#and remember that it isn't our job to educate you. that is labor. we don't HAVE to answer you. you can do the research yourself!
Getaway from Winter - Flucht vor dem Winter - Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
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After completing my studies, I couldn't go on vacation - as originally planned. I actually only wanted to submit my thesis to my professor when I was offered a job by him. I grabbed it because there wasn't exactly an oversupply of jobs for graduates on the labor market at the time. I knew of fellow students with far better grades than mine who had been looking for a job for months or were even still unemployed.
At the end of the year the vacation should be made up - so my buddy and I marched to the travel agency with the following idea: We wanted to travel to Barbados - and had Brazil in mind as an alternative destination. Well, many others probably had this idea too - so it ended up being Sri Lanka, where there were still „vacant capacities“. We booked a week long round trip to get to know the country - and a week lazing on the beach.
When you come to a country like Sri Lanka from a prosperous country, it comes as a shock at first. We were confronted with real, tangible poverty for the first time in our life. Nevertheless, the people there were better off than those in nearby India. The state ensured, for example, that every child received a school education and the necessary school clothes. Among other, we visited a spice garden, where I chatted with an employee there for a while. He earned 300 DM (150 euros) a month at the time - which was not bad by local standards. People seemed generally happy and content to me - even if they lived simpler lives by our standards. Happiness and contentment - isn't that all that matters in life?
Itinerary - as far as I remember: Colombo - Polonnaruwa - Sigiriya - Kandi - Negombo (Beach Hotel) - Colombo
The highlights of the trip were:
Fortress and palace Sigiriya, which a ruler had built on a huge, monolithic rock. From up there you have a breathtaking view over the surrounding landscape.
Overnight stay in a hotel in the middle of the jungle. The driver of our minibus wanted to take a shortcut to the hotel and promptly got stuck in a pool of water that had formed after a monsoon rain. We wanted to get the bus moving again by ourselves, but we didn't succeed. It was already dark when a hotel employee came by on his rattling moped. He said the hotel is not far away anymore and has an elephant that could be sent to pull the bus out of the pool. And that's how it happened. I don't know who was more relieved that evening - the tour guide or us?
Visit to an elephant orphanage: Unfortunately, I missed this visit because I probably caught a few bacteria while eating an „Indian“ meal. You should only drink boiled water or eat cooked food there. Salad was probably the mistake! But my fellow travelers told me extensively about the goose bumps experience.
Visit to a so-called “rest house” (tip of a fellow traveler): The houses date back to the British colonial era when they served as a haven for government officials who had to travel the island on business. In almost every major city there was such accommodation. They are mostly beautiful buildings in the colonial style of that time - today, of course, owned by locals. We enjoyed an "Indian" meal there - a real feast for the sense of taste due to the many spices. We still like to eat Indian food to this day. Every journey broadens the horizon - also culinary.
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Nach Abschluss meines Studiums konnte ich keinen Urlaub machen - wie ursprünglich geplant. Ich wollte bei meinem Professor eigentlich nur meine Diplomarbeit abgeben, als ich von ihm dabei einen Job angeboten bekam. Ich griff zu, da es am Arbeitsmarkt zu der Zeit nicht gerade ein Überangebot an Stellen für Absolventen gab. Ich wusste von Kommilitonen mit weit besseren Anschlussnoten als meinen, die monatelang nach einem Job suchen mussten oder sogar jetzt noch arbeitslos waren.
Am Ende des Jahres sollte der Urlaub nachgeholt werden - so marschierten mein Buddy und ich ins Reisebüro mit folgender Vorstellung: Es sollte nach Barbados gehen - und hatten als Ausweichziel Brasilien im Kopf. Nun diese Idee hatten wohl auch viele andere - so wurde es schliesslich Sri Lanka, wo noch „Kapazitäten“ frei waren. Wir buchten eine einwöchige Rundreise, um das Land kennenzulernen - und eine Woche Faulenzen am Strand.
