#and the rooms still dark lol
chrono-art · 1 month
A very sketchy and experimental resh'an I did about a month ago ⌛️
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avionvadion · 6 months
Ah, we finally have it. The holy Trinity of Doctor Who horror.
“Are you my mummy?”
“Hey, who turned out the lights?”
And now…
“My arms are too long.”
Though I’ll never forget the absolutely terrifying-
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hajihiko · 11 months
out of curiosity, why is the alone at night rule there? is the place that they’re staying not secure, or is it more of an emotional support time deal?
Safety in numbers, and you're less likely to let imagination run wild when you have a solid support next to you
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cowboy-robooty · 2 months
see actually i do like an accept content that is germany and italy shipped with other characters but it has to be done accurately ie. their lives have to be absolute dogshit because theyre not together. because i can enjoy a good rusger or ameger but only if germany is literally enduring the worst torture known to mankind and doesnt even really end up actually loving the other person its more of some stockholm syndrome shit because i in fact do believe thats exactly what would realistically happen in a universe where germany and italy dont stick together for whatever reason. like for italy he doesnt need to be experiencing actual guantanamo bay torture like germany but he does need to be living a "hate my wife" syndrome existence with the other mf. because i think italy would only not get hate my wife syndrome with germany and with anyone else eventually hed end up cheating n shit lawl
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sleepyseals · 2 years
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[Image Description: A digital painting depicting Feldspar standing to the right of a campfire, facing away from the viewer and upwards. They are holding an arm outstretched above them and the other gesticulates as if they were telling a story. Several fireflies surround them and their shadow falls to their right. Wreathed in the smoke of the campfire is a scene of their campsite in Dark Bramble. Three large twisting brambles, the anglerfish fossil’s teeth, and three pine trees are suspended upside down, stretching downwards toward Feldspar and the campfire. A plume of stylized curling smoke stretches across the top of the scene from Feldspar’s ship in the top right corner. The ship is sparking with electrical failure. End Image Description.]
my piece for the @travelers-encore-zine !!!  I think this came out a bit more conceptual than I wanted but I still like it!
Thank you to the mods for making this happen, putting everything together and being an amazing support team!!! Thank you to my fellow contributors for being so lovely and making such amazing things and sharing this project with me, I'm really happy I got to be a part of it!!
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paranorahjones · 3 months
you know it's bad when you start journaling about him
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bunnyb34r · 21 days
Still baffling to me how somedays I get a physical ticket at the movies and others I don't
I dont think it's based off of when I use my movie credit, bc I didn't get them most of the times I've used it
But I know I got one for Oppenheimer, I think shrek 2? Idr, and I got one today for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
Movie was okay. I mean it was good, but I don't think I'd watch it again. I might see if i can find the previous movies and watch them, bc the overall lore seems cool
Got to cut in line for snacks lol bc there was a middle school class there and the kids were weaving in and out back and forth in line and there was like me and 4 other adults that didnt come with the kids in line. So one of the teachers/chaperones escorted us (by slipping under the rope barrier lmao) to the front which was really nice
I mean I was early early to the show today anyway so I could have waited (would've been annoyed but I'd have waited) but it was really nice. I hope the kids enjoyed their movie day though
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
I desperately need to be a scene kid for Halloween this year
#idk y but i suddenly realized that im an adult and could potentially buy the goth bullshit at hot topic#that 12yo me desperately desired. and then i was like oof but i like the contrast of color#like i think i really wanted to be somewhere between scene and emo really#but thrn i was looking at scene outfits and im like woof. this is the kinda cringe i love. all thr fucking patterns. all thr colors#i even have thr 1nvader z1m graphic tees in my closet... i think#i just dont kno how tf to do that to my hair and also i dont have actual makeup lol#but i must be a scene kid for Halloween. i want the most ostentatious outfit. oh god im gonna have to go to the mall#i havent been to the mall in ages. i need to go to hot topic and claires. is pacsun still around? do they still sell skinny jeans?#i feel like everythings all bland now in stores. where tf do i go to get early 00s and 2010s clothes#good will maybe??? oh god. its like 3.30am and my hormones r all fucked up so i was experiencing like the type of fear you have when youre#like a little kid in a dark room by yourself. its not fair. when my hormones shift it goes: im so depressed to im full of rage ill kill u#to the world is so fucking beautiful im gonna kill myself. like in a not worrying way idk how else to express the feeling. to the type of#unhinged and undirected fear that belongs to a kid who doesnt kno shit. also lil heart palpitations and sometimes feeling like im gonna die#its bullshit. y does my body hate me? ugh. at least ive got a Halloween plan now#unrelated#oh god. dont let me cut myself bangs. im trying to grow my hair back out lol. im an emo with no bangs
