#and thus fewer extra cookies
qsmprambling · 6 months
If cookie access is going to be a big concern with holidays and such coming up, maybe it's worth flagging it with the admins. Maybe add some kind of banker to the bakery that only eggs can access and parents can give cookies to? Or just make it easy and have it that everyone's cookies are worth 1 point.
#Honestly I'm not a fan of the cookie system#and share the general opinion that it sort of takes away the opportunity for bonding that the previous system encouraged#but I also understand this eliminates the need for admins to track player activity#but with the amount of people away and off and especially with holidays coming up#the half-points from anyone but parents is going to put a lot of pressure on people to stock up for themselves and others#which involves them playing extra days#which reducing the checkmarks to 3 was supposed to help reduce#honestly they should just switch it back to everyone being able to do anyone's quests#because there are times parents simply can't help being away#and that puts a pressure of other islanders to save their kid#which takes a lot more work than it does the parent#Like it would take someone 6 days to save enough cookies for an egg that isn't theirs#what about their own?#what about multiple eggs?#There have been actual days where Bad has had to complete quests for 6 eggs AT THE SAME TIME#again I get this also encourages involvement from more people on the island#but the quests aren't even fun for people so the motivation to do them will probably fizzle out with time#and thus fewer extra cookies#right I'm rambling stopping again pfft#tl;dr interesting system but will need tweaks I think @_@#like before this people only needed to log in 3 times a week with their egg to keep them safe#and STILL there was at least one egg almost every Sunday doing their quest last minute with a babysitter#just making it so anyone's cookies will add up to 1 point will alleviate a lot of the stress I think#even if it does mean that 1 person can only take care of max 2 eggs a week (and half of another)#ramble
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ineffablefool · 4 years
How to center and nice-size an image in an AO3 fic using a work skin
Maybe someone can use this?  In my fic for the DIWS Good Omens Mini Bang, I embedded some images from my wonderful illustrator.  The centered images will never be wider than the text, no matter the screen size, but they also are never stretched larger than their native size (I resized ‘em to 800px wide in my trusty paint program for faster downloading). Here’s how one looks on my giant monitor and on my phone screen:
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If you have never done AO3 skins before then I promise they are not actually scary!  You have the option of doing relatively complicated things with them, but this thing is simple.
Anyway this is how I center my images.
Step one: make a skin.
In your AO3 dashboard, click “Skins” in the menu (left or top of page, depending on if you’re on a big or small screen).  This takes you to the Site Skins page, which are for if you want to make all of AO3 look different to just you.  You want a Work Skin, though, which makes your fic look different to everyone, so click My Work Skins.
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Click Create Work Skin in the top right and you’ll get an editor that’s similar to when you’re posting a fic!  You only need to set two things.  One, give it a title that makes sense to you (the title won’t be visible to people reading your fic).  Two, paste some stuff into the big “CSS” box.
This is the stuff to paste:
.centered {  margin-left: auto;  margin-right: auto;  text-align: center; }
.centered img {  max-width: 100% !important; }
That was the stuff to paste!  Just toss both of those two blobs in the big editor and click Submit.  Now you have a skin!
Step two: use the skin in your work.
Open up the work you want to do this in.  Find the Select Work Skin box (just under the Choose A Language box) and select the skin you just made.  Yay!  Sorry, the Homestuck and Undertale ones are just there for everyone and that’s how it is.  (Nothing against Homestuck or Undertale.  I just don’t like unneeded entries in lists.)
Step three: center your image.
This is the most complicated bit, only because I can’t give you an exact thing to copy-paste.  But I can give you a basic template!  Don’t try to paste this into Word or a similar word processing program.  The quote marks could get turned into “smart quotes” (like the ones I typed there, just now -- see how the opening and closing quotes are different from each other?).  If you need to save it off for later, Notepad or another very simple plain-text editor will be perfect, because it will keep the quotes as not smart quotes.
Find the spot in your AO3 work where you want the centered image to be.  It would be between two blocks of text which are wrapped with <p> tags, so something like this...
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Into that space, you’re gonna hit Enter a couple of times (which I’ve already done in the screenshot) and then paste this block:
<p class="centered">  <img src="BANANA" alt="ORANGE" /> </p>
That was the block to paste.  Before you’re done, you need to change two things!
BANANA goes away.  Inside the quote marks where BANANA used to be, you need to put the URL of your image.  This URL must start with http or https (preferably https), or else it won’t work.  I can’t give specific instructions on how to get this, because it depends on where the image is hosted!  If it’s only on your computer, or attached to an email, it can’t be embedded.  It has to have been put somewhere on the web, like Flickr, Photobucket, or Google Drive.  It will work to embed from Tumblr, but I don’t trust Tumblr not to change everything up and bork all the old image URLs, thus breaking your embedded images on an arbitrary date in the future.  (Any image host could theoretically do this, but -- well.  We’re all familiar with Tumblr, right?)
ORANGE also goes away.  Inside the quote marks where ORANGE used to be, you optionally can (I recommend you do!) put a brief (200 characters or fewer) description of the image.  This is text which is invisible when viewing your fic in a normal browser -- it’s there for screen reader technologies, used by people who are blind or otherwise have trouble seeing a screen.  Their screen reader software will literally read out to them, so that they can hear it with their human ears, the description you put here.  Don’t start it with “image of” or “picture of”, because the screen reader tells the human that it’s an image already.  Here is a pretty user-friendly guide on how to write alt text!  If you’re more technically-inclined, the W3C has more involved docs.  Remember, the screen reader is going to say out loud whatever you put here, so don’t make it super long, or else you’ll force people who are using screen readers to wait through the long description for your story to continue. 
A finished version of the banana/orange block might look like this:
<p class="centered">  <img src="https://www.my-nifty-example-website.com/prettypicture.jpg" alt="Two dogs having a tea party wearing fancy hats" /> </p>
Step four: do it again if needed.
If you have more images to center in the same work, just repeat step 3 for each!  Step 2 has to be done once per work.  Step 1 might be done once ever (and then you just keep pulling that same skin into many works), or you might do it multiple times (if you want other changes in the skin that are special to only this one work).  I do a different skin every time I have a fic that needs a skin, but that’s because I do extra fancy things that are different for each fic.
You never have to do either step 1 or step 2 more than once per work, even if it’s multi-chapter.  In future chapters of the same fic, just do step 3 again.
Step five: preview and/or temporary draft is your friend
I am an IT professional with a (technically expired but work with me here) Microsoft certification in HTML5/CSS and seven years of writing this stuff for pay under my belt.  Even I don’t post without previewing.  Preview and saving as a draft without publishing are both your friends.
Some fun(?) notes
What you are doing here is using cascading style sheets.  The AO3 skin is a very simple stylesheet, which is a series of rules that your readers’ browsers will use to apply to text in your story.  There are standards that all your normal sort of browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera...) are supposed to follow when they see these rules, so that no matter which browser someone uses, a webpage will look as similar as possible.
A skin created from the above steps defines a class named “centered” and tells the browser how “centered” should look.  Then, in your fic, if you apply the class named “centered” to something in the big editor -- like, say, the <p>aragraph tag that wraps around your image -- then the style from your skin will be applied. 
The magic of cascading style sheets is that you can define your class exactly once and then use it many times.  If you decide you want to change all the places you used it -- maybe you want every centered image in your 87-chapters-long heavily-illustrated fic to have a green border? -- you have to change exactly one place: your skin.  The change will bubble down to every single place you used it.
Skins do not allow all the features of true CSS (no media queries; I am sad), and you can’t put comments in your skin (the editor strips them out).  Browser-specific overrides also do not work (if you don’t know what this means, that’s okay, you have to go to extra work to try to use them in the first place).  But they’re still pretty cool.
A lot of people will just put <center> tags around their thing, and use width=“100%” or some other number, but that is technically not standard HTML, hasn’t been for a very long time, and sooner or later Chrome is going to get clever and stop respecting it.  (Google’s developers like to make Chrome very clever and change how it does things just because they feel like it.  It makes my day job rather more difficult.  Ask me about SameSite cookies!! Actually, don’t.  Never ask me about that thing.)
For portrait-oriented illustrations -- taller than they are wide -- I like to float the image to the right of the text and have it take up no more than 50% of the width of the screen (as seen near the end of this chapter).  But that is a more complicated thing than this one, and I am keeping it simple today.  Maybe I’ll show how to do the nice floaty at some point.
For any-oriented illustrations, you could have a small resized version which links out to a larger version as a click-to-zoom thing.  That is also a little more complicated, so it isn’t in this post.
Questions and clarifications welcome.
That is how to center and nice-size an image in an AO3 fic using a work skin!  I hope you are having a good day.
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dhill202-blog · 4 years
10 Tips for a Better Travel Experience
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Hitting the street once will change your life forever. Fact. You will become more flexible and thinking on your feet will become second nature. Confidence and self belief will blossom as you overcome the trials and tribulations engendered by life on the street, and you'll evolve. Interaction with other people, from all walks of life, will become a daily event. The people you meet and the situations you encounter, both good and bad, will gradually start to define you. Some days may be magic, others could be tough - but every day will leave its mark, and the cumulative impact is life altering.
Whether you travel for a month, a year, or ten years, you'll have an experience unlike any other. But pause for a moment and ask yourself: - is it better?
Here are ten ways to improve your travel experience.
Go Slow - You have quit your job or got time off work, flown half way round the world, and are now desperately excited to see firsthand all you have read and dreamed of. However, by racing though too many nations in a given time you may lose out on much more. Not only will you learn less about the places you've longed to see, but you'll tire quickly and become travel weary. A couple of nights in each place also spells out buses, boats or trains at least ever other day, and packing/unpacking will become a daily event. Tiring? I should coco.
With more time spent in fewer areas you will start to live in your new environment. The extra time in every place may encourage you to explore under your own steam instead of being shackled to a guidebook and its top ten tick off list. Worries about wasting time won't be a problem, leaving you free to go drifting and raising the chances uncovering a lesser known delight.
Have Faith - Be a bit more trusting. Everyone isn't out to steal your money, or cheat you. Traveling with this unhealthy mindset will cause someone to become detached, cynical, bitter, and a very bad ambassador for their country. Do not be dismissive or rude when approached - after all, it is wonderful to be nice.
Ok, sometimes an unsavory cookie can cross your path, but this can be taken care of upon consciousness; but, overall, those who approach you may fall into other categories: people like you and I wanting to earn a living (and assisting you with a service in the procedure ), and the ones which are either interested or favorable (or usually both!) Thus, let the guard down a bit and listen to people out. Judge situations on their unique merits and occasionally be a Yes Man, you can't know where it might lead.
Get Involved - Keep a look out for opportunities where you can make a difference. We learn so much from people we meet and places we see, but all too often its one way traffic. Get prepared to help others and attempt whenever possible to give back something. Perform to your skills and expertise, you might have something valuable to offer. 
Learn the Lingo - Even just the basics will lay the foundation for a better experience. 'Pleases' and'thank you's go a very long way, and, even if they're not delivered properly or understood, they show that you're willing to make the hard work and communicate a respect toward the people you meet. If nothing else it will raise a smile or two, and that is always a bonus. Furthermore, in the event you still need encouragement to acquire a phrase book, some of the local lingo can get you a better price for transportation, accommodation, and the little knick-knacks you can't pass up.
We attempt to taste all the regional delicacies, so why not sample all of the regional modes of transport, also? Ok, the railroad system might be the preferable method of travel for any particular state, but find out for yourself . Moreover, even if the bus station is in walking distance from the accommodation, throw financial caution to the end at least one time by splashing out 50 cents for For the ones which are still worried about value for money, I say sit at the front bucket of a Vietnamese Cyclo and get taken across a busy Saigon intersection - for the purchase price of one beer you'll have a vision etched in your mind for all eternity. Then, for the hardcore thrill seekers amongst you, invite your Cyclo Jockey to sit at the chair of death as you peddle him across the intersection...
Adopt the Weird and Wonderful - Do not miss a chance to try something a little out of the ordinary, be it fresh food, local traditions, children's games, or anything else of barbarous tobacco from Javanese street sellers. Get in the swing of it and make somebody's day.
Stay Alert - Little can ruin a trip and taint your view of a nation and its populous more than being careless with your possessions and learning the hard way. Opportunist theft is a simple fact of life, but you can reduce the danger by staying aware of your surroundings and possessions rather than playing to the minority's control.
