#and there's just... a lot. she's still herself. she'll never be anybody but who she's always been ya know???
thinking about her (Scully in Little Talks AU)
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leighlew3 · 5 months
Hi Leigh, hope you are doing well!
Maybe you have answered this question before: how would you have written the Supergirl reveal to Lena?
You still have the elements of it being so late in series and that Lena actually already knows.
I wonder how a good writer would approach this because in the show it was an actual train wreck- Lena wanting to expose Supergirl’s identity at the Pulitzer party before Kara actually said it?! So out of character. And all that stuff after? So stupid.
Anyway thanks for answering this question :)
Hi! Hangin' in there, thank you. 🤗
Well, it depends on what point the launch off was.
Let's say she learns via Lex, just like in the show (rather than rewrite the whole damn series in this post, haha).
Just thinking on the fly, here goes... I woulda just had her reeling, feeling betrayed, and isolating rather than putting on a front.
Kara doesn't understand what's happening, but wonders if maybe Lena is secretly angry with her for killing Lex (remember, Kara believed she took him down in that final fight at the end of S4). This is hammered in further after Alex plants the seed that, evil or not, Lex was still Lena's brother, and so some level of sadness is likely to still exist there. She advises Kara to give Lena time and space.
Kara, further worried by Lena's worsening isolation and mood, ignores her sister's advice and makes efforts to connect, but increasingly senses the distance and her guilt grows.
Meanwhile Lena -- between finding out the truth that Kara is Supergirl in such a terrible way, while also hiding that she killed Lex (to protect Kara, ironically) truly spirals and starts to think that Kara perhaps never was truly her friend at all, only using her to be able to eventually take down Lex. A means to an end. Feeling like that's all she's ever been to anybody, including her "best friend" who meant the world to her, Lena becomes darker and more cold, sure -- but never takes those ridiculous 'villainous' actions of any kind.
Alex pulls a typical Alex move and starts to suspect that Lena's isolation and darker vibes could mean trouble as "She is a Luthor." and she's worried she'll carry Lex's torch now that he's gone, and her isolation means she's up to something. Kara of course doesn't buy it -- much like in the show, defending Lena, rebelling against the notion.
After ramping the tension throughout Season 5A on these fronts, a dramatic series of events eventually leads Kara to go to Lena and try to have a much needed conversation. Lena thinks she's perhaps finally going to confess, and she allows herself to feel hopeful again -- alas that hope is dashed, when instead Kara simply apologizes for killing Lex (so she thinks she did), and not realizing how much doing so would cause Lena pain. Lena finds this ironic, Kara's concern for her pain, considering she's lied to her all this time and still won't be open with her. Lena then decides that if nothing else, she won't lie.
She tells Kara that Lex died at HER hand, not Kara's.
Kara is shocked. She's pulled away by an emergency before they can discuss this further. And thus, Kara now believes Lena's distance and darkness is driven by guilt over killing her own brother, and Kara now feels more guilty than ever that she went through that, and that she continues to keep Lena in the dark, even though Lena opened up to her. As we approach mid-season, the two have several 'almost' moments where it seems Kara might actually confess her identity. And we make it clear that she wants to. But the more she sees how hurt Lena is about having to kill Lex, to protect her no less, the worse she feels and the more she's terrified to tell Lena her secret, believing that Lena's done so much for her, meanwhile all she's done -- is lie. It wrecks Kara. And her anger issues start to rise up again, and that comes out a lot in Crisis crossover (in which our world's Lex is NOT yet present again btw), which is of increasing concern to everybody.
Post Crisis, in which Lena and Kara work together to save everybody even though they can barely even look at each other, we have these two idiots with their secrets, both struggling tremendously -- Kara with her anger and guilt, and Lena with her sadness and pain. And both with their regrets. And the rest of the group is noticing these tensions, between missions / various genre adventures.
It ramps up, until finally, shit hits the fan in a 100th episode. Lena is held hostage by someone threatening to kill her if Supergirl doesn't reveal her identity (similar to how it was in the show, but without the Mxy stuff, or at least using it better) -- Kara is fully willing to reveal herself to save Lena. She prepares to do just that, and even goes to the press conference, but just before she has to do it, her friends find a way to save Lena without the reveal needing to happen. But Kara is also nearly killed in the battle. The closest she's ever come to dying.
In the aftermath, Lena has now seen how far Kara would go to protect her -- both in terms of being willing to give up her life AND reveal her identity to the world. Lena of course forgives Kara (quietly, to herself) and decides to let Kara have her secret, even if it means they both pretend the other doesn't know, silly as it it. Alas, what she doesn't expect, at the end of the episode --
Kara reveals her identity to Lena (at Kara's place after everyone else goes home). Turns out almost losing her life made her realize she didn't want to die a coward and a liar on this front. And also, Lena not knowing put her at worse risk than knowing. And she deserves to know, so she can protect herself. So Kara can better protect her.
After/during her confession, Lena sheds a tear, and Kara starts to profusely apologize, thinking Lena is devastated by the revelation. But Lena confesses that it's tears of relief, because she's already known. She was just wondering if Kara would ever trust her enough to tell her the truth. Kara is shocked to know Lena knew, grateful she's kept the secret for her, and heartbroken to know she learned it from Lex, before killing him. She also makes it clear she didn't keep it from her because she didn't trust her, it was never about that. It was simply the belief that not telling her protected her somehow. But now she's seen that was foolish, in this case. Realizing now they've both been dumb and their secrets have done nothing but cause each other, and themselves, so much pain -- they agree: no more secrets.
And they hug it out -- because besties! Just gals being pals right?!
*eye roll*
Then the rest of 5B becomes all about Lex popping up alive, and being furious that Lena and Kara are closer than ever, and that his attempt to destroy their relatio- I mean "friendship" failed. And he comes at them harder than ever, with Lillian's help. And so on. And by the end of S5, in an epic battle, Lex is finally stopped and captured once and for all and hauled off to prison, but not before sending Kara to the phantom zone.
Lena is devastated, as she and Kara only recently had all cards on the table and were growing closer than ever, so S6A then becomes all about the super friends trying to find Kara in the Phantom Zone (with a LOT less cheesy stupidity, and a lot more focus on Kara's traumas and torture while in the PZ rather than any dumb filler crap with her dad being alive -- perhaps she sees him, but it's just a cruel illusion).
Meanwhile, Lena, at wits end, visits Lex in prison, hoping to get information out of him as to where and how they can find Kara in the PZ. But he taunts her, plays games with her, etc until finally, she tells him goodbye for good. He doesn't believe she'll be able to stay away forever, especially as long as he knows how to find Kara. But she finally sees through it all, basically tells him he's full of shit, that he has no idea how to reach Kara in the PZ, he's a liar, always has been, and his power over her is gone. She vows to find Kara on her own and to never be anything like him, as he's selfish and cruel and insane. And she finally walks away from him. And he can't believe it.
Now that she's found her inner strength, Lena is able to think more clearly, less out of anger and desperation, and thus she, Alex and the Superfriends eventually embark on an action-packed retrieval of Kara in the Phantom Zone, ultimately saving her in the mid-season finale.
The final half of the final season (6B) focuses on Kara's deep traumas experienced/re-lived in the phantom zone, as she struggles with doing her job as "perfect" Supergirl while mentally screwed up. No one really notices but Lena, because Kara hides it well. Alex is just happy her sister is back, busy planning a wedding, focusing on vigilante work, etc. And the Superfriends have lots of other issues to focus on as well. But Lena sees Kara's struggles because she knows a thing or two about trauma, and she's there for her. Especially after Alex and Kelly get married with a few episodes to go and Kara doesn't want to burden her sister, who is finally so happy.
The final episodes feature Kara facing her demons, internal and external (as villains from past seasons pop up to haunt her, as it turns out the events post Crisis brought them into this universe, and now they've come after her, and they've all got to take them down).
In the end, the show wraps up with Kara finding a level of peace she never had before, having faced the past and all she's gone through and lost, in great part thanks to having Lena by her side.
And the show ends focused on Kara, for an episode called KARA. Not focused on Lex, nor the supporting characters, not on shoe-horned cameos, nor other bs. But Kara herself, and her journey, her healing from a lifetime of loss and trauma, her relationships to her family and friends, and rediscovering that which is always going to rest deep within her soul, even if it gets a little lost sometimes...
Her unbreakable sense of HOPE.
The End.
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cryptcoop · 10 months
How well does moira get along with the rest of talon?
Her relationships within Talon are pretty dubious.
To start, she does not get along with Doomfist. I don't think he really cares much for her, and deems her a replaceable asset. He just uses her to have more power over Oasis, and realistically he could have just about anybody in a minister position and he'd be happy. He doesn't care for her work, and actively gives her tasks that pushes her away from doing her own work, like forcing her to work on Widowmaker, Sigma, ect. She knows how little she means to his overall operation and holds a lot of animosity towards him. However, without Talon, she has nothing. Talon is basically her last shot of leaving a mark on the world and she can't throw that away, so she pretends to play nice.
