#and im sticking with them (I think. from what ive read/know so far)
dirtytransmasc · 9 months
In the book aemond is a psychopath, aegon a rapist, alicent a cunt. Haelena is the only normal child, in the show is the same. How can someone be team green? You said the are more 'complex' but no, they are just more problematic
the show is different then the books, by a fucking mile. the situation and circumstances for almost everything surrounding the greens is drastically different. when I talk about them, due to not having fully read the book (cause it's long and I can't get my ADHD to grab onto it like the show), I'm talking about the show. in the show they are significantly more fleshed out and complex, they earned far more of my pity than Rhaenyra and her kids did in the show, and I just liked them more.
in the books, they are bad people, but so is everyone else, especially Rhaenyra and Daemon. the sword has two edges. honestly, from what I managed to read/know about the book, everyone in that damn thing seems like they suck (outside of Helaena), but thats fine, that's great actually. a full morally grey to not so grey set of characters is interesting. they're all problematic, it's a game of pick your favorite sicko(s).
also the "Aegon's a rapist" horse has been beaten to dust. the only potential proof that he is one is from a very black favoring unreliable narrator who slanders the greens almost every chance he gets... so while I, and nobody, can say that it's 100% false, similarly, no one can say that it's 100% true either. (the vibe I picked up is that he may be a bit handsy without consent and a whore who frequents whorehouses as a customer, but not a rapist. doesn't make it right, but those two things are very different. I also think people tend to forget that the concept and age of consent in medieval times was VERY different. again, doesn't make it right. but there were things that were just... ok... then, that are far from ok now. all of this greatly effects aegons situation and the nuance around it).
Aemond was and still sorta (in the show) is a psycho. I won't deny that, but he has so many layers in the show, so many why's and hows to him and his growing instability, that IS fascinating and complex and I love to dig around in his characterization and psychology and I know I'm not the only one.
from the sounds of it, Alicent is like any other greedy noble ever, she's just a woman and a mother as well, so she's a bitch and she's protecting her kids which people don't like. Rhaenyra's also a bitch and she's protecting her kids. they all hate each other, they all want each other's heads on spikes. it's war between two sides of terrible people told through the lenses of unreliable narrators, no side is better than the other, "just pick your favorite asshole" seems to be the rule of thumb at that point cause who knows what the hell actually happened. (take this with a grain of salt, cause from where I stand, all I say is hearsay)
just let team green fans live their lives and remember that not everyone gives a shit about the book.
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4pfsukuna · 5 months
Prof. Nanami puts his two smartest students together for a research project and you just can’t help teasing him…until he teases back.
Black coded reader, cause black af.mdni.
Tapping my long red french tips on the library table i let out another long sigh irritated with my (not chosen by me) partner.
We had been sitting here in silence a dimly lit corner in the back of the library our only exchange was “hey” so what could he possibly be typing.
“So i was thinking we could do our project on—“ i begin to speak taking my hand out of my leather jacket pocket only to be cut off by the dark eyed assailant. 
“No. I’ve already decided” he mutters out not moving his attention from the screen. Resting my chair forward so im no longer leaning i scrunch my nose.
“Theres no way you decided because i didn’t agree” and from the slight view i have of his face i can tell hes rolling his eyes.
This was exactly why i didn’t want to work with him… or anyone. He was quiet, closed off, known as a loner and had these deep dark eyes that felt like he was stairing into the pits of your soul.
“Are you going to do all the work?” I ask with a raised brow before noticing not once has he even looked at me. Pushing even more forward to see what he was typing im unaware of our proximity until i notice the slight red blush covering his cheeks right under the mark on his nose.
Ive completely invaded his space my boobs nearly pouring out of the top of my black crop top and im pressed completely onto his arm.
“Am i making you uncomfortable” i tease and i couldn't help it when you grow up with step brothers like Sukuna and Yuji (our dad wanting to step out of his marriage and explore with an american woman actually explore his kink for black women which in all actuality he had a poor taste in women their mothers who decided it was time for her to live her dreams so she just up and left and mine who shipped me off as soon as she had the birds and bees talk which is all irrelevant since choso is storming out of the library laptop in tow and the last thing i need is to fail this final paper.
Grabbing my oversized purse and slinging it over my shoulder i chase after him and catch him in the hall.
“Wait wait wait” i huff out of breath because these heels were not made for running and he turns around facing me with a bored expression, you wouldn’t even think i offended him.
“Alright that was completely inappropriate and i shouldn’t have joked like that, but i also don’t want to fail or push all the work on you. I want to work on this project together” i breathe out standing infront of him blocking his path but as large as he was compared to me im sure he could step over me if he seen fit.
“What makes you think i want to work with you” he bites out and i let out the arrogant smile that solidified i was Sakunas half sister.
“Do you actually think professor Namami would place  the smartest person in the class with a idiot and have them do all the work? Come on now its Nanami he would put his two smartest pupils together to challenge another and write a final paper hes actually happy to read” i say as if its common sense cause it is. 
I watch the debate in his eyes as he thinks over what i just said before his shoulders drop in defeat. I grin widely sticking my hand out as a form of truce which he painfully takes.
I force myself to bite back the smirk at his clamy hands knowing it was all my doing and use the grip to yank him closer.
“And i would love if you could send me what you have so far so i can begin doing research” i utter lowly licking my lips watching his glare never falter almost as if he's painfully keeping his eyes avoiding my mouth before bidding him goodbye a devious plan forming in my head.
The next afternoon when we meet in the library i offer sweets from a local bakery as an official truce which i can hardly read his expression at.
“Im sorry now that i think about it you dont seem much of a sweets guy” i feel foolish of course he didnt like sweets— my train of thought is interupted by him picking up a creme filled chocolate pastry.
“Shouldnt judge a book by a cover, every smart person knows that” he quipps quickly and my lips twitch in a smile. Ah so he does bite back. 
“Did you call me dumb?” I scoff playfully dropping bait which he quickly takes.
“Does the shoe fit?” He bites back and when i dont respond only send a playful glare i watch as the corners of his lips twitch up feeling proud i could get a smile. “Come on show me your work” 
And we spend the next two hours talking theories and sharing ideas conspiring every concept as his long fingers type away my thoughts later to be put into essay format.
Its not long before he lets out a yawn breaking our silence and i look up at him noticing the bags forming under his eyes slowly being covered by his bangs.
He was actually begining to look disheveled. Two signature buns drooping from running his hands through them bangs more full from the pueces of his buns and the bored expression— actually that was very on brand for him.
“Come on let’s wrap up your tired” i say softly twirling a stand off his bangs around my finger and i knew it was when he was too tired to cover his blush he was exhausted. 
Yup, still got it.
He swats at my hand sending me a pointed look to which i innocently bat my eyes up at him from the seat next to him.
And thats how it goes for the next few weeks smart remarks met by his even more quick witted remarks sometimes followed by a half smirk, my harmless flirting/ teasing which i may have taken too far the day i rested my palm on his inner thigh and he flew out of his seat claiming he needed to use the bathroom only returning 10 minutes later saying he had to leave.
Or the day he asked me to proof read a page leaning away from his computer so i could take it instead i lean forward hand resting on his shoulder unaware just how close his face was to my—
Both occasions i had to bring apology pastries.
And the more time we spent together the more i learned about Choso. How smart he is, what makes him tick, his favorite foods, what makes him blush the way i thought he was a boob man but ive caught his gaze on my thighs several times and i may purpousely wear shorter skirts on days i know were going to be together.
Today was no exception.
The only thing i hadn’t planned on was the air conditioner being on full blast. Probably my karma from the universe wearing the tiniest of clothes to tease him.
“Oh no were going to have to finish another day its freezing in here” i shiver crossing my arms over another trying to huddle into myself for warmth. The black (extreme)  mini skirt with short sleeve white shirt that had bows tying the back together with Sukunas red varsity jacket was such a cute look until he realized i was wearing his jacket and took it . He was now my least favorite brother and yuuji was in the lead, which he typically always was given his competition.
“What?!” Choso nearly begins to foam at the mouth. “Its our last day and were so close to being done we can actually submit it now and im sure we would get an A still” he quickly rambles out dropping our stuff on the table we usually took up. The library was nearly empty so him being loud was no bother at all to anyone probably because most students didnt know where the library was.
“So submit it, I dont do the cold” i shrug ready to grab my bag when he begins taking off his jacket placing it on my shoulders pulling my hair from put under the collar and going to his work.
“Probelm solved, now sit” he bites put and id never seen this side of him but it was kind of a turn on and probably karma rearing her head into me again because through all the teasing i developed a tiny crush on Choso. Like tiny though.
Super tiny.
Extremely tiny.
So tiny i couldnt help but flirt with him every chance i had and notice all his favorite things and Damn did his jacket smell good.
So tiny i knew every detail of the scar on his face and how it swerves slight over the bridge of his nose not just cause it curves but—
Damn his jacket smelled… good wasnt a strong enough word. I was feeling intoxicated from how sensational his jacket smelled.
My crush was so tiny i made sure to bring his favorite pastries every tuesday and thursday because the way he smiled could brighten up my whole day.
My crush was so tiny i wasnt thinking about using my rose tonight to the smell of his jacket and the way he demanded me to sit down.
Imagine hearing that in the be—
Feeling a tight grip on my thigh my head snaps over to him and his eyes give me that bored yet slightly annoyed expression. 
“Stop fidgeting, its driving me insane and just let me finish typing the rest of what you wrote” he says like he cant wait to be done and i pout knowing this would be the last time we’d get to spend together. My crush would stay just that.
My eyes trail down noticing his buff arms veins sticking out something id never notice before. Has he always worked out. Going down even further i notice the silver rings spread across his fingers and almost choke.