Be a 1 Bag Wonder - Travel light, travel joyful. Decrease your possessions and life will become so much easier. Firstly, it makes the mechanics of getting from A to B simpler and less stressful. Easier because it is less fat to be humping around involving transportation and accommodation and less size and weight to be swinging around inside the limits of a densely populated bus. It becomes less stressful since the smaller your bag is, the less probable it is you will be separated from it during journeys- and, judging everyone by my pitifully. Additionally, it is more likely you'll be allowed on an already packed bus out for those who have less luggage. This doesn't ring true in Guatemala however, because you can always fit one more person on the bus, however full it is.
Walk the Path Less Trodden - Now that you've got extra time on your hands in each destination, why not explore a bit? Getting off the beaten path doesn't have to mean single handedly paddling a handmade dugout canoe 500 miles through the Amazonian Basin, it might be something as straightforward as forsaking the guidebook recommends for the day and rather scrounging a map or fliers and opting for an aimless wander in a new town. Some of my greatest discoveries have resulted from doing just this.
Terrific sources of info include Tourist Information Offices (though, where available, they vary tremendously in quality), What's On guides, local papers, handouts, fliers, and, of course, fellow travelers, to mention but a few. Spending less time at the well known and'popular' hangouts will also do your budget a huge favor, too.
Keep a Journal - Writing reams of pulp is not for everybody, but it does not have to be like that. A journal can mean many different things to different individuals. It could be a complete scale daily diary or only a kid's notebook from the marketplace where you place labels from local beer bottles (maybe with drunken scribbling below) - the option is yours. For the geeks among us (me included) there is the choice to travel site, and for the idle geeks among us (again, me included) it is even easier to cut and paste excerpts from emails home to family and friends and keep those as your diary.
Whatever form your personal creation may take, the final result is identical. 
Freelance travel writer and fanatical backpacker Nathan Richards desires nothing more than to inspire and encourage other people to satisfy their wanderlust.
Eclectic and Exquisite Gay Travel Experience
Your work has been preventing you from seeing new terrific things out of your comfort zone. You've been working so hard that you tend to forget there are more to life than your job. Why don't you take some of your time to pull yourself from a thousand paper functions and maintain an adventure you'd treasure in a life? Why not put aside little by little some money for a holiday that will teach you exactly what your job can never endow you with? Why not book yourself for a gay vacation and encounter what's meant by life?
Gay travels have been the cure for tired and weary spirits that wander from the corners of shallow fantasies. These journeys with your fellow beings will certainly open an opportunity for you to look into yourself and find greater things concerning you. Through these exquisite homosexual holidays, you'll be privileged to belong to a community of loving and accepting individuals composed of men, women, lesbians and gay. Not just you'll be communing with nature, you will basically be joining with yourself that you've missed during your hours and hours of tedious work.
Dwelling on some diverse gay travels will bring you into a world of discovery. Some packages will provide you with the opportunity to be showing the presents inside you and using these presents for the benefit of the planet as a whole. What use it is to be true to yourself and the world is instructing you in every manner of not to be ashamed of who you are.
Other offers for homosexual travels include an enlightening about your erotic potentials. Through some enticing team activities, you'll have the ability to spot your sensual facets and nurture them for sexy travel experience. This sort of involvement work your way to your ultimate sexual liberty and unblock sexual inhibitions and doubts. By means of breath, body and hand motion and the soothing magic of audio you will eventually get a real feel of sexual satisfaction. These gay travel experiences on sexual accomplishment and realization are lively and enjoyable to your erotic improvement.
Take more than an isolated island off a exceptional shore or indulge in sensual play activities as you travel your way to revival and rejuvenation of the self. Gay travel experiences are specially made for couples abound who'd want to spend romantic evenings in their communion with love, peace, serenity and dedication. Gay vacations help you explore the hidden and breathtaking views of nature as well as yourself.
At each end of fulfilling gay vacations is a brand new you.... virtually more intelligent emotionally and mentally. The revival of your missing self drained through hard work is invaluable benefit from a journey with your loved one. A week-long time out in the complications of life is a unique opportunity for you to renew your vow for the betterment of yourself and for s more powerful relationship with your spouse. So what are you waiting for? Get booked and travel your way to transformation!
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athena1138 · 4 years
2 and 7 for the oc ask
Ty sweetie
I’m in a weird mood so I’m gonna just do like... a shitton of ocs for both. (I’ll do DA first) 
What are your OC’s food preferences (flavors/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
Missella: She’s a simple woman, not overtly gluttonous or anything. She doesn’t need anything overly fancy to be happy, just some hearty stew is fine. But she does really enjoy lots of flavor. It took some getting used to because she’d been in the Circle all her life, but food on the outside is just. Incredible. She can’t get enough. And when she and Zevran start traveling outside of plain-ass Ferelden? Oh shit. Her mind is just. Blown. At the end of the day though, her comfort food is still simple stuff. Give her some bread and soup and she’s more than happy. 
Mireena: Much like Alistair, she’s all about sweets. And cheese. And boy can she pack it away. She has to learn how to reign it in once she’s queen, but it’s not uncommon for her to be walking around with just a smidge of chocolate on her mouth. The only foods she can’t stand are overly spicy things, and her favorite non-dessert food is her father’s meatloaf. 
Belladonna: She’s one of the more reserved in terms of food. She doesn’t eat a lot, and she’s very slow and careful about it. She was raised like a lady, and though she’s forgotten her lessons over the years, she maintains excellent posture and impeccable table manners (aside from stealing Varric’s food and wine.) But she also goes without quite a bit. It’s not uncommon for her to go off of one or fewer meals a day. She frequently sees other things as more important (i.e., training, research, etc.) She’s fondest of fruits. 
Anna: Anna is a big woman with a big appetite. She loves food. Anything and everything, she’s down. She does have quite a bit of self consciousness regarding it, though, because she’s so large. She struggles with it because she loves food and eating but she doesn’t like standing out, doesn’t like what people say about her. It’s easier when she’s not in public. She cooks big meals for everyone before missions, and she randomly goes over to cook for Fenris or invites him to her home. Big meals, sprawling across the table. Legs of meat, racks of ribs, vegetables galore, fruits, breads. It’s enough to make the Vikings weep with joy. 
Alena: She doesn’t eat much, really. Especially after Adamant, when she’s still recovering, she has to be reminded/forced to eat quite frequently. She’s a little pickier, sometimes. She can’t eat anything on the bone, and she doesn’t like combating textures (like nuts in cookies or pasta not cooked through.) Growing up in the Circle (and unliked in the Circle) and then Kirkwall and the Gallows, she’s learned how to subsist on as little as possible, and that just kind of becomes her norm until she begins settling in with Cullen. He had to teach himself how to eat again, so he teaches her how to eat, and they just sort of help each other stay on top of it. She likes sweets best, especially if they have fruit in them. Chocolate covered cherries are p much the greatest thing she’s ever eaten. And cheese. 
Asena: Another big woman with a big appetite, but she’s ridiculously mannerful. She favors meats and vegetables the most, but she also enjoys a good dessert. (She’s an amazing baker and cake decorator.) 
Val (Castlevania): This bitch loves her some spicy food. She doesn’t eat like.. a LOT. But she eats rather frequently. 
Marynn (DND): She loves everything, but tavern food is her favorite (mostly because she grew up in a tavern.) Give her a soft pretzel and some cheese and watch her become the happiest dwarf you’ve ever met. And she eats a lot when she can, but “when she can” is a very flexible phrase which here means “when she remembers.” 
Theni (DND): She’s huge, man. Tall and ripped as shit. Like. She’s a literal goliath. So she has to eat a lot, loads of proteins and carbs. She likes pastas the most, especially with meatballs. 
Darsys (DND): She’s a soft girl. She’s so quiet and gentle. You’d have no idea looking at her that she can and does eat more than her goliath compatriot both in terms of portions and frequency. Anything and everything she can get her hands on, she’s packing it away. (But like. Not in a gross way, like she’s a very polite eater. She just... takes a minute.) Above all else, though, she enjoys a well-put-together salad. 
Ellie (DND): She eats an average amount, really. 2-3 meals a day, not huge portions. She enjoys fluffy bread best. 
Kria (Outer Worlds): Bruh. She eats... so much. Just. So much. And it’s all candy. 90% of her diet is just. Candy. All day every day. You look into her satchel, half of the weight she has is just fucking wrappers. None of the crew has any idea how she’s alive. 
Morgana (Arcana): Bread and cheese man, that’s all it takes. Morgana isn’t a lavish liver by any means. She enjoys fine foods, but it gets to be too much quite frequently which makes her relationship with Lucio a bit strained at times. She’s such a simple woman, it can be ridiculous. Her favorite food is lamb kadai with rice, cooked at a medium-spicy level.
Neoma (Arcana): Nah. She hates eating. She has so many better things to be doing, she’d rather do them. She’ll eat as little as possible as infrequently as possible. It pisses Portia off to no end. The one food she could eat every week would be fried egg sandwiches, but really that’s like.. it. She just. Hates it. 
Caro (Arcana): Caro’s quite sensible. Her idea of “pigging out” is an extra piece of pumpkin bread every now and then. She’s very natural in her meals--just fruits, vegetables, salads. Not a lot of meats. And she eats a decent amount, maybe 3-4 meals a day just because none of what she eats is very hearty. 
Realistically, could your OC (in their normal circumstances- i.e. at thier own house/battlecamp/spaceship etc.) keep a small child alive for a week if they had to?  A Dog?  A Houseplant? A rock with a  smiley face painted on?
Missella: Oh, yeah, definitely. But would she? That’s the question. She’s not a maternal type. Petruchio is about all she can handle, really. 
Mireena: SHE CAN DAMN WELL TRY! Lysander has faired well thus far. Surely a child couldn’t be too different, could it? (She’ll find out because she and Alistair end up having twin daughters the year after Corypheus’s defeat.) 
Belladonna: Eh.. Ye....ah? She’d really... rather not find out. Caliban is it for her. No babies here, no sirree. *cough except for the elf baby they adopt and then their son when she’s 45 cough*
Anna: She’s dope as shit as a mom, are you kidding? She didn’t want to be one, and she’d never really thought about it before because she’s a mage and mages aren’t allowed to have children, but her daughter is the literal cutest. 
Alena: Oh. God no. Just. No. She’s. No. She can barely keep herself alive let alone something else. No. She doesn’t even really take care of the dogs or cats. Cullen does the dogs and the cats just kinda... come and go as they please, so. No. Please don’t make her responsible for something else again she’s so weak and tired. 
Val (Castlevania): Yeah, she’s alright. She’s not super maternal, but she’d do the job admirably. 
Marynn (DND): *incoherent laughter*
Theni (DND): I mean. In theory? In practice.....
Darsys (DND): Elven children are pretty hard to fuck up anyways, so, probably. She’s far more comfortable with a plant, though. Preferably a succulent. 
Ellie (DND): Please don’t. She’d probably in all honestly even fail at the rock. 
Kria (Outer Worlds): Same as Ellie. Except worse. Because she’d straight up lose the rock.  
Morgana (Arcana): A... a baby? As in... a... small person? Please no. She’s fine with her animals. A baby is.. no. 
Neoma (Arcana): Bruh she can’t even really take care of herself like what kinda shit--
Caro (Arcana): She’s the type of bitch who like. Goes to orphanages and volunteers to like... read to the children and teaches them how to do shit like read and write and makes them toys in her spare time. She’s almost disgustingly maternal, the kind of girl who definitely had a million baby dolls growing up and who once answered the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” with “A mommy.” She has hella genetic difficulties, though, so she’ll be adopting please. 
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ja9doeswhole30 · 5 years
Before-Whole30 Baseline
One of the reasons I kept putting off committing to a firm eating plan like Whole30 is that I consider myself a pretty healthy eater. I’ve always anticipated that forcing myself to be 100% compliant with a strict plan would send me into a deprivation mentality, and that being a ~90% whole-food eater with a little wiggle room for other stuff wasn’t the worst thing in the world. 
Nonetheless, here we are. I’ve bought into the idea of a 30-day reset of eating only the “right” foods. As my start date approaches, I wanted to focus on the ways in which I’ve been eating well and can build on during Whole30. 
I cook at home. A lot. Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved to cook. Eating is awesome, so why wouldn’t someone want to participate in the creation of the food and make it exactly to spec?! My early attempts as a teen mostly consisted of eggs, pancakes, certain traditional Jewish holiday foods, and cookies. I also messed around with salads, sandwiches, smoothies, etc. (more “food assemblage” than actual “cooking,” if we’re being technical). Then during college I graduated to vegetable stir-fries and sauteed pasta dishes, and I made a lot of marinated chicken breast on my Foreman grill. When the hubs and I moved in together we started incorporated baked salmon once a week along with the grilled chicken, turkey sausage, and turkey meatloaf that became our staples. 
