#also sorry if i misspelled that one word uhhh
deqdyke · 2 years
I fucking hate how much euro-american racialist brain rot ideology has steeped into the way people think. PoC as a term doesn't denote some universal experience. There aren't "opportunities for people of color", or "poc sensitivity readers". The idea that I can somehow be asked to speak to the experiences of a Vietnamese person, or a Black woman, or a Palestinian, or an Iniqutuk person is ridiculous!
It's an attempt to find a set of social rules and methods for white people to navigate the "problem" of people of color instead of learning to see us as people and ask about our individual experiences. You don't want to accept the responsibility of navigating the fact that even within our own communities we are not a monolith and there's no "correct" way to approach us.
You want to feel as if you're behaving in a morally "pure" and correct way, rather than have to synthesize our diverse opinions into a fuller understanding of what exactly is going on in our minds and communities and accept that you'll fuck up sometimes and have to adapt and apologize. It's a desire to shave off the rough edges and unsightly elements of our experiences and to absolve yourself of the responsibility and reality that you're constantly making choices about who to believe.
Like some examples to explain what I'm talking about: I've met people who identify proudly with the term G*psy and who actively don't want to be referred to with the more politically correct term for it because of their specific family experiences. How do I approach that? Do I say the word which registers to me as a slur, or do I respect their wishes and how they self-refer? I've had Black loved ones who have told me that me not parenting aave at them makes them feel safer with me, and I also had a coworker who took me not doing that as me looking down on their culture and way of speaking. Which is the correct way to behave? There isn't one! You're going to be doing something someone disagrees with regardless. It's about connecting with us as people and learning about our experiences. Learn how to listen to us, not just how to speak with/about/for us.
And this seeps into our communities internally too. I've seen supposedly progressive and leftist spaces post about opportunities for Indigenous people ask indigenous friends of mine to prove they were indigenous because they looked "too white passing". As if that's not a continuation of the same race science blood quantum bullshit that GOT us here! I've had people refer to the literal genocide of my immediate family in the 1990s as "irrelevant" and that I was "claiming oppression because my family was oppressed hundreds of years ago". The 1990s! I've had someone who I organized with in close proximity basically every day for FOUR YEARS tell me to check out a local Turkish restaurant to "remind me of home" as if I hadn't spoken about Turkish colonialism and Kemalist fascism with them TONS of times.
This stuff happens when you view allyship/white traitorhood as some obscure set of words and rituals that if you learn correctly will absolve you of whiteness. It won't, because whiteness isn't fuckin real. Race is constructed socially and is contextual. I have more in common with an eastern european immigrant here than I do with bougie diasporista whose families are the colonizers back home but get to play at oppressed while here for social clout and then call the cops on me.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
- ... Hello?
Hallo Herr Forehead.
- Stop calling me that.
We're not in court. Unless you are? No you can't be, you wouldn't answer the phone if you were.
- Still, it'd be nice if you didn't call me that.
Ach, warum, magst du das nicht, don't you like it?
- Not in the slightest.
But it's a, uhhh, nickname.
- I know it is but I don't like it at all. Everybody makes fun of my hair and face already, at least try to find a more... Original... One, what's that noise?
- There's a weird sound, what are you doing?
Ah, yes, yes, that's - I'm cutting my hair, that's why I called you.
- You're calling from the hairdresser?
My bathroom.
- ... 'scuse me.
I'm calling from my bathroom.
- ... Are you just chopping off your-
Yes, that's why I called you.
- WHY are you calling me at... Four in the morning for you about giving yourself a haircut, I can't really just drive there to help?
Ich weiß, aber I need your opinion.
- Klavier I cannot fucking see you.
I know.
- ... ... ... Fine. Fine, whatever, I've got five cases of the same minor felony to work through anyways. So what are you doing.
- Cutting how?
- You look fine with long hair though.
Ja, well, my brother did also and I looked exactly like him and I'm not feeling that alright right now, so you know.
- I... Yeah that's. That's a good point. But do you have medication you need to take?
Yes but I missed that and if I take it now it will fuck up all the other times I need to take it, that's why I'm cutting my hair.
- God, ok, uh... How... How do I help, what's my role in this.
Tell me how to cut it.
- ... I can't fucking see you.
That way if it looks like shit I can say it's your fault and not mine.
- Wow. Real foolproof plan.
- Alright, uh... What have you done so far?
Cut off my braid.
- Like at the root?
Nein, just uh, shoulder length. More or less. Gott I look like a fucking. I'm just missing the uh, the... Big sideburns.
- Mutton chops?
I think so. Put a pair on me and I'll look like some tryhard psychedelic rocker from 1978 to 1982.
- I am honestly trying very hard to visualize that and I can confidently say I have no idea how that would look like.
Maybe you have aphantasia.
- What?
Nevermind. I just mean that I look disgusting.
- Even with your face?
This is really not the best moment to remind me of my face I think.
- Sorry.
Keine Sorgen. So! What do I do now?
- Oh, uh... Don't touch the uh, bangs. Fringe? Bangs?
Not to worry, my forehead is gonna remain nice and covered. I'd hate to steal your gimmick.
- Fuck off.
Fine, I'll find a different nickname. Maybe something about your arm necklace, like how does Herr Bling sound?
- First, that's maybe worse. Second, my arm what?
Arm necklace. The uh... Arm. Band. Bracelet.
- Arm necklace.
Shush. So bangs are gonna stay. What goes.
- Eh, hm... Do you have like... An electric razor or something?
You propose an undercut?
- Yeah. On the sides maybe. Or the back if that's, if you have mirrors to help.
Oooh, thinking dangerously, I like that. I'm gonna do it on the back blind.
- You're gonna fuck it up.
In that case that'll be your fault, I already told you.
- Ok, whatever, do it your way.
I am.
- Good.
... ... I could call you Herr Papagei.
- Herr what?
Papagei. Herr Wright’s daughter, she calls you Polly no? That’s a parrot name, no? Herr Papagei.
- No.
Herr Papageno?