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3fingersbreak · 10 months
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i made a contact sheet for my animation! all 24 glorious frames laid out for your enjoyment 😘
now that you know the number of frames, let’s play a fun game called Guess The Frame Rate 👀
plus here’s a treat cuz i feel like spoiling y'all: a lil different version of the og animation under the cut
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i love how sparkly this snakeskin border looks but the og is more recognizably Majima Snakeskin™
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aeide-thea · 1 year
[psychiatric/pathologizing terminology, holocaust imagery, slurs, in-group/reclamatory deployments of]
i've seen people complain in the past that the term 'paranoid reading' is ableist, and i thought, μέν i'm always open to refining the framings i use for things, δέ maybe i should, you know, actually go look at the sedgwick before formulating an opinion—only it turns out 4 in the morning is not, shocker, actually the best time to be trying to wrap yr head around anything complex? however at first glance it does seem worth noting that whatever one's stance on psychiatric-flavored terminology, the original essay is not in fact deploying it accidentally or, i'd argue, wholly appropriatively—it's very explicitly connecting the label to its history of use against queer people to pathologize queerness. so my initial instinct here is that while i do still see why the term might make people flinch, it does seem like sedgwick's deployment of it was deliberate, informed, and in a certain sense reclamatory. doesn't mean it's therefore invalid to flinch at it! but does make flinching at it fairly analogous to flinching at deliberate, informed, reclamatory deployments of the pink triangle, or of language like queer, fag, dyke, etc—id est, something it's valid to want to avoid, if it triggers you, but not in fact categorically inappropriate.
it obviously gets more complicated as we move away from 'queer [still at the time of writing literally pathologized in the DSM!] theorist discussing/attempting to practice antihomophobic theorizing' towards 'people of unspecified positionality applying sedgwick's concepts to arenas farther afield from either queerness or pathologization,' and i do really want to be mindful here of how comparatively little i've personally been subject to this sort of involuntary pathologizing labeling and how that positions me vis-à-vis this discourse, and also of hierarchies of psychiatric pathologization more broadly, but. my initial sense (while still not, to be clear, having fully digested or even finished reading the sedgwick piece!) is that the action item wrt this particular language is less 'strike it from our lexica' and more 'be mindful of its potential to twist in our hands and cut people, and use it with the respect any knife is due, and with attention to our safety circle.'
which is really, i think, the answer more often than not: we often seem to want things to be an automatic, no-thought-required yes/no, when in fact there's very little that has no potential for harm and requires no thought, and also very little that ought to be categorically off limits. most things are situational, really, and deserve more active (re)examination than they often get; but we do so love our thin-slicing!
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paeinovis · 1 year
Me: boy howdy I sure am relieved that my poster presentation is over ! Now I'm going to take a siesta so I can rally for tonight's events :-)
My Body: you want a break ? you wanted a break ? [becomes ill even though there are two more days for this conference]
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depresseddepot · 9 months
the hollow places by t kingfisher was fucking terrifying
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waow.. found a Beautiful Orb at the store today (giant ferrero rocher). I don't even want to crack into it and eat it.. I just want to hold it.. rotate it in my palm thoughtfully like I am an evil wizard who has just been delivered a Very Plot Significant magical gem and is scheming how to use it 
#I'm pretty sure it's hollow inside so I also have a compulsion to break it like I could crush it in my palm#also like a cool evil wizard lol#but I just want to admire it mostly#A chronic personality trait of mine is that I love things that are too small or too large ESPECIALLY food items..