#and in a way she’s not easy on life. there’s some kind of magnets/opposite poles stuff where she’s just always drawn to the worst things
itspileofgoodthings · 22 days
Taylor returning over and over to the falling through the ice accident in the Bolter—everything to me
#like. just. the shock of it all#there’s something about Taylor where her experience of life is so ….. brutal#like I don’t know how else to say it but it just is. life is not easy on her it is always ready to CLOBBER her#and in a way she’s not easy on life. there’s some kind of magnets/opposite poles stuff where she’s just always drawn to the worst things#to feeling them and experiencing them and almost ??? creating them#like I don’t mean to overstate it. and I know she has a family who loves her (thank GOD)#and also she’s very practical and industrious about creating this very Instagram worthy life full of Fine Things and a Fun Time#and of course all the resources in the world at her disposal to create all the trappings of it#whether it’s a celebrity Fourth of July party or the eras tour#and she’ll do it and love it. but as all the best critics know and point out the most fascinating thing about Taylor is always the music#and it’s where all the weirdness and stubbornness and difficulties of her life. her a c t u a l longings her actual fears#her actual terrible awful experiences that she charges headlong down the paths of#is set free! and it’s breathtaking in the most shocking way#like falling through the ice! I always say the first thing that always hits me about a Taylor album is the bitterness#just this blast in the face. and her music is so gentle! in so many ways#and the packaging is so appealing and her voice is so soft and expressive and there is none of that weird experimentation#even musically (remember when she shut down imogen heap for putting a minor chord in clean she was like absolutely not. I’m obsessed)#(with that moment forever)#but like. so much of Taylor’s packaging and life and HER really does SEEM so basic or ordinary or just rich girl ordinary I guess#she likes basic things and wants basic things. but also she is so hungry so restless so angry so wounded the rich internal life is CHURNING#all the time. every second. and it’s spectacular to watch and also I will worry about her until the day I die#or just—-I don’t know. it’s going to be spectacular and it is sometimes going to be awful#but she will keep furiously writing her way through it!!#there IS such a woundedness to her. and it makes me love her so much because it’s packaged in such a way people think it must just be#whining or privilege. but it’s not! it’s just. the human condition and Taylor’s own flaws#okay I’ve lost the plot here a bit in my ramblings but yeah the ice metaphor. insanely perfect
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smallblip · 3 years
Don’t drink the kool-aid
Levihan | rated for mentions of sex
It’s on Ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29942904
“Levi... Think of a number between one and ten-“
Hanji says, her breathing is a little ragged, but she’s looking at him excitedly, like there’s something shiny that he has to offer and she’s taking the bait, biting down. Whatever it is, he knows she isn’t going to let go. But he wishes she would-
“Really Hanji? You wanna fucking do this now?” Levi says, he looks down to where their bodies are connected. She laughs and wriggles above him, “just answer the question!”
Levi regrets letting her take control of the situation. Regrets letting her flip them over so she’s on top, promising to ride him until he’s spent and her thighs are burning.
Because right now she’s really not delivering on that promise.
Levi nods, letting her know he’s playing her little game.
She wraps an arm around her chest, another hand coming to stroke her chin. Levi sighs. He shifts uncomfortably under her.
“Seven!” She announces, like whatever shiny incentive there is is within grasp.
“No. Four...” Levi replies, watching as Hanji slumps against his chest. He can’t see her face from where it’s buried against his neck, but he knows she’s pouting.
This is how you love in this world. First you toss out the word love. You tell it to its face that Commander Erwin Smith says “love is the ultimate cult of men... A sect... A dirty ploy by the whatever god is up there to make us all vulnerable..." Erwin spits the last word in disgust. "Is that what you want? To be sheeple?”
They are having one too many drinks at the pub and Hanji is laughing her head off at whatever subconscious train of thought streams out of Erwin’s mouth. Love isn't the only thing that can render a man vulnerable. She thinks alcohol is far more practical, and yet, Erwin doesn't seem to have any complaints about it.
Levi shoots Hanji a look, a little tired, yet a little amused despite his frowning- want me to knock him out?
She shakes her head- no, this is fun!
Erwin catches them making eyes at one another and he points from Levi to Hanji, then back to Levi again. “Don’t you dare fall in love... Both of you... You’re too good for that...” Erwin says before taking another swig of whisky. Except it’s a little late in the night and Levi has already swapped it for water. Hanji wonders how long it would take for him to notice.
But it’s a little late and the alcohol settles as a blush on the bridge of Hanji’s nose, and Levi is staring at her now, a little too tender for comfort.
Hanji averts her gaze, this is far too much to deal with now. So she turns her attention back to Erwin instead, chuckling, she says “you must be fun at parties...”
Erwin wakes up the next morning with a colossal headache. “What did I say last night?” He groans at a meeting that’s really just everyone staring at one another with bloodshot eyes.
“Nothing out of the ordinary...” Hanji says, chipper through her hangover. But Erwin catches her and Levi sniggering to one another later. He wonders what the joke is.
But that’s how you talk about love in this world- you don’t. Instead, you replace it with the feeling of bandages wrapped taut over torn skin and broken bones.
“Gentle, Levi... These bones cannot take more breaking... I did the math...” Hanji is wincing and already she’s withdrawing from his touch. He chides her. If she stays still this would all go by much more painlessly. "Stay still or I’ll break your legs too..." he says, but the menace disappears behind deep concentration.
“Thank you...” she says when he’s testing the integrity of her bandages, and his heart misses a beat.
Strange how broken bones can heal themselves in time. But the dull throbbing in his heart and the wrenching in his gut don’t go away. Maybe it just means nothing’s broken. Maybe this is the feeling of life itself. Of the universe telling him hey... You're not done for yet... You've still got a lot of living to do...
After all, this is how you love in this world. First you look romance in the eye and tell it to take a walk. Tell it that it has no business in these parts of town.
Some days Levi is bestowed with the blessing of self-awareness, enough to know he has the romantic capacity of a child with a playground crush.
He kicks her under the table during a meeting, you idiot I told you this was a bad idea, he glares her down, hoping she would somehow read his mind. And somehow, whether by some sort of hallowed bond between them or sheer dumb luck, she does.
She narrows her eyes at him-
watch me.
He pulls her back by her cape, "don’t go charging into danger you idiot!" And he wants to let the sentence run on, you have to be safe, to live a long life, prove the gods wrong, but he doesn’t. Instead he purses his lips and his hand drops from her cape to her arm.
She narrows her eyes, lips pursed. Hanji has always had a rebellious streak and an untamable spirit, and it shows in the way she juts her chin out at him-
watch me.
So Levi learns to love in other ways.
He squeezes her hand before battle, like a silent prayer for deliverance. And she squeezes back, fingers lacing with his, eyes bright with determination- a promise to make it back home.
He drapes his cape around her when she falls asleep at her desk, fingers tracing the lines between her brows, and she relaxes. She dreams of fresh laundry and a small, clean cottage that smells like him. And she learns that love can be kind.
Love is tender, love is kind, love is Hanji’s fingers circling his wrist, her hand on his cheek, her arm around his shoulder. Love is her touches that ghost his forehead, down his nose- little gossamer touches; like butterflies. Like she’s trying to remember every detail before it’s too late. But it’s still early and they still have relatively long lives to lead. Whatever it is “long” means in this world.
“This is easy...” she says, ambiguous.
“What is?” he asks.
“This,” she says again, pressing a kiss to his cheek when they’re sitting in the trees, recovering from battle.
And Levi thinks it’s funny how things turned out. Neat freak, disciplined soldier, fussy little runt from the underground, trailing after a person with a penchant for the macabre and little capacity for decorum. Like two opposite poles of a magnet, pulled together by forces unknown.
He remembers joining the Corps and meeting Hanji Zoë, and thinking he doesn’t want anything to do with her. But somehow along the way she has crawled under his skin, sinking into the chambers of his heart, made a home out of him.
They’re lined up on their horses behind the gates, and Erwin is saying something about freedom, about the cause, about fighting and spirit and bravery. Hanji turns to him in the middle of it all, and Levi braces himself. What's it going to be this time? A joke about sheeple? A comment about the flowers beyond the walls?
“Levi, think of a number between one and ten!” She says, and his instinctive reaction is to roll his eyes. But he nods anyway, crease between his brows relaxing when he watches her smile.
“No way!” She kicks herself. She had been so sure she’d get it right. After all, in the years that have gone by they learn to trust one another, lean on one another. She translates his words with clarity and he tells her how she’s really feeling past her burying herself in work. No matter. The gates are opening and Levi watches her eyes light up in wonder. She looks at him one last time before they ride beyond the gates, and Levi knows what that look means-
this is my favourite part.
He smiles back at her-
mine too.
And Levi thinks he had spoken too soon about not wanting anything to do with Hanji Zoë. Because now he looks for her in the battlefield, he needs to know she’s alright. And every single goddamn time, he finds her looking for him too. And it hits him like a brick, because this is how you love in this world. Levi stares love down from across the room, pocket knife drawn by his side, he tells it to go fuck itself. But the thing about love- it has always had a rebellious streak, and an untamable spirit. It makes its way under your skin and builds a little home for itself nestled within arteries, heartstrings, and skin upon skin upon skin-
First, comes the tentative touches. Like a deer peeking past the trees in the forest. Hanji laughs too much, and it makes his heart beat out of his chest, but it also throws him off. “Stop laughing!” He snarls, but that only makes her laugh harder.
“Don’t look so scared Levi...” she says.