- That’s the same as the parrot one, you can’t fool me.
No no no, that’s a reference to the, uhm... Die Zauberflöte von Mozart, the Singspiel. Opera. Papageno is a character in it, and in opera you have to sing very loudly and you’re loud. Makes sense.
- Sounds too much like the parrot.
Well yes, he’s meant to be a sort of, of bird man.
-Yeah, I don’t wanna be that.
Ach, you’re difficult. Want me to call you Herr Sonnengott?
- ... I don’t think calling me by my first name in court is very formal.
Oooh, were did you learn German? Is it Fraulein Cykes?
- It’s not that hard to tell “Sonnengott” means “Sun god”. It’s basically the same words, just misspelled.
Hey, English is a misspelling of German.
- I guess...
Anyways! Herr Gerichtigkeit, dann?
- Oof, that’s a mouthful.
Herr Chords of Steel.
- I think that counts as advertisement.
Hmm, you’re right. Herr Vocalist.
- No.
Hm, what’s it about you... Herr Observant.
- Sounds weird.
You find one then.
- Herr Justice.
Ah, but that’s boring!
- It is my name.
That’s why it’s boring!
- Bleh.
... ... ...
- Wait, is your hair wet or dry?
Was? Uh, dry?
- Have you got like, a towel on your shoulders?
- ... So you’re just. You’re just buzzing your hair like that, getting it all over yourself? Like on your back and shirt and all?
Yes? Should I be naked to cut my hair?
- Don’t make me think about that...
Hey, I’m pretty handsome.
- Yeah, and you’ve probably got ten thousand bits of hair stabbed inside your back like the spines of a porcupine. Take a shower once you’re done or you’ll be itchy for twelve days straight.
Will you join me?
- Get your mind out of the gutter, I’m technically still at work.
Gasp, and you’re telling me to get in the shower with you? How debauched...
- Klavier.
Ja, ich bin er.
- Stop that.
Fine, fine, but seriously, a shower at four in the morning?
- You’re the one who didn’t bother getting prepared! Now you’re getting a shower at four in the morning!
Ugh, as you say.
- ... How’s it going anyways? Your hair.
Give me a moment and I’ll answer.
- Ok.
... ... ... ...
- ... ... ... ...
... You know what. I think I like this.
- Really?
- I’m glad.
... Thank you, by the way. For answering the phone. And talking, and just... Indulging me and all. It’s... It’s nice, you know?
- It’s nothing, honestly. It’s nice talking to you.
- Really. ... Even if half of it is you trying to convince me into letting you call me horrendous name after horrendous name.
Ha ha, I suppose so. I’ve go a last one.
- Klavier.
It’s good, I promise.
- Fine. Hit me with it.
Herr Kollege.
- ... Herr Kollege.
- Mister Colleague.
Or friend. It also means friend. Since we’re colleagues, and also friends. If you don’t take back what you said when you visited. But it sounds professional, no? Good enough for court?
- ... You know what, that’s clever. I’ll allow it.
Can I still call you Herr Forehead outside of court?
- Do you have to?
It’s a proper nickname. Not a business one.
- So you will still use it no matter what I say.
I’m just saying it would be hard to grow out of saying it.
- Fine. No choice anyways.
So I can keep it?
- Yes. Now get in the shower and wash that hair away before you get all itchy.
Sir yes sir. You go back to work.
- Will do.
‘Tis goodbye then?
- Goodnight. And don’t- don’t worry about, uh, calling me. If you want. I’m usually here to answer.
I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for talking, Apollo.
- Don’t mention it. Goodnight.
(Klavier looked again in the mirror. He would have probably regretted this once he was a little more well rested and could properly see all the errors he had made, but with a hand running across the back of his buzzed hair to feel it scratch and sting his digits, to feel how much shorter the blond strands he had cut were compared to how they’d been, and replaying Apollo’s voice in his mind, he thought he really liked the way he looked.)
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elytrafemme · 2 years
that’s so fun that u picked up on the varying sentence structures it was like.. the one bit of writing advice that really stuck with me o(-(
also as someone who misspells certain words for funsies and is absolutely shit with figuring out tense sometimes thank u lmaoo
narrative what did u say uhh I’m just going to call it narrative dissonance and say that’s it. wait unreliable narration that’s what I meant - yes I can see a lot of that in cough syrup and lungs I think! like not even necessarily in the Big Ways just in the very smallest details it makes ur writing very fleshed out and like.. realistic I guess imo. very cool ^_^
WAIT idr if this was the other response or response to mine but! when u were talking about uhhh fucking uhh the YES. the style of writing how it can shift depending on who the pov character is - I try to do that a little! Ran’s a bit more formal in his thoughts/narration whereas Jackie and ctubbo are a bit more casual - all of them are analytical but in slightly different ways. and I wrote a fic recently where it was cranboo pov and I just experimented with writing longer rambling narration to fit his sort of “panicked” overthinking thoughts. lots of fun :]!
my energy levels fucking TANKED so sorry for short response maybe but HI HI HI YEAH!!!!! mhm mhm like tense and stuff can be important but i dont think unless its so outright distracting it really matters much unless it sfor like professional posting or whatever.
WOO IM GLAD!!! CS has more outright unreliable narration (cough cough cs!ranboo's hypocrisy on main) but also lungs deffo tries to have som eand im glad
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solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 5
Chapter title: Ready to explode
Word count: about 3800 words (whoa)
Author’s Note: I think it’s about time I gave a shoutout to @teamxdark! Their comments have gotten me to start planning out some of the later chapters (and giving me a lot of inspiration), so I figured they deserved some credit!
And thank you to everyone who’s read this fic so far- every note I get is incredible and I hope you’re all enjoying the ride :)
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Sonic stared blankly at his phone screen for the fifth time this morning. The old texts and the name at the top of the messaging app blurred slightly as his eyes unfocused. He was waiting for...something. What, he wasn’t sure.
That was a lie.