I was going to need 10 minutes in the bathroom if he didnt move his iron grip. I just had one question.
“Have you ever fingered a girl with all your rings on?” I blurt… and this time it was a genuine mistake. Of all the shit ive said this was the one i completely wish i didnt.  I was actually okay with us never speaking again, Sukuna says we should never have shame but i bet he would never do something like that.
Ok yes he would.
“Do you want to be the first?” I hear and nearly fall off the table if it wasnt for his iron grip on my thigh. I thank God for my brown complexion because my cheeks feel hot and I’m lost for words completely. Its when he begins to chuckle that i realize he was just giving me a taste of my own medicine. The weeks of comments and sexual innuendos id thrown at him and couldn’t handle one.
I feel the proud smile grow on my face and unknowingly squeeze my thighs together slightly squirming the idea still playing in my mind. 
“What if i said yes” i retort watching as he becomes flustered and that adorable blush comes back to his cheeks.
“Would it make you stop… moving your thighs so much” he struggles his hand moving to my other thigh squeezing  and i grin knowing he had a thing for them and he can no longer hold back. His eyes meet mine until i lean forward placing a few soft kisses on his lips.
Ok that was a lie. It was all a lie.
Sitting on his right leg, my back pressed up against his chest and 2 of his fingers buried inside me the squirming absolutely hasn't stopped but it doesn't seem to affect him one bit as he edits the last bits of parts i wrote for our project.
“This is so good sweetheart, how about a third finger?” He ask rhetorically lips brushing against my ear and i'm so close to cumming at Dom!Choso cause whewwwww what a turn on. He curls his two fingers up as if he’s trying to pull the orgasm from inside of me and my legs clench together trying not to make too much of a mess.
He chuckles right against my ear and I'm losing myself at the stimulation, Biting my lip as he uses a third finger on my clit. My vision begins to blur and I feel myself about to cum for a second time.
“Look at you trying so hard to hold back those gorgeous moans after you spent the past month teasing me, fucking with me… mmm so wet” he groans in my ear spreading my lips causing the squelching sound to be louder. His fingers brush a particular spot deep in my core making me fall apart as I bite my lip harder cherry lip gloss mixing with the iron taste of blood.
“I love every little sound you make Why try and hide it from me, would you really deny me?” He kisses up my neck using his other hand to pull my bottom lip from my mouth releasing a string of curses, his fingers never stopping their exploration of my walls.
He did show mercy, slowing down other hand snaking up my shirt cupping a boob until his fingers found my nipple. 
“You're so wet for me… just me” he groans his teeth leaving marks down my neck to my shoulder and the idea of him being slightly possessive wanting to mark me so everyone knew i was his? My insides clench and he hums at the feeling.
His fingers pick up the pace once more and I have to close my eyes to hold on to every drop of restraint I have left between the way his fingers are moving expertly inside of me, the contrast of his warm hands to the cold rings on his fingers. I could stay here forever, one hand clutching his bicep the other on his thigh.
“Ch-choso i—mmmmm” i try to get out feeling my hips have a mind of their own grinding down on his fingers needily unaware of how he had me completely wrapped around them. He bites onto my neck and my release follows earning a groan from him as im left panting in his lap. What i dont expect to hear is the wet sound of him licking each of his fingers and the sight has me wet all over again my heart racing.
He chuckles pulling my chin toward him as he places his lips on mine i instantly kiss back gently sucking on his bottom lip earning a groan from him. He doesnt hesitate as his hands rub my thighs gripping and squeezing our tongues dancing together until he slowly pulls away lips and cheeks both red. 
“Lets go” i murmur placing another soft kiss on his lips only to receive a confused look.
“Yuji and Sukuna both are going to a party so they wont be back until 7am… i have a free house where i dont have to worry about being quiet”
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egophiliac · 2 years
hi, just wanted to say I've just started to get into Twisted Wonderland and binge read your comics and content for it, it was really fun to read! i love how you draw the different characters' expressions! im still super new to it (haven't played the game yet but i got kinda hooked on reading the main story after looking it up by chance) but id love to play it eventually! do you have any suggestions on what to look up/read next as far as character backstories/interactions go? ive really enjoyed the parts from the birthday events (? i think?) that you have done comics from, they sound really fun! thanks for your time!
oh boy, GET READY because the personal stories/vignettes are where the real meat lies. like, the main story is the main draw, of course, and for good reason -- I am champing as the start of episode 7 grows nearer -- but Twst's strength is definitely in its enjoyable characters and their slice-of-life interactions in Zany Magic School. and fortunately, there's a lot of them!
(sorry this got so long, I have many feelings about anime characters)
most of the stories and events don't have a specific chronology aside from taking place sometime after episode 2 of the main story, so once you've gotten that far you're good to jump in almost anywhere! (the more recent events, starting with Fairy Gala IF, are explicitly set after episode 6 -- though if you're going off of the English version then I don't think any of them have been released yet.) event cards also assume that you've gone through the event story first and usually have spoilers or references for it. otherwise there's no real order, so you can just pick a character you like or event you think looks interesting and go from there!
one of the things I really like about Twst is that interactions aren't limited to defined groups -- everyone has inter-dorm friendships and clubs and sub-friend groups and opinions on everyone else that range from "well, I don't know if we're exactly friends, but we study together sometimes" to "I would literally die and/or murder for him" (and sometimes "I would literally die and/or murder for him but he won't let me >:("). characters pop up in each other's stories all the time, and pretty much everyone gets some extra depth or development to them that doesn't come out in the main story, so I do think it's worth it to read through at least a few for every character.
like, if you just go through the main story, you only really get to see Nice Mom Friend Trey, and not that he's actually kind of a petty asshole who is weirdly obsessed with dentistry and goes around sticking his hands in people's mouths. everybody has things like that! Jade is super into mushrooms! Leona is a feminist! Malleus has an intense emotional attachment to his tamagotchi! Cater participates in shallow consumerism because nothing in life has any meaning and actually his friends are pretty worried about him!
tl;dr read everything because this game knows what it's about and that's ✨Characters✨
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mordeiswrld · 1 year
For @sadakorosee ☺️
Summary: Y/N is a close friend of the turtles. Suddenly she has an accident with the Foot. What happens when the 4 Terrapins find out?
Fic type: Oneshot
Admin: L
Time started: 11:33 AM JAN 31st
Warnings: Injuries, Violence, Blood, swearing
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“And then Casey broke his hockey stick on Raph’s shell and Raph spent almost half an hour chasing him around the lair!” Mikey said as he cackled at the memory Leo and Donnie just smiling to themselves while they sat on April’s couch Leo reading and Donnie on his laptop but Raph just huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes “he’s still not gettin’ off the hook, don’t get it twisted” Raph muttered as he continued to clean his sais. I just laugh along with Mikey “don’t hurt the poor guy! He’s harmless...mostly” i say as i pick up my phone and check the time. 1:28AM. Shit. “Ah shit, i gotta head home guys.” i say as i start to gather my things. “Do you need one of us to walk you home Y/N?” leo asked as he started to close his book. I just shook my head, “Nah im fine going on my own. My house isn’t that far from here. See you guys tommorow maybe?” i say as i start to walk towards the front door. “Hell yeah dudette! We’re still on for our Mortal Kombat match, and you better be ready this time.” Mikey says as he sits on the ciuch backwards just to look and point at me with a playfully serious look. I jokingly roll my eyes, “yeah yeah i’ll be ready...ready to kick your ass” i say confidently and i didnt wait for an answer as i unlock the door and walk out and close it behind me. I walk down the stairs from april’s apartment towards the garage that holds the other residents’ cars. As i make it towards my car something feels...off. It had suddenly gotten colder and eerie. I hesitantly brush that feeling off and hop inside my car and drive off.
“PLEASE ME BABY, TURN AROUND AND JUST TEASE MEEEEE BABY YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT AND WHAT I NEEED BABY~” i sing my heart out to the radio station playing since it was weirdly quiet on the dark streets of New York. As I get ready to get to my turn i blink and somehow a Jet black Sedan appears starts to speed right towards me—Obviously driving on the wrong side of the road. “WHAT THE FUCK—” I say as i try to swerve out of the way but the car was too fast! My car made a loud screeching sound before....
‘My head is pounding...everything hurts so bad...what happened..?’ i think to myself as i slowly start to regain consiousness...i open my eyes and wince at the brighr light that’s above ny head. As ny grogginess starts to wear off a bit i realize my hands were tied to behind my back. “What the hell...?” i just barely rasp out...i must’ve been out for a while. “Oh good your finally awake” an animated voice came over some sort of...speaker? I couldn’t tell. I was in too much pain to care. “Who are you...what do you want.” i ask casually. “Ive watched way too many movies and i already know how this goes, you obviously want something from me whether it be information or some kind of salary” i continue. The animated voice is quiet for a moment before the person on the other side starts to laugh sinisterly. “You’re a smart one aren’t you? But we don’t want anything from you per se. We want to simply use you as bait” they said casually as if it was the most normal thing to say. Confused i tilt my head to the side “bait? For what?” i question not fully comprehending what they were saying “i thought yiu watched these kinds of movies before doll, maybe you arent as smart as you think you are babes” they say in a teasing tone “the turtles, we know your friends with them. So we’re gonna keep you for a while and lead them here so we can—well you don’t need to know all of that. We just need them here” they said as a hole in the floor appeared and a plate of bland food appeared then a mechanical hand with a fork tried to feed it to me. I refused and kept moving away. The voice sighed “we’re gonna be here for a looooong while my friend”
“AW COME ON THAT’S THE 5TH TIME IN A ROW MIKEY” Raph shouted as he threw his controller on the ground after losing another round of Mortal Kombat. I threw my head back and let out a loud laugh “THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR CHALLENGING THE MASTER” I boasted as I stood up to do a victory dance. “Whateva’ weren’t you n Y/N suppos to be havin’ some sort of match or somethin’” Raph questioned as he folded his arms over his chest and looked towards the lairs enterance. I gasped. I forgot! He quickly ran to my phone and called you it rang 4 times before inevitably going to voicemail so I tried 5 more times before long her inbox was full and I started to worry. Did she flake out on me? Did you forget too? Curious, i went into Donnie’s room where he was working up some concoction. “D-Man have you heard from Y/N anytime today?” i asked asked as i tried to message her instead, if she was unable to answer her phone. Donnie paused and checked his phone, “No, i haven’t heard from her. She would’ve said something if she was busy or something had come up” he said as he started to grt skeptical. “Hey guys, you might wanna look at this” Leo shouted from the living room. Once the brothers arrived they saw that the news was on and the reporter was at a car accident that happened not to far from April’s apartment. “so far no bodies have been found—” the reporter babbled on but none of the brothers listened much further as they soon got a call from the police Chief.