Wenn man aus einem wohlhabenden Land in ein Land wie Sri Lanka kommt, dann ist das zunächst wie ein Schock. Wir waren zum ersten Mal mit richtiger, greifbarer Armut konfrontiert. Trotzdem ging es den Menschen dort damals vergleichbar besser als denen im nahen Indien. Der Staat sorgte z.B. dafür, dass jedes Kind eine Schulbildung und die notwendige Schulkleidung dafür bekam. Wir besuchten unter anderem einen Gewürzgarten, wo ich mich eine Weile mit einem Angestellten dort unterhielt. Es verdiente 300 DM (150 Euro) pro Monat zu jener Zeit - was für lokale Verhältnisse nicht schlecht war. Die Menschen erschienen mir generell glücklich und zufrieden zu sein - auch wenn sie ein einfacheres Leben gemäss unseren Standards führten. Glück und Zufriedenheit - kommt es nicht allein darauf im Leben an?
Reiseroute - soweit ich sie noch in Erinnerung habe: Colombo - Polonnaruwa - Sigiriya - Kandi - Negombo (Strandhotel) - Colombo
Die Highlights auf der Reise waren:
Festungs- und Palastanlage Sigiriya, die ein Herrscher auf einem riesigen, monolithischen Felsen errichten liess. Von dort oben hat man einen atemberaubenden Blick über die umgebende Landschaft.
Übernachtung in einem Hotel inmitten des Dschungels. Der Fahrer unseres Kleinbusses wollte eine Abkürzung in das Hotel nehmen und blieb prompt in einer Wasserlache stecken, die sich nach einem Monsunregen gebildet hatte. Wir wollten den Bus selbst wieder flott machen, was uns jedoch nicht gelang. Es war schon dunkel, als ein Angestellter des Hotels auf seinem ratternden Moped vorbeikam. Er erzählte, dass das Hotel nicht mehr weit weg ist und einen Elefanten besitzt, den man losschicken könnte, um den Bus aus der Wasserlache zu ziehen. Und so kam es dann auch. Ich weiss nicht, wer an dem Abend erleichterter war - der Reiseleiter oder wir?
Besuch eines Elefanten-Waisenhauses: Diesen Besuch habe ich leider verpasst, weil ich mir beim einem „indischen“ Essen wohl ein paar Bakterien eingefangen habe. Man sollte dort nur abgekochtes Wasser trinken oder gekochte Speisen essen. Salat war wohl der Fehler! Aber meine Mitreisenden berichteten mir ausgiebig von dem Gänsehaut-Erlebnis.
Besuch eines sogenannten „Rest House“ (Tipp einer Mitreißenden): Die Häuser stammen aus der britischen Kolonialzeit, als sie als Zufluchtsort für Regierungsbeamte dienten, die beruflich die Insel bereisen mussten. In fast jeder größeren Stadt gab es eine solche Unterkunft. Es sind meist schöne Gebäude im kolonialen Stil der damaligen Zeit - heute natürlich in Besitz von Einheimischen. Wir haben dort ein „indisches“ Essen genossen - aufgrund der vielen Gewürze ein wahres Fest für den Geschmackssinn. Noch heute gehen wir recht gern indisch Essen. Jede Reise erweitert den Horizont - auch kulinarisch.
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Source: The Icebear Guesthouse, Negombo, Sri Lanka, [online] www.booking.com - guest house in colonial style.
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Source: Uga Escapes, Colombo, Sri Lanka, [online] https://www.ugaescapes.com/blog/2019/12/31/what-makes-traditional-sri-lankan-food-so-special/ - typical Sri Lankan meal.
-Simplicius Simplicissimus
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anoriathdunadan · 1 year
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This is a textbook case on why we say "Correlation isn't causation." I don't often find myself begging white political commentators to think about class _more_, but 2023 is a year of miracles. Behold: the face that taught America to believe in Reaganomics apparently /s
This paper is built on a basic misread of who the white people leaving the South in the Great Migration WERE. They weren't ex-slaveowners! The US let slaveowners keep their estates! They stayed rich! They didn't need to go anywhere, and they're still the South's ruling class!
The paper's own data also doesn't support the author's conclusions. More on that in a minute.
I'd just like us all to take a second to remember the last time we blamed working-class whites for reactionary politics (Trump). Except it turns out that when you look at the data, his support base is quite wealthy!