#like a miniature version of a candy is cool. a large version of a candy is cool. normal sided version? who cares#BUT thats why I always loved like dolls and things like that. I wouldnt give a shrimp about the dolls I would just get them for the small#stuff. Like miniature food and clothes . love tiny representations of things and little strinkets#I like giant things less but they're still cool. I have a comically large wine glass even though I don't drink alcohol and have never drank#in my life but someitmes I have like.. coffee or orange juice or something out of it and it looks very funny. I also have a few of those gia#nt holiday themed pencils. and I had a giant apple once that was like the size of a football#This fererro rocher is not actually very big compared to a normal one but it's mostly special because it's dark chocolate#NOT Rond Noir though which are the best ones (out of normal fererro rocher. rafaellos. and rone noirs. the Typical Three)#So I was very disappointed that it's just a giant dark chocolate ferero rocher shell instead of a legit giant rondnoir :c#BUT at least it's dark chocolate lol#OH currently playing catch with it because it's like the size of a baseball and this is great#I think everyone should get a giant fererro rocher and unwrap the foil outside and then just throw the raw chocolate orb around#by 'catch' i mean more like... juggling but with one ball. I love to throw things up in the air and try to catch them#like maybe throw them across the room a little and see if I can run to the other end of the room in time to also catch the thing that I thre#w lol.. playing solo catch instead of two people thworing objects back and forth#THIS IS WHAT I MEAN!!! how do people experience boredom???? i do not understand. it's one of the Base Human Emotions that I seem to be#lacking like.. I genuine have never felt ''bored'' the way that people describe it. I can always entertain myself. I could throw a chocolate#ball back and forth with myself for 2 hours I bet if I didn't have other stuff to do . when I was a kid I would sit in my room laying on my#back kicking pillows and laundry baskets up in the air and catching them for like an  hour straight. no tv in the background#no nothing. just getting lost in a repetitive physical task. i still LOOOOVE peeling carrots like if I just had a big pile of carrots I coul#d peel. or cutting candle wax into little balls or something. I am entertained by the smallest things. and even if I can't physically#do something and was locked in a blank white room for hours like.. doesn't everyone have a mental landscape they could entertain#themselves with? I spend legit half the day talking to myself and making commentary to myself for fun. there is ALWAYS something#interesting to do or think about like.. I just love everything a lot lol. I think thats part of why I'm also so detail oriented I just pay#attention to everything. I can spend 15 minutes admiring the way a piece of fabric folds at the corner of my sleeve or whatever#ANYWAY.. genuinely overjoyed throwing chocolate around. I wish I didn't have other stuff to get done so I could just Do This for 45 min lol
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hellhoundlair · 2 years
I am 1000% serious when i say that supernatural the animation handles sams s1 and 2 plotlines better than the original show. I think every sam fan has to watch it at some point because it def scratched an itch for me. It is NOT perfect and idk how people who wouldnt die for more sam content would feel about a version of supernatural that has so much more focus on sam than in the original but i cant and wont ever get over the attention and love and care they gave sam. I am eternally grateful for it.
#i talk it up a lot. its bad. ITS BAD. but from a sam content perspective its everything.#there are some iconic moments in the anime that are just. SO iconic that i trick myself infor forgetting theyre not in the actual show#sam using his telekinesis to fuck up max's room instead of just opening a closet.#sam EXPLODING AN ANIMAL WITH HIS MIND smthing similar happens in the comics and i wasnt expecting them to do that but make it gory-er#THE CONFRONTATION IN THE IMPALA IN SKIN???#i fkn love skin but the anime vers of that episode does a 'whos the shifter' confrontation and it fucked so hard even tho we knew who the#shifter was#THERES LOTS OF BAD IN IT THOUGH TOO. very anime typical racism like at points its like MY GOD how did they do this#little things like making lily from ahbl not a lesbian lol?? she just had a 'roommate' instead and its like. okay whatever#the fact that they only have like 2 songs play thru the entire anime and theyre the most generic grating things ever#they paid their bg artists 2 dollars a day and it shows#BUT. you get an episode while sams at stanford. u get an episode of john hunting alone#u get two episodes focussing on the special children who didnt get episodes in the original show#and even if those two episodes suck the idea is still there and its appreciated in theory#the anime has a big focus on sam descending into violence and darkness. it just has a big focus on sam tbh thats why i love it so much#pls watch it if u can ignore the bad. u can skip all the Anime Original episodes if u want bc theyr all kinda shit#but the episodes that are based on pre existing spn episodes just take the originals and improve on them and make them anime af#which i love#the animes very awkward tho too i feel like having it in written form would be better bc the timing the music is all off a lot of the time#but i still love it and appreciate it#its also more bloody than the original show especially by the end. but its good man. so cool.#and u HAVEEE to watch the dub if ur going to watch it bc jared plays sam and jensen plays dean in the last episodes and its everything#this is an open letter to dean familyishell but honestly to everyone who is considering watching the anime ❤
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oatbugs · 2 years
sometimes u have to walk around venice w ur classmates to go to ur seminar room and learn abt everything all at once and ask ur professor for a cigarette lighter .
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wonderlandmind4 · 2 years
No insomnia brain. I will not entertain that little spark of a Daredevil drabble/fic idea. No. I have to get up and work in 6 hours. I refuse. REFUSE.
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