#and greg has been threatened and given shit SO MANY TIMES and never used the information he's sponged.
gregoftom · 1 year
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lia-jones · 4 years
Growing Stronger - Chapter Thirty-Six - The Father of the Bride
They say one of the hardest days in a man’s life is the one when he gives his daughter away to another man. And Jeremy was travelling into that dark night alone, without any one to advise him. His father never had the same experience; Jeremy’s sister never got married. Not that his father would care or even be present should his sister get married. In fact, Jeremy was sure his father was the reason his sister never married in the first place.
Fortunately, that wasn’t his daughter’s case. She had had the example of a happy family, one that he had raised with love and understanding, hoping to break the cycle of abandonment. Although her experience before Victor was enough to send anyone on a one-way trip to celibacy, that wasn’t his Andrea. She was strong, resilient, and had within her a joy of life many spend a lifetime trying to obtain. She was insightful and hopeful, and that gave her the truly rare ability to see beauty in everything. Apparently, such had been the case with Victor. Where everyone else saw coldness, she saw light.
Although Jeremy and Victor were very different men with very different backgrounds, he could see so much of him in that remarkable young man it was almost funny. Yet, he could never exactly figure what it was that he found so similar. The realization dawned on him at the rehearsal dinner, when he saw Gregory interact with his son.
A deadbeat dad is a deadbeat dad, no matter the social status. That night, he had seen in Gregory’s eyes the same contempt he saw in his own father’s, and in Victor’s eyes the exact same blend of hurt and defiance that he was sure oftentimes he had in his own. And in that moment, Jeremy was absolutely certain that Victor was the best husband Andrea could find: a man who had experienced rejection and pain, but was driven enough to create a life full of love and understanding for himself and the love of his life.
Jeremy sighed and rolled out of bed. This was way too much contemplation before coffee. Plus, he hated to wake up without Mariana, and he could really use her that morning. She would surely and quickly put an end to his useless internal monologue, either offering kind words or simply telling him to get his lazy ass out of bed.
Well, his lazy ass was out of bed. Now what?
What does the father of the bride do?
As he stepped into the cold shower, he pondered about what was expected of him that day. What the heck is the role of the father of the bride? In short, absolutely nothing. He comes forward with a check to pay for the wedding and takes a little stroll down the aisle. Since Victor was a multimillionaire, the stroll was all he had. Jeremy scoffed, accidentally getting a little bit of shampoo in his mouth, pairing with his bitter thoughts: a lifetime racking his brain on how to properly raise a girl and on the most important day of her life, all that was required from him was to be able to walk a straight line. Even a sobriety test could be more interesting.
Getting out of the shower, he noticed a new notification on his phone. A text from his wife.
Have you seen Andy?
To aggravate him even more, Mariana was at Andrea’s room, to help her put on the dress, dote on her, calm down any eventual wedding jitters, leaving him to his own devices. Him, he had no job. Not only was he losing his daughter that day, he had to feel like a useless bum too.
His stomach growled. Maybe it was just hunger putting him in a bad mood. Time to put on some clothes, look for Andrea, and get some grub.
He had just shut his bedroom door when he heard a loud thump at the end of the hall.
“Crap! Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!” Andrea fumbled to get herself off the ground, her cheeks red as tomatoes.
He watched her awkwardly walk down the hall, a knowing smirk on his face. The bride’s room wasn’t that way, the groom’s was.
“Woke up early to walk the dog?” He jested, knowing this would make her blush even more.
“Sorry, Dad, no time to talk!” She quickened her step, going for the stairs.
“I was going to say don’t keep him waiting, but it looks like you didn’t!” He joked again, only to be ignored. He didn’t care, though, laughing at his own joke.
Ok, that seemed to be taken care of. At least both bride and groom would be relaxed before the ceremony. Well, as much as they could be. It was time for breakfast.
It was clear to Jeremy that Terry and Mina loved Victor like he was their own child. He was aware that all the preparations depended on Victor’s money and the wedding planner’s taste, but there was an additional and special care in everything Mina and Terry did for him, one that wedding planners can’t replicate, one that is only given to a son. This would remain unnoticed by a lot of people, but to a parent, this special attention was plain to see.
“Good morning.” He announced himself, as he entered the dining room.
“Good morning, Mr. Jones.” Mina greeted him from the kitchen, as she dispatched two trays of food, probably for the happy couple. “I will be right there with you.”
Soon enough, she arrived with a plate filled with bacon, eggs and pancakes, placing it on the table, in front of him.
“Have all the others had breakfast yet?” He asked, seeing himself alone with Mina in the dining room.
“Yes, everybody is already busy with their tasks, they came to eat really early.” Mina was about to leave when Jeremy stopped her.
“Care to sit with me for a quick coffee? I don’t like eating alone.” He asked, feeling weird about having a meal on his own.
“Your granddaughter is so beautiful.” Mina commented, sitting next to him. “So playful and always smiling! Victor loves her, I have never seen him so fascinated with a  child before.”
“Yeah, that one has him wrapped around her little finger…” Jeremy chuckled. “All of us, really.”
“It’s just so sad that Andrea…” Mina trailed off, a concerned look on her face.
“It is.” Jeremy frowned, remembering her pain during that dreadful year. “A farewell gift from that abusive piece of shit.” He cleared his throat. “Pardon my English.”
“No, those words are appropriate.” Mina supported him, almost as enraged as he was, making it clear she cared deeply about his daughter. “It just infuriates me to see these two kids, with such big hearts, go through so much. My Victor acts tough, but in the end, he is still that small little boy that just wants a little affection. At least they found each other. Andrea seems to love him very much.”
“Oh yes, she does.” Jeremy nodded. “That one will love on him until she’s blue in the face.”
“My heart breaks for him today, to tell you the truth.” Mina was misty-eyed, her voice somewhat strained. “It’s the most important day of his life and his father can’t be supportive. And surely he must be hurting, thinking of how his mother didn’t live to witness his special day. It’s like he is being abandoned all over again.”
Jeremy’s thoughts drifted back to his own wedding, in Portugal, away from his friends and family. There was something that cheered him up on that day though: a postcard from his aunt, with some money and his mother’s ring and the words You got this, kiddo. Be happy .
Jeremy smiled confidently at Mina.
“He has someone. He has a mother right here. The one that loved him and nurtured him for years. And that’s the one he needs.”
Well fed and in a much better mood, Jeremy marched to his bedroom. He was wrong, he had a job after all: to be a comforting voice. That was usually Mariana’s job, but she was so busy tending to their daughter and the other bridesmaids that she wouldn’t have the time to work her magic. That day, such a daunting and important task seemed to fall on him. He hoped some of his wife’s wisdom had rubbed off on him.
He took out his wedding suit and put it on, checking himself in the mirror. He was a far cry from the boy he was thirty five years ago, although one thing remained: the look of happiness in his eyes. He was looking for his cuff links when his wife stormed into the room, already wearing her own formal dress, her hair and makeup perfectly done, yet a livid look on her face.
“Where were you? I have been calling you!” She reprimanded him.
“Oh shoot, the sound was very low, I didn’t hear it.” He grimaced, looking at his phone. “Why? What happened?”
“ Filho da puta, arrogante de merda! ” She swore in Portuguese, which was rare for her. Something very wrong was going on. “Gregory is not coming to the wedding. Apparently, his reputation is more important than his son. And your daughter is on the verge of a panic attack, because that producer had the fucking brilliant idea of telling her about the dozens of reporters writing articles about her wedding!” She held her husband’s face, looking him in the eyes with determination. “Our kids need us, Jer. Did you bring that special brandy?”
“To open with Victor after lunch, yes. Why?”
“Forget lunch. He needs it now.” She shook her head with sadness, probably name-calling Gregory in her mind. “Jer, he needs a father.”
Jeremy didn’t need to be told twice. Bottle of brandy in hand, he ran to Victor’s room. He suddenly felt as infuriated as his wife, picturing himself punching Greg square in the jaw for being such a prick, both for  Andy and Victor. Not even on his son’s most special day, he couldn’t avoid a scene? He had to let his son down once again?
He found Joshua pacing nervously outside.
“Oh, thank God!” His son sighed in relief. “I honestly don’t know what to do! His old man was here, they had a huge fight. I had to grab Victor, he was on the verge of punching his father. Fuck, the things he was saying about Andy, I felt like punching him too, but then I remembered what mom said.” Joshua took a deep breath to calm himself down. “After that, he wouldn’t touch his breakfast, Goldman had to threaten to call Andy if he didn’t eat. He’s completely shut down, Dad. He’s barely talking, just sits there, lost in thought.” He looked at his father with angry eyes. “I honestly don’t know if he’s well enough to get married right now. He looks… broken.”
“Don’t worry, son.” Jeremy patted his son in the back. “I got this.”
Jeremy knocked on the door, and as soon as Goldman opened it, he signaled for the assistant to wait outside. He found Victor already in his wedding suit, sitting on the sofa, staring at the floor.
“You look tired, son.” Jeremy started, pretending not to know what was going on. “That’s what you get for sleeping with the bride before the wedding.” He joked, not getting a response. “Or wedding jitters kept you up?”