Levi scoffs. He wants to tell her he isn’t scared. But there’s never a point in lying to Hanji. The fact that they’re so transparent to one another proves inconvenient at junctures like these. He tries to think of something else- anything else. But it shows on his face, and she’s giggling again.
It shouldn’t be this difficult. He’s too old for this degree of imprecision. It shouldn’t be difficult at all- first you undress your partner, then yourself, and then everything will fall into place.
Now they’re both stark naked, and Levi can see the goosebumps rising on her skin. He knows he’s supposed to do more than stare at her face. But-
Her hand finds his and she presses their palms together, fingers intertwined, we’re okay. You ready?
And that’s how they love in this world. That’s their signal- palm against palm, fingers laced, a little squeeze- ready? Go! There’s no turning back now.
Sometimes it’s the feeling of fingers digging so deep they bruise, of hair-pulling, of teeth scraping against flesh- a reminder that affection and pain are lovers.
In these times, kisses taste like blood. It’s unclear whose blood it is- only that they all taste the same at the end of the day- like rust and iron and the earth. And Levi doesn’t want to dwell on the details lest it distracts from the way her hands slide under his shirt, the way she guides them to the bed. He wants to comment on how the sheets are ruined beyond salvation, but Hanji doesn’t let him. Oh well. It’s nothing a little soap and a hot iron can’t solve.
Her hands seek his out, and she places them on her neck. I want it harder, every time, that means I want it harder. And Levi gives.
Next comes a reckoning that's something short of divine.
“When are we going to admit we love each other and move on?” Levi asks after, hands stilling on Hanji’s sides, just below her chest.
Don’t stop... she guides his fingers to stroke her skin again, and he does, tracing each bump and raise, each a testimony to survival, feeling the rise and fall of her ribs.
“That would be too easy now wouldn’t it?” She grins sleepily at him.
And love is anything but easy in this world, so why should it make an exception for them?
“My mother once told me to really reel a man in, you gotta slip through his fingers, let him give chase a little...” Hanji chuckles, eyebrows wagging.
Levi scoffs.
“An old geezer at the pub once told me if you know how to give a woman an orgasm, she’s yours forever...” And Levi almost regrets saying this. He doesn’t know why he says most of anything he says. But the words come easy, sloppily when he’s with Hanji. And Hanji never seems to mind, armed with a repository of equally horrific things to say.
“I mean... He’s not wrong...” she shrugs, and Levi thinks maybe this is as good a declaration of love as he’s going to get. He wonders if he’d be alright with this if they weren’t poking a stick at death all the time. Then again, he has fallen in love with a person born with a stick in her hands. So maybe it comes as a package deal.
Levi scowls at her and pinches her nose, “disgusting...”
But she does slip through his fingers a little, returning to him an eye short, a new title gained, and a fog in her lungs that makes it hard to breathe. Levi feels a dull ache in his heart that doesn't go away. This time he's certain that something's broken.
He kicks a chair towards her and sits her down, "you have to rest you idiot. You barely eat, you haven’t slept."
She narrows her eyes at him, “there’s no time, Levi... There are things I have to do...”
Already she’s getting up, but Levi grabs her arm and glowers at her wordlessly, one day you’re going to drop dead and we’ll all have a dead fucking commander on top of every other fucking inconvenience we’ve been dealt.
And Hanji shoots him a look. The one that says watch me do everything you told me not to do. But her expression softens when she sees the anxiety in his eyes. Because she recognises the look on his face- she had worn the same concern when she had found him after Isabelle and Farlan passed. The same look every time they return from beyond the walls. And she regrets pushing him away. She hates it with every fibre of her being. So she squeezes his hand before she leaves, I’ll be alright...
He squeezes back.
And that’s how you love in this world. You take whatever instinct there is to keep your lover from danger, to drag her kicking and screaming from the frontlines. To tell her to stop being petulant and sit this one out. Instead, all Levi manages is a- “don’t you dare go running off playing hero again Hanji! You hear me? Don’t you fucking dare,” when they’re alone again in her quarters, two naked bodies lying by candlelight.
And she grins at him, the nerve, the audacity. She actually grins at him.
“Hey Levi, think of a number between one and ten...” she says, and he really doesn’t want her to change the topic. He wants her to promise him. To swear on everything good that’s left in this world that she’ll be safe. But it’s also too late to pretend he isn’t going to play along.
“Ten?” She guesses.
“Five...” he smiles.
Hanji smiles back, “still got it!”
And he kisses her like it's the first time. He always kisses her like it's the first time. Soft, lingering, like a drizzle in the middle of Summer, like raindrops clinging to skin. She smiles at him when they pull apart-
this is my favourite part.
He smiles back at her-
mine too.
And Hanji thinks it's truly ridiculous. It's a scandal really. Erwin was right. This is mind-control of the highest and most elegant order. Whatever this feeling is, it has possessed her to build an alter from stick and stone and stitches over torn skin.
A little commune for two in the forest.
Levi’s hand is in hers, but she faces away from him. She doesn’t want to see him like this. Not when it manifests an ache in her heart that she doesn't quite know how to nurse. How will they recover from this?
“When are we going to admit we love each other and move on?” Hanji asks absentmindedly. She thinks it’s alright to bend the rules of this world a little. It's okay to talk about love, to give a name to the horror that plagues them. Because whatever conspiracy this whole love business is pedaling, she thinks it’s pretty goddamn convincing, and they might as well admit it.
But they’ve gone so long without having to use words, and Levi doesn’t want to jinx it-
“That would be too easy now wouldn’t it?”
And this is how you love in this world, romance comes in unexpected forms. It's been so long since they've been alone like this. And Hanji dreams of fresh laundry and a small, clean cottage that smells like him. She hopes to god Levi sees it too- and he does. He sees it every time he looks at her. But he settles for the next best option. He takes whatever words left unsaid and hoards them into a stockpile of recurring motifs that are proxy for affection-
"Four eyes... I'm thinking of a number between one and ten..." Levi manages through the pain, and he knows it's all worth it because he gets to watch that smile spread across her face.
"Two?" She says, only a little above a whisper.
"One... You're getting closer..." He says, like a prophecy, because immediately, she closes the gap between them and presses a kiss to his forehead, then to the corner of his lips. She lays down next to him and he musters all the strength in the world to push a stray strand of hair from her face. Like the lifting of a veil-
this is my favourite part.
She smiles back at him-
mine too.
Wall Maria has been breached. The day is breaking and soon everything will spiral out of hand. But for now, it’s still dusk and the sun has barely made its way past the horizon. There’s something so rare and sacred about this moment that it feels surreal.
Levi can’t remember the first part of the conversation. They must have been talking about something stupid. They always are. But the next part falls into place so beautifully that it has to be premeditated somehow. Maybe Erwin was right. This is all some sort of grand scheme, a cult of wonder.
“Don’t tell me you’re in love with me, four eyes...”
“What a ridiculous notion...” Hanji replies with a scoff and a little chuckle. Because this is how you love in this world. You look love in the face and think, oh god no, really? Of all the people in this world, him? But love is tender, love is kind, love is Levi holding onto the belt around her waist as she tip-toes across a short ledge so she doesn’t fall.
“Me? In love with you?” She continues, throwing her head back to laugh. Her arms are out, she’s getting pretty good at keeping balance. But Levi’s hand is still there regardless.
Levi clicks his tongue, “idiot...”
It’s good that they don’t speak of love. After all, this is as far as love goes in this world- the swell in Levi’s chest and all the words left unsaid, translated into a curated repertoire of looks and touches. A hand on the small of her back means I’ve got you.
And god is it inconvenient to love in a world like theirs. It’ll inevitably end in heartbreak, and Levi doesn’t enjoy being a cliché in a tragedy. He hears Erwin’s voice echoing in his head, “don’t fall in love... Just don’t...”
But he looks at Hanji, his lips curve into a smile when she looks back at him grinning. It’s just a moment, but Levi recognises the look, and Hanji sees it too in the glint of his eyes.
Her hand in his says we’re in this together, a squeeze says it’ll all be alright. And a look of determination tells the rest of the world to take a walk.
In this world, they tell you not to fall in love. It's a recipe for disaster. Like cyanide in a Styrofoam cup.
But Hanji kisses him, and she looks at him like he has something shiny to offer, like he’s slipping it into her pockets. There’s a look in her eyes and Levi knows exactly what it means-
watch me.