Truthfully, he was hoping that the three little dots showing that someone was typing would appear like a miracle. He knew that wouldn’t happen, though. The hedgehog on the other end of the messages had turned off his phone entirely. Heck, Shadow was literally in hiding. There had been exactly one post on Chatter (which he and Tails totally hadn’t read over and over searching for hidden messages) and that was from Omega.
But chaos, how Sonic wished for just five minutes to talk to him. He hadn’t even realized before now how much he normally texted the hybrid in a day. The hero honestly just messaged whenever he saw something or found a funny joke that he thought Shadow would like. In dealing with his new absence, though, Sonic had come up with an idea to write down whatever it was he’d seen that he figured Shadow would enjoy and save it for later.
He was forced to stop this when he wrote nearly two thousand words’ worth of moments in half an hour.
Sonic cursed all the times he’d taken Shadow’s near-constant presence for granted. The hybrid had always been a punctual texter, despite Rouge’s repeated attempts to convince him that he didn’t have to answer right away. Even when the other hedgehog had been off on a mission, Sonic still had an idea of how long he needed to wait before he could start texting. But now, it could be days, weeks, or even months before he could talk to Shadow freely again.
What if you’ll never hear from him again? a nasty inner voice whispered. What if that call was the last time you got to hear his voice?
Sonic felt his stomach fall through the floor at that idea, before swallowing the sensation and shaking his head. He couldn’t doubt Team Dark like that! They were guaranteed to pull through, and kick G.U.N.’s butt in the process.
Speaking of which…
The hero was pretty angry at G.U.N., and that was actually a big deal for him. Sonic didn’t get angry, except sometimes at Eggman. Even when a bitter detractor had posted a lengthy essay on Chatter explaining exactly why Sonic was (supposedly) a terrible person, he hadn’t reacted in fury- or even close. He’d had his friends’ support, and honestly? He’d pitied the person more than anything. Anyone who was trying to tear others down had probably been hurt pretty badly themselves.
Sonic had even made a meme out of their misspelling of his name- “Sanic” was now a worldwide joke with a hilarious drawing to match.
But now, all he really wanted to do was beat someone up- some robots, some evil agents, whatever- and trash the whole organization until they were all falling over themselves to apologize. The fact that G.U.N. had dared to treat Shadow’s obviously painful past with no kindness whatsoever really got on his nerves. The hybrid had suffered a hundred times over, lost his memory, and even died to save the world, yet he still didn’t get the respect he deserved.
“Uhhh, Sonic? Is everything okay?”
The blue blur jumped, startled out of his spiraling thoughts. He heard a growling noise, and his eyes widened when he realized it was coming from him. Sonic could feel his lips curled back into a snarl and quickly straightened his face out, blinking and clearing his throat. “Yeah! Sorry, Tails…” he said, embarrassed at having been caught in that kind of state. The fox eyed him skeptically. “Really, I’m fine!”
“Are you su-”
“Yeah!” Sonic exclaimed, grinning reassuringly. No point in upsetting others with his own problems, after all. “Everything’s good here, buddy!”
“If you say so…” Tails muttered. He didn’t seem convinced, but accepted it despite this. “Anyway, what I came over to say was: we’re out of groceries- can you head out and get some? I made a list of everything we need, it’s right here!”
Ordinarily, Sonic would’ve complained loudly and with much drama about having to do something so menial as a grocery run when he was a hero, for chaos’ sake. But that wasn’t the case these days. “Sure thing!” Sonic agreed, feeling better already. With a distraction to keep his worries and negative thoughts away, he’d be back to normal in no time. “See ya soon!”
The blue blur dashed out the door- before returning a second later, a sheepish grin on his face. “Forgot the list,” he explained, rushing out again.
With the wind in his quills, it was almost too easy to forget everything that he’d been thinking about just moments before. Sonic grinned properly as he raced across fields and through side streets. This was his element, after all!  He made his way to his and Tails’ favorite grocery store, bounding over obstacles and pulling a few awesome parkour tricks he’d picked up over the years. Shadow had always gotten on their case for not supporting a more local store- this one was a big name, after all- but Sonic had--
He shook his head, walking into the building. No more thoughts like that! There was only so much ruminating on bittersweet memories a guy could do in a day.
His presence here was relatively common, so he didn’t do much more than turn a few heads as he stepped through the automatic doors into the air-conditioned halls of the large grocery store. Sonic forced himself to walk through the aisles (instead of sprinting through them and accidentally whipping half the items off the shelves in his wake). As he did so, though, he began to hear people talking. And they weren’t just talking about the latest viral video, or boring politics, or any of those things, either.
They were talking about them.
Of course, everyone would always change the subject when he walked by, chatting loudly about their dog or their kids or whatever. It was almost as though they were saying, “Don’t look at me! I didn’t say anything about your friends! I’m just here, minding my own business!” But of course none of them really had been.
He recognized that he was spiraling down the path of thinking about it again, even though there was nothing he could do. And now no matter what, the thoughts of some of his closest friends were tainted. Which totally didn’t frustrate him at all. 
It didn’t help, he thought irritably (not noticing the mild scowl that had appeared on his face), that G.U.N. was basically screaming in all the op-eds and information releases the organization could get their hands on that they weren’t in the wrong. They didn’t say that specifically, of course- that would be too obvious. Instead, they just published the same old news over and over again: Team Dark had stolen classified files and then run away. 
This had all begun to grate on Sonic’s nerves a little, particularly when pundits and newspaper writers alike began to spout wild conspiracy theories about Team Dark having been spies for ‘the enemy’- whoever that was- or that one of them had finally lost it...or even all three at once. The most frustrating, however, was when once avid supporters of the former G.U.N. agents completely disavowed them and distanced themselves from the team as much as possible. It made him want to pull a Knuckles and punch a wall- how could people turn on the team so easily?
The hero pulled himself back to reality to realize that he’d been staring at a can of soup for the past few minutes. And were those dents where his fingers had been? He put the can in his shopping cart, took a deep breath, and continued on, giving himself a little ride on the back of the cart as a treat. Normally, he’d remember his various accidents and restrain himself, but lately the hero had needed to clear his head. He deserved this.