Still, I didn’t realize just how much we ate out in NYC until we moved to the suburbs. Pre-kids, we’d pick something up from the pizza place one night during the week, and perhaps another weeknight we’d meet friends or coworkers for dinner and drinks. And the weekends inevitably involved eating out in some fashion or another. These days I cook dinner every weeknight pretty religiously, and that way weekend restaurant visits and take-out meals really are a special treat for everyone. 
I’m also kind of grumpy and cheap when it comes to grocery store shortcut foods - no cooked rotisserie chickens or other prepared foods from the deli counter for us. That said, I understand that this is often an optimal alternative to true take-out food for people who are too busy to cook. But it’s not like I’m relying on them and need to cut them out now, which is good. 
Finally, I’ve almost always packed and brought my own lunch. Occasionally I’ll treat myself to some sushi (since no one else in my family likes it) as a special Friday lunch, but otherwise I eat a homemade salad or leftovers from the night before. 
Hence, I’m intimidated by the menu requirements of the Whole30, and the prospect of making sure my meals are compliant while also satisfying for my family of picky eaters, but it’s not like this is my first rodeo in the kitchen. 
When I do eat outside food, I don’t go overboard. The sushi aside, when eating in a restaurant I usually pick something sensible like a salad with lean protein. If I indulge in a sandwich, I make sure to stop when I’m full (usually eating around half & saving the other half for the next day). In my youth I was a total glutton whose brain used the “oh, we’re eating out!” signal as an excuse to stuff myself, since it was a “treat”. 
I guess it’s also worth mentioning here that when we eat out, it’s pretty strictly Greek diner, Italian, Thai, or Chinese - i.e. somewhere I can eek out a decent meal (even if it means ordering steamed veggies and tofu with brown rice while everyone else has saucy deliciousness). The only time we even consider a typical “fast food” joint is on road trips, and even there you can always get a salad. 
Obviously, I’m not perfect. My willpower is shit when it comes to a nice diner bread basket or a steaming tray of garlic knots. But, in contrast to my youth, I’m able to have half a slice of challah, or one garlic knot, and stop there. This doesn’t really help with Whole30 since all that stuff is off-limits, but if I used to eat a lot of something, and trained myself to eat just a little, by extension eating none of it isn’t such a big stretch. 
I don’t eat after dinner (anymore). Because I have small children, we eat dinner around 6:30, finish by 7:00, and have them in bed by 8:00. A few months ago, I found myself picking at randomness in the kitchen during the evening cleanup. I realized that I was rushing through dinner, too distracted facilitating everyone else’s eating to slow down and feel myself to satiety. Thus, a few hours later I was either still hungry, or just antsy and unsatisfied enough to pick at nonsense. For the last several weeks, though, I’ve been more strict about dinner being the time to eat the good foods that’ll keep me full until the morning. (I say those exact words to my kids every single night; may as well take my own advice, right?)
I only booze occasionally. Last January I basically gave up drinking alcohol. Every once in a while I’ll have a glass of wine or a beer at a party, but between the negative effect on my triglycerides, the extra calories I don’t need, and the fact that I have small children who wake up me at the asscrack of dawn even if I have a headache, these occasions have been fewer and farther between. The logic also falls somewhere along the lines of “what’s the point of having just one drink?”  The other night I drank (a whole beer!) for the first time in over 2 months, and while it was delicious the buzz kept me up too late and I spent all of yesterday feeling sluggish and exhausted. Not worth it. So I know I can go 30 days without booze, no problem. 
I exercise almost every day. I know there’s a lot of speculation about whether exercise is actually good for weight loss - you burn a lot of calories but that just makes you hungrier, or you pat yourself on the back and take more liberties with crappy food choices, blah blah blah. All I know is that I got into the habit of working out every morning and I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I gave that up. My usual routine is 20-30 minutes on my elliptical, plus some strength exercises from a 30-day challenge chosen by my sister-in-law and her friends. It might be psychosomatic but I’m convinced the endorphins help me manage stress and have energy throughout the day. Plus, knowing I have to get up early to get the workout in before the kids get up is usually enough motivation to get into bed at a decent hour at night. 
The Whole30 book warns that adjusting to the program may affect athletic performance, so I’m going to proceed with caution the first few days. It so happens that we’re almost at the end of a thigh challenge, so the first day of Whole30 I’ll need to do 40 leg swings, 45 side leg lifts, and 45 side lunges (per leg). The next day it’s 50 side lunges, 55 plie squats, and 45 inner thigh pulses. So maybe I’ll skip the elliptical one of those days, or do it as a quick 10-15 minute warmup instead of a full cardio session. Regardless, according to the book exercising means you need to eat an extra (small) meal, and for my money that’s enough reason in and of itself to keep exercising. 
So there you have it. Stay tuned for my next post in which I bitch about all the reasons Whole30 is going to be insanely hard. D:
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bioclub778 · 3 years
Free Trial Coffee Meets Bagel
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Coffee Meets Bagel is a San Francisco based startup with a dating and social networking mobile app of the same name. To stand apart in the crowded field of dating apps, Coffee Meets Bagel focuses on improving women’s online dating experiences by offering a curated selection of matches (based on an ever-changing profile matching algorithm) with the opportunity for continuing the introduction by commenting on something in a profile as an icebreaker, which might lead to further interactions on the platform.
About Coffee Meets Bagel. Coffee Meets Bagel is a San Francisco based startup with a dating and social networking mobile app of the same name. To stand apart in the crowded field of dating apps, Coffee Meets Bagel focuses on improving women’s online dating experiences by offering a curated selection of matches (based on an ever-changing profile matching algorithm) with the opportunity for. Actually, you can do it 'twice'. Sign up, make sure to cancel the sub immediately (which will still let you use the remainder of the duration) then go to another tab in the app. It apparently let's you try the trail again. While you still only have till the same expiration, it does give you another 6000 beans (so I ended up getting 12k) 2.
LovingFeel is an international website focused on international communication. Our user-friendly search tool makes it possible for you to meet someone who shares your interests and satisfies your communication needs. We strive to help thousands of people meeting someone exciting, and feel positive emotions from an enjoyable conversation. Loving feel dating site.
Data from 2017 shows that Coffee Meets Bagel made ~2.5 billion introductions and more than 70,000 couples met using the app.
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The Infrastructure
Coffee Meets Bagel uses a variety of Amazon Web Services. Okcupid video chat free. From EC2 for compute to S3 and Redshift for storing their various data sets and many more (Kinesis, SQS, CloudWatch). Given Coffee Meets Bagel’s heavy investment in AWS, its management is ultra sensitive to unexpected or unintended costs arising from a sub-optimal use of these infrastructure components. That’s where CloudForecast comes in.
The Challenges
We spoke with Stephen Brandon, Manager of Engineering and Infrastructure at Coffee Meets Bagel. As the manager of all the infrastructure, as well as handling SRE and DevOps related aspects, Brandon is acutely aware of the need to keep the hundreds of servers on AWS operating with no down time and allowing the workflow to progress smoothly.
Like others, he found AWS tools for monitoring and reporting, such as Cost Explorer, cumbersome and confusing. While Amazon Web Services provide all sorts of APIs to extract raw data into CSV files (Cost & Usage Report), there were too many reports to compare to get actionable data. Prior to their investment in CloudForecast, they would often be surprised by cost overruns only when they got the monthly AWS bill. Also, it was not very easy to slice the CVS data to find the sources of the cost increase. It would have been cost-prohibitive and time-consuming to build a proper in-house reporting tool from all the Cost & Usage Report, and anything quick and dirty would have been a hack with limited usability.
The Screening Process
Brandon’s team surveyed the landscape of available tools, selecting four for evaluation. Their main requirement was that the tool provides the total daily and monthly spend in a simple and easy-to-understand manner — especially, as much of this data would be shared with C-levels in the organization. They didn’t need a lot of organizational tools and pay for features that might be more useful to a large enterprise.
Pricing was a major factor in their evaluation, but also the complexity that arises from too many features. Some of these offered far more features than Brandon’s team felt they would ever need. He says that CloudForecast’s AWS cost monitoring and reporting tool “..fits us to a tee. The tool makes it simple to let us know how much we are spending on AWS, the areas where we are spending, surfaces any cost increases and gives us a way to slice/dice our costs through our tags so that we can extrapolate our cost better.”
The Benefits Of Using CloudForecast
Coffee Meets Bagel found just the right amount of features in CloudForecast’s tool. “We wanted to make sure we would actually use the product and all the features. The product is simple and the daily cost reports we received are easy for me and my team to understand”, Brandon observes.
Brandon sends out two different AWS cost reports each day, via email and Slack, one to the engineering leads and another to himself and the CFO. Each report is built using CloudForecast’s custom report tool, tailored using cost tags to highlight those aspects that the recipients are responsible for, allowing them to react to any cost anomalies that day.
The engineering leads responsible for the data, which accounts for 60-70% of their monthly AWS spend, particularly appreciate this visualization and insight on their AWS usage. Prior to using CloudForcast, the data engineers would not have proactively used AWS Cost Explorer to check daily costs, or even monthly ones. “Now, with the daily cost reports from CloudForecast, I’ve had the data team leads message me noticing cost increases and catching them before I do,' Brandon observes.
For example, Brandon cites the case where the data leads noticed cost increases in AWS ECS usage because of the use of an old data model that was not being leveraged within their solution. Deprecating that model “saved us some money that would have been a recurring wasted cost had it not been caught earlier,” he said. Other examples of hidden costs include detecting zombie on-demand server instances not caught by the usual garbage collection tools, unnecessary large GPU on-demand instances, and unneeded “tests” when commiting code to GitHub in the staging process. Catching these early has saved them thousands of dollars per day.
With the straightforward visibility offered by CloudForecast, the engineers take greater ownership, responsibility and accountability for costs, a factor they have now added to their technical processes.
With CloudForecast, the CFO is now able to slice the data in different ways to better understand cost using novel, in-house metrics such as Revenue/Daily Active User and improve forecasts for AWS spend.
Saved us money that would have been a recurring wasted cost had it not been caught earlier.
Stephen Brandon, Manager of Engineering and Infrastructure
It takes a lot of time and effort to look at a company’s AWS infrastructure and check for situations that can cause unexpected or unintended cost spikes. With CloudForecast’s AWS cost monitoring tool, Coffee Meets Bagel has been able to catch these situations within a day, rather than wait for the surprise in the bill a month later.
A final note from Brandon: “You have probably paid for yourself 10 times over. I can’t put a number on it, but I know you have saved us at a minimum tens of thousands of dollars over the course of our engagement.”
You have probably paid for yourself 10 times over. I can't put a number on it, but I know you have saved us at a minimum tens of thousands of dollars.
Stephen Brandon, Manager of Engineering and Infrastructure
Coffee Meets Bagel Review
Is the Coffee Meets Bagel (CMB) dating app better or worse than other popular dating apps like Bumble or Tinder? How does Coffee Meets Bagel compare with these popular options?
We researched Coffee Meets Bagel and combed the internet for detailed user feedback and reviews. Here’s a quick but complete summary of our findings.
Bagel Meets Coffee App
How Does Coffee Meets Bagel Work?
Coffee Meets Bagel prides themselves on their algorithmic matching, and only handpicks a couple suggested users for you to like each day at noon.
Women only see users who have already liked them in their suggested list.
If you’re not into your suggestions, you can always browse through profiles in the “discover” tab of the app.
Does Coffee Meets Bagel Cost $?
How much does Coffee Meets Bagel cost? Nothing.
Coffee Meets Bagel is free to use, but like Tinder Plus and Bumble Boost, they offer a paid premium service with some extra perks (like increasing the amount of profiles you can like each day), and it costs from $20-$35/month. You’ll get the best deal on Premium if you commit to 6 months up front.
Like Bumble coins, CMB has their own in-app currency “beans” you’ll need to purchase to access premium and other perks. You can also earn free beans just by using the app.
Coffee Meets Bagel Dating App PROS
• Coffee Meets Bagel limits the amount of users you can like to five per day, which greatly discourages the swipe-now-look-later spirit of apps like Tinder. Thus, Coffee Meets Bagel attracts users who are more discerning and review whole profiles, not just pics.
• There are more women on the app than men. Coffee Meets Bagel has a ratio of about 60/40 women to men. This helps everyone out — women get to be more selective, and men don’t need to worry about competing with tons of other guys.