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oatbrew · 4 years
knocks on ur window please tell us more about akane/kougami/homura dynamics
opens my window and props my elbows on the windowsill
it’d be hard to get into specifics because the true nature of akane and shizuka’s alliance is so open-ended. but i’m gonna indulge a little with some fun speculation
why would shizuka demand akane’s release? (1) akane being free is integral to whatever agenda he has, (2) they are conspirators, or (3) he owes her. whatever the case, i like to think that they value each other’s abilities and goals enough for them to continue cooperating closely together. though it’s likely their relationship is purely business, it’s also fun imagining them having a deceptively casual and easy rapport since they’re both intelligent and savvy about the way their world works. shizuka gives me the vibe that he has a sense of charisma but is not the warmest, most genuine person. and possibly, akane’s one of the few he’d be willing to defer to and have in-depth conversations with even if they disagree over certain things. they probably don’t talk about personal stuff (and the knowledge they do have they got from their own initial research of the other) but conspiring has given them shorthands as a mutual language. i can imagine them having mob-style brunch meetings in some nice, safe, pretentious bistro as neutral ground before akane was imprisoned. now that shizuka is chief and akane is a statutory enforcer who has certain liberties, it’d be cool to see her as his quasi-consigliere, working as an extension of his arm in the field so to speak. perhaps she also acts as his liaison and mediator to the rest of the bureau especially whenever mika is acting belligerent lol what would be really interesting is if they gave them an allied professor x/magneto kind of dynamic, in the sense that they are respectful even friendly and they share no illusions about each other in striving for a common goal but they have different ideological and methodological stances in how that goal should be approached.
as for kou, you know when you meet someone and you just gravitate towards them? their dynamic would be the complete opposite lol they’d be like the same poles of two magnets coming together, at least on kou’s side. shizuka would automatically make it to the top of his “bastards to keep an eye on” list. his conscious suspicion is rooted in the fact that shizuka is both an unknown factor and in a position of power that can affect the fates of his colleagues and friends quite easily. he’d like to think any wariness he had would be purely impersonal but even if it was revealed that the man had noble intentions, shizuka would always rub him the wrong way. because on a more subconscious level, akane is at the center of it. i don’t think kou is an envious/jealous type but i do think he can’t help his protectiveness over her well-being and his possessiveness over his place in her life. not in a gross chauvinist “no one can have you” way but in a “you could potentially harm her” and “she and i share something that belongs to us exclusively” way. i do think this would only be exacerbated by her own avoidance to disclose whatever ties she has to shizuka. if shizuka was less of an enigma and less of a wild card, i don’t think kou’s instinctive repulsion and wariness would lend itself to actual dislike. but the fact of the matter is they are both hiding something significant enough to be dangerous (particularly to akane). and if kou can’t account for it, he can’t manage the outcome should things fall apart
of course, impulsive as he can be, feeling and action can be easily separated when he’s committed to a job. if frederica needed him to work with shizuka, no doubt he’d do it without letting his own personal emotions and suspicions show. but while he respects the hierarchy of command enough to cooperate with it at the moment, his principles and loyalties would always guide what orders he’s going to oblige. i do think it’d be funny though having kou indifferently witness akane and shizuka’s dynamic firsthand and betraying none of his feelings while simultaneously maiming and committing murder in his head
and in shizuka’s case, i think he’s just ultimately committed to his endgame. he can recognize ability and respect and value a person for it. but how he interacts with people in the every day isn’t necessarily ruled by his own personal feelings towards them but rather on just cost-benefit. “how can we serve each others’ interests? and will you be an obstacle in my own enterprise?” is his approach. so i can see him respecting and refusing to underestimate akane and kou and maybe even enjoying their insight and intellect, but never going beyond that. though i would love to be surprised if they explored his humanity in the fourth season despite his apathy of others’. what can push a man like him to recognize the inherent worth of every person regardless of who they are? if anyone can convince someone to see her side, it’d be akane of all people. i also have a suspicion he’s going to have a significant (maybe even starring) role in the next season and as i said before, relationships are the foundation of this show. so i’m very excited to see how (and if) all three of them develop and influence each other
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dargeereads · 4 years
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Release Date: May 17, 2020
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
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Mrs. Ambrosia Bloomington, now a widow, is ready to start a new life amongst Mayfair elites without the overarching reach of her late husband, Mr. Harrison Bloomington.  With her trunks loaded safely onto her own private carriage, she’s ready to face the world as an independent woman in Regency London.
She does not, however, bargain for cocksure Frenchman, Mr. Charles Cochran Bateman coming along and turning her very ordinary journey into the adventure of a lifetime.
She does not bargain for his laughter, his enthusiasm, nor his Joie de vie.
And blast and fiddlesticks, she certainly is not expecting to experience the sparks that charge the air between them.
And, it seems, apparently, neither is he…
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They say opposites attract, but in this case, they might just combust . . .
Hermosa Beach seems to be the place for throwing together unlikely opposites.
My rooster Rowdy and his new crush, Pixy the goat.
Me and the obnoxiously cocky cowboy from Texas . . .
But unlike Rowdy and Pixy, there’s no way I’m going to fall for David Strickland.
Nope. Not gonna happen. I could never be with a man so completely opposed to everything I believe . . . no matter how hot he is.
There couldn’t be two people more different than the beautiful little tree hugger and rooster rescuer Heather and me.
We can’t agree on anything, except that we disagree on everything—some times more heatedly than other times. And believe me, things are starting to heat up between us, in more ways than one.
She's the last thing I expected to find at an animal shelter in California. But now I found her, I have no intention of letting her go.
I just have to get her on board with that plan.
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She was the fruit of a forbidden tree, but nothing in this world was going to stop me from tasting her.
My name is Dylan Murphy, and I work for the rich and powerful of an exclusive Manhattan building. Graham Morgan was my first boss, but soon after I was working with some of the most famous entrepreneurs, business moguls, and movie stars in the city. They trusted me because I always followed the cardinal rules:
Never betray secrets. And never, under any circumstance, get personally involved.
I’d never dreamed of violating my professional mantra.
Not until she walked past me.
The look we exchanged that night set my body on fire, and I knew right then and there that no matter the consequences, she was going to be mine. But she was one of them—off limits and out of my league, but she was the kind of woman who I was willing to risk everything for.
I keep other people’s secrets for a living, but the biggest secret of all might be my own.
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Ex-fighter pilot, Logan Reid, is exactly the kind of man I despise. He’s a cocky jet jock, a former Navy Blue Angel, and full of all the arrogance that comes with being the best of the best.
I’m an ex-Zoomie, an Air Force tanker pilot. The rivalry between our sister services is nothing compared to that between fighter jocks and tanker pilots. We’re bitter rivals and I’m low-man (woman) on the totem pole
The last thing I need is to spend six hours at thirty-five thousand feet locked in a cockpit with the cocky captain. But I have no choice. I’m his co-pilot, and we’re taking the CEO of Montague Enterprises, and his family, on a mini-vacation to the Grand Caymans.
We have three days on the ground before we fly back.
Three long days in paradise and he wants to spend them all with me.
I have a thing for fighter pilots.
It isn’t animosity, exactly, but rather a deep-seated dislike. They get all the glory while the rest of us sit at the butt end of their jokes and wither beneath their ridicule.
I hate fighter pilots. There, I said it. I hate the arrogant pricks with a passion.
But after one look into those magnetic eyes, and the devastating wink which follows, I’m thinking of throwing caution to the wind. What harm can come from some innocent flirting? Besides, it’s not as if my job is at risk.
I’m not prepared for the air to sizzle when he’s close.
I’m not ready for our explosive chemistry when he touches my skin.
I’m not equipped for the fallout when our three days come to an end.
And I never expected to fall in love.
But all good things come to an end.
I wasn’t prepared when I walked away.
And I wasn’t ready for what came next.
He’s arrogant.
He’s cocky.
He’s determined to get what he wants.
And he’s refuses  to let this end.
He’s fighting for a forever…with me.
But, I’m not ready for our beginning.
He’s arrogant enough to prove me wrong.
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When I met Ryan, I might’ve been trying to break into his basement.
It was for a good cause. I swear. Also, my dog broke in first.
Ryan Blake is jaw-dropping handsome, wealthy & cocky. Not quite my type. By some miracle, he doesn’t call the police on me when he catches me trying to rescue my dog. He even fetches a doctor for me. Don’t ask why.
I don’t figure I’ll see him again. Then, I do. Then, he kisses me. Once. Twice. Is three times the charm? To be honest, I swooned at the first kiss.
All swooning aside, we are seriously opposites. I wear cowboy boots and skirts. He wears suits and ties. He’s all New York City. I’m a Southern girl looking for a new start. We even talk at different speeds.
The list of things I don’t expect from Ryan is long. I don’t expect him to think twice about me. I don’t expect him to nearly bring me to my knees with a look. I don’t expect him to be so much more than I ever imagined.
I absolutely don’t expect to fall for him. So hard I’m skidding sideways just to catch my balance.
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Getting fired and humiliated in front of everyone at my newly acquired secretarial job at Morgan Financial Holdings wasn’t how I’d seen my day going.
And then chaos—or maybe luck—ensured.
I was set up on a blind date, shocked that my former boss was giving me a month’s severance, and had the perfect interview lined up.
Maybe things were looking up for me after all.
And although finding a man should have been on the bottom of my to-to list, I couldn’t get Jason—the uber sexy blind date—out of my head. Sexy and confident—or maybe arrogant—he had me yearning for more with just a smoldering look and a smirk of his lips.
But when a night of drinking leads to getting in bed with him and having the wildest, most intense night of my life, I didn’t know if I should ask to see him again, or do the good old walk of shame.
And it’s when I walk into my interview the next day and come face-to-face with my prospective employer that the reality of my situation sinks in.
Because there, sitting across from me with that devilish smile on his face, that knowing expression of what we’d done the night before, is the one and only Jason, my supposedly one-night stand.
Looked like my humiliation wasn’t over just yet.
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When my best friend Aubrey asked me to tag along to an event with her, I never could have imagined that it would be the day that my life changed forever.
He’s arrogant and demanding and doesn’t take a hint. Landon Barker, the quarterback for the Hermosa Beach Trojans, is a player on and off of the field. He’s got his sights set on me as his next play, but I see right through him. Aubrey says I’m overreacting, that I should give him a chance. What she doesn’t realize is men like Landon don’t fall for the girl next door. That’s not reality. She got her fairytale, although it was a long road. Not all of us are that lucky.
She’s a friend of our new kicking coach’s wife. When I ask Chance for her number, he tells me I have to find a way to get it myself.