“Oh good you guys made it” Chief Vincent said as she saw the 4 terrapins. “What happened” leo said, tone and face ice cold and stern. “There’s been a collision. No bodies were found though surprisingly. No one knows if anyone died or not.” she says as she gives them the pictures detectives have snapped prior to their arrival. Donnie and Leo look through them but Donnie stops on one photo “What is it Donnie?” Leo asks, Donnie hesitantly turns the photo over and shows the car that was completely totaled. “Is that...?” Leo asks, suddenly out of breathe. Donnie nods “seems like it. And from the evidence they managed to get, the black car hit her head on. And the camera footage cuts out before—” “wait did you say black car?” leo interrupts his purple clad brother who just nods his head “what model?” leo asks, blood now boiling. “They say it was a seda—oh fuck” Donnie says as he stops himself; finally realizing what’s going on. “RAPH, MIKEY, WE’RE ON THE MOVE” Leo shouted as all 4 brothers ran up to the roof where Donnie explained what had happened. “So your telling me, the foot crashed into her on the road and kindapped her?! What kinda bullshit?!!” Raph shouted as he looked around at his brothers in anger. Donnie gasped which brought attention to him, “what?” the 3 brothers asked in unison, “i hacked into her phone and got her loctaion shes in some sort of warehouse and it seems like they’re doing more than just kidnapping” he said as he put the audio on speaker. “Tell me where they are bitch, i won’t say it again. A deep voice shouted “I’m not telling you a goddamn thing. I’ll take this shit to the fucking grave if I have to, you ain’t getting a peep out of m–” they heard you say but before you could finish a sharp shriek filled their ear holes. “Im done waiting kill her off. Now” the unknown voiced boomed before Donnie’s connection went dead. “we gotta go. NOW” leo shouted. And with that the brothers quickly made their way to the foots hideout
I’m in so much pain...they’ve kicked me around, waterboarded me, stabbed me, anything you could think of. Just to make me talk, just to get me to spill. But i’m not letting up, not even if this is where my life ends im not saying shit. “So you still won’t talk huh?” the animated voice returned, they had lost their charming words,backhanded compliments and niceness now it was replaced with agitation and venom. “I never fucking will.” i spat back. Not out of confidence but out of loyalty to the brothers. They’re like my family. I’d never put them in danger even if it costs me my life. “Fine then. I guess we’ll have to do this the hard way” they shouted but it was muffled, probably from them gritting their teeth as they spoke, trying not to lash out on a monitor screen and not the real me. Suddenly 3 foot soliders come into my room and untie me but only to place their cold glover hands around my arms in a tight hold that may cause bruising later. We walk down many hallways, passing different doors with different signs and noises of pure agony. Then we went through a huge metal door that held the person behind the voice— a person in upgraded foot gear and shredder. “Finally. We meet in person” the person said as they place their hands on their hips and look at me with manic wide eyes. “Tie her to that pole.” shredder demands and the soliders obey and pull me towards the pole. As im getting tied up i see 4 figures pass by a window above us in my peripheral vision. A smile ghosts upon my lips but i instantly wipe it away, as to not alert shredder. “Now we will only say this one more time woman. Tell us where the turtles are or you’ll meet an untimely death” shredder bellows at me. I struggle to smile but i try to anyway and it comes out looking like a grimace. “I already told you....im not telling none of you a damn thing” I say breathlessly. Shredder growls in annoyance and snaps his fingers soon 2 soldiers and the more advanced soldier surround me one has a knife the other has a needle with some sort of glowing liquid ‘is that what mutagen looks like???’ i question myself but that random thought dies when i make eye contact with the AS (advanced solider) they were spinning the barrel to a loaded pistol..silently humming to themselves as they watched the solider with the knife jam it through the skin on my forearm “AH FUCK” I yell in pain. “Talk Woman or it’ll be more than just a stab.” shredder says as he watched from afar. I open my mouth but before i ciukd say anything 4 glass windows shatters around us and the 4 brothers start kicking ass! Leo and Raph take on Shredder like wild beasts while Mikey rains hell upon the 2 soldiers and Donnie takes on AS “Why did you guys HAVE to come at this time, we were just getting started” AS says as they pull out a double sides scythe and starts to attack Donnie. Donnie flawlessly but clumsily dodged all of her attacks and manages to hit the scythe out of her hand and knock her off her feet. “DONNIE KICK IT TO ME” i yell, Donnie hesitates before listening and shoving th weapon towards me. I squat down and carefully pick up the sharp part and start to cut through the rope they had me restrained in while trying not ro move my arm too much to no cause the knife to fall out. When i got free I immediately hobbled over towards a spot that was out of sight from the soldiers and shredder. I silently clutched the arm with the knife in it and applied pressure to it. After a while everyone was down and the turtles tie them up and wait for the police. I slowly crawl out from my hiding spot and search for Donnie. When i find him he’s looking at the needle one of the soliders had. “Donnie a little help please?” i ask as i hold up my stabbed arm. He turns his attention towards me and panics “ah shit um let me see what i have!” he says as he takes his backpack off and starts to frantically rummage through it. He takes out his med kit and starts to examine the wound. “Its gonna need stitches. I won’t be able to stitch it but when the paramedics and police come they can take you to the hospital.” TBC...
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Abbott Elementary S03E07 thoughts
Melissa having a spare room baring in mind we’ve seen her house feels fake sorry - How will she have a room mate but noone look at her pictures and keep control of her kitchen. I get its gonna be for plot but i don’t buy it
I’m w ava that’s a woman who just found out she’s not pregnant - that’s a woman who’s been successfully slutting it up (how’s she gonna slut it up with a roommate)
“I know its gods will but hes gotten awfully creative” 😭😭😭😭😭
I love it when Mr johnson lore gets unlocked
Manny and the beard whew 😮‍💨 I was literally wondering where he was so I’m glad they’re using him again
Janine ur SO SMART this is such a good idea and not like a janine unnecessarily fixing a problem like an actual good idea- good job babygirl
Not ava spilling the tea to the whole room
Ponytail melissa at home is so personal to me, I love that this continues from s2, this is just who she is, she throws her hair up when she’s at home. I like that she’s wearing the eagles hoodie we’ve seen before too. Love the hair, makeup & costume details on this show
“I only know how to cook for 12” 😭
Finally mel talking about her breakup! Damn maybe it really was “im not bringing this to school” this whole time
Also Gary being a dead ringer for her dad?? I’m not saying my headcanons are more correct than the show but I disagree with this statement. Gary is not schemmenti coded.
Omg the jacob melissa work momming work sonning ive been dreaming of
“And dont forget theres a 3 booked limit 😒” barb is PISSED and i LOVE IT
“Oh i know what a google doctor is 😤”
Barb really is the best character on tv im sorry noone can do it like sheryl lee ralph like they just cant Shes everything
Janine forgetting the key term (pottery wheel) in her analogy she is so me
“Jacob if u dont like my ziti just say so and i will heave myself out that window” 😭😭
“I went to find mr johnson but he was still crying” NO 😭💔 hes just a sensitive guy 😔
“Mrs howard i blew down the house” 🥺🤏🏻 I love the kids being so central in this ep, I’ve missed that recently, and the kindergarteners are soooo cute
“🐷 I am a pig 🐺 i am a wolf 😄 and im a librarian who thinks she can just change everything around here 👋” IJBOL no please give sheryl another emmy I beg
“This programme is more of a distraction than an improvement” that’s teaaa actually. Thats so often what councils etc do, distract with new flashy things rather than fix the real problems. Even though in this case it’s well meaning it does make u think how big a priority should the library actually be? But actually children reading is super important and what did they say last season? The librarian was an alexa in glasses? 🤣
“You okay? You look like raven having a vision” 😭 you don’t understand how often i say this
I have thoughts on Barbara’s intentions and my instinct is gregory needs to keep her name out his mouth. I do think it’s really important that Janine stood up to Barbara, just maybe gregory made barbara seem worse than she was
“It’s been a rough week I could use the pick me up” i just love mr johnson
My immediate reaction was this one of my favourite episodes of the season - lots of excellent Barb moments, the kids, more mr johnson, story arcs I enjoyed and felt completed.
Janine standing up to Barbara was a really big deal for her considering her hatred of conflict and worship of barbara as a mother figure. It made me really proud to see how far janine has come.
But the longer since watching the less I like it. And it’s two main things:
- the jacob melissa room mate situation feels like jumping the shark for plots sake and not something realistic for those characters. So as much as I enjoy them and their dynamic and their growth it just feels fake.