• CMB limits how long you can chat before setting up a date. You only have 7 days after matching to get to business and exchange info and/or plan an IRL meeting. This eliminates the who’s-going-to-make-the-first-move game, and cookie-jarring matches to hit up later.
Coffee Meets Bagel Dating App CONS
• Fewer opportunities for matching — Because CMB only shows users a handful of profiles each day, it can take longer than other apps to get matches. This longer process can feel discouraging for users who want a more min/max experience.
• There’s no desktop version of Coffee Meets Bagel.
• Some users have complained that not enough people are on the app, making high-quality match material more of a scarcity.
Overall Takeaway: ✔️
We can conclude our review by saying that Coffee Meets Bagel is a pretty cool dating app, and can be a refreshing change from the endless swiping game of Tinder and Bumble. We like CMB’s mentality that more doesn’t always equal better, and it can be a more fulfilling experience to carefully review a handful of profiles than swipe through hundreds.
How to Optimize Your Coffee Meets Bagel Profile?
Good pics.
Seriously, you can’t underestimate how much good pics matter, especially for apps that attract discerning users like Coffee Meets Bagel.
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With the wrong pics, you can end up with 0 matches. The right pics can change your dating life completely.
Test your dating pics on Photofeeler to make sure you’re using your best ones.
Coffee Meets Bagel Update
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vividracing · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-5-best-mods-for-brz-fr-s-86/
Top 5 Best Mods for BRZ/FR-S/86
The Subaru BRZ, Scion FR-S, and Toyota 86 offer some of the most fun you can have in a car for the money. While the three of them are extraordinarily similar, there are some differences that may draw enthusiasts more to one brand or the other. Regardless of your favorite, the trio boasts great value in terms of looks, performance, and customization options. Whether you are looking to keep it stock, lightly modify it, or make it into a serious build, there is no denying the potential of these modern, lightweight, nimble rear-wheel-drive cars. 
As car enthusiasts, we all know the desire to make our cars more “ours”. This can include little things like a vanity plate or decal to more expensive mods like custom wheels and a full widebody conversion. Luckily, there is an enormous aftermarket filled with all the parts you can dream of for your car. With so many choices out there, sometimes it can be tough to make a decision. That is why we have compiled the list below, breaking down some of the best modifications to make your BRZ/FR-S/86 stand out before the next car show, rally, or track day. 
#1 Suspension
As they say, “Need more low?” Well, there are several different suspension options for the Subaru BRZ, Scion FR-S, and Toyota 86 to eliminate wheel gap and give them a more aggressive stance overall. Our inventory of full-suspension systems and components includes air suspension, coilover springs, handling arms, shocks, lowering springs, sway bar links, struts, and more.
In the never-ending battle of style and performance, one of the main ways you can enhance both is by lowering your ride with coilovers or springs. While both essentially serve the same purpose, they do so in different ways that can result in distinct handling characteristics.
Lowering springs are very cost-effective. Like your factory springs, lowering springs are made to support the weight of your car and fit seamlessly in place of the originals with little to no modification necessary. You simply remove the old springs and swap in the new ones. The result is better handling, more stability, and less body roll in sharp corners. The only downside is you will experience a bit more of a harsher ride.
The term “coilover” is short for “coil spring over strut and is a more expensive alternative to lowering springs. With coilovers, your car’s entire shock/strut and spring combination are replaced with matched performance dampers and springs. Unlike lowering springs, coilovers offer a wider range of adjustability when it comes to ride height, shock damping, spring pre-load, and rebound. What’s more, most high-end coilover kits are lighter than the OE components they replace to reduce unsprung weight and improve handling attributes.
Shop Suspension Parts Here: 
Subaru BRZ
Scion FR-S
Toyota 86
#2 Aftermarket Wheels
After upgrading the suspension on your Subaru BRZ, Scion FR-S, or Toyota 86, you will want to swap out the original wheels with a new exciting set. Aftermarket wheels are a great way to customize your vehicle to your particular tastes with regard to style, size, and color. The possibilities are virtually limitless with hundreds of brands out there and thousands of combinations available. 
Original equipment wheels can be seen everywhere you go and can seem more like a cookie-cutter than a head-turner. Modifying your ride with a new pair of shoes can significantly change its appearance while adding your own individual flair. It may even win you some extra points at your next car show; just make sure they are spotless!
Although most people choose to customize their wheels for aesthetic reasons, they can also provide a number of performance benefits to your car. For one, custom aluminum alloy wheels weigh less than factory steel wheels. The reduced weight improves your car’s stopping ability, ultimately making it safer. The reduced unsprung rotational mass also improves acceleration time, vehicle handling, and maneuverability. These are all things to keep in mind while searching for a new set of wheels.
[It’s important to note that the Subaru BRZ, Scion FR-S, and Toyota 86 all use the 5×100 bolt pattern for wheels.]
Shop 5x100mm Aftermarket Wheels Here. 
#3 Aerodynamic Parts
When it comes to aerodynamic parts, there are a plethora of options out there from single components to full body kits and complete widebody conversions. Body kits are one of the easiest ways to add a unique look to yourSubaru BRZ, Scion FR-S, or Toyota 86 while also improving performance, efficiency, and functionality. No matter your preference or needs, one thing is for sure: aero parts are for both show and go. It’s important to note that many of these benefits may not be incredibly noticeable with everyday driving, but will prove to be advantageous for track days.
Front lip spoilers upgrade the look of your BRZ/FR-S/86 OE front end while also improving its stance and downforce. They encourage airflow to pass on the sides of the vehicle and over the hood, instead of underneath. This process improves overall traction and helps your car hug the road a bit tighter, thus delivering increased stability. Side skirts not only look great and tie the entire look together, but they also enhance the overall stability of your vehicle at high speeds. Like splitters, they are typically placed as low as possible to prevent high-pressure air from moving underneath the chassis. 
Rear spoilers are specifically designed to change the flow of air over the rear of your car by “spoiling” or nullifying unfavorable air and reducing drag. This can result in a boost in fuel efficiency too. The rear diffuser takes up a large portion of the underbody and is strategically shaped to create an area of increasingly large air volume below the rear of your BRZ/FR-S/86. This helps to accelerate the air under the vehicle, reducing pressure and consequently improving downforce too. 
Shop Aerodynamic Parts Here: 
Subaru BRZ
Scion FR-S
Toyota 86
#4 Cold Air Intakes
One of the most common places to start when modifying your Subaru BRZ, Scion FR-S, or Toyota 86 is by installing a cold air intake system. Replacing your vehicle’s restrictive air intake with an upgraded system is one of the least expensive ways to increase horsepower and performance.
While they won’t add as much power as other engine goodies, they will help in a number of other ways like improving airflow, lowering air temperatures, boosting acceleration response, and increasing fuel economy. What’s more, many of them can run for up to 100,000 miles before you need to service the filter. And, the filters only need to be cleaned every once in a while, depending on your usage.
To top that all off, a cold air intake system will give your BRZ/FR-S/86 a nice throaty growl that is sure to turn some heads and make you feel good each time you hit that gas pedal. It may seem like a minor mod, but it really does make quite the difference considering what you get for the value. It also makes your engine bay look that much better.
Truthfully, there are no real downsides to getting a CAI system for your BRZ/FRS-S/86. Each air intake system is different and will deliver varying levels of power gains and sound, so it’s important to keep that in mind when conducting your search.
Shop Cold Air Intakes Here: 
Subaru BRZ
Scion FR-S
Toyota 86
#5 Exhaust Systems
After upgrading the air intake system on your Subaru BRZ, Scion FR-S, or Toyota 86, the natural next step is to swap out the factory exhaust. The exhaust system is a crucial part of your vehicle; it helps to improve its overall performance, increase fuel efficiency, keep exhaust fumes at bay, and control the amount of noise both inside and outside the car.
An aftermarket performance exhaust can free up some of the power in your car’s engine. It allows for a quicker, more efficient path for exhaust gases to escape and lets your engine breathe better. An axle-back system works by replacing just the mufflers on your car. A catback system replaces your exhaust from the catalytic converters back, including the mufflers. You can also opt for a header-back, which replaces all of the stock components for the maximum benefit. 
An aftermarket exhaust can significantly improve your vehicle’s performance with fewer restrictions over the stock system. With that, comes newfound horsepower and torque figures as well as a tantalizing exhaust note that is just the cherry on top. An aftermarket exhaust will give your Subaru, Scion, or Toyota the sustainable power and torque it needs to succeed at your next track day. Not a racer? No worries. Changing out your exhaust is also a great way to take your vehicle’s appearance up a notch and give the competition something nice to look at.
There are many choices to make when searching for a new exhaust. Single or dual? Stainless or aluminized? Axle-back or catback? Ultimately, it’s up to you and what you need and expect from your car. We also carry individual components like headers, gaskets, heat shields, downpipes, Y-pipes, mid-pipes, mufflers, and more!
Shop Exhaust Here: 
Subaru BRZ
Scion FR-S
Toyota 86
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healthfoodbeauty · 4 years
24 Easy Tips to Lose Weight Without Exercise
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Easy tips to lose weight without exercise fast if you are tired of exercising. Keep diets, exercise a lot in order to lose weight and look much better and have a great figure. But sometimes it all gets boring and many just give up and then lose weight again then they regain the weight.
Can I lose weight without all these diets and workouts?
Of course, it can, each of us can if we pay a little more attention to some other important tips in everyday life. To lose weight, all you have to do is get rid of certain habits and replace them with healthy alternatives. How can you change your appearance and look and feel good with a little effort? Today we will show you 24 tips that will help you reach your desired goal, and that is a great figure and less weight.
1. Replace canned food with frozen food
Additional sugar and preservatives are added to the cans on one side, and they do not have many vitamins. On the other hand, frozen fruits and vegetables retain healthy elements and do not have additional ingredients that affect weight gain, more precisely, they will not make you fat.
2. Replace sugary sweet products with nuts and dried fruit
Replace cakes, pastries, and candies with dried fruit and nuts. This way you will successfully reduce your calorie intake.
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This will get rid of excess sugar.
3. Eat fruits with large seeds instead of small ones
This is very interesting and anyone can apply the following instructions so that you do not gain weight. Peaches, apricots, plums and similar fruits help today's purpose in this article. All those fruits that have a large seed in the center lower blood cholesterol levels. By consuming them, it is much easier to lose extra pounds and you will get the desired result.
4. Do not use the elevator or use it as little as possible to lose weight
If you stop using the elevator and start climbing stairs instead, you will lose weight. If you do this for only a month, you will feel the difference both in terms of health and in reducing the number of kilograms.
5. Tights instead of chips
Sitting in front of the TV and having to snack on something like everyone else we do? Instead, start by standing in front of the TV and practicing tights. This will replace the need to eat food with healthy sports activities and weight loss.
6. Replace high-calorie desserts with low-calorie desserts
If you want to lose weight, you also need to get rid of the extra calories you eat every day. Try consuming fruit yogurt, for example, to replace it with a healthy low-calorie fruit salad.
7. Avoid eating fatty sauces
For example, try replacing delicious mayonnaise with low-calorie sour cream.
8. Choose the right coffee to drink in the morning
Do a very simple thing, the favorite cappuccino or macchiato that contains a lot of fat from milk and sugars should be discarded or reduced. Try replacing it with regular black coffee.
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You will lose a lot of calories, and thus you will lose weight.
9. Snack always before the main meal
When you eat at restaurants, you can often burn up to 1,000 calories more than you need per day. But instead of eating fast fat, choose a salad, for example. Or, for example, eat only a few pieces of pizza, avoid it even though you want to eat it whole.
10. Aromatherapy is useful for weight loss
It is well known that different scents can increase your appetite. For example, the smell of bananas, apples or pears can reduce your appetite. Conversely, sweets can increase it.
11. Easy soup instead of eating a whole meal
If you are hungry, try to eat a bowl of soup, so you will be full. You will be satiated at the moment, and the result will be very quickly visible on your body. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.
12 Dilute the juice with a little water
Combine your favorite juice (half the usual amount) with plain or mineral water. That way you can lose up to 85 calories per cup and lose at least 2-3 pounds a year without exercising.
13 Study the composition of the product (declaration)
Have you ever thought that this sweet bag of snacks or the juice you just drink contains 250 calories? If you look more closely at the product declaration, you will easily get acquainted with all its ingredients. That way you will probably discover some more shocking information about the hidden sugars and additives that your body recognizes very well. All of these sugars help in weight gain.