Reaper is an interesting story because they have so much history together. He got her a job at Overwatch, Blackwatch, and Talon, but they were definitely closest in Blackwatch. I kind of imagine during that time Gabe saw her as an annoying older sister, who acted like she knew more than him and bickered with him on everything, but was still his older sister, yknow? He loved her, she loved him. He's one of the only people who saw her walls come down, saw the real Moira. Lots of nights spent at her lab, drinking and talking about nothing and everything. They've grown apart of lot since then. Not because of anything Moira did to him, but more so just because Gabe has changed a lot. He's too angry, in too much pain. Moira has changed too. I think she was actually kinda happy in Blackwatch, even if she didn't outwardly show it, or even knew it herself, but know she's just sad? Accepted her fate as one of talons pawns. Neither of them can go back to drinking in her lab. They have moments together, little blips of what it used to be, but they both know it'll never be the same, that it can't be.
Sombra kinda forces herself into Moira's business. I like their chemistry a lot. Sombra has dirt on Moira but Moira has lost all sense of shame, lost to her own arrogance of self image, so Sombra holds no power over her. They have an inkling of what Gabe used to have with Moira, a funny little friendship. Moira never tells Sombra anything personal, she doesn't let her walls come down anymore, but she'll genuinely smile and crack jokes and laugh with her, because she's practically the only beacon of positively within Talon. Also, Moira's high and mighty persona doesn't work on Sombra, and Moira likes women who challenge her like that. They have a kind of will they wont they energy to them. I think Moira is sexually interested in Sombra for sure, and I think that feeling is palpable, and I think Sombra likes to play with that feeling quite a bit.
Honestly? I don't think she has much of a relationship with Sigma at all. Probably hardly sees him as a person, more so a nuisance she has to baby sit. Which is sad, because I think Sigma likes her company a lot. She is stern with him but she doesn't ever yell at him or anything, and he can't really tell that she is mad at him, so he thinks him and Moira are friends, someone of similar intellect to him that he can have scientific conversations with, and is also someone who helps him manage his hallucinations and memory loss.
I've spoken about her relationship with Widow before so I won't get into it again.
For fairness I'll add Ramattra too, but I'm only doing it because I think they could potentially have a funny relationship because I genuinely think they would be so fucking awkward. They are both intellectuals with a strong sense of their morals and they could have some great conversations but they just have no idea how to talk to each other. They do small talk and then it withers away into nothing. It would mostly be Ramattra wishing to speak with Moira but he has no idea how to engage in a conversation with her, and because of it they never form a relationship.
And then for my final act. Maximillian has a crush on her but is also horrified of her. He has no idea how to talk to her and she does this funny thing that she does to omnics where she just kind of stares at them (not in any sort of hateful way, mind you) and it freaks him out but also kind of turns him on. He resorts to very awkward stilted talks with her, which he hopes to end within a sentence or two so he can promptly walk away from the situation.
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
With the GirlCock!Tory and LaRusso!Reader, what if after a few months of them graduating and the two are still dating and messing around, Reader actually gets pregnant? And the family finds out?
Girlcock!Tory x Chubby!LaRusso!Reader
Part One | Part Two ○ Fem!Reader
CW: slight smut, blowjobs, secret relationships, pregnancy and symptoms, nondescript but mentioned vomiting, pet name: babe, breeding kink, a tad bit unhinged. A/N: in this, Reader goes to college, just fyi. Also, Sam and Reader attend different colleges, bare with me on that one lol. (unedited)
I've been putting this off for no good reason
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○ After graduation, Reader and Tory keeps their relationship a secret. There's barely any conversation about whether they will tell Reader's family, just going with the motions of transitioning out of high school and into the real world. Tory has no issue with it, used to the hard work that goes into busy workdays and long hours. Reader has it cushy and relaxed at home with her parents and siblings, but Tory finds herself never wanting Reader to lift a finger.
○ Their little relationship is a lot of Reader coming up to Tory's job just to see her. She left the house telling her parents that she was going to see some friends, have an adventure before college starts in autumn, but really she's sneaking away to go see Tory, who flirts with her relentlessly the whole time she's there. At first, she wanted to act like Reader was too much of a distraction and be mad about it, but couldn't hold up that front for long.
○ When she goes on break, she and Reader sneak off to Reader's car to have a quickie. Sometimes it's just a bj that has Tory rolling her eyes into the back of her head. Those are the times she really shoves Reader's head down on her cock and makes her gag on it as she comes down her throat. Other times, they have a quick fuck in the backseat where Reader has to ride her because if they get caught, Tory could get fired. The thrill adds to Tory's high in all honesty.
○ As summer goes on, Reader finds herself at Tory's place a lot more. If she stayed the night, she hangs out while Tory gets ready in the morning or she'll wake up a little earlier and make breakfast for her. Days off, they spend the whole day together - either staying in bed or watching TV.
○ At night, Tory loves having Reader in her bed. She secretly loves the cuddles Reader gives, holding her curvy body close. There's no way she'll ever actually admit to it, but it's her favorite part of the day.
○ When it comes time to go to college, Reader moves out of her parents' house and into a little apartment not far from school. It isn't too long of a drive from the Valley to the school, but her parents didn't want her to "waste time driving." They pay for the place so she can focus on school, and that's fine, but she's lonely. The first weekend, she invites Tory over to "help her unpack" but all they end up doing is packing Reader full of cum.
○ Tory loves driving down to see Reader because it's way more private for them. They don't have to worry about getting caught or someone from her family interrupting them. Sure, the thrill of sneaking around was fun, but as their relationship continues, Tory finds herself not wanting to hide anymore. She just wants to be with Reader.
○ A few weeks into the first semester, Reader starts feeling under the weather. She gets up and goes to class, but by the end of the day she's unbearably tired. Then she starts getting dizzy spells and nausea. She made the mistake of complaining about it to Sam because her sister drove all the way from her college to Reader's. Reader has to tell Tory not to come see her even though the only person she wants to see at that time is Tory.
○ Sam comes to take care of her sister, but as soon as she finds Reader dry heaving over the toilet, she hates where this looks like it's going. She eases into the idea; she asks if Reader's been to any parties and if she's met anybody and Reader tells her no and of course not. Answers like that make Sam confused and suspicious. However, she doesn't accuse her of lying and just suggests that she take a pregnancy test.
○ She holds Reader as they wait for the test to come back and when they see that it's positive, Sam has to ask her why she's lying about seeing someone. Reader doesn't want to answer, but that just makes her sister even more worried.
"If you just hooked up with someone, that's okay," she tells Reader, holding her worried and sweet sister. She tries to keep her calm, but in reality, Sam is the one close to freaking out. "You just have to tell me what happened." "No offense, Sam, but it's none of your business right now," Reader tells her, wanting nothing more than Tory there with her in this moment.
○ They spend the weekend finding a good doctor nearby and Monday confirming the pregnancy at a little doctor's office. Sam assures Reader the entire time that she has options, but Reader isn't listening. She's just going over what she's going to tell her girlfriend - hardworking, unstoppable Tory. Sure, Tory's breeding kink is prevalent in their sex lives, but is it just a kink? She knows they'd have to talk about it, but Sam will have to be gone before that can happen.
○ Before Sam finally leaves, Reader makes her swear not to tell their parents and Sam tells her that she won't. Then, like the wind, she's gone and Reader can only hope Sam keeps her mouth shut.
○ She's not that shy little girl she once was. She's a full fledged college student now, so she didn't need her sister or parents nosing around in her personal life all the time. However, she doesn't know what to do. She's supposed to be focused on school, not having a baby. On top of that, though she is an adult, she's still young and worried about what her parents are going to think. It's a lot of complex layers that amount to a lot of weight on her shoulders.
○ The next weekend Tory comes to see her, she sits her down immediately because she's too nervous to even try to act like nothing's up. She keeps it simple and short:
"I'm pregnant," Reader says. She started off by looking at Tory, but quickly looks down at her lap and pulls out the pregnancy test. She hands it over before Tory can get a word out and doesn't say anything else. Tory takes the test and looks at it, kind of stunned. However, that is quickly overpowered by the immense sense of pride she feels over it. Her breeding kink is blazing and everything is just telling her how great this is. So she puts the test aside and lifts Reader's head to make her look up at her. "Babe... this is all I've ever wanted with you," she tells her. Reader gets a little flushed, feeling like they're in high school again when Tory would go out of her way to make her feel so flustered. However, she bounces back with, "Well, actually, this all started with you wanting to make my life Hell." It makes Tory laugh and hug her close, squeeze her tight to her chest and give her a quick peck. "Yeah, yeah, hold that over my head, why don't you?"
○ Following such a conversation, Reader and Tory had celebratory sex. Instead of the hard and rough sex they usually have though, Tory took things slow and gentle with Reader. Worshipped her body and made her feel good, but that didn't mean her breeding kink didn't still shine through... "Just have to make sure you're really pregnant." "What's one more?" "Trust me, babe, this isn't the gonna be the last time I breed this tight, fat cunt of yours.
○ As time goes on, they decide to tell her parents of course. They can't hide a pregnancy and a baby from them, plus Sam already knows. She just doesn't know that it's Tory that Reader has been seeing. It's a lot to tell them, so they put it off a while.