It will always be easier for high-end whites to blame their own reactionary politics on "ewwww white trash contaminated our nation" than to take responsibility for their own behavior. This paper is a case in point. We still haven't learned out lesson.
Ok, nitpick time. If you want to write on the Great Migration, here are some basics. People who left the South in the GM, Black or white, were overwhelmingly POOR. They left to find work. Low-skilled, basic manual labor jobs. This was not an exodus of the ruling elite.
35-50% of the white "family farmers" in the South weren't. (1920 USDA census) They were sharecroppers. The boll weevil, automation, & Jim Crow-era violence & poverty drove working class Black & white Southerners to hit the road for better jobs. That's the Great Migration.
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If you're a farm worker with few other skills (thanks Jim Crow education system!), where do you go? You go where there are basic manual labor jobs. That's overwhelmingly going to be places where the economy is ALREADY based on extractive industry. Farming, mining, oil & gas.
The map of where poor southern whites moved in the GM is ~a map of places that were already dominated by exploitative, abusive, extractive industries by 1900.
What do we know about extractive industries? What do we know about land and oil barons? They tend to have two things: reactionary politics and long, multigenerational ties to the land. (Because their wealth comes from, you know, largely landownership.)
What do we know about migratory workers who wind up in those industries? They're mobile (bc migrant workers!). They don't stay long. And they tend to lean a lot further left. Sometimes they're communists! And that FREAKS the barons out. Leading to more reactionary politics.
Case in point. At some point in the Depression wealthy California landowners ran out of hired goons to beat migrant farmworkers with so they recruited hometown football good ol' boys to form a paramilitary beatdown squad. Shot up & bombed migrants' tent cities.
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 1930s CA migrant workers were a diverse bunch. Immigrants from the Philippines, Japan, China, Mexico, & the South crowded fields & camps together. The WPA didn't make as many famous romanticized black & white portraits of BIPOC farm workers, bc racism.
But there's a reason this lady looks stressed out! She wasn't just hungry & broke with lots of mouths to feed. She was also living in a truck. And when they asked for better pay, rich whites just shot up and bombed the camps where people like her lived.
Hopefully this helps put a different light on why places that poor Southern whites went during the Great Migration became more reactionary once they arrived. It wasn't poor southern whites teaching their new, previously innocent white neighbors how to be racist.
Poor Southern whites arrived in places that were already reactionary. Dominated by extractive industries that chew through cheap labor. Their pro-labor politics terrified the rich whites who already lived there, bc it was a lot harder to keep them from voting than BIPOC workers.
With a basic grasp of US history & labor politics, it would not be hard to look at the data here & conclude Southern whites' impact was not transmitting racism. It was scaring already-racist rich whites into even more stringent identity politics re: the "right" way to be white.
The stories of GM diaspora families can help illuminate this process... if you ever talk to them. For ex, my mom's mom was born in Harlan County, Kentucky. If that doesn't ring a bell, google it.
My mom has a Confederate $5 bill. It's not exactly clean, pressed, framed. It's crumpled, so covered in dirt you can barely tell what it is, & sits on a shelf behind some dishes. I said "Hey mom what the fuck. Why do we have Confederate money laying around."
That side of the family is coal miners. There's no love for the Confederacy there. They remember it as a bunch of rich motherfuckers who turned poor people into cannon fodder, so they could keep riding high on their little estates with captives to wait on them hand & foot.
That $5 bill? Confederate leadership fucked up their monetary system & kicked off hyperinflation. Confederate money got so worthless, it was just lying in the street. Some ancestor picked up a trashed bill & kept it out of spite. It was an heirloom we could finally afford!
And yet. After all that, my parents wound up pretty conservative. They dove into the Reagan revolution face-first. Why? To FIT IN. With their new non-southern neighbors!
They were from working-class backgrounds. They were seen as trashy, and they knew they couldn't provide for their kids with their prospects limited like that. So mom dropped her accent, they got really into Mormonism, and that's how they got accepted into the middle class.
