#and everyone who came AFTER BF are JUST as amazing and loyal
hcmetown · 1 month
have y’all noticed it’s always the people who became “fans” at the height of tøp’s popularity (2015), then forgot about them after the Blurryface era that always has the most shit to say about them?
like we get it. it was CLEARLY a phase for you, you only liked them because they were popular at the time, but why make tøp fans feel like shit for STILL liking them? in 2024 at that?? we’re still shitting on people’s music taste in 2024?? music is music, and they still make GREAT music. i don’t understand. it’s like the moment they find out people unironically still listens to tøp current day, they become so hostile.
no one hates tøp more than “ex-Blurryface era” fans i SWEAR.
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auld-a · 2 years
I'm not really into Heavens Officials Blessing Fandom or well not yet, but.....
Can I get the First Years with Male!Hua Cheng!S/O?
TWST First Years x Hua Cheng!Yuu
I did my best with him, his main personality trait is just simping for Xie Lian unrelated but you are gonna love the show bro
♥️Ace Trappola♥️
why does his last name look like spaghetti
ANYWAYS I feel like at first he would jokingly try to show his dominance over you
You're an attractive guy with long hair, a mysterious eyepatch, muscles, and you're just taller than him
Every dude in school is all over you whether it's for romantic reasons, they want the clout of being your friend, or they want your exercise routine
Ace at first thinks his feelings towards you is envy since you get a lot of attention (and are crazy powerful like wtf) but after some thinking on it he realizes it's jealousy
Instead of confronting it he just pushes it way down and pretends it does not exist because he refuses to come to terms with the fact that he likes you
If say (god forbid) Xie Lian didn't exist in your original world then Hua Cheng would treat Ace like he would Xie Lian
Ace is not used to this in the slightest
You treat him like a piece of treasure, yet Ace is shoving as many pieces of gum as he can in his mouth because Deuce dared him
Both you and Ace actually have very similar attitudes, you don't do things for others unless it's for your benefit or it's for someone you know well and are fond of in some way
This makes your relationship to each other incredibly loyal and Ace appreciates that he's found someone who can see deeper than what he shows people and actively reciprocates it
You're always on Ace's side even if he's clearly in the wrong or just being stupid
You would help him fight Riddle no doubt
When (not if) Ace gets into a fight he always threatens people by saying something along the lines of "You wouldn't mind if I brought my buddy Hua Cheng right?"
Everyone scrambles
Those who don't are sent to the infirmary in 10 seconds or less
Magic and stuff works very differently in your separate worlds so I don't know how much help you would be to him when it comes to teaching but Ace likes to watch the stuff you make
His favorite is probably Blood Rain just because it seems so menacing but it does literally nothing
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
refer to Ace Trappola
JK but I can't deny I do feel like there are a couple similar traits here
The biggest one being loyalty, they're both very loyal boys but Deuce is more outwardly with it and is still willing to help others he doesn't know very well
You admire his efforts in his studies and just in everything he does overall
he may not be amazing at everything he does but he always gives it 100% and you love that about him
You're aware of his efforts to not pick fights with people so whenever you feel that may be happening you just gently put your hand on his shoulder, nudge him to the side a bit, and fight the person for him
You have no reason to keep a reputation in tact so may as well go nuts while ensuring your BF doesn't get in trouble
To Deuce this feels like the ultimate form of you showing your love
And it kind of is lol
Remember that scene where deuce thought that store bought eggs had baby chicks in them
Yeah that but you just smile at him and say nothing
Ace will have to be the one to correct him eventually
You would still somehow defend Deuce
It's still a recurring argument in the friend group
🐺Jack Howl🐺
He looks up to you like he looks up to Riddle
if you haven't read the vignette he basically respects Riddle since he puts in the hard work to get what he wants and doesn't take shortcuts
Don't know how much that personality trait applies to you but you're someone who came from a hard knock life and now you're one of the most powerful in your world (probably in their world too let's be honest)
If you thought ADeuce was loyal OH BOY you're in for a treat because this man will not leave your side unless he has to