○ Come winter break, Reader can't get out of going back to the Valley like she did for fall break. So she packs a bag with her maternity clothes, tosses toiletries and her prenatal meds in while she holds her little bump, and ensures she packs an extra pair of comfy shoes. Tory comes to drive her, puts her bag in the car and holds her hand the entire way there.
○ When they pull up to the LaRusso house, everyone sees the car but is too busy to notice that it isn't Reader's car. Sam comes to the door to greet her sister, intercepting since she's the only one who know's Reader is pregnant, but before she can greet her she's shocked by Tory's presence.
"Reader, what is she doing here?" Sam asks, as if Tory isn't standing right there. Reader gives a little smile and holds up her and Tory's joined hands. "She's my girlfriend, Sam... and the mother of my child." Sam is frozen in the doorway, to the point Amanda has to come out see what's going on. "Sam, is everything okay?" she asks, but is quickly made speechless what she sees her other daughter at the door with Sam's rival and a hand on her belly. All she can let out is an, "Oh my."
○ Amanda regains her self faster than Sam and invites the couple in, telling Reader that they can go get settled upstairs. They scurry off, Tory trying not to laugh as they escape to Reader's old room before her father can see them. Tory drops Reader's bag and they sit on the bed. Tory has to pepper Reader's face with kisses to calm her nerves, rubbing her belly soon after. She knows Reader has been worries about what her family will think.
○ There's a knock at the door and Anthony pokes his head on. When he sees them fussing over Reader's belly, he says, "Damn, I thought Sam would be the one knocked up in college."
"Anthony!" Reader seethes, embarrassed by his words. Tory just laughs at him. "What are you doing here?" "I live here. Plus, I heard mom and Sam whispering to each other and had to come see if what they were talking about was true." Anthony walks in like he owns the place, shutting the door for some privacy at least. It still makes Reader roll her eyes because he's still the same as ever. He looks between them and asks, "So did you two have a threesome or something?" Tory doesn't shy away from giving him the answer. "No, I fucked your sister with my big dick." "Ha ha," he lets out humorlessly, but when he sees the cocky look on Tory's face, he deadpans. "Wait, you have a dick?"
○ When it's time to walk downstairs, Tory holds Reader's hand the whole time. They first go to Amanda and Sam, explaining some of their relationship and how Reader got that pretty little bump. They don't give them all the details of course, glossing over the parts where Tory used to bully Reader. Sam hasn't forgotten those days and wants to say something about it, but their mom stops her from bringing it up.
○ Then Daniel walks in and he greets Tory, trying not to be so put off by her presence. He got some of the details from his wife, so he's just trying to act civil since Sam is spiraling. However, all that goes out the window when he hugs Reader and feels the new bump protruding from her abdomen. He pulls away, holding her shoulders, and looks at her with a "please tell me that's not what I think it is" look and she just smiles at him.
"Surprise," she says, a little weary.
○ Daniel almost faints, but manages to stay upright as he starts barreling questions at his daughter and her girlfriend. It's a little overwhelming, but when he asks "how did this even happen?" Anthony walks by and nonchalantly says, "Tory's cock, obviously."
○ Meltdown mode activated. Not because Tory has a cock, but because Daniel never needed to know that. Daniel would have lived blissfully if he never knew his daughter was having sex with anyone. Amanda has to walk him out of the room and tell him to calm down because he's only going to stress out their pregnant daughter.
○ While they're out of the room, Reader gets held by Tory, who tells her that went a lot better than she expected. She kisses Reader's head and keeps her nerves at bay, ignoring everyone else in the room. Sam bares witness to the seemingly 180 shift that's been made, seeing Tory be so gentle with her sister as opposed to the rough and mean treatment that occurred before. She's suddenly not so opposed to the idea of Tory and her sister after all.
○ But neither Reader or Tory care what's going on around them. They have each other and that's enough for them. Tory's taken care of herself more often than not and the last few months, she's been taking care of Reader and their growing little one in her belly, so she's not worried about getting support from anywhere else.
○ However, it's a warm welcome when Reader's parents come back in to tell them that they're happy for them. They still need to get used to the fact that their daughter is even dating anyone, let alone pregnant. But after most of the shock wears off, they know they're getting a two new additions to their family and that's something worth celebrating for the holidays.
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smartycvnt · 1 year
Love and Devotion
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Pairing: Harley Quinn x Reader
Prompt: 3. "There's nothing I wouldn't do to make you smile."
WC: 1051
It took a certain kind of person to thrive in Gotham City. You had not always been that kind of person, but after your admission to Gotham University, that was what you had become. You remembered your first week in Gotham vividly. Sometimes, you still woke up drenched in your own sweat at night with night terrors because of it. No matter what you did or how much growth you thought you went through, those memories still haunted you. For quite some time, you had lived your life in a way to avoid anybody finding out because it was a huge weakness, but you couldn't live that way any longer. Especially not living in such close quarters with Harley. It had been hard enough to keep Harley away from picking your brain whenever the two of you had been casual.
"You wait right here with Auntie Y/n," Harley told Lucy. You couldn't imagine how hard it was for Harley to pretend that she wasn't her daughter's mother. It took a toll on her, even if she tried pretending that it didn't. Both of you were full of secrets, but slowly you were opening up to each other. "Maybe she'll even give you a piggyback ride. She gives the best piggyback rides."
"Really?" Lucy asked skeptically. You nodded as you glanced down at the girl. She looked so much like Harley sometimes that you couldn't believe it. All of the Quinzels looked pretty similar, but Lucy was practically a clone of her mother. You knew that was just luck. Lucy's life would have been a lot harder if she had any resemblance to Joker. Harley would have had a harder time integrating herself into Lucy's life that way. You would have had a much harder time allowing yourself to be included in that integration as well.
"Not to toot my own horn, but Aunt Harley doesn't tell lies," you said. Lucy climbed around to get on your back as she waited with you for Harley to grab snacks from the kiosk at the zoo. The three of you were just leaving to drop Lucy back off at Harley's sister's house before you went back to Gotham. These trips upstate were nice, especially for the few hours that Harley was at peace knowing how good Lucy's life was. You didn't doubt that Harley wouldn't give it her all to make Lucy's life enjoyable if she ever wanted custody, but you knew how hard that would be. Harley loved Lucy more than anything else in the world, but there was a level of devotion required to be a mother that Harley couldn't commit to, not after everything she had been through. Harley doubted herself just a little bit too much for that.
"She is out like a light," Harley said as she looked at Lucy in the rearview. You turned your head to look at the sleeping child in the backseat. You wondered if you would have ended up in a similar situation with someone else if your life had taken any other direction. You wouldn't have to use fake names or aliases whenever you came up here if you had. You'd still be stuck out in the Midwest probably married to some guy who worked at one of the local factories. Gotham had completely altered your life, but you liked where you were these days. There was never a boring day whenever you were with Harley, and for the most part, the two of you managed to keep the wrong people out of your business.
"I'm just about to join her. I swear that when I was younger kids were not so tiring," you said through your yawn. Harley shrugged as she slowed at a stoplight. "Although, I don't think that's a normal amount of energy for a child."
"Normal for a Quinzel. Henry was way worse than Lucy when he was that age, but boys are different. Do you think that you could handle a whole one of your own?" Harley asked you. She seemed sort of nervous, which was not something that you were used to. Harley always approached everything with complete confidence.
"After everything I've been through, I'm not really sure," you answered honestly. "The thought of a family scares the hell out of me. It's what I've always wanted, but I don't know if I'm the same person I was back then. And I could never raise a family in Gotham."
"We would move. There's a place I wanted to show you actually," Harley said. The two of you dropped Lucy off at home before going a little ways further out of the city. You had never been so far upstate before, but it was beautiful. Harley stopped at a farmhouse, one that looked like it hadn't been inhabited in years.
"What is this place?"
"My inheritance from my grandparents. Technically, it was supposed to be split, but Henry and Melinda let Penny buy them out. Whenever I dropped Lucy off, Penny was going to move her up here once I got my Joker problem taken care of. They came up, but the pollen wasn't good for Penny's kids. I pulled some strings to get them a nice place not too far from the city, so Penny left this whole place to me for whenever I wanted to settle down," Harley explained. You smiled as you looked around at the property. "I kind of thought one day it'd be Ivy and me here, but she's got her own sanctuary and I'm not a part of it anymore. Besides, there was never going to really be a settling down with that relationship. There's so much shit that I could never tell anybody else that I want to let you know because I know you wouldn't turn me away."
"We've all got our baggage," you said. Harley smiled, but it faded when she remembered one of the first things the two of you had discussed once you got serious.
"Are you okay with leaving everything in Gotham behind?" Harley asked you.
"In a heartbeat. There is nothing I wouldn't do to make you smile like you were today," you told her. Harley lunged at you, knocking both of you onto the grass as she excitedly peppered your face in kisses.