A few minutes later, a chime on his phone let him know that Tails had sent him a message. Sonic opened it up and read the text: 
milesperhour: Sonic, I think you need to see this. Take a close look at paragraph 5. https://www.centralcitynews.com/team-dark-update
Sonic clicked the link, sighing, and began to scan the article. Another one? Really, he’d had enough of-
Oh boy. Oh wow. Okay.
They’d made a move. G.U.N. didn’t release much in the way of information- all they’d done was declare an official alert asking people to keep a lookout for Rouge, Shadow and Omega. And to tip G.U.N. off at a hotline that they’d provided for this purpose.
Sonic had learned how to read between the lines over the last few days, though, and on his second read-through, he saw what most would not. 
...are in possession of multiple classified files…
So they’d stolen more info? That must’ve been what Omega’s post was about! Sonic began to squeeze his phone hopefully. Maybe this was it, maybe soon this whole nightmare would be over!
He practically flew through the rest of the store at the thought. Team Dark would give G.U.N. what for, the organization would apologize, and then everything would be fine!
Sonic checked out in a hurry, rushing home as fast as he could. Slamming open the door, he yelled out, “Tails! Did you see- oh right, you sent me the article. But still! Things are looking up, buddy!”
Tails had a slightly lopsided grin on his face, making the hero’s heart sink. “What’s that look all about?”
“I don’t know- it’s probably nothing! After all, Team Dark can handle any situation they come up against...just, G.U.N. has a lot of resources, you know?”
Sonic’s smile returned in full force. “Sure they do, but they also owe me for saving the world, like, a million times over! Once we’ve got the Edge Gang back with us, I’ll go talk with the commander and get them to straighten everything out!”
“That sounds like corruption, Sonic…” Tails said, a wicked smirk appearing on his face.
“Dude, what?! No! I’d never-! I just meant I was gonna see if I could talk some sense into them- hey, get back here!” Sonic screeched, seeing Tails run off with the groceries...including the donut he’d bought for himself.
Later that afternoon, Sonic was in the middle of finally enjoying said donut after wrestling it from Tails’s (evil terrible Sonic-and-sugar-hating) claws. It was a little squished, but it was still great- he wasn’t complaining!
That was, of course, when he heard a loud, sharp knock on the door.
He jumped up and zipped over to the entry hall, pastry still in hand. Whipping open the door, a shocking sight greeted him- one that made all of his battle-honed senses immediately scream danger danger danger. Two impeccably dressed G.U.N. agents stood before him, a human and a barn owl. The human seemed pretty awkward, wearing slightly rumpled slacks and overall looking a little messy. The owl, however, despite being about the same height as the blue blur, exuded an air of steely discipline that would make everyone she faced feel about two inches tall.
Everyone except Sonic, that was. He was secure in the knowledge that his friends were not wrong, and he maintained his usual relaxed demeanor without a hitch. The hero smiled fake-pleasantly at the two agents, ignoring the fact that he had sugar glaze at the corners of his mouth and all over his glove. “Sorry, guys, I wasn't really expecting guests.” He gestured to himself as an obvious example. “Anything I can do for ya?”
He didn’t offer to let them inside, though. These agents were hunting down his friends, he was absolutely sure of that. Sonic refused to help them in any way, not when Team Dark was still out there and being threatened by their organization.
The barn owl gave him a look that nearly pierced through his very soul. “Sonic the Hedgehog. I am Agent Toya, and this is my colleague, Agent Jones. We have a few questions that we would like to ask you. Inside.” Her voice was cold and clear, with no trace of an accent.
Sonic felt a chill run down his spine, but kept his smile up regardless. “Sure thing!” he chirped, despite very much not wanting to let them in. “The living room’s right this way- make yourselves comfortable, I’ll be back there in a sec.” He honestly didn’t think he could have refused them entry without...complications.
The hero zipped over to Tails’s workshop, flinging open the door with a little more force than he’d intended. The fox jumped up in a fright when it smacked against the wall, staring at Sonic. “G.U.N. is here. Two agents.” he said quickly. The imminent sense of danger in the back of his head wouldn't leave him be, despite the fact that he was one of the most powerful people alive.
...Despite this, don’t let G.U.N. take you or anyone else anywhere. You might not come back…
...These people aren’t crazy geniuses- they’re ruthless destroyers…
“Oh, chaos.” Tails breathed. “I’ll wait nearby, okay? Then I can do something if they start getting too intense.”
Sonic nodded, before speeding back down to see the agents sitting on his couch. “Hi! So whatcha guys want?” he asked perkily, burying his thoughts for now.
“Hello to you too, Sonic.” Jones said politely. “How are you?”
The hero tugged slightly at the cuff of his glove. “Pretty good!” he lied through his grin. “Been chilling around the house for most of the day- how ‘bout you?”
“Not bad,” the human answered. “Work is work though, you know?”
“Yeah, sounds pretty rough.” Sonic said, a little unconvincingly. Before he could stop himself, he thought of all the late nights Shadow and Omega had spent working on paperwork and various odd jobs for G.U.N., and the times when Rouge had to cancel her dates with Knuckles because she was just too exhausted from work to do much of anything. His smile became slightly strained as he worked to keep his frustration on Team Dark’s behalf under wraps.
The owl gazed at him silently for a moment, having watched this whole awkward transaction with a calculating look in her eye. Then she spoke. “I’m certain you have seen the news lately.”
“Uhhh...kinda, I’m not big on newspapers, but I try to keep up, yeah! Always nice to see an article about yours truly, hah.” He played it off, deciding to act dumb for now.
Agent Jones shifted in his seat, looking cautious. “Yeah…” he said, offering up an incredibly fake smile. “I’m a bit of a fan, myself.”
Sonic knew exactly what was going on. It was almost so classic he had to laugh- the old good cop/bad cop scenario. The human was clearly trying to play the good cop, and not enjoying it either. The hedgehog had to wonder, though, was he just a better bad cop or uncomfortable because he was helping grill a hero?
