#and once she gives her blessing...
strideofpride · 2 years
Dear S,
Please consider this message as me pressing you to expand upon Lemon x Lavon
ah dammit I missed a GOLDEN opportunity to just:
Under a read more because I wrote another essay lol!
Okay so, I talked A LOT yesterday about what was going on in Lemon's head primarily in season 1, but one further piece of evidence I want to submit is in 114, when Lemon goes "I'd give up anything for you George" and then she shoots a yearning look towards Lavon, which I think is just further proof that Lemon didn't choose George because she loved him more, but cause she felt like she had to.
And then as for the Lavon of it all...I think after Lemon rejected him for the umpteenth time in 118, he was done. "Difficult might not stop him" but Lavon can take a hint. He's put his heart on the line over and over and over again, and Lemon keeps stomping it into pieces and it's just too much.
So if Lemon really is over him (she's not of course but bad timing and miscommunication is kinda their thing for four straight seasons), really is gonna marry George after everything, has really moved on, well then it's time for Lavon to move on too. He helps George try to give Lemon the wedding of her dreams, when the wedding is called off, he doesn't chase after her cause he thinks she doesn't want him, doesn't have feelings for him anymore (again, he's wrong, but you know).
And he starts getting involved with Ruby, the high school sweetheart, the only girl he's seemingly ever had a serious relationship with. If he can make it work with Ruby, it's proof, proof that Lemon was really just an affair, wasn't anything deeper, it was all in his head anyway or so he thinks. But Ruby, now there's a love story that could lead to a happily ever after.
And when things fall apart with Ruby, Lavon is so convinced that Lemon is soo over him that the only reasonable explanation for why she told Ruby is out of malice (she's in love with you dummy wake up!!!) but again Lavon can't see that, because he's convinced himself that Lemon never loved him in the first place.
And when Lavon finally finds out that Lemon was in fact in love with him at some point (still is but he doesn't know that), he's already grown attracted to Annabeth, the best friend, and tbh, I do think a big part of Annabeth's appeal to him was how transparent and open she was. Lemon kept him on a string for a year as she dealt with her own mixed feelings, he was convinced Ruby and him were going to live happily ever after in Bluebell, and was almost blindsided when all of a sudden it went from "I'm going to be mayor" to "I could never be happy in this town". But unlike them, AB is inherently very honest, and that's refreshing.
And I think Lavon has convinced himself by this point that he is not in love with Lemon anymore. He wanted to marry Ruby (nevermind the fact that he was only proposing to keep her in town) so he must not love Lemon anymore! And look...I know Lavon and AB are popular, but like...I don't think Lavon was ever fully in love with Annabeth. I think he loved her and cared about her, but in a way she was almost a rebound from the very intense emotional rollercoasters he went on with Lemon and Ruby, she was safe, and stable, and it was nice to feel secure in a relationship for once.
But, like...Lavon is not a slow paced guy when it comes to romance. He was convinced he was going to spend the rest of his life with Lemon after only six weeks!! He was going to propose to Ruby after what? Only eight real weeks of dating? (Not counting the years they presumably spent dating in high school). He and Lemon get engaged in season 4 after like a month. But even after a full year of dating AB, he still wasn't sure he wanted to marry her?? Like, I'm sorry but he just wasn't in love.
And he even admits in the season 3 finale that he was comparing their relationship to his past ones (again, presumably Lemon and probably Ruby too). Because I think deep down Lavon still loved Lemon despite of himself. Lemon had been a cloud over their relationship the entire time. AB only finally started dating Lavon when Lemon decided to "stop being selfish" and finally gave her blessing. And then Lemon took a step back, gave them space, because she knows they both deserve to be happy and doesn't even think she's capable of being the person who could make Lavon happy anymore (also - I've said this before, but it's no coincidence that Wade becomes her best friend at the same time AB gets serious with Lavon).
But you still see that spark during the few times Lemon and Lavon interact while he's dating AB. Lemon tells Lavon in the s2 finale that she's happy for him and AB (this comes right after a shot of Lemon looking at them longingly btw lol) and it's inspired her to find her person too and Lavon...does not look thrilled about it.
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It's a very subtle moment, but I do think it was a very intentional one, meant to show that Lemon and Lavon might not be over after all.
