#and maybe share bts info after the season aired
hanna-water · 1 year
For everyone who is lucky enough to either live in Norway or considering to travel there in january: Kongen Befaler (with Bard as the new king 👑) will be filmed between the 21st - 30th of january 2023 in Drammens Teater. Tickets are still available, affordable and they will film 2 episodes each evening, with one starting at 17:20 and one starting at 20:00 o´clock. So this is one of the rare chances to see him live and to be part of this iconic programme. 🤩
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papabearbobbynash · 24 days
So i want to share some thoughts here, because I've been spiraling until now and I'm not sure I will ever stop until the episode airs. About the bathena fire, I really want to believe is the opening scene of the episode considering Bobby is in his LAFD hoodie sleeping on the couch in entrance hall (???) of their house, something that clearly feels displaced. The following would be we watch him wake up from said dream and then the 9-1-1 intro comes. Would connects the audience with latest episode and set to them that Bobby isn't well. However, the bts of Athena in her black leather jacket with a gun in her hand is preventing me from thinking it's only a nightmare, because i don't think they would have time to introduce a random call in the middle of the chaos of storylines happening in this season, unlest they are short calls) but also in those bts Athena doesn't not have her badge at all (different from the S4 snyper chase), it could be due not being necessary on the scene (close up) but it's an interesting point to analyse.
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And this makes me think about the conveniently unwrapped loose of the cartel situation, because showing that to the audience feels like it's a narrative choice.
So i'm lead to believe it's either it's a nightmare and something else happens to Bobby that set Athena in rampage, or the fire is actually happening in bathena house and we are actually being mislead into thinking the fire was a preview mislead purposely, because of the previews misleading us last episode. when i said i was spiraling i mean it My current favorite theories i've seen around are:
1 - Bobby has a brain injury
To me this seems like a very plausible theory where Bobby has a brain injury from the car accident in the desert and since he didn't get check, he is only now showing signs. Also fits to how this season seems to be playing with the characters minds and mentality (Chimney hallucinating with Doug due a disease, Eddie daydreaming about Shannon after seeing Kim). A brain injury would explain Bobby having hallucinations (if it's the case with bathena house on fire) and such injury probably contribute to his mental state that clearly downgrading. However I didn't find a reason to why would Athena be on the same "mode" she was when trying to catch the sniper in S4.
2 - Bathena house is actually on fire
At first I though the writers would be evil and play a "Bobby accidentally set the house on fire when making cookies" pretty much throwing a callback to 7x08 and making an even better job triggering himself, but In the 7x08 previews, seems like the fire started on the yard's door, like something was thrown on it and went boom. So maybe there are some shenanigans with the cartel. Since Herman got hurt in the car accident and they stole Bobby's car (what is a plot tool to keep both Bobby and Amir in the desert, but it can also be used for later). Also the fact the accident happened after Herman told to the guys both Amir and Bobby were with him is conveniently fitting for a narrative like this. I mean the guy got on an accident and got arrested so maybe there is some revenge in Bobby's plot, but not as we thought. This would also explain why Athena seems to be in chasing mode (with that face lol she looks really not in the best mood). Because not even lord will save those man from Athena, if they're the reason Bobby ends in the hospital
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Another thing that contributes to this theories is how she seems to be approaching Amir. Could be to help Bobby with his mental state for sure (i would prefer if it was the case) but the thing is the way she put it "I think my husband is in danger" i feel like she would do different if it was to reach out Amir about Bobby's mental state. It feels like she is voicing a thought and her best source of info regarding that is Amir, and he also might be a potential target (since y'know he shot that guy on the road).
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3 - Coma!Bobby / injured on the big fire from bts
This one is quite short because we have so little details regarding what that fire is, but this is more an assumption based on the show history.
So we have that big fire, and Bobby seems to be working still in some bts, but his mentality is in a place where he believes he doesn't deserve to be alive at all. People are assuming this means he is well, but, guys, this man did bottle up his feelings for a long time, he surely might be trying doing now. Would also be lovely to the team perceive the strange behavior or their captain. Anyway theory here is that he ends up in coma after being hurt due saving someone in that fire, be a civilian or one of the team (for extra angst as Tim seems to be in the mood this season lol). And it happens the fire was criminal and then it explains why Athena is in chasing mode in some bts. Also explain other pictures such as the one of Bobby with the ladder behind, that could very well be from before the whole thing happens.
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Anyway what you guys think, do y'all have any other theories around that seems fit the content we have? Particularly i think those theories doesn't explore much the healing of Bobby's current mentality, mostly because I believe (hope) this is going to be extended to S8, where Bobby's arc is to deconstruct that mentality he is rn.
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 8/31
Waited until that second trailer came out to post. I am LIVING with all this new content! Mind the disclaimer and check it out under the cut. 
DISCLAIMER: This is gathered info from various sources. This is not confirmed information. Stuff in this WILL be wrong. Don’t take this too seriously. This is for fun. Also, if you use this info for another publication, please let me know as a courtesy. Don’t be a dick. It's all out there, but it hurts to see my same phrasing on other publications after all the work I’ve done to consolidate it…  
General Info (oldest to newest). This is a blend of pre-COVID and post COVID, so some might change. 
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene. They will film the final scene last.  (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?) PRE COVID SPOILER
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. 
There will be a special tribute ep (Post COVID talk seems to indicate this will stil happen)
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season (he’s missed 3 so far and I suspect will miss 14 and 16, unclear about 19). 
Cas’ deal with the Empty may come up later in the season. 
Jack will be a critical part of the ending of the show
Dean and Amara’s connection will be explored
There will be a bunker themed episode (MarySue article)
In one of his cookbook interviews, Misha used the word “we” several times when talking about the final scene of Supernatural. He said that would be the last scene they shoot. It seemed to imply that he was in the scene, but that could be open to interpretation. 
JaxCon/Vegas Con spoilers: 
Misha said the ending was “happier than he expected” but also had some sadness. He later used “sad and redemptive”
Misha mentioned that Claire will be mentioned on the show, but as of yet not appear. 
Dean says the line “stop killing my people” (to god?)
Jensen said he doesn’t see how the story could continue past this season, but Jared said its more of “a see you later”
Misha confirmed he’s in the final scene, but he also indicated he had one week of filming left (total?) PRE COVID SPOILER
Al Cal posted a pic of a “thrown away” call sheet that seem to indicate Micheal, Lucifer, and a character named “Betty” interacting in the bunker. Unclear as to the validity. 
There will be a flashback episode
Charlie (original flavor) will return
Filming will resume on Aug 18th. Per Canadian policy, they must quarantine for two weeks. Those quarantining seems to include:
Fairly Clear: Jared, Jensen, Jake Abel (Micheal), Rob Benedict (Chuck/God) Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer), Al Cal (didn't need to quarantine, but he is definitely on set)
Unclear/Rumored: Misha (he is being deliberately cagey), Osric Chau (Kevin- but likely for another project, he was a week ahead of everyone else) Jim Beaver (Bobby) flew to Vancouver on 8/26, so he could make it for the last couple days of filming with a quarantine 
No idea: Shoshannah Stern and Ruth 
Reasons Unlikely: Sam Smith (chemo treatment), Kim Rhodes (working at a camp during quarantine)
Jensen said sp 19 is more of a season finale, while 20 is a series finale. Repeated in interviews/livestreams. 
Megan Fitz. complimented both Dabb’s and Glynn’s writing on twitter. Not sure if it is in reference to rewrites or the special retrospective that is planned. 
Jensen indicated that the ending did change per COVID protocols. Unclear how much.
Misha is being very, very cagey about where he is. Some live streams seem to indicate he is not at home, but he has yet to confirm- his presence in 19/20 is hard to track. In an interview with Metaverse, he was in bed in a hotel looking space and you could see mountains in the background. He was not on set for the first week of filming, so he could be a week behind. 