Nothing when it comes to Emma has been easy. She’s the first woman ever to turn me down, and that won’t do. However, as time passes, it’s about more than that. It’s about her smile, her laugh, and just spending time with her. She thinks I’m a player, and she’s right. What she doesn’t know is that I play to win, and her heart is the ultimate trophy.
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I’m a fighter.
At least that’s what my daddy always told me.
It’s in our blood.
Hard work, hustle, and a little Hennessey is the Reid motto.
He taught me to fight for everything I wanted in life.
Take down those who threaten the dream.
My dream is to marry the perfect man.
That man is my father’s best friend and I won’t stop until I have him.
And at Daddy’s wedding in Costa Rica, I plan to make that dream finally come true.
Then, my life will be smooth sailing.
Until a chance flight with an arrogant pilot throws me off course. 
Camilo’s decisions affect my future, and I can’t allow anything—not even a cocksure, ridiculously hot idiot—to stand in my way.
Problem is, he fights back.
Every battle I’ve won in life, he shoots down and exposes me for the fraud I am.
Trapped in paradise with my devilishly handsome nemesis seems like one of the seven circles of Hell…and, boy, is it getting hot around here. 
He’ll strip me of my armor.
Remind me of my past.
Force me to rethink my future.
And help me live in the moment.
Will he steal my heart too?
One thing’s for sure.
This girl won’t give up without a fight.
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I fell in love when I was sixteen. Landon was my entire world and I thought he would be my forever. But I was young and dumb, and with one error in judgement, I destroyed any chance of a future we could’ve had together, along with our hearts.
Twelve years later and I’m going through the motions of life, but not actually living. Which is why I let my friends, Bridget and Simon, set me up on a blind date. Turns out, it’s not so blind after all. Because the man sitting in front of me is the same man who’s held onto my heart all these years.
They call me a Clutch Player because I’m good under pressure and quick on my feet. I was also quick to fall in love. The first time it was with baseball, the second was with Harper. And for a short time I had them both.
Until I lost Harper and all I had left was baseball.
For years, I focused on my career. I had accepted that baseball was my one true love.
Until I saw her again. I never imagined we’d ever get a second chance, but now that she’s sitting right across from me, I know there’s no way in hell I’m going to let her go again.
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Carlina Perez is in way over her head. Unexpectedly jobless and fostering an exotic pet with an insatiable appetite, this pastry chef needs a new gig faster than she can whip up a batch of scones.  But when she’s tapped to serve as the personal chef to a haughty tabloid regular, she only considers the job out of sheer desperation. After all, Giorgio Acardi may be filthy rich and intoxicatingly handsome, but he’s also a first class scoundrel.
Giorgio Acardi has it all:  money, fame, an endless string of beautiful companions, and the respect of his colleagues and rivals. From the outside looking in, his life is perfect. So perfect, in fact, that he’s even got his eye on a new personal chef. She’s talented and gorgeous, and it shouldn’t make a difference whether she hates him or not as long as she does the job. But there’s something about Carlina that Giorgio just can’t resist, and he hasn’t enjoyed success by backing down from a challenge.
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Cocky Hero Club
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charminglatina · 5 years
Riverdale Characters as Tropes (Part I) ⭐️.
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Here is a list of the most notable Riverdale characters and their tropes that best describe their character archetypes and personalities. I used tropes from TVTropes.org. Have fun reading!
#1. Archie Andrews (Main Trope: Big Man On Campus AKA BMOC; Secondary Tropes: Chick Magnet, Betty and Veronica, The Ace, Mr. Fanservice, The Hero, Lovable Jock, All-Loving Hero, Action Hero, Nice Guy, All Guys Want Cheerleaders)
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Big Man On Campus (BMOC)
Guys want to be him, gals want to be with him. Maybe Even the Guys Want Him. The Big Man on Campus is the most popular guy in the High School. He is handsome, charming, a superb athlete and usually pretty smart and an A student. Unlike his peers Alpha Bitch (who is usually his girlfriend until he realizes how awful she is) and the Jerk Jock (usually his friend until he realizes how awful he is) the Big Man on Campus never bullies anyone: he rules through charisma and general awesomeness rather than fear and manipulation. But like the Lovable Jock (with whom he is often close, if not one and the same), woe to anyone who trifles with him. He'll probably grow up to become The Ace. Sometimes Truth in Television. The Big Man on Campus is very popular in Prep school fiction, as a well-read, handsome, athletic, affable, and articulate man is the epitome of prep. The High School Hustler is occasionally a Big Man, but more often lower on the totem pole. Generally this character is either the protagonist himself, or is the chief love interest in a story about a Cool Loser heroine. He rarely turns up if the story is about male outcasts (as the existence of a benign popular kid makes it harder to use jocks as villains) or about a popular girl (as those sort of stories usually give her an outsider love interest). The Big Man on Campus is Always Male. For a "popular but good hearted" High School female equivalent Spoiled Sweet is the trope of choice. Compare School Idol and Lovable Jock . For settings outside of High School, compare it to Magnetic Hero.
#2. Betty Cooper (Main Trope: Girl Next Door; Secondary Tropes: Tomboy With A Girly Streak, Ambiguous Disorder,  Amateur Sleuth, Beware The Nice Ones, Cute and Psycho, The Smart Girl, Tomboyish Ponytail, Wrench Wench)
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Girl Next Door
A Girl Next Door is a character who, it is implied, an "ordinary guy" male protagonist might have known when growing up, and whom he might like without feeling intimidated. She may literally be from the same neighborhood as the hero, or she may just remind him of girls he knew back home. In simpler terms: the feminine equivalent of an "average Joe", in terms of looks and personality. An Average Josephine, if you will. They'll usually embody a "wholesome" sort of femininity, so they're rarely the promiscuous sort, though she might act as a foil to a woman who is. Since the trope is more about her personality, some can be considered knock-outs. In which case, they're likely the local beauty in the neighborhood, or a small town; especially if she's someone like the sassy, hot waitress from the local diner, or the Farmer's Daughter. Among their friends, they're easy to talk to and usually good listeners. But they also tend to be frank about how they see things and expect the same in return. In a Betty and Veronica duo, she's the "Betty". As such, her disposition ranges from even-tempered, to boisterous and, if she's a looker, she usually doesn't flaunt it. That isn't to say, she's incapable of passion; she's just unlikely to be extroverted about it. Girls of this nature will often appear in Harems, usually as the inevitably Unlucky Childhood Friend of the protagonist, or as said above, the "Betty" in a Love Triangle. In non-romantic stories, she'll either be best friends with one of the others, or she may be the Cool Big Sis. The Spear Counterpart, Boy Next Door, is the same, only—you know—male. Often overlaps with One of the Boys. Contrast with Hello, Nurse! and Peerless Love Interest. Also compare The All-American Boy, who might well be her High School Sweetheart.
#3. Veronica Lodge (Main Trope: Tsundere; Secondary Tropes: Lovable Alpha Bitch, Daddys Girl, Girly Girl,  The Beautiful Elite, Spirited Young Lady, Spoiled Sweet, Defrosting Ice Queen, Aloof Dark-Haired Girl, Mafia Princess, Uncle Pennybags, Antagonistic Offspring, The Fashionista, Fallen Princess, The Atoner)
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The Japanese term tsundere refers to an outwardly violent character who "runs hot and cold", alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck). The term was originally used to describe characters who began with a harsh outgoing personality, but slowly revealed a soft and vulnerable interior over time, which made this a plot trope as much as it is a character trope. Over the years the character archetype has become flanderized, and is now generically associated with a character who flips between the two emotional states at the slightest provocation, and usually at a specific person rather than a general sociability problem. The former is usually referred as Classic Tsundere and the latter as Modern Tsundere. A tsundere, especially a classic one, is usually a Tomboy with a Girly Streak. Tsunderes are mostly tomboys with hidden girly sides. The tsuntsun can range from the cold "silent treatment" to the hotheaded "kindergartener who pushes you into the sandbox." The reasons behind a Tsundere's behavior vary widely, but usually boil down to the conflict between their feelings of affection towards a love interest, and their reaction to having those feelings. The Tsundere stock characterization is very popular with writers of Romantic Comedy because the conflicts between the two personality facets can be easily utilized to generate both drama and comedy. It also acts as a source of Wish Fulfillment: specifically, the idea that every independent, hardened and just plain jerkish love interest (male or female) has a squishy emotional centre that will embrace you after you crack the outer shell.
Tsundere can be divided into two main categories, depending on their default mood:
Harsh (or Tsun): These Tsundere have tsuntsun as their default mood. It takes someone special to trigger their deredere side. The intensity of the tsuntsun can range from simple grumpy pessimism (Kagami of Lucky Star) to "I must glare and fight my way through life" (Louise of The Familiar of Zero). It's about which part of the tsundere personality is the public face and which the hidden. If the Tsundere is The Rival, she is more likely to be Harsh. Helping a rival out is usually accompanied by a line like "Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for you." Harsh types can overlap with a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, but usually not. The moods of a Tsundere tend to switch in reaction to the actions of select people or adverse scenarios; the deredere side usually only comes out when someone has acted in a way to trigger it. A Jerk with a Heart of Gold is jerkish in general regardless of whether the other person is mean or nice, and shows their Hidden Heart of Gold only when the situation warrants, regardless of how the other person had been acting. Male characters in particular should be considered for Jerk with a Heart of Gold status, as arguably because of Double Standards, men are generally that instead of tsundere, although the kuudere subtype is more equally split in gender. Oranyan is sometimes used to refer to a male tsundere character—incorrectly since it means the complete opposite.