Victor suddenly looked up, his face expressionless. Jeremy could see the pain in his eyes, though.
“I’m fine.” He answered with a flat voice.
“Well, I have something that will make you feel more than fine.” Jeremy placed the bottle on the coffee table with a loud clunk. That definitely caught Victor’s attention.
“A Rémi Martin XO?”
“A wedding gift to calm your nerves.” Jeremy went to the food table. “Let me get two glasses.”
“Feel free to help yourself.” Victor slid the bottle further from him. “It’s too early for me to drink.”
“Son, you need this more than I do.” Jeremy poured some brandy into a glass, handing it to his son in law. “You may fool your friends out there, but you can’t fool me. Drink. It’ll help.”
He watched as Victor took a sip, letting the brandy sit in his mouth, swallowing after with a satisfied exhale.
“Magnificent.” Victor observed the brandy in his glass. “Are you sure you want me to have it?”
“Of all the people I know, you are the most worthy of it.” Jeremy chuckled. “Andrea or Joshua wouldn’t appreciate it correctly. I would be casting pearls to swine.”
After a brief moment of silence, both swirling the brandy in their glasses, Jeremy decided to jump in and address the matter at hand.
“How are you feeling, son?” He carefully observed Victor.
“I’m fine.” Victor answered, his voice hinting his frustration. “Why does everybody keep asking me that?”
“It’s a big day, after all. We tend to look back, make a quick review of where we’ve been, how far we have come. The people we miss.”
With a sigh, Victor put his glass down on the coffee table. But didn’t utter a word.
“How most things won’t change, no matter how hard we try.” Jeremy offered again, hinting at Victor’s relationship with his father.
Victor smirked bitterly, looking at him. Still, not a word.
“Mari and I were much younger when we got married, I was 25, she was 22. Her family didn’t accept our relationship, so we eloped in a city nearby and got married without anyone’s consent. I could see she was upset not having her family there. I was actually relieved to not have mine.”
His son in law looked at him, surprised. With a weak smile, Jeremy continued.
“As you may have already noticed, Mari and I never talked much about my family to my kids. To be honest, I don’t even know if they are dead or alive. My father was an evil man that left us for another woman. My mother was a weak-minded woman who could never stand up for herself or her children. The moment he left, I had to start working to feed our family, in a winery in Napa Valley. That was how I became an oenologist, my boss helped me in every way he could to give me a steady path.”
Jeremy kept his eyes on the table, unwilling to let past emotions take hold of him.
“The day I got married was the happiest and the hardest in my life. As I looked at the woman by my side, there was a feeling of dread inside of me. I felt alone, unprepared, just a kid. I had no real experience of what a healthy marriage was. My father was an awful husband and a lousy father, how could I be any good at it? I was afraid to repeat his mistakes.”
“Yet, you didn’t.” Victor concluded by himself.
“No, I didn’t.” Jeremy shook his head, feeling proud of himself. “All it took was a look at the woman I loved, standing by my side, smiling at me, and I knew I wasn’t alone. When you stand at that aisle, and you see Andy walk towards you, mark my words, you’ll feel invincible. Nothing else will matter. You’ll know that you love her with all your heart, and even feeling unprepared, there is nothing you wouldn’t do for her.”
“There isn’t.” Victor looked Jeremy in the eyes, his expression assertive. Jeremy knew that look too, it was the one he had on his wedding day.
“I know.” He assured the young man. “That life you leave behind will seem like a mirage when you lead the one you chose for yourself. Don’t let it weigh on you now. You’re almost there.”
“Thank you.” Victor said in a low voice, seemingly touched by the story.
“And I need to see about a bride!” Jeremy downed the rest of his brandy, making a face. “On second thought, this brandy might not have been such a good idea. Maybe don’t drink it all.”
Not giving another word to the men waiting outside, he strode to his daughter’s room, feeling very good about himself. His job here was done. Time to see how beautiful Andrea looked.
She was breathtaking in that dress. Jeremy couldn’t care less about dresses, but even he had to notice the beautiful work in the halter neckline, lined with beautiful stones and covered with lace. It was like nothing he had seen before, a true work of art. Becoming a Lee sure had its advantages.
Not that Andrea cared though. She was still somewhat anxious with all the media outside, all the girls surrounding her, trying to reassure her.
“No way I’m going out there! We’ll have to get married inside.” Andrea concluded, panicked.
“It will be ok, you’ll do fine.” Mariana stroke her back, comforting her.
“No, it won’t! Everyone’s eyes will be on me, I’m going to embarrass Victor!”
“You are not, Andy. It’s just a short walk to the carriage, and then to the aisle. We’ll be with you every step of the way, you’ll do fine.” Diane chimed in.
“And I have instructed the photographers to be as discreet as possible, you won’t even notice them, I promise.” The short producer offered. But Andy wasn’t listening anymore, her mind reeling with fear.
“Oh my God, I can feel myself sweat, I’m going to have pit stains in my dress.” She fumbled with the skirt of her dress. “And it’s too long for me to walk anyway, so I’m surely going to trip on it. I’m going to faceplant on the floor, and every magazine will have a picture of it to remember it.”
“No, you won’t. I will be holding your arm the entire time, remember? Just like I held you when you were learning to walk.” Jeremy spoke up, stealing Andrea’s attention.
“Dad?” She looked up, seeking his support. The same look she had in her eyes like when she was just a child, and still needed him. Jeremy felt his heart swell with joy.
“Remember, Mari?” He spoke to his wife, as he took his daughter’s hand. “This one could talk even before she could walk. And she was so scared of falling.”
“You would only stand and walk if we held your hand.” Mariana continued to talk. “Your father would hold your hand, keeping you straight, while you took your first steps. It took a while to convince you that you were safe, but eventually you walked on your own.”
Andrea smiled, and Jeremy could almost see her, so little, blonde curls jumping up and down as she tried to steady herself.
“You know, as you and Josh grew up, I always thought you’d be the one that needed protection the most. Especially after a few years. Josh was a lively kid, full of spunk and surrounded by friends, while you spent your days pressing the keys of that piano, by yourself. You seemed so fragile and lonely to me, and oftentimes I wondered if you had a hard time making friends, since Josh was the only one you'd play with. But then you had your first recital.”
“I remember that day. I was so nervous.” Andrea recalled, seemingly more relaxed. Mariana left the room with the bridesmaids, probably wanting to give them a moment.
“I remember you walking to that stage, so small, and playing masterfully, getting a look of awe from everyone. That’s when it hit me. What I was seeing wasn’t a small girl isolating herself, but instead someone who, at a very tender age, was already working tirelessly to achieve a goal. You weren’t hiding from the world. You were preparing yourself to face it.”
“Dad…” His daughter was misty-eyed, smiling at him.
“For some years, my heart relaxed.” Jeremy continued. “I consistently saw you work towards your goals, and in the meantime you made friends, a tight circle. No one could ever make you give up what you wanted. Until that scumbag.” He paused, relaxing his fists, that he had unwillingly clenched while he spoke. “There is no greater pain than to helplessly watch your child fade away, lose her spark. But once again, you proved me wrong. You got to your feet, you overcame your trauma and healed from the abuse. You got your doctorate, an outstanding career, a good man to start a life with. You are one of the strongest people I’ve ever known, stronger than me. I have no words to describe how proud I am to be your father.”
“I’m not stronger than you.” Andrea blinked a few happy tears away. “I am strong because of you. Because you always saw worth in everything I did. Because you always believed in me.”
“Hurry up, guys.” Mariana peeked into the room from the door. “The groom is ready. It’s time.”
“Well, I believe some photographers won’t stop you now.” He stood up, taking Andrea’s hand. “Let’s go. There’s a nervous young man anxiously waiting for you.”
“Victor is nervous?” She smiled at him, raising her eyebrows in surprise.
“Oh yes. I had to get him slightly drunk.” Jeremy chuckled at the scolding look in his daughter’s expression. “Don’t worry, he’s sober enough.”
He left the mansion proudly, Andy by his side, holding his arm tight. There were sounds of flashes, of pictures being taken, but she kept her eyes on him, confidently, like she did so many years ago. They climbed into the carriage that would take them to the wedding venue, and she looked serene, sure of herself, happy. The same expression she had when facing so many trials in her life. She was ready.
As he walked down the aisle with his precious daughter, Jeremy’s chest felt warmer with a sudden realization: he wasn’t giving away his daughter, because she wasn’t his to give in the first place. She had always belonged to herself, following her own path, focusing on her own dreams, making her own choices. Jeremy was simply privileged to hold her hand as she bravely took her first steps towards a brilliant future.