Obviously if he thinks you may not be okay with him constantly by you're side he'll leave but if you like him as much as you like Xie Lian you'd be begging him not to
From an outsiders perspective looking in, your relationship is both somewhat hard to read but also tooth rotting sweet
Jack tries to put on a tough boy persona around everyone but is actually very sweet and loves affection, while one of the most intimidating people in school is all over him like he would die without him
This makes jacks face so red and leaves his tail constantly wagging
I feel like you'd just walk up behind him and grab his tail to spook him
This makes his ears perk up cutely
Jack is so used to being someone who's physically stronger than others so the moment you pick him up bridal style with no restraint leaves him floored
he tells you to put him down so he doesn't have to admit he likes it
You can tell by the tail though so you do it any chance you get when you're alone
He likes the butterflies that you create
They're so bright and beautiful and he has butterflies in his stomach when you make them fly around him and land on the tips of his ears or nose
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
you would bond over something very unlikely
like carving
he carves you apples, and you give him life sized statues of him in hyper realistic detail
Something about it creeps him out but in a good way
You would probably carve them in such a way that it gave him a bit more muscle
that's probably why he subconsciously likes them so much
Vil is jealous his first year managed to get such an attractive and dedicated peer before he did
he constantly asks you for tips on how to be more manly
you probably say some crap like "You're already the manliest man I know🥰"
He appreciates the self-esteem building but sometimes he would prefer if you took it a little more seriously
If he wanted to, you would probably help him get on an exercise regimen to build more muscle so he can get that ManlyTM aesthetic
Vil isn't against bettering oneself but if he finds out Epel is trying to build heavy bulk or something he would confront you
You would either tell Vil the truth but defend Epel or just lie to Vil about your plans
You defend Epel against a lot of things
Vil wants to unalive you at this point but then he'd ruin his clothes
You two are like the meme where Person A is trying to fight Person C but Person B is right behind them threatening Person C if they do
Epel thinks people are afraid of him and this gives him a confidence boost
Seeing him happy makes you happy
I don't know why but I feel like if you guys were play fighting and you just picked him up and threw him it would make him happy
He's always running up to you asking to be thrown like a kid in a pool
⚡Sebek Zigvolt⚡
This is giving me strong "I had to get a support dog for my support dog" vibes on Malleus' part
You like to bother him 24/7 and Sebek pretends like he doesn't like it and is always yelling at you while you just stand there like :)
It makes him flustered that someone is willing to not only put up with a part of him so many find annoying but embrace it too
You don't understand his obsession with Malleus but you can relate to having someone you care for so deeply you'd do anything for them
Sebek has a hard time seeing himself that way since his entire life has basically been for Malleus but he can't say he doesn't appreciate it
In the beginning of getting to know each other he thinks you're another lowly human
When you make the sky start bleeding he starts to wonder if he should've retracted that statement sooner
Knight training together?
Knight training together
He may have been training his whole life to be a knight but you have like 800+ years experience he has much to learn from you
Eventually I think he would view you as someone equivalent to Lilia which if you're not already aware is an incredibly high honor in his eyes
Which makes him all the more flustered when out of anyone you chose him to court
If he does that thing where he says something nice to you in a very loud and formal voice you would hold the exact same energy
This happens a lot
Everyone knows that when it starts they need to cover their ears for the next 5 minutes or so
I think Malleus truly does appreciate Sebek's loyalty to him but sometimes he needs a break so he's very happy that you provide that for him by keeping Sebek distracted
His eyes are so pretty please compliment them
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krisyyydvd · 5 months
You are a dream, 2023
Well, I just read online that it’s just 4 days until 2024 and I immediately grabbed a laptop to write this down at 12:39AM. 2023….is a different kind of ride. It’s like something out from a book, something beyond my imagination, it’s like a dream. 