Misha has thrown around the words “final”  and “what he <Misha> would have wanted” per Cas’ ending. “Sad/Proud” and “poignant” were also used. 
The final episodes will premier October 8th. The finale will air Nov 19th in conjunction with an hour long special. 
A trailer was released on 8/27. Scenes included:
A moving speech from Sam to Dean
(Possibly from 18) A teary conversation between Dean and Cas
Injured Dean being helped by Cas in the bunker
Jack breaking some cuffs/bring thrown into a wall/saying he has to kill god
Dean and his grenade launcher and a purple nightgown 
Sam in a sweater vest getting a gun from under a pillow
A glimpse of a body with “Lust” written above it/a matronly woman (I think the villain from 14) saying “Boys”
Ghost Dean? Little Sam cutting off a hand
Some intermixed scenes from past episodes
A second trailer was released on 8/31. Scenes included:
A monologue from Billie about god coming to destroy the planet plus her banging on a bunker door (with her hand all gooey) and striking someone with her sythe
Jack continuing his speech about killing god but expanding that he has a ritual to do
Lots of red danger lights in the bunker/ 3 people getting tossed around in the bunker/Chuck in the bunker
Chuck saying he doesn't believe Sam and Dean can kill him
Young Sam and not ghost Young dean
Dean angrily driving the Impala then saying “its time”
Cas drawing his blade in front of an old truck to protect someone in a suit (Jack? I cant tell)
More Dean tears
A surprise appearance from Bobby
Some of the same scenes as before
Episode 15x14
Title: Last Holiday
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a wood nymph (guest star Meagan Fey) living in the bunker who is determined to protect her family, at any cost. Eduardo Sanchez directed the episode written by Jeremy Adams (#1514). Original airdate 3/30/2020.
Written by: Jeremy Adams
Director: Eduardo Sanchez
Filming Dates:1/15- 1/24
Airdate: unknown- October 8th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? eh… I don't think so Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha mentioned being at an airport the first day of filming, maybe he’ll miss this one
The director shared a BTS shot with AlCal’s chair in the background. He also posted on that looked like the statues in hell. Lots of filming at the bunker. A few impala shots were shared as well. 
In an EW article, a mysterious woman gives Sam and Dean every holiday they ever missed. Based on the title, I’m guessing this!
 Episode 15x15
Title: Gimme Shelter
Written by: ?? Davy Perez???? They seem to be keeping it under wraps for some reason
Director: Matt Cohen
Filming Dates: 1/27-2/5
Airdate: unknown. October 15th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ?yes  Jack ? Yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
There was some filming done at the crossroads with only Misha. 
Alex and Misha filmed together
It seems as if J2 didn’t film at all the first week, Misha filmed six or seven days, this is a Cas centric ep
Episode 15x16
Title: Drag Me Away (From You)
Written by: Megan Fitzmartin
Director: Amyn Kaderali
Filming Dates: 2/6-2/17
Airdate: October 22nd?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? I think so… briefly? Jack ? not sure either. 
Guest stars: IMDB credits Lisa Berry (Billie/Death)
Other Spoilers/info:
Alex got a cast of his face around the filming of this- so this ep or the one after
Looks like we get Dean in a robe!
They filmed at Rooster’s Sunrise Hotel for 3 days/nights
This might be the flashback ep
Episode 15x17
Title: Unity
Written by: Meredith Gylnn
Director: Catrion McKenzie
Filming Dates: 2/19-2/28
Airdate: Oct 29th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Rob benedict and Emily Sparrow
Other Spoilers/info:
Chuck and Amara trailers were seen on set when filming in a garden
Jensen was in NOLA Friday, possible Monday
“Uriel” was around for filming (Post COVID update: Misha seemed to indicate that this was because the actor was nearby filming? Not sure if this is to cover up the spoiler or the truth)
Alex and Jensen filmed in the imala
Episode 15x18
Title: The Truth
Written by: BOBO
Director: Speight
Filming Dates: 3/2--3/11
Airdate: Nov 5th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha and Alex filmed near the impala. J2 showed up later that night. This was the source of the “last time they all filmed on set” photo)
An really emotional scene was filmed with Misha and Jensen. Jared was definitely not there, but Alex was on the flight they took with Rich, so its possible he was too. This was revealed at a con in which the four of them were on a plane that had an in-flight problem.
Filming watchers saw a bro hug
Tape Ball posted a shot of field that looks like were dean came back from hell
Misha indicated this was his “favorite episode” in a recent interview
Episode 15x19
Title: Inherit the Earth
Written by: bucklelimg
Director: John Showalter
Filming Dates:: 3/12-3/23/cancelled for COVID and then 8/18-8/27
Airdate: Nov 12th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? unknown Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Jake Abel (Micheal), Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer) 
Other Spoilers/info:
Production shut down as a precaution for coronavirus on 3/13, two days into filming. It is scheduled to start again on Aug 18th. 
Jensen indicated there might be some re-writes for this ep to account for COVID protocols.
When they started filming, they indicated they were on day two. So maybe they could only use some of the scenes they shot? Then they added an extra day all called it day 9. COVID protocols makes things take longer 
AlCal was definitely on set. 
Jake Abel is definitely on set, and he posted an instagram story with his trailer and Lucifer’s (Mark Pelligrino)
Some filming was done at a gas station called Showalter’s (name of the director) with Jared, Jensen, and Alex
Jake “Spoiler King” Abel filmed a video showing chairs for Jared, Jensen, and Alex as well as Rob Benedict (Chuck/God). They were filming near a lake with a mountain view (that looked similar to where Cas died in season 13)
Rob Benedict posted it was his last day in Vancouver, indicating we won't see Chuck past this episode? Or very very briefly in 20? Jake Abel posted a similar message, also baiting fans about Misha’s whereabouts 
 Episode 15x20
Title: Carry On
Written by: Dabb
Director: Bob Singer
Filming Dates: 8/28- 911? (9/7 is Labor Day, not sure if that affect filming in Canada, or if the finale still requires an extra day. COVID makes things take longer as well)
Airdate: November 19th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? maaaaybe? Jack ? maaaaybe?
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha is in the final scene, per pre COVID interviews. 
Jake Abel used a “we” when he tweeted about getting back to work as soon as the virus scare ended, indicating Adam/Micheal would be part of the finale. He is quarantining, so this seems likely. Now looking like he was referencing 19.
Jensen indicated filming would take two weeks, longer than usual
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latinalesbi · 7 years
I'm gonna guess you haven't seen the sneak with stef Lena and Robert judging by your lack of disgust...
5I have sleeping hours, I am on the west coast and not working. I am sleeping in!
I expected something, so I am not surprised. And I know Robert isn’t around much after this, so who cares in terms of my viewing pleasure.
The message is terrible, and I can’t stand it. It makes all the straights feel so smug. I don’t know where they are going with this. And clearly, to our horror, this is what they meant by return to family. It’s atrocious. Gabe is still 1000x worse to me, because they shoved him in their home and his role is clearly to be “the man." Ana as well. Let’s remember this woman has recently fallen off the wagon. Her kids were removed from her. She was legally deemed not be able to take care of kids. Till they’re adults, they shouldn’t even be around her, Stef and Lena risk their own custody by exposing them to someone who has been deemed unable to take care of kids. Oh, and she fell off the wagon by hanging out with a drinking Gabe. Guess what she was doing last episode.. yep.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Are Stef and Lena sending Callie to live with Robert ?     
You hadn’t seen the promo when you sent me, but yeah we already knew she wasn’t going to go live with him. So, at least there is that. And no custody battle again.
Anonymous said:                                                                      has it been said or do you know if stef and lena were fostering kids in and out of the house before jude and callie arrived?             
It has not been said. So, I am going to assume that they weren’t. Yet, mysteriously their fostering license was valid when Callie popped up.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I'm glad Stef is being hard on Callie. But do you think she needs Lena to. Like a softer parent. In that sneak peek, it seems like Lena wants to say something but not be hard on Callie. Do you think she needs a softer approach ? I wouldn't mind Callie backing away from Stef and getting closer to Lena.            