We see southern expats from working backgrounds adopt reactionary politics in order to fit in CONSTANTLY. JD Vance went to law school to escape a bad situation. Good for him! But he wrote Hillbilly Elegy, a reactionary manifesto, so that non-hillbillies would vote for him. Hm.
Bottom line, my argument isn't poor southern whites are secretly super woke. My argument is that white people elsewhere didn't need Southerners to teach them how to be racist. If anything, classism _against_ white GM arrivals helped drive reactionary politics.
… Speaking of plantation agriculture: Yakima WA. Morris believes Yakima is racist now bc a few more southern whites than average moved there 70 years ago. Morris. If you're reading this, call me. You don't have to make stupid takes like this in public. I can help you.
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Fun fact: I was working with farmers in & around Yakima in the summer of 2016. That town voted for Trump because it's the epicenter of a big plantation agriculture complex (large-scale orchards). The whole county's just a giant migrant labor extraction machine.
Yakima is heavily Latino, because bc labor. But a lot of them can't vote! Lots of the people who CAN vote make their money on migrant labor. That's why they voted Trump! It's also why lots of poor southern whites moved there 70+ years ago! They were migrant farm labor!
I spent nearly the whole summer of 2016 working the Yakima circuit as a food safety auditor for the big orchards & fruit packing plants up there.
Why the whole summer? Bc the audit company I worked for was heavily Latino. But Yakima's orchard industry is so notoriously racist that it was deemed somewhere between inefficient & outright dangerous to send my Latino colleagues to do clients there.
A lot of farmers & packinghouses would stall on fixing up hygiene problems in their plants if they had a Latino auditor. They'd play "Oh I didn't get what they were saying! Because language barrier!" if their auditor was Latino. Even if their English was perfectly fluent.
And, a lot of the farm areas were somewhat notorious sundown towns. It was DANGEROUS to send auditors who were Latino. (The sundown town thing might also help explain why so many poor whites ended up migrant workers there 70+ years ago, as opposed to immigrants!)
So for both efficiency & basic health & safety reasons, it was decided the company would have Latino auditors cover clients mainly in CA. (Where to be clear, racism still exists, but not to the extent that it gets in the way of business like that). In WA? White auditors only.
The problem: there were only 2 white auditors in the whole company. And farmers & packers were used to using racism to get away w half-assing their hygiene. Every time they got called on it (by Latino auditors) they played "I didn't understand, so you can't make me."
So there was a LOT of cleanup work to do. Farmers & packers had procrastinated cleaning up their operations, so there was a lot of deferred maintenance & other problems that had festered for years & never been addressed.
I can't stress this enough: racism is super useful to propertied white people. In real time. That's why they do it! It's not because southern poor whites showed up 70 years ago and gave them the gift of racism.
…Let's unpack these assumptions. 1. The places they moved weren't already into racism. Whew. I mean, if you have southerners moving somewhere and they're disproportionately white that's probably because it's ALREADY A SUNDOWN TOWN. Or heck, a sundown state!
Oregon was a whites-only state from 1857 to 1927. White supremacy was already the law of the land there, long before the Great Migration. Probably helps explain why it had more white than Black southern immigrants, doesn't it?
2. Wealthier, established whites who already lived in places that poor white Southerners moved to have no agency. I'm sorry but no. You don't just spontaneously get more racist, against your will, because racists moved in next door.
…Assumption #3: White people in other parts of the US had no other reasons to get into reactionary politics in the 20th century. We can see that pretty easily in places like Utah. Exceptionally low rates of southern white in-migration. Still very, very reactionary today.
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 Utah is a great case study in how non-southern white people can be racist without any help from southerners! They have their own reasons for doing it! Utah used to be evenly split between Dems & GOP before the New Deal. After the New Deal, it leaned right & never looked back.
Why? Churches often prefer to be the leading source of aid to the poor. When government gets into the alms/charity/social safety net business, it cuts into churches' power and social influence.
Mormonism is far from alone in this. A lot of socially conservative churches followed an increasingly reactionary path post-New Deal for this exact reason. Social safety nets are a threat to other power players. That's a nationwide phenomenon, not a Southern thing.