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jojofurkmelifu · 5 years
Steven and the Diamonds
White Diamond: Yes I will look at the memory data on this Pearl *looks at it* Steven:So anything? White Diamond:Quite the adventure you have been on Pink Diamond, no Rose Quartz Steven:Rose Quartz? White Diamond:Oh sorry I meant STEVEN UNVIERSE *Steven shits his pants* Steven:Um I can explain White Diamond:No need you thing I understand exactly what you are, but the fact something of your existence has set foot in my presence really bothers me Steven:I guess I'll just be going now heh heh White Diamond:No stay Blue Diamond:Huh shes not Pink? Yellow Diamond:Where is PInk? Tell us Rose! White Diamond:Thats not Rose you idiots, Rose is just one of Pink's many alter egos she tricked us for thousands of years Blue Diamond:So she never died? Yellow Diamond:What? What? Then what is that thing down there? White Diamond:Some sort of combination of gem and organic from Earth identified as the sound "Steven Universe" Blue Diamond:So thats what you meant by Steven you little! Steven:Diamonds please I can explain White Diamond:Calm down you two dont make noise in my court *Blue and Yellow shit their pants* White Diamond:Pink my dear Pink perhaps its time I give you a reality check Steven:Huh White Diamond:Millions of years ago I decided to create three constructs to follow my grand creation the gem empire that would one day conquer the entire universe in time. I didnt have to create you three I could have ruled it by myself, GEMS ARE MY CREATIONS NOT YOURS I JUST LOAN THEM TO YOU REMEMBER THAT. It also means you are also mine you do what I say, i gave you life and I can take it away anytime I wish. So the least you ungrateful children can do is MAKE ME HAPPY! Blue and Yellow are wonderful daughters but you you you you ohhhhhh. Im so disgusted I cant even think straight *breathes in* Pink I gave you a colony 900,000 years ago and you messed up big time so I decided to held off giving you one until after you matured. I thought you matured but I was wrong
White Diamond:It seems as though you are unfit for running a colony or commanding gems meaning you have no purpose as a diamond. It means I was wrong I HATE BEING WRONG I HATE IT! Me a perfect being wrong its unfathomable! Three perfect creations that all I asked for! ALL I ASKED FOR! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The failure of gems dont matter to me but you are my personal creations you must never fail you have to be perfect like me why arent you like me! *she breaks down into tears* Blue:Pink you made White cry Yellow:Steven I know Pink is there I can sense her in you, what do you have to say for yourself Steven:Look I dont know whats really going on here Im just a human from Earth, and Pink Diamond is my mom Im just doing this because I dont want the Earth to be seen as an enemy to the Diamond Authority so could you please leave Earth alone? White Diamond:Leave it alone! That planet is now a reminder of my imperfection it must be eviscerated. Blue:I agree Yellow:Absolutely Steven:Oh no :( White Diamond:So Steven Universe return to your rock and enjoy your last days with your species until their extinction at our hands, and blame no one but your stupid "mother" Pink Diamond for your suffering. Steven:Wait please dont do this, kill me instead leave the people of Earth alone! Blue:Never Yellow:We never let any species that disrespects us live at all its just protocol Steven Universe White Diamond:As for you Pink I can believe Im doing this, you are clearly banned from the Diamond Authority forever. You will be seen as a nongem to all gems form this moment, you will have no diamond privileges, you will not be allowed on any gem controlled territory either. Your court will be split and shared among your sisters, and your planet will be given to either Blue or Yellow but it seems they want to destroy it so Ill just give the entire star system to one of them no need to waste all of that matter.
*Steven breaks down in tears* Steven:Please Ill do anything to make you not destroy Earth Blue:What part of Never can you not understant SteVON Universe? Yellow:Hmphf we are done here now get of this planet White Diamond:Remember you thing this is all Pink Diamond's fault, gather up this worthless Pearl, those "crystal gems" and your pet leave this planet. Never come back or you will be sorry Pink Ill do something far worse than killing you stupid girl. *Blue begins crying* Blue:You went too far this time! It breaks my heart that I cant even consider my sister one of my own anymore but I'll still love you no matter what Pink we just wont see each other anymore forever Yellow:Stupid runt this is goodbye it was fun I guess little sister *Yellow Diamond shows slight signs of sniffling* White Diamond:If you are gonna make that noise do it outside my court! *Blue and Yellow leave* *Steven gets the gang and they take a ship back to earth, the ship self destructs after it leaves them on Earth to ensure they can never get back to Homeworld* *Steven falls to the ground in utter defeat unable to even talk* *Connie begins freaking out about the upcoming gem invasion* *The crystal gems begin crying as well*
*weeks past and Steven is suffering from intense despair and depression over the ordeal* *Greg is sad as well his Stewball is a sad sack* *Back at the temple* Garnet:So its war then a second gem war but we have no forces we need some sort of rebel army Bismuth:We only survived because it was staged by Rose I mean Pink Diamond in real war we cant beat the Diamonds Garnet:So what do we do? Bismuth:Look I know Rose sorry Pink Diamond loved this planet but if it means Im going to be killed for it then Im out Lapis:I agree its just one planet out of many that has water on it Peridot:A logical assertion but Steven really likes this planet so I cant give up on it because hes my friend Lapis:Steven will be really happy with me and him just alone somewhere out there in the cosmos just us two hehehehehe *Bismuth gives a wtf expression* Garnet:Steven cant be reasoned with right now hes pretty down so all we can do is try to make him happish by giving him hope he can stand on Bismuth:Yellow can instantly end us this is not a fight at all its a massacre its like a star fighting an asteroid there just is no chance at victory. Peridot:Maybe the cluster can help? Garnet:Huh? Peridot:Its friends with Steven but the cluster should be able to match the diamonds in power Garnet:Its a gem fusion meaning one hit from Yellow and its over Bismuth:In my fight with the diamonds they are pretty indestructable nothing we used even scratched them and that White Diamond is said to be even more powerful than those two combined and shes coming here too Garnet:Right White Diamond how do we stop her? Lapis:Lets just run away and take Steven with us! Hes gonna outlive all the creatures on this planet anyway but we can live forever with him. Bismuth:I made an oath to Steven Lazuli I cant just betray him Im not his mother Pearl:Uhhh well are there any bright ideas?
Peridot:The only way to beat a diamond is to use a diamond, a diamond has more power than all gem armies put together non fusion wise I mean if we had one we could destroy every army Homeworld throws at us Bismuth:We do? Garnet:Steven isnt Pink Diamond Pearl:Actually the gem on Steven's belly is Pink Diamond so we could bring her back if Steven were dead? But I would never do something like that even if the planet Pink wasted her life on was threatened. Bismuth:Right.... Garnet: If only there was a way to summon Pink without killing Steven, Steven even if he could use Pink's power doesnt have the mindset to really fight the Diamonds we need her Pearl:Well Im not supposed to tell you this but you could talk to her you know *every gem looks at her dumbfounded* Garnet:Pearl why? Why?! Bismuth:You have got to be kidding me I think Im gonna drown my face in some magma again this time for 400 years Peridot:What a revelation! hahaha Lapis:What? Pearl:Im sorry I couldnt really tell you Garnet:Talk to Pink Diamond I dont know Ruby and Sapphire wont like that Bismuth:Its the only way Pearl:Very Well then Ill show you.
*They are in some sort of dimensional space for minds or something* *They see Steven playing in field* Garnet:Steven why are you so cheerful? "Steven":Im always cheerful Garnet I love being human and happy ahahahaha Garnet:Rose Steven:Oh no you found out *Steven morphs into Pink Diamond* PD:So you found out huh? What did you think was it funny? Garnet:Funny? Do you have any idea how many gems died because of you? PD:Oh man you should have seen Blue crying it was hilarious Garnet:Pink why did you start the rebellion? You told me as Rose it was the protect the Earth was that true? PD:This again Garnet I already told you no more questions, but if you wanna know yes I did start the rebellion because all attempts at the Earth being ran my style failed Garnet:Was it worth it? PD:Earth is still here right so yes Ameythst:Uh hey Rose I mean Pink Diamond you are my diamond right so like Im supposed to follow you. PD:No I dont care what you do I dont really care if gems grovel to me Ameythst:Wow you are so much cooler than those duds back on Homeworld PD:My Ameythsts understand me so well Bismuth:You told me that the diamonds are the enemy and that our reward for winning the rebellion was freedom, and yet you bubbled me PD:Bismuth how are you doing, it been thousands of years still making weapons I see Bismuth:Dont change the subject PD:Sigh you have freedom no diamond is telling you what to do right? Theres your freedom embrace it Pearl:My diamond because of your actions planet Earth is at risk PD:What but the faking of my death? Pearl:Unfortunately thanks to your son the diamonds found out about it PD:Oh Steven Pearl:So I ask you what we your orders for the upcoming invasion? PD:I dunno why are you asking me I dont anything about tactics, Rose Quartz was really me thinking up stuff on the fly Im not military person you see Bismuth:Um..... Pearl:My diamond I understand you can be quite whimsical but this is serious
PD:Well nobody told him to talk to my sisters did they? Pearl:My diamond hes only a child he felt guilty over the things you did and he felt it was the best way to save Earth PD:A child ignores what mom and dad keeps hidden from them, I guess Steven's just a bad kid reminds me of myself sometimes Im so proud of him Garnet:Ahem, your sisters are gonna invade this planet what are you plans? PD:I just told you I got no plans Pearl:What if Earth is destroyed? PD:Oh well at least do me a favor stuff my sweet Greg into a pocket space so I can play with him for the rest of time will you Pearl Pearl:You remember the human PD:Oh Greg I miss you so much how I loved your organic tentacles inside of my body! Pearl:Too much information my diamond
(courtesy of /sug/ we need this as you do)
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thornbolts · 5 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! ❤❤❤
This was hard. But I think I’ve got my five. This… might be a long post. You’ve been warned!