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liminalpebble · 2 months
Eddie's Education, Chapter 30
Minors DNI
Masterlist link
Chapter 30
“I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”
“So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
Eddie paused his dramatic recitation, hastily marking his raggedy paperback edition of The Lord of the Rings with a dogeared corner. He thought for a moment that he saw her stir, begin to wake, anything...but he was just seeing what he wanted to see out of the corner of his eye. It must have been the hundredth time he checked.
He reached over to hold Leia's hand. He didn't like seeing her lovely arms tangled up in tubes and medical tape and the mask strapped over her mouth, it looked a little too much like Vecna's trap. The memory was still fresh; literal and figurative wounds still raw.
His big coffee-colored eyes welled up, and his throat ached as his gaze shifted to the pile of books he'd brought to read to her. The same ones always called out to him from the bottom of the stack each time he looked; The Haunting of Hill House and The Silmarillion.
Her books, he always thought to himself (although she had given them to him). Books that had traveled with her all her life, smelled like her perfume, and contained handwritten letters to him on their front pages. Eddie couldn't bring himself to read them yet. To do so felt like he would be admitting her absence was permanent. It felt like giving up on her.
When she wakes up, she'll tell me herself. She'll look into my eyes and smile and tell me all the sweet things she wrote and she'll tell me her dreams for our lives together now that all this is over and I'll get to kiss her again and hold her again and...
Eddie put his head in his hands, rubbing roughly at his red eyes in frustration, nearing tears, when he heard a stern voice.
“Edward Munson.”
He looked up to see two of Hawkins' finest in their uniforms and buzz cuts staring him down.
He swallowed and heaved out a heavy sigh, disguising his feelings with a veneer of annoyance. “It's 'Eddie', Brad. You know that. We went to high school together.”
“Watch it,” Brad said in a warning tone, “it's Officer Vernon now.”
Eddie rolled his eyes then plastered on a shit-eating grin as he said, “and what can I do for you this fine day, Officers?” dripping with condescension.
The other one, whose face was still pock-marked with acne and looked like he belonged in gym class, not on the force, said, “I guess we should cut to the point, right? Officer Vernon and I have been putting some things together about you, Mr. Munson.”
Eddie raised his eyebrow in mock-surprise. “Such as?”
Brad spoke up louder, annoyed that it was taking this long, “That two very strange deaths have occurred in the last week...John Ferguson and Sam Huxley. Now, looking into things, it seems your new little girlfriend over there rubbed both of these guys the wrong way. AND...their autopsy reports look a whole lot like Chrissy Cunningham's...remember her, Eddie? You should, since you were the last one to see her alive.”
Eddie stood up, getting right in Brad's stupid pig face and said through gritted teeth, barely holding himself back, “Leia didn't do anything to anybody, and neither did I. You just want some easy targets and to get off on some little power trip. If you have rude bullshit to say about me, or especially, about her, you're not going to spout it off here, Barney Fife! Have some fucking respect.”
The piss ant one who looked like he was 14 said, “Why bother? She's in a coma.”
Eddie grabbed the front of his uniform with a wild look in his eyes, vibrating with rage.
Just then a burly cop with thick gray hair, a goatee, and a permanent scowl sauntered up behind them, looking over his glasses and holding a mug of coffee. He bellowed out, “Hey. What the fuck, guys? I'm months from retirement and you're here to pull this stupid bully act? What are you, 12?”
The two officers turned around. The young one looked ready to piss his pants. Brad squeaked out, “Chief Hopper!! Sir.”
Hop just shook his head and looked to Eddie. “Easy, kid. Let's talk.” He looked back to his subordinates and commanded, “and you two....fuck off, will you? You don't go anywhere near either of them again or I'll have you on desk duty for the rest of your lives. Learn some respect. Is that clear?”
“Yes sir,” they mumbled, slinking off with their tails between their legs.
When they were out of earshot and out of view, Eddie slumped out of his aggressive stance to land heavily right back into the plastic chair, head flopping heavily back into his hands. Hop pulled up a chair next to him and patted him on the shoulder. After a long moment, Eddie sat back up with a deep inhale and said, “I thought in 15 years Brad would have grown a brain cell or two. Guess I was wrong.”
Hop gave a deep chuckle and said, “Sorry about that. If it's any consolation, I didn't hire them.”
Eddie chuckled. “Thanks for the save, Hop, but I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 35.”
Hop grunted in affirmation and blew on his coffee. “Yeah I know, but when I look at you, I still see that scared kid with a good heart stuck in a holding cell. You had a whole lifetime's worth of tough breaks by the time you were 18...not to mention a complete asshole of an old man.”
Eddie smiled faintly at the memory. “You helped me out. I don't think you know how much. I still owe you for that.”
“No, you don't,” Hop said, with a soft shake of his head, “this town owes you. You were a hero and it never even knew. All it's ever done is take from you and beat you down. You and I know the truth of everything..all this unbelievable weird shit that's gone on in this godforsaken place...it's a lot to live with. I hope you and that nice girl leave Hawkins in the dust some day soon. You deserve better...a place where you can breathe easy.”
Eddie turned, blinking in disbelief and said, slowly, meaning it from the depth of his soul, “Thank you, Hop.” Old Jim was usually a man of few words, so this heartfelt monologue came as a real shock.
Hopper cleared his throat. “What um...What's the prognosis?”
It took Eddie a long time to respond. “They...uh...they have no idea. None of it is anything they've seen before. The upside-down does weird things to....they..they don't know.”
He trailed off, and Hop figured it was time to change the subject.
“Have you slept at all? It's been three days....eaten?”
“Um. I think? Here and there,” Eddie answered in a daze, aware of his own body for the first time in half a week. He tested the waters of this awareness by stretching his back gingerly, which gave up a loud crack of complaint in response. He looked down at his arms and saw his own collection of bruises and cuts. They looked painful, but he hardly felt them. All he could think about was her, and how he was determined to be by her side when her eyes opened, even if he had to sleep in that chair another week, another month...another year...the rest of his life.
They both looked up, as they heard the click of approaching dress shoes. Eddie groaned and tapped his head back against the wall, whining, “Oh Jesus, what the fuck now?”
Two men and one lady in severe black suits made their way into Leia's room. Eddie scowled, and quipped “Sure, come right in. Make yourselves at home.”
Hopper was relieved to see El (his adopted daughter) trailing closely behind them. Maybe she could explain all this. He had an idea of where they were from and it made him uneasy, but El had dealt with these government types so many times (was raised by them, even, before she ran away). She would know who and how much to trust.
Eddie squinted for a moment, digging into his foggy recollection of those early days after his extraction from the upside-down. “You...I know you.”
The lady smiled, but not warmly. “Yes, Mr. Munson. We were the ones who helped get you well again. We've been studying this other dimension since it's discovery...”
“You mean, since your people tortured and tested children in a laboratory to bust into it and make it everyone's problem.”
The man next to her huffed, but she responded coolly with an amused grin. “Yes. I suppose you could frame it that way. However, medical techniques from our research are what saved your life and they're going to be what saves hers. But, of course there are conditions.”
Eddies brows shot up. “Conditions? You're willing to withhold life-saving medical attention, which she needs because of your project gone haywire in the first place, if we don't agree to your 'conditions'?” He scoffed, “What is wrong with you people?”
“Hear us out, Mr. Munson. If you don't, she will never wake up again,” she stated bluntly.
All he could do was gulp. They knew exactly where they had him, pressing a blade right through the most devastatingly vulnerable rend in his armor...his love for her.
“Alright...I'm listening.”
@sweetsigyn @veemoon @elegantkoalapaper @little-wormwood
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vitanithepure · 2 months
Some "get well soon" asks 💜
Does Imogene have a 'tell' when she's lying or bluffing?
What does it look like when she's afraid, and is there anyone who can tell before everyone else when it's setting in?
What is she like when she's sick? (needy, self-isolating, tries to power through, etc)
favorite comfort food? Favorite food in general?
What sort of qualities/characteristics draw her to someone?
And since you asked about Mago, I've been curious about what Imogene's answer would be so :D -- what makes HER heart go pitter-patter? how does she feel about romantic gestures? Does she like big and dramatic or quiet and chill? what is her preferred way to receive affection?
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I am still not back to my 100%, but be sure your ask, as always, made me feel a lot better! ^^ Now, onto the questions!
Does Imogene have a ‘tell’ when she’s lying or bluffing?
Okay, look, this is a highly specific question and I won’t even pretend I had an answer ready :D After some thinking…yes, she does. She laughs a lot, in a lot of different ways, so it usually goes unnoticed, but she has a nervous little laughter reserved for when she is forced to lie on the spot.
What does it look like when she’s afraid, and is there anyone who can tell before everyone else when it’s setting in?
I assume we’re talking about a growing fear, not a jump scare during combat, emergency, etc.? Her palm(s) sweat so she involuntarily fidgets with her fingers. This one, I think, requires actively paying attention to her body language, so I would say only Abelard, and later, Heinrix, are the ones to notice it. Then I think the most visual thing that happens next is her discreetly trying to take a few steps back. She is not very discreet though, so it just takes eyes to see she'll be bolting out of here soon :D
What is she like when she’s sick? (needy, self-isolating, tries to power through, etc)
Imogene and powering through? xD Oh no, when she is sick, she’s in her bed, doors closed, and if anybody asks - she’s writing her will, do not disturb her.
favorite comfort food? Favorite food in general?