… Bottom line? You don't actually need a "poor white trash contagion" theory to explain the rise of 20th century reactionary politics. Rich white people can do that shit all on their own.
But, rich whites also understand that reactionary politics- especially the racism part- can be seen as "tacky." So they like to launder those ideas as a product of the working class. That way they can pursue reactionary policies & call them "populist."
This is a great example of why STEM alone is not enough. You can crunch numbers all day. Data can tell you a lot! But observational studies like this can only give you correlation. They cannot give you causation. For that, you need to know history!
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souvnirsgift · 2 years
What Is A Working Parent’s Day And How To Celebrate It?
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Working parents all agree that time is valuable. When you have valuable time to spend with your children, be present with them. When you arrive home from work, put your mobile phone on silent and don't look at it again until they're sleeping. Play with them, listen to them, and concentrate on them. As a family, have supper together. Discuss your priorities and solicit your family's support.
On September 16th each year, the day is marked as an unofficial working parents day. This day has been established to honor those parents who labor every day, in or out of the house, to provide a healthy and safe living for their family. Recognizing that you may be juggling full-time work, child care, a house, and marriage or relationship, this day is for you to be encouraged. You, who labor tirelessly to provide your children with food, clothes, housing, and an education.
As more moms have entered the labor sector over the last several decades, the proportion of two-parent households in which both parents work full-time has risen to 46%. 70% of women with children under the age of 18 are now working. And you don't need me to tell you that managing a job and family life is difficult for the majority of two-parent and single-parent households.
Working Parents Day celebrates the capacity to be a caring parent while pursuing a job, and it is hoped that your children would recognize and appreciate you by taking up some of the day-to-day domestic responsibilities to lighten your load on September 16th.
What you can do for yourself today is as follows: 
Take care of yourself and remember it's important to take care of yourself and your happiness will channel that same thing into your family. Nurture yourself, pay attention to your nutrition, food habits, and exercise, and perhaps you need a hug. Do you require rest? If you are a working parent, and who isn't, now is your day to shine. Affirm your value, your own talents, the struggles you've encountered in accomplishing your goals, and the significant contributions you've made to your family and, ideally, the world.
Spend some time with your family; no grocery shopping, house cleaning, or "office" duties. Make it a family endeavor to declutter a cluttered room and donate the cartons to a charity of your choosing. As a family, create a new meal using items you currently have on hand. Explore your local library as a family, Embark on a family picture adventure, The more demanding your job, the more stressed you are, unwind on Working Parents Day.
What can you do to make working parents and their families lives better?
We may encourage our elected leaders to recognize the significant economic and advancement contributions made by women in the country and their partners through our votes and phone calls. Paid parental leave, equal pay for women, and childcare at workplaces or Anganwadi should not be a perpetual source of contention; they should be ingrained in the way of life in our country.
Child care is the most expensive expenditure of a family, making its way at the top of the budget family's list, forcing less privileged parents to turn to lower-cost, unlicensed home operations or rely on family members to care for their children at home, sacrificing their socialization, education, and later school success... Childcare has become an extravagance.
Work-life balance 
Most of us prioritize our children above anything else. Too many late nights or weekend responsibilities must be addressed before this occurs.
Propose flexible or remote work arrangements, job-sharing, staggered hours... working parents want flexibility. If your child is unwell, you may need to take him or her to a doctor's visit, attend a school conference, or work from home. Today's best firms acknowledge and rely on successful work-life initiatives to assist their worker's balancing family and work obligations. Successful businesses are now creating a culture that promotes workplace flexibility, paid and unpaid time off, and health and well-being. Programs are meant to boost employee happiness while also increasing the company's capacity to attract skilled and talented people. 
Helping working parents
Consider creating a working parents support group if you work for a major firm. Connecting employees with others who are coping with similar challenges may help them troubleshoot work-life conflicts, relieve some of the stress of being a working parent, and create a unified voice for change.
Before contacting other employees, speak with your Human Resources department to learn all you need to know about forming a group in your office. Inquire whether they will sponsor the organization by providing a meeting location and covering the costs of promoting the group's monthly meetings. Consider sending a company-wide email, posting something in the break room, or using your company's intranet to share information with your coworkers.