1.) Fighting Games!
I come from a fighting game background. Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, even a little bit of Smash! I can attest that it’s an otherworldly, lifting, and absolutely powerful feeling to get caught up in the room HYPE even in local tournies. Even if I don’t compete nowadays, I still enjoy getting caught up in the energy that comes with spectating! The most recent one I had the pleasure of viewing was MK11′s Summit of Time going from the 10th-12th. Fighting games and the fighting game community will always hold a special place in my heart. Both fighting games and the FGC taught me to adapt, evolve, and roll with the punches. It’s likely the root of my bullheadedness and absolutely relentless drive when I put my mind to something. It taught me to not be afraid of putting myself in a public space. Everyone’s scared. Everyone’s hands are shaking, but you keep your heart strong.
Have a watch! Seriously. You won’t regret it.
2.) Heavy Metal!
Heavy Metal has always been there for me even from as early as twelve years old. I’d often shut myself out of the things going on outside of my room with my headphones or even lose myself in the music to forget the bad day I had at school. My taste in music was often belittled as being evil or unhealthy. I vividly remember on my senior trip my teacher ripping out my earbuds as I listened to Hammerfall’s Way of the Warrior and being threatened I’d be reported to the principal if I didn’t stop. That event only strengthened my love for my music. Heavy Metal always makes me happy regardless. It’s something to lose myself to. It’s always here for me. It’s something to celebrate. It lifts me up. It makes me yell, sing, air guitar, and head bang my troubles away for a time. To me, Heavy Metal is a constant reminder to just be yourself and screw what anyone else thinks. You don’t do it for them. You do it for you. So what if you lose friends because of what you are and what you like? Hell, screw ‘em.
3.) The Fence Macabre!
@fence-macabre started out as a small, whimsical idea of mine. I had originally wanted the name to be a pun off of danse macabre after deciding that I wanted to main a Forsaken character. I wanted to fill a niche on the server that had never been done before, and weird west undead cowboys was just that. Then uh… The guild blew up in the best way it could. Every day feels surreal. I have a group of folks that like my idea and want to be involved in it? Hell yeah. Even if we’re small, even if we’re new, this guild is my baby, and I feel blessed to have so many amazing folks in it and wanting to interact with us!
4.) My RP Partners!
Each and everyone of the folks that interact with Remy, Greg, and Cesta never fail to make my day just a bit better. I’ll admit that I wasn’t sure how well received she’d be given her being Forsaken and her weird west aesthetic, but I was still prepared to go through with her despite it. And oh boy, was I wrong. She’s had an extremely warm reception so much so that I feel so damn blessed to have each and every one of my followers and RP partners. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all!
5.) Helping folk and being supportive!
This is a very broad point, but this is what I genuinely think should be the last and most significant point of this list. We’re all going to die at one point. And there’s already a lot of suffering in the world. We, as a community, shouldn’t add to the hurt. RPing should be a safe space–a place to shoot the shit whatever kind of RP you’re into.
I went into medicine to help people and care for them directly with my own two hands. And this desire to help and care for people isn’t only limited to a hospital or clinic. It brings me a goddamn indescribable joy whenever I can be there for a friend or when someone leans on me for something.
Take a moment to let someone know you’re there for them should they ever need it, that you care for them. Because even if they don’t need a shoulder in that moment, just knowing that you’re there is indescribable.
I got maybe a little too sappy with this list, and I hope y’all don’t mind!
Thank you for this, anon!
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 2x14: Rewatch Blog
Hey everybody! Here I am, once again, with a liveblog post for a Once Upon a Time episode! This one’s called “Manhattan” - which strangely enough, I had to look up to make sure of, because I could’ve sworn that 2x15 was the one called “Manhattan”, but when pressed to remember what 2x14′s name was... I could only come up “Also Manhattan...?” which seemed wrong.
Anyway! Let’s settle in and watch Manhattan Part 1...
Hmmm.  Okay, so Rumple’s all “I wanna fight!” and Milah’s like “Oh, no, the war” and this just seems weird to me, all of it. I’m making that Fry face at my screen right now. Not sure if full of shit or full of shit...
Emma asking, “Is this the right place?” AND HE SAID YES. Like, how does he know?! That globe was a hell of a lot more useful here than it was in Neverland. Or did they just toss the globe overboard when they went through the portal? “Welp, we don’t need this plot device anymore.”
Hahaha, Emma. “Well, who doesn’t love a surprise?” Should I start the list, or is someone else gonna do it? Rumple’s face is hilarious. He looks like he’s thinking, “Me, actually. I don’t like a surprise...”
That’s a really boring title card, Once. Really boring.
“Back? From where?” OH MY BABY. Incidentally, I forget he’s in this scene every single time I see this scene, and then I hear his voice and I’m like “OH, MY BABY” like, you know, what literally just happened 2 sentences ago.
Aww... You vengeance-hopped-up bondage bunny, listen to your Dommes and be a good boy <3
I always did like that plot twist. One of the better ones, I thought.
“I am the only one allowed to be angry here!” Yeah, you tell him, Emma.
This face is great:
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Kinda sums up the entire scene, doesn’t it?
I love the subtle AND COMPLETELY OBVIOUS change in Gold and Henry’s interactions now that the audience is thinking, “Oh, wait... If his dad is... and his son is... OH MY GOD.” A gentle approach as always, show.
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“...because Pinocchio told you to?!?!” One of the best lines ever XD
Oh, come on, Neal. Man up for once and just talk to your father. Geez.
Like, I know he’s pissed that his dad didn’t follow him into the portal, but all of this hiding and nonsense? Acting like he’s terrified of the man? Like, did I miss the part where Rumple EVER presented an actual threat to Baelfire? Because I don’t remember that. Honestly, if I’m forgetting something from S1 where Rumple threatened or harmed his son, someone please remind me. Shitty dad? Sure. Dropped the ball? Definitely. Worth running and hiding from for fucking centuries? You’re a goddamn pansy, Neal.
“Rumplestiltskin...” Oh, that’s not a creepy voice at all.
Oh, that’s not a creepy girl at all.
Oh, that wasn’t a creepy scene at all.
Can I go home now?
“The truth about your parents - Emma, you of all people should know how important that is.” Umm... yeah. That’s a really good point.
“Are you sure this is about protecting Henry... and not yourself?” Aw, Snow... Such good advice in this phone call. Also, nice sweater. Very soft.
Ahhh... And good acting by Jen in here, too.
Oh, look. It’s the mild-mannered mayor here to visit the amnesia-stricken woman in the hospital. There’s no way this could go badly!
Umm... Regina, I love you and I love your magical ways, but you could’ve just, like, rifled through her purse. “Magic always comes with a price” but apparently not if you just want to wave some objects through the air instead of, like, reaching in and moving shit around like a normal person. That shit’s free.
Like, there is just no reason for this. It’s pointless. It’s weird.
Library scene. One of my favorites :D Well, not this one. The next one.
Hahaha, this “touching” mother daughter moment is so weird and dysfunctional and borderline creepy. I love it.
Seriously, Hook, you’re so fucking impatient. Just cool your heels, bro.
Hey, Gold, here’s an idea. Maybe when you’re hiding your dagger somewhere, and your arch nemesis is a pirate, maybe don’t leave a pirate map to where it’s hidden for that pirate to find and follow. I mean, you might as well have left it in a toolbox in the garden she- Nevermind. Let’s not talk about this.
Emma: Don’t do this. There are things called laws. Henry: I’ll be lookout. :D
“I don’t think he’s listening.” Henry is brilliant in this episode.
YEAH, THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT, NEAL. You finally manned up. Must've found some balls in the alley and tried ‘em on for size.
Aw, geez. I’m just... Wow. I really shouldn’t say anything about this whole scene, but... Yeah. Wow. I honestly can’t like Milah after some of the stuff she says in this scene. Sorry, guys. Like, she is literally telling her husband and the father of her child that the kid would’ve been better off if he was dead - and not just once, but, like... It’s like she’s engaging in a single-person competition to see who can find as many different ways as possible to say the same terrible thing over and over again, and it somehow manages to sound worse every time.
I really do like everything about this scene with Emma and Neal and Gold and Henry and everyone trying to figure things out and/or hide things and/or... Oops, now it’s all out in the open and we’re all a big happy family fucked.
Ugh. Now it’s Greg. I really, really don’t care about Greg. At all.
Regina, goddammit, I told you to just rifle through that purse like a normal person. SEE what happens when you don’t listen to me?!
Actually, I totally forgot about this moment entirely, and now I’m laughing... Leave it to the show to put a “Why the fuck would you do this in this way?” moment into the show... that turns into a convoluted plot twist.