I have a feeling Imogene has an awful sweet-tooth. Any kind of baked goods are probably on her “comfort” list. Apart from that, I don’t think she would put much attention to what she eats (or rather, what is served her…) as long as it looks fancy.
What sort of qualities/characteristics draw her to someone?
People having a backbone. She pays little attention to people who are either people-pleasers or just agree with her because of who she is. You don’t have to be extra mouthy, just don’t let her tread on you and this will be a beginning of a beautiful friendship...or situationship :D
And since you asked about Mago, I’ve been curious about what Imogene’s answer would be so :D -- what makes HER heart go pitter-patter? how does she feel about romantic gestures? Does she like big and dramatic or quiet and chill? what is her preferred way to receive affection?
Imogene thinks herself too old and jaded for romance, so doesn’t put much thought to it anymore. When she was younger she was never one to not appreciate a grand gesture, even when knowing full well there’s little behind it. Little does she know there are so many ways in which one could be loved, and she’s about to find out! I like to think she finds her two new loves in the quietest ways possible, and being surprised at how right it feels this time around.
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cannibalthoughts · 1 year
⭐️ please talk to me about either your Augistin or your Luisa and their relationship with Bruno 🐀💚
Hello, Anon :D I’m going with Luisa & Bruno, who I am. Extremely Normal About. This... got a bit long XD
Okay technically I don't think Bruno and Luisa actually interact in canon BUT they're super close trust me trust me
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Starting with how I characterize Luisa, because there’s some extrapolation going on here:
I think the big conflict of Luisa's character (in tandem with straight up overwork) is that she wants to be tender and vulnerable, but feels that being so would make her a burden. Other people have problems? That's part of life. They can ask for help, she'll fix it. But if she asks for help herself, it means she's a failure. It’s right there in the opening lines of Surface Pressure: she has no room for fear, vulnerability, or weakness/inability to do everything.
Also in Surface Pressure, between the Titanic and the line of doors, Luisa fixes Mirabel's glasses. It's a small gesture, but I think it says a lot about who she is. This isn't something that is any easier for her to do than it is for Mirabel. Mirabel’s perfectly capable. Luisa doesn't need to do anything. And in the action of the song, there is a lot going on that only Luisa can handle, but she still pauses for a moment for this.
In part, it could read that she fixes every problem she encounters, no matter how small, but that doesn't really cover the nuances going on. It's a very gentle gesture, even parental, and coming from a person who doesn't wear glasses herself. I think this is habit from when Mirabel was very young—young enough that she was too uncoordinated to fix her glasses without smudging them—which Luisa has kept up all these years later. Which also means that Luisa started doing this when she was young herself. That's not something she was likely ever asked or expected to do, she just did/does it because she loves her sister, who will never fully outgrow Luisa's memory of her. That's the way she loves.
(Keep that last bit in mind, I swear this post is about Bruno & Luisa)
Between this and she tells Mirabel that she (over)heard the adults talking about Bruno having a vision about the magic before he left, Luisa seems to pay attention to the people around her. In that conversation, she also doesn't speak badly of Bruno. The vision was terrible, his room is dangerous, but nothing about Bruno himself. And she knows nothing about his vision, so if she thinks it's terrible, that's a value judgment she heard from one of the adults. Considering what Alma says right before the collapse, I suspect Luisa heard someone (probably Alma) telling the other adults that, whatever Bruno saw, he abandoned them and left them to deal with it, without so much as a warning. “Bruno doesn’t care about this family.”
But she doesn't say any of that to Mirabel. And it would be relevant to whatever’s wrong with the magic. Given that Luisa is telling Mirabel to investigate Bruno’s tower, it’s not a matter of protecting Mirabel from dangerous information. I think Luisa just doesn’t believe it. Which, if my inferences about what she overheard are correct, that means Luisa believes in Bruno’s love for the family more than she believes Abuela, even after Bruno’s been gone for ten years. That trust doesn’t come from nothing.
(I don't necessarily keep that detail true in my fics, e.g. in Atlts Alma didn't tell anybody that she asked Bruno for a vision, so no one else knew. Unless Luisa actually overheard Alma talking to Pedro, but was avoiding sharing that bit of gossip, which is in line with her character. Fic-canon or not, it is always part of how I characterize Luisa, though.)
So, what we have (by my consideration, at least) a solid canon basis for:
Luisa puts on a tough facade, but wants to be vulnerable
Luisa shows her love through gentle gestures
Luisa doesn’t completely stop thinking of her loved ones as the way they used to be
Luisa is observant
Luisa believes that Bruno loves/loved the family
Enter Bruno.
Pre-walls, I like the idea that he was close with all the kids. (Nothing Jared Bush says on Twitter can stop me.) The Madrigals are a busy family, and Bruno wasn’t. I imagine that he wasn’t fielding a lot of vision requests those last few years, or going out for... anything else, if he could help it, given the combination of his poor reputation and his anxiety. And the more he withdrew socially, I think, the more the other adults would encourage him spending time with the kids. He was essentially a stay at home parent.
After the walls? Bruno’s a gentle, goofy guy. And my Bruno, at least, doesn’t stand in the present so much as straddle the past and the future. I think in the movie, when he looks at Mirabel, he sees both who she is now and remembers the little kid she once was. (Pretending to be Hernando and Jorge did work to distract her from the reality of his situation, but also made it worse. I think it would have worked better on Antonio, but Bruno wasn’t quite calibrated to interacting with a teen.) We don’t see him really interact with the other kids he knew before, but I imagine it would be the same for them.
So, the specific Luisa & Bruno dynamic that I write:
Luisa is tender but feels like she can’t let herself be because she needs to be strong and invulnerable for the family. But the facade doesn’t work on Bruno, because he looks at her and thinks “that’s my sweet Luisita” and is just as goofy and sweet to her as he’s always been. Even six foot something and jacked, she will never fully outgrow Bruno’s memory of her.
(Remember I said to keep that bit in mind? It’s one aspect in which Bruno and Luisa love in the same way.)
They also both absolutely won’t stand up for themselves, but I think they’ll throw down for their loved ones, hence my Luisa throwing Ricardo Espitia in the river that one time. They’re good for each other.
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spade-riddles · 7 months
Some of the things said by some of you on this blog via anonymous asks are unnecessarily, extremely vile and harsh.
All of us on this side of the street felt disappointed, yes, but calling Taylor those names? Criticizing her for enjoying herself at the football game? "Like a teenage girl" even though we were all celebrating her enjoying herself at the VMAS a while back?
Also, comparing her to younger artists like Billie Eilish or Olivia Rodrigo seems disingenuous. Same-sex marriage was still illegal when 1989 first came out. During the good lot of her life, a part of Taylor was illegal. Even then, don't compare queer people like that, we express queerness differently.
It's natural to be disappointed, angry, upset, betrayed. But why would you stoop to those levels? Same as misogynists and haters who call Taylor those very things?
Being a Gaylor, much less a Kaylor, was NEVER going to be easy. There's a strong possibility she'll never come out 'publicly' at all which we should consider as we go into this. We're going to face backlash from Swifties continually. Even being a Swiftie isn't fun with all these cliques in the fandom. Swifties get criticized a lot for being toxic as a fanbase; not all Swifties, but a vocal part of them. They will go against anybody who dares to deviate from the norm. The ones on Tumblr are unnecessarily hostile against newer or Tiktok Swifties. My point here is that we aren't the problem, entitled Swifties who beg for Taylor's favoritism are (... and including a lot of factors).
Taylor herself is also criticized for her performative activism continually. It's safe to assume that she's not going to be the beacon of women empowerment any time soon — don't discredit her success, she is contributing to feminism and other societal causes which is admirable; praise her along with more brilliant people, activists and allies.
Still I don't mean to invalidate anybody's feelings nor do I want to rebuke you and preach kindness. No. You don't have to be kind to Taylor, a literal stranger we have no personal relationship with. I feel for a lot of you, it's natural to have reactionary anger when her sighting at the game came out of nowhere like whiplash. I also don't think those derogatory words used against Taylor were really necessary.
Who is calling Taylor names on this blog? We are not 'stooping' to levels. We are discussing what she is showing us. She was not just "enjoying herself at the football game". She probably did not enjoy a minute of it. She sold her dignitiy for money.
Are you really denying that this appearance was for anything other than marketing/money?
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spaceratprodigy · 11 months
OC Superlatives Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @the-lastcall 💖💫
The Favorite
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I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone. Faith is so very dear to me she is quite literally a part of myself. She brings me so much comfort and has been an outlet for me for the past like? 3 years?? Gosh look at how far she's come. She helps remind me that everything is going to be okay.
The Oldest
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While technically I have some ocs that are even older than her, Cookie is my first self insert lmao. Nowadays I don't think any but a couple of y'all would even know who she is and that makes me a lil sad! She's very special to me and was very beloved by people who meant a lot to me. Very few know me and her story well enough to see how on the nose it is an escape from my own life. Not shown here but she has burn scars on her right wrist/forearm. An exaggeration of my own burn scar in the same place. Cookie has always been there as a way to not feel alone, to see myself in someone who has been through similar experiences and made it out through the other side. To remember why it's so important to keep fighting.