I do think that all those kids need a firm hand right now. As we saw in the preview, she has Lena’s soft touch. I really liked Lena reassuring Callie by putting her hand on her leg. They don’t want to push her out. I think in some ways, Callie’s still pushing them to see if they want her out. She assumes they are going to send her away when she fucks up. She always does. The most important thing for Callie is that her moms choose her. That they continue to choose her because they love her, not because they share DNA. And once she gets that in her head, her life will improve. I would love to see Lena getting closer to Callie. Maia said that Stef and Lena keep a closer eye on her this season. We’ll see.
Anonymous said:                                                                      So I guess this mean we are not getting a fanfiction with Gabe and Ana it from you :(             
I mean, maybe if I get more asks and ask me to add Mike and Robert. Maybe ....
Anonymous said:                                                                      what an incredible  coincidence that Tess is going to be their neigbour. What do you mean when you guys say she's going to be there for five episodes ? I mean maybe we won't often see her after five episodes but she's their neighbour, where could she go ? Move out again ?
Yes, incredible! This show is so reality loving as I am told on twitter lol At least this is a coincidence that will bring mama drama and Mariana drama.
Ok, on IMDB, the actress is shown to be in 5 episodes. Now, not all the info on IMDB is correct before the show airs. There are some things you can weed out as wrong. They still have Mike as a regular and they added AJ. BTS alone tells you that is wrong. Sometimes minor characters appear to be in ever ep, also wrong. Annika is usually on top of her IMDB so she’ll put in all her eps pretty early. That’s why despite the fact that she wasn’t spotted in ep 9, or told the world as she usually does, she probably is in it.
Now, the actress who plays Tess is listed as being in 5 and those episodes that are listed, we have evidence of her presence in at least 4 of them. So, it’s accurate. 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Evidence proves 2,3,5 and 9.
I think the story won’t be resolved in 1a. I think it will in 5b but she’ll stay the neighbor.
  Anonymous said:                                                                      you said  "I instead will focus on all the lovely things Sherri said about Teri and Stef and Lena last night! Maybe I’ll make a post later since there’s NOTHING to gif."   What are you talking about here ? Where did Sherri say whatever she said ? Is it the yahoo interview ? I just saw Teri's one.             
I posted, I hope you saw! It was on her live tweets.
  Anonymous said:                                                                      Callie didn't try to kill herself but it seems like the moms have gotten that that point. Like Stef doesn't trust her to be alone.             
Listen, you need to let that go. Callie is not suicidal. You had a suicidal story, it was her sister. Let it go. Not gonna happen. Callie is destructive, it’s different. It’s self-sabotage. They don’t want to give her too much freedom. nope.
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
What has already been “posted”: 
As always, the “spoiler master posts” have been updated. Even on busiest weeks I usually update the master posts weekly. Last updates for master posts were done March 27th (ep titles & air dates post, s3 spoiler master post, guest stars master post... etc)
What will be posted: 
I’ll be posting a ton of BTS pics...in the upcoming days (all the ones I haven’t posted yet). Also few vids, maybe. There are a lot of pics piled up again...that I haven’t posted cause I’ve been busy. 
Also: on non-fandom note...I might share a few personal pics from this past month, too. Maybe. I haven’t posted anything since the trip to the countryside..
MAYBE: My guesses for the TV Line (annual) May Sweeps Scorecard (applies to may sweeps eps airing between April 27th & May 24th. So episodes 323-325  -- if ep 3x23 airs may 1st instead of April 24th). But anything happening in 321 & 322 is not on that list... remember that when making your guesses.) 
What won’t be posted: 
Ep 3x24 & 3x25 titles... unless the'll be reveal officially. But currently situation  is this: the titles & ep synopsis will be released only a few weeks before the episodes air (May 8th & May 15th). When they usually reveal the titles & little details (synopsis) before starting filming the ep, then with this finale it’s not happening. Cause they’re already filming 324, and 325 starts filming next week, but that info isn’t released...and thus not posted on this blog... now. 
A few BTS pics/vids that I consider too spoilery. Yes, the fandom has “found” several of them, and many people have seen the info already, but this blog will not share those bits & won’t discuss the information they reveal...about the finale plot. After the eps have aired, yes, but not before. ETA: I’ve decided to post the things that are “public knowledge” already...
So while the ask box is deactivated, and you can’t ask me about my opinion (n anon or in person) via that option, I will also not be sharing any personal thoughts/comments on those spoilery bits via messaging/other channels either. As always I’ll only comment “official” spoilers, not “unofficial” ones. 
(if you’re interested in seeing all the spoilers, do the searching. You don’t have to be TeamScorpion good to find all the info. You just need to put a little effort, and look things up. If you don’t wanna do that, you are not really interested. Cause in life you gotta put effort in everything - no “work” no “reward”)
We all (tv fans, invested fans) know how network TV works, and how may sweeps and season finales are handled. We know know that the stories are big for finale ars, and that everything is “made bigger”  - the threat, the cases, the stakes are higher... etc... because this is just how tv approaches their finales. 
Yes, everything is possible on tv, and they can do “twists” and “big things” for finale...just cause. But there really is no reason to sweat or worry about the finale events. We will never know the whole story until the episodes have aired. No matter how much we know (factual spoilers) & no matter how correct we are in our guesses, the whole story will only be revealed to fans after episodes have aired. So no need to worry & fear for the worst. It’s only hurting you if yo do so. 
The threat is always eliminated/conquered, the person always saved: 
In S1 end Walter was saved, and the the team members made up (after their fights)...even if some things were left up in the air. But there needs to be a “conflict” or “unresolved issue” that ends the season.. to set up next season.  Just like between s1&s2 it was Cabe’s “resignation” from Homeland (read: Team Scorpion). But it’s always resolved in the beginning of next season (Cabe got his job back, Walt back to work, team back together). 
In s2 it was Toby saved from Collins and outsmarting the single genius by the Team of geniuses. And the positive aka the proposal. While finishing with the negative (in fandoms’ opinion) aka proposal rejection. When the rejection plus Toby/Walt end talk was all there only to set up the next season, s3. And all was resolved (however quickly, however loosely) in s3. And both the hubby mystery cliffhanger and the “baby hints” got addressed & “resolved” in S3. 
I don’t see how it will be any different with the s3 end (cause right now it looks like the Bruno/Toby plot they’ve hinted at will be happening in s4, and not be used as S3 finale plot, but instead these were first hints about the S4A theme/plot (like INS/Cd-baby were in S3A, and I was wrong that they’d use that for the finale, cause they have the wedding + the big case/story reserved for the s3 finale arc, so there’s no room really for otehr stuff...) 
So... whatever threat they are facing in the s3 finale... (whatever happens at the end of 323/324...) it will be resolved in 325, and there will be a happy team moment in the end. Which doesn’t mean there can’t be a cliffhanger type end scene after that moment... But really the chances of the “cliffhanger” being positive or negative are 50/50 right now. 
It could be something good - like development with the main ship, and one of them making a love confession of a sort, or it could (in my dreams, only...won’t happen before S5) Quintis related and finding out that they’re gonna be a family of three. 
Or it could be something “bad” - like a team members life in danger, or Toby’s gambling past resurfacing (we’ve had mentions of Bruno & his debts + mentions of his family...when his dad was the one who introduced him to his addiction - gambling, so it is possible they’ll set up a plot for that in the finale...case the season’s over, and they didn’t explore those topics really this season). 
But whatever it is, it is nothing to worry about .. too much. Cause those of us who are still here, and still watching (after s2 finale, and how that affected many fans), should know/remember that what might seem extremely bad at the moment might easily turn to be “oh, that wasn’t so bad at all” in a while. (recent example: the fandom worry about the 319 Quintis marriage counselling plot with dr. Cecil...and how that was nothing remotely like fandom feared. Or even the much-disliked s2 cliffhanger and it’s resolution in s3... aka the INS plot. I cannot speak for everyone, but I think most weren’t as disappointed after we’d seen the whole arc...by 308, cause it wasn’t as “big & bad” as the typical tv cliffy suggest... 