Son, I am disappoint totally not surprised, actually.
That map really DOES look like a child’s scribbles, though.
HOOK, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING TO DO WITH THAT... keyring? scissors? dohickey? I don’t know. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, it’s time for one of my favorite things ever!!!!
They’re both just so... so casual... and so flippant... and so... oh gosh, hahaha. He’s all upset and angry and foaming at the mouth, and Cora’s just like ~fling~! and LOOK AT THAT FUCKER FLY The violence is so ultra super casual and amazing, hahaha. And then they just walk off like Mean Girls: Storybrooke Edition and I fucking love them and I’d better rewind and watch it again. Hold on a second, guys.
The books falling over like dominoes, haha, they always make me laugh. Better rewind again. I love this shit so much.
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Old-fashioned compass, I guess? Some kind of... dohickey? I’m gonna go with dohickey, guys. I mean, it looks like a dohickey to me. Still, like, dafuq you think you’re going to do with that dohickey against two ladies with magic, boo? You adorable fucking idiot. IT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A SHARP EDGE.
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See, there. Bae had no fucking reason to be running and hiding from Rumple for fucking centuries. He just handled him just fine right there. 
“Or what you did to me.” Valid point, Emma. Well made and- ARE YOU FUCKING LAUGHING, YOU LITTLE SHIT?!? Where’d that fucking dohickey go?! YOU ARE SO GETTING RUBBED, YOUNG MAN.
Well, what do you know? The seer who said the future was hard to discern clearly has now given you her powers... AND YOU’VE LEARNED THAT THE FUTURE IS HARD TO DISCERN CLEARLY. Shocked. I am shocked.
PLOT TWIST. The boy will be his undoing!!! Except... umm... I mean... he kinda never was, though? So, I mean, I don’t... uh...
Aw, fuck it. Let’s rewind and watch the super casual violence again.
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stellarbisexual · 6 years
A Memory of Love (2/?)
Summary: Richie and Eddie, who haven’t seen each other since they were kids, get cast as the lead couple in an indie film.
Canon-divergent, Reddie are in their 30s.
Previously: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: TABLE READ
When Richie arrives at Greg’s house a few short weeks later, his co-star is already sitting by the pool, just a tuft of fluffy, chestnut hair peeking out over the back of a lounge chair, one bare foot skimming the surface of the water in a hypnotic left-to-right motion.  
“Ah, there’s the love of my life!”  Richie’s booming voice disrupts the quiet, prompting Eddie to peer around the side of the chair, his mouth agape, squinting in the bright sun.
Richie’s heart lurches violently in his chest, nearly taking his breath away, to the point where he makes a mental note to pick up some Prevacid on the way home—but as Eddie unravels himself to approach, one nervous hand righting his hair and the other clutching a curled up copy of an already heavily marked-up script, Richie exes out that note.
He and Eddie didn’t connect before today.  He’d thought about it, but something held him back, maybe a desire to have this moment.
Eddie’s eyes flicker amber in the sunlight as he takes Richie in with a sweet smile.  “Hi, Richie.”
“Long time no see, Eddie Spaghetti.”  The nickname is out of his mouth before he even knows what the hell it is (like most everything else Richie ever says—and he wishes he could blame the improv background), and Eddie giggles, a high, musical thing that inspires Richie to pull him in for a tight hug.  Eddie’s still pretty tiny, his hair tickling Richie’s clavicle.
“You two know each other?”  Greg looks both perplexed and pleased.
Richie tries conjuring an image, anything, from when they were kids, but there’s that black hole again.  He holds Eddie at arm’s length, watching an elaborate cycle of emotions flit across his expressive face, feeling helpless without a key to decipher them.  “We’re both products of Shittown, USA, AKA Derry, Maine.”
“Where dreams go to die,” Eddie says without missing a beat, squinting up at Richie.
Richie begins the table read a little nervous and a little on his guard; despite having taken proper acting classes and doing theatre in college, this is still totally new to him, and he fully expects Eddie to make him feel out of his league, not just because Richie’s a lowly fucking comedian but because he’s never had a serious relationship with a man in his life.  He doesn’t expect Eddie to be a dick about it, but he expects him to want to take control and subtly steer him right if he goes off course, maybe even get frustrated with him from time to time.
But there’s no sign of that, at least not today.  Eddie is open and kind, complimentary, even, reassuring Richie You’re so perfect for this role when he makes his first of many self-deprecating remarks before they actually start to read.  Plus, it’s clear three pages into the script that they’re both still just seeing how the words taste in their mouths, taking the pressure off considerably.  
It never occurs to Richie that Eddie might be nervous as hell, too, but he admits just that as they drive away from Greg’s house, the sky beginning to go orange and pink.  Richie’s offered to take him back to his hotel, as Eddie’s only in town for a few days and isn’t getting a rental.
Eddie pushes a big breath out of his mouth.  “I was so fucking nervous about today.”
“You were nervous?”  Richie’s eyebrows shoot up.  “I actually puked this morning.”
“No you didn’t!”  Eddie smacks his shoulder playfully.  
“Scout’s honor,” Richie says, flashing two fingers, his smile threatening to break his face.  “Strap yourself in; the daily embarrassments of Richie Tozier have only just begun.”
Eddie stares at his profile, face naked in a way that nearly tears Richie’s eyes away from the six lanes of freeway traffic.  “I’m really excited we’re working together.” His voice is soft.
For all that Greg has expressed the director’s concern about creating enough intimacy between her two lead actors, it sure feels fucking intimate in Richie’s car right about now.
Richie resists the urge to make a joke, taking a deep breath.  “Me too.” He licks his lips, swallows. “Hey: you wanna get a drink?  I’m not ready to go home yet. Still feel buzzy, like the night after a show.”
Eddie smiles, relaxing into the passenger seat, his body still slightly angled toward Richie’s.  “Sure.”
Once they’re settled in at the bar, Richie takes the opportunity to look at Eddie the way he couldn’t in the car, deciding he hadn’t given his face enough credit.  Eddie’s pretty fucking gorgeous, truth be told, all big, sparkling hazel eyes and dark, elegant eyebrows. He watches Eddie’s mouth purse as he examines the drink menu, wet and pouty, and wonders hopefully if they’ll end up hooking up during filming.  
Richie has to mentally smack himself for even thinking it.   You’re here to work, you fucking idiot, so get serious for once in your life.
“I hope this is okay,” he says, gesturing vaguely at their surroundings.  He chose one of his go-to dive bars in Culver City (seems like an oxymoron with how expensive the area’s gotten) since he wanted to be able to hide.  “I know you don’t spend that much time here, so I wasn’t sure if you wanted to go to one of those chichi twenty-dollar cocktail places on Sunset just for the experience.”
“No, thanks, this is way more my speed.”
Richie orders himself a pickleback, which inspires a full-body shiver of disgust from Eddie, and Eddie orders a gimlet.  
“So,” Richie says, after shooting the whiskey, then shoots the pickle juice.  “Teach me all about method acting.”
Eddie giggles that sweet, melodic giggle again, then surprises Richie with his retort: “I thought you were going to teach me how to get on TFS.  That’s the only reason I agreed to even do this movie.”
“I still couldn’t tell you how I got on that show, so you’re out of luck there, my friend.”  Richie starts playing with the empty shot glasses, flipping them over and sliding them around on the bartop like a street performer doing a trick.  “Seriously, though. I want to know more about how you work and what you need from me, how I can help you do whatever you need to do.”
“I mean, I want this to work for the both of us, first and foremost.  And I’m not Daniel Day-Lewis; I don’t need the full enchilada. I’m not going to make you or the entire crew call me Thomas between takes or anything,” Eddie says, referring to his character in the film.  “Did Greg tell you I was this big method actor? I’m really not that crazy with it; I just take bits and pieces, whatever works for me—and I like being experimental. But I’ve worked with a lot of actors who don’t subscribe to it at all, and it’s fine.”  Eddie’s nose crinkles as he smiles at Richie’s expression. “You look disappointed. Were you hoping to try it? Because if you’re open to some of it…”
“I’m definitely open,” Richie says decisively.  “I just want to do well.” Eddie seems to perk up considerably at that, which gives Richie an odd feeling of pride.  “Let’s not talk about work anymore. How long have you been in New York?”
Eddie’s response is quick and sounds rehearsed.  “Since I was eighteen. Left my mom’s house and never looked back.”
“Shit.  Your mom.  Big lady?” Richie opens his arms wide, eyes narrowed, trying to recall her face and failing.  Eddie nods quietly. “I met her at least once, right?”
“A few times.”
Richie watches him sip generously on his gimlet.  “How much do you remember from when we were kids?  I’m getting the impression it’s way more than I do.”
Eddie studiously stares at his half-empty drink.  “Not much more than you, probably. You did tease me relentlessly; I do remember that.”
“Ugh,” Richie grimaces.  “I was such a pain in the ass then.”
“No, you meant well, I think.”  Eddie shakes his head, lifting his eyes at him in a way that threatens to give him heartburn again.  “It was cute.”