The Newest
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Okay maybe not the newest.. but Iris is the newest oc I've actually been putting a lot of time and love and effort into! I love her a lot! I know I still don't talk abt her as in depth as I would like to but I swear she's got more going on than I share. I just can't help wanting to draw her so self-indulgently full of love all the time, it makes me happy to have silly fun! I really really have been meaning to doodle her more vulnerable and serious moments because she's got a lot of grief in her heart she isn't letting out.
The Meanest
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I suppose she was going to have to make her debut sooner or later.. okay but I genuinely don't have much to say abt Poppy. She's been a priv exclusive oc for a lil while and she's not developed.. like.. at all.. I ramble about her a LOT but I'm also literally every day scrapping everything bc my ideas are constantly changing so she's fr not ready yet lmao. Even I don't fully know what her deal is yet! But I can confirm she is the most ruthless (should I admit she's my lowkey nuka-world raider oc I made specifically to fuck Porter Gage nasty as hell likeeeee)
The Softest
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Maril is my BABY!! She does not have a mean bone in her body and the closest she'll ever get is when she's defending her friends! She's so generous, she wants to help others any chance she gets and sees the best in everyone.
The Most Standoffish/Aloof
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Faith is quite reserved, honestly. Becoming Captain wasn't exactly the life she chose for herself but it was the role she had to take on. For Phin, for her crew, for Halcyon, it was something she would grow to take seriously in time. She doesn't like to let on just how stressed and overwhelmed she is until she crashes and burns and has to be forced to rest before her stomach ulcer incapacitates her (speaking from experience, it's excruciating). When allowed to, she's pretty quiet and keeps to herself. She was never exactly the most social person and struggled to maintain any sort of relationship with anybody. She'll eventually warm up to her crew and come out of her shell. Sometimes you just need to meet the right band of misfits who get you.
The Smartest
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I swear this isn't just me tooting my own horn. I genuinely built her character favoring her intellect and charm. Her highest levels were in engineering, science, and medical. She's got a head on her shoulders, and she's often pretty lost in it. Faith loves to build and tinker with things and loves reading and learning as much as she can. One her own comforts, really. Maril and Iris aren't necessarily too far off on this one, Faith just has a little more under her belt. (Maril is also dedicated almost exclusively to being a gummi ship mechanic and Iris is best at carpentry!)
The Dumbest
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Poppy is by no means a moron and shouldn't be underestimated. But her skills and knowledge are very strong in fighting and survival. She does however qualify as my dumbest oc here because.. she was my melee heavy idiot savant build! Girl never at any point got a single level put into her INT lmao.
The One I'd be Friends With
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Hands down Maril would be the bestest friend I could ask for. She would be so sweet and considerate and let's be real.. I'd want to also work on the gummi ships with her. I love my gals but I just know Maril would be a ray of sunshine and a great friend. She'd also love to listen to me talk abt all my own projects and we could build so many cool things together..
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Battery asks!
Picking a bunch of random ones for both Sydari and Tel because I've just charged my phone and my PC can't hold a charge so she's at 100%, too at the moment.
7%. What's one flaw about themselves that they hate the most and wish they could change?
11%. If your character were to describe their own personality, how would they do it?
33%. If they're feeling upset, who are they likely to talk to for comfort? Or do they keep it inside?
48%. If your character could master a skill instantly, which would they choose? And why?
55%. What is the character's favorite weather?
76%. If your character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
83%. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? How did that impact them? Did it have a lifelong effect on them?
100%. Does your character resemble anybody famous?
Look at all these batteries!
7%. What's one flaw about themselves that they hate the most and wish they could change?
Sydari wants her voice back, it's there sure, she can speak fine so long as she never raises it too high. It's hoarse a lot of the time which she hates and pitches in and out through long conversations. As for personality flaws, well she thinks it's all flawed, she'd change everything but if she had to pick one, she'd like to not fear commitment. She's trying, but something permanent is foreign to her. She doesn't know what stability is and tends to run away when something looks like it could become stable. She can't fully commit to anything unless she's got a point to prove. If she's going to show someone up then she can see something through, that's why she does anything. Something for herself? She'd have to twist that into a form of "I'll show them" before she can go through with it.
Teldryn hates that he can't put down the bottle. It's the cause of, and his solution to all of his problems. He's stupid when he's had too much. He doesn't remember half of what he does when he's black-out drunk, and what he does remember can be mortifying. He can't seem to stop, he's tried, multiple times. The only things that seem to work are him being incredibly focused on a task or if he's not present and he doesn't know what happens when he's not there, so he doesn't think that counts. The point is that he can't have room for thoughts. The longest he's gone under his own willpower was 5 years and he only managed that because he took up swordplay as an obsession. Something shit always happens and he falls back into it, every damn time! He's not doing it every night mind you. Ok, that has happened but that was decades ago... ok maybe he did do it again last week. Shut up! Leave him alone! He doesn't have to listen to you!
11%. If your character were to describe their own personality, how would they do it?
Sydari hates those kinds of questions, she'll change how she describes herself depending on who she's talking to, whatever she thinks they'll like. She told Brand-Shei that she was a dungeon diver, and that's why she always had such interesting objects to sell and why she travelled so often. She told Teldryn that she was working as an agent for the EETC, but he saw through it pretty quickly, he knows a fellow bullshitter when he sees one. So she told him she's Guild, and he seemed to like that.
Teldryn, for all his sad sack, self-hating antics is a bragger when asked this sort of question. He makes sure to emphasise that he's an excellent swordsman. You really should hire him! He's excellent, he's completely professional, never messes up on a job, ever. Well almost never, he just won't mention that. Oh and don't ask for references, he never got their new contact info! Hey! Just because they're dead doesn't mean he's not competent! It means they're not competent... No, he's going to tell you how good he is at spells instead, no he's not uncontrollable if he's upset! Look, he still gets the job done, doesn't he? Look at the atronach he summoned to kill a skeever, isn't that cool! Please hire him, he needs something to do!
33%. If they're feeling upset, who are they likely to talk to for comfort? Or do they keep it inside?
Sydari doesn't talk about that stuff to many people, it's rarely a good idea. She used to use skooma for that but she's not touching it any more so she drinks a little, though she's not anywhere near as prone to going off the deep end as some people. She has a few confidants but doesn't like burdening them with that sort of thing. She'll discuss basic problems, like things that frustrate her in the moment but nothing deeply personal. A part of her doesn't think anyone wants to listen. It's self-pity and she hates falling into that. She keeps things buried.
Teldryn talks to the bottle, maybe it'll talk back? His failures are pretty public and he's always some form of upset anyway. No one wants to hear about his crap again! There are books that you can read about that. They're not all correct but you'll get the gist. He might talk about it to someone he really trusts but he finds that difficult. Most of the people he trusts with the actual version of what happened lived through it to varying capacities anyway. No, he just drinks his feelings.
48%. If your character could master a skill instantly, which would they choose? And why?
Sydari wants to improve her literacy, she missed the majority of her schooling and for a long time only really knew the basics. She actively avoided anything reading or writing-based until she became Guild Master and couldn't hide it any more. She's being taught on the down low and is doing quite well. She wants to learn Dunmeris, she has a note that she wants to translate but she also doesn't want to admit to anyone that she can't read it. There's a whole different alphabet to learn and she's only just gotten one down. Maybe she'll ask someone in Raven Rock about it but she's afraid of what it says. It could say anything, and she wants it to be meaningful. She's also afraid that someone will laugh at her for not being able to read it. She can speak the language, and that means people assume that she can read it as well. She wants to be able to read the books that are being left on her nightstand as well. She just doesn't want to admit that she can't. Instant knowledge of Dunmeris, that would be perfect!
Teldryn wants to be good at the lute, he use to have one but it mysteriously broke one night. He can play a few tunes but is still prone to missing notes and he eventually gets frustrated and stops playing. He'll borrow everyone else's because he won't buy anything new. It's not like he can't afford one, he just doesn't like anything that he has to "work in" essentially. He'll just borrow your old one, then he won't give it back. You'll find that it's broken but that wasn't him, he has no idea what you're talking about. Absolutely no idea whatsoever. He likes to just noodle. Playing nothing in particular. He'll eventually launch into an actual piece but forget his place and either get mad and *explicits* or go back to noodling. It depends on how many times he's lost his place. He hates being bad at things, so he embellishes.
55%. What is the character's favorite weather?
Sydari likes clear days, she likes it when the sun's out and there are few clouds in the sky. Unfortunately, Skyrim is the exact opposite of this. It's cold, it is wet in the south, windy in the west and frigid in the north. The winters are long so she makes the most of her summers. She likes swimming in Lake Honrich, and Honeyside has its own jetty. She's moving to a place that rarely gets full sun, and is objectively worse weather-wise but she likes it for other reasons. She can always enjoy the sun when she travels.
