#and don't insult eileen and sam like that
laf-outloud · 7 months
D*stiel shippers would swear that their ship is canon yet still be crying about it three years later. What is funny is them not connecting the dots between having 100K fanfictions and the ship not being canon lol. Do they see actual slow burn like Delena (TVD) or Chair (GG) shippers still crying about their ship being canon or sending anon to blogs trying to prove everyone about it? Off course not because their ship is canon and they get to enjoy every epic scenes, foreshadowing, heartbreaks and reunion ONSCREEN. I was in the TVD fandom and I know for a fact that people go crazy with fanfictions, manips, fan arts and edits when the ship is NOT canon. People try to make up for what they don’t have onscreen/canon and once it become canon the desire for fafics and all decreases because people are satisfied. It’s must suck to always purposely delude themselves and desperately find blogs/panderers/cult who would constantly validate their delusion.  
Exactly! You only ever need to "fix" something that doesn't exist. Don't mind me, but I'm going to venture into the math portion of my response, lol! Obviously, this is a small sampling off of one tag, but I imagine it's a decent representation of SPN works.
If you sort by the Fix-it tag in AO3, there are 7600 total works. Based on that number, 66% have the Destiel tag. And that Dean and Sam number? 413 of those also have the Destiel tag. Remove that and Sam & Dean Fix-it fics only equal 4.6%.
(Oh, and that number for Eileen/Sam fics? All but 48 have the Destiel tag.)
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Sam and Dean fans have 327 glorious episodes of brotherly love and codependency that, in large part, requires no fixing. Hellers have to rewrite the entire show in order to make their ship work, and they're too idiotic to see it.
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ihatedean · 1 month
it's so small but there's something so interesting to me about the fact that when dean makes eileen's "pro list" with sam he says "she gets it. she gets us" instead of... you know, the much more normal and sane alternative when talking about your brother's potential partner, "she gets you."
it speaks volumes I think because there are so many examples of their attempts at a committed relationship failing specifically because [she] (insert whatever name you want here) did not get them. like, as a unit. [she] understood sam or understood dean and could maybe have given them something they wanted; you think you love someone, and yeah, there's baggage, he's been through some shit he doesn't want to talk about, but sometimes that's relationships, right? but if you had to pinpoint a moment in the relationship when things got bad, it would literally be the second the brother shows up. that's when you realize this man can't even imagine being anything but a half of something else. you love a person that is incapable of seeing himself as such. you loved a coping mechanism.
i don't think dean believes sam ever needed his seal of approval to be with eileen, not consciously at least, but the highlight of these late seasons is witnessing the aftermath of these two accepting that they cannot breathe if they don't know where the other one is. even worse, how natural they make it seem. of course i killed myself to bring you back. water is wet, dude, keep up. and just like dean said, eileen just... gets that. definitely because she met them at a very different point in their lives in comparison to, say, lisa or amelia. they have a security that only comes with seeing with your own eyes as your brother literally kills death for you. eillen knows that if she wants sam, he'll always carry dean with him. she might not fully understand how deep it goes or how bad it can get because she never witnessed it, all she knows is that brother trumps over girlfriend, she's not fighting it.
compared to sam who barely opens up to his partners and i assume only scratched the surface of The Thing with his brother, dean personally had his ex calling him out on his weird relationship with sam. like, lisa borderline insults them lol and though i don't think lisa's words made him insecure about it, it's not surprising he'd be more aware of eileen's reaction to it. "i tried the family thing" essentially means "i let someone see it."
if eileen stays there she'll be dating the two of them, just... in a not-fun, very unsexy way. and no one in that bunker stops for a second to think how deeply disturbing that is.
anyways i wrote this three days ago and thought maybe my brain made up the "she gets us" part, so i looked up the clip to make sure i'm not crazy and found this in the comments. thank you sinasina4170 on youtube two years ago. you said it a lot better in a lot less words.
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pixiealamode · 1 year
I've been writing some "micro fan fics" to help with my writers block and I finished this one today! Please give a read if you have a spare moment. It's mostly dialogue so you'll be finished with it fast.