In 305, that spark is still there again, Lavon literally looking away when Lemon and Meatball kiss (although I would do the same thing lol - if I have a hod notp it's for sure them), still understanding Lemon, their whole "worried about recreating something magical because it might not be the same" convo they have re: Peter might as well be about them and their fears toward each other.
When Lemon comes back to town in 314, Lavon immediately upon seeing her senses something is wrong, literally committing a crime for her with no hesitation. And then in 315, they literally get crowned king and queen of Bluebell (cause they are!!) and you can tell they become hyper aware of that spark still being there as they share a dance, but then they see AB looking sad and dejected in the corner, and they both realize why they can't go there and separate.
But Lavon doesn't let that thought go completely. In 317, after Zoe's failed attempt to get Lemon and George back together to fix the "curse", she finally breaks down over her break up with Joel, confessing she's worried she's let "the right person just walk away forever". And Lavon's response? "Yeah, I think about that every day."
And I think a lot of the audience at the time thought he was referring to AB. But they hadn't interacted once that episode, but you know who Lavon DID spend a significant amount of screentime with that episode? Lemon. You know who was super against Zoe's plan to get Lemon and George back together? Lavon. Reader, Lavon was talking about Lemon.
And then comes the season 3 finale. And yes, I do think they intentionally misdirect you into thinking Lavon is chasing after AB before revealing he was chasing after Lemon. But I don't think him chasing after Lemon is "out of nowhere". It took me several rewatches before I finally paid attention to what Don Todd had said that inspired Lavon in the first place.
See, I laid it all out on the table. Now I know I've done everything I could. Everything you could. In hindsight, I should've done it four years ago. Now I don't have to spend every day thinking maybe she feels it, too.
FOUR YEARS AGO!!! What else happened four years ago??? Lemon choose to accept George's proposal and end her affair with Lavon!! Also, Lavon had literally just confessed to Lemon earlier in the episode that he felt as if their relationship was "just in his head". Lavon had literally spent all these years thinking the affair didn't mean as much to Lemon as it did to him, wondering if she had ever felt as strongly as he did for her, all because he never laid all his cards on the table and fought for her when George came back to town.
But now he's not going to make that same mistake again twice.
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raayllum · 4 months
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And then you called me a mage, and that felt right. (1x04) / Callum, I know you love magic, but I hope you're careful. Because it can change people. (4x04) / Who am I if I'm not a mage? (Callum's Spellbook)
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cerealbishh · 24 days
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"You're pretty new at this whole relationship thing, huh?"
"... Yeah."
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novelconcepts · 1 year
Van as storyteller. Van, with a miserable home life, a place where she has to raise herself. Van, who’s probably been telling herself stories to ward off the loneliness for years. Van, who sees stories as escape.
Van, who lands in the woods and starts telling stories aloud. Van, who has all these movies living inside her head, who lets them out to make everyone else feel less alone. Van, who takes a campfire dynamic and turns the dial to eleven, because stories are comfort, stories are safety, stories are home.
Van, who understands more than anyone expects expressly because of stories. Van, who sees the situation through the lens of a narrative arc. Beginning. Middle. End. Van, who watches the plot unfold, watches the twists and turns, and can’t stop telling the story aloud. Van, who knows all too well what kind of story they’ve landed in.
Van, who can’t stop telling the story now. Van, who sees the truth behind the tale. Van, who is finally done regurgitating the narratives that bring her comfort, who turns instead to the ones that will keep them alive. Van, who understands stories are sometimes the only way out, the only way to escape.
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chilapis · 15 days
my monthly overthrow the tsaritsa post. you do not need to owe your loyalty to anyone but me i think. abandon your god for the prettiest wife this universe could ever provide a warrior. Ajax I’m speaking directly into your ear
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roselise · 7 months
I feel so full of love and dreams today c:
I know that sounds silly . . but it’s *true* !!