Teldryn likes anything that isn't snow. He can deal with ash, but the cold, his dunmer blood screams for heat! He likes warmer temperatures and the rain brings him some comfort. He likes the sound it makes on the roof when he's trying to sleep... if he can hear it, Redoran architecture is notoriously soundproof. He likes the weather in Skyrim during the summer, though it still skews a little cold for his tastes. Solstheim is just as cold and Blacklight was prone to frost during winter though not as cold as whatever frozen vortex has taken hold of Skyrim. It got hot and humid during summer, and he liked the atmosphere of that city, warm, muggy, always raining. He likes rain, it reminds him of home as much as the ash does.
76%. If your character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
Sydari wishes she never met Mercer Frey, she doesn't regret becoming a thief, or everything the Guild has given her but that man. She wishes she'd never gotten involved in their deeper politics. Maybe everything might have worked out in the end, maybe not. She's certain that things would be better if she never let him notice her.
Teldryn has a list of people he'd like to "unmeet". Topping his list is actually making that document delivery to Caius Cosades. He should have run as far away as he could as soon as he was dumped in Seyda Neen. He should have tried to get off that damn island, fuck the quarantine, there's always a way out! He should have tried harder. He should never have made that delivery.
83%. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? How did that impact them? Did it have a lifelong effect on them?
Sydari expects to be disappointed. Everything has a negative side so you have to mediate your expectations. Her most recent crushing disappointment is too spoilery but I've alluded to it a few times, though not in its entirety. She went off the deep end with that, winds up in a skooma den in the wilds of the Rift and finds herself 5 minutes away from being a vampire's lunch. She has no idea where her clothes went but that armour is lost forever. Which sucks because it was expensive. She freaks out when she finds herself in similar circumstances later. She's full of self-doubt from the first occasion, she just thinks that she'll make the same mistakes and will end up with the same outcome. She's worried about being left alone and afraid in the aftermath again. Avoidance is her crutch.
Teldryn has similar issues, everything always turns out wrong. His last disappointment is the main plot at the start of Serious Mistakes, so spoilery. But in general, he does not forget about his failures, and he's mostly disappointed in himself and how he handles his self-pity. He doesn't, he makes it everyone else's problem. He has 258 years worth of fuckups to think about. He's become reliant on getting black-out drunk to drown out the bad feelings and droning thoughts. He goes through phases with that, sometimes he's fine, won't touch the stuff but that's fleeting. He'll inevitably fall back into it with his most recent failures, he made it 5 years once. ONCE. But his past always catches up to him, and when it does the compulsion to drown it all out is overwhelming.
100%. Does your character resemble anybody famous?
Sydari in the story doesn't resemble anyone famous, she has a familial resemblance to an ancestor from the late second era but no, no one particularly famous. When I draw her I use a face claim, and it's not Zendaya, they just have a similar jawline. Teldryn hears that he looks a little like the Nerevarine! Pha! What idiot thought of that? No, no that's just...this is why he keeps his face covered. Younger Teldryn has a face claim too, though I merge that with his admittedly heavily modded in-game appearance. Those cheekbones need to cut glass. I need to make him pretty!
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lindszeppelin · 21 days
I'd like to chime in on 'pretty privilege' (re: the anon who said looks only get you so far). When I was a teenager and in my very early 20s, I was pretty. I feel kind of weird saying that, but it's true. It opened a lot of doors for me, which I didn't realize at the time. When I was in college, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that screwed up my whole body, and it had a major effect on my looks. People stopped noticing me, and a lot of those doors closed. It was hard for me to get used to that. I had never been a mean-girl type, and being pretty wasn't my whole identity, but it was a big shift. I still struggle with it some days (almost 30; it's been several years since I got sick). Now I'm in a better place health-wise, although I may never look the way I used to. But having that pretty privilege taken away made me empathetic in a new way, and it made me realize in hindsight how many advantages my looks had given me. It also pushed me to nurture and embrace other aspects of my personality and humbled me in a way that I'm grateful for, as much as it sucks. Do I wish I could have my old face and body back? Yes, a lot of days I do, but I wouldn't want to go back to the person I was at 20. I am getting way too personal on anon, and I'm not even sure where this story has taken me. But you and the other anon are right, looks can only get you so far, and even the best-looking people need to have more going for them than just looks. I'm kinder, more creative, more educated and more curious than I was, and although I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone else, I'm glad I'm a better version of me. I wish I could tell every pretty girl to appreciate it while she can and work on herself every day, even if she'll never need it. Just my two cents, since I'm sort of in an unusual position of having experienced both sides of it.
anon you are loved and appreciated deeply, and thank you for sharing your story <3 unfortunately it really is the way society is...we protect and give all the opportunities to the people more conventionally attractive. psychologically there must be some biases in there that have been built up for a long time. even though the standard for what is considered pretty changes with every decade, it's clear that society is not kind to people deemed not pretty. that's why it's important to love yourself and commit to giving love to yourself, being kind to yourself every day. it's even harder to deal with when you're young. but i think when you get older you just don't care. like...we're all going to get wrinkles and have grey hair and there's nothing we can do to stop that. so, just realize your value and don't let anybody else define who you are.
in terms of the specific convo to be had about this, clearly Hollywood values pretty people because they have marketability. they can be put on magazines, be the face of brands, etc. there's something to be said about people less conventionally attractive that are almost like...idk, weirdly fetishized? like Jeremy Alan White and Adrien Brody. you know what i mean? unconventionally attractive people can't just be people, they are treated a little differently than idk Aaron Taylor Johnson for example. like, they get specific kind of roles that suit their features. Jeremy won't ever get James Bond type roles for example, but someone like Henry Cavill will. idk if im explaining myself well but yeah
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sundered-souls · 23 days
How does your OC behave when enraged?
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She'll cry. She'll cry and yell and curse you and swear in a rather uncharacteristic manner coming from her. She'll tell you what she thinks plainly, though she won't insult you. Mostly because it'll be too intense for her to find the words to do so.
Astrid won't strike you—not unless she has to defend herself physically—she doesn't want to hurt you, but still she kind of does and she wants you to beg for her forgiveness. To promise to change. To listen. To never do it again. Because you've broken her trust in an irreparable manner and she might forgive one day your misdeed but never that breach of trust.
And she'll be petty. Petty and passive-aggressive, once she's cool down enough, if she has no other choice but to keep you in her life.
And then she'll cry some more in the intimacy of her home.
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Wolfe (needs a new name) is a man that you can hear. He's not excessively loud, but he lives his life without fear of being noticed. You'll hear him laugh, mutter under his breath, interact with his environment, sing-song or talk to his pets and just generally live his life freely because he's never gotten any reason to feel like he had to make himself small.
Quite notoriously, Wolfe is also an irascible man. Quick to anger, but quick to calm down once he's said his piece. While it makes him sometimes insufferable to be around, it usually comes from a good place and he doesn't hold grudges easily.
What Wolfe doesn't get often though is furious.
Rage isn't a feeling he enjoys. Rage isn't something he finds strength in or nurture. It is, in his mind, mostly a waste of time and energy, and he'd rather burn all bridges with you long before you reach the point of making him feel this way. But if you do manage that feat, what you'll discover is a very, very quiet man. A man that you might not have thought capable of living so silently, neither when he breathes, walks, nor eats. A man who will barely talk, let alone play the piano or sing as he so often does in normal times.
And it'll last. For days.
Until he effectively cuts you off once he's processed his feelings or decides that what you did deserves retribution. No matter how long it might take. Because if you didn't want him to be a problem, then you shouldn't have made yourself his problem.
(I did say that I retconned most of his background and that he's an agronomist now rather than an ex-Sultansworn paladin, right? Well that hasn't changed the heart of who he is as a person. Wolfe has good intentions. I don't think you'd find anybody who'd tell you that he's a nice man, however, and I find it even more in character when he's a civilian rather than an ex-soldier. It's also a lot funnier when he's surrounded by petty academicians instead of mercenaries and cops, imho.)
Thank you for your ask, @umbralaether!
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fazeruined · 5 months
@faztastiic / @fazfiend / @fazerblaster
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After everything that's happened in the span of like a day, it was terrifying to think that she had genuinely been left wondering if she'd ever feel the sun bathe on her skin again.
And to think back on that doubt now that she can feel her skin under the lukewarm sunlight of a barely rising sun, the still soft oranges reflecting her eyes...
Cassie wanted to let out a sob; she made it. But instead she just stood there, basking in the moment, processing that yes; despite everything, she had just escaped the hell now located right behind her. She stood and stared out at the open sky, still dark and with a few stars out, the oranges of the incoming morning peeking into the horizon, shining a soft warm light over the decrepit building that once used to be like her second home, the Mega PizzaPlex.
But she didn't claw her way out alone. She's not the only one who got to see the sky and feel the first morning rays embrace their forms. On her way back, she did her hardest to make up to every other abandoned heart, finding a few more clues along the way, too, painting a picture that only heightened her thoughts. And together they stood tall. Like since when she was little. Like it should always have been. Before those two ever showed up to ruin everything.