14 Drink green tea before going for a walk
Caffeine helps release fatty acids that help burn fat more easily. When green tea polyphenols combined with caffeine, the effect will be even greater. But if you have high blood pressure, forget this advice and do not use it to lose weight.
15 Use more olive oil instead of butter
It may seem a little unbelievable, but the following advice is really helpful. When eating bread, apply olive oil rather than butter, but why is that? It is healthier to eat and will help you eat less. According to one study, respondents who soaked bread in olive oil consumed 52 fewer calories than those who used butter.
16 Sprinkle the cereal with flax seeds
Flax seeds can very successfully help reduce appetite and eliminate calories. Add them to your breakfast cereal and put them in yogurt before you start eating them. You can also bake healthy sesame and flax cookies and snack on them at any time of the day.
17 Lose your senses with candy
Bentonite from menthol or eucalyptus can deceive the sense of taste and thus instantly reduce the desire for food.
18 Season the meals
Add chili to your meals - it will help you not to eat too often.
19 Don't eat too much fruit for a salad
Instead of chopping or grinding them finely, break larger pieces of zucchini, celery, carrots and other products you want to make into a salad. It is very interesting and successfully helps in consuming fewer calories. You need to put more effort into chewing them so that you end up chewing more and eating less (no matter how amazing it sounds).
20 Buy smaller food packages
Although larger packages are cheaper, try to choose smaller boxes when you go shopping in the markets. The benefits are truly amazing, as one study found that you can eat as much as 44 percent less food.
21 Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day
Dehydration plays a very important role because it can slow down your metabolism by about 3%.
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Weight of 68 kilograms would mean about 45 calories less per day, which is a total of 2-3 extra pounds per year. Therefore, ingest and drink as much fluid as possible. The key is to actually increase your intake of foods that will help you burn fat. According to dietitian Dr. Wandy Basilian, the key to successful weight loss is in water. Specifically, consuming foods full of water, such as watermelon, cucumber, peppers, yogurt, eggs, and avocados.
22 Watermelon is a great solution
It is interesting how much watermelon works well on our body, so it is recommended to consume it in the summer months. Because it is abundant during that period and when it is an ideal substitute for all the snacks and sweets that they will eat. Because in that period it is in abundance and when it is an ideal substitute for all the snacks and sweets that you will eat during the day and night.
23 Eat hot peppers
Hot peppers affect metabolism by preventing overeating during lunch.
24 Eat eggs so you don't gain weight
Research shows that eggs play a significant role in weight loss. Numerous studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast consume less food during the day. https://youtu.be/mDHGaU_jGrQ If consumed in combination with avocados, it can be beneficial for the health of the body.
Final conclusion
We all want to be slim and with a great figure on our bodies. We exercise a lot, we keep rigorous diets and other activities to reach our goal. But always that is not very successful, ie after the diet, we easily regain the weight. In addition to exercise and dieting, there is something else that can help us, and that is the right diet. That is, pay attention to what and how much we eat during the day. In today's article, we have learned some tips on how to lose weight easily and without exercise. Just follow the tips and the result will come by itself, it will not be as fast as the diets but it will certainly have a result. Such dietary changes, along with changes in daily activities, will make it much easier to lose weight. Good luck to everyone and we hope that you will reach the desired figure of your body, less weight, and better health. Read the full article
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cyanochic · 7 years
My #1 Food Money Saving Tip
Are you trying desperately to save money on food? Are you trying to not eat out as much? Are you constantly fighting with a mental or physical illness that makes it hard to follow all those tips from blogs about making everything from scratch and meal prepping and having immense self control over food? This is a tip for you!! Go to the grocery store and buy whatever the eff you want. I'm serious. Frozen meals? Cool those are way cheaper than eating out some place every night (or most nights). Don't ever want to make ramen on the stove? Buy cups of noodles to just put hot water in. Want some cookies? BUY THEM. Buy 10 packs of Oreos. Buy that $4 salad. Buy 20 boxes of mac and cheese. The first step to saving money on food is just having food in the house to keep yourself from going out. I know that if I keep corn dogs in the house I won't go to Taco Bell on the way home. So even if I spend $200 on groceries for myself in a month, it's still way cheaper than if I went out to eat even once a week. Surprisingly, you'll probably be eating at least minimally healthier this way too. You'll probably eat fewer calories than if you want out to eat more. Also, maybe slightly less processed food and such even if you don't try to be healthy about what you buy. Bonus Round: Money, transportaion, abilities, etc willing - try going grocery shopping in big trips! Your cart can only get so full (a full cart for me lands around $150-$200 and lasts a month) and thus you can only impulse buy so much. The less you go, the less extra impulse buying. Disclaimer: I know this won't work with every situation. Money, disabilities, and other situations may lead to this not being as helpful as it is to others. I hope this helps some people though!
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nutratimesgarcinia · 4 years
Utterly Butterly Peanut Butter can slim you down too!
The very word ‘butter’ may repel a dedicated weight watcher and make him or her reject peanut butter for weight loss outright. But recent findings reveal that consuming peanut butter can actually make you shed your extra pounds quite contrary to the common belief that peanut butter makes you fat. Research tells that mono-saturated fats present in peanuts can help you lose weight in a healthy way.
What is Peanut Butter?
Best healthy peanut butter is a nut butter that can be obtained from ‘peanuts’ popularly referred to as ‘mungifali’ in India. Peanut butter varies in texture from chunky to smooth creamy. Best peanut butter is the one that you can prepare at home from roasted, dry peanuts. Homemade peanut butter will generally be free from unwanted additives such as salt, sweeteners or emulsifiers. Peanut butter is rich in proteins and healthy fats and is considered as a healthy alternative to conventional dairy butter. Peanut butter is widely used as a healthy, non-fattening spread by the weight watchers worldwide.
History of Peanut Butter
Marcellus Gilmore Edson; a Canadian is the man behind the concept of peanut butter. Edson prepared ‘peanut paste’ in the year 1884. He did so by milling the roasted, dry peanuts by placing them in between two heated plates. Later, in 1895 the process was patented by John Harvey Kellogg in U.S and that is how peanut butter has become a nutritious, tasty staple in almost all American households. In the recent times, peanut butter is also a staple in many Indian households. These days, many fitness-conscious Indians make sure to consume peanut butter regularly in order to stay healthy & shed their pounds.
Homemade Peanut butter recipe for weight loss is one of the easiest as well as cheap nut butter recipes when compared to the store bought ones.
Steps for preparing peanut butter at home:
1.     Purchase shelled peanuts
2.     Remove shells and dry roast the peanuts
3.     Put roasted peanuts in food processor and run the food processor
4.     Make sure to scrape the sides of the processor frequently to get a smooth, creamy consistency of peanut butter.
5.     You can add salt or honey as sweetener to your peanut butter. When you are preparing peanut butter at home the best part of it is that you can adjust the saltiness or sweetness of the peanut butter as per your taste and preferences.
6.     Also, while running the food processor you need to add oil to the butter occasionally. Adding oil to peanut butter will make it luxuriously smooth and creamy.
How does peanut butter help in weight loss?
Peanut butter benefits weight loss are many. Peanut butter can aid your weight loss journey in the following ways:
1.Peanut butter contains healthy, mono-saturated fats. Monosaturated fat is different from trans-fat or saturated fat. Trans fat and saturated fat are unhealthy, fattening and heart damaging. Mono-saturated fat, on the other hand, can help in boosting brain health, in boosting overall functioning of body and in absorption of vital fat-soluble vitamins. Thus, peanut butter has an important role to play in supporting your weight loss endeavors.
2. Peanut butter is delicious and filling. Peanut butter can prevent cravings and rage for fattening junk foods. That peanut butter can promote slimming the healthy way.
3.According to research Peanut butter can check sudden sugar crashes or spikes thereby stopping you from binge eating. That aids you in keeping your calorie intake in control.
4. Peanut butter, being rich in proteins and fiber can satiate your hunger and make you consume fewer calories. In other words, if you consume 1 tsp of peanut butter daily you’ll not feel much hungry and will not overeat.
5. Peanut butter is nutrient dense. The nutrients in peanut butter can give you the much needed nutritional backup for healthy weight loss.
Choosing Peanut Butter for Weight Loss: Some Helpful Tips
1.Opt for pre-portioned peanut butter packages. Pre-portioned squeeze-out packs can stop you from over consuming the calorie rich peanut butter. These are portion controlled packs that allow you to consume peanut butter in moderation.
2.Consuming peanut butter for weight loss is a tricky enough thing. You need to consume peanut butter in a way that keeps your weight in check. If you want to lose weight by consuming peanut butter and managing the future calories in a better way, you need to consume peanut butter wisely.
3 If you are opting for store-bought peanut butter, go for the ones that are labeled as ‘all-natural’. ‘Natural’ peanut butter is rich in monosaturated fats and is free from hydrogenated oils and added syrups. However, when you are using homemade peanut butter, you need not remove the extra oil settled atop the butter. That oil is actually the monosaturated fat present naturally in peanut butter and is a healthy alternative to harmful fats.
4 Before consuming peanut butter you need to give the jar a vigorous stir so as to get the maximum benefits out of it.
Peanut Butter Recipes for weight loss
Here are some healthy peanut butter based recipes for weight loss…Read on:
1 Green Apple Salad with peanut butter
Sliced green apple wedges smeared with peanut butter and topped with roasted crunchy oats can make a wonderful snack that’s both healthy and filling.
2 Oats-Peanut Butter Cookies
These healthy cookies are made from crunchy, fiber loaded oats flour, unrefined wheat flour, Jaggery and peanut butter. The cookies are flavored with a pinch of cardamom. You could also use flavoring agents like Vanilla essence to add to the taste and flavor of the cookies. When hunger pangs strike, the oats-peanut butter cookies can be an effective hunger satiating snack.
3 Greek Yoghurt- Peanut Butter Smoothie
Greek Yoghurt-Peanut Butter Smoothie is made from the combination of Greek Yoghurt and Peanut Butter. You may also add almond milk to the smoothie to enhance its taste and richness. A pinch of cardamom powder, jaggery and few strands of saffron may be used in the smoothie to make it a perfect meal replacement shake.
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TDEE 101: How Many Energy Ought to I Eat?
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If you wish to be taught precisely what TDEE is, why it issues, and what number of energy you have to be consuming. Then it is advisable to learn this text. Because you're studying this, odds are need to lose fats, or construct muscle. And if you happen to're like most individuals, you have heard a whole lot of conflicting weight-reduction plan recommendation. It looks as if in every single place you look, persons are telling you what or whenit is best to eat. As an example, you may see Terry Crews rave concerning the wonders of intermittent fasting. Or, you could learn articles concerning the 25 greatest fat-burning meals. However then, you may discover that The Rock appears to be like nice consuming 7 meals a day. Or that some individuals reduce weight consuming nothinghowever cookies..What provides? How might all these individuals look so nice, on such totally different diets? And why have not you figured it out but? Effectively, what if I informed you that every one the weight-reduction plan recommendation you have heard earlier than, is trulynonsense? That basically, in the long run, none of that issues. And that to have your dream physique, all you ever must know, is onequantity. Effectively, that might be true, for probably the most half. And this "magical quantity" is your TDEE. That's, the variety of energy that you simply burn every day. So, you could be pondering, how can I discover my TDEE? Or higher but, how can TDEE assist me get to my dream physique? Effectively, right here we inform you all about TDEE. Plus how you should use it to shed fats or acquire dimension. And actually, you can begin by calculating your TDEE under: TDEE CALCULATOR **Notice, as a result of overwhelming visitors on the article, the TDEE calculator appears to be bugging out for a lot of readers and will not be seen. We're within the means of fixing this - within the meantime, take pleasure in the remainder of the article! Hold the above numbers you have calculated in thoughts. As we'll now undergo precisely what every of those phrases imply and the way we decided them for you. WHAT IS TDEE?  TDEE stands for "Whole Each day Power Expenditure." In short, TDEE is the variety of energy you burn every day.  To begin off, energy are a fundamental unit of power. We burn energy each time we breath, and absorb energy every time we eat. Now, the variety of energy you burn every day varies. Since your TDEE relies on how a lot you progress, how a lot you eat, and what number of energy you burn at relaxation. However on common, you burn some variety of energy per day. And that is what we name your TDEE.  Why must you care about your TDEE although? WHY TDEE MATTERS SO MUCH Effectively, as a result of if you wish to lose fats, then you should eat lower than your TDEE. And on the flip facet, if you wish to construct muscle, it is best to eat (a bit) greater than your TDEE. Therefore why understanding your TDEE issues a lot. Because it tells you simply what number of energy that it is best to eat to both drop fats or construct muscle. (Or, in some circumstances, each.) And later we'll present you the way you should use your TDEE to form your physique. However first, let's look into the principle elements that make up and alter your TDEE:
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/img] COMPONENTS OF TDEE  Let's begin off along with your resting power output, or "BMR": BMR Basal metabolic price, or BMR, is the variety of energy you burn at relaxation in a day. Or in different phrases, it is your each day calorie expenditure if you happen to have been to do nothing - no consuming or transferring, simply respiratory. In essence, BMR is the variety of energy you burn to keep up fundamental bodily capabilities. , those that preserve you alive. Like pumping blood to your coronary heart, as an illustration. Now, think about waking up one morning, laying in mattress all day, and falling asleep once more that evening. The entire time, not transferring in any respect . Effectively on this case, the variety of energy you'll burn is your BMR. And of word, BMR makes up most of your TDEE. Since actually, it accounts for ~ 50-75% of your each day power expenditure:
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However with that stated, BMR varies fairly a bit between individuals; by ~250 energy per dayon common. Therefore, your pal's TDEE could also be method totally different than your TDEE. Which issues loads, since particular person variation modifications the variety of energy that you will must eat to construct muscle or lose fats. And so we'll talk about how that applies to you in additional element later. TEF The thermic impact of meals, or TEF, is the variety of energy you burn to digest and soak up meals. However that is also called DIT, or diet-induced thermogenesis. In short, the TEF accounts for each calorie you burn to interrupt down the meals you eat. And typically, based mostly on averages, we assume that TEF is a continuing at ~10%of your TDEE.