Dial One for Idiot
"Heya Sammy," Dean tried to breathe through his nose as he paced around his two bedroom apartment.
"Hey what's up? I'm about to go grocery shopping. Eileen is coming over tonight and I don't even have ketchup for the burgers i'm making. " Sam jangled his keys as he locked his door and trundled down the stairs.
"Burgers huh? You must really like her to break your no red meat streak."
"They're turkey burgers Dean."
"Gross dude. That's nasty."
"Is there a reason you called or are you just calling to insult my healthy life style." Sam huffed.
"So remember Cas?"
"Yes Dean, your room mate of five years and my best friend. That Cas?"
"Yeah so... I asked him out."
Sam paused in the stairs, blinking rapidly. Had it finally happened?
"You what?" He asked for clarification. He sat down on the dirty linoleum staircase in between the first and second floor.
"I asked him out, on like a date. He said yes! Sam where the hell do I take him?" Dean sounded like he was at the brink of terror. The inflection in his voice varied between excitement and pure fear.
"What if I fuck this up and he never wants to see me again. What if he moves out? What if we're not even friends after i fuck this up." Dean was near breathless now.
"Whoa whoa, hold on. Have you told Cas any of this?" Sam spoke softly, Dean had always had the emotional bandwidth of a teaspoon, this was probably a wave of sensations he wasn't familiar with.
"No..." Dean grumbled. "Why would I tell him? I don't want to worry or upset him. Or make him think I don't want this."
"Cause you do want this? Right Dean?" Sam encouraged, like the good little brother he was.
"More than anything. I mean he's perfect. Hot, smart, sarcastic, and so god damn funny. I mean you know how long I've been holding on to this torch."
"Maybe if you tell him you won't fuck shit up. Right?"
"Uh- fuck I may already have," Dean stage whispered. "Heya Cas, Im just on the phone with Sam. Oh yeah I'll put it on speaker."
"Hello Sam, it seems Dean has told you about our date tonight,"
"Hey Cas good to hear from you. Yes he did."
"Did he also tell you that he's an idiot?"
"Ha, yeah he did Cas."
"Can you please," Sam very clearly could see Castiel shooting Dean a particularly withering look. "Tell your brother I've been in love with him for five years and that he won't fuck this up because I won't let him?"
"Really Cas?" Dean interjected.
"Yes you Assbutt. Get over here." There was rustling and the distinct noise of someone slurping. Sam assumed it was a kiss, he HOPED it was just a kiss.
"Gross guys come on! I'm still on the phone." Sam rolled his eyes and stood up from the stoop. The crisis seemingly averted.
"Bye Sam!" Castiel called out before Sam could end the call. Sam chuckled to himself and continued on with his day.
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Helloooo! For the wip thing, how about sabriel fake dating? :)
Hi!! So Sabriel fake dating is pretty much what the title says - Sam and Gabriel pretend to be dating. For completely logical, altruistic reasons, of course. 😌
There's also Saileen in this story, because ultimately my agenda is always Sabrieleena polycule endgame.
Have a snippet of the beginning:
“You're dating who?!” Dean asks, sounding like someone just insulted Baby, or said that cake is better than pie.
“Gabriel.” Sam gestures to the angel next to him, who has been smiling smugly ever since they agreed to do this.
“'Sup, future bro-in-law,” Gabriel says. When Sam glares at him, his grin just widens. “Yeah, Sammy and I are a thing now, better get used to it.”
“Don't call me that,” Sam mutters.
“And why would you-” Dean gestures to Gabriel, then to Sam. “No, why would you-” Finally, he looks to Cas helplessly, who has been frowning all this time.
“What about Eileen?” he asks, very seriously.
“Oh, it's fine. We're on a, you know, a break. Of sorts. Don't worry about it.” Sam can feel himself starting to sweat. Damnit. He pretty much lies professionally, why is this so hard?
“A break?” Dean seems concerned, but he doesn't say anything more, just glares at Gabriel.
“Congratulations?” Adam says from the table, where he's still playing UNO with Michael. They barely looked up at Sam and Gabriel when they announced they had something to say, and he doesn't look at all bothered by the fact that Sam is supposedly dating the brother of the archangel who is possessing him.