- I dont care about the librarian. The set up feels like she could stick around and I just don’t care for new characters, I like my main people. (But then the same apprehension was had w the district people and they’ve not seemed to be around much).
I do still really like this ep and it definitely ranks highly in the season, just idk, some eps I enjoy more over time but this has made me feel more confused as to what will happen next I guess.
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mpgis-fangurl · 7 months
watching cheerleading videos to study how cheerleaders actually work their bodies when doing stunts (squad routines, elevator preps, flyer-base stunts) and my goodness..........
so like ik that cheerleading stuff isn't what mpgis actually focuses (they keep making fun of the fact that it's not a "real sport" and that they mostly just spell things with their hands and i mean, stop-motion animating barbies doing fucking backflips and cupies would be unbelievably hard to animate!!!!) but like now im really leaning into what their actual dynamic would be when they;re actually doing cheer practice
like obv mackenzie is the top of the pyramid so she'd be the flyer (she's the person who'd be in the air the most in a stunt) as she doesnt want to be anything less than the main attraction of the routine. her being dextrous and laser-focused on whatever she does (bitching people out or cheerleading) is already a given, but also she probs have the best balance out of all the girls and with a strong enough base, can do a successful cupie at her age. Her core strength would be INSANE and honestly, yeah she deserves to have abs
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Brittnay is obvs strong asf, so i imagine she'd be a really strong base??? but also she's like flexible (she literally does splits on the ep she's introduced) and the fact she's in control of the microphone and the brawns of the squad, has the biggest stamina of them all. Acrobaddie who could do backbends for days but just doesnt wanna do it. i like to imagine that she's down to be base for mackenzie and can do partner stunts with her, but when the situation calls for it, she's an amazing flyer.
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i also often hc Trisha being ditzy but actually one of the more graceful people of their teammates. ofc it's because i hc her as being tall and slim (second tallest to shay), and though not as powerful as brittnay or as focused as mack, i would imagine her to be the most dextrous of them when she's in practice. So altho at first you'd think she wouldn't be a good spotter, she'd have probably caught mackenzie from the air more than brittnay does. even if she can't swim, Trisha would have good body coordination and can do cartwheels from cheer practice.
Shay would obvs be a really good flyer, and altho she's tall, she'd probably be light enough to lift in the air like mackenzie (47KG!!???!!?!) and has learnt a lot from cameron's stunts (tho i dont think cameron was much of a healthy influence when it comes to cheerleading and body image sorry). but she probably hasnt practiced cheerleading as much as the cheer squad has when she joined, so she probably isn't as body-coordinated as the rest and 5 times out of 10 can't stick the landing from the air because of how vertically tall she is (possibly kicked the squad in the neck and face more times from practice than she admits due to how long her legs are). however, she's extremely observant and is equal to trisha when it comes to being an effective base. from s3 we can obviously infer that Shay has really good and sound judgment, and in contrast to mackenzie and brittnay's hotheadedness, her demeanor is cool and level-headed. so her delegations as cheersquad captain would be pretty reasonable (if her ego doesn't get in the way). so she would be a really good coordinator when coming up with routines i imagine, and secretly lets mack have top spot in the pyramid and be responsible for most of the air stunts since she internally knows she cant catch up with mackenzie's athleticness by this point
ANYWAYS that's what ive thought of so far, watch @/Its.ccaylee, @/danielbuyeskeon on youtube, and read a bunch of cheerleading information on google to see where tf the brainworms are coming from
people keep stereotyping cheerleading like theyre for meanly competitive people(and thats prolly true at some capacity idk im very not athletic so idk much dont take anything abt this seriously) but it really opened my eyes on how physically demanding it is and now i can fully appreciate what type of gymnastics actually goes into these stunts like WOW
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quietbluejay · 24 days
Angel Exterminatus 4
wow Perturabo gave in awful fast Perturabo: you want me to build you a theatre so you can tell me a story about what we're going to do for this campaign Fulgrim: yes Perturabo: ok sure I'd say Fulgrim's doing a really good job of manipulating here but it doesn't seem like it's really that hard. He's doing a good job of making it look like he's just doing stuff because he wants to, though.
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Forrix would absolutely hate the French and the concept of elan.
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initial reluctance? bro you showed zero reluctance unless it is meant to have happened offscreen not even a tsundere esque "im doing it because i want to and not just for Fulgrim's Cursed Storytime" note from future bluejay: as we know, this could never happen, because perturabo has never actually done anything he wants in his life. .... I want to stick him in horse plinko with Rin Tohsaka. This would make both of them worse, probably.
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o....k... are you trying to created haunted theatre? because that's how you get haunted theatre
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absolutely cursed image of the iron warriors as bees THEY'RE EVEN BLACK AND YELLOW IVE CONNECTED THE DOTS black and yellow markings build things scurry around doing things for their leader that's not your beloved hive of honeybees that's the iron warriors RUN AAAAAAA
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"I'm not dramatic, unlike SOME people in this family," he said dramatically, with a dramatic expression Mortarion 🤝 Perturabo
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okay that's interesting but also bro did you consider not doing a genocide? it's not very hard to avoid doing genocide especially when you don't even live on the same planet note from future bluejay: SKELETON WITH GLOWING EYES REACTION IMAGE
yriel has never done a genocide yes i know this is warhammer and i'm setting myself up to get well actually'd
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Perturabo: ????? is this physical contact?????
perturabo is stunned at this unexpected attack
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Perturabo: robots will never break your heart Me, thinking about Transformers: that's what you think
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again, this describes me persevering through A Thousand Sons. May Perturabo's experience be happier than mine.
ooo mission impossible time iron hands and raven guard team-up
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so don't look at him LOL
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This guy is supposed to be some kind of badass, right? I've heard the name Sharrowkyn before.
oh for- Ferrus Manus died in a fair fight on a battlefield! that's not murder! the iron hands are swagless in every single appearance also this section has some of the most clunky writing in the book so far
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Perturabo listening to Fulgrim's Storytime Hour 🤝 me reading A Thousand Sons
uh wat honestly I'm glad I got pre-warned about this bit, somehow it's less lurid than the freaking wiki description of it?
back to team Mission Impossible that was a very fun chase sequence
lmao Perturabo takes one look at Fabulous Bill and is like "I don't like this man"
aw Perturabo really does care about Fulgrim Something about this feels like it's All Part Of The Plan even though I can't see how
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mcneill can you like not use weird metaphors for ONCE in your life I guess it's not that bad I'm just still scarred from that one in A Thousand Sons involving suckling
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he has the backbone of a chocolate eclair
i genuinely think this man is only happy with someone to tell him what to do
not even happy! its like his natural state is just automatically doing what people tell him to
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someone is arguing to NOT kill surrendered opponents???
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he's right you know
also wait i just noticed "seductive purr" wat
OH NO the imperial fist dude from the beginning that i liked is still alive this is bad because he's held captive i have a bad feeling im about to witness another war crime that shouldn't be read while eating
peeks through fingers okay im gonna try and read it okay so he found another fist also in the chamber with him also i want to say there's a LOT of cliche in this book but it's kinda cliche in a good way? it's like popcorn McNeill has actually managed to create an enjoyable reading experience (in general)
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like this but also, mental image of Bile is now okay i can't find a gif of the scene let's just go with "he's on heelies"
okay for once in his life mcneill decided less is more for which i am grateful
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man, Fulgrim played him like a fiddle
current opinion of perturabo: i do not have any strong feelings about him he's just, kind of meh let's see how it goes as the book continues it's really selling the EC and Fulgrim, though, they're really fun characters, good combo of competence and style. Which I did not expect based on previous experiences!
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insufferable-homestuck · 10 months
wow!!!! this classpecting assigning thing you do seems so cool!!! ive taken some quizzes and *think* i might be a prince of space but its always good to get peoples assessments on you personally rather then relying on unknowing and unloving machines! I can dm you also if you think checking out my blog would be helpful! :) 
Some things about me
Autism (i know, i'm so cool) Very interested in creative subjects (music, art, acting) An extrovert! But a shy one?? Like i get energy from talking with people and get iffy if i haven't seen or spoken to someone i like in a while, but also i hate meeting new people and events drain me so much that i have to recharge by talking to people online, but usually its by talking not just doomscrolling sort of? AWFUL at arguments, even at joke ones, i’ll always get stuck in my head and run out of comebacks and sit there appalled thinking of how to come back from my cringe fail behaviour I’m extremely forgiving of people I'm close with, even if they anger me, I'll never really blame them for much? At least not outwardly, might be fear of abandonment idk shrug
Ummm AWFUL at romance, gets stuck in my own head about if someone would like me or not and then never makes a move ever ever ever and just stays close friends with that person and it usually works out (curse my wrenching heart!)
Treads the line between being annoying fr and being too self conscious about being annoying when people assure me i'm fine (But i'm being fr when i say sometimes i'm a pain in the ass!!) Not very confrontational? At least not alone, usually ill go and try to get someones help to back me up (due to sucking at arguments) Hyper empathy, i feel such a connection to objects and inanimate things, like i have cried about leaving soft toys behind AT MY AGE because i feel as if no one  will come and get them. 
Very silly (this is pertinent!)