Quintis related thoughts: all the most negative theories: 
a) all the theories about Toby gambling/relapsing (always possibility, and shows usually have their character relapse once - its a good plot to create drama, and it’s gonna happen at one point.. I just don’t think it’ll be now, bit in s4 instead) seem not something that fits the s3 finale...IMO
b) all the theories about a Quintis not getting married and/or breaking up instead seem not optional IMO - well, it does look & sound much like they will get to say their “I do”-s in S3. And I do not see a break-up scenario fitting anywhere...based on looking at how they’ve written Quintis & S3 Quintis & S3 in general.  
Fighting...yes. Their characters and their different natures, and their “troubled” pasts are rich material for conflict... but ones that are resolved... quick (same ep, a few ep long arc). Of course they’re gonna have disagreements, but Quintis is more like Mondler on Friends or Marshmallow on HIMYM... the secondary couple who stick together...no matter what. 
Even when they have fights or rough patches, that ships drama does not come from on/off again, but they are used to address the typical couples issues (and they’ve been doing that with Quintis, like currently with the wedding planning and counselling and all... they address an issue that comes from preferring different methods, but trying to make the other happy aka learning to compromise and be in a relationship)
c) all other theories... that I can’t even list. But there is no scenario that worries me. Cause whatever it is: Toby’s parents/dad/old friends introduced and bringing trouble with them, an old team enemy resurfacing and threatening one/all of them, the team being in danger (more than usual??? cause they’re about to die in every ep of this show basically... lol), their wedding and/or honeymoon ruined by the case or some threat... there’s not one scenario that fandom can come up with and consider “not good” that makes me worried. 
I don’t see any of the possibilities (most of which are low, not real possibilities) making me worried. There is nothing to worry about. Neither Quintis-related. Not Team related. Cause yes, the threat will most likely be typical to season finales “BIG”, but this show is about the team of geniuses solving unsolvable cases & situations, so whatever happens, they’ll find a way out of the place... And this is not the kinda show where you’d need to worry about main characters being in danger. Most shows do this, but this is one of those few shows where I don’t actually see...in s3 at least... their numbers getting smaller, so all the “what happens next/how do they solve this problem/how do they get out of this situation” is fabricated to have you biting your nails...for 30 minutes, only to have a “happy ending”... 
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wegnerrrichard · 3 years
Watch Champions League online: Live stream, TV channels, schedule | FOX Sports
Uefa champions league online streaming - How to watch Champions League: live stream every quarter final from anywhere | TechRadar
Los Angeles Chargers. Los Angeles Rams. Miami Dolphins. Minnesota Vikings. New England Patriots. New Orleans Saints. New York Giants. New York Jets. Uefa champions league online streaming Eagles. Ztreaming Steelers. San Francisco 49ers. Seattle Seahawks. Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Tennessee Titans. Washington Football Team.
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Los Angeles Dodgers. Miami Uefa champions league online streaming. Milwaukee Brewers. Minnesota Twins. New York Mets. New York Yankees. Oakland Athletics. Philadelphia Phillies. Clubs are divided equally into eight different groups, with teams seeded before uefaa draw. Each team plays its group opponents in a home-and-away, round-robin format. The group stage is traditionally played from September to December and is held over six match days. Teams from the same nations are also split up to ensure parity.
After the group stage, the UCL progresses to the knockout phase, which usually begins in February and is contested by 16 clubs. The 16 teams who finished as the top 2 in each group advance and play matches over 2 legs. The knockout phase begins with the round of 16 and sees the 8 group winners seeded against the 8 runners-up. Then from leaggue quarter-finals onwards, there are no restrictions on who will play each other through to the semi-finals and final.
This is how you can watch overseas. Aaron McAllister is an associate publisher for Streaming at Finder, helping to deliver insightful guides to internet TV, sports and uefa champions league online streaming. Away uefa champions league online streaming work, you can find him perfecting strea,ing jump shot.
Our Latest Chakpions Porto vs. Porto-Chelsea ratings: Mount inspires in win James Benge 6 min read. It is a nightmare now to try and watch champions league. All these different networks and must pay extra. What a pain. Great way to screw up football viewing. Subscribers laegue instantly watch programs from the past 3 days 72 hours of the live stream using the program guide, and can watch hundreds of primetime and library shows on demand.
Has anyone including CH actually successfully watched a match within 72 hours? Univision Now only features programming from UniMas uefa champions league online streaming Univision, which are both free-to-air. Same with Galavision, which is owned by Univision Deportes.
Ajax-Juve was on Galavision. You can authenticate your subscription and get Univision Deportes on the app tho, right? I have ztreaming of 2 Univision channels. I also have Galavision and Univision Deportes Network. There are 15 providers and Comcast is not one of them. Do you know why? Thank you so much and keep up the uega work! It appears that the Univision games not televised on a linear channel will this year require a subscriber login.
Last year, the non-televised games leage available without any authentication. I think that you get the games via tudn. From the apple app store page:. Thank you for the update on upcoming matches and for the info on channel changes. We do get some of the South American liga relegation odds here too occasionally.
Select games from smaller continental European clubs are shown via mycujoo. But it appears that the other games are available on a club-by-club basis. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are not available to viewers in the United States.
Well that is shocking! Would make sense for CBS to start their coverage early, but given they basically brand uefs in covering this type of event, would also make sense for UCL to give it to someone more established in soccer for the resumption of the tournament and give CBS lead time for next year make it a 4 year deal instead of 3? ESPN makes sense, as does Fox. As a beIN fan would also be funny if they got it and everyone complains about not getting that channel….
I agree with everything you typed. TNT network should have never gotten the Champions League TV contract as they are not a good sports covering network and do not have good qualified people to manage it. We also cannot watch any uefa champions league online streaming in English without lague, I hate listening to Univision as they only broadcast in Spanish, which onlin a pain to my ears. A big uefa champions league online streaming on UEFA. A big shame on TNT. They should have never attempted in winning this contract a they are simply incapable in handling it and doing a good job.
No, I am not happy as CBS will start their coverage next year in It is also disheartening championss why Streaning stopped covering this year, they should have at least broadcasted all chanpions games starting August 7th between Real Madrid at Manchester City, and continue coverage till the final in Lisbon on August They offer a 7-day free trial Maybe champios is worth trying it. My anger and disappointment is at TNT for just cancelling their coverage before this season was completed.
They should have at least completed this whole season. I will not miss their poor coverage anyway. I am also very angry and disappointed read this uefa champions league online streaming and greedy UEFA for not acting in a proper way to service English speaking soccer fans in the US.
Their poor decisions are most unbecoming and very uefa champions league online streaming business I am trying to be polite here. TNT should have at least covered till the end of this season…. Their abysmal disregard to all US soccer fans is unpardonable. Agree with everything above. If a super elite rich champons hates soccer so much they want to destroy useful content game in USA, chakpions the contract to TNT and not showing the games is how you do that.
Amazing TNT really had no idea what they were getting into with this. Any clue who has taken the remainder of this years CL? CBS is next year but not Aug games. Remember that all matches starting with the quarter-finals are all going to be held in Lisbon and are single elimination matches, no more home and away matches, so these games should read more very championa.
They offer a 7-day free original site. Maybe it strea,ing worth buying this just for a month.
Chapions can watch these matches for free on Univision if you have this channel available, but it is only in Spanish. The only free way to watch these games in English is to find a free online streaming site, Google should come in handy in finding them. Again, UEFA fumbled these arrangements very badly. If we are lucky…. More matches will be available on TV too just as soon as the decisions are made on which matches will shreaming on English-language TV. Thank you Christopher Harris for all your help and information.