Like when Aurora is dancing in the forest with her animal friends in Sleeping Beauty & sings ‘Once Upon a Dream’ — that is very much how I feel right now ! ♡
(Except I have a braid in my hair, my dress has flowers and isn’t brown like hers — and it’s just me dancing around the kitchen with my dogs hehe)
👑 ♡ ⊹ ⋆.✧˚.🤍 🌸
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romy350-romyakari · 1 year
I never posted this one so this may be as good time as any
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This shitpost is inspired by my friend who did fanart of Vil that was based on from this product she saw, when I saw it I could not stop seeing Azul in a reality show format that cuts to the person giving their opinion after 😂
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patzweigz · 7 months
randomly hit with just how. strange. it really is that general discussion of fictional characters treats them as like... people, who's actions have consequences in the real world or who's writers put them through real situations
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lunaetis · 1 year
@maquiscursed asked :
Xiao materialises at Lumine's side at their agreed rendez-vous point; delayed only by the unexpected appearance of demonic forces that had required his attention, as can be deduced from the (light, non-critical) scratches and traces of battle on millennial body, from the fatigue painted upon stern features. Still, this is no matter to worry about - he has been through much worse in the past. All he needs before they can go and enjoy the festival is a short rest; golden-winged peng flopping onto grassy ground and tentatively (as though she of all people would reject him - old habits die hard) resting his head in her lap, and closing his eyes with a sigh. "Sorry. Just give me a moment." A moment to rest and heal; right under the protective cocoon of her own golden wings. (i saw you wanted sof and i can finally send you sof so here u go)
pls give me sof. || always accepting
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─「荧」─  THE CELESTIAL was never the type to fuss over details like meeting time, especially when most of the time, the traveler was the one being pulled aside for commissions and assistances that resulted in her being late to a meeting or two. today, however, marked a rather special meet up as the outlander found herself humming softly while waiting for a certain someone. it was weird, she noted. waiting for him somehow gave a sense of delight instead of anything negative. was it due to the fact that she could feel him at the end of their spiritual link ? or was it because it reminded her how long she had been waiting to find him that small wait such as this one became so insignificant ?
                the inquiry wasn't answered, however, for he had made his ARRIVAL so her line of thoughts was cut short.
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                " ah, xiao — " golden hues lit up instinctively as her face tilted upwards from where she was seated. the sight of the YAKSHA mildly exhausted with a few light scratches here and there were more than enough for her to understand what might have transpired that caused the slight delay. before she could voice out her curiosity, however, his form already flopped himself onto the grassy ground. there was a split second hint of HESITATION before he gently rested his head on her lap.
                the weight and the slight warmth placing itself upon her lap coupled with how he immediately closed his eyes from fatigue prompted a light, adoring chuckle from her lips. it was a rare sight coming from the ever-so-vigilant and dedicated protector of liyue. like clockwork, her partially gloved digits found themselves treading through his forest locks, carefully running them through the dark strands in a soothing, calming manner.
                " you have nothing to apologize for. this wait is nothing. " the tone she carried was soft, smooth like velvet. they both had waited this long to find each other, any other time in between was INSIGNIFICANT. her other hand couldn't help itself from tracing over his arm, and tender golden light began to radiate from her palm. the SIX-GOLDEN WINGS slowly spread behind her, a clear giveaway how her celestial power was being summoned. the gentle amber light enveloped around the yaksha, healing power lifting away any traces of wounds or injuries he had attained in the recent battle. the light itself was warm, very much like the touch of dawn so defiant to allow any taint of demonic aura to be left upon his skin.
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                " all better. " the outlander was PROUD of her work, where she caught his hand that rested over his body before bringing it to her lips. the way her mouth ghosted over his healed knuckles allowed him to feel the brush of golden locks against his hand, and the soft humming of the mark glowing just below his HEART.
                " can't let anyone think they can leave any scars on my name holder now, can i ? "
                one would chalk that up as her not wanting any trace of karmic debt or demonic aura to TAINT his being, but there was a hint of childish possessiveness in her voice, one that the protector would be able to catch. it was subtle, yet easy to note. given how their hearts and souls are linked, there's no secret she could keep from him. it seemed that ying didn't like the idea of anyone daring to hurt him. a silly notion for someone who had fought in countless wars and attained numerous scars before.
                " don't open your eyes yet. " he'd feel how her hand came over his eyes, and the softest of touch would be felt upon his lips. the rhythm of THEIR HEARTBEATS appeared to be synched in that moment. it a soft, quiet kiss to seal their secret rest time, away from people's eyes, and protected by the cocooning of her translucent celestial wings.
                no one would pay much attention if they were a little late for the festival, right ?