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Which does is sensible, for the reason that TEF tends to account for ~8- 20% of the energy you eat. So, if you happen to eat 2,000 energy per day, you may burn ~260of these energy via digestion. And if we guess that you simply burn say, 2,100 energy per day, then this could be ~12% of your TDEE. However word, the TEF is bigger for blended meals, and larger in lean individuals 2, 3, 4]. Thus, you mightburn as a lot as 25%of the energy you eat simply via digestion. And lastly, the TEF tends to be probably the most fixed a part of your TDEE. However that is in stark distinction to our ultimate element of TDEE: AEE Exercise power expenditure, or AEE, is the variety of energy you burn via motion. You see, each time you progress, you burn energy. And all that power burned whereas transferring provides to your AEE. However actually, you'll be able to enhance your AEE with out transferring in any respect. Simply by standing, as an alternative of sitting, you may burn a couple of further energy.
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Discover, several types of motion can change AEE by kind of. So that you see, exercise power expenditure can fluctuate a ton between individuals. Because it accounts for anyplace from ~5%, all the best way as much as 40% of your TDEE. Which is clearly an enormous vary.
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See how TDEE, BMR, TEF, and AEE fluctuate fairly a bit between individuals. As some burn simply 1,500 energy per day. However but, others burn over 3,500. Additionally, word that a few of us burn extra energy via train, after which nonetheless burn fewer energy in a day. AEE accounts for all of the energy you burn via train, in addition to these burned via regular motion. That's, any energy you burn whereas washing the dishes, operating on the health club, and/or strolling to your automobile. Thus, it may be additional damaged down into EAT and NEAT: EAT EAT stands for "train exercise thermogenesis." Which accounts for all the energy you burn via deliberate train. After all, each coaching session burns energy. And so all train might help enhance your EAT.  Therefore, the extra you train, the extra energy you burn via EAT. As an example, in some athletes, EAT could make up as a lot as 15-30% of TDEE. However word, extra EAT will not all the time assist enhance your each day calorie expenditure by a lot. As typically, it accounts for simply ~5percentof our TDEE. Which is as a result of many people do not train a ton. NEAT NEAT, or "non-exercise exercise thermogenesis," is the least consistentpart of your TDEE. Because it accounts for all of the energy you burn via unplanned motion. Which, for instance, can embrace strolling your canine, scratching your again, or typing on the pc. Thus, all of the energy you burn via unplanned exercise, add to your NEAT. And so NEAT goes up whenever you fidget and/or transfer round loads in a day. Now if you happen to're sedentary, as an illustration, then NEAT may solely make up 6-10% of your each day power expenditure. However if you happen to transfer round way more,then NEAT can add as much as books/NBK279077/]over 50%of your TDEE. For instance, building employees are inclined to burn many extra energy via NEAT. A minimum of, when in comparison with the typical desk-worker:
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So, as pictured, an office-worker might burn simply 800 energy in NEAT. But then again, a building employee may burn over 2,000 energyper day via NEAT. And this reveals how the variety of energy it is advisable to lose fats or construct muscle will be method totally different from another person. That's, even if you happen to each weigh the identical, or have the identical quantity of muscle mass. However now, we have proven you all that goes into your TDEE. So let's transfer on to the various elements that may assist change yourTDEE. SUMMARY: TDEE stands for "complete each day power expenditure." Which is the variety of energy you burn every day. And your TDEE has Three parts: BMR, TEF, and AEE. BMR is the variety of energy you burn at relaxation every day. However sadly, you'll be able to't enhance your BMR by all that a lot. Subsequent, the TEF is the variety of energy you burn to interrupt down all of the meals you eat. So, whenever you eat extra energy, the TEF goes up. And lastly, your AEE is the variety of energy you burn via motion every day. Therefore, the extra you progress in a day, the extra energy you burn via AEE.
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WHAT DETERMINES YOUR TDEE?  For our calculator, you have put in your age, gender, weight, top, and exercise degree. As these are all of the elements that assist us predict your TDEE. And as you now know, these variables can change your TDEE by fairly a bit. Therefore, your calorie wants could also be method larger or decrease than another person's. Let's begin with age: AGE To begin out, your age performs a small function in your TDEE. On the whole, the older you might be, the decrease your BMR. And the decrease your BMR, the decrease your TDEE (most often).  Sadly, whenever you grow old, you burn fewer energy. That's, even on the identical physique weight and train degree, your TDEE is decrease. That is all as a result of lean mass burns energy . And since you are inclined to lose lean mass with age. So all informed, as you grow old, your TDEE might drop. GENDER  However, there's much more to TDEE than simply age. As as an illustration, your intercourse performs an enormous function in TDEE. The truth is, for the identical physique weight, age, and exercise degree, a male has a better TDEE than a feminine. Which is true as a result of ladies have ~12% larger physique fats levelsthan males. Thus, for a similar physique weight, a feminine has much less lean mass than a male. For instance, a 200-pound feminine may need ~24 kilos (11 kg) much less lean mass than a male of the identical weight. Now, that is a whole lot of lean mass, which burns extra energy than fats. And so males are inclined to burn extra energy than ladies. BODY SIZE   However extra so than the rest, your TDEE tends to scale with physique dimension. Therefore, your top and weightfactor into the TDEE equation as nicely. To be clear, the larger you might be, the upper your TDEE.  Partially, as a result of it burns extra energy to maneuvera bigger physique. However primarily as a result of greater individuals have extra lean mass. And lean mass burns many energy. So the extra lean mass you've, the extra energy you burnin a day. Therefore, greater individuals are inclined to burn extracalories- even when they're excessive in physique fats. Since whenever you acquire fats, you gainsome lean mass as nicely. Which helps enhance your TDEE. So all informed, whereas age, gender, and bodily exercise nonetheless matter, they don't seem to be the principle elements for TDEE. As in the long run, your TDEE largely relies on how a lot lean mass you've2]. Usually, lean physique mass makes up 50-75% of your power expenditure . That's, greater than half of the energy you burn in a day. And that explains why we would have liked an estimate of your present physique fats %. Since that offers us the data we have to predict your lean physique mass. Which permits us to foretell your TDEE with extra accuracy. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY  And lastly, your bodily exercise degree can change your TDEE. Since, in fact, you burn extra energy whenever you transfer extra. In short, the extra you progress, the upper your TDEE. however the impact is small and varies loads. Which is partially why understanding your TDEE is so essential. I imply, for one, you simply do not burn off that many energy whenever you train extra. HOW MANY CALORIES DOES EXERCISE BURN? To begin off, a bodybuilding-style exercise might burn simply ~ 75 energy. Plus, typically, you burn a couple of hundredcalories for each hour of cardio. Then, strolling a mile burns ~80 energy, and climbing up 11 flooring of stairs burns 20 energy. Though, that is not all the time true. Since for instance, intense "circuit-style" weight lifting can burn ~ 265 energy in 30 minutes. And this is not too far off from "laborious" cardio, which burns ~ 280 energy in that point. However more often than not, lifting and cardio will not burn this many energy. So, cardio might burn much less power than you anticipated. However you reallyburn evenfewer furtherenergy whenever you transfer extra. Give it some thought like this: On most days, you may burn ~60 energy per hour simply residing your life. Therefore, ifyou take an hour to burn 200 energy, then it will not add 200 energy to your TDEE. Moderately, it will enhance yourTDEE by simply ~140 energy. Since you do not get so as to add an additional hour to your day. However additional, whenever you train extra, you might not burn extra energy in any respect . Let me clarify: WHY EXERCISE MAY NOT BOOST YOUR TDEE Whereas cardio tends to assist us burn extra energy, it would not assist all of us . As actually, a few of us burn even fewer calories once we train extra. And this is why: You see, most individuals end a cardio exercise, then simply stick with it as common. That's, with no main modifications of their regular NEAT ranges. And so, most often, cardio helps you burn extra energy. However on the flip facet, some individuals transfer round loads much less(i.e. get "lazier") after a exercise 2, pubmed/26702387]3, pubmed/22855277]4,5, pubmed/10400132]6, pubmed/14707013]7,8, pmc/articles/PMC5731706/]9]. Thus, their NEAT ranges drop, they usually burn fewer energy after they prepare extra. So all informed, if train turns you right into a sloth (e.g. you get "lazier" for the remainder of the day), then laborious exercises might not show you how to burn extra energy.And thus, whereas it may possibly enhance your TDEE, cardio is not very dependable. Because it will not all the time show you how to transfer extra in a day. Which is why it is advisable to discover out your TDEE. Train solely helps a lot.  SUMMARY: Your age, intercourse, physique dimension, and bodily exercise degree every issue into your TDEE. The older you might be, the less energy you burn. Plus, the bigger your physique (in top/weight), the upper your TDEE. And additional, males burn extra energy than females. Then, the extra you progress every day, the extra energy you burn. However train simply would not burn all that many energy. Plus, extra train will not all the time enhance your TDEE. Therefore, including train to a foul weight-reduction plan will not get you very far. And to make regular progress, you may should know what number of energy it is best to eat daily. Or briefly, you may want to seek out out your TDEE.