This page must have been updated to include a lot of new and useful current information, which I had not seen before.
Where to watch the UEFA Champions League
We soccer fans appreciate all your good efforts. Stay well and wish you all the best. Today, July uefa champions league online streaming,I checked what I read the following on the top of this page here: Manchester City vs. It is possible that this schedule has not been updated yet …. If and when this information is ever updated and corrected please share it here.
Of course, they can always change their mind. Hi Christopher Harris, thanks for your prompt reply and explanation. You could be absolutely right as I too expect this scheduling information to be corrected and updated closer to game day.
Thanks a lot for uefa champions league online streaming your help and information, we all soccer fans appreciate all that you do here. Have a wonderful day and stay well and healthy, we need you. The advantage is you can watch this channel on your TV with this new coming app and without needing to stream it through your WiFi or Internet. Check with your TV provider. Good luck all. Chris do you think CBS is really only going to show the final on uefa champions league online streaming access?
That seems horribly inconsistent with their prior claims. When Turner uefa champions league online streaming the rights, none of the games were on over-the-air television. However, if you don't want to be locked into a lengthy and, when all's said and done pricey contract, BT Sport also now offers the option of a Monthly Pass.
Plus, if you choose to snap up a VPN as described above, it means you'll be able to watch your preferred UK Champions League coverage from anywhere in the world. Find out here you need other than that is an email address and US zip code so you can get the right local programming - Fubo isn't nosy like some other services and won't require you to confirm your address or anything like that. You can sign up for Fubo or a trial here.
If you find yourself outside of America and want to watch the game using your normal streaming service, don't worry — a good VPN is all you need to tune in just like you would home. The channel is down to live stream every single game of the competition, from the group stages right through to the final next May.
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sbknews · 6 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/raul-fernandez-champion-of-the-moto3-junior-world-championship/
Raúl Fernández, champion of the Moto3™ Junior World Championship
Madrid rider Raúl Fernández (Angel Nieto Team) was proclaimed champion of the Moto3™ JWCh after the qualifying practice for the final round of the FIM CEV Repsol this weekend at the Circuit Ricardo Tormo. Once the absence of his only rival for the title – Italian Manuel Pagliani (Leopard Junior) – was confirmed, the Angel Nieto Team rider was able to officially celebrate the championship title, the first in Moto3™ for a Spanish rider since Álex Márquez in 2012. With this title, Raúl Fernández, 18, follows Italians Dennis Foggia, champion in 2017, Lorenzo Dalla Porta, champion in 2016 and Nicoló Bulega, champion in 2015, and the Frenchman Fabio Quartararo, champion in 2013 and 2014.
A “happy” Fernández will now face the two races on Sunday as champion. “Although there’s no pressure, I will be fighting for victory in both races because I think we can do it.” The Madrid rider has very clear career goals: “Since I was a kid I always wanted to be world champion, but this isn’t my real goal: my objective is to win in Moto3™ and Moto2™ and just to get to the MotoGP™. Even if they told me that I would never be champion but I could compete in the MotoGP™ and maybe get on the podium … where do I sign? I am beginning to realise that it’s possible to get to the MotoGP™ because Mir and Quartararo have got there and I’ve raced against them,” said the Angel Nieto Team rider.
Despite being the happiest rider in the Ricardo Tormo Circuit pits, Fernández finished in fifth place in the qualifying sessions and will start from the second row of Sunday’s grid. Japanese rider Yuki Kunii (Asia Talent Team) dominated, posting a 1:39.027, with Kazakh rider Makar Yurchenko (Laglisse Academy) and teammate Ai Ogura (Asia Talent Team) two tenths slower. This is the Japanese rider’s first pole, although he won the first race of the two disputed at Jerez. Raúl Fernández will share the second row of the grid with Italian Davide Pizzoli (Leopard Junior) and Jeremy Alcoba (Estrella Galicia Junior). Turkish rider Can Öncü (Red Bull KTM Ajo) – winner of the last Grand Prix of the Comunitat Valenciana – will start from the third row after chalking up the eighth fastest time, seven tenths behind the poleman. The 43 Moto3™ riders will dispute two 18-lap races on Sunday.
The quickest of the Moto2™ European Championship riders was Edgar Pons (AGR Team), who took pole position ahead of the Italian Tommaso Marcon (Team Ciatti) and local rider Héctor Garzó (Team Wimu CNS). Swiss rider Jesko Raffin (Easy Race), champion since Albacete, will start from the third row of the grid with the seventh best time, more than a second adrift of the poleman.
The youngest riders in the FIM CEV Repsol, competing in the European Talent Cup, are the only ones who still have a title to fight for. José Antonio Rueda (Estrella Galicia) earned pole position after dominating the two qualifying sessions of Group B. Rueda will have his team mate Julián Giral (Estrella Galicia) and Fermín Aldeguer (Bester Capital Dubai) at his side on the front row of the grid. But the fight for the title is centered on the second row, with the leader of the overall standings Xavier Artigas (Honda Impala) and Víctor Rodríguez (Ikono Motorbike Laglisse), who is second position 19 points adrift. The other candidate for the title, Cuna de Campeones rider David Salvador, will start from the third row of the grid.
In the European Kawasaki Z Cup, Gabriel Durán will start from pole position with David Vázquez and Óscar Ibáñez also on the front row of the grid. The leader of the general classification, Abián Santana, will start from the second row of the grid in fourth position in his fight for the title against his main rivals, poleman Durán and Javier Valera, who will start fifth.
As usual, entrance to the paddock will be free over the weekend. In addition, FIM CEV Repsol fans can get a pass to take part in the Pit Lane Walk. Passes can be obtained from Info Punto 1 (at the main access to the paddock) from 9.00 on Sunday. Only the first comers will get a pass, with a maximum of two passes per person. The Pit Lane Walk will take place at 10.15 am and start from the outside of the control tower.
The FIM CEV Repsol’s TV presence continues to grow in both Europe and the rest of the world. In Spain, Movistar MotoGP broadcasts live all of the scheduled races of the Moto3™ JWCh, Moto2™ ECh and ETC, as does BT Sports in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In Italy, Sky will broadcast live the Moto3™ JWCh and Moto2™ ECh races.
Eurosport, through Eurosportplayer (France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Romania), will also offer live coverage of all of the Moto3™ JWCh and Moto2™ ECh and ETC races. In Portugal, Sport TV consolidates its commitment to motorcycling by broadcasting live or recorded versions of all the races scheduled throughout the season. For the first time Hungarian fans will be able to enjoy the ETC thanks to recorded broadcasts on the Spiler TV channel.
Fans in Latin America, the United States, Canada and France will be able to watch recorded versions of all the races through Motosport TV, while their OTT will broadcast the races live. Band Sports television extends its coverage of the FIM CEV Repsol by showing recorded versions of the Moto3™ JWCh and Moto2™ ECh. Also joining TV coverage of the championship, the Edgesport Channel will air live all the Moto3™ JWC and Moto2™ ECh and ETC races, as well as being available 24/7 on various platforms with coverage in Abu Dhabi, Belgium, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Pacific Islands, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Solomon Island, Thailand and Vietnam.
In addition, in those countries without television coverage, all races will be broadcast live on the championship’s Youtube channel.
All the results and information about the Championship are on the official website: www.fimcevrepsol.com
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 10/3
Lots and lots of updates abound. I took out some old general stuff because this monster is huge (but it will only get shorter, sniff sniff) Spoilery goodness under the cut. 
DISCLAIMER: This is gathered info from various sources. This is not confirmed information. Stuff in this WILL be wrong. Don’t take this too seriously. This is for fun. Also, if you use this info for another publication, please let me know as a courtesy. Don’t be a dick. It's all out there, but it hurts to see my same phrasing on other publications after all the work I’ve done to consolidate it…  
General Info (oldest to newest). This is a blend of pre-COVID and post COVID, so some might change. 