Will probably not get along with someone for long unless we have 1 shared interest or an interest that is 1 degree of separation from each other (like i'm not into genshin at all but genshin fans will at least understand what i mean when im talking about sopping wet meow meow troll or whatever)
Cat person, not a dog person, but more golden retriever coded then black cat coded
That's about it if you want more info like i said i am HAPPY to give more this is like when you go to a psychic and they read your palm or go to your childhood therapist and they give you like a 69 on your depression quiz and that's after you lied on it cuz your mum was in the room.
how's it hanging nepeta lalonde?
i appreciate the obscure amount of text, and your willingness to go as far as let me view thine blog for the sake of classpecting, buuuut all your listed traits did not make this easy at all! everything you've said contradicts itself in some way when it comes to classpecting! which is to be expected of course, you can't throw a magical label at a real, multifaceted, person and expected to stick like it would to a comic character, but yeesh
You call yourself a prince of space but you're interested in creative subjects, the prince part of that classpect becomes confusing!
You experience huge amounts of empathy but you're bad at romance, heart players usually don't swing both ways at that
if a heart player you're sure twisting the meaning of heart around! i hand you witch
and you don't seem like a prince of space to me, sorry, i know that classpect all too well, but i WILL give you rogue of void!
you're just a shy sweetie bless your heart
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soracities · 2 years
i read very irregularly, ive been reading siddhartha for a while (i know its such a short book but im almost done lol) and i’m really disappointed that i cant really seem to make myself pick up my book and actually read it. there are so many books i want to read, and i dont want to keep procrastinating, and to keep scrolling mindlessly on instagram or something. do you have any tips for how to make reading into a habit??
i’ve liked so much of your book recommendation posts for the sake of reading them ;(
very sorry for the delay in getting to this. i think the first thing to grapple with here and probably the hardest part about making reading a habit especially if you’re trying to come off from social media is the reality that spending less time scrolling on instagram will be very, very hard at first and you need to be prepared for that; you’re going to feel yourself drawn to it constantly because that is the habit your brain has built for itself and the hardest part may be resisting that urge in the first place. identifying when you do most of your scrolling, and rerouting that time instead towards 20 or 15 minutes or reading and, crucially, sticking with it might be the best thing especially if you can put up additional obstacles to divert the urge towards something else; i tend to scroll a lot in the evening but i downloaded the forest app after @engulfes mentioned it and it makes a huge difference for me personally. you don’t have to quit outright (what worked best for me was setting aside days when i wouldn’t use social media but i’m the kind of person who responds best to cold turkey approaches and i know that’s not for everyone)--you can work and read in gradually increasing increments if it makes you more likely to stick to the routine so even just leaving your phone in another room or far away from you and dedicating half an hour or so to reading before bed can help as long as, once again, you stick to it. (it might even help, if you are reading before bed to make an entire ritual before bed that doesn’t feature your phone at all--make a cup of tea, change your clothes, shower or whatever your routine normally looks like, take out your book before you sleep, etc -- however you can fit your reading in as naturally as possible within a larger routine, or even just constantly bring a book with you when you’re on or waiting for transport, or even just in the kitchen waiting for something to cook)
once you set aside time for your reading there are different ways to structure it depending on what suits you best: @pearblossomtree described a really good method whereby you set a number for yourself, such as 20 or 30 for example, and give yourself the option of reading 20 or 30 pages or reading for 20 or 30 minutes (or whatever number is most doable for you) which is incredibly helpful. you can also try the 5-Minute Method where you sit and read for 5 minutes straight without distractions. once your 5 minutes are up, you set yourself another 5 minutes, and when those are up you go for another 5 until you’ve done four or five cycles. you can even split those cycles up throughout the day: two or three cycles in the morning, for example, and then the same mount in the afternoon, or another round in the evening--most of the time, i think, you often find that you go over the time without realising, especially if you stick with it long enough to allow your attention span to grow and focus for longer.
while i know there are always so many amazing-sounding books to read and discover i do think it is also very important for you to really limit your choices; if you spend too much time worrying about or looking at everything you feel you have to read then you will very easily overwhelm yourself to the point of not reading at all. our brains are physically incapable of handling anything beyond 10 options at most so focus instead on a small handful of books that genuinely speak to you and that you know you will enjoy or look forward to. if there are six books you’re really drawn to, break them into three groups of two: once you finish one group, move on to the next one, and so on, and when you’re done choose your next six. don’t worry about reading lists or yearly reading goals or achieving a certain number of finished books--just focus on your group and your group only and keep going with it.
also worth noting i think, is that some books, even when they're short, require a kind of sustained attention or concentration either because of the language or the content, that is at odds with their length so they will, inevitably, take longer than you expect to finish; this is simply to say that, if you find yourself spending a lot of time with a short book, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing (and i think some of hesse's novels would probably come into that category which is why, if you’re just starting to read more or trying to read more while coming off of social media, i would recommend to not always go straight into (most) of the classics if you’re not already familiar with them or don’t already know you enjoy them, simply because adjusting to the language after having your attention fragmented by places like instagram makes sticking with the reading immensely difficult and you’re more likely to abandon it). to me, the most important thing in coming back to reading or delving into reading more is to put your pleasure and enjoyment first. you are far more likely to stick with a book that you’ve chosen yourself and that speaks to you than you are with something that’s been shortlisted for a dozen awards or that everyone is talking about and that you feel you need to have an opinion on in order to be seen as a Real Reader.
at the end of the day i think it's also important that, however you go about reading more, you do so in a way that is best suited to and accommodating of your own circumstances and pace. i'm a very irregular reader also, and have always tended to veer towards that more so than any set reading pattern; sometimes it may be a case of finding your time eaten up by empty scrolling or something similar, and other times it could be that there are other things that demand your energy and attention and that you have to attend to, which won't leave a lot of time for reading as you want. there are a lot of time constraints for me, as well as a number of other things that influence a lot of what i read and if i read and while i wish that wasn't the case, i have to accept the time i do have available and choose my books accordingly because i will burn myself out otherwise and not enjoy it anywhere near as much as i could. i hope some of this helps a little, and i wish you so much happy reading, whatever shape it takes for you x
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razzmothazz · 5 months
Any thoughts about the Mafuyu and Shizuku’s parallels?
wait hold on i actually never heard someone mention those before... is this a sign to catch up on mmj stories cause i dont feel like i know enough about the group yet especially shizuku to say anything but im interested where this came from now....
uhh again i dont actually know all that much about shizuku cause i mostly only read wxs/vbs/n25 stories since theyre my fave units but from what i know i guess i kinda get why people would want to compare these 2.. ?? maybe?
i mean they both r kinda afraid to stand up for themselves in a way? i can see similarities in that, and i know they both have a pretty significant influence on the other from the conversations i did see between them [tho mind you they were mostly just area conversations] with the way they support eachother in their own struggles, tho mafuyu obviously doesnt really show hers...
theyre both perceived as perfect as well, just in different ways, with mafuyu seemingly being a perfect student, a perfect, kind and intelligent child but we know what the real mafuyu is actually like.. clearly not perfect. and its similar with shizuku, her perfect looks makes everyone jealous because shes so gorgeous its unreal, but once you know her personality you know shes far from ideal, being described as quite the airhead. their actual, real personalities are the furthest thing from perfect obviously.
as an idol shizuku definetly feels the need to be perfect, which i think was even mentioned in the stories but again, havent read them yet so might be wrong on that, but i think its a pretty big thing when ur an idol... [i only read the main story a while back so i dont actually remember much from it] which is also the case with mafuyu, tho shizuku obviously is a way milder case.. but from what ive seen shizuku doesnt actually stick to the perfect facade she wishes to put on? at least, not to her friends but even in the latest event she seemed to be her quirky self, so i guess maybe either it wasnt actually an issue or she accepted herself
idk, i can see the similarities but to dive deeper i would definetly need to read some stories which i dont rlly have time for rn, very interesting pair tho!! i think their friendship is very cute :3
ill try to come back with some thoughts on it when i get some ideas after i check out the stories, idk when ill have time for that tho
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taegularities · 5 months
oh rid, you know i cant just choose one part as my favorite...so here are my top five 😅
1. lights - so self-explanatory, i think ive raved about this chapter for months (and i will continue until the day i die)💀 it holds such a dear part in my heart despite them not being together, you feel the small actions of love they share 🙏 it is truly one of my favorite fics ive ever read
2. seven - OMG idk what it is about this part but i fell in love with it from the beginning and just cant stop rereading it 😭 its lighthearted (even though they are arguing) and so comedic, especially since i read it with the seven instrumental playing
3. monochrome - this part actually destroyed me in so many ways it is insane. idk if its bc the angst physically made me tear up and cry, but i felt so moved by them and truly enthralled when reading it. i have yet to reread it, but i think about this chapter so much 😅
4. letters from the heart - UGH I CAN TALK ABOUT THIS PART FOR AGES!! i loved seeing his pov and it was just *chefs kiss*
5. every other part youve released 😋
im so curious to know which part was your favorite and which part was the most fun/difficult to write!!