Richie inhales sharply, clearing his throat.  “You haven’t been back to Derry at all?”
“...Well.  For my mom’s funeral, back in 2010.”
“I’m so sorry.  You should’ve—.”
Eddie shrugs.  “It never changes.  Derry. It’s kind of freaky that way.  New York is changing all the time. People coming and going.”  Eddie stirs the tiny straw around his drink, though it’s down to almost just ice.  “I saw you once—in New York. You came to do stand-up.”
Richie lights up.  “What? When?”
“Uhhh.”  Eddie’s eyes drift up to the ceiling, trying in vain to read the date there.  “2008? 2009? You were at Gotham.”
Richie shudders.  “That sounds right.  The dark ages.”
“You were great,” Eddie says encouragingly, and either he’s a really good actor or he really means it.
“...Why didn’t you say hello?”
Eddie cuts his eyes at him, teasing, “Would you have remembered me, asshole?”
Richie cackles.  “Bev and I reconnected, you know, a few years back.  We hang out all the time.”
“Beverly Marsh?  Wow.”
“Yeah.  She’s in fashion and she does production design sometimes—when they pay her enough.”
“That’s really cool.”  
Eddie looks terribly fond.  Richie understands; Bev’s got a way about her.
“She remembers even less about Derry than I do.  Or so she says. But she remembers you. Was very eager to pore over your IMDb page when I told her the news.”
“My whopping five or six credits.”
“Five or six dramatic credits, at least.  My page is just TFS, a stoner movie, and a bunch of Funny or Die videos.”
“Okay, we’ve already established that we’re both feeling really insecure about this.  So here’s to being on even footing, at least.” He raises his empty glass to Richie, and Richie lifts one of his empty shot glasses from the table, not bothering to flip it upright before clinking it against Eddie’s.  Eddie motions to the bartender, then quietly asks Richie, “Do you want another?”
Richie opts for something lighter, a beer, since he’s driving, though he anticipates they’ll be here long enough that they’ll both come right back around to sober by the time they finally leave.  The conversation just has that feeling about it. He and Eddie just have that feeling about them, between them. It’s thrilling and a little scary.
Once they’re all set for drinks again, Richie leans on one of his fists.  “I’m not sure I ever had you pegged to become an actor.”
“I didn’t either; it just sort of happened.  My therapist pushed me into drama therapy when I was in college, and it was more effective than any session we’d ever had.”  Eddie rolls his shoulders, clearly trying to relax them. “I had a lot of anger to work through. Still do,” he smiles ruefully.
“So you were being method before you even knew what it was.”
Eddie’s smile turns into a sweet, generous thing.  “Yeah, you can say that. It was the best place for me to start because it wasn’t about being good; it was just about being honest.”
Richie can’t remember a time, even as a kid, when he wasn’t dead set on being good, on being funny, on being liked.
“There wasn’t really a proper audience, so the audience didn’t matter—and it still doesn’t, for me.”
Richie makes a distressed sound.  “Can’t relate, my friend. If I’m not getting a laugh, I’d rather walk into oncoming traffic.”
Eddie looks at him.  “I’ve never been funny—not intentionally, anyway—so I can’t relate to that.”
“Do you wanna—?” Richie starts impulsively, stopping to take a drink when Eddie looks at him again, all endless eyes and open mouth.
Richie takes another drink, fortifying himself.  “I have a crazy idea. For Blue Valentine, Michelle Wiliams and Ryan Gosling lived in a house with each other for a whole month leading up to shooting, so they could be in each other’s space and learn about each other and develop a real relationship—so it would hopefully translate in their performances as this couple who’s been together for years.”  
“So I’ve heard.”  Another smile threatens the corners of Eddie’s mouth.
“...Do you have anything going on before we start rehearsals?”
“We don’t have to do a whole month—I’m probably a nightmare to live with—”
Eddie laughs, and Richie’s heart can’t help chasing the sound, wanting more.
“But maybe a couple of weeks?  There’s plenty of room at my house.”
“Okay, easy, TFS,” Eddie teases.
Richie’s even more thrilled at this bit of playful snark.  He actually doesn’t have a comeback, or maybe he’s just too hellbent on getting Eddie’s answer.
Finally, Eddie puts him out of his misery.  “I’m just kidding. That’s a great idea.”
And that’s how it starts.  
permatag list: @reddie-to-fight @hurleyhugo @raspberrywind @losver-kaspbrak @lilgeorgie @geckolover001 @its-stranger-than-you-think @gazebo-motherfucker @waypunsarelife @reddietofall @happytozier @librablossom @aesteddie @tapetayloe@spagheddi-kaspbrak @sadhelianthus @adhdtozier @justcallme-trashmouth @fuckboyrichie @thetheatregal @bandaids @20gayteeneds @richietoaster @burymestanding @reddiepop@notsugarandspice @peniswises
a memory of love list: @artofhely @trippy-alexissss @feelinsorad @where-ismy-miind @justanothetfangirl
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entergamingxp · 4 years
The Smash Bros. and Sky Williams Controversy, Explained
July 13, 2020 11:30 AM EST
After several accounts of misconduct, Sky Williams is the latest member of the Smash community outed for mistreatment and fraud.
Over the past week, we have seen numerous popular figureheads in the Smash Bros. community being accused of heinous crimes such as sexual harassment and pedophilia, with even more similar accusations coming about by the day. Earlier this week, however, a new allegation came to light and became the newest hot topic on social media.
Greg “Sky” Williams, a well-known and once-beloved Smash content creator, has been accused of terrible living experiences at the properties he managed, resulting in fraud. In addition, he has also been accused of owing several friends and members in the community a large abundance of money that was loaned to him due to reasons that ended up not being true.
The truth about Zero, Katie, and Skyhttps://t.co/lL9SluWR0X
— Jisu (@JisuArtist) July 5, 2020
Williams is known for housing prominent Smash players along with others at his “Sky Houses” in Southern California, which went on from 2014 to now. The accusations began after a former resident, Jacqueline “Jisu” Choe, wrote about her experiences inside the house she lived in and her interactions with Williams.
“Have you ever talked to someone where every single thing they say doesn’t seem to make sense, and yet they’re so adamant you might start to believe them,” Choe rhetorically asked. She added:
“To be honest, I don’t know why I didn’t come forward about this sooner; maybe it’s his large following, maybe it’s just because he physically towers over me, or threatened to ‘beat me’ several times at the house — I don’t know. Even as ‘jokes,’ I slowly grew to learn over the years that he is so full of shit and insane that I can’t trust him.”
Choe also went into more detail about how Williams would harass her to make commissions for him and that the one time she did, she wasn’t paid for her work. 
My experience as a roommate in the Sky house
Read: https://t.co/d0SK84WlH0
— Amphy
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(@AmphyPop) July 9, 2020
Another artist, known as “JollyOxen” on Twitter, was specifically hired by Williams to move to one of the houses to work on video editing for him. According to JollyOxen’s fiance “Amphy”, things started out well until they got on Williams’s bad side. Sky told the tenants that they had to find a new location due to being evicted from the house they were currently at, leading to approximately ten people sharing a hotel room together until Williams found a new place in Hacienda, which specifically was know as the “Sky Mansion.”
After being promised the maid quarters of the mansion, the couple was instead forced to live in the garage with two other roommates, which they were told was insulated (it wasn’t), which caused them to suffer through heatwaves with no air conditioning. Another roommate was later added to their room along with a different tenant residing in the house storing extra belongings in their room. There was even a house cat that would leave rat heads in the garage. Amphy also explains how they were called derogatory terms like “garbage rats” and “slaves,” not being paid for work, but given an allowance of $100 a week, as well as being forced to share a single bagel with other people after giving Williams money to get them something to eat during food runs.
some notes on how the sky williams house worked https://t.co/i2lpmi0L4c
— ffSade (@ffSade) July 6, 2020
Melissa “ffSade” Yabumoto, who lived there at the same time, detailed how the house was structured like a pyramid with Sky naturally on top. Depending on the relationship one had with a roommate would determine how much rent they would pay, which could always change. Sade explained, “If Sky or a ‘higher tier resident’ did not like you, then chances were that you had to pay an additional fee. Furthermore, romantic couples were given a fee in the form of a ‘couples tax’.” He would allegedly use animals as nicknames for roommates including “Monkey” and “Gorilla,” plus the usage of racial-related nicknames as well. Williams apparently had money issues, but whenever he had it, he would waste it either on luxury items or through gambling in Las Vegas.
An incident that was mentioned by many former roommates in the past week involved Sky threatening the entire house that he would break their valuables unless they gave him $350 after a guest visited without his knowledge. Other allegations given to Williams included poor treatment of women at the mansion and minors who were offered alcohol with his knowledge or at the very least, his complicity.