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*NOTE: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND OUR TDEE CALCULATOR  As you have simply discovered, your lean physique mass is the principle issue that helps decide your TDEE. Or in different phrases, the extra lean physique mass you've, the extra energy you burn.  With that in thoughts, our calorie calculator makes use of the Katch-McArdle system. Because the Katch system relies on your lean physique mass most of all. So whenever you put in your physique fats %, we are able to then decide how a lot lean mass you've. And once we understand how a lot lean mass you've, we are able to higher estimate your each day calorie wants. Aside from lean mass acquire, bodily exercise might help enhance your TDEE as nicely. Because the extra you progress, the extra energy you burn. And as such, the Katch system makes use of an "exercise multiplier", which adjusts on your bodily exercise degree: THE KATCH-MCARDLE ACTIVITY MULTIPLIER The Katch-McArdle exercise multiplier ranges from 1.2 to 1.9 - as follows: 1.2 = Sedentary (little or no train) 1.375 = Frivolously lively (1 to three hours of train or sports activities per week) 1.55 = Reasonably lively (Four to six hours of train or sports activities per week) 1.725 = Very lively (7 to 9 hours of train or sports activities per week) 1.9 = Extremely lively (10+ hours of train or sports activities per week) So all informed, if you happen to burn 2,200 energy per day when "sedentary," then transferring as much as "frivolously lively" would enhance your TDEE by 320 energy. Thus, your new TDEE can be 2,520 energy per day. Then, going from "frivolously lively" to "reasonably lively" would convey your TDEE as much as 2,840 energy. That's, up by 320 extra energy/day. However wait! There's an issue.As most of us transfer loads much less than we might predict. Certainly, we will be fairly dangerous at predicting our each day motion ranges 2, 4, . Or briefly, most of us overestimateour bodily exercise degree 2, Now, if you happen to overestimate your exercise degree, then you would wind up overeating. Which might result in extra fats acquire than you need. And sadly, that pubmed/23679146]will not assist enhance muscle acquire by mucheither So to keep away from further fats acquire, assess your common weekly exercise ranges carefully. As you may need to just remember to choose the appropriate exercise setting!  In essence, it is best to choose the setting that greatest represents your true bodily exercise degree. That's, how lively you might be on a constant foundation. Not simply what you may do on a "good week." SUMMARY: Your TDEE largely relies on how a lot lean physique mass you've. That's, the extra lean mass you've, the extra energy you are inclined to burn. However then, motion can add to your each day calorie expenditure too. Thus, the extra you progress, the upper your TDEE. And so, our calorie calculator makes use of the Katch-McArdle exercise multiplier (scaled from 1.2-1.9). In short, we multiply your BMR by your (chosen) exercise degree. Which is what we have to predict your TDEE. However, there's a downside. As most of us have a tendency to maneuver far much less than we might guess. So it is best to carefully contemplate your each day motion degree earlier than you select an exercise setting. Since this can show you how to keep away from further fats acquire or gradual weight reduction. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER  If you wish to remodel your physique, placed on dimension, and drop physique fats, you then'll should know your TDEE. And the higher you'll be able to nail down your TDEE, the higher you'll be able to construct muscle and lose fats. However fortunately, assuming that you simply used our calculator, your TDEE..Proper? Effectively, not likely. At this level, you sort of knowyour TDEE. Since, to be trustworthy, our calculator simply gave you a tough estimate. And consider it or not, that is advantageous. As we'll now inform you how you will discover your trueTDEE: DETERMINING YOUR TRUE TDEE  Utilizing our calculator (above), you have now discovered your TDEE. However this is the catch: The quantity you bought again might not match your true TDEE.  When it is all stated and achieved, this calculator - any on-line calculator - can solely guesswhat number of energy you burn every day. And whereas our calculator provides out a very good estimate on common, it will not be proper for you. For instance, in (muscular) weight-lifters,each singleTDEE system underestimated BMR. However worse, all of them missed the mark by over 375 energy per day. .thus, TDEE calculators can solely guesswhat number of energy you burn in a day. As yourcalorie wants are distinctive to you WHY OUR CALCULATOR STILL WORKS However with that stated, this calculator does provide you with a very good, ballpark determine. And so it can assist you get to your objective weight sooner. Thus, our prompt calorie goal will not be best, however it's shut sufficient. Plus, if even our guess is off by a couple of hundred energy per day, you may nonetheless be capable to make good progress. So all informed, you ought to use the quantity that our calculator gave you - not less than to begin out with.  Then, as time goes on, you may need to change your calorie consumption based mostly in your outcomes. That's, based mostly on modifications in your physique weight over time. However if you wish to achieve this, you may first want to trace how a lot you eat, and the way a lot you weigh. As whenever you monitor these variables, you'll be able to inform in case your true TDEE matches our estimate. And if our guess was off, then you'll be able to regulate to seek out your true TDEE in the long run. Now, if you happen to're confused, don't fret. We'll assist clear issues up with some good examples within the sections under. So learn on to be taught what number of energy it is best to eat, based mostly in your foremost objective. SUMMARY: An internet calculator can solely guess your TDEE. And it will not all the time be correct. Since everybody's TDEE is exclusive to them. However with that stated, our calculator may give you a very good start line. Because the quantity you bought again remains to be shut sufficient to your true TDEE. Now, in time, you'll be able to alter your calorie consumption based mostly on how your physique weight modifications. However you may first want to trace weight and calorie consumption for not less than a couple of weeks. So learn on to learn the way.
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So.HOW MANY CALORIES SHOULD I EAT?  At this level, you've a very good estimate of your TDEE, and a few background on what goes into it. Plus, why the TDEE you bought again will not be 100% on level. However now, for the true query: what number of energy ought to I eat in a day? Ultimately, yourbest calorie consumption will fluctuate, based mostly in your objectives. However in any case, power steadiness applies. And briefly, this is what power steadiness tells us: You will should burn extra energy than you eat if you wish to reduce weight. And vice versa.  So, if you wish to reduce weight, then it is best to eat fewer energy than your TDEE. However on the flip facet, if you wish to acquire weight, it is best to eat greater than your TDEE. Or, if you happen to like your physique as is, then eat sufficient to roughly match your each day power expenditure. And now, we'll present you step-by-step tips on how to use this text and TDEE calculator to seek out out EXACTLY what number of energy it is best to eat. For both muscle progress, or fats loss. 1) FAT LOSS: WHAT'S REASONABLE? So, you've your prompt calorie consumption for weight reduction. Which is nice. However now you could be left pondering: How briskly ought to I intention to lose fats? Effectively, all informed, your best price of weight reduction relies on your start line: YOUR STARTING POINT:  In short, your start line relies on how a lot physique fats you've proper now. To be clear, the upper you might be in physique fats, the sooner you'll be able to lose fats with out risking muscle loss.  Now, to find out particular charges of weight reduction, a 2005 studyshowed us that every pound of fats can launch as much as ~31 energy per day. However word, the lead creator received this calculation unsuitable. And he later stated that the true quantity was extra like ~22 energy per day. Which signifies that every pound of your physique fats can launch nearer to ~22 energy per day. So fortunately for us, Greg Nuckols used this findingto create a fundamental weight reduction system: To find out your best weekly % price of weight reduction, simply take your physique fats % and divide it by 20. FIND YOUR IDEAL RATE OF WEIGHT LOSS For instance, if you happen to're 16% physique fats, you'll be able to "safely" lose ~0.8% of your physique weight per week. Then, if you happen to weigh 180 kilos (82 kg), this 0.8% of your physique weight means dropping ~1.44 lbs (.65 kg) per week. However in one other case, if you happen to're 180 kilos (82 kg) at 10% physique fats, it is best to reduce weight slower. As now, if we take your bf%/20,you'll be able to safely lose simply ~0.5% of your physique weight. Which is way much less weight reduction; simply ~0.9 lbs (0.Four kg) per week. So if we assume that there are ~3,500 energy in a pound of physique fats, you'll be able to then set your calorie consumption to hit your goal price of weight reduction. Notice: Our calculator has achieved that for you.  And if that every one appears laborious, then no worries. This "physique fats % over 20" rule will be damaged down a bit extra: lose 0.5-1.0% of your physique weight per week.
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As an example, Dave begins his lower at 20% physique fats. At first, he goals to lose 1% of his physique weight per week. And some months later, Dave is simply 13% physique fats. However since he is leaner now, he ought to lower extra slowly. This time, dropping simply ~0.7% of his physique weight per week. Subsequent, in a couple of extra weeks, he's approaching 10% physique fats. So to play it protected, Dave ought to solely lose ~0.5% of his physique weight per week. Thus, the leaner you get, the slower your best price of weight reduction. And lastly, if you happen to're overweight (very excessive in physique fats), you would get by on a sooner price of weight reduction. For instance, as much as ~1.5% of your physique weight per week. However shedding pounds this quick could also be laborious. Because you'd should sustain a really low-calorie weight-reduction plan for a while. MAKING ADJUSTMENTS TO FIND YOUR TRUE TDEE:  Our calculator's prompt calorie consumption ought to show you how to hit your objective price of weight reduction. But, you willwant to trace your physique weight over time. As to be certainthat you simply lose fats on course. And if you happen to're not on monitor along with your weekly weight reduction objective, then it is best to regulate your energy over time. To be clear: Should you've misplaced weight too slowly relative to your weekly objective, then lower ~100 energy. For instance, go from 2,300 to 2,200 energy per day, then see how your weight responds that week. And if weight reduction hastens, simply preserve consuming 2,200 energy per day. Should you've misplaced weight too quick , then enhance your calorie consumption by ~100 energy. Relying on how briskly you are shedding pounds. As an example, go from 2,300 to 2,400 energy per day to decelerate your weight reduction. Then, repeat this course of till you begin to reduce weight at a very good price (e.g. 0.5-1% of your weight per week). And just remember to do not make any of those widespread weight reduction errors. PRACTICAL EXAMPLE: Charlie is a 180-pound male at 15% physique fats. And he desires to drop 10 lbs. Such as you, Charlie used this calculator to seek out his TDEE: 2,500 energy. Then he picked the "fats loss" choice, which informed him to eat 2,000 energy per day. Now, after consuming 2,000 energy per day for Three weeks, Charlie expects ~Three lbs of weight reduction (1 lb of weight reduction per week). However, he is solely misplaced 1 lb. Thus, his weight hasn't dropped as deliberate, and he is now 2 lbs wanting his objective. So to hurry issues up, he drops to 1,900 energy per day, then continues to weigh in each day. After 2 extra weeks on decrease energy, Charlie begins to make good progress. Since now he loses ~1 pound every week on common. Happy together with his outcomes, he retains up the 1,900-calorie weight-reduction plan. And shortly, he reaches his objective weight of 170 lbs. As you'll be able to see, the calorie calculator received Charlie's TDEE unsuitable. But, Charlie tracked his energy and physique weight over time. Therefore, he was in a position to regulate his calorie consumption as wanted. Which in the long run, received him all the best way all the way down to his objective weight. So bear in mind, this TDEE calculator can solely provide you with a tough start line. Then, it is on you to look at your weight and regulate your energy over time. That's, except you rent a coach that can assist you alongside.
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SUMMARY: On the whole, intention to lose 0.5-1% of your physique weight per week. Dropping extra like 1% if you happen to're at a better physique fats (e.g. ~25% physique fats), and extra like 0.5% if you happen to're leaner (e.g. ~10% physique fats). However do not lower any sooner than this, as you may threat muscle loss. Particularly if you happen to're lean. Our calculator's prompt calorie consumption helps you hit this price of weight reduction. Then, to be certain you lose as deliberate, simply monitor your physique weight over time and regulate your energy as wanted. Should you do not reduce weight as deliberate, then lower 100 energy. However if you happen to reduce weight too quick, then add 100 energy to your weight-reduction plan. Then carry on watching your weight over time. And lastly, regulate once more if wanted. Subsequent, if you happen to make good progress at this new calorie degree, simply preserve it going. And if not, then repeat the above adjustment course of. 2) MUSCLE GAIN: HOW FAST CAN YOU GROW?  Now, as an example you are on the opposite finish of the spectrum. And so that you need to add dimension or construct muscle. Effectively, your objective price of weight acquire will rely in your present physique fats degree and coaching standing. CURRENT BODY FAT LEVEL:  On the whole, if you happen to're lean, you are extra more likely to profit from a bulk. That's, consuming extra energy than you burn. As to assist your muscle groups get well sooner from coaching and develop again stronger. To construct as a lot muscle as attainable, you have to be in a calorie surplus . Or in different phrases, your muscle groups will develop sooner whenever you're gaining weight. Now with that stated, you can nonetheless construct (or not less than preserve) muscle mass as you lose fats. But, you will not be capable to construct muscle fairly as quick as you would with a calorie surplus. .However word, in observe, it simply would not make sense to realize weight if you happen to're obese or overweight. You see, bulking up whenever you're obese could also be much less environment friendly. Since individuals at a better physique fats construct much less lean mass per unit weight acquire . And extra importantly, in case your weight will get too excessive, you may want an extended weight-reduction plan to "reveal" your good points. So, as a basic rule, do not bulk whenever you're larger than ~15-16% physique fats. Until you need to appear to be a sumo wrestler, that's. In any other case,consuming on the proper calorie surplus ("bulking") can show you how to attain your objectives sooner. However, how rapidly must you intention to realize weight? And what is the best calorie surplus? Learn on for extra: TRAINING STATUS:  Should you're a novicelifter, you'll be able to bulk up at a sooner price. Since you'll be able to construct extra muscle mass as a novice. For instance, the typical new lifter can acquire ~Three kilos of muscle (1.36 kg) monthly . However as an intermediatelifter, you'll be able to't acquire muscle fairly as rapidly. Though, you cannonetheless acquire a very good little bit of muscle in time. Thus, as an intermediate, it is best to acquire ~1.5-2 kilos (.68-.91 kg) monthly when bulking. And lastly, as an superiorlifter, muscle progress may be very gradual. You cannonetheless develop, however a lot slower than you used to. Therefore, to keep away from including a number of further fats, superior lifters ought to acquire ~1 pound (.45 kg) monthly when bulking. So all informed: As a beginner or novice lifter (lower than 1 yr of constant weight lifting), intention to realize roughly 3-Four lbs a month Then, as a extra intermediate lifter (1-Three years of constant weight lifting), intention to realize roughly 1.5-2 lbs a month Later, as a extra superior lifter (3+ years of constant weight lifting), intention to realize roughly 1 lb a month *Notice: Our TDEE calculator takes these weight acquire targets into consideration when figuring out your best calorie consumption. Therefore why we ask on your coaching standing. And word, ladies may need to acquire weight a bit slower. Say, at possibly half this price. 