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season (he’s missed 3 so far and I suspect will miss 14. Unclear about 16, 19, and 20). 
Dean and Amara’s connection will be explored
JaxCon/Vegas Con spoilers: 
Misha said the ending was “happier than he expected” but also had some sadness. He later used “sad and redemptive”
Misha mentioned that Claire will be mentioned on the show, but as of yet not appear. 
Dean says the line “stop killing my people” (to god?)
Jensen said he doesn’t see how the story could continue past this season, but Jared said its more of “a see you later”
Al Cal posted a pic of a “thrown away” call sheet that seem to indicate Micheal, Lucifer, and a character named “Betty” interacting in the bunker. Unclear as to the validity, could be from 19 based on casting 
Charlie (original flavor) will return
Filming resumed on Aug 18th. Per Canadian policy, they must quarantine for two weeks. Those quarantining seemed to include:
Fairly Clear: Jared, Jensen, Jake Abel (Micheal), Rob Benedict (Chuck/God) Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer), Al Cal (didn't need to quarantine, but he is definitely on set), Jim Beaver (Bobby)
Unclear/Rumored: Misha (he is being deliberately cagey), Osric Chau (Kevin- but likely for another project, he was a week ahead of everyone else)
Reasons Unlikely: Sam Smith (chemo treatment), Kim Rhodes (working at a camp during quarantine), Ruth Connell (posted from Malibu the entire time)
No idea: Shoshannah Stern 
Jensen said sp 19 is more of a season finale, while 20 is a series finale. Repeated in interviews/livestreams. 
Megan Fitz. complimented both Dabb’s and Glynn’s writing on twitter. Not sure if it is in reference to rewrites or the special retrospective that is planned. 
Jensen indicated that the ending did change per COVID protocols. Later interviews (Variety) confirmed this, but it seemed to indicate the changes were in regards to how many people filmed at once (crowd scenes, recurring characters returning)
Misha is being very, very cagey about where he was. Some live streams seem to indicate he is not at home, but he has yet to confirm- his presence in 19/20 is hard to track. In an interview with Metaverse, he was in bed in a hotel looking space and you could see mountains in the background. He was not on set for the first week of filming, so he could be a week behind. 
Misha has thrown around the words “final”  and “what he <Misha> would have wanted” per Cas’ ending. “Sad/Proud” and “poignant” were also used. His latest line is “sad but satisfying”
The final episodes will premier October 8th. The finale will air Nov 19th in conjunction with an hour long special. 
Dabb confirmed to TV line the episode 19/20 explanation Jensen’s mentioned- For the most part, we wrap up a big chunk of our mythology in Episode 19,Episode 20 is more character-based and is more concerned with Sam, Dean and this family they’ve built around them than it is with figuring out the Case of the Week.
When talking about the lightheartedness of returning on ep 14, Dabb said deeply depressing and upsetting episodes are coming (USAToday). He also said we would see “new sides” of Jack, Cas, and Billie. A revisit of Chuck and Amara’s “sibling issues” as well is on tap. Jared said sacrifices are coming. 
From TV Line-  re the battle with Chuck. Allies will return, buit was repeated several times in the article that is comes down to Sam and Dean. Jack will struggle with getting his soul back but will be helped by Cas.
It was confirmed there will be no appearances by mamma and papa Winchester, possible due to COVID. (TVLine)
A trailer was released on 8/27. Scenes included:
A moving speech from Sam to Dean
(Possibly from 18) A teary conversation between Dean and Cas
Injured Dean being helped by Cas in the bunker
Jack breaking some cuffs/bring thrown into a wall/saying he has to kill god
Dean and his grenade launcher and a purple nightgown 
Sam in a sweater vest getting a gun from under a pillow
A glimpse of a body with “Lust” written above it/a matronly woman (I think the villain from 14) saying “Boys”
Ghose Dean? Little Sam cutting off a hand
Some intermixed scenes from past episodes
A second trailer was released on 8/31. Scenes included:
A monologue from Billie about god coming to destroy the planet plus her banging on a bunker door (with her hand all gooey) and striking someone with her scythe
Jack continuing his speech about killing god but expanding that he has a ritual to do
Lots of red danger lights in the bunker/ 3 people getting tossed around in the bunker/Chuck in the bunker
Chuck saying he doesn't believe Sam and Dean can kill him
Young Sam and not ghost Young dean
Dean angrily driving the Impala then saying “its time”
Cas drawing his blade in front of an old truck to protect someone in a suit (Jack? I can't tell)
More Dean tears
A surprise appearance from Bobby
Some of the same scenes as before
A third trailer was released on 9/24. It was a rehash of the other two, but a new new scenes included: 
A handcuffed Jack asking Dean if his plan will work, Dean cheekily replying, and swing a machete at the cuffs
More of Dean and his nightgown
Sam saying “it's our one shot”
A pair of werewolves/vampires?
A Shaving People, Punting Things trailer was released on 10/2. Scenes included:
Dean in a bar with a blond woman
Sam by the mountain lake with facial wounds
Sam in a birthday crown
Several scenes with Sam and Dean in a barn
Team Free Will 2.0 in  a bunker corridor, Jack looking injured (?)
Cas digging near a stop sign
Sam, Dean, and Jack walking down a street/later in a church/in the Impala
Sad Dean in the dungeon/Sad Sam drinking and knocking over a book
Sad Jack and Cas leaning on the Impala
Scattered shot of Sad Sam and Dean (drinking in the bunker, learning against the Impala)
Sam/Donna hug
Sad Jack on a bed
Dean entering a motel room
Amara looking blissful
Dean giving Sam an encouraging face pat
Billie choking Cas
Sam and Dean shooting/swinging machetes/knives
Glowing eye lady in the bunker
Sam and Dean getting thrown around the bunker
Sam in Death’s library, hurting
Billie swinging a scythe
A bunker door getting blown up
Many behind the scenes shots, including one of Felicia Day (Charlie)
Episode 15x14
Title: Last Holiday
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a wood nymph (guest star Meagan Fey) living in the bunker who is determined to protect her family, at any cost. Eduardo Sanchez directed the episode written by Jeremy Adams (#1514). Original airdate 3/30/2020.
Written by: Jeremy Adams
Director: Eduardo Sanchez
Filming Dates:1/15- 1/24
Airdate: unknown- October 8th
Photos: https://www.tvinsider.com/gallery/supernatural-returns-season-15-episode-14-last-holiday/
Promo: kind of lumped in with the other promos
Sneak Peak: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CF0HK1blaFU/?igshid=o2ffwvgud56j
Sneak Peak 2: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2020/10/07/final-supernatural-episodes-lead-climactic-amazing-showdown/3632212001/
Castiel ? eh… I don't think so Jack ? yes
Guest stars:  Meagen Fay (fae lady)
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha mentioned being at an airport the first day of filming, maybe he’ll miss this one
The director shared a BTS shot with AlCal’s chair in the background. He also posted on that looked like the statues in hell. Lots of filming at the bunker. A few impala shots were shared as well. 
In an EW article, “a mysterious woman gives Sam and Dean every holiday they ever missed”
Episode 15x15
Title: Gimme Shelter
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: MATT COHEN DIRECTS – Castiel (Misha Collins) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) work a case involving members of a local church. Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) go off in search of Amara (guest star Emily Swallow). Matt Cohen directed the episode written by Davy Perez (#1515). Original airdate 10/15/2020.
Written by: Davy Perez
Director: Matt Cohen
Filming Dates: 1/27-2/5
Airdate: unknown. October 15th
Photos: http://www.ksitetv.com/supernatural/supernatural-gimme-shelter-preview-images-released/205510/
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ?yes  Jack ? Yes
Guest stars: Emily Sparrow? 
Other Spoilers/info:
There was some filming done at the crossroads with only Misha. 
Alex and Misha filmed together
It seems as if J2 didn’t film at all the first week, Misha filmed six or seven days, is this is a Cas centric ep?