All throughout the year, I thought that I manifested too hard in front of the window in our office looking at the sky and SCTEX road. I just claimed everything that I do this year will be successful because I was born in the year of the Rabbit and it did. This was my winning year. 
My year started with me still selling perfumes, got a Valentines surprise from my boyfriend who always tries his best to give me the best. Then, my friend from Toronto came home and we had a hard catch up of everything we missed even though we almost VC each other. As they said, relationships had it’s ups and downs, I went to La Union with my workmates in March but this is when I related to “I’ve been looking sad in all nicest places.” The sunset is too sad for me because my heart is sad and my inner self is sad cause I can’t swim due to monthly red tide. Good news, we chose to fix it, we chose “US” again. 
Summer came in, my family and I had a roadtrip to Ilocos Norte! It’s a 16hrs long drive. If I will reminisce, this is when everything started to become like a dream. We visited Vigan, I saw the magnificent windmills the first time, swam in a beach with strong tides that it can flip move my mom sitting in the coast. Haha! My sisters and I rode an ATV and all of us, including why niece rode a 4x4 truck in Sand dunes! We are all worried about our lives, but I think “You only live once” kept us screaming and enjoying the ride. Oh, I also glided through a desert. How fearless is that!? Then, one of my bucket list was crossed. We stayed in Vitalis Villas. Back in 2019, I wished to bring our family here and there we are. God is so good! We had an amazing 4 days trip that felt forever and a lot of times made me wanna stop time right there. 
Music festival of course, I was there. Almost went home when I felt suffocated but I glad we stayed. It was magical hearing “Kay Tagal Kitang Hinintay” in live. We also surprised our mom on her 63rd birthday where my dad saved all his money just to give her 63,000 pesos and a gold necklace. Ever since I was young, this was my mom’s dream and now she got it at 63. A love like theirs is really my dream kind of love. My dad was always my ideal man. I will never forget how everyone cried when “Until I found you” played as my dad took my mom’s hands to dance. 
My May was like a great episode in a drama. My friend from Regina went home and we have trips planned ahead, sponsored by him. I probably saved the country in my past life to deserve this. We went to my dream county, Japan together with my eldest sister who helped us navigate everything. We will be completely lost without her. I saw the Harry Potter world, Dotonburi and went to Kyoto where everything felt nostalgic. The OST of Kimi no Nawa kept playing on my head the entire time. Finally, the girl who always talked about anime is in her element. After that, we went to Coron. This place is beautiful from up and down. My bf and I strolled the town using a motor and climbed the mountain. The sunset and the view up there will be forever in my core memory. 
Then June came, my birth month and I bought a car named whom I named “Yuki”. It’s from Snow on the Beach of TS because it’s seems impossible but it’s happening. I never thought I would have a car this year but here it is! Another answered prayer with the help of my family. Back here I thought to myself that it may seem impossible to have everything but for this moment, I sure had everything. A complete family, a new job alignment, loving bf, loyal bff’s, car and a healthy work environment. When my bf’s birthday came, I tried to make one of his dream come true, to have a family picture. This was successful thanks to his family’s effort and love for him. I was so happy to see him emotionally happy. 
Another unimaginable happened again this September, my sister and my niece went to New Zealand. Taking them to the airport was one of the saddest good bye of my life. I still remember crying myself to sleep just imagining that they won’t be around everyday in our house. They are my late night movie bud, cravings bud and the family is just not complete without them. God how I miss them even while typing this. Seeing me and MC’s pics on my gallery feels like a good dream. I tried to make myself busy and not think about them too much, but there are just night like this where I want to fly myself to them and time to go faster so they I will see them again. 
When I said, keeping myself busy, I went out a lot with my friends, learned how to bake, took part time jobs and watched the Era’s tour in the cinema. Then, with the support of my work mate turned mentor, TINTER Bean was born. It came from the idea that my bf is a barista and we are thinking of a small business. From here was like in Timelapse and, we had our soft launch at Nov 1 which is a success! On this day, we already had our events and booked events next year, this is another dream Lord! I realized that we have so many people around us who are genuinely happy for us and gave their support in many ways. I am thankful to have them in my life! My December was so busy that I have to find myself a time to breathe. We had a year end party at work, had a sweet anniversary with bf while juggling events and work in between. 