Oh, right- Agent Toya was talking again. “We know that you have seen the articles published about the betrayal of Team Dark. Even if you do not read the news, one of your friends will have told you by now.”
The hedgehog’s eyes narrowed a little. “And what’s that supposed to mean? What do you want outta me?”
“You. Know. Something.” she said sharply. “That team- in particular Shadow the Hedgehog-” He tensed at her flippant use of his name, as if they weren’t hunting him down like he had legitimately gone bad. “-trust you. You are very close with them. They would not have left you with nothing.”
Sonic shook his head, trying one last time. “I don’t think so, lady. I know about as much as you- if that. It’s not like we’re besties or anything.”
Agent Jones shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know- it looks like you guys are pretty close to me. Not that that’s bad, I mean-!!” he amended rapidly, realizing his mistake. In addition to having blown his role as the ‘good cop’, he was now being stared down by a very irritated pair of green eyes. The look he was being given contrasted sharply with the grin plastered across the hero’s face, and the agent began to sweat slightly and avoid his stare.
Meanwhile, Sonic turned his attention back to Agent Toya, sitting up straight and squaring his shoulders in preparation for more. He was a fighter, after all.
It seemed that the barn owl came here ready for a fight as well, because her own eyes flashed and she straightened her G.U.N. uniform. “Sonic. We need information. Our organization has been compromised. Twice. We are in a crisis and we are ordering you to tell us what you know.”
That did it.
“As if!” the hero exclaimed, jumping to his feet. “You think I’m the kind of guy who’d sell his friends out and watch them get carted off to jail- or worse?! I don’t know as much as you think I do, and if I did, I wouldn’t tell you!” He had probably blown any semblance of ignorance up now, but Sonic couldn’t find it in himself to care.
The owl agent stood as well, glaring at him. “If that is the attitude you are going to take, then we have no choice but to take you into custody.” She began to reach for the Taser on her belt at the same time as Jones grabbed the gun from his holster. Sonic’s eyes flickered between them both- the human he could take on, but he wasn’t completely sure about Toya’s skill with the Taser.
Could he get around them? Sure, but not without breaking something...and he hated to bust up his house just because a couple of agents showed up on his doorstep and pulled weapons on him. He’d handled worse odds, hadn’t he? But then he and Tails would constantly be on the run, and that was no way for a nine-year-old to live…
A loud crash resounded in the kitchen. Jones shouted and jumped up, Sonic’s head snapped around so fast he tweaked his neck, and Toya took a step backwards.
Rubbing his neck and wincing, Sonic yelled out, “Everything okay in there?”
Tails dashed into the room out of nowhere, crying out, “Sorry! Sorry! I was just working and wanted a drink- and I heard- I heard-” 
The fox then began to cry, sobbing and clinging to Sonic’s chest. “You’re not gonna take him away, are you? I need my big brother…” he sniffled. “Sonic, everything’s gonna be okay, right?”
The hero was trying his very hardest, meanwhile, to keep his jaw from hitting the floor as he watched his brother, a brave, intelligent sidekick and someone he was proud to fight beside, put on the most incredible show he’d ever seen. “I…I dunno, buddy…” he said honestly, uncertain about how to react. 
This seemed to be a pretty good move, as Tails immediately began to bawl harder and gasped, in between sobs, “Please don’t take him away from me!”
It appeared that Toya would not feel comfortable using force against Sonic (or even resuming her interrogation) when the young fox was around. Instead, she gave him a very pointed, piercing look, before declaring, “We will be back at a later date to continue this conversation.”
She stalked out the door, Jones shoving his gun back onto his belt and following sulkily behind her. As soon as she had gotten into her car and driven off, the hero sagged into the couch and let out a loud sigh. “Welp.”
Tails flew out of the room immediately afterwards, whispering a quick “Wait there and chill for a second I’ll be right back” before he exited. Once he returned, the fox crawled around on the couch next to Sonic before letting out an “Aha!” and holding up what appeared to be a tiny piece of metal.
“It’s a shame to have to do this, but…” he muttered, before vanishing with it. A couple minutes later, a very loud noise boomed from Tails’s workshop and made Sonic panic before blasting in there at top speed. 
“What was that?!” he shrieked. 
“Just destroying this camera that human agent left in our couch.” the engineer replied lightly.
“Wait- what??” Sonic gasped. “He did what?”
“I thought they’d be crazy to leave without planting one, so I checked the camera feed, and it was pretty obvious! He must be a new recruit.”
“Wait- you have a camera? In our living room?” the hero asked, feeling slightly creeped out.
Tails shrugged. “Well, I didn’t until recently, but I figured that G.U.N. would have to show up at our place eventually, so yeah.”
They both stayed there in silence for a minute, before making their way back down to the main house. 
“Well, what do we do now?” Tails wondered. 
“I dunno- you’re the smart guy, pal.” Sonic replied quickly. “I just don’t want to have to escape from them! I like running, but not away from people. Especially bad people.”
“Well...does it count as running if we’re hanging out with Knuckles?” the fox suggested hopefully.
Sonic sighed. “I guess not...it’d be cool with him, too, since Angel Island is a pretty safe place and all. I still hate the idea of hiding from them, though.”
“Maybe you won’t have to!” Tails said, trying to be cheerful. “After all, I don’t think people will buy it if G.U.N. says you’re a...traitor…” He trailed off, remembering a particularly eventful moment from their past.
“Yyyeah.” the hedgehog said dryly, having thought of the same thing. “That’s exactly why I didn’t have to ride through the streets of Central City on a piece of helicopter.”
“Let’s not think about that for now though, okay?” Sonic asked. “ I don’t like the idea of being scared all the time.”
Tails nodded in agreement. “Besides, we’ve handled them before! We can cross that bridge when we come to it anyway.”
Sonic grinned. “How about we watch some TV for now, take our minds off things?”
“Sure! But I’m definitely gonna tell Omega- or whoever calls us next- about this. They deserve to know.” the fox answered.