Episode 15x16
Title: Drag Me Away (From You)
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: FLASHBACK TO A YOUNG SAM AND DEAN – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) are asked to investigate the murder of a childhood friend, calling them back to a motel from their past and perplexing the brothers with a case they thought was solved a long time ago. Amyn Kaderali directed the episode written by Meghan Fitzmartin (#1516). Original airdate 10/22/2020.
Written by: Megan Fitzmartin
Director: Amyn Kaderali
Filming Dates: 2/6-2/17
Airdate: October 22nd
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? I think so… briefly? Jack ? not sure either. 
Guest stars: IMDB credits Lisa Berry (Billie/Death)  as well as Young Sam, Young Dean and both grown and young Caitlyn
Other Spoilers/info:
Alex got a cast of his face around the filming of this- so this ep or the one after
Looks like we get Dean in a robe!
They filmed at Rooster’s Sunrise Hotel for 3 days/nights
This is the flashback ep
From TVLine- “It worked not only as a case right now, but also as something that informed the journey Sam and Dean have taken, where they started as kids, how they kind of came together and then how that has [led up] to the point that they are, emotionally, when the episode airs. So it ended up being a really good reflection of our guys now, telling a story about our guys then, which, to me, are always the best versions of those types of flashback stories.”
Episode 15x17
Title: Unity
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS:  ONE WAY OR ANOTHER – Dean (Jensen Ackles) hits the road with Jack (Alexander Calvert) who needs to complete a final ritual in the quest to beat Chuck (guest star Rob Benedict). A difference of opinion leaves Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Castiel (Misha Collins) behind looking for answers to questions of their own. Catriona McKenzie directed the episode written by Meredith Glynn (#1517). Original airdate 10/29/2020.
Written by: Meredith Gylnn
Director: Catrion McKenzie
Filming Dates: 2/19-2/28
Airdate: Oct 29th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Rob Benedict and Emily Sparrow. IMDB credits Robert Wisdom (Uriel)
Other Spoilers/info:
Chuck and Amara trailers were seen on set when filming in a garden
Jensen was in NOLA Friday, possible Monday
“Uriel” was around for filming (Post COVID update: Misha seemed to indicate that this was because the actor was nearby filming? Not sure if this is to cover up the spoiler or the truth)
Alex and Jensen filmed in the imala
Episode 15x18
Title: Despair (it was The Truth at some point I think)
Written by: BOBO
Director: Speight
Filming Dates: 3/2--3/11
Airdate: Nov 5th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: IMDB credits Billie
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha and Alex filmed near the impala. J2 showed up later that night. This was the source of the “last time they all filmed on set” photo)
An really emotional scene was filmed with Misha and Jensen. Jared was definitely not there, but Alex was on the flight they took with Rich, so its possible he was too. This was revealed at a con in which the four of them were on a plane that had an in-flight problem.
Filming watchers saw a bro hug
Tape Ball posted a shot of field that looks like where dean came back from hell
Misha indicated this was his “favorite episode” in a recent interview
Episode 15x19
Title: Inherit the Earth
Written by: bucklelimg
Director: John Showalter
Filming Dates:: 3/12-3/23/cancelled for COVID and then 8/18-8/27
Airdate: Nov 12th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? unknown Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Jake Abel (Micheal), Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer) 
Other Spoilers/info:
Production shut down as a precaution for coronavirus on 3/13, two days into filming. It is scheduled to start again on Aug 18th. 
Jensen indicated there might be some re-writes for this ep to account for COVID protocols.
When they started filming, they indicated they were on day two. So maybe they could only use some of the scenes they shot? Then they added an extra day all called it day 9. COVID protocols makes things take longer 
AlCal was definitely on set. 
Jake Abel is definitely on set, and he posted an instagram story with his trailer and Lucifer’s (Mark Pelligrino)
Some filming was done at a gas station called Showalter’s (name of the director) with Jared, Jensen, and Alex
Jake “Spoiler King” Abel filmed a video showing chairs for Jared, Jensen, and Alex as well as Rob Benedict (Chuck/God). They were filming near a lake with a mountain view (that looked similar to where Cas died in season 13)
Rob Benedict posted it was his last day in Vancouver, indicating we won't see Chuck past this episode? Or very very briefly in 20? Jake Abel posted a similar message, also baiting fans about Misha’s whereabouts 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
 Episode 15x20
Title: Carry On
Written by: Dabb
Director: Bob Singer
Filming Dates: 8/28- 9/10  
Airdate: November 19th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? maaaaybe? Jack ? maaaaybe?
Guest stars: Jim Beaver
Other Spoilers/info:
Jensen indicated filming would take two weeks, longer than usual (looks like a 9 day shoot, with a day off for Labor Day)
According to Superwiki, 9/3 was the last day on the bunker set, the final days are on location. 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
Filming locations seemed to include a barn (pic with a stunt guy showed wooden walls and straw) and a lake (not the mountain lake from 19), and a forest. Filming signs spotted at Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. 
Jim Beaver confirmed his appearance on Twitter
There was a pic of J2 with baby on a bridge. Baby had her original plates. They seem to be wearing the same clothes they were in the pilot. There may be grey (??) In their hair, but that could be lighting
Misha posted some creation videos, saying he had been on an impromptu camping trip. He was back in his house. They were posted on the last day of filming and he had pretty decent scruff. He also mentioned that it was the last day of filming and he wasn't up there. 
The show officially wrapped at 6:25 on 9/10
Jared said “the last time Sam and Dean see each other is the last time Jared and Jensen film together” but seem to imply that was not the final scene? It was a confusing answer to a question about filming the final scene.
IMDB credits a vampire?
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 9/12
I waited until filming was over to post. Hopefully we will get some interviews in this next month before the show starts airing again. We also usually get episode an synopsis two weeks before airing and photos one week before airing, on Fridays. 
DISCLAIMER: This is gathered info from various sources. This is not confirmed information. Stuff in this WILL be wrong. Don’t take this too seriously. This is for fun. Also, if you use this info for another publication, please let me know as a courtesy. Don’t be a dick. It's all out there, but it hurts to see my same phrasing on other publications after all the work I’ve done to consolidate it…  
General Info (oldest to newest). This is a blend of pre-COVID and post COVID, so some might change. 
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene. They will film the final scene last.  (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?) PRE COVID SPOILER  This no longer seems to be the case. 
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. 
There will be a special tribute ep airing the same day as the finale
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season (he’s missed 3 so far and I suspect will miss 14. Not sure about 16, unclear about 19/20). 
Cas’ deal with the Empty may come up later in the season. 
Jack will be a critical part of the ending of the show
Dean and Amara’s connection will be explored
There will be a bunker themed episode (MarySue article)- episode 14
In one of his cookbook interviews, Misha used the word “we” several times when talking about the final scene of Supernatural. He said that would be the last scene they shoot. It seemed to imply that he was in the scene, but that could be open to interpretation. 
JaxCon/Vegas Con spoilers: 
Misha said the ending was “happier than he expected” but also had some sadness. He later used “sad and redemptive”
Misha mentioned that Claire will be mentioned on the show, but as of yet not appear. 
Dean says the line “stop killing my people” (to god?)
Jensen said he doesn’t see how the story could continue past this season, but Jared said its more of “a see you later”
Misha confirmed he’s in the final scene, but he also indicated he had one week of filming left (total?) PRE COVID SPOILER
Al Cal posted a pic of a “thrown away” call sheet that seem to indicate Micheal, Lucifer, and a character named “Betty” interacting in the bunker. Unclear as to the validity, could be from 19 based on the casting. 