E, not you coming through with your TOP FIVE LIKE 😭 the moment i saw your ask and read the first line, i knew lights was gonna be #1!! and it has my heart, too… i don't know what it is about that one (maybe the yearning.. the subtle emotions?), but it's gonna stick with me forever <3 ALSO AH LMFAO i love how seven fought its way up so fast!! good choices good choices!! you're very brave for wanting to reread monochrome, too :')
ahhh!! i think i found blurred and translucent pretty difficult to write – most of all bc they both consist of scenes that were/are extremely important for the series and their story. i wrote and rewrote those quite a few times (the last translucent scene? i rewrote it like 3x and still cried every time) to make them perfect. i didn't want to disappoint anyone or myself by making them underwhelming, so i put a lot of thought into those <3 and i hope the effort was worth it all. i know that cmi11 is my favourite so far, for sure.
letters from the heart was incredibly difficult, too, bc writing a full part from his pov was.. challenging as heck :') cmi11.5 is a full jk pov one, too, but it's been much easier this time!! and the one i found most fun to write were lights, monochrome and blue (lol bc i LOVE writing angst, did you know? :')) <3 tysm for asking babe and sorry for the ramble kfsehkajfh 🥺🤍
what's your favourite cmi chapter (and why)? 🎨🤍
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canayams-art · 7 months
yikes ik it's been a while, and trust me ive been meaning to talk more about qianqing, but the uni exams started and now i FINALLY found some free time (and a sticky note at the back of my brain reminding me) to talk 😭
also before anything SEASON 2 LOOKS SOOOO FREAKING GOOOD!! like in absolutely in love with mq and i thought i couldn't love him more but i was fortunately proven wrong ! also it dragged me back into fengqing so there's that hensndkeknd it only took few hot shots of fx and yeah i hate that i love them again but i do and there's nothing i can do about it but accept 😔✊ I HAD SUCH HIGH EXPECTATIONS FOR LQQ AND HE MET EVERY ONE OF THEM SJDJDJD HE LOOKS SO BABY and speaking of him, im sooooo curious what was your favorite lqq scene??
you seem to have read my thoughts when you answered my last ask because THOSE WERE EXACTLY THE SCENES I IMAGINED THEM IN!! mq nagging lqq about paperwork, friendly sparring, lqq sticking around mq during events in the heaven iejejekejej gods i wish i have more time so i can write something for them because this hasn't stopped itching my brain for weeks 😭
i also raise you that they go on missions together, because once mq gets comfortable and once he notices that lqq keeps inviting him, even if he doesn't need the help, he would invite lqq simply for the company!
lqq meeting fy on his purse of revenge could go into sooo many different directions!! like does lqq figure out fy is out on defending mq's name quest and is conflicted because he wants to help but also killing qr takes priority rn? does he try to convince fy to work together?? now i wanna explore every crevice of that meeting and make like thousands fics for it!!
(it's not out of the question, ive done aus out of my own aus! im sure if i find the time i could do this as well😭)
the thing about qiurong for me, as it is with many ships in big fandoms, it feels very forced ig by the fandom? i don't think im wording it correctly, but for me i usually don't end up liking many of those ships because it feels like people would just smush two characters together because they ran out of characters they can pair them with. and it's not necessarily a bad thing, but in this case the most im seeing from qiurong is fluffy family aus, which would never come to mind for me when i think about qr and lqq in a room together. again not a bad thing, not a bad ship, but personally not my cup of tea.
i do have to admit tho, im always kinda leaning towards more canon characterization, so i do have a particular tastes in ships i do ship and in definitely not one of the people who would read anything they can from the ships i like. so i think i wouldn't have gave up so quickly on quirong if i found something that suits my taste, because i do like both of their characters separately.
EXPLORING THE SIDE CHARACTERS RELATIONSHIPS IS ALWAYS THE BEST PART IN ANY FANDOM FOR ME!!! especially as someone whose faves are usually the side characters lol the creativity and the freedom of interpretation, diving deeper into them and putting them into situations and having to think about how they would act in them sjsjjsjd makes me crazy every time!
WELCOME BACK QIANQING ANON!! Best of luck with your exams! Make sure you find time to take breaks and rest your brain when you can!
For real though season 2 has been such a treat so far— visually stunning and so fun to watch. I know what you mean about sinking back into fengqing hell while watching it. I’ve been in the same position— once you go fengqing you can never leave fengqing. They’re still so important to me 🥹🥹🧡
ALSO LQQ IS JUST AS ENDEARING AND CHARMING AS I HOPED HE WOULD BE. The way he’s so expressive and always so honest— he wears his feelings at all times and it’s always been one of my favorite qualities of his. Also asking me to choose a fav lqq scene is cruel— I love them ALL!!! From his intervention in the gambler’s den and subsequent fight with Hua Cheng, to the way Xie Lian still wrangles him like they’re still teacher & student, to lqq’s “if I hadn’t stepped in, nobody else would,” to the anger and pain in his voice as he broke his own arm to make a fair duel against xl,,,,, there’s so many good scenes!!!!
I’m bouncing all of these qianqing scenarios around in my head but I’m also especially intrigued by a fy & lqq encounter. If lqq was already close with mq when he was put under house arrest, I don’t know if lqq would be able to ignore that— even if he was still hellbent on revenge against qr. Maybe lqq doesn’t recognize mq in fy’s form— his decision to help would come across as so much more sincere like that, I think. Mq isn’t even present but lqq— who is still so jaded by his own quest— still thinks so highly of mq,,,,,,, I think mq would be taken aback by the gesture. Meanwhile lqq knows what it’s like to be wronged and want to set things right— he can empathize.
I’m shaking your hands on the qiurong sentiments— again, I think it’s fun for people to explore ships however they want. I don’t really like it so I don’t really engage with it. They don’t scratch the right type of enemies to lovers tropes that I usually like and that’s okay! I’ll be peddling my lqq content off in the corner while people have fun in their spaces.
I think it’s okay and important to be selective about how you enjoy your media! Not every piece of art or fic was made to be universally enjoyed and that’s okay! Personally I’m with you on focusing on characterization— If I feel like my silly lil guys would not say the words being put in their mouths then usually I put what I’m looking at down and move onto something else.
We’re alike in side character enjoyment too LMAO. Not to analyze it too hard but— for me at least— I think it comes down to how much they have or have not been explored and the intrigue that comes with that possibility. In more deranged words: they’re chewier! It’s like you said— it’s fun to try and figure out how they would behave in unwritten scenarios.
I’m glad you liked my autumn wind piece!!! I’d never drawn sqx before so that was exciting. I’ve been quietly enjoying people’s reactions to it while hiding so many other lqq rarepair ideas in my pockets 🤫😂
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magnoliamyrrh · 7 months
okay so. my opinions on their eyes were watching discourse that i disagree w. here goes english class essay on tumblr
starting w quickly one of the worst complaints ive ever heard, "its written in backwoods, uneducated, slave talk" "it portrays african americans as uneducated and lower class." dear lord. yes the book is written in heavy southern dialect or avve or both bc theyre basically the same thing, but it adds a lot to the book as far as im concerned. if i as a foreigner can manage to read it just fine and enjoy it, im sure you can deal w it. if i could read this when i was like 16 and had only been speaking english for 6 years rly, im sure u can cope. hurston was also an anthropologist who predominantly studied southern and carribean african diaspora, and thus her writing is heavily based on this. she also,,, was born in alabama and raised in florida, and thus, she was trying to portay not "those backwards rural folk over there" but her own people. and you can tell too, in the book, she was also trying to find and understand herself. others have called their eyes were watching god a brilliant capturing of the soul and culture of southern black ppl, and uhhH yea, id tend to agree. the fact she focused on rural peoples doesnt somehow mean she was saying all of the african diaspora is like this, and also...... .. theres nothing wrong with "uneducated" "backwoods" poor and rural people god damn get the classism out of here
but onto the main shit
a) its a grand love story love life goals. + her relationship w tea cake is feminist goals somehow
uhh,,, not quite, not as simple as that. even the summary of the book, along w many other summeries in some versions, calls it "an enduring southern love story" and to an extent it is, but also, its far from,,, something to be glorified too much. especially not as other book summaries say, "tea cake comes along and is the best thing ever a liberator etc etc"
its true that thats part of it. hurston from what i know said she wrote the book almost as a love ode to a man she fell in love with when she was in haiti, and it shows for sure. but tea cake, and his relationship with janie, isnt without problems. after they get married he steals her money, uses it to "feel like a rich man," to buy food and drinks for ppl, to buy a guitar, to party, leaving her alone for days while she wonders if he aint dead, or if he hasnt stolen her money and left her, used her - she's struggling, in pain, anxious through the roof, he finds her sitting on the floor staring into nothing when he come back. and sure, he apologizes, he explains himself with charm and humor, says he couldn't help but want to know, says he didnt wanna bring her around lower class folks out of fear she wouldnt like it - and when she tells him she'd want to be there, after that, he does always bring her w him and doesnt exclude her. he gambles the money back and comes back stabbed, bleeding, but keeping his word, "look in mah left pocket and see whut yo' daddy brought youh. when ah tell yuh ah'm gointuh bring it, ah don't lie." its playful, charming, you get drawn into his shpeel, and i think anyone whose ever had a habit of falling in love w,, , how to say, those rough around the edges, those w street smarts, can say yea, theres a charm to it. he tells her after, from that point on, they're going to be living on his money, that he's a man and thus he's gonna provide - and in truth he never steals her money again, never uses her money again despite her having it, and while she works at times, he also works more than her, and its clear hes okay w sticking by his word of providing.,, and janie forgives him for this ordeal, sure. at the same time,,, it could be said its a red flag and that yup, he stole her money once right after they got married and left her feeling bad for days, which aint alright
next, the domestic violence between them, and the jealousy too, which the book at times romanticized and portrays as normal. theres several instances of this throughout. janie talks about how he strikes her on multiple occasions, but also how she strikes him. she talks abt finding out theres consequences for trying to fight him, which is getting beat. when she gets jealous and thinks he might be sleeping w another woman, she slaps him and they fight from room to room, him trying to keep her from beating him, that time not beating her and ending up w them having sex. another time when tea cake gets jealous that a woman is trying to set her brother up w janie, even tho he knows she aint gonna leave him or cheat on him, he beats her just to show that he possesses her, owns her. he knows shes done nothing to justify the jealousy, but does it anyhow. "no brutal beating at all. he just slapped her around a bit to show he was boss. everybody talked about it next day in the fields. it aroused a sort of envy in both men and women. the way he petted and pampered her as if those two or three face slaps had nearly killed her made the women see visions and the helpless way she hung on him made men dream dreams." this line v much shows the romantization and normalization of domestic abuse. and then, tea cake goes on to talk to the other men about it, to brag about it, to talk about how bc his wife is mixed and lighter skinned you can see the marks and bruises a beating leaves on her. the other men say beating on darker black women aint the same, bc noone can tell the next day you beat them, and because they will fight you back and beat you back all night, but janie seems to just take it obediently (not exactly true in all instances, she does fight back and beat him at times) and u can see it on her skin. tea cake brags to the other men that thats why he likes his wife, and that she is wherever and however he wants her to be........ which is something janies previous husband joe said too :/ except janie seems to accept and romanticise this, while having an issue w her previous husband, when in many regards tea cake and joe are doing the same thing.