Michael frowns at his cards, then puts one on the pile in the middle.
“Another reverse card?? You have got to be cheating,” Adam complains, grinning when Michael glares at him.
“I don't cheat,” Michael informs him. “... much.”
Adam rolls his eyes, but he's still smiling. It's almost cute, the way the two interact as if they've known each other for years. (Which, okay, at this point they have, even if you don't count how time works in the cage.) The thing is, that's all they're doing – playing games, watching movies, smiling at each other dopily. Sam has never even seen them hold hands, much less kiss, even though there is clearly something between them.
Same for Cas and Dean, really. Even after beating God and getting actual free will, those two are still dancing around each other. Somehow, Sam always thought that once all the obstacles were removed, especially once it wasn't Chuck's story anymore, they would figure it out quickly. But instead it's worse now. Cas seems to be keeping a distance from all of them while he waits for Jack to return from Heaven, and Dean has been throwing himself into hunt after hunt, even though he used to talk about retiring after all the God stuff was over.
And that's exactly why Sam is doing this. Maybe if his brothers see that it's possible to date an angel, they'll finally get their shit together and start doing it themselves.
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
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But of course.
Dean runs a hand over his face, completely exhausted. He's so tired. It's nothing unusual. He never sleeps enough. But this again?
Damn it!
Where is the angel!? It's a question he has asked a thousand times, never getting an answer. Just once and then he had found him, pulled him against his chest, smiled from ear to ear, huffed in relief as he felt Castiel's rigid body in his embrace.
He had managed to ignore that Cass didn't hug back. He didn't want to think about what it meant. He didn't want to question his own motives, either. Sure, Castiel was his friend. Dean is a loyal person. But more than once, Benny had asked him, "Why?" If the angel was really worth the hassle. He had never found an answer other than a disgruntled, "Yeah."
Dean pushes up from the empty bed, pulls a shirt over his bare chest and pitter-patters barefooted over the bunker's cold floor. He'd like to call for his boyfriend, but that would wake Sammy and with him likely Eileen. She's seven months pregnant and struggles enough to get sleep with her restless legs and heartburn.
It's the fifth night in a row that Dean woke up to an empty bed. The former angel suffers from insomnia that even tops Dean's worst phases. Every night, Dean prays that his love might find rest in his arms. He's not sure who he is praying to. Jack? Maybe. Anyway, his son isn't listening. Hand's off.
Dean shuffles through the common places where Castiel usually tries to kill time - the kitchen, the library, the main room. Once, he even found him in the storage room where the Empty had taken him, standing at the exact spot where he had smiled while Dean's heart shattered into pieces. But he hadn't smiled then.
He hasn't smiled a lot since he's back. Not even when Dean had told him that he loved him, too. Not when they first kissed. Not when they first made love. He assured him that he wanted it, wanted him. And Dean decided to believe him. It would become better with time, he hoped.
To each of the few smiles that Castiel mustered, there is melancholy. No. This word isn't strong enough. There's something as heavy a lead pressing the former angel down, tinting every good emotion grey.
Dean hates it, can't shake the feeling that it's his fault. He thought he did the right thing, fighting him out of the Empty. But all he had gotten were tired eyes and a "You shouldn't have done that."
It had made Castiel so happy when he told Dean that he loved him that it was enough to summon the Empty. But now that he has him, nothing really seems to pierce the veil of darkness. It's so much worse than the worrisome, honey-collecting version of Cass all those years back. At least, he had smiled then.
It's superficial and stupid to wish for this, Dean knows that. It was just another way for Castiel to cope. He always carries all the world's burdens on his shoulder, especially Dean's crap. But it's not fair!
Dean never expected an apple pie life. Not really. But with Cass, he had hoped for a slim slice of it. At this point, he'd be thankful for a crumb.
He scolds himself inwardly for this train of thought. He's ungrateful. He falls asleep with his man snuggled against him every night. He looks in blue eyes when they make love. He holds his hand when they watch a movie. It's so much. More than he ever dared to dreamt of.