While having a forum to vent is useful, a more important objective here may be to effect change inside the organization and push for family-friendly practices. If you have a clear and succinct strategy to offer, you may engage with HR to push for family-friendly policies and workplace assistance for parents and other carers.
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hirenest · 2 years
Jobs for New Graduates
What kind of jobs are out there for new graduates? Are they really worth pursuing? Learn more: https://blog.hirenest.com/jobs-for-new-graduates-what-graduates-look-for/
There are plenty of opportunities for young professionals today. If you want to get ahead in life, you should start thinking about where you want to go after graduation. The job market is changing rapidly, and employers are looking for fresh talent.
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You might be surprised at some of the career options open to you. There are many ways to earn a living without having a college degree. For example, you can become a freelance writer or photographer. Or maybe you'd rather work from home as a virtual assistant. Whatever path you choose, remember to always ask questions before signing anything.
A lot of people think that if you don't have a college degree, then you're not going to succeed. But this isn't true! In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers who didn't finish high school but had some postsecondary education were actually paid $1,000 more per year than those who only graduated from high school.
I'm sure you've heard it a million times already, but here's another reminder: "The best way to find a job is by networking." Networking is one of the most effective ways to land a great job. It doesn't matter what industry you're in—you'll probably meet someone who knows someone who works at a company that could help you get hired.
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Students and graduates
The most common side effect is constipation, which occurs because the body doesn’t absorb enough fiber from the food we eat. This problem usually resolves itself within two weeks without any treatment. Other less common side effects include headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, weakness, confusion, difficulty sleeping, and changes in mood. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
There are many different types of epilepsy, but they all involve abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy may occur suddenly (a seizure) or gradually (seizure “dysfunction”). Some people who develop epilepsy will not have another seizure if they take certain medications every day. Others may require special diets, medicines, or surgery to control seizures.
Seizures can happen at any age, although they tend to start earlier in life among those with genetic predisposition. They can affect anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, education level, or occupation. You can find out more in our article: https://blog.hirenest.com/jobs-for-new-graduates-what-graduates-look-for/
How to Find a Job as a New Grad
The first step is to find out what type of job you want. This will help you determine which schools offer programs that match your interests. Once you know where you want to study, it’s important to think about whether you want to work in a specific industry. For example, if you want to become a doctor, you might not want to attend school at a university that offers degrees in business administration. 
If you don't have any experience, consider taking some classes before applying for jobs. Classes give you something tangible to show potential employers, like a portfolio of completed projects. They also allow you to build relationships with professors who may recommend you for future internships or jobs.
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How to Get Started With Your Career Transition Plan
The best way to start planning your career transition is by creating a plan. This will help you figure out what skills you want to develop, where you want to work, and which companies might hire you. It's important to keep this plan updated as your life changes so you stay focused on your goals.
If you're looking for a job, it helps to know what kind of company you'd like to work at. For example, if you love working with people but hate paperwork, consider jobs that focus on customer service or sales. On the flip side, if you enjoy crunching numbers but don't care for interacting with customers, choose careers that involve accounting or finance.
To find a job, look online first. Most employers post available positions on their websites, and many large companies also advertise openings through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Start networking early—many recruiters and hiring managers attend industry events and conferences.
Once you've decided on a career path, take some classes. There are plenty of free resources online to help you learn new skills. Coursera offers thousands of courses taught by top professors from around the world. Udemy has hundreds of video tutorials covering everything from programming languages to marketing techniques. And Lynda.com provides access to training videos from leading experts in every field.
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In addition to being one of the most important jobs in the country, new grads also make up a large portion of the workforce. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for recent college graduates was 4.6 percent as of October 2018. This figure has decreased by 0.3 percentage points since last year, but still remains higher than the national average of 3.7 percent. However, the job outlook is improving with more openings expected over the next few years.
The median starting salary for fresh grads is $42,000 per year, according to PayScale.com. Graduates who work at fast food restaurants start out earning around $11.50 per hour, while those working in retail earn slightly less at $10.90 per hour. Those who work in finance earn significantly more, making $15.30 per hour on average.
