#and me- avid SoD fan- was like
starbornsoulrider · 6 months
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SoD, god rest its soul, prepared me for almost any and all kind of MMO bullshittery
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wishingstarinajar · 5 months
What are your thoughts on the more visibly nonhumanoid Transformer characters? like Skylynx, Laserbeak, Psychokhan (if centaurs count) and the Rid2015 Decepticons?
It's nice to have variation!
Now, I am biased because I love Soundwave to bits so his cassettes are loved by me too, Ravage in particular but Laserbeak, Buzzsaw and Ratbat are also appreciated.
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Sky Lynx, the poor sod... Not gonna lie, he has a peculiar design but it's also a very recognizable one. You know it's Sky Lynx when you see the silhouette. He's pretty unique.
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With Sky-Byte and the Maximals/Predacons/Beastformers/whatever you want to call them, I don't mind it. I used to be an avid Beast Wars fan (Beast Machines less so), so animal, hybrid and animalistic transmetal/cyborg alt modes and designs aren't something I quickly frown upon.
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The same goes for designs like Whirl (MTMTE comics) who has no actual hands or a humanoid head and face and looks like a walking and talking Pixar lamp xD Sorry Whirl, I love you but it's the truth
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It's fun to not have the basic "human-like" or "vehicle" designs. This includes centaurs as well, they are just as valid.
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unfortunatelysirius · 7 years
[1 of 3 — Dating the <G O O D> Marauders]
⁕ He wasn’t just the boy you loved. Oh, Merlin—he was so much more than that. ⁕ When you met, the first thing out of his mouth was, “You’re sodding gorgeous!” All you could do was blush, and James had sat in the background, body shaking with stifled laughter. ⁕ It became a tradition—him calling you beautiful. A day never went by without him calling out to you, proclaiming you the prettiest maiden in the land. While Lily thought it was immature and Marlene thought it was ridiculously idiotic, you thought it was sweet. ⁕ To him, you really were the prettiest girl in all of Hogwarts. ⁕ He’d use any excuse just to touch you, whether it was throwing a tired arm over the back of your chair in class or sitting too close for comfort in the Great Hall. He’d even stretch out on the couch in the common-room just to make sure you were touching him when you decided to go there in the evenings. You couldn’t deny the simple pleasure of smiling at him anytime he did so. ⁕ When Sirius finally worked up the guts to ask you out, he made it into a big thing—a really big thing. He got all the Gryffindor table in on it, excluding you and your dorm-mates. There was a musical number and all sorts of cheesy pick-up lines being handed out left and right. When he finally asked your hand for a merry date at the Three Broomsticks and a leisurely ride throughout the Quidditch Pitch, you were too tongue-tied to respond. To seal the deal, you gave him a huge hug and a kiss to the cheek. ⁕ On your first date, Sirius wouldn’t stop holding your hands. He’d always fiddle around with your thumbs, constantly looking up at you for assurance that it was okay. ⁕ Fight me on this, but Sirius was an absolute slut for constant validation, okay? He always wanted your approval in anything and everything he did, so he even had to have your affirmative to kiss you goodbye or do something with his mates. ⁕ He knew the feeling of being neglected and thinking he was unwanted; he didn’t want the same for you. ⁕ After a while, you began to feel more comfortable with the rest of the Marauders, which ultimately led to you becoming a constant in the group. Like Sirius, you were an avid fan of pranks—though, you were a lot less forward or active when it came to partaking in them. You and Remus were more of the background characters and the evil masterminds, choosing to watch plans unravel instead of participate in them. ⁕ After three months of dating, Sirius finally broke and told you the truth on his mysterious outings every full moon. Though you were a bit irritated that he’d had to lie in order to slink past her radar, you quickly found yourself sympathizing with the boys, especially Remus. ⁕ You were the helping hand they called upon when Madam Pomfrey was too preoccupied or the Hospital Wing was made too public. You were training to be a Healer, which made it a lot easier on the Marauders—it was a lot more practical, too. ⁕ In those months following the big reveal, you and the Marauders grew closer than ever, and two other secrets were revealed—James’s invisibility cloak, and the Marauders Map. ⁕ You and Sirius were stuck together like pieces in a puzzle in your sixth year of Hogwarts. ⁕Your favorite places to have dates at were the kitchens, the Quidditch pitch, and the Room of Requirements. Any alone time you had was enough for you to share a few kisses and talk about the things that made you