Sweet (or Dere): These Tsundere have deredere as their default mood. They are sweet, kind and generous, but just happen to have a hidden violent side as well. Don't confuse the sweet tsundere with Bitch in Sheep's Clothing because in this case, they have a temper almost always triggered by someone or something else, usually a Love Interest. Either they have Belligerent Sexual Tension, are an Accidental Pervert, or just have no idea how to handle feelings of love and attraction. In some cases, an Armoured Closet Gay character may act like a Tsundere to mask their feelings for the object of their same-sex affection. May also overlap with Violently Protective Girlfriend if her Love Interest is threatened or in danger. Sweet types should not be confused with a Yandere. If a Sweet Tsundere were really convinced that their Love Interest didn't want them, they would revert back to the deredere side and probably enter an I Want My Beloved to Be Happy phase, while Yanderes are Not Good with Rejection at all and have been known to get downright murderous under such circumstances.
See also the Analysis page for more detailed information on common "strategies" employed by Tsunderecharacters, and other, related topics. This site has an explanation on the appeal of the Tsundere character. A common way of showing that a Tsundere has mellowed or has had her heart won over by the Love Interestis to have her shift from Harsh to Sweet. If her motivations are inquired, she will often engage in a Suspiciously Specific Denial, complete with a Luminescent Blush and total evasion of eye contact (cue the squeaks of Moe). When paired with a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, together they produce Belligerent Sexual Tension. If done poorly, the result is an Unintentionally Unsympathetic Jerk Sue. Compare with Well, Excuse Me, Princess!, Jerkass, and Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Contrast with Sour Outside, Sad Inside, which shares the spiky exterior but has depression and self-doubt rather than kindness hiding underneath. When Flanderized tends to overlap with Mood-Swinger. Also see Don't You Dare Pity Me! and Anger Born of Worry; both of them likely actions with this character type. Aloof Ally may show the same hot-and-cold behavior but for differing reasons. Shana Clone is a specific subtrope with a particular set of characteristics. Because of their low tolerance for stupidity, they are always Enraged by Idiocy. Please do not confuse this trope with a Mood-Swinger, who flips between all the emotional states (not just tsuntsun and deredere) and is more of an inherent mental problem encompassing more than just their romantic life. Also don't confuse with Playing Hard to Get, where a love interest deliberately chooses not to reciprocate her pursuer's interest until she's sure he's hooked. Psychologically, tsundere-like behavior could be an example of "splitting", a maladaptive coping mechanism wherein a person alternately idealizes and undervalues others, including potential romantic partners.��This trope is Older Than Dirt, dating back to at least ancient Mesopotamia.
#4. Jughead Jones III (Main Trope: Jerk With A Heart Of Gold; Secondary Tropes: Big Eater, Beware The Quiet Ones, The Cynic, Byronic Hero, Deadpan Snarker, Good Is Not Nice, Good Is Not Soft, Cool Crown Hat, Loners Are Freaks, Wrong Side Of The Tracks, Lower Class Lout, Face Of A Thug)
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Jerk With A Heart Of Gold (JWAHOG)
A person you would expect to be a big Jerkass has some redeeming qualities behind their tough demeanor. Occasionally, they'll try to make it a Hidden Heart of Gold. In a romance series, a female character filling this role is usually a Tsundere instead (occasionally she's both). A male version is usually Troubled, but Cute, and his heart of gold should never outweigh his inner jerk because All Girls Want Bad Boys, though it can if Single Woman Seeks Good Man. If his jerkishness threatens to overshadow his good qualities, he's likely to attract a Love Martyr. Sometimes Truth in Television, though you can expect Real Life examples of this to be far more subtle than fictional ones. Often this is Played for Laughs, but not always. They are just as common in drama, suspense, horror and other genres as they are in comedy. One reason for this is that they make an convenient Plot Device. After all, the supposed jerkass turning out to save the family from their real stalker, instead of being said stalker, can be a source of Heartwarming Moments when done right. If he's a manly-man who pursues an unexpectedly delicate hobby, it may be a case of Real Men Wear Pink. Audiences may also sympathize more with the JWAHOG if he's shown to frequently have a good reason to act angry or annoyed. Even the most patient of souls can only endure being the Only Sane Man when they're Surrounded by Idiots for so long, after all. One or two Pet the Dog moments scattered around for character depth does not grant a heart of gold. A true JWAHOG has many Pet the Dog moments. Or maybe those moments are rare, but powerful. Or maybe they skew more toward the "Jerk" part but start making a point of showing the "Heart of Gold" part following a Jerkass Realization. Either way, ultimately they manage to balance out the jerk in them. If it doesn't balance out, they're just a regular jerkass, or worse, a Jerk with a Heart of Jerk. Not to be confused with a certain jerk whose spaceship is named "The Heart of Gold." Even if he is an example. Or a group of people who helped defend the Heart of Gold, even though — again — they include at least two examples. Compare/contrast with Hidden Heart of Gold, Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, Noble Demon, Bruiser with a Soft Center, Hero with an F in Good, Innocently Insensitive, Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other, and Sour Outside, Sad Inside. Sometimes subverted as Jerk with a Heart of Jerk. The Lovable Alpha Bitch is a frequent Distaff Counterpart of the frequently male Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Any Nice Guy have a complete heart of gold while the trope on this page tends to vary between this trope and the former troupe. The Lancer and Loveable Rogue are often, but not always, portrayed in this light. One half of the Belligerent Sexual Tension couple. Also compare Good Is Not Nice. Truth in Television: Most of the jerks you'll meet in your life will have some redeeming qualities to them. Few people are such jerks that they don't care about anyone, and cynical people tend to handle bad situations better, so having one as a friend can be useful when things go downhill.
#5. Cheryl Blossom (Main Trope: Alpha Bitch; Secondary Tropes: Academic Alpha Bitch, Rich Bitch, Spoiled Brat, The Cheerleader, Bratty Teenage Daughter, Clingy Jealous Girl, Lipstick Lesbian, Pet The Dog, Lady In Red)
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Alpha Bitch
Take your typical setting involving teenagers—say, a High School—wait an establishing scene or two or three, and there she is. See that attractive blonde cheerleader looking down her nose (often literally) and sneering at the frumpy girl in glasses? That's her. Often times, she is the authority of the cheerleading squad and decides who's on and off the squad. After all, who needs a coach? The villainess of many a Teen Drama, the Alpha Bitch is the Distaff Counterpart to the Jerk Jock, and usually his girlfriend;note what he does with his fists, she does with a sharp tongue and sharper manipulation. She is often surrounded by a fawning Girl Posse who suck up to her and act as her faithful minions. She's very likely to be a Narcissist, a Drama Queen, a fashionista, a Valley Girl, a Bratty Teenage Daughter, a Daddy's Girl, an Attention Whore, and/or a Proud Beauty. She's also usually the scion of a wealthy and influential family, the star of the school or head sister of the influential college sorority house, thus providing her a network of local celebrity, influence and wealth to exploit. She's also quite the seductress, and consequently, all the boys fight amongst themselves—sometimes literally—to be her oppressed boyfriend. And to top it off, she's also very good-looking. All this leaves her with the belief that she can do whatever she likes without consequences. Unfortunately, she's often right; the Powers That Be are not immune to her family's wealth, connections, and influence, and they can and will be corrupted or coerced into overlooking her bad behavior. Her natural enemy is the Cool Loser heroine. Whenever their eternal, jealousy-fueled struggle over possessions, boyfriends, and status is sparked anew, quarter will neither be asked for nor given. Usually the Veronica in a Betty and Veronica situation, if she's even presented as a love interest at all. Frequently on the Snob end of Slobs vs. Snobs. It's a Costume Party, I Swear!, the Prank Date, and the Party Scheduling Gambit are just some of the many nasty tricks she plays. Often receives her comeuppance at the hands of a member of her own Girl Posse in a Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch moment, or when the Cool Loser fights back (sometimes with an Engineered Public Confession). Normally joined by a Beta Bitch who assists her in her various cruel deeds. If given some Character Development, she will become a Defrosting Ice Queen and grow into a Spoiled Sweet, or a Lovable Alpha Bitch. This trope is probably so common because everyone who wasn't homeschooled knew someone like this... or was one. It self-perpetuates because girls who want to be popular will copy what works on TV. They might even become the mask.
Most examples fall into one of two types:
Aggressive: Despite being a not-too-bright, outwardly rude, bullying, mean-spirited excuse for a human, she will somehow still be the most popular girl in school, making her a weird mix of Card-Carrying Villainand Villain with Good Publicity. She may be manipulative from time to time, but the way she acts, it's a wonder people fall for her tricks. Usually, she will have a 0% Approval Rating, but even that won't be enough to stop her. Done poorly, she can break the Willing Suspension of Disbelief, but done well she can be used to show how masochistic teenagers can be, out of a need for acceptance and attraction towards people they perceive as powerful. Unlikely to be a Fille Fatale, she's too outwardly mean for that. But who knows, if All Men Are Perverts, they might overlook her personality in favor of looks. Common in Kid Comsand shows with Black and White Morality because she's a rather unambiguous character. This does not mean she is necessarily a Flat Character. She may in fact be Sour Outside, Sad Inside. Compare The Bully and The Lad-ette.