Sky owes me 55,000 dollars
Read: https://t.co/aDMcghZIxs
— Samuelson (@iamaSamuelson) July 8, 2020
Following the revelation of these experiences, a current tenant of the house named Samuelson went to Twitter and explained how Williams owed him $55,000. This incident caused numerous people to come forward and do the same, leading to an approximate sum of nearly $360,000. “Sky and I go way back to the Brawl days, I’ve known him since 2008,” said Samuelson. He explained further in his statement:
“I left the Smash scene and didn’t talk to him very much at all after my departure, but I still had fond memories of him going to Smash tournaments together and whatnot. We barely talked up until 2017 which is when he messaged me out of the blue saying he’s in serious debt to the IRS. He told me he would go to prison and his career would be over unless he received a significant amount of money. After several back and forth messages, I eventually agreed to lend him 55,000 dollars.”
Back in 2017, Sky posted a video on his YouTube channel explaining his massive debt to the IRS, which was the same year that he leased out the Sky Mansion.
Jesus Christ how much fucking debt does Sky Williams have at this point I’ve seen 4+ people say Sky owes them over 10k
— h (@on11Lum) July 8, 2020
Samuelson explained the deal they made where Williams would pay him back a thousand dollars a month for ninety days after giving out the loan. Instead of using the money towards his debt, Sky used it to lease the now “Sky Mansion.” Before learning the truth, Williams told Samuelson that he didn’t use the money as planned because his dad had cancer, which he could relate to with his own mother previously having the illness. Sam later found out that his dad never had cancer, with Sky’s excuse being that his own dad lied to him about it and used the money to get cosmetic surgery on his penis. In his statement, Samuelson also added that he backs everything that Yabumoto “ffSade” said regarding the social structure of the house and that Williams hasn’t paid him back any of the money that he owes him.
The Sky House. My Statement.
— ♡♪!? (@SkyWilliams) July 7, 2020
After the toppling of accusations, Sky decided to make a statement through a livestream on his Twitch channel. The stream ran for a little over two hours where Williams primarily focused on the allegations made by Choe and Yabumoto, which began with him taking ownership of everything that has taken place inside the house, whether he was ignorant about it or not. As the stream continued, Williams began to go off-topic, talking about other victims’ experiences without their consent and tried to shift himself as a victim, progressing him to eventually break down partway through. It wasn’t until Samuelson unplugged the router in their house where the stream ended.
The live stream statement was a massive mistake. I elected to not listen to any comments to not get distracted and I ended up hurting even more people than I already have with my actions for the past 7 years. I did it live because I felt it was the only non edited way to do this.
— ♡♪!? (@SkyWilliams) July 8, 2020
Following the stream, Williams made a lengthy Twitter thread apologizing for the stream and explained what his current actions will be moving forward, which involves working to clear all his debt and making a Google doc with all the facts. “…this isn’t a document about defending me, it’s about the raw truth – and making sure that everything I’m saying is just the facts of the matter takes a LOT of time, but I’m getting it done,” Williams explained. He finished his statement by saying “never in my life would I want to hurt this many people and I’m more sorry than words can express, so I just hope my actions of contrition to follow convey how much I want to truly make things right for all involved.”
As of now, Williams has yet to post the document he has said to be working on or any update regarding the clearance of his debt.
July 13, 2020 11:30 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/the-smash-bros-and-sky-williams-controversy-explained/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-smash-bros-and-sky-williams-controversy-explained
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thelaurynpetrie · 7 years
"The Aristocrats" by Lauryn Petrie
Tonight Greg R.S. Uzelac invited me to tell my very own version of the legendary joke "The Aristocrats" at Catland in Brooklyn. I highly recommend this show, it’s going to be a monthly called “The Aristocracy” where a different comic gives their take on the classic joke at the end of every show. ————————————— Here’s a transcript of what I said: First of all, I'd like to say that telling this joke is an honor. I'd like to thank my Mother for destroying my self-esteem, and my Father for throwing me into freezing lake's while holding onto rocks to teach me how to swim, and all the boyfriend's I ever had that raped or beat me. Seriously, it's okay to laugh. But mot of all, I'd like to thank Chris Cornell for his suicide as it has inspired me, to make his death abut me. And to be a better artist, all around. Thank you, Chris, for inspiring me to take The spotlight of you as long as they'll allow me to be on stage. Now, I give you my version of “The Aristocrats”: It was a usual morning at the Trump household in the 1980's. Ivanka Trump awoke early as usual to clean her father's urine soaked third bedroom. This is where she got her "working Moms" work ethic she would brag about so much as an adult. Every Tuesday night after family dinner she would dutifully engage in the family tradition of strip teasing for her father so he could get it up to fuck her aging mother. As time went on this all became routine and she learned how to disassociate. To toughen his sons up he would have them "practice" by taking turns on the family great Dane. One after another filling the dog with their spoiled rich boy Cum as Ivanka stripped and Donald looked on as he tried to Fuck Ivanna. This became as routine as wiping his ass and bankruptcy. Fast forward to Inauguration Day. We all saw it. The open secret of Melanie’s abuse. The country being taken over by sith lords. But what we didn’t see, was the night of the inauguration. As Tuesdays in the Trump family had always been a tradition of incest, sucking, and fucking since Madonna was on the airwaves, none of that changed. What did change was that now they had secret service, members of the trilateral commission, members of the Bohemian Club, and men in black to join in. And did they ever. Since Melanie had recently tweeted something passive aggressive abut her husband, he made his anorexic and least favored daughter Tiffany throw up in Melanie’s mouth repeatedly- like a baby bird until he reached climax, at which point he would unlock the suitcase with the nuclear codes. pick a button, and cum all over it, secretly hoping that the force may be enough to ignite one of the missiles. Due to great advances in science in this year of our lord 2017, Trump is now able to achieve climax multiple times a night due to over the counter-dick pills which his poor family endures repeatedly every Tuesday. You may be asking yourself, "Why Tuesdays?" Well, the truth is, I have no fucking idea. It’s just what they do on fucking Tuesdays. Just like any other addiction, the need for more excitement grows over the years. Just R Kell-ing a girl with piss isn’t enough anymore. Watching his wife eat his daughter's vomit isn’t enough anymore. Watching his sons fuck the taxidermied corpses of wild animals from Africa, isn’t enough anymore. Occasionally, he would order Kelly Anne Conway on her knees in the oval office where she is gladly passed around like a cum bucket all in the name of job security. As if this wasn’t enough, he often makes Sean Spicer eat the cum out of Conway’s ass. "SUCK HARDER" Trump screams. His dick in one hand, a remote control aimed at FOX News in the other. Still, Trump's sexual appetites grew. Do you know the grave of the unknown soldier? Can anyone actually prove that there’s a body buried under that eternal flame? Well, earlier this month, Trump asked that same question. The formaldehyde filled corpse was dragged into a secret room under the Lincoln bedroom where he and other ex-republican presidents took turns skull fucking the cadaver until they were interrupted by Dancing With The Stars. (Which for some reason they are all huge fans of.) As soon the program ended, they all immediately went back to filling the cold, rotting body full of their warm presidential seed. Laughing, the next day - they took away our health care and dreamt of how many other even more meaningless corpses they could fuck in the future together. In 2018, after a culmination of police brutality, the pharmaceutical companies raping America, and general civil unrest, a fall out "storm the bastille" style attack was launched on the white house As America collapsed into civil war, Trump, using all the brains in his head, nuked his own country to: And I quote: "Threaten all those peasants with swords." Then, like clockwork, Tuesday night rolled around. And in the trump family, a tradition is a tradition. It doesn’t matter if you have to do deals with the mob and bury bodies in the cement of your towers. It doesn’t matter who you have to lie about or what handicapped people you need to make fun of. When Tuesday comes around, it’s “Scat and Incest night” TRADITION. As part of the white house fell off burning into a smoldering pile of rubble, the Trump’s began their Tuesday night tradition. Tiffany assumed the position and promptly began vomiting into Melania’s cold Botoxed mouth. The boys began fucking taxidermied endangered animals, as Ivanka FINALLY sucked her father’a cock, knowing that this was probably the end. Being a working Mom her whole life, (even from jobs she could never be fired from) she knew how important it was to finish the job. Unfortunately, Trump’s dick pills had been destroyed in the fire. As helicopters landed behind them shooting innocent civilians, his dick grew harder. He then told his youngest son to stand in front of him. One hand on his throbbing member, the other on a commemorative pistol. (The one rumored to have been given to Nixon from Elvis.) Knowing that this was probably the the end of his legacy, and that he had lost. With the radiation seeping into his already deranged skull, he shot his autistic son right in the forehead. Somehow, the boy fell over but didn’t die. Amazed, Trump’s hard on went down. His son, bleeding profusely, pulled down his pants, revealing that he still wore diapers. Melanie took a moment from swallowing Tiffany's vomit to gasp at the faux pas. Barron, having what seemed to be a moment of clarity, began to pull his diaper off. He grabbed handful after handful of his own shit and began to massage it gingerly into Ivanka's hair as she tried to get her father hard again with a sad blowjob. As they fucked and sucked each other to exhaustion, Trump began shooting his family members one by one. Suddenly, out of the rubble, Stephen Colbert burst up, covered in blood and dirt. He looked on, with a tear rolling down his vomit soaked shirt, he realized that there was nothing he could do. COLBERT: “STOP! WHY ARE YOU KILLING THEM? I MEAN, YOU'RE ALL HORRIBLE BUT LOOK HOW MUCH CUM YOU TAKE FOR EACH OTHER. My god...you're worse than I ever imagined...YOU'RE THE ARISTOCRATS.!" Then Trump promptly shot him in the forehead. He then took another shot at Barron. This time the boy was definitely dead. Trump looked down, with what could almost be construed as a look of guilt. He then turned to his two grown sons and said: "You know what this means." "Yes, Father" they responded dutifully. They then began fucking Barron's head wound, as the city continued to burn. The end.