“Okay…” the blue blur said. He felt a little guilty that he could just turn on a movie and forget about G.U.N. for a while- Team Dark didn’t have that luxury. Quickly, though, he added, “Anything on there you’ve been dying to watch?”
Tails smiled happily, and Sonic decided that this was totally worth it. “Well, there is this one documentary…”
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merlinthoughts · 5 years
Season 1 Episode 4 - The Poisoned Chalice
- god fucking dammit here we go again, i'm bloody done with my life and do not, at all, want to see merlin die bc i don't remember anything except that, yeah, he dies and someone has to get off their ass and save the motherfucking day and kiss him
- i realise how much i swear in these posts bc 1. when do i not? 2. i'm emotionally invested 3. i have no other excuse i just like swearing
- id recognise her in a split second tbfh, she aint subtle
- *heterosexual tension*
- merlins skin be looking so smooth this episode, this boy be wearing lots of Dove
- he looked so excited to be in the banquet, then arthur just fucking slashes him with “not quite” and his hopes and dreams are destroyed
- “wanna see what you’ll be wearing tonight?” arthur says as he's behind the fucking changing curtains, about to get undressed and show merlin his birthday suit
- i honest to god thought that was where he was going, but no, he was just getting something from behind it
- “tonight you’ll be wearing the official ceremonial robes of the servants of camelot” IT'S A FUCKING DRESS ISN'T IT
- aw damn id have preferred a dress
- that smile shared between them was the most adorable scene
- god
- i
- fucking
- love
- their
- smiles 
- sm
- best thing ive ever seen
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- i mean… hunty look at that piece of glistening butter beauty
- wow ok back to the episode:
- bros being bros and giving each other a handshake to destroy the mortal enemy pack and put together a family, we stan.
- as if a servant who has only had eye sex with another servant ONCE would trust them enough to say that one of the chalices were poisoned. like??? “ur the only one i could tell” LMAO NO?
- she's a sly fucking dog tfbh
- “if he kills arthur, uthers soul will be broken and camelot will fall” at this rate uther prob wouldn't care if his son dies or not, look at him, he's already mentally broken. he has anxiety and paranoia over magic. child services where u at in the medieval ages?
- i wouldn't believe a word she said, or well, id have believed it was poisoned but id say yeah no damn way you aren't in on it if you know which one it is. bayard wouldn't tell a fucking servant.
- yknow what we say here folks? U DO U MERLIN
- okay i was fine if uther made bayard drink it but like the moment uther said “mmmh… no.” and slowly turned to merlin i think my arteries just crunched together and died so
- “if it is poisoned, he’ll die” HE'S FUCKING SCARED MERLIN WILL PASS AWAY ISN'T HE?
- “it's fine” he says, then starts to fucking choke
- ah fuck he's down
- my boy is down
- lmfao bayard looks so shocked, his face is in disbelief and confusion, he's like who tf done me bad
- arthurs carrying merlin fireman style this is what i live for folks
- did like nobody notice the flower stuck on the inside of the cup? like honestly if you take a sip you’d kinda spot it or perhaps even the person pouring the drinks would have been “is this chamomile tea? no? then what the fuckery-doo is this leaf in here for?” yknow. it's like that scene in Matilda when the angry buff lady completely missed a fucking salamander in her cup when it was the size of her bloody hand. it brings out the same mood honestly
- does gaius have an index for these books or does he just have every page memorised and know exactly what page to go bc I FUCKING NEED THAT it would make bio so much easier if i knew what page it was on instead of looking back and forth from the homework sheet to my textbook, then closing it by accident and having to find the index again for that specific page i need
- arthur wants to fucking go on a life-or-death journey to save merlin i've never been so happy
- this is honestly my favourite episode, like it may be really fucking angsty but i love it so much
- arthur betrays his dad and leaves his room even after being told not to just so he can save a servants life is literally my new moto
- okay so while i'm waiting for my shit to load, i just discovered the new fucking tumblr rule starting dec 17 and i'm like 0.2 inches away from just spamming NSFW pics on here just for laughs
- like hunty, that won't stop people from posting elsewhere or for thinking about sex bc like??? whatchu gonna do tumblr?? get the fbi to erase it from our minds
- i think nOT thot
- watch me get flagged for just using the fucking term “NSFW”
- i'm gonna end up asterisking everything (is asterisking a word? wow it has red under it so like probably not but i just added it to my dictionary so uhh it is now)
- by asterisking i dont mean furry kin shit ew no
- i mean like N*FW, s*x, t*mblr, m*rthur
- god it took me like 20 minutes to calibrate my fucking wifi and fix the connection problem
- wow the stage for the poison increased by 75% in 30 mins, damn
- merlins like like having a conniption on his bed lmao, chanting arthurs name and sweating lot
- do we ever find out how uther gets that scar bc i'm like 100% positive arthur was a little child and swayed his fucking sword too hard just as uther rounded the corner. the sword then collided into his fucking brain and destroyed a good part of his intelligence, targeting especially his morals on how to accept people and how to be a good father
- that’s my theory
- merlin starts talking enchantments in his sleep while gwens watching, and gaius is just there like wtf merlin ur blowing ur cover “oh! gwen!! uhhh sorry. he’s just... in a latin study group in his pastime and has an oral presentation in minutes”
- omg, nimueh, stfu
- i didn't know dinosaurs existed back then, this reptile be whack
- y’know what's funny? ppl thinking dinosaurs didn’t exist. i find creationism very very very intriguing bc how fucking stupid could you be
- that sword throw was faker than my moms tits
- arthur could have done better
- k but like what if merlin’s hand wasn’t under the covers? like he was just throwing that blue ball around right in front of gwen
- can arthur like not hear her? nimuehs literally enchanting the rocks right behind his ear lobes and arthur acts nothing of it until those said rocks collapse and he gasps and suddenly he realises shes evil
- also his fucking hair in this scene looks glorious. perhaps bc it's pushed back rather than his bowl cut, but its doing things to my abdomen
- i thought for a second she was pulling off her mask to say “nimueh” and arthur was gasping bc he only recognised her after her hair was shown, just like in that scene with joker and harvey in the hospital
- i’d be dead if those spiders came crawling up to eat me lmfao
- k so nimueh went from :) to >:D in half a second
- i'm smelling up those symbolisms, boys
- watch out pals cause here are some of them:
- merlin is the LIGHT of arthur’s life
- he LIGHTS up the party
- he gives arthur a BRIGHTER future
- he's the GUIDE for his path
- hahhahahaha
- i'm serious when i say i have a huge fear of insects (spiders count in that too, no discrimination) so i'm just putting that there, saying to yall id be fucking terrified
- gaius would be so confused, like we don't see his face here but merlins close-up sweaty concentrated frown, but he’s literally just screaming “ARTHUR!!” “FASTERRR!!” “YESS!!” “CLIMB!!!” gaius would be looking like he walked into something he wasn't supposed to. prob thinking he should just let the kid die so he doesn’t have to deal with this shit anymore
- that's grounding???? throwing ur child in prison???