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vcnessamorgcn · 1 year
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vanessamorgan added a photo to her story
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solasan · 2 years
thinking about. *spins wheel* aegon freaking out about losing olenna during daeron’s birth :)
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swordmaid · 1 month
the yves/orin dynamic I hc is so hhhhhjjmyhhhhhhdhdghh scrumptious to me bc yves was orin’s biggest tormentor. yves constantly berated orin and thought she was useless, and she made her grievance known. like yves constantly preaching abt how orin is so useless and worthless and the only thing that’s significant to her is the blood in her veins and unlike her, she will never gain bhaal’s favour and she’s always going to be a mongrel chasing her heel for a sliver of recognition…! and the fact that yves - besides being bhaal’s bride and chosen - was one of the head priestess of His church meant that she influenced others to think similarly too. orin was also one of the constant victims of yves’ nasty tantrums and when she’s feeling particularly curious and she wants to see how a shapeshifter’s inner organs work mid shifting orin is the first one she takes to experiment on. like yves in her dead three was SO nasty and horrible and her cruelty is so deliberate and calculated. unlike her god yves was not reckless nor chaotic, rather, she was very meticulous and executed everything she did with precision hence why I think she worked well with gortash bc she isn’t unpredictable like orin.
but anyway, yves being so horrible and nasty to orin so when orin FINALLY managed to stage her little coup, it is a very satisfying and vindicating moment. now she gets to see the woman who made her life living hell kneel and break open like an egg, and she WILL watch with a smile in her face. now she has a chance to prove her worth, and to show everyone that yves was wrong abt everything and she IS bhaal’s chosen, and i think yves would actually be proud of her for finally standing up for herself lol.
but then orin makes the fatal mistake of not killing yves 😔
#and I like to hc pre duel or maybe even mid duel yves just admits that she picked on orin bc she was bored#like maybe pre duel… instead of telling orin the truth that she’s an incest nepo baby yves just goaded her and tells her that the only#reason why she tortured her for all those years is bc it was for fun. like there’s no grand reason to it she just found orin’s reaction and#cries amusing.#I also have this hc that leading up to duel yves starts to ‘act’ like her dead three era self again like she’s going like I AM a bhaalspawn#im sooo evil he he ha ha ha but her actual plan is that she’s going to kill every bhaalspawn and then herself bc she’s dismantling#every thing she has done for the absolute plot and she will give the prism to the companions so they end everything once and for all#to her thats the only thing she can do to balance out her scales. and that’s the least she can do for all the horrors she’s inflicted#but then she gets revived right after and she’s like 🧍‍♂️ girl this was NOT part of the plan and withers is like you want to experience the#catharsis of punishment so badly im gonna force you to live instead#and yves is like. well. depression ig….#but anyway back to the main point that is orin and yves dynamic i like thinking abt it in orin’s perspective imagine the underlying fear#when she learns yves is still alive and going back home bc that’s the woman who constantly abused you u know. but this time orin is the one#with power. this time she’s the one with bhaal’s blessing so she won’t be able to touch her…! and when she observes the very woman she’s#out there being treated with kindness and care and being LOVED ..? like HUH? what….! it’s unfair. and revolting. and sickening#that horrible woman deserves neither of those things and the only thing she deserves is the knife thrusted on her chest 1000 times over but#even then that is still too good for her. so orin taunts her. and she shows off how she wears bhaal’s divinity well. and she tries to make#her show off her true nature to her new friends bc this mask she wears is sickening!!! and it works kind of …#anyway dead three era yves being the most horrible person with unethical medical practices is so real to me#shut up about bg3.#bg3 spoilers
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fightingstargirl · 5 months
Eri is sending her fellow Team Star members a lot of texts, which was unlike her. She was the most reserved of them all, but upon watching Giacomo keep place in the top five just made her burst with pride and joy.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
I feel like something that really works for Dungeon Meshi is that all the characters are good at their jobs from the beginning. At the start of the show/manga the Touden party is one of the best parties in the business.