Although it may seem like a lot of money, this amount will likely decrease after taxes and savings. If you plan to live off of your income alone, you should expect to spend roughly half of your earnings each month.
There are many different types of jobs available within the field of nutrition. Some people choose to become registered dietitians (RDs) because they enjoy helping others achieve optimal health through proper nutrition. Others choose to pursue careers in sports nutrition where they help athletes prepare for competition. Still others want to specialize in pediatric nutrition, which involves providing care for infants and young children. If you want to know more about Jobs for New Graduates: 8 Best Things New Graduates Look for, read this article: https://blog.hirenest.com/jobs-for-new-graduates-what-graduates-look-for/
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since this is a thing that happened in the community lately: white people, stop treating poc like we're a problem for you.
i'm tired of the microaggressions and internalized racism that goes uncheck in self ship. enough with the "ohh i'm scared of getting a callout," "ohh i'm scared of doing something wrong," "ohh i'm scared people will tell me i'm culturally appropriating." why is your fear of being ignorant on us?
if you're worried some part of your self insert or self ship could be seen as culturally or racially problematic, why don't you reach out to one of your poc friends and ask them, assuming your friends aren't all entirely white (eyeroll)? why don't you use the free and easy google search bar and see what you can learn? not everything from another culture or created by a poc is cultural appropriation and i know yall know that.
why post about how you're scared of being ignorant, instead of stepping up and educating yourself? why put that fear on us being "haters" or "calling you out"? why not do a little bit of labor yourself? you have a chance to grow as a person all the time if you choose to do something positive for yourself and the marginalized groups around you.
white people are encouraged to reblog without being clowns.
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
agshdkdl ur getou headcanons made me legit cry;;; thank u so much for it i legit have no words ahhh
i have a meeting w my prof on monday discussing the previous exam and she is literally so sweet and understanding which makes me feel even worse for failing? even if i know the fault was me panicking too much and not remembering jack shit in the exam but i am scared that it will be the same again bc of course i am a dumbass
there is just;; so much pressure placed on me also by my family bc i am the first person to even graduate w the hs degree i have (there are different kinds where i am from and the first person in my family to study so i am just under constant pressure to do well especially w my parents as well
i just gotta;; pick up the shambles my personality has become and actually work on myself to become someone i like ig?
wish i could just pull a getou n sprinkle my character development w adoption and mass murder tbh
anyway thanks for listening to my rambles and thanks for the sweet sweet words about getou u have no idea how much i appreciate it;;
i actually did start on a fluffy, inconsequential baji fic so maybe imma polish and post that. many thoughts
at least you were able to talk to your professor though! That's a step in the right direction. And don't work yourself up over testing literally like everyone in the god damn world has anxiety over it. Our day to day lives and jobs aren't pieces of paper we labor over so no duh when you're sat down in front of something like that it makes everything fly right out the window. Study what you can, recall what was on the test and just prep as best you can. It sounds silly and stupid but at the end of the day if you tried your best then there's no shame in it. Don't beat yourself up over things that are just a lot at the moment and take a while to conquer ♡
pressure can be beneficial or harmful and making the boundary known that their comentary isn't needed might be what needs to be done. Already you've succeeded more than anyone else in your family. And already "techinically" smarter than anyone else if they haven't reached the same education goals as you have. Take it at your own pace babe, we get one chance at this life make it something you want and not just something that looks good on paper or your parents can brag about. Do what makes you happy bc trust me at almost 30 now I don't want to do shit bc other people tell me to or to make a point. Just wanna do stuff to make me and my closest loved ones happy and go from there. You should always focus on yourself too ♡ or risk forming a cult, slaughtering people, being a wanted criminal, looking hot in some monk robes and- wait, maybe Getou had it right...
never the less, be kind to yourself, bc who else is gonna do it ♡
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Overseas Recruitment Agencies - Why You May Need To Use Recruitment Agencies Start A New Career!
By : Yogita Yadav 
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This page is where you can find our collection of different Philippines jobs.  Read and relate to the different available help topics which we decided to provide to help the manpower pool of Pinoys and employers meet half way.