happy. ⁕ «I love you so much, Sirius.» «I love you more.» «I love you most.» «Impossible.» ⁕ When seventh year arrived, your relationship was still strong. ⁕ The two of you absolute adored each other; sometimes James and Remus would conspire theories on how you were both infected by a love potion. ⁕ On Christmas Day, Sirius’s gift to you was a promise ring, and till your dying breath, that ring would not leave your finger. ⁕ «I pledge myself to always be there for you.» «S-Sirius—» «Shhh.» ⁕ You were the first to congratulate Lily and James on becoming a couple, as you were also the first to know of Lily’s feelings for be bloke. ⁕ Three days after you graduated Hogwarts, Sirius finally proposed. He had a ring specially made to have roses on them, as well as the name “Black” carved into the middle. ⁕ You obviously said yes, and there was a party held at the Potter household to celebrate the engagement. ⁕ Everyone was absolutely ecstatic. No one could quit smiling. ⁕ A year later, you two were married, you sporting a very noticeable baby bump in your white gown. You invited several of your professors to the wedding. It was the first time you’d ever seen Professor McGonogall cry. ⁕ After hearing about Lily’s recent discovery of a baby and the immediate decision on who was to be appointed Godfather, you made Remus the Godfather of your newborn daughter, Elizabeth Black. ⁕ You three were a very happy family, full of love and laughter, until a day came where nothing was quite alright anymore. ⁕ At least your daughter would hold the legacy of your lives—the happiness, the bravery, the sacrifice—until her own last dying breath. Elizabeth Grace Black.
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themadameditor · 6 years
Supporting England in any world sport is painful but not nearly as painful as supporting the English football team. It is akin to being an Arsenal fan. Arsenal fans, we know pain. Shit we’ve known decades worth of pain from a team we believe can get us to the promise land season after season, but in the end we settle for fourth, fight for fourth because it’s all we’ve ever wanted: to come to the party not necessarily to win. Being an England fan is like having the greatest sex of your life; its thrilling, its exhilarating, you’re there he’s there… and just before climax he pulls out. You know what I mean? He gets you there but doesn’t get you off. Its a bitch! And for many years this relationship has been a series of bitchiness from every England team since 1966… But this England team, the one we saw in this World Cup was something different. They are a spectacular team. Don’t get me wrong they still did not get us off, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. They tried. They wanted it. They wanted us to get off but in the end, they didn’t rise to the occasion. It’s sod’s law that when our Achilles heel Germany is out we still can’t get hit it.
I love the England football squad, most of them, but the fans I love more. They are passionate and will go the entire nine yards and beyond for their team. I have never seen a team so supported and loved and hated in all equal measures by its fans. It’s a deep love story that is worthy of a Hollywood rendition. Football brings people together in this country in a way nothing else can. Not even this Goddamn government we have. It is a unifier, a common ground, and whether you’re an avid fan like me or someone who watches sporadically along with the rest of the country in the moment. You find yourself locked in; nail biting, praying and hoping and when the heartbreak comes it’s complete; like the end of a great love affair. And it is because we were almost there. But you see, something about this particular England team is special. Very special. They made us believe we could have it, dared us to dream, because they wanted this for themselves, but more than ever for the fans because they were fans once, fans who followed the many squads before them and witnessed the many heartbreaks we do every quarter final we did not advance, every group stage we did not win. Every Germany squad in the way of our climax. So they know what it is to be a fan and how it feels to go through that heartbreak and hope all over again. They know, and they wanted it too. Badly. They played well. Played better together than any other squad in recent years, and in these dire times when the country is falling into tatters they have given us moments to forget and come together in celebration and hope and fear and joy even if it wasn’t the ending we hoped for. This team is special. Gareth Southgate is a fantastic coach and it feels like, we have gotten it right- at last. We are there at the tip of it. We almost have it. Here’s hoping one day, in the next two years, they’ll get us off.
Cheers to the England team of the 2018 World Cup. You did us proud.
The Joy & Pain of being an England Football Fan- its like the best sex of your life but you don't get off... Supporting England in any world sport is painful but not nearly as painful as supporting the English football team.
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