As we head on to 2024, honestly, I am not that much confident that I will do well next year. Probably because many good things happened this year? I don’t wanna be jinxed. Or maybe there is a big worry for my future because I wasn’t able to go to church often this year. That’s it. So Lord, babawi aka sayo this 2024! You never got tired listening and answering my prayers. You will be my center this year and I will give importance to my health. So Joy, have faith okay. There are still many good things planned out for you and no matter what are the challenges, you have people around you that can help you. You are a hustler and goal digger! You are cool and a very blessed girl. 
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Which mystic messenger characters remind you of the obey me characters and why? :)
dude you got this lingering in my head and i havent been able to complete any other requests bc this one just really got me thinkin so HERE WE GO DJDJDJJD
some of the explanations do include spoilers so be careful ! some of the characters in obey me seem to be a combination of multiple characters from mysme so yea. i've completed mystic messenger but i havent finished the obey me main story yet so everything is based on what i know up until lesson 16.
V (Jihyun)/707/Jumin = Lucifer
lucifer mainly reminds me of V bc they both kept a pretty heavy secret from the other characters out of consideration for their health/feelings
and both secrets were related to faking the death of an important person in everyone's life
both of their secrets only came out when it was practically forced out of them, too.
V, like lucifer, is also the leader figure (but not in a diavolo typa way, yenno)
and theyre both such loyal ppl omg V was literally BLINDED and basically traumatized by rika but he stuck w/ her
and lucifer is equally as loyal to diavolo...but i think hes a bit more sane lololol
lucifer is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more hostile than V. the way he lashes out at MC reminded me of the way seven lowkey lashes out at MC in his route (iykyk </3)
so yea he and seven both need work on their emotional stability so they can express their feelings better...sHeesh
lucifer's work ethic actually reminds me more of jaehee
physically he definitely looks like jumin
bUT HE ALSO goes along with the exchange program similar to how jumin went along with offering MC a spot in the RFA bc of his trust in V.
all of them (minus seven) are also the eldest in the game
707 (Saeyoung)/Yoosung = Mammon
t s u n d e r e s.
both of them have a very bubbly and obnoxious personality, but seven uses it mainly as a cover up. i think mammon is genuinely that way, not using it to cover up a backstory as sad as seven's LMAOMAO
i added yoosung only bc both of them are always getting bullied lolololol
and they're both (for lack of better words) the stupid one of the group
hm i actually think mammon is one of the only characters that didn't really remind me of any mysme character when i started playing obey me
but both he and seven seem to be the in-game MC's "true love" based on the way both of them act and are percieved in both games
i could be wrong tho bc in the april fool's dlc zen broke the fourth wall harder than seven ever did. but then again that's also why i said in-game MC not you-the-player MC hsjdjdjd if that makes any sense !
Zen = Asmo
well this one is pretty obvious
both are obsessed with their looks and are lovey dovey
howeVER it looks like asmo's pretty tech-savvy whereas zen is tech-illiterate dmckjxms (esp in v's route....)
both have a wave of fans who freak out over them as well
theyre physically similar too, i think asmo has the longest hair compared to the others
i think everything else is self explanatory LOL
Yoosung = Levi
another super obvious one
they both hole themselves up in their rooms
i think levi might be more emotionally stable than yoosung (common route/casual story yoosung, hes better in his after ending)
also in the ruri-chan event, were those omlettes we collected? it reminded me of yoosung's omurice haha
levi kinda dresses more similar to seven tho
yoosung could also be yandere-ish sh ivers and levi is the avatar of envy so there ya go
i have nothing else everything is self explanatory here too
Jaehee/Yoosung/Jumin = Satan
mainly jaehee and satan resemble one another
both are studious
jaehee's interest in zen's musicals are similar to satan's interest in books and knowledge !