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Greg(g) and the Giant Peach
"Whelp, Gregg Allman died today."
This was not how I expected the silence to be breached. (I had to do a quick check of YouTube to confirm that Gregg spelled his name with two gs at the end. To those of you who grew up eating peaches or tied to the Whipping Post, I apologize.) It's not like "Ramblin' Man" was on the radio, or we were discussing icons of 70s rock music. My Uber driver and I had just reached one of those awkward lulls in conversation that so many people fear and so few can enjoy.
"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, both taken aback that Larry and his 4.8 stars had chosen to restart our conversation like this, and truly at a loss for words. The only thing I can think of that would have made Larry tell me that is that maybe I'd told him about my love of cooking, which sent his mind spiraling out of control until it crash-landed on a memory of the time he and his wife were in of Emeril Lagasse's restaurants in New Orleans and Gregg Allman happened to be there at the same time. Maybe Larry's wife (or Larry himself) had special memories of "Jessica," or "Melissa." (There's an original idea: Songs about girls.) Maybe these were not only songs the Allman Brothers sang, but also the names of Larry and his wife's daughters. I'll never know. I haven't had a chance to ride with Larry again. My snarky self wanted to say something terribly insensitive like, "Does this mean they finally caught the midnight rider?" For me, it's never "too soon" but I didn't think of it until after he'd already dropped me off, and I'd added a tip to the cost of my fare.
This missed opportunity left me wondering what it is about me that makes people like Larry seemingly want to tell me anything, or why finance representatives from Kroger want to approach me, a nondriver, about their credit card, with which I'd earn double fuel points...
I try not to be a dick most of the time, but I also don't have "Gullible Cherub" tattooed on my ass. Maybe it's in the way I present myself to the world. Maybe I smile too much, or it's because I have the genetic misfortune of being one of the few people 5'2'' Srinivas can look directly in the eye.
With all due respect Mr. Allman, I'll pass on your peach, and Srini, I'll pass on the credit card. Peaches have made me unreasonably uncomfortable for years, and my credit score has just risen by three points according to Credit Sesame. I don't want to mess with a good thing, and I've hated peaches (just peaches, not peach-flavored things) for so long, that I don't know how to function without the discomfort they cause me.
I can hear you saying, "How dare you to talk shit about the dead. Gregg was just doing what he loved. How many concerts have you given? How many albums have you released?" The answer would be zero and zero respectively. Before you label me as a hater, hear me out. In a strange way, Larry's random comment about Gregg Allman's passing brought me some hope. I began to think that maybe my irrationally strong disdain for peaches may be misplaced. I'm just entertaining the thought, I'm not ready to have a come-to-Jesus moment with peaches, and break down sobbing like someone who's just been saved as a consequence of a Mormon baptism, or just watched the end of "The Shawshank Redemption." I still need my pain, like Dr. House. But, if The Allman brothers can get away with creating an album called "Eat a Peach" where cover art is little more than a truck with a giant fucking peach in the back, and songs about girls like Melissa and Jessica when that's the last thing the world needs, maybe I can get away with writing this book. In the beginning, the odds have to be stacked against any song or book being written, or album making it out of the studio. If Gregg can do it, there's no reason I can't too.
My dad's name is also Greg, but with one g at the end. He was never a big fan of the Allman Brothers Band. Or, more accurately, if he was, he never admitted it to me. I don't have any memories of us bonding while cruising down the highway in his 1987 Cutlass that permanently smelled of cigars with "Ramblin' Man" blaring on the stereo. He preferred to butcher either "Witchy Woman" by The Eagles or "Barbara Ann" by The Beach Boys while behind the wheel. He never read Roald Dahl's "James and the Giant Peach" to me. And that's okay. He would just ask me how school was a dozen times a day without even looking up from the newspaper, and then pose the same question (or tell my mom to ask me) an hour later as if nothing ever happened.    
I do remember one of his, particularly odd attempts at father-son bonding.
When I was about eight years old. He came to my bedroom door at the crack of dawn on a Wednesday and whispered my name.
"Dave... Hey Dave... Are you awake?"
"What is it, dad? I have to get up for school soon."
"I thought I'd show you how to use the jumping boards on Super Mario Bros."
"What? Why? Er... Okay. I guess..."
I was surprised he'd taken an interest in me for any reason other than my report card. Even my eight-year-old self knew that was messed up. Still, I thought I'd better take advantage of the opportunity to spend time with my father over something asinine before I did something equally or even more mundane in the days to come, like forgetting to get ground beef out of the fridge so it would be thawed out in time for dinner. In most corners of the universe, this would be considered a minor annoyance, but in our house, it would be enough to cause Greg to pout (or do whatever it was that he did) for an extended period of time. If I did anything he didn't like, he would most likely retaliate by not speaking to me for days on end. Given my well-documented issues with timely flesh removal, eight-year-old me must've been like:
"Screw it. He feels sorry for me and my Mario struggle. The least I can do is humor him by pretending to pay attention for five minutes. He's seen me hopelessly bouncing straight up and down on those stupid jumping boards for weeks. I'm lucky he even lets me play Nintendo. He once threatened to ban me from playing almost as soon as we took the console out of the box since I threw away the receipt for it before we were even out of Toys 'R Us. (When I heard that Toys 'R Us would be closing all of its stores, the receipt incident came back to me.) I shouldn't deny him the chance to shoot his parenting shot. After all, he did play with my character on The Legend of Zelda last week. My guy's wearing white armor now instead of the beginner's green. He's trying, at least in Nintendo's 8-bit fantasy world. This means he can't be an irredeemably terrible person in real life, right?"
Disclaimer: My eight-year-old self was capable of deep thought, but I don't know if I could have spelled irredeemably correctly at that point in my life. That said. thirty-eight year old me thinks polysyllabic adjectives are sexy.
You're welcome.
I'm sure Gregg Allman brought joy to his fans, and no one should be disparaged for doing something he or she enjoys. The last time I saw the other Greg, his first words to me were, "Dave, I left my goddamn clothes at home." Not, "Hi son. How's it going," or "How 'bout a hug?" Nope. "Dave, I left my goddamn clothes at home." I haven't spoken to my father in almost six years you see. He lives in Indiana with his wife that he met online before it was cool. I don’t need all of the fingers on both my hands to count the number of times I’ve seen him in the past twenty years. To be honest, given both the spatial and temporal distance between us, if he actually tried to hug me or ask me about my life, I'd probably just run for the nearest set of headphones to avoid answering the question or feeling the awkward embrace. I'll take my goddamn clothes, thank you. Anything less would be obviously atypical and ineffective. I had no desire for a picket fence or games of catch in the front yard. I don't feel cheated because we didn't sing along together to Jessica or Melissa. Greg taught me a valuable lesson. Life's not fair. People don't always get what they deserve. They get what they get. Wait... Did I learn that from my dad, or a TV show? It's hard to say. Greg had a nearly thirty-year career in law enforcement and corrections, which meant he was constantly surrounded by people who had made horrible decisions, thus he had ample opportunities to pass real-world wisdom on to his sons instead of watching them soak up the Hollywood-crafted kind. Still, it's hard to take someone seriously who's biggest regret is never having been featured on COPS.
I know now that if you're going to be successful using the jumping boards in Super Mario Bros., you have to get a running start in order to clear the obstacle that demands their use, but I still don't know why strangers who drive me around when I request rides through ridesharing apps like Uber and Lyft seem to have an easier time opening up to me than the man whose roof I lived under for eighteen years. Maybe I'll never know. I think the difficulty knowing lies in the burden of expectation. Watching too many movies made me think, as a child, that my dad would one day come home and play catch with me, or at least encourage me to get involved in team sports. Watching too many Ohio State football games made my dad wish I'd grow up to be the Buckeyes' next great middle linebacker. Neither of us lived up to the expectations one supposedly had of the other, but I suppose the greater tragedy is not living up to the expectations you place upon yourself, or not having the courage to place expectations upon yourself at all. Sometimes, you just have to cut ties with people who don't want what's best for you, even if that person is a member of your family.
I don't hate my father, but he's a stranger to me, just like Gregg Allman, and the Uber driver who told me of his passing. All three men are parts of my past.  Do memories twist, and fade? Sure. I hope that when Greg dies, I don't have to hear about it from a stranger, but I'm prepared for the possibility, and I'm fine with that. A coworker once told me that holding a grudge is like letting someone live in your head rent free. If that's true, may the floodgates of revenue open soon. I don't hold grudges, I hold stories.
Thanks for the memories Gregg. Thanks for the memories, dad.
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