There will be a flashback episode
Charlie (original flavor) will return
Filming will resume on Aug 18th. Per Canadian policy, they must quarantine for two weeks. Those quarantining seems to include:
Fairly Clear: Jared, Jensen, Jake Abel (Micheal), Rob Benedict (Chuck/God) Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer), Al Cal (didn't need to quarantine, but he is definitely on set), Jim Beaver (Bobby)
Unclear/Rumored: Misha (he is being deliberately cagey), Osric Chau (Kevin- but likely for another project, he was a week ahead of everyone else) 
Reasons Unlikely: Sam Smith (chemo treatment), Kim Rhodes (working at a camp during quarantine), Ruth Connell (she kept posting from Malibu the whole time)
No idea: Shoshannah Stern 
Jensen said sp 19 is more of a season finale, while 20 is a series finale. Repeated in interviews/livestreams. 
Megan Fitz. complimented both Dabb’s and Glynn’s writing on twitter. Not sure if it is in reference to rewrites or the special retrospective that is planned. 
Jensen indicated that the ending did change per COVID protocols. Unclear how much.
Misha is being very, very cagey about where he is. Some live streams seem to indicate he is not at home, but he has yet to confirm- his presence in 19/20 is hard to track. In an interview with Metaverse, he was in bed in a hotel looking space and you could see mountains in the background. He was not on set for the first week of filming, so he could be a week behind. He was at home on the last day of filming.
Misha has thrown around the words “final”  and “what he <Misha> would have wanted” per Cas’ ending. “Sad/Proud” and “poignant” were also used. 
The final episodes will premier October 8th. The finale will air Nov 19th in conjunction with an hour long special. 
A trailer was released on 8/27. Scenes included:
A moving speech from Sam to Dean
(Possibly from 18) A teary conversation between Dean and Cas
Injured Dean being helped by Cas in the bunker
Jack breaking some cuffs/bring thrown into a wall/saying he has to kill god
Dean and his grenade launcher and a purple nightgown 
Sam in a sweater vest getting a gun from under a pillow
A glimpse of a body with “Lust” written above it/a matronly woman (I think the villain from 14) saying “Boys”
Ghose Dean? Little Sam cutting off a hand
Some intermixed scenes from past episodes
A second trailer was released on 8/31. Scenes included:
A monologue from Billie about god coming to destroy the planet plus her banging on a bunker door (with her hand all gooey) and striking someone with her sythe
Jack continuing his speech about killing god but expanding that he has a ritual to do
Lots of red danger lights in the bunker/ 3 people getting tossed around in the bunker/Chuck in the bunker
Chuck saying he doesn't believe Sam and Dean can kill him
Young Sam and not ghost Young dean
Dean angrily driving the Impala then saying “its time”
Cas drawing his blade in front of an old truck to protect someone in a suit (Jack? I cant tell)
More Dean tears
A surprise appearance from Bobby
Some of the same scenes as before
Episode 15x14
Title: Last Holiday
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a wood nymph (guest star Meagan Fey) living in the bunker who is determined to protect her family, at any cost. Eduardo Sanchez directed the episode written by Jeremy Adams (#1514). 
Written by: Jeremy Adams
Director: Eduardo Sanchez
Filming Dates:1/15- 1/24
Airdate: unknown- October 8th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? eh… I don't think so Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha mentioned being at an airport the first day of filming, maybe he’ll miss this one
The director shared a BTS shot with AlCal’s chair in the background. He also posted on that looked like the statues in hell. Lots of filming at the bunker. A few impala shots were shared as well. 
In an EW article, a mysterious woman gives Sam and Dean every holiday they ever missed. Based on the title, I’m guessing this!
 Episode 15x15
Title: Gimme Shelter
Written by: ?? Davy Perez???? They seem to be keeping it under wraps for some reason
Director: Matt Cohen
Filming Dates: 1/27-2/5
Airdate: unknown. October 15th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ?yes  Jack ? Yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
There was some filming done at the crossroads with only Misha. 
Alex and Misha filmed together
It seems as if J2 didn’t film at all the first week, Misha filmed six or seven days, this is a Cas centric ep
Episode 15x16
Title: Drag Me Away (From You)
Written by: Megan Fitzmartin
Director: Amyn Kaderali
Filming Dates: 2/6-2/17
Airdate: October 22nd?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? I think so… briefly? Jack ? not sure either. 
Guest stars: IMDB credits Lisa Berry (Billie/Death)
Other Spoilers/info:
Alex got a cast of his face around the filming of this- so this ep or the one after
Looks like we get Dean in a robe!
They filmed at Rooster’s Sunrise Hotel for 3 days/nights
This might be the flashback ep
Episode 15x17
Title: Unity
Written by: Meredith Gylnn
Director: Catrion McKenzie
Filming Dates: 2/19-2/28
Airdate: Oct 29th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Rob benedict and Emily Sparrow
Other Spoilers/info:
Chuck and Amara trailers were seen on set when filming in a garden
Jensen was in NOLA Friday, possible Monday
“Uriel” was around for filming (Post COVID update: Misha seemed to indicate that this was because the actor was nearby filming? Not sure if this is to cover up the spoiler or the truth)
Alex and Jensen filmed in the impala
Episode 15x18
Title: The Truth
Written by: BOBO
Director: Speight
Filming Dates: 3/2--3/11
Airdate: Nov 5th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha and Alex filmed near the impala. J2 showed up later that night. This was the source of the “last time they all filmed on set” photo)
An really emotional scene was filmed with Misha and Jensen. Jared was definitely not there, but Alex was on the flight they took with Rich, so its possible he was too. This was revealed at a con in which the four of them were on a plane that had an in-flight problem.
Filming watchers saw a bro hug
Tape Ball posted a shot of field that looks like were dean came back from hell
Misha indicated this was his “favorite episode” in a recent interview
Episode 15x19
Title: Inherit the Earth
Written by: bucklelimg
Director: John Showalter
Filming Dates:: 3/12-3/23/cancelled for COVID and then 8/18-8/27??
Airdate: Nov 12th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? unknown Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Jake Abel (Micheal), Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer) 
Other Spoilers/info:
Production shut down as a precaution for coronavirus on 3/13, two days into filming. It is scheduled to start again on Aug 18th. 
Jensen indicated there might be some re-writes for this ep to account for COVID protocols.
When they started filming, they indicated they were on day two. So maybe they could only use some of the scenes they shot? Then they added an extra day all called it day 9. COVID protocols makes things take longer 
AlCal was definitely on set. 
Jake Abel is definitely on set, and he posted an instagram story with his trailer and Lucifer’s (Mark Pelligrino)
Some filming was done at a gas station called Showalter’s (name of the director) with Jared, Jensen, and Alex
Jake “Spoiler King” Abel filmed a video showing chairs for Jared, Jensen, and Alex as well as Rob Benedict (Chuck/God). They were filming near a lake with a mountain view (that looked similar to where Cas died in season 13)
Rob Benedict posted it was his last day in Vancouver, indicating we won't see Chuck past this episode? Or very very briefly in 20? Jake Abel posted a similar message, also baiting fans about Misha’s whereabouts 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
 Episode 15x20
Title: Carry On
Written by: Dabb
Director: Bob Singer
Filming Dates: 8/28- 9/10  
Airdate: November 19th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? maaaaybe? Jack ? maaaaybe?
Guest stars: Jim Beaver
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha is in the final scene, per pre COVID interviews. I think this changed after COVID. 
Jensen indicated filming would take two weeks, longer than usual (looks like a 9 day shoot, with a day off for Labor Day)
According to Superwiki, 9/3 was the last day on the bunker set, the final days are on location. 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
Filming locations seemed to include a barn (pic with a stunt guy showed wooden walls and straw) and a lake (not the mountain lake from 19). Filming signs spotted at Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. 
Jim Beaver confirmed his appearance on Twitter
There was a pic of J2 with baby on a bridge. Baby had her original plates. They seem to be wearing the same clothes they were in the pilot. There may be grey (??) In their hair, but that could be lighting
Misha posted some creation videos, saying he had been on an impromptu camping trip. He was back in his house. They were posted on the last day of filming and he had pretty decent scruff. He also mentioned that is was the last day of filming and he wasn't up there. 
The show officially wrapped at 6:25 on 9/10
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