Dean's steps grow wider and faster as he nears his Cave. Maybe—yes! There are flickering lights under the door and subdued music coming from the room. Dean takes a deep breath before he pushes the door handle down.
Castiel sits in the armchair that is labelled his boyfriend's in Dean's head. He looks at the tv screen, his eyes fixed on a bumblebee collecting nectar.
Dean chuckles softly, calling attention to himself, hoping not to startle Castiel. He doesn't. His partner doesn't even so much as flinches.
"Bumblebees are funny. By all rules of aerodynamics, they shouldn't be able to fly," Dean says, hoping to pull his boyfriend's gaze to himself.
"That's not true Dean. Humans were just too fixated on their formulas for aeroplanes to see the dynamics behind the wingbeats, the vortex they produce, not to mention the joint I added to make it possible for them to kink the wings and heighten the weight they can move even further.
Dean sinks into his armchair. "You worked on creating them?" Castiel hums in affirmation. "Why are you watching a documentation then? You know them better than anyone."
Castiel is silent for a long moment and Dean wonders if he somehow insulted him. But then, there's a sound that he hasn't heard way too long and it makes his heart clench.
A chuckle.
Not as free and loud as he knows it can be, but it's there, echoing in the sparsely decorated room.
"It reminds me that my existence had meaning."
The short burst of hope crumbles to dust at these words. Dean fights against the tears brimming his eyes. Castiel saved the world, more than once, and especially with his self-sacrifice. They wouldn’t have defeated Chuck without him!
"Your life has meaning," Dean says, his voice carefully schooled. Castiel chuckles again, bit tjis time without mirth.
"I know."
It feels rehearsed, like an automatic reply to soothe Dean's nerves. No. This won't do! Dean gets up and down on his knee in front of the man he loves. He cups his cheeks with both hands, relishing that Castiel leans into the touch.
"You are important. To me, to Sam and Eileen, to Claire and Kaia, and so many more. We need you, man."
"You'd be well off with or without me," Castiel answers evenly and Dean covers the pain with anger, lets it build up in the very familiar way. He clenches his jaw and lets go of this boyfriend's face, gets up, turns, and kicks a pile of DVDs through the room.
Then he turns back, outstretched pointer hovering mere centimetres from Castiel's face.
"You have no idea!" The force of Dean's words makes Cass pull back - not in fear but in gut-wrenching surprise. "I burnt you on that pyre, spread your ashes in the meadow. I got you back just to let Chuck let us screw over once again. I'm not proud to say this, but with you gone, I thought of flipping the bird to this shit of a life and go down in a damn vampire nest or something."
"Your life is not shit!" Castiel counters, always willing to make Dean feel and think better of himself. Hell, he did it even when he thought he would die for good.
"Yes, you're right. But still—" Dean runs a hand through his hair. His brain isn't awake enough for the depth of discussion they need to have and neither is Castiel's judging by the looks of his lover's red-rimmed eyes. He takes a deep breath. "You are my home, Cass. My rock. I don't say this to make you stay or to make you put on a brave face. I appreciate that you're not acting as if everything is fine. But we need to talk about what's going on in your mind. What makes you so sad all the time. I can't—"
Castiel looks at him with unhidden fear. Hell! The man fought demons and angels, God himself. He shouldn't look like that because of a hunter who feels so many things that he can never properly put them into words.
"I can't ignore it any longer. You need help. Hell, we all need therapy. But, damn it, Cass! I want us to be happy. I want you to be happy. And don't tell me you are. You're a terrible liar."
There is another chuckle and Dean wants to cry. Because it's all too much and not enough. He can't make his boyfriend better and that sucks big time. He's a doer, a carer, a damn Acts of Service love languager. He's shitty at gifts that his man understands, he's bad with words when it counts. But he can touch, is allowed to touch now. So he does.
He pulls Cass into his arms, feels him melt against him. He brushes his hand through the unruly mop of hair. "Come to bed. Sleep. Tomorrow, we'll take care of this, okay?"
He feels Castiel's head nod against his shoulder. He presses a kiss into his hair and pulls back, scrutinising him for a long moment. There is the ghost of a tired smile on his lips. Dean counts it as a win.