They got wiped in the first episode/chapter, but they got wiped on the 6th floor where we don't see another party on a floor lower than the 5th, castle town, even then the only group we meet is Shiro's who was part of the original party and super skilled. Shiro is an expert swordsman who went to the dungeon to test himself, he was the best fighter in the party and the ace to deal killing blows to dragons. Namari is a dwarf who is likely a better fighter than Senshi and takes better care of her equipment. Laios is a good fighter, maybe not the best, but he is good an super knowledgeable. Falin and Marcille are two top class mages, Marcille might be inexperienced as a practical caster, but by the time the series starts she is very powerful. Chilchuck is the leader/creator of the half-foot union, he is good at his job and has survived since he was a wide eyed kid to a grizzled old man who looks like a kid to other races. they were stacked at the start of the series and it makes sense why they are well known in adventurers circles.
They aren't newbies who are blessed with plot armor and being the main characters of the story. They are very powerful and experienced adventurers who just happen to meet the most powerful monster in the dungeon on empty stomachs. Even once the series starts, they're at a disadvantage not because they're lacking skills, just they lose two of the parties best fighters. Marcille, the parties mage, is easily able to knock out/kill a running mushroom that was giving a party of noobs a thrashing.
I get why a lot of stories start with young inexperienced kids, but sometimes its nice to read stories that star older heroes who are good at their jobs instead of something like a rookie red ranger situation. Especially now that I'm older
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thefallofruins · 4 months
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Sukuna’s little one is such a daddy’s girl.
She’s always with her dada. Clinging onto him everywhere he goes, practically attached to his shoulder as he has carries her around, especially since she refuses to go to anyone that’s not you or your husband.
A truly spoiled brat is what she was. Her antics knew no ends. She had taken a habit of strolling in the garden every morning with her dada, Sukuna having to slow down his steps to meet the strides of his little girl’s feet as she had barely learnt how to walk and clutched his kimono for support.
As if that wasn’t enough, she was taking after her dada in other aspects as well. Once she was seated on Sukuna’s lap, one of his arms protectively wrapped around her. The scene was a man cowering over in fear beneath Sukuna as he sat on his throne.
And the girl giggles.
He raises a brow to look at his daughter giggling at the sight of the poor man’s fear and smirks. “Why brat, you truly take after me.” He pats her head.
He shoos the man away instantly, “Scram while you can, I’m in a pleasant mood today.”
One day, when her beloved papa leaves for a few days, you notice her missing him incredibly. So you get a brilliant idea, “how about we prepare a little surprise for papa?”
The next week, Sukuna returns, and his first thoughts are to check on you and your baby girl, and she comes running straight to him. He doesn’t take a second to realize that the kimono she’s wearing is modeled after his.
“Dada!” She giggles and waddles to her father, almost tripping in the long garment. She hugs his leg with a soft pout, holding her arms up, “Up!” She demands.
He chuckles and holds her up, propping her comfortably in his arms, “you’re one cheeky brat, aren’t you?” She giggles, wrapping her small hands around his neck to hug him. He chuckles again, patting her back. “Someone missed me, huh?”
Naughty as she is (she has Sukuna’s genes, duh) she loves her pranks. Scaring the servants by sneaking up on them or hiding behind the walls. Of course, it was hard to act afraid of such a cute little girl but the servants pretend to be scared anyways. It makes Sukuna proud, even though you scold him for it.
She has also mastered the tool of emotional manipulation— puppy eyes. Sukuna groans as she gives the puppy eyes to him. You had restricted her access to sweets, but she was the boss around here.
“Fine brat.” He huffs, secretly assured that the puppy eyes are something she’d learnt from you. “You may have the mochi— just do not tell your mother about this.”
Well, let’s just say that mother got to know about this and that the dad and daughter duo were scolded thoroughly.
Regardless, Sukuna is beyond grateful to you for giving him this little bundle of blessing, even though he isn’t sure what he ever did to deserve such a thing. He has only ever felt the need to see to his pleasure, but when he sees you and his baby daughter, his heart swells with pride. He’d shred the world apart to protect you both.
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claire-starsword · 1 year
went to the pirate ship to do the side quest where you gotta rescue a kid by blowing up a bunch of barrels. forgot to buy an angel wing to rescue them. very next floor drops an angel wing. i go back and realized i had multiple angel wings in storage. i am going to scream
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