satan also likes dramas so he and jaehee would probably have a fun time watching one of zen's plays
both are also different from the other characters: satan is the only brother who was not previously an angel and jaehee is the only woman in the RFA (minus MC)
hes also similar to yoosung bc yoosung is such a b!tch to V and lucifer resembles V the most (imo)
theyre also the youngest age wise
included jumin bc CATS
satan would absolutely love elizabeth and join jumin in the quest for a universe ran by cats
707(Saeyoung) = Beelzebub
seven and all the honey buddah chips/phd pepper he can consume shares the same energy with beel and all the food in general he can consume
both also are the most similar physically, but beel is probably way bigger than seven :')
i think if seven was in beel's position when lucifer confessed that lillith was turned into a human and lived out the rest of her life, seven would have reacted the exact same to the way beel did
both are amazing brothers, and the way they care for their twin is similar
they also were seperated from their twin and lied to about what happened...my heart hurts :(
at the end of the day theyre both sweethearts who have been through a lot of tough stuff and deserve all the hugs and kisses and snacks in the world uwu
Saeran(Unknown/Ray)/Yoosung = Belphegor
both saeran and belphegor have been through soooooo much oh goodness
both of them are also hostile to MC at some point in the game, then warm up to MC later
both are also the biggest source of conflict in their respective games (not in a mean way omg they just kinda trigger the chain of events)
i.e unknown leading MC to rika's apartment to "find the owner of the phone"/ray leading MC to mint eye to "test out a game" = belphie meeting MC at the top of the staircase to help break him free
i hope that made sense i dunno
theyre also similar when theyre not hostile to MC
such SWEETHEARTS hawh omg
both are twin brothers who need all the love and ice cream in existence <3
wow yoosung is like...in everyone
the way yoosung reacted to rika actually being alive was pretty similar to the way belphie reacted to hearing about lillith living as a human
#luciferhateclub #vhateclub
ALSO the way belphie hated humans (specifically da bf) after what happened to lillith........yoosung also hated V after what happened to rika omg these children
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fvstboi · 6 years
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[ jesus castro, he/him, 29 ] pietro maximoff has been spotted in gotham city! the hero is publicly known as quicksilver, and have often been described as determined, but also arrogant. they have also been affiliated with the avengers, and said to mainly operate in new york city. will they help find answers, or add to the chaos? [ han, she/her, 23, mst ]
triggers: childhood trauma , kidnapping , experimentation , HYDRA mentions , minor violence , auschwitz mentioned , mental illness , death. 
hey fam !! here’s my fast boi , pietro maximoff. i love him bunches. 
so first things first: he is comics based with mcu tie-ins. and comics before marvel ruined his backstory by making him not actually erik and magda’s son and not a mutant. can u tell i love my son and hate what marvel has done to him ? keep on reading to find out. 
pietro was born in the wundagore mountains to magda eisenhardt , a romani woman that magneto met and fell in love with. ( she survived auschwitz because of him i stan ). although pietro and wanda didn’t know it at the time and wouldn’t for many years , erik lehnsherr / magneto / max eisenhardt was their father. magda didn’t stay around for very long , though. not long after , magda fled into the woods with the fear that her husband would find her. pietro and his twin sister would soon enough be given to the maximoff’s , a romani couple who lived down the mountain and had always wanted children. ( note: while pietro was both raised romani and is romani in heritage , a lot of it was lost to him after his adopted parents died which was when he was quite young. he does want to make sure his daughter knows about it and where she comes from but he’s not an expert since everyone from the romani side of his family is dead. )
he was literally that obnoxious older brother but he’s also hella protective and loyal ? he’s a bit of an ass . scratch that , he is 100% an asshole :’)
pietro and his twin , wanda , were raised in transia / sokovia by the maximoff’s , who were an amazing couple and even better parents. eventually , their “ adoptive “ father , django , began to steal food so that he could feed his family. enraged villagers attacked the ( romani ) camp they were living in. pietro was able to get him and wanda out , thankfully , but the trauma from that event was so severe that they wouldn’t be able to recall anything from their childhood for years and not even small details. they had nothing. they’d then travel across europe , fending for themselves and only relying on each other. the streets were really hard. they were hungry and tired on most days and pietro would steal food and warm clothes with his powers but wanda would always say he would get caught one day. ( he didn’t ).