Passive-Aggressive: A smarter, more adroit version of the first type, she is often adept at putting on a friendly facade, all the better for her to lull the unwary into letting their guard down. Though sometimes Book Dumb out of a lack of interest in academics, she is usually of about average or greater intelligence, because maintaining her status requires some level of cleverness. Her beta is usually a good-naturedDumb Blonde, Brainless Beauty, or Asian Airhead for contrast. Very often a Fille Fatale, or if she's older, a Femme Fatale. Often, even she is just as oblivious to her inner nature as everyone else is, and thinks of herself as much like the way she presents herself to others. A Heel Realization may cause her to change her ways. Or she might be knowingly and unrepentantly evil and just knows how to hide it from others.
If she's not the cheerleader type with the fake smile, but is the (usually) unglamorous girl who will fight to be the best in her class, she's the Academic Alpha Bitch. Though almost always a she, rare male Alpha Bitches (called Alpha Bastards) do exist, but they're just that — rare. They're distinct from the Jerk Jock in that they're mainly catty and manipulative, rather than physically threatening. Not to be confused with the Prison Alpha Bitch, found exclusively in women's jail, whose methods of bullying are much more brutal and whose goal isn't social status but outright dominance. The reason this character type is hated more than other Jerkass characters may have to do with her privelege and looks, see also Jerk Sue. Contrast Unpopular Popular Character.
#6. Kevin Keller (Main Trope: Gay Best Friend; Secondary Tropes: Camp Gay, Adorkable, All Gays Love Theater, All Gays Are Promiscuous, Gay Guy Seeks Popular Jock)
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Gay Best Friend
The Gay Best Friend exists mostly to add variety, funny mannerisms and cheap laughs to an otherwise all-straight story and sometimes shows of political correctness. The GBF may talk about sex a lot, but is seldom depicted as having any, because too many viewers would find that disturbing. Either he has no love life to speak of (which never seems to bother him), or it's forever offscreen, only discussed with the heroine over brunch at some pretentious cafe. As modern society grows increasingly comfortable with gay people, fiction is slowly seeing more well-rounded gay supporting characters with onscreen love lives, whose sexuality is incidental to the character. In fiction the most common use of this trope is a male GBF to a straight female protagonist but other permutations are very slowly beginning to appear.
#7. Toni Topaz (Main Trope: Biker Babe; Secondary Tropes: Bi The Way, You Gotta Have Blue Hair, The Ladette, Butch Lesbian, But Not Too Black, Twofer Token Minority, Tank-Top Tomboy, One Of The Boys)
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Biker Babe
Women who operate fast vehicles are apparently attractive. Maybe it's the Action Girl in the tight leather. Also includes car drivers and female pilots. Compare and contrast Hood-Ornament Hottie. The two are similar, but a Biker Babe actually rides the bike and often wears outfits which are a little more conducive to road safety. (Although the page image is an exception.) May deliver a "Samus Is a Girl" reveal, if she wears a full helmet and doesn't wear her leathers skintight. Essentially the Distaff Counterpart to Badass Biker, in that she won't be a pushover if things get messy, although she may be less aggressively badass than he is. Will likely induce a Hello, Nurse! effect on nearby males, and maybe some Stupid Sexy Flanders from a nearby female. See also Badass Driver. If you have a team composed entirely of Biker Babes, you get Amazon Brigade.
#8. Josie McCoy (Main Trope: Idol Singer; Secondary Tropes: The Prima Donna, Sassy Black Woman, Quirky Curls, Face Of The Band, Black Best Friend)
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Idol Singer
A wildly popular trope in fiction about Japanese Pop Music is the "Idol Singer" — a teenage or early twenty-something (NEVER over 25) female performer, chosen for her cute and attractive image and sunny personality more than for her actual singing ability (though having actual talent underneath is not completely out of the rule). Idol Singers are recruited by multi-level audition processes, manufactured and managed by Japanese media companies, and ruthlessly discarded after a few years of cranking out formulaic hits. Over the past decade there has been a shift towards "mega-groups" that can have over one hundred members, with the lead spots on songs and choreography going to the most popular performers. Sometimes, Idol singers don't actually sing (like Milli Vanilli). Most are tightly controlled by their producers and expected to maintain a public image of purity and innocence: for example, their contracts may include an article of her not being allowed to engage in anyintimate activities. While this level of control has loosened somewhat with the growing impact of social media, which allows idols to interact with fans more casually, as well as a Japanese court decision that effectively rendered the "No Dating" clauses of Idol contracts unenforceable (it's still very in-force in Korea, however), the industry has been slow to overturn its most problematic and exploitative elements. Naturally, every Japanese schoolgirl dreams of becoming one. Those who used to be one are often Broken Birds. Thanks to the Disney Channel, American Idol, and The X Factor, this trope is also prevalent in the West, where it often overlaps with the Teen Idol. If she's a villain in a Superhero or Magic Idol Singer show, she's an Evil Diva.
Look for Part II!
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astarlightmonbebe · 5 years
I See You in Me
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[ “Why would you want to stay?” He finally asked in a small voice, and Woojin shrugged. “I mean, why not?”  ]
Word Count: 3, 764
Pairing: Bang Chan x Kim Woojin 
Genre: Realistic fiction
For: @stay-grandma (hey~guess what, I was your secret santa~. Sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you wanted ;-;, I hope it’s still good enoguh ^^.)
Warnings: Little angst, nothing else really
Everything began with Woojin, even if Chan didn’t meet him until Australia had become nothing among an ocean of blue, when he was fourteen years old and curled up in a plane chair, trying not to cry with his earbuds. Wondering what was going to happen now, wondering if he would ever see his mother again, wondering if she had ever even wanted him in the first place.  
It started with Chan sitting on the curb, wondering why Korean sounded foreign even if he had learned to speak it, torn between wanting to scream and run away and get lost until his parents regretted everything, and between just crying until he ran out of tears. In the end, he shredded leaves into tiny pieces, watching them flutter to the ground.
“You want it?” A voice said, someone sitting down beside him, and Chan looked over to see a boy his age with brown hair and a slightly crooked tooth when he smiled, holding out a milkshake. Chan stared at it. “Milkshakes make everything better, I promise.” The boy insisted, forcing it into his dangling hand. Chan looked into it, and, suddenly, his lower lip was wobbling.
Quickly, Chan took a long sip, but he was already crying, the tears sliding down his face as he struggled to swallow. Embarrassed, he looked away, swiping at his eyes quickly, sniffling.  The other boy was silent, and then he finally said; “I’m Woojin. I live next door. You’re Chan, right? My mom told me I should try and be friends with you.”  
The words were so blunt that Chan had to set the milkshake down, gulping. “Why, because she heard all about my crappy home life before I even got here?” Woojin shrugged, pursing his lips together, and it was enough for Chan to get his answer. Turns out Korea wouldn’t be the new leaf he was expecting, because his history still followed him here.
“I do want to be friends, though.” Woojin said, more seriously, holding out his hand. Chan glanced at it disdainfully, picked back up the milkshake, and opted to take another sip instead of shaking his hand. Woojin smiled. “I told you milkshakes make everything better.”  Chan didn’t admit to it, but, secretly, he thought they did too.
Chan never agreed to being friends with Woojin, but it turned out that Woojin was unshakeable. Despite Chan hardly returning conversation, Woojin stuck to him like glue. He talked on and on for ages, and Chan never had the heart to tell him to shut up, because that would make Woojin think he was actually listening. He was, but Chan didn’t need Woojin to know that his clingy efforts were earning him something.
School wasn’t easy, especially considering he came in halfway through the year, only around halfway to speaking decent Korean. Chan was a halfway, halfway wanted at his halfway home, just two halves that his parents fought over. Even when his mother gave up, Chan was still two pieces they had torn apart then told him he was whole, but Chan wasn’t. He wasn’t, but Woojin was acting like he was, making him feel like he was.
“I could tutor you, if you want.” Woojin told him one day when he had followed Chan to the library again, drinking his milk even if you weren’t allowed to drink in the library. “In what?” Chan asked, because sometimes he did respond to Woojin, when he was in a good mood.  “Korean.” Woojin gestured down at the textbook Chan was scanning over for the fourth time.
“No thanks.” Chan said, somewhat distracted. He stood up, closing it. “I don’t need your help; I’ll figure it out on my own.” He put the textbook into his backpack, turned his music up a notch, and walked out, feeling something simmer under his skin. He didn’t need any help, certainly not from some pushy kid-
“If you keep acting like that, you won’t get anywhere.” Woojin yelled down the hallway after him, and Chan took out his earbuds, turning to him in frustration. “Acting like what?” He asked, trying to sound bored, but knowing that it was really unconvincing. Woojin walked over to him, lifting his chin. He was shorter than Chan by a couple of inches, but Chan was built like a pole-long and skinny, and Woojin was a battery, short but intimidating.  
“Like everyone should feel sorry for you and leave you alone, while silently struggling.” Woojin accused him blatantly. Chan scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I never asked for you to treat me like your charity case, you know. If people really feel that way, then they should just leave me alone, like I want. I don’t need friends, or anyone.” He sighed bitterly, hair falling into his eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m used to being thrown away, so don’t feel bad for leaving me.”
Woojin walked up to him as Chan started to leave again, grabbing his shoulder. “I never said I was leaving you, so stop assuming things and putting words into my mouth.” Chan blinked at him, somewhat stunned at small, shy Woojin letting his emotions control him for once. Chan gently pushed him away, staring at him.
“Why would you want to stay?” He finally asked in a small voice, and Woojin shrugged. “I mean, why not?”
“You’re insane.” Woojin breathed, glancing down the ramp. Chan grinned, flipping the board up. “I thought we figured that out a long time ago.” He pulled on his gloves, testing out his balance. Woojin frowned, chewing on his nails as he held his phone up with his other hand, prepared to video it all.