and this takes us to,, well, tea cake aint exactly a "liberator" and their relationship isnt feminism 101. its just not. yes, tea cake in a sense liberates her. he reminds her of the boy she had a crush on as a teenage girl and the bees in the bloosoming tree. he unlike her previous husbands lets her.. be. he teachers her how to play board games, teacher her how to shoot a gun, goes fishing with her, takes her to games and dances she wasnt allowed to go to before. hes proud of her for shooting better than him, and he never once tells her to shut up around pll like joe does. when shes with him she talks to other ppl, shes finally involved in community life like how she wished. they spend nights on the muck dancing, singing, gambeling, joking and talking w other people, joining the carribean dancers around the fire. its clear in a sense that throughout the progression of her marriages, janie ends up w a man who Does in some regards represent and give her freedom, and who is also much closer to lets say, an african spirit and traditions than the previous two, especially joe. janie says, tea cake made her soul come out of its hiding place, and he did.
but he also..,,, was a man of the times, and they were both people of the times. and while tea cake saw her as much more an equal than her other husbands ever did, he was also clearly in charge and their marriage was still following a series of traditional norms
janie is still in many regards submissive to him, and "like a child." despite her being older than him, he calls her a girl child, a baby girl, a little thing, makes several statements and allusions to this sort of thing a lot. he calls himself her daddy, he holds up the idea that a man ought to provide for "his woman" and take care of her. she wears blue like a young gal bc tea cake says it looks good on her. and still, yea, this isnt a one way thing in their relationship, bc janie also, especially when hes sick or wounded, calls him a boy, a boy chile, her baby, mamas him etc. and theres many times when hes all too happy to try to fulfill her wishes and needs and do what she wants. and yea, its part of how love makes you feel young, its part too of how some ppl search for that sort of parental care in their partners, especially those who havent had it much (like janie, who grew up without a father.) still, this is mostly seen the other way in their relationship
and here its important to take into account janies history of trauma and how she was raised. she was raised by her grandma, who was born a slave and raped by a white master, which is how she got her mom. her mom in turn was raped, and thats how she got janie. there is a deep history here of violence and submission - her grandma even tells her, the black woman is made the mule of the world by both white and blacl men. janie is also used to being struck by her grandmother as a child, thus, to her being hit is normalized, a part of life, and even a sign that someone cares about you a lot - loves you enough to beat you for your own good. janie is married off to a man x2 x3 times her age at 16 by her grandma, and shes expected to settle bc shes not being beat, shes not being worked too hard, and the mans got property. janie struggles throughout her entire life with the lessons and morality her grandma taught her, and her marriages taught her, even saying at some point she hates her grandma for it.... janie has been conditioned throughout her life to be submissive, and to accept violence, and while she definetely has a fighting spirit and craves more than shes told to settle for, while she certainly stands up to wanting a certain amount of independence, shes also... bound by her times, by her conditioning, and this has limits for sure.
and thus we see her submission in her marriage w tea cake, even as he gives her more freedom than others - even that phrasing, he "gives" her freedom, but really, it aint his to give is it...? not only does she forgive him for the money steling, and for the beatings, but its also shown regularly that shed much rather follow his lead w things. in many regards, shes the one that asks and does - they go where tea cake wants to go, they do what tea cake wants to do. hes the one that chooses where they get married, hes the one that chooses to go work on the muck, hes the one that tells her to come work the fields w him, and hes the one that tells her to stay home and not work... after the hurricane she tells him again, well do and go where u wanna go. and while she goes along w it, while she says well do whatever u wanna do,,,, shes still following his lead by all means. shes been sweeped off of her feet like a child, and in many regards shes following his lead, and its known that hes the boss. more equal than her other marriages, but, still
.... and so. its complicated. it sure as hell aint a relationship which is "feminist" or "liberating" in a feminist sense or a modern sense..... and yet. it would be unfair to say, it also didn't liberate her soul somewhat, and they didnt love each other
b) and this takes us to the second critique i dont agree w, that the book is outright bad bc it promotes and romanticizes violence and all this. and also its definetely not a love story at all
,,, and. yea i dont think this is a fair critique at all. i think its up to you to interpret zora's writing and what it means to you. she clearly had more than just a one sided puritanical moralistic view and feeling on all this, and yes, she wrote this book in part infleunced by a whirwind romance she had in haiti and im sure to a great extent her own life experiences. she also wrote this book in the the 1930s. there is something deeply deeply honest, raw, real, and soulful about it because of this, it is complicated in the way real life is
no, janie isnt some sort of modern day "feminist" protagonist but also. she wasnt meant to be, she just wasnt i dont think
and i dont think its,,,, fair, to dismiss this entire book and all the brilliance in it bc of that.,, or to say that they didnt love each other either. it was far from perfect thats for sure. and i do really get why some would look at all this and say yea, this isnt love. i do... but i think its more complicated that that. and i think in many ways, it is a story of people and love in the context of the, well, limitations of who they are. in the context of deep deep generation and current trauma, in the context of the times, in the context of a lot of things..... and ive said this before, to me its in many ways the same sort of conflict i had when writing that ethnography on my grand grandma and grandpa, child marriage bridal kidnapping and all that, and trying to make some sense of what love and marriage mean in circumstances like that. and i could not reach a conclusion which simply said, they never loved each other. i just couldn't no matter how much i wanted to, bc, despite how fucked it all was, that wouldnt have been the true, messy complexity of it all....... tea cake did love her, he did bring her to life, he did cherish her, he did protect her, he did see her as more his equal than other men - he risked his life for her and died for it. he was also possessive, and jealous, and physically abusive. and she beat on him too.
........ and on the ending of the book, it can be interpreted in different ways for sure. tea cake's death and the way he dies could be interpreted in many ways. it was rabies that took him, and rabies is why janie had to shoot him, but the rabies made the jealousy he had before and the violence he had before come out to a stronger extent. in a way it could be said zora ending the story w tea cakes rabies being the final issue relieves him too much of his responsibility and actions, gives janie a "justified" retaliation and end... zora also v much shows how the other black ppl shed been living w largely turned on her when she shot him, caring more for him they did her. surprisingly janie talks about how some of the white women in the courtroom pitied her and "formed a protective shield around her", while her own turned their backs on her..she hears the men say, "well, you know whut dey say, 'uh white man and uh nigger woman is de freest thing on earth'. dey do as dey please." even if soon they forgive her and feel bad for their turning on her and her treatment of her and come to their senses. and thus, were also reminded that the book is Indeed very vocal of black mens views and treatment of black women, (as well as on how colorism affects things but thsts a whole other long train of analysis) and that zora wasnt just saying and showing that all this is a-okay. she wasnt saying that the other men were all good all fine, she wasnt saying that tea cake was either
.. and as for janie coming back home. welp. i think it can be interpreted again in many ways. some say it shows she had to kill tea cake in order to truly gain her freedom, it was the final step in her coming to self and self actualization, and that the ending of the book is "feminist" in this regard. others say the ending is the ending of a great love story, with janie coming home now with her soul alive, having seen the world as she says, to rest and be at peace. she sobs of what has happened, and yet she realizes tea cake lives still in her love. a beautiful metaphor of how the dead live through the love of the living. his memory lightens up the room like a sun, she draws the fishnet of his light and love and freedom over her, she calls her soul to see.... she has also learned from tea cake in part to not care what others say, so she doesnt care that the town women want to talk shit about her.. others say, the ending of the book is a feminist disaster. it shows janie giving up control over her narrative by not caring what the other women are saying about her. it shows her shutting herself into her old house with memories of a man who really, wasnt all that great. others say, its not a feminist disaster bc while the ending means the above, in zora writing it even beautifying, were still meant to critique it
honestly by this point, not quite sure i know. id say its neither and all three all in one bc its way more complicated than just "a feminist or not feminist message" "a role model message" ,,,, but rather, something deeply real and complicated...
either way. im sure i could say more but thats most of my thoughts. i think its a pity to diminish this book either to some grand perfect love story, or to failed feminism, or whatever else. its so much more..... it is a book about deep deep trauma and pain, slavery, culture, humor, coming of age, soul, love, hope, hate, racism, colorism, women and men, religion, and beauty.... and id say, most all really, it is a story about how beauty somehow comes out of deep sorrow and pain.... reducing it into bits is a pity and disservice to its sheer raw and real spirit
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frecht · 6 months
2, 9, 10, 23 for book ask!! also bonus question: do you use anything like goodreads or a paper list to log books that you’ve read?