one day , wanda accidentally caused a house to burst into flame through her hex powers , which she could not yet control. superstitious townspeople began chasing her. pietro would try his best to protect and defend her but they were outnumbered and overpowered. thankfully , magneto ( dad !!! ) came to their rescue. they would then join the brotherhood of evil mutants , feeling like they had to serve him since he saved them from what would have been horrible mob violence.
when magneto was defeated in a battle against some powerful guy who took him away from earth , pietro and wanda took it as their chance to leave and went back to transia / sokovia / whatever it’s being called now.
( mcu tie ins ) pietro and wanda were kidnapped by HYDRA ( aka not willingly joining HYDRA ) and experimented on with one of the infinity stones , which only augmented their powers. the second HYDRA fell , they left it and joined ultron ( pietro blaming tony stark for the reason why sokovia / transia was in such turmoil due to seeing stark industries on a shell that hit their home that trapped pietro and wanda for nearly two days ). at some point the twins allied themselves with the avengers and also joined them and fought against ultron , who they had previously sided with. 
pietro was injured in the battle against ultron and almost died and so he stayed with the inhumans for awhile. he formed a relationship with crystalia amaquelin , princess of the inhumans. the whole thing was somewhat forbidden since he’s not an inhuman but they soon enough got married. it was p rushed, which is super on brand for pietro. they eventually had their daughter , luna and ? not only did he find out that magneto is his dad during this time but pietro’s a dick and almost killed her by putting her in the terrigensis ( this was much later on , not right after she was born omg ) but hey , she got powers so ! he’s never been the best dad , honestly ? he’s run away from a lot of responsibility , even stuff that wasn’t luna related lol. but he’s trying ? ( with pietro’s age , luna is about ? 5-6 years old. his lil princess. )
the relationship that pietro had with crystal would become rocky due to pietro’s mind being elsewhere and not paying all that much attention to his wife. crystal would then cheat on pietro ,,,, ( note: crystal left some other guy for pietro sksksk ) pietro wouldn’t forgive her and “ vowed vengeance on her and all those he perceived as having wronged him “ but !! crystal’s cousin , maximus , was manipulating his mind and augmenting pietro’s anger towards crystal which was prob meant more for the avengers. he did a lot of dumb shit during this time basically. moreso than usual. but he wasn’t in control of himself or what he was doing so really ? it wasn’t his fault. 
pietro and crystal had a messy relationship after that. they’d reconcile , get back together , breakup , fight , get back together , fight together , etc. it was a messy relationship for awhile. 
pietro lost his powers for a bit and ,,, it was hard fam he was actually depowered due to m day but i’m just saying he lost his powers w/o m day since it’s a big part of him
honestly !! pietro was in a pretty horrible state at this time. he was taken to attila which is basically inhumans hq , where his medical injuries were taken care of. pietro couldn’t stand being human so much that he underwent terrigensis even though king black bolt said no since it can kill u ! wtf u doing pietro !! he then started to plan a way to steal and bring the terrigensis crystals to earth. pietro ,,, no. angel boi. slow down u gonna kill everyone. 
then he made his daughter undergo terrigen ,,,, which could’ve killed her since nobody knew if her inhumans genes would just cancel out her mutant ones.
lots of shit happened ,,,, its just 2 much 
pietro was then put in jail and while there he had a serious of hallucinations. o boi
but ig it was also the end of his episode , u could call it ?? his powers were restored and he rediscovered his desire to be a hero !!
