least lol), & for more than anything, the Volturi. they're fascinating to me. when i found out Marcus' tragic backstory & finding out why he is the way he is? FREAKING CAT NIP. that clamping jaw isn't letting go anytime soon. i'm such a sucker for old sad bois as i've already stated on here more than once lol.
THE THING IS THO is that smeyers has potentially RUINED it for me at the same time if i were to only ever go by book canon (which i don't lol). as i stated above, the Volturi have become my favorite out of this outrageous franchise, but also quite a few other things that don't involve the main moronic trio. what a toxic dumpster fire that nonsense is lmao. the Cullens themselves fascinate me more than the ridiculous "love" triangle.
ANYWAYS you know how in the book Marcus was surprisingly surprised when he noticed Bella & Edward's bond & how "strong" it appeared? that bond that was formed by obsession, possession, power imbalance, control, & emotional abuse? yes yes YES, eddie boI is SO CONCERNED for her humanity & soul, but really, i think he LIKES having the power here. i don't think he consciously realizes this, but i can't unthink this theory. another thing: "realistically" (lol), would he be still as fascinated in her if she wasn't still in possession of her "heroin"-like blood? yes, her mind is amazingly silent, but that's not what ultimately kept him from coming back, was it? he was a massive asshole to her at first but kept coming back, gaslighting glory & all, & this young woman with poor self-esteem who had to grow up so fast because of a child mom & clueless dad (movie Charlie, i like you the most) somehow was able to overlook this. in the end, his being a supernatural being literally dazzled her to stick around despite his complete & utter bullshit. watching her while she slept?? SO ROMANTIC (she's such a 17 year old i can't even-). would she actually stick around with this ludicrous, angsty boy when she became a supernatural being herself?? BUT I DIGRESS. anywho so despite all this smelly emotional baggage (since Marcus' gift shows what's honestly there no matter what their own thoughts would show Aro), & Marcus thought their connection was like that of him & Didyme, what exactly does that say about THEIR connection?????
I'M SORRY, THIS IS PAINFUL BLASPHEMY, because i love Marcus so much & only wish for him to have peace & happiness, & i'm sure Didyme was lovely & wonderful, but smeyers has a penchant for thinking abuse & power imbalances make for true romance. there was a hint - can't remember if i read this in the twilight wiki or someone else's headcanon, sorry - that Didyme's power causes withdrawal when you're suddenly not around them anymore. not quite like Corin's, but enough, & that is partially why Marcus is essentially catatonic. Bella & Edward, while there may be some love there, is actually NOT a healthy love. it's sad, really. Bella has more personality with almost everyone else than when she's with Edward or hell, even the other Cullens!! it's not her fault, but her humanity makes her essentially inferior to these stunning, graceful, impossibly strong, supernatural beings. Edward has her on a pedestal & a completely unrealistic one at that. she has good qualities of course, but she's hardly perfect. they refuse to see each other, warts & all. theirs is a love that only belongs on paper because irl... yikes. so after all that, even "seeing the truth," Marcus compares himself & Didyme with these two dunderheads. smeyers i'm guessing was attempting to be beautifully poetic & earth-shattering here but it just makes it approx 57298592x more depressing, because i don't think Edward & Bella's love is beautiful & so by book canon i don't think Marcus & Didyme's was, either.
fuck you smeyers for doing this to Marcus & Didyme. i feel sorry for Bella too but you made her your self-insert who wasn't above being unbelievably self-centered (i gotta remember Bella's only a teenager but so many of her choices & behavior is just too much to handle. i actually kinda loathe her & i know i ranted about eddie earlier but ohhh boy i can shout about him even more lmao) so my sympathy only goes so far. but most of all for Marcus, who's just now kinda there, mourning for a love that rivals something so hideous. I HATE THIS.
i have a few WIPs that will give Marcus a second chance at happiness because while i've read some good fics both on here & ao3 & ff.net, there are still quite a few others who kill him off or outright ignore him. he has so much POTENTIAL. he fascinates me. i crave his happiness. i want him to find out that it's OKAY to find joy again. what happened with Didyme, & Aro being canonically the one to do it, ironically also fascinates me in a morbid way. i'll be doing what i want with that canon as well lmao i truly don't think Aro is that horrible, but not according to smeyers of course lol!
so in summary smeyers, your "epic romances" are really "epic romanticized abuse" & the tragedy here is you had to drag two beautiful characters into it for shock value. your books ruined them & many have corrected this crime & i'll be contributing my own writing to aid in this at some point soon 😤😤😤
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twdeadlysins · 6 years
The Walking Dead Series Rewrite - Backstory
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 1168
Warnings: I don’t think there are any, but if you see something that should be  a warning don’t hesitate to message me and tell me! I would also like to add that I’m in no way, shape or form a writer, so I’m sorry in advanced lmao.
Summary: This is the backstory about you, Y/N L/N, and how your life has been since you were a child, but with a lot of time skips in between, lmao.