He switches off the tv and leads him to their bedroom, tucks him in before he slides under the covers, and pulls him close. "I am here. And I am happy that you are here. Never doubt that," Dean murmurs. "You're the best thing ever happening to me."
"But I'm broken, Dean. I can't be of any use to you, now that I lost the rest of my grace."
Dean huffs his anger out through his nose. "If you're broken, we'll find a way to fix you. And the other bullshit—don't you dare think that's what we kept you around for. You're family. Like a brother to Sammy, a father for Claire, the man I love. Don't get pissed, but your love has always been your strongest asset. You saved me from me a million times. Hell, just think of Jack." He takes a deep breath because his anger won't solve anything. "You are love and you are loved. You don't need to be useful and still, you are. Every. Single. Second."
Castiel looks at him with glassy eyes. "I want to believe you."
Dean presses a kiss on his forehead. "I know." He brushes a strand of hair out of Castiel's eyes. "Just promise me you'll try."
"I will," Cass whispers and then he smiles. Tired, but enough to form crinkles around his eyes. And it's just a start. Dean knows that. But it's enough for now.
"Sweet dreams, honey," Dean whispers and cradles Cass' head to his neck. "I'll watch over you."
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tinkdw · 7 years
You don't have any Sam/Sarah Blake feels at all? Not now, obviously, but as a relationship that had potential if circumstances had been different and who was a good match for Sam? (Not to say I wouldn't give an arm and a leg for Saileen to happen).
Oh yeah I do like them at that point together but I don’t want Sam to get back with her now, hence I don’t ship them. My meaning of shipping is very different to a lot of peoples, I only ship characters that I genuinely want to be together and see a narrative that has purposeful writing towards this end in canon. I am a lot about author intent. I have no issue with fanon shipping at all I just don't personally do that.
I personally am ONLY interested in canon shipping.
Like I don’t ship Jess and Sam as he wasn’t his true self with her, unless she was resurrected and he was honest and they still worked fine but imo she’s part of his false history and the person he’s narratively imo written as being in a healthy happy relationship with now in canon is Eileen so I only ship them (as I say unless someone else exactly like Eileen came along which would be awful and insulting to her character and imo it makes a lot of sense that she returns so I hold out hope for now!)
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helianthus21 · 7 years
Hello! From one bitter Cass stan (who used to be all TFW positive) to another, I too am scared. Because I can't shake the feeling that Castiel won't have that much involvement in the season's arc, if at all. I don't believe a word that comes out of Dabb's mouth because he's a known liar (queue s12). I'm just wondering how disappointed I will be 😞
hey! Okay I’ll do this under the cut because while I guess by now ppl who follow me know I’m not S13 positive, I want the ones who are to have a chance to be able to easily scroll past thisAlso warning: This got more bitter in tone than I expected, so if you want sb to give you some hope and positivity, turn away now! But since you came into my ask box I doubt you wished for that:P
(Just in general: if you wanna vent about the show, my message thingy is always open, turns out I’m not done venting yet either, and that way I can keep it mostly off my blog;) anyway, dude, I feel you. I had tentative hope at the beggining of S12 that with the new showrunner things are gonna change for the better, but honestly? I don’t trust Dabb anymore either. Don’t get me wrong, I still think he’s a good screen writer, but there are things that happened in S12 that I think if he really wanted the show to change he’d not have let them pass. I’m aware that Ross-Leming is married to Singer, and Singer has a lot say in things, and yeah I have no idea how the showrunning business works, but things like Sam/Toni? Couldn’t he have put his foot down on that one if he initially had other plans for her character? And 12x21 man, this time Dabb can’t hold his hands up in all innocence like he did after Charlie. Because he might not have written her death scene, but he’s the fucking showrunner. I doubt Bucklemming are authorized to decide getting rid of her on their own, so like. Yeah, I have a grudge against Dabb. I mean, on the one hand I think if Cas actually gets to have some introspection before he comes back, gets to talk with someone important (Chuck? Billie? himself?) in the Empty or wherever, that could be a real chance for him to overcome his depression and accept himself the way he is (’Are you an angel or a man?’ - ‘Neither. Both.’) (^which would be my ideal way for this to go as you probably already know:P).But on the other hand - argh, I get that they’re going this ‘accentuate his importance via the boys pining in his absence’ route - but good lord, haven’t they done this enough in S12? Haven’t they done this enough in S11 too? Back then I was so hopeful that it was gonna lead somewhere. I told myself, “Okay, Cas is practically gone for the second half of the season but it’s gonna be worth it in the end! At the season finale he’s gonna come back and he’s gonna have some major role to subvert all the things Amara and Ambriel said and what he himself believes about himself, because he’s gonna prove himself as a hero! He’ll reject Lucifer as a first step on the long way to get his self-worth back and show that he’s not someone who just ‘helps’ and that he’s far from ‘expendable’.” I told myself that the whole time - 12 EPISODES, he was gone for 12 EPISODES!! - that he was gonna come back with a bang and it was all gonna be worth it. Because I liked the Casifer arc goddammit, it had potential. Because, for me, this was the only logical way for this to go! But then, of course, he came back and basically just stood around while everyone else got to do a part (yeah, being insulted some more by his fellow angels does not count in my book, and neither does this terrible beer run conversation, don’t even get me started on that one) while everyone got a bit of a scene with Chuck. Everyone except the one who, you know, spent basically his whole character arc searching for God, playing God, losing his faith in God - nah, that’s apparently not of import to the writers  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯So you’ll excuse me if I don’t get my hopes up that Cas’ death in 12x23 is gonna actually lead to something this time. I’m not very interested in spending the first few episodes without Cas - “really feeling his absence” bc dude I’ve been feeling his absence all the damn time! They exlude him from scenes and episodes when it’s actually working against the plot and against all logic not to have him there (see 11x09), because the format for some reason demands Misha to be in X episodes and so he won’t be in more than X episodes.I mean, sure, the three Cas-centric episodes in S12 were honestly glorious! But that doesn’t change the fact that he was in less episodes than Mary or Crowley. Quality before Quantity, yes, but then please give me this quality in all of his episodes. I don’t know about you, but him going around interviewing a few ppl, ‘searching for a lead’, that’s not what I’d call quality. That’s not really all there is to hunting and Dabb promised more hunter!Cas in S12 didn’t he. Also is quantity and quality really so hard to pull off? I mean...?? As for his involvement in the next season - I don’t know man. I probably can’t say a lot about that, or shouldn’t, because I’ve run out of chances to give the writers so I’m not gonna keep watching. They did say he shared some ‘bond’ or whatever with Jack so he’s probably gonna have a role in the overall arc, but then I had similar thoughts during the Casifer arc so..At least, the bond’s not gonna be of a romantic kind since Jack is a boy, not a girl, so there won’t be sexual undertones there, although tbh I can’t bring myself to be interested in Jack and his story? Maybe I’d think differently if they’d handled things with Kelly differently.. A shame, really, because the nature vs nurture thing does make for an interesting subject. Anyway, I know it’s too early to judge, but I get the people who worry that this storyline will yet again be taken away from him and fall instead into Sam and Dean’s hands. Wouldn’t be the first time ya know. And like I said, I’m not the best person to talk to about this, bc I can’t seem to find this storyline all too appealing bc of the way they led up to it.. which normally wouldn’t bother me too much since the characters are still A+ and they can make up for any not-so-interesting plot points, but after Eileen, not even that is enough for me tbh.So yeah, you can tell I’m still high-key pissed at the writers. Hey, I watched 12x21, the whole abomination of an episode, I think I deserve to still be bitter. Sorry though.But on a lighter note: the Empty does have potential and we shouldn’t write it off before we - well you - see it (I’m sure I’ll look at gifsets of it^^). And there’s The Hug to look forward to which I’m sure won’t be downplayed if just because Misha and Jensen and Jared know their characters and they wouldn’t half-ass this important reunion.If you wanna give S13 a chance, I’d say don’t get your hopes up too much, but also don’t think the worst? Because having your hopes crushed sucks, but if you only expect the worst, you probably won’t be satisfied with anything. This is all the advice I can give if I put myself into a more neutral position for a minute^^.
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