pietro recovered the remaining terrigenesis crystals returning them to the inhumans and clearing his name of criminal charges through a lie that a skrull committed all of his felonies. 
he joined all new x-factor which was his half-sister’s x-men team !
he actually just claimed to have a falling out with the avengers ,,, which wasn’t rly tru ,,, lorna’s ex bf , alex summers , just wanted pietro to spy on her sksksk 
but like ? pietro in x-factor with lorna was one of the best things marvel could’ve done. just siblings working together and on a team together who usually never interact. goals. ( might lowkey have a thing for a certain cajun mutant ) 
he taught at avengers academy for a hot second !
he’s paid a ton of money for luna to go to a fancy school in england which she eventually just ,,, ran away from lmfao
he’s a hero. but he also doesn’t pay much attention to authority and if he thinks someone is wrong and he’s right then he’ll follow his own path and ignore everyone else. he’s tried to repower mutants with the inhuman crystals and continued to do so after mutants got sick and some even died. while that’s not really canon it does give a good insight to who pietro is. he’s not bad and most of his bad ideas do have good intentions. 
he’s been off and on with the avengers for awhile and never stays with them for extended periods of time but they all mean a great deal to him. he loves many of the founding / returning members and cares more for them than he’d ever care to admit. 
pietro once ran 300+ miles so he could punch erik in the face lol [ x ]
pietro is in gotham to see what’s going on ? he also has luna while crystal is away doing stuff. so single dad pietro ! he’s never been alone with luna for more than a few days before ! it’ll be fun ! 
tldr; pietro is messy, an asshole and a drama queen but he’s trying HIS BEST.
stats - tba / pinterest / wiki page.
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rockinem777 · 4 years
Is this isn't even 30% of my life's fucking tragity & I still have the heart to do good for people and love like y'all are bitch made fr
I have been through so much fucking bullshit and deception and straight betrayals are an understatement to everything I have been through. I've lost my best friend. I have walked away from people I loved. I have let a grown man take advantage of everything in me he could and leave me with nothing but hate for myself. My best friend in high school wrote the first statement on me. My fiance in West Virginia has given up on me. I have never met anyone as solid as me. My best friend Kat Lynn fucking dumb fake ass bitch. She's causes a world of problems. Never did I once say a bad thing about her. My parents know I'm dying. They don't give a fuck. My dog is dying. Like lemme make it real fucking clear for you who doesn't seem to know who the fuck I am and wtf I've been through. I got my TBI cause I jumped out of a car cause the mfer told me I wouldn't. Well let me make it more realistic. My first love and I were fighting and his dad made me go home. In the car I wanted to jump out. He said I wouldn't and long story short I opened the door and the brakes through me out the door 55Mph I landed on my skull. I was unconscious for 9 days. I had to learn how to talk again. Like all for that first love of mine to leave as soon as I got out the hospital. All I had to talk to was myself. And that's just the beginning. I was suicidal then I'm suicidal now. I've lost every friend on my way here because they're fake liars back stabbers ect. My only friend Melanie Wade is who I could talk to. I used to watch her son and talk to her for days. She really understand me. She got shot in the head years ago. She was like my second mom. I talked and seen her more than my real mom. I ain't been the same since. My GMA and GPA knew I was gonna be homeless or kicked out of something when I was 16. They didn't let me stay at their house. Neither did my brother. The amount of times I've been beaten and thrown out this fucking house is an ungodly sin. And I don't want your fucking pity. The only reason I get to stay here now is cause I gave my mom a 75 thousand dollar check which I get 100 dollars a week of which she Hates to come up off of. which if I would have kept I bet you money id be dead. Ive moved out on my own with bfs and to drug houses like 5 times. 7th Street. Port republic. 