- yes 999 can i have child services on his ass
- gwens so smart honestly i love her
- pretending to be a maiden for the food, god what a queen
- arthur buying it and saying “yuck you say this is food?! disgustang!”
- the fact that i misspelled disgusting but it autocorrected to disgustang (which is originally what i wanted but autocorrect shouldn’t have known) makes me consider if i should really check my dictionary…. who knows what words are on there
- they’re so smart
- and then this fucker ruins it all while eating his food, checking her out and saying yeah arthurs a prick, hyuck hyuck, realising only that wait fuck u aint the maiden
- how’d they know GWEN was the one not supposed to have delivered the food, what if it was that chick right there???
- welll….. maybe it's because gwen took her sweet time up those steps, staring as if she couldn’t blink at the guards below
- i forget what happens at the end of this episode besides the kiss, and there's like 9 minutes left my fingers may rot at this point
- wake him up! wake him up!
- i keep forgetting to switch up the cap locks, sorry if it seems im screaming im legit using my inside voice for most of the time just emphasizing my words a little more
- goddamn, everytime they say mercia i just think of “murica”, like those americans on the 7th of july or whatever date the “we love our country” day is, chanting it as they throw around beers and fireworks as people gather round in jerseys or crop tops
- it's not that hard to spot the european on here
- the most celebrated holiday here which contains a lot of beers and big pub gatherings (besides every fucking night honestly) is either new years, lowkey stereotypically correct saint patricks, and ig easter monday but that's more for the kiddos
- i mean ofc christmas and all that shit but im not the most devoted christian, i just like presents and small gatherings among good friends
- wow okay it wasn't the 7th of july
- i mean at first i looked up “USA day” (i couldn’t remember the name) and it popped up today’s date, and i was like no thats not it at all. dec?? its in like july i think. and i was close! it was july 4th.
- uther damn knows it's nimueh!!!
- i mean, he just overheard morgana and arthur talk about it, and initiated himself into a convo about it once morgana left, as his sneaky ass just slithered up like “hey man, u know that woman? yeah uhh, what she say? anything about me? no? k i know who it is tho”
- i thought he was going to apologize or like explain to arthur what's the sitch, but he just waits for five whole seconds before saying. “those who practice magic know only evil. they despise and seek to destroy goodness wherever they find it.”
- arthur, confused: sounds as if you know her
- uther, walking away: i do
- arthur:
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- wow k lots of fucking quotes here cause it's the merthur reunion
- get ready babs
- arthur: still alive then?
- merlin: oh yes, just about… i understand i have you to thank for that
- arthur, leaning on the chair merlin is sitting in, stifling a smile: ah it's nothing, a half-decent servant is hard to come by. i was only dropping by to make sure you’re alright… i.... expect you to be back to work tomorrow
- merlin, watching arthur as he slightly walks away having embarrassed himself: arthur... thank you
- arthur, slowly: you too
- they stare for like 5 whole seconds
- arthur, uncomfortable: well… get some rest
- there we go folks: my eulogy.
- hope someone reads it at my funeral
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chemicalbrew · 7 years
it’s been twelve thousand years... I mean, 10 days
(tagged by @ostia-la-vista-hector)
Is the dream job you had as a child different from the dream job you want/have now? - yeah, when I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist that can make electronic music (I called that being a DJ lmao) but now I’m perfectly ok with translating stuff for a living. Who knows tho
Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather? - hot, but not too hot... unless it’s a hot spring we’re talking abt (I am dead serious, that’s not just a KIU ref lolol) Do you listen to music in order to become productive/get the creative juices going? - yes, writing stuff down from your dratfs can be boring af sometimes and fast-paced music can often help get that shit done If you could choose between staying up as long as you wanted without ever feeling tired or sleeping for as long as you wanted without anything ever disturbing you, which would you choose? - staying up because then you don’t even have to sleep, this question doesn’t make much sense otherwise tbh. (i’d miss dreaming sometimes though) Mayonnaise: Yay or nay? - dependes on the amount and the food i’m eating. i could easily live w/o it however (sour cream ftw!) Are there some words in your native language that you just can’t ever seem to spell right no matter how many times you spell them? - uhhh i don’t really know, I have a good memory so I don’t have a whole lot of trouble spelling words. I hate when people around me misspell the word ‘ocarina’ though lmao 
What are some movies you’d recommend? - i don’t watch movies all that much either, my guy. however, I watched the 2010 Prince of Persia film w/ my dad today and it was really damn great imo. at least for 2010. where’s my Prince of Persia X Legend of Zelda crossover, huh?! What kinds of fictional characters do you tend to be drawn to (a.k.a. do you have a type)? - I guess the cinnamon roll stereotype sits rly well with me. (esp if the character is a badass cinnamon roll, see about half of the Links and also Pit and Chrom who, as a friendly reminder, ate a whole orange unpeeled once) What’s your favorite kind of tea/coffee? - Lemon tea/coffee with milk and some caramel syrup, yum You have the ability to bring one fictional character to life, who would you choose? - BotW!Link was the first one to come to mind. I love him ejfbeuxnwjgfj Do you think things like karma exist? - well, I wholeheartedly believe in Murphy’s law, so yes, I guess
okayo, I forgot abt making my own questions and stuff, sorry again (tagging @hanabira, @xph03n1xx86, @11volt, @elicorn-prince and @rabbitstep17! you don’t really have to do it though, it’s ok)
Do you listen to the radio often? if yes, which stations do you listen to and why do you enjoy doing so?