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 Overseas Employment Agencies - 5 Traits To Consider When Searching For Engineering Recruitment Agencies
 Think just about all the a person can do now that you have internet based. The possibilities are endless. If you are situated the UK your recruitment agency website can reach people the actual UK and the around the field of. Imagine all the possibilities globe the world and you don't have to leave home or your office to obtain it. A recruitment agency website can be acquired 24 hours a day, 7 days a couple of.
 Research in the US Department of Labor, found that 63.4% of workers find employment via informal job search,Best Overseas Recruitment Agencies In India methods (such as through friends, family or their network). In comparison, only 10-15% of workers find work using the services of a overseas recruitment agency. So networking is. What are as is feasible principles of networking and how do help to make the virtually a networking event much more positive find one you in order to attend?
 Of course, your company needs to comprehend that it is to get staffing services, but I do not believe to have pay out for fees that aren't suitable for the budget. Try and shop around and the firm is accredited there is really a flexibility in fees and in case the fees are cost effective for your company to buy. What is reasonable for one company may not really reasonable for one.
 How do they really charge? - Most agencies these days supply permanent staff on the contingency basis. This is where, you just pay the agency if you pick out and recruit one of their candidates. The favored term to do this is "No placement no fee".
 Recruitment agencies also saving time. If someone is already in the full-time job, they won't have a lot of spare with regard to you be looking and requesting other income. Just a simple trip down with regard to an agency means that a load can be lifted  person's brains.
 The recruitment agent will still along with you in the event you 'registered' numerous agencies. It is a contentious point, but we believe that strong relationships are formed better when it is simply you and us. It is advisable to decide at all whether possess right that you (and you for us). A good recruiter should insist on moving towards an exclusive arrangement.
 A business coach beneficial find location people for you personally personally and little business. He will let widely recognized the tricks of the right way to recruit and how to attract the right people. You can use a recruitment agency, they also will hire the person they think would be suitable. And generally, doesn't meam they are ideal.
 By signing on having a recruitment agency, you may turn working having a company and ultimately land your dream job. Recruitment services also benefit businesses by getting them suitable candidates for a lost cost recruitment or flat fee recruitment swiftness.
 By detailing the specific companies you ought to work for, your network is in a very determine when know someone that works for the organization, or if they know anybody who may know a man or woman who works now there are. You will be even more securing a potential line manager, if however told in which you specifically in order to work for their business.
 It's important to put a short time and effort into thinking about how you'll best get ready for an interview. Putting your best foot forward from this intense time can make all marketplace .. While your resume gets you in the door, it does not take interview that prospective employers use different the decision about when you seem a good fit.
 Assign one subject line to one, and one other subject line to another. Send the same content in either. Which subject line pulled an response? Was it: 'Rob, you could save 20 per-cent on your accounting bills' or maybe it was 'Rob, you're wasting thousands of pounds this year'. You will learn what motivates your recipients. Unpredicted expenses the second one, then more of the recipients are pain motivated as opposition the first line, which can pleasure oriented.
 A fixed fee overseas recruitment agency may really do the wisest choice because this upfront practical ideas on how much money their services will amount you. There is actually no astonishes. Other types of agencies charge you you everyone lead understanding that can really add up in lengthy run.
 The recruiter says yes to everything you ask. Part of their job is to educate you onto the market, and honest when something isn't possible, weight are not healthy more money than would happen, or that you'll
 If the instructions say a brief application they do not mean 17 pages they mean several pages - these individuals are busy, they haven't got the time or the inclination to wade through pages of information, they simply want crisp clear manual. 
 Remember that recruitment agencies take time grow. It is a business where you have create friends, act accordingly. Good contacts will always make your life easier. The economy and availability of work will are big character. Save in good times. They will get worse and pickup again. If you're able to prove you have what it takes, completely reap the rewards.
 Address :B-707 MONDEAL SQUARE 
Sarkhej – Gandhinagar Hwy, 
Prahlad Nagar, 
Gujarat 380015
Mobile no.:-+91 9898434323
For More Information: http://www.allianceinternational.co.in
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