“You should wear a helmet at least.” Chan grinned charmingly. “Can’t make me.” He responded, and Woojin groaned, dropping his head into his hands. Chan looked back down the skate ramp, already regretting his decision, but Woojin didn’t need to know that-Chan wasn’t going to prove him right about Chan being an idiot just yet.
Chan inched forward, one foot on his board, wind blowing his recently dyed brown curls in the air. “Are you ready?” He asked, looking back at Woojin, who carefully positioned the phone in front of him, thumb hovering over the red button. He gave a timid nod, and Chan held up three fingers, counting down. As he put the last one down, he pushed off, adrenaline flooding through his veins as his skateboard left the ground, sliding down the ramp like magnets.
Woojin screamed as Chan flipped off, his body twisting in the air against the setting sun, and then he touched back down, heart thumping in his chest as he skidded around in a half circle. Pushing off once more, Chan shot up the opposite ramp, turning the board in a sharp curve, leaving the ground for a moment and then shooting back down. He braked hard, spinning to a stop back where he had began, sweat dripping down his face and legs shaky.
“Did you get it?” He asked Woojin, who nodded with his eyes blown wide. He carefully handed the phone back to Chan, then lowered himself down slowly, looking more terrified than Chan. “You...are so dumb.” He breathed, and then he was laughing, and Chan joined in, his insides aching with happiness.  
Looking at the phone again, Chan pressed play on the video, holding it so Woojin could see too. “Not bad.” He said, admiring the angle, then bursting into laughter again as Woojin’s scream echoed at the most crucial moment. “It wasn’t even that dangerous, you know. Real skateboarders do so much more.” Woojin smacked his shoulder, hard.
“Just shut up.” He murmured, but he was smiling, face surrounded in a hazy, golden glow from the sunset behind him. Chan tilted his head and admired him, just for a minute, and then he shook it away and focused on the sound of their laughter mingling together, turning his eyes back to the video and what mattered.
Chan woke up to his phone dinging continuously, all texts from Woojin. Rolling over, Chan blinked at the time-somehow six hours had passed since he had fallen asleep, 11:12 blinking up at him. Clicking on the top notification, Chan scrolled up through the blue bubbles.
[9:05 p.m.] Where are you???
[9:10 p.m.] Did you forget today’s prom???
[9:15]  Yoojung is here, so I’m going...meet us there?
[10:08 p.m.] I’m getting worried, and also kind of upset.
[10:09 p.m.] You promised you wouldn’t blow me off.
He had forgotten, or, more likely, it had slipped his mind at that moment. Chan groaned, rubbing his head.
[11:08 p.m.] Sorry.
He replied, his phone ringing from a facetime call only seconds after he sent it. Groaning, Chan picked it up, even though he didn’t want to deal with the lecture he was sure to get.  
“I can’t believe you ditched me like that.” Woojin hissed, uncharacteristically angry. His hair was disheveled, and his tie was on crooked. Chan glowered at this. “Do you know how awkward it was to wait around with my girlfriend, and to keep on waiting even when you didn’t show up, because I had a little hope that you would?” Chan shrugged, massaging his forehead.  He had a headache.  
“Well, I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it. Don’t make a big deal out of it, it’s not like I was really missed. Besides, you had a date. It’s not like we would have hung out anyways.” He said sourly, and Woojin frowned, his expression softening for a split second. “What’s going on, Chan?” He asked. “This isn’t like you.”
Chan stretched out on his bed, looking down at his striped socks. “Not like me? This is exactly like me.” He snorted, and Woojin let out a long sigh that somehow managed to come off as condescending. “Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean you get treated especially nice.” Chan added before he could stop himself, this self destruction he seemed to have.
“I really thought you had changed, that’s all.” Woojin finally remarked quietly, and it hurt, it really did, because they fought like this hundreds-no, thousands-of times. Except it usually ended differently, with Woojin or Chan apologizing. “Not because we’re friends; I genuinely thought you had become a better person. Not this cold, uncaring, cruel person you act like.” The cold, uncaring, cruel person I am. Chan thought to himself, but he didn’t say it aloud.
Instead, he said; “We should hang up.” His fingers were already pressing the ‘end call’ button.
He and Woojin didn’t talk much after that.
“Chan!  Oh my goodness, it’s been so long!” Chan paused, looking up from where he was stirring his coffee with little enthusiasm. The Starbucks was near empty, unusual since it was so near a college campus. Looking up, he saw Woojin waving at him. Momentarily stunned, Chan could only lift his hand in a half wave motion. Woojin was a little taller, but he had the same friendly grin.  
He was dressed chicly, in a black peacoat and a red scarf half wound around his neck, jeans neat and a clean white shirt underneath it all, his shoes shining. Chan took a slurp of his coffee, throwing the stick away. “Woojin.” He said, smiling. “How’s college life suiting you? We haven’t talked in ages.” After senior year, they had both gone their separate ways and hadn’t really contacted each other since, leaving it on a frosty note.
“Sit down.” Woojin said, grabbing a seat at the counter. Chan complied, sliding in. He felt more poor than usual, in his old black hoodie and ripped jeans, his Converse peeling apart at the soles, so badly that he had to put duct tape all over them. “Anyways, it’s been difficult but I’m managing. I even got a job to help pay with tuition.There are tons of great people at the college. I auditioned for the elite choir and I got in; it’s amazing. There’s this really funny freshman named Jeongin and his friend Seungmin; they’re so talented and I’m having fun coaching them.”
He paused, taking a sip of his drink-some iced latte, despite it being in the negatives outside. “Sorry, I’m already rambling. I just never expected to see you here, of all places. Do you go to the college down the road? Mine is on the other side of town, but I travel around Seoul quite often.” Woojin sucked in a deep breath, and Chan could tell he was nervous. Woojin only talked fast when he was nervous.
“College is fine.”  Chan said distantly, looking down. “I’ve made some friends. It’s hard work, but I got a job at a club being a DJ.” Woojin pressed his lips together. “That’s good.” He said softly, and Chan nodded, hating that he had made the conversation so tense suddenly. He wished he could feel comfortable around Woojin again, but after senior year they had gone their separate ways and never really talked again.
“I really missed you, Chan.” Woojin whispered, reaching over to rub Chan’s hand. Chan snatched it back, too quick.
“You’re not going to want to be friends with me one day.” Chan said bluntly, turning the straw in his milkshake. Woojin looked up, pausing mid slurp. “You can’t assume things that haven’t happened. You don’t know me.” Chan shrugged, rolling his shoulders back and stretching out his legs.
“I know myself, though.” He retorted, and Woojin did the thing where his eyes softened in a way that only meant sympathy and pity. Chan didn’t like it, because it made him go down the train of thoughts that he was still nothing but a charity case to Woojin.  
“You could let me know you too.” Woojin said instead, and Chan laughed, but it was high pitched. “That..no, you couldn’t.” He finally finished, still smiling, but it faded at how serious Woojin really looked, eyes dark, like wood. Mahogany, but deeper and less red, like he was an ancient tree with ancient eyes.
“Why?”  Woojin asked. Chan didn’t have an answer. He didn’t want to answer.
“Because that’s terrifying. Because I’m scared that you’ll see me in you and you will hate it. I don’t know myself enough, so how can I possibly ask you to try and figure me out?” Chan took in a shaky breath, gripping the cold glass between his hands. “I don’t want anyone to know how vulnerable I am.” He said gently, and Woojin nodded, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
“I wouldn’t mind being like you.” Woojin responded, straightening, his fingers inching out as if they were searching for Chan’s. Chan gave him a watery smile, voice too thick for him to ask ‘why’. Woojin knew what he meant anyways, though. “Because you’re strong, Chan. You’re so strong.”
“Not really.” Chan told him, but his voice sounded pathetically choked full of tears.  Woojin gave him a different, special smile that Chan had only ever seen him direct at him. “I see you, okay?” Woojin said, and this time he did grab Chan’s fingers. “The real you.” He reached forward, tapped his finger over Chan’s beating heart. “This heart that beats here? It beats because you want it to, and, right now, it beats for me.”
Despite everything, Chan couldn’t deny that, though he wished he could.
Chan showed up at the party in nothing but a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, his shoes falling apart as he walked, curls flopping loose. He felt instantly out of place, because everyone else had come in as little clothing as possible, skimpy pieces of leather and cloth. Chan pushed his way through the crowd, focused on finding Woojin and Woojin only.
He didn’t belong here, but he could tell Woojin had found some sort of home, and if Woojin belonged, then Chan could at least pretend to. For now. Scanning the heads, Chan spotted the bright black of Woojin’s, so raven that it was more crow. Chan moved over to him, avoiding cups and ducking tangled arms, until they were side by side, pinned against the walls.
“Oh?”  Woojin said, peering up at him even though they were the same height. “You came?” He sounded a little tipsy, his voice edging into something more cynical and sarcastic than the Woojin Chan knew. He remembered their conversation all those years ago, how Chan had told Woojin that he was scared that Woojin would eventually look at himself and see too much Chan. He wondered if that was what happened, all of Chan’s hatred bleeding into his best friend until Woojin had some hatred, too.
“Of course.” Chan replied, taking his cup and passing it off to someone else, though Woojin pouted stubbornly. “Someone had to chaperone you.” Woojin shrugged loosely. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need you anymore, Chan! It’s been a long two years, but I got over it! I moved on!”
“You’re drunk.” Chan muttered, his stomach uneasy, and Woojin shook his head, leaning in close. “Wanna know a secret? That was apple cider. I’m just very good at acting, you know.” Chan pulled back and gave him a disbelieving stare. Woojin shrugged, sweater paws flapping.  