Tell me about something that scared the crap outta you as a kid (it’s ok if you skip this BTW)
 Is there something you’ve wanted to get your hands on for the longest time, but just couldn’t for w/e reason?
Maths or Literature?
What is the funniest/most memorable commercial you’ve ever seen?
Have you ever read an entire book in a foreign language?
Do you get seasick at all?
The city or the countryside?
Which songs do you use to help yourself fall asleep? (if you don’t have one, just tell me what things you like to do in order to/just before falling asleep)
Who is the one person, fictional or not, that inspires you?
Do you know how to play an instrument? if you don’t, which one would you like to be capable of playing?
0 notes
finandjake47 · 7 years
Answer all the multiple system ask meme
1. How many system members are there?
8 in total counting myself!
2. Youngest member? Oldest?
Lucy is definitely the youngest and the oldest might be Theta? Everyone else (minus Lelu) is just “vaguely a teenager?”
3. Any friendships within the system?
Well we’re all friends! …except succulent who’s literally just chained up in a room somewhere.. that’s a different story though! Lucy and Lelu are really close but they came in (idk the terminology???) at the same time though so.. uhm.. Andy Theta Omega and myself are pretty close I guess?
4. Any relationships within the system?
Yes actually! Theta and I are dating but we’re (at least I am for sure) polyamorus (probably not spelled right) though.
5. Does your system have a name?
No, not right now but I’m trying to figure out a system name for us so this answer will change (hopefully) in the future!
6. Any fictives or factives in the system?
Not that I’m aware of? But F2 looks like Rein from overwatch though so idk
7. What does the headspace/inner world look like? Is it just one building/area, several, or more?
Honestly I’m not sure exactly. There’s like a kitchen area in front of the sorta living room sorta area; the living room is what I see when I walk into headspace from the general “fronting area.”™ I made like a little sad corner™ which has been modified so it’s a little corner with seats and headphones and a mini fridge that’s just full of infinite chocolate as far as I know. I tried to make a little computer area which is either to the right of the “fronting area” ™ or its sorta smushed in between the living room and the kitchen. There’s a little hallway next to the sad corner™ with rooms branching off and I feel like there’s more but I haven’t been able to like walk over there. I could (and wouldn’t mind at all) make a separate post in more detail if anyone would like me to!
8. Do members have separate rooms/areas? Does anyone share a room?
Augh I actually need to go into a tiny little more detail to answer this sorry!
Generally everyone has a separate room, I think Theta and I share a room but I haven’t really been in headspace for awhile to explore mainly due to not being able to disconnect from the front and just sorta exist?  Lucy and Lelu share the same bedroom because Lulu is Lucy’s dog basically.
9. Any unused rooms/areas?
I mean probably? I don’t change things in headspace that much, in fact F2 is the one who made the whole house arrangement thing a permanent feature as I can’t/couldn’t seem to get anything to stay without fading away.
10. Unexplored rooms/areas?
I know there’s an area outside the house as I made a window once (yeah its still there.) and the hallway is basically still a mystery to me
11. Who likes/dislikes being in the headspace/inner world?
Dislikes: Uh probably succulent as he’s, again, chained up in a locked room meaning he can’t really push disgusting images towards the front?
Likes: Lucy bc colouring books
I don’t really know :/
12. Any members who never leave the headspace/inner world?
Succulent because locked up
Generally Lucy and Lelu don’t front but that’s a technicality in the question’s wording so
13. What do members do in the headspace?
Lucy colours, I assume she also plays with Lelu. Andy and Omega talk I guess? I really don’t know that much about F2 but I guess he polishes his armor?? Theta sometimes plays with Lucy I think… I really need to get more involved with my headspace don’t I… next question
14. Is anyone religious? What are their religions?
Uhm.. nobody is religious as far as I know but if it’s any compensation, Andy and Theta are apparently from some other plane of existence? That was a long time ago when they were arguing about that so I don’t know too much, besides they don’t even know much about it :P
15. Who cofronts the most often (what group/pair)?
Uh.. usually if I’m not fronting alone its with Theta or Omega. I think Lucy and Lelu rarely are apart so I guess they “cofront” (we use syncing to describe that term)
16. Are there any otherkin in the system?
I mean Lelu’s a dog. Not a dog with a person body but straight up a dog. Idk if that counts? and then  Andy and Theta could very well be Gods/Goddess?
17. What is something that the system members have very different opinions on?
I’m not sure actually… probably something very mundane like cookies?
18. Does anyone talk with a different voice in the outer world? In the inner world?
Well Theta tries to speak like british-y? but I can only tell that when she’s fronting. F2 attempts to talk like Reinhardt in headspace :P
19. Favourite part of the inner world/headspace?
Uhhh… infinite chocolate??? No actually uhm the couches are nice!
20. Least favourite part of the inner world/headspace?
Probably the facts that I: cannot detach from the front much nor easily, that I can’t “see”? I guess the same? Like if I can’t focus headspace is just a mess of like my thoughts and basically its like hitting a randomizer on like textures in a game, except that’s me usually trying to get away from the front…
21. Running jokes within the system?
Uhmmm… Theta made the “Gays into the iris” joke awhile ago that’s kinda funny still… I kept misspelling the word “members” in this post so “memebers”  is a thing now.. “That’s gay” is a nice joke I guess for describing some nice gay shit that happens… like getting hugs :P uhhh yeah I can’t think of any…
Thank you anon for the ask!
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