2. Did you reread anything? What?
i reread a LOT especially bc at college i do not have the money to buy enough books for a whole semester of new books and the college library is kinda lacking in the fiction department and the county library is kinda far away so i won't bother listing them all...
but some rereads i haven't mentioned so far that i really really enjoyed were six of crows (which i assume you know bc everyone on tumblr loves it and what can i say. i love it too.) and a far wilder magic by alison saft (which looks a bit booktoky when you're looking it up but it is SOOO good...it has alchemy and ouroboroi (sp?) and manifestations of gods that are physical animals you can hunt and also i love the characters. and the cover is beautiful)
9. Did you get into any new genres?
not really unless you count picture books....ive kind of always been an I Know What I Like and Stick To It reader and it occasionally changes (like shifting from mg to ya to adult or just fantasy to fantasy and scifi and some other stuff) but yeah. im not so good at leaving my favorite genres to explore for other things
10. What was your favorite new release of the year?
OOH this is a tough one. i'm going to list 4 books in rapid succession
i keep my exoskeletons to myself by marisa crane -- it's like ever so slightly dystopian and i cried pretty much the entire way through
on earth as it is on television by emily jane - the aliens are invading, the world is falling apart -- oh wait. where are they going. will they come back?? also includes commentary on consumerism and the inherent good of humanity
boys weekend by mattie lubchansky - graphic novel abt a newly out transfemme on their college friend's bachelor weekend (i forget the name for it) trip to an island that's like vegas but worse and they're the only person who notices the weird cult sucking people in one by one...
starling house by alix e harrow - ILLUSTRATED BY ROVINA CAI also it's abt a creepy weird old house and strange monsters and a classic children's book and also capitalism ruining towns . that's not a good summary but i loved it
23. What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
not counting picture books or short stories or novellas a couple hours i think? i picked up the gentleman by forrest leo back in march in the afternoon after reading a 100-page novella at lunchtime and read like half of it before my evening class and half of it after. it was SOO good. very silly and also illustrated. oh also i keep my exoskeletons to myself which i mentioned in the previous answer...was going to start it before bed bc i had no homework but then i couldn't put it down and read it in like 2-3 hours crying the entire time. i can't recommend it enough it was so good
bonus: yes!! i use both goodreads and storygraph bc i like the ui of goodreads better (im the only person in the world who does) but i love all the little charts on storygraph
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foreverandmoretarot · 11 months
how to know if you have a soulmate and get signs from them?
hi! thank you sm for asking! i want to start off by saying everyone has a soulmate. you may have one, or multiple, but at least one. it could be romantic or platonic too.
i'd say most people probably won't meet their soulmate in this life. it takes a lot of personal growth to actually reach them, and most wont want to experience the necessary struggles.
i have an oddly strong connection to my soulmate, so it makes communicating and reaching him a lotttt easier, but even then i'd still say this journey is one hell of a ride.
another thing to take in account is if your soulmate wants to/is in the right space to meet you. they may still be working on themselves, feel fulfilled with the people in their life, have different beliefs than you, live far away, etc. but i dont say all this to discourage you!! trying wont hurt, and even connecting with them spiritually rather than their human self on earth can be just as fulfilling!
so onto your second question, how do you get signs from them? my main "sign" is telepathy, which is a weird concept for me to explain skdkd. ive never really explained my personal methods to anyone, so sorry if this comes off odd. for me, i think of it as giving him access to my current thoughts rather than sending a message all the way over to him.
im sure your next question is, how do you send a telepathic message?
the most common way is to visualize your message through images, and think of the person/entity and imagine it traveling towards them. that method has worked 50/50 for me
what i do instead isnt really a method, rather something i realized i could do and brought results. i sort of focus on something and say a word/phrase inside my head. you know that little voice you use to think that isnt actually saying something but you can hear it? some refer to it as your inner monologue. its like that, except theres also this "white noise" type sound/feeling i add. it helps when theres no loud sounds around me, i close my eyes, and repeat the phrase a few times to make sure it sent clearly. sometimes i also visualize the words to help
another method is dreams! meeting up with your soulmate in a lucid dream, using dream meanings to get messages, etc. i like this one because its really relaxed and you may find dreams easier to interpret than other spiritual methods
theres also tarot cards and pendulums. i'd say these ones are a little tricky because unless you do it yourself- you may not fully trust the person to be interpreting it properly or having your best interest at hand. i'd say take whatever resonates!
angel numbers
letters and objects. you can write a letter to your soulmate and at the end, ask for them to put an object, animal, word, etc in your life to show theyve read it. some burn the letter, bury it in soil, or place it in nature. for example, if you had the word stork, you'll see one randomly where you wouldnt expect. or if you had the word dictionary, someone would bring it up in a conversation. the sign while definitely stick out
songs. not as often now, but when i'd listen to music, a specific line of a song just really stuck out to me. it was like when you get a shiver down your spine except with my mind? i think those could have been things he wanted to say to me. but id recommend listening to random playlists and you might find songs with lyrics that resonate a lot
these are just some things ive used that worked for me, you may discover your own methods in your journey! i think theres beauty in letting the universe show you things in a unique way meant specially for you. music is an important part in both his and my life, which is why i think the song lyrics is a way for us to communicate. even though ive never heard of someone having that sign, it works for me. so overall dont stress it, dont force yourself, and have fun loving your other half :)
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imkittyjustkitty · 2 years
For the st concept (the jane doe thing) it's really cool! Im invested too 😭😭 i do have a few questions:
(1) is the fic gonna be set canonwise or are u gonna do it outside of that(-canon, battle, dark stuff)? (2) And how would the characters react to the reader's existence?(i feel like they'd be bothered and surprised but "hey a headless, talking, human? Isn’t the weirdest thing we've encountered")
(3) how tall/big are they? Are they the size of a doll? (Im sorry idk what/who jane doe is 😭) (4) how old is the reader?
And for name suggestions, Hiram would fit bcs the reader borrows the head of a doll, and "hiram" is a word in filipino which quite literally means "borrow", But it would depend on if another character would be the one to give them a name.
And for their relationships with the other characters, i think it would be cute if they were all someone protective of the reader.(But at first they are obviously freaked out.) For love interests, i think it would depend on the age of the reader. Buuut i think a found family trope would fit a little better? Steve’s the mom, of course. Nancy's the dad (who teaches reader about all kinds of stuff, and scolds anyone who is scared of/insults the reader) and el would def be really curious abt the reader, and protective, too :P overall ur idea is so cool and cute i love it
ahhhhh omg yes hi im so glad ppl r loving this like i am !!!
under cut is a bit of season four spoilers bc im discussing when it might be set ! <3
(1) i was thinking its set season four because that has the dynamics between certain characters which i like, things like steve isnt awful and we have robin & eddie etc. ive been leaning towards moving away from canon and having less of the plot with the upside down/vecna/etc. (id also be fine with season 3 just bc id love for everyone to hang out at starcourt together)
but i was also thinking it would be cool to involve reader in all the events, and reader could end up helping them. im going to this with the idea that reader doesnt stick around in the end, and hopefully finds out who they are, which now im thinking about it could in some way be via being vecna'd, i dont know the specifics on how that would work for reader but its an idea that could be cool !!
so to answer the question im happy with leaning either way, id loooove to do it with everyone all happy and everything so we get cute dynamics with everyone hanging out together, but sticking with canon for the most part could be rlly interesting so yeah !! im open to both sides atm i havent decided
(2) i feel like at first their reaction would be like 'wtf am i seeing' honestly bc yeah theyve seen alot, i think it depends on when its set, bc if its set in s4 i bet at least a few ppl would be like 'thats wild am i being vecna'd rn?' lmao. but yeah i dont think most of their worlds would be like rocked or anything bc atp theyve seen so much they cant be toO like terrified
(3) im giggling at the thought of reader being doll sized omg /pos
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these are some photos of jane in the show (shes the blonde one just so theres no confusion lol!) she has doll-like make-up and such, and she also moves a bit robotic like a doll. i would ofc describe reader far more vaguely for appearance so everyone can read this and see themselves in it, but this is the girl who inspired this whole idea :D !!!
in ride the cyclone, jane doe is normal human sized, and her doll is normal doll sized (its a porcelain doll but like where are we gonna find a porcelain doll in hawkins lmao so thats why i went w some sort of babie or other day). in ride the cyclone its kind of just one of those things no one explicitly brings up, someone gets a lil creeped out by jane's headless doll but thats about it, so its one of those things without like a full explanation, but i think its such a cute way to give them a head.
so reader would be like normal human size and everything, and the doll head and the fact that reader might talk to the doll is something everyone is kinda just like 'ok yeah i dont have the energy to unpack whatever's happening there'. ooorrr we could always add some sort of explanation if we wanted to which i wouldnt be opposed to :DD
also above ties into that this isnt going to be 100% serious dark angst etc, ride the cyclone itself could be quite heavy if it werent for the fact that its a funky lil comedic thing as well, and i think thats a fun vibe that ill probably try to stick to a lil with this as well
(4) for age my original idea was that reader is around robin/steve/nancy/eddie/etc's age, early 20's or like 18-19, this is bc id like the dynamic between reader and other characters if reader was around this age. and also i dont want this to be like a shot-for-shot remake of when the gang found el in the woods, so making reader like dustin's age is less appealing to me.
omg i love that name idea and i loovveee how it ties back to the doll bc ik the doll wont actually talk back but i think its such a cute thing to include so i just gotta. so far ive been suggested gn variations of jane doe, but i also love this definitely putting it on the list for name options !!
and for relationships yess i agree !! i asked what people thought for romantic bc i was interested in what ppl thought but i am leaning towards stuff like yeah found family !! i cant explain why but i would loooove nancy and reader's friendship in this just soemthing abt it i love !! and omg yes ofc dad nancy and mum steve .
also i can totally see reader and el bonding over how el can relate to reader not rlly knowing anything about the world and how things work and such !!
for context, jane doe in ride the cyclone can speak and all (which i might alter a bit for reader bc depending on how long reader's been alone/in a purgatory kinda place in the upside down then they may be a bit out of practice with speaking) but doesnt actually know what most things are, bc she learnt what they were during her life, which ofc she does not remember, so yeah !
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