“Are you glad to see me again, Chan?” He asked, leaning back, and Chan did too, mimicking his movements. “I told you that I missed you but you never said it back.” He stuck out his bottom lip, but Chan could tell all the extra movements were just exaggeration. “It’s crappy to not text someone back. Or bother to call. Even, I don’t know, leave a nice, old fashioned, handwritten note when you leave?”
He raised his eyebrows and Chan pressed his fingers to his temples, sighing. “I have one question, Chan.” Woojin said. Chan knew he was using his name so much because Chan had once told Woojin that when people said his name too much it made him uncomfortable. When you had a name that people used often, it reminded you that you were real. That people cared.  Chan would rather that they didn’t.
“Why’d you skip prom?” Woojin asked.
It wasn’t on purpose at first. It started during prom, when Woojin was off having a fun time and Chan just couldn’t be bothered. When he couldn’t stop the sarcasm that seeped into his every tone and motion, how off putting it was to Woojin. He knew what Woojin hated, and a lot of it included things Chan usually made a conscious effort not to do.
To be exact, it started when he was fifteen. Woojin’s eyes were pretty, Chan noticed first. He didn’t notice beauty in a lot of things, mostly because everything was too dreary to really be beautiful, but Woojin’s eyes were beautiful. They were black and brown and everything in between, and Chan wanted to look at them until he could tell every single shade included in that in between.
Chan had spent four years with Woojin as his best friend, after telling himself he wouldn’t make friends at all. He told Woojin what he had promised himself he would never tell. He had let himself be close to someone even if he knew that being close to someone was like poisoning them, again and again, every moment they spent together another sip of the bottle.
So he left. He stayed away, and he never came back. He picked a college he had no interest in only because it was as far away from Woojin as could be without being so far away it was unbearable. Chan didn’t call, or text, and he left it to someone else to tell Woojin where he had went. When he thought back to it, Chan told himself it had been mutual on both ends, but it was Woojin who had texted him so many times the number became overwhelming.
One time, Chan scrolled through all of them, knowing he was being cruel to leave Woojin on read after months. Woojin called him that night. Chan ignored it and went back to his headphones and the music in front of him. Every song he wrote, he wrote it thinking of Woojin.  He didn’t mean to, it just happened.
When you miss someone, they say it diffuses into everything. Chan closed his eyes and he saw Woojin’s reflected on his eyelids. He wrote an essay for one of his English classes and it was about all Woojin had done for him. Chan wrote a song, and the lyrics he wrote for who he had lost because of himself, who he was.
Chan hadn’t lied when he said he was scared of himself. He was terrified. He didn’t like this feeling, this eating away of his insides, because of one person. People shouldn’t have that much control over you. He had tried to give up emotion when he came to Korea, but on the same day he had decided that, he had met someone who had gone against that method without Chan even realizing.
One day Woojin stopped texting, more than a year ago. Chan should have felt glad.  Instead, he was worried.
“You know why.” Chan said softly, and Woojin looked pointedly away, eyes glittering in the reflecting lights. “I wish I didn’t.” He said, and Chan shrugged, lifting his shoulders halfway before dropping them back down. Woojin pressed his sweatered hands to his eyes, and Chan knew he was crying.
Woojin was sad often. He cried easily. At first Chan had laughed because of that, but then he had ended up buying boxes of tissues just for his friend when they watched whatever movie it was that week. Sometimes Chan had thought of sending Woojin his songs, but he would remember how often his friend cried, and stop. He didn’t want Woojin to cry because of him, but now Chan could see that he had been foolish to believe that Woojin hadn’t been crying this whole time.
“I missed you.” Chan said aloud, the words echoing around their silent space. “I missed you so much it hurt.” He added, softer, and Woojin looked at him, eyes filled with tears. He pressed his lips together and nodded.
“Good.” He replied, nodding to himself. “Will you call me?” He added, and Chan smiled, reaching forward and taking Woojin’s hand with his own, just to feel his warmth, just for his warm fingers to wrap over Chan’s.
Just because he liked the feel of Woojin’s hand in his.
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trickormemes · 7 years
Simple Simon (I rymden finns inga känslor) sentence starters
115 starters feel free to change gender pronouns ‘read-more’ added for length content warning: cussing, sexual themes
“I like space. There are no problems in space. No misunderstandings. No chaos. Because in space, there are no feelings.”
“For the last time, get out of there. I’m not telling you again!”
“Go ahead and go.”
“You’re too nice…”
“I can’t kill mom and dad!”
“I knew this would happen.”
“What are you going to do now?”
“This will never work.”
“I’ll do everything wrong.”
“If we’re all going to live together, then it’s us against the world.”
“It’s like one of your equations. Remove one of us and there will be an imbalance. Understand?”
“Some people think I’m an idiot, but I’m not.”
“I just want things to remain the same.”
“I don’t like change, but I do like _____.”
“Without the right time, weight, and angle, we may be thrown off balance.”
“I prefer circles to humans. Circles are continuous, while humans are complex and hard to understand.”
“Time affects harmony. If you’re not on time, you risk chaos.”
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
“You grabbed my arm. I don’t like being touched.”
“To some people, thirteen means bad luck, but not to me.”
“As a team, we have to stick together. Otherwise the whole thingamabob will just be a big ol’ mess.”
“I don’t have friends. Feelings just create problems.”
“Girls only like guys who don’t like them.”
“This is a classic “love triangle” and it leads to chaos.”
“I don’t like triangles.”
“We’re like siblings. Siblings who love each other and love to work together.”
“How long do I have?”
“Listen, I think I have an STD.”
“I’m not in the mood…”
“You’re so not funny!”
“This one again? It’s four hours long!”
“We’re out of toilet paper…”
“Get out of here!”
“Christ! You’re not listening!”
“We’ll get through this.”
“No, you’re just kidding yourself. This isn’t going to work.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“I can’t take this crap.”
“Why can’t you just shut up?!”
“Stop playing, you fucking psycho!”
“She left, but at least now it’ll be nice and quiet.”
“Don’t be sad. Okay?”
“Wake up, we’re late.”
“_____, it’s my turn to shower!”
“Where is _____? You said she’d be back.”
“Do you promise, _____?”
“People can’t be trusted. They say one thing and mean another.”
“What’s going on, _____? Is the world coming to an end?”
“In about five billion years, the earth will be swallowed up by the sun.”
“Time isn’t money. Time is time. Money is money.”
“I don’t like people saying things are what they’re not.”
“Dinner was twenty minutes ago, _____.”
“Know what? Let’s have pizza.”
“I don’t want pizza!”
“She’s too pedantic. She eats those disgusting fish paste sandwiches. She doesn’t make any noise when we have sex. She’s selfish and she doesn’t get me.”
“Sorry, I can’t help you.”
“You have to come back.”
“It’s your fault it’s not fine! You have to change.”
“I’ll call the police!”
“I can’t change, but you can.”
“Find some other damn girl who can stand living with you!”
“A great sauce takes time, just like love.”
“Bitterness has its place in every sauce, just like life itself.”
“Who the hell watches Lassie?”
“Gee, I thought it was destiny.”
“Romantic comedies or sci-fi?”
“Dogs or cats?”
“Do you make noise during sex?”
“Are you sad? Your mouth went from a happy mouth to a sad mouth.”
“Licorice or fruit-flavored candy?”
“Finding the perfect girl isn’t as easy as you might think.”
“_____? Don’t you want me to help you with breakfast?”
“Can you see yourself dating someone who is scientifically perfect for you?”
“If it doesn’t contain violence or blood, I’m not interested.”
“I think you’re an idiot.”
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
“There are no right answers. It’s about feelings.”
“It would suck to be with someone exactly like me. Don’t you think?”
“Just like the same poles of a magnet repel each other, people who are too similar can also repel each other. And just like the opposite poles of a magnet attract each other, people who are different can be drawn to each other.”
“Stop it with the equations. Whatever happens, happens…”
“I don’t like touching people.”
“I’m still drunk, don’t pressure me.”
“You do this everyday? Don’t you get bored?”
“Right, isn’t it lunch time soon? I’m starving.”
“Don’t be so hung up on time or nothing unexpected will ever happen.”
“I don’t like unexpected things.”
“I always sync everything I see so that it’s in time to the music. Like a music video in my head.”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Why do you ask so many questions?”
“I’ve never met anyone like you.”
“How am I supposed to remember that?”
“You are seriously disturbed!”
“Why are you sitting out here? Are you sad?
“Sometimes people look sad even though they’re happy.”
“I’m sad about someone who used to make me so happy, who’s an idiot.”
“How can you go from happy to sad like that?”
“Just so you know, I can only fall for good-looking guys.”
“Are you in love with him now?”
“I want to be alone.”
“You didn’t call all day! Don’t you realize how worried I was?”
“Could you please get me out of this? Get me out.”
“_____, you bastard! I’m going to kill you!”
“He said if I liked him, I’d love you.”
“How can you say that?”
“Don’t you realize what you mean to him?”
“If you could have anything you wanted, what would you wish for?”
“Sometimes bad gives way to good. That’s a kind of balance, as well…”
“Maybe you need a special kind of intelligence to comprehend this?”
“Maybe there are feelings in space…”
“That was a great surprise.”
“Things change, _____, and it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault. Everything changes.”
“You don’t have to do all those things for me.”
“I’m not the one who’s gone, you are.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I like you.”
“Can I give you a hug now or what?”
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