10th St shout out to that nigga that gave me this fucking MRSA Gary lmao (this was the first house I was 16) scottsville. Norfolk. Like my first bf that was a mess. 4 years down the drain. IDK EHAT LOVE IS. 2nd bf my best friend at the time for years the only reason I dated that mfer is cause he would beg me for years so I figured id try. He ended up abusive. He ended up crazy. I ended up running out his house bleeding from stepping on the broken glass omw out walking from 7th to 250 near step-n-out. No phone. I got home cause that mfer came and got me and took me home no let him cause he promised I could go home. He used to refuse to let me leave. Throw me back into the house into the bedroom. Me and his son ooo malakii used to sleep and cuddle and rainy nights were the best with that amazing 5year old boy. Not that I know him anymore but whatever. Then we got that last one lmao wtf happened with that. Like fuck my life he told me I would see that none ofbthose mfers gaf about me and I guess I wanted to prove him wrong about a couple months ago when I lost all hope and I've became manically depressed I got a lisence plate that said, "told ya" like thanks. Soooo let's begiin on me being claimed by the KKK and forever fucking slave to some one or guy idk how it works tbh. Better than being sex trafficed right? I guess so. Like Garrette bar was the funniest and most loyal friend you could ask for and its a damn fucking shame he took his life over that fucking dumb whore cause she's the definition of vindictive and spiteful and evil. Hell yeah I love live blah blah blah loves you dillan I miss you. I should've ditched and went to hburg that nughtbeih you. Instead I've been having my hair pulled and legit hit and smacked around and screamed at by this mistake of a ex boyfriend John micheal which this should have been awarded with best human pickier me. Cause obviously I know how to pick the worse fucking ones cause up until today. I thought he loved me. I thought I could make it work. And tbh it was my last hope. He was my last hope and here we fucking are and fr I took 50 sleeping pills the other night and novlie he walked out on me and was clueless until he was dragging me around me bed by my hair and head calling me a bitch 2 days later for asking him "what he problem was now" in my sleep but he legit says I deserve it. He's called me a bitch twice today and oh yeah he pushed me off my bed into my closet which I like flew but anyway I smacked my head on the closet. And he watched me lay there for about an hour holding my head not saying a word. While he just got rude and acted like a douche. But then he picked me up off the floor and left me on the bed to tell me he was gonna leave me. Then I was ignoring him of course idk what to say cause obviously after forcing my hands off my ears while he screamed hateful shit into my ears 2xs he still grabbed me by my head and hair on my bed after throwing me ect and called me a bitch and told me about how his cousin is gonna come get him. So long story short I'm not trying to fix shit and he's laying on my floor saying he don't want me and blah blah blah long story short I wish I never fucking met the guy he popped my cherry. I hate myself for letting him docthisnto me if I could go back in time and never meet him. I would. I hate him. Up until today I swear I loved this mfer so much. Like I thought it was meant to be. Like omg if you don't want to be here anymore 😭 but I wish I was dead. But yeah but fr the way I let him treat me is disgraceful and I'm having a hard time forgiving myself for allowing it and like I'm not sure if that isn't the only reason I stayed this long like I was trying to vouch for myself for chasing after a man 2xs my age who was clearly just getting more abusive and mean and shamelessly more selfish by the day. Anyway I don't know what you think of me and I don't give a fuck honestly cause your fucking retarded if you don't know who the fuck has put in so much work and gave up so much fucking of my entire fucking life for the credit and adoration I receive. And no I don't ever remember the bad times. I have so many compressed memories. Like dude getting teeth taken out and getting brutally beat up and bitten and raped like and almost trafficed but I escaped. Like but fr I don't have a bone in my fucking body that has I'll intent for anyone. Always look for the helpful way. Always help who needs to be helped. Always there for people. I'm a good fucking person. Probably better than you. And I'm no longer interested in the position I think I had. I give people clothes and feed them and take care of who needs it. I'm a 100% spectacular human being and I'd be a jealous fucking asshole too if I had half the fucking mind to be as cruel hateful mean and selfish as almost everyone else around me seems to have.
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