Author’s Note: I wanted to create a backstory for this series because I wanted to already show the reader’s life before the apocalypse and how you knew Rick and some others before hand.  Also, if you want to be tagged for this series or my other fics, tell me and I’ll add you! Let me know what you think about this and if you want to request something just send an ask!
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Growing up wasn’t the best experience for you especially not knowing whether your stay was going to be permanent or you’ll just be dumped on someone else. Your parents were killed in a car accident by a drunk driver causing you to be abandoned in the world when you were just five and foster care was the only option for you considering you had no other family members residing in the US.
Foster care took a toll on you because you saw all other the kids yelling for mom and dad while you were stuck calling the people who took care of you Bob and Carly or Eddie and Martha. You always felt like the outcast and kept to yourself most of the time not socializing with any of your temporary “family,” knowing you’d be forced to leave eventually. Being anti-social wasn’t your forte, you were usually an outgoing and friendly child, but you weren’t about to make friends when you knew you’d move to the next home anyways.
After about five years of bouncing to one home to the next, the system found that you had an aunt who just moved from Italy to Virginia. Her not being the in America prevented you from potentially having a place to call home and once she learned about you she didn’t object to the idea of you staying with them.
Jolene and Chris, your aunt and uncle, were very welcoming. They gave you a room that you could decorate to your heart’s desire, something you never got to do. Jolene taught you how to make home cooked meals and the basic household chores where as Chris showed you how to hunt and operate weapons varying from guns to your own fists. “No one can fight your battles for you, only you can,” he would always remind you.  
Not long after staying with your relatives, they adopted you and you finally had a place to call home. You were not the anti-social orphan that everyone defined you to be. Feeling the sense of security and stability cracked open your shell and you finally were able to be yourself. You weren’t lost anymore, you found yourself underneath all that pain of feeling lonely, unloved, unwanted, and judged for being someone you never wanted to portray yourself to be.
When your sixteenth birthday rolled around, you didn’t receive a car like everyone else, instead you got a machete that your uncle had made himself. You were in total awe of your shiny new blade and you’d rather have that than a car any day if you were being honest. He already familiarized you on how to utilize a machete along with every other weapon he could ponder, so he took you on a camping trip for the weekend to put your new gift to use.
Later on, your uncle had gotten a job offer in King County, Georgia before your senior year, so one day you and your aunt were going through the attic when you stumbled upon a box filled to the brim with photo albums dating back to god knows when.
You carefully picked up one of the dusty photo albums afraid it would crumble at any given moment and sat with your legs crossed against one of the already packed boxes. Your fingers gracefully traced over the worn photos and delicately flipped over to the next page.
A smile tugged at your lips when you saw your aunt and uncle shoving pieces of their chocolate wedding cake in each other faces. You were about to flip to the next page when a certain photo caught your eye … a picture of your aunt and uncle with a familiar couple. They were all laughing at a dinner table decorated with wine glasses and you curiously frowned because you swore you’d seen them before.
Your thoughts were broken when your aunt came with a smile plastered on her face and started to make her way over. “Ahh, I see you found my photo albums. I was beginning to wonder if they were in my closet downstairs or up here collecting dust,” she joked.
She plopped down beside you with her legs stretched out infront of her and noticed your gaze fell back on the mysterious photo. “Those are your parents, Y/N.” You whipped your head and stared at your aunt seeing her smile sadly, she then went in the box full of photo albums behind her and gathered an album that had, “In Memory of Y/P/N,” written at the top and there were numerous photos of your parents within it.
Both of you spent hours going through memories and listened to her talk about your parents. You both laughed and cried, and you were reminded that they cherished and loved you and they would be so proud of you. You smiled at the thought of them watching over you.
Once you settled into your new home in Georgia, you started the first day of your new school being the new kid, but that was nothing new to you. You weren’t looking to making friends since it was your last year of high school and you would just go your separate ways once you graduated, but you ended up surprising yourself. Three months after school started, you developed a bond between Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh.
You and Rick were attached to each other’s hip doing almost everything together which earned teasing from Shane and students you didn’t even know existed. They would go on and rant on how you two should just make out and date already, but you and Rick would always look at each other and snicker. The relationship was always platonic and forever will be, so the comments never bothered either one of you. Shane and you weren’t as close as you and Rick, but he was the one who would casually flirt with you and you didn’t mind.
After you graduated high school, you decided you wanted to get away from King County even if it meant leaving everyone you cared for. You served four years in the United States Marine Corps before purchasing a home back in King County, Georgia because afterall, it was the place you thought of when you heard the word, home.
A career in law enforcement was always your dream, so when the King County Sheriff’s Department recruited you, you were beyond stoked. You were happily shocked to learn that Rick and Shane still resided in King County and were employed at the department like you.
Rick was married to Lori, a woman you soon became close with, and had a son named Carl, who admired you. Shane was still the player that he was and it didn’t surprise you one bit, you knew it would be hard for him to find someone, but you couldn’t contain the laughter that spilled out of you when he complained about something stupid a girl did. It was like you never left.
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