Roxanne had one eye at least, donated by Chica who was happy to have her voice back, Monty had been rescued from the water and rebooted (Cassie had never intended to electrocute him,) the Daycare Attendant was happy to help especially after having been helped, and the Freddy Prototype even had his head back-- which certainly must have been no easy task for Cassie to find! ... and a handful of the Mini Music Men, they were there too, yeah. Gremlins. Cassie absolutely refused to leave anybody behind (she's not like Gregory.)
And that also includes the one and only, Glamrock Bonnie. Long thought to be gone. The rabbit was arguably in the worst condition of them all, being totally unresponsive, having to be carried by the others. It was even questionable if there was any hope for him, but again, Cassie refused to leave anybody behind.
They all were what's left of her family, and she'll do what's necessary to take care of them, like they have taken care of her helping her escape a terrible fate.
It's been like what, a couple weeks? A month or two? Cassie took all the robots under her wing, sheltering them in her old home... Turns out her Dad had been up to some stuff since her mother's shady death.
There was an entire bunker underground duplicating the house, and she took it over, living in secrecy, safe and sound with her family.
The past while has been spent trying to repair them, fortunately there were a few things her Dad had left behind that wound up useful; she managed to give Chica an endo arm as she was missing one, and while Monty hasn't gotten his legs yet they managed to reconstruct his lower torso- meaning legs were the next step, but at least he could sit more properly again. The Prototype Freddy had a lot of debris and other metal junk stabbing into his body, and Cassie arduously plucked them out herself with tools left by her Dad. Cassie herself was getting better-- she still occasionally got dizzy spells, would wince when stepping on her foot wrong shooting pain up her shin, and would feel her arm get sore from time to time; one couldn't expect her to come out unscathed from an attempted murder via an elevator drop.
It was slow, but they were coming back together. They were going to.
Aside from that, they needed parts, which was where things began getting a little more complicated. Her Dad's secret workshop was full of useful things, but not everything necessary for full repairs... but that was when something new came to light.
Cassie still had that creepy Security Mask, though had long left the V.A.N.N.I. Network which had no coverage outside the PizzaPlex. Still, looks like the mask has a few distinct functions without the network. The past while has been spent getting used to these features as well, even proving to be useful in detecting parts compatible for repairing her peers!
But that's not all.
The mask seemed to function like a detector of Fazbear Entertainment technology through places, from electronic toys to accessories to equipment and even animatronics. A little more testing with such features and the possibility of even hacking into these objects was very palpable. But Cassie of course wasn't interested in wasting time doing malicious cyber-activities, just what was necessary to help her and her family.
Though after enough time, she found something... familiar. Her lost remaining family member. One who still needs rescuing... probably the most out of them all.
She doesn't immediately dive into it, trying to be safe, spending some time verifying if she was correct.
Eventually, a day where the sun had just set, Cassie puts on the mask, trying to set up a remote communication. With it on, she can see Helpi sitting on the edge of the work table where Bonnie has been laying, like a patient in intensive care-- no doubt the little bear will be an 'audience' of sorts.
Cassie first tries verifying the stability of the connection, managing to access optical and auditory reception of the 'stray' animatronic she's trying to reach, able to see and hear his surroundings-- she doesn't think she recognizes the area, but at least nobody seems to be immediately present with him; good. Before the access can raise alarm in his system, she throws her two cents.
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" H... hello...? Can you... hear me...? "
She gingerly asks, almost fearful of what this communication might reward with, but also unimaginable anticipation. It was like she was speaking right into his head. She spares a look over at Helpi to give her the courage to continue.
" Is... is that really you... Glamrock Freddy...? "
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tierra-paldeana · 2 months
send REFLECT for me to explain a traumatic event in my muses’s past and talk about their perception of events,  which parts have stayed with them longest and how it affects them now.  (  sender can request specific scenes/backstory  )
// while a lot of people wouldn't consider this 'traumatic' in the same sense you'd define a lot of other things, it really impacted rika's way of seeing life up to a point.
her parents' marriage was doomed from the start. they didn't fight physically, they didn't scream or anything. they just very clearly didn't stand each other. to this day, rika doesn't know how and why the fuck did they even get together in the first place if they didn't like each other that much, but all she knows is that they only gave her basic necessities and minimal attention, and when she grew up to elementary school age, a certain event really cemented the fact that she couldn't trust them anymore.
one day, coming back home from school, she found they hadn't come back yet for lunch.
so she waited.
and waited.
and waited...
they didn't come back for at least 2 days. and this would be bad enough, but she'll never forget the first day, after she came back, she felt compelled to sit down at the table of the dining room to wait.
she didn't know what pushed her to do such a thing, but she did it. she sat at the dining room and waited. observed as the hours passed by, the way the sunlight changed, the quiet stillness of a house where the only heart present was hers.
the loneliness. the indomitable passage of time. the realization that her existence was just a speck of dust within the nothingness of the universe.
her parents didn't care about her. she got in the way for them the moment she was born, even if they didn't particularly like each other before that...
but what was she to do within such opressive walls? she didn't understand.
is this what growing up means?
and so, by the night of the first day... she just went out into the wilderness.
if this house won't welcome me, maybe the world outside will.
even after her parents came back, they never told each other anything. she never asked, they never said anything to her.
oh, she went out to find food in the wilderness while we were outside? who cares? she can come in and out as she pleases, i guess.
up until meeting geeta, she had always seen herself as a lone wolf because of such a simple but view-changing event.
they don't need me? well... i guess that means i don't need anybody, either. i can fend off for myself.
little did rika know this resulted in a lot of insecurities that she to this day does her best to mask. thankfully, geeta's friendship and appreciation mended a lot of those insecurities, but the one big thing she cannot fully shake off is the trauma of finding herself alone like that again.
which is precisely why she sometimes has nightmares of everyone turning away from her, berating her, thinking of her as a fraud and abandoning her, finding herself alone again, in that empty dining room, watching the hours go by, the clock ticking, the weight of the world and the acknowledgement of her own disposability crushing her.
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mamajake · 1 year
ships: (I'm unoriginal) SONAZE !
Whoo okay, I know I said two cents but I'm gonna give you a dollar. Only because this ship makes 100% cents (I'm sorry lmao)
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Abcense is to love what wind is to fire, it extinguishes the small and kindles the great
Sonic, in almost every sense, makes Blaze burn Brighter. Whether it is wind fueling the flames, or the beauty of Sonic (and his friends) helping her control the emeralds and become Burning Blaze.
After her first transformation, I always imagine Blaze looking at herself in awe, with Sonic gazing at her and reminiscing about the first time he transformed. I'm in love with their kinship.
Sonic has done nothing but raise her up, teaching her to trust. No matter how many times she fought back, he was still there with a smile, wanting to help.
Even when they actually fought, I like to think that Sonic only fought back in the same way that he fought Chaos. He opened her heart.
Unwanted Contact
Blaze, being a person of solitude, strikes me as a person that doesn't care much for touch. She'll happily give a hand shake as thanks or a hug just for Cream and Marine, but she keeps to herself mainly.
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Now she is almost always seen holding hands with sonic and I'm all for it. It's affirmation of the trust they share.
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With all their hand holding and trust, it makes this panel more impactful for me. I don't think she would lean in that close to anybody, but it just shows how comfortable she is with Sonic. (Also look at that lil blush!)
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This final scene in Sonic Rush lives rent free in my head. The fact that Sonic clings on with his other hand shocks me. He knows what's at stake if they don't seperate, and yet he still holds on. Sonic doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but he definitely shows it through his actions. He doesn't want her to leave.
The Tragedy
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Ah yes, the nitty gritty, the stuff that makes it canon for me.
The two are different sides of the same coin. Guardians with amazing abilities who kick ass and take names. The difference? Sonic is free, he's not duty bound. Blaze doesn't live a bad life, but I'd bet it's not the one she wants. There's an envy she has for the blue dude.
Blaze sees her pyrokenesis as a curse, Sonic sees his as a gift, something that grants him freedom. Sonic lives life to his fullest, while Blaze has a whole ass kingdom to run.
I wholeheartedly believe that there's feelings for each other in canon, but what makes it work is the wall between them. They can't stay together, it wouldn't work for multie reasons. Blaze can't abandon her kingdom, Sonic wouldn't want to rule, and oh yeah, the likelihood of dimensional demolition.
Sonic isn't a character who should be in a relationship, it's not his style. If he were in a relationship, it would have to be with someone who allows him his freedom, and could keep up with him. In fact, it's why I ship Sonadow (ooh just wait until I start talking about that).
Shadow and Blaze are people who would keep up with him and keep to themselves at the same time. However, as I said, the wall between Sonic and Blaze is what makes the feelings real for me. It keeps the characters in their lines without changing things.
Suggested reading
Sonaze is my life blood and every few months I'll browse for a big ol' chunky fic to binge through. Sadly there isn't a whole lot of Sonaze around, so for everybody, I'm gonna post some suggestions.
By yours truly, unshameful plug ;)
Don't leave me alone
By @marinaiguess
Need to want
By The Maxx
Winds to my flame
By Crimsonmoon3540
Never Alone - The 100 Sonic & Blaze Story
By WolfChalk
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