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Notice: ladies may need to acquire weight slower. MAKING ADJUSTMENTS TO FIND YOUR TRUE TDEE:  Once more, as with the fats loss situation, our calculator provides you what it thinks your calorie consumption ought to be. Primarily based on each the stats you gave it, and your objective. However, this calorie quantity will not be 100% proper. And the one technique to discover out is by placing it into observe. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor your outcomes, then regulate calorie consumption as wanted. As an example: If you have gained weight too slowly relative to your goal, then add ~100 energy. For instance, go from 2,400 to 2,500 energy per day, then preserve watching your weight. Subsequent, if weight acquire then speeds as much as a very good price, simply preserve consuming 2,500 energy per day. And if not, then add one other 100 energy. If you have gained weight too quick , then lower ~100-200 energy. Relying on how way more weight you gained. As an example, go from 2,400 to 2,200 energy per day. Then, preserve monitoring weight for every week, and lower 100-200 extra energy if it is advisable to. PRACTICAL EXAMPLE: Bob desires to realize weight, going from 180 kilos to 190 kilos. He is an intermediate lifter, so he ought to acquire ~1.5-2 lbs (.68-.91 kg) monthly. After one month, he is solely gained 1 lb, bringing his weight to 181 kilos. To achieve weight sooner, he ups energy by 100, going from 2,400 to 2,500 energy per day. Then, he watches his weight to see the way it modifications. One other month passes, and now Bob weighs 182.5 kilos. So, he gained 1.5 lbs final month. Since Bob is now gaining weight on tempo together with his objective, he ought to preserve his energy the place they're. Therefore, Bob simply retains consuming 2,500 energy and watching the size on his technique to 190 kilos. Solely adjusting his calorie consumption as wanted.
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SUMMARY: You might have extra to realize from a bulk if you happen to're lean to begin out. Since bulking whenever you're obese might go towards your physique objectives. And of word, newbies have probably the most to realize from a bulk. As a novice lifter, you'll be able to acquire weight and muscle sooner (e.g. Three lbs/1.36 kg monthly). However if you happen to've been coaching longer, your greatest good points are previous you. And as such, it is best to acquire weight slower (e.g. 1-2 lbs/.45-.91 kg monthly). Which is able to show you how to keep away from further fats acquire. Should you've gained weight too slowly, then up your calorie consumption by 100, and preserve watching your weight. However if you happen to've gained weight too rapidly, then lower 100-200 energy. Lastly, sustain this new calorie degree in case your weight modifications as deliberate. And if not, then regulate additional as wanted. TAKEAWAY So, you have made it to the tip of the article. Congrats! Meaning you have discovered the fundamentals of tips on how to arrange your weight-reduction plan for muscle progress and/or fats loss. To re-hash: Step 1: Use our calculator to seek out out your prompt calorie consumption. Step 2: Begin consuming at this calorie degree. And use an app like FitGenie or MyFitnessPal to begin monitoring your energy. Step 3: Then, preserve monitoring your calorie consumption and physique weight over time. Step 4: Lastly, if issues are going nicely, then stick with it. But when not, it is best to regulate your calorie consumption and watch how your weight modifications. And preserve that up till you begin to acquire or reduce weight at a very good price. Step 5: Do step Four for lengthy sufficient (with correct weight coaching, in fact) - and ultimately, you may have your dream physique.
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So there you've it! HOW TO "AUTOMATE" THE PROCESS Now, what's talked about above I will admit is sort of a tedious course of. Though extremely efficient when achieved proper, tedious nonetheless and requires you to make the appropriate changes. And that is precisely why inside our Constructed With Science packages, we have truly created a diet software program that utterly automates the above step-by-step process for you. By utilizing an evidence-based algorithm and your private knowledge, it determines what your TRUE TDEE is and EXACTLY what number of energy it is best to eat to hit your weekly weight change. This, mixed with a completely optimized step-by-step coaching routine (which you may additionally obtain), is the important thing to reworking your physique as successfully as attainable. .and it is produced unimaginable outcomes for members. Kevin, whose foremost objective was to construct muscle:
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And Shahril, whose foremost objective was to lean down (lose fats):
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Barcelona are in crisis. Here’s how Valverde can turn Messi, Suarez & Co. around
Hands up if you’re loving every second of Barcelona’s ever-deepening crisis of faith, hapless away form and evident bewilderment, as every rival now plays them with the conviction that Spain’s champions are there for the taking.
You’re not alone. It’s one of sport’s most enduring storylines, as teams that have lain waste to all opponents before them with absolute inevitability then wane, decline and get pulverised. It’s not a matter of “maybe,” only a matter of how well you prepare and cope. “Nothing’s more certain than death, taxes and the collapse of possession football if it’s not properly cared for,” as Benjamin Franklin surely meant to say.
For that reason there will be widespread glee about Barcelona’s sudden vulnerability, far further than among Madridistas, Espanyol fans and anyone of a Manchester United, Juventus or Arsenal persuasion who still resents either the manner or just the pain of those three Champions League final defeats since 2006.
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People find it fascinating, even enjoyable, when mighty edifices crumble and fall. They call it “Schadenfreude” in German, a deliciously malicious enjoyment of someone else’s woes. Football has, metaphorically, become such a bloodlust sport that there will be many who think that the only feasible remedy is to accept Ernesto Valverde’s mea culpa on Saturday night after Barca lost in Granada for the first time since 1972 and sack him.
(A fun stat: Barça has lost there five times in club history, and every time it happened, they failed to win La Liga that season.)
During the buildup to Tuesday’s Camp Nou meeting between La Liga’s highest scoring teams thus far, with Villarreal matching Barca’s 12 goals after five games, Valverde accepted the reality of his side’s malaise. “Coaches are always fighting against the sack. That’s not a novelty for me or any of my peers. Given the job I’ve got, it’s results that dictate [my fate]. If Barca aren’t leaders, then the manager’s under intense scrutiny. But two good results can end a ‘crisis.'”
A couple of weeks ago Messi admitted, “I think everyone worried that the coach might be sacked at the end of last season because we didn’t meet our objectives, but it was more the players’ fault than his.”
The problems with Valverde
Three things are true of Valverde. First, while Barcelona were bristling with steely ambition and their key leaders were fit and on form, his “light hand on the tiller” approach to management was perfect. Just look at the good haul of trophies since he took over.
Secondly, now that the seas are extremely stormy, his style of coaching — specifically the “pact” he struck with the squad leaders that rather than him being the outright boss (like an Alex Ferguson), he’d be primus inter pares, aka “first among equals” — will need an upgrade. That he struck such a deal with Messi, Sergio Busquets, Gerard Pique and Luis Suarez made sense: His was the ultimate responsibility, but it was an extremely benign, consultative dictatorship.
It’s a long way of saying that Valverde reckoned, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” It worked a treat … up to a point. Now it’s out of date. Things are broken. They’re fixable but cracked.
The third thing that’s true of Valverde, I’d argue, is that he isn’t enjoying his work as much as he once did.
Yeah, I hear you: boo-hoo-hoo. He’s well paid, and he knew the stresses and potential indignities of managing a huge, often self-destructive and deeply divided club such as FC Barcelona. You’re playing the world’s smallest violin in sympathy for him, right? But this is a decent, hard-working guy who’s respected by the large majority of his squad, simply doing the same things that won him six trophies (and a UEFA Cup runners-up medal with Espanyol) before he took over at Barca.
He’s not a dud. He is not someone to be dissed lightly, nor is sacking him the real solution to what’s been going wrong.
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Ernesto Valverde needs to change his tactics to get the best out of his team.
The flaws are easy to list and interdependent. Fundamental to Barcelona’s producing a brand of football that was hellish to combat and made them if not unique then brand leaders was positional play. Intricate, demanding and intelligent play that required both discipline and intelligence. Yet it has been abandoned by the club, in the first team at least, for some considerable time.
Eventually, under someone such as Xavi perhaps, it’ll be restored, but will there be competent students to impose it?
That’s an intriguing question for the future. Positional play helps possession play, as does the availability of Xavi and Andres Iniesta. Gradually, Barcelona’s actual amounts of possession have declined, but much more startling has been the decline in strategy for why possession is important: what you can do with it to punish the opposition. In the cases of some players, “possession” has begun to mean “running with the ball” rather than letting the ball do the work. It’s anathema to the Frank Rijkaard, Johan Cruyff, Pep Guardiola and Tito Vilanova school of thought.
Barcelona are not anywhere near as tough — whether physically, spiritually, athletically or competitively — as they were in the era when they could count on Puyol, David Villa, Samuel Eto’o, Iniesta, Xavi, Dani Alves, Pedro, Seydou Keita, Yaya Toure or Eric Abidal. Gradually — and I think this is an inescapable truth — they’ve gotten a little softer. The mix of technique, brains, character, strength, athleticism and height declined across the first-team squad.
There’s also less pace. Several of those players who would feature in most people’s “best XI” of the current squad are actively short of pace, either in explosive sprints or over a foot race. When the ball isn’t moving quickly, this becomes a far greater Achilles’ heel.
President Josep Bartomeu has been pretty obsessed with passing the buck, whether it existed or not, to the guys who did his football planning: Andoni Zubizarreta, Robert Fernandez, Pep Segura and the exceptional Joan Vila, three of whom should have been retained. Now he’s left with an imbalanced squad in which two of the three full-backs, Junior Firpo and Nelson Semedo, aren’t good enough, in which there’s that lack of pace and in which no one seems to have planned for the fact that the only centre-forward turns 33 in January, carries extra weight, struggles to get away from defenders and hasn’t scored away from home in the Champions League in four years.
Luis Suarez remains an astonishingly clever, competitive and successful footballer, but the lack of strategy to replace him or make him compete for his place has shown either incompetence or fear of upsetting his major stakeholder, Messi.
Barcelona need to change formations
Let me propose a solution for Barcelona supporters. It’s a good one too. Hopefully Valverde is reading this.
Apart from the instincts that Pique, Busquets, Jordi Alba and perhaps Arthur are still imbued with, the whole position-possession-pressing thing that made the modern Barca famous, admired and successful has pretty much departed, meaning that the 4-3-3 they currently play is out-of-date. It’s a touchstone of the philosophy that, in due course, Victor Valdes, Puyol, Xavi and perhaps even Jordi Cruyff could reinstate, but right now, it’s a relic.
Barcelona, away from home, simply do not possess the means to make that formation effective. It’s a strength turned weakness. The solution is a 4-2-3-1. That formation is not a magical formula in itself but is a good fit for Barca’s playing staff while addressing current weaknesses and turning them into strengths.
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Frenkie De Jong would benefit from a switch in formation at Barcelona as he continues to gel with his new team.
Frenkie De Jong was always going to require time to settle in and develop. He’s 22 with only 12 Champions League matches and fewer international caps. But most of his impressive football at Ajax was part of the pivotal partnership in a 4-2-3-1. Let him enjoy that role next to Busquets (on rotation with Arthur/Rakitic and so on).
Busquets benefitted hugely from Ivan Rakitic playing as a “double-pivot” next to him for large parts of the past two seasons. In fact, Valverde’s Barcelona were often lined up in a 4-4-2 last term. De Jong can be Busquets’ bodyguard now.
Another new signing, Antoine Griezmann, doesn’t like playing as a winger or very much as centre-forward. But right now, he could easily play as a No. 9 in front of Ousmane Dembele, Messi and Fati Ansu until Suarez trains away a kilo or two. After that, Barca could run Suarez at No. 9 with permutations of Messi coming in off the right, Griezmann in the middle of the three and Ansu or Dembele on the left. That not only could augment the chance creation but also would offer Valverde the option of installing a high press.
The 4-2-3-1 formation probably asks the full-backs to fly forward far less than, say, Alba currently does. But with Alba and Roberto edging forward into midfield to flank Busquets and De Jong, a mixture of Pique, Jean-Clair Todibo, Clement Lenglet and Samuel Umtiti as the alert, high-line centre-backs and Marc-Andre ter Stegen happy to play the “sweeper-keeper” role, there are far more solutions than new problems.
Valverde has had the chutzpah to try to find solutions by dropping Busquets, promoting Ansu and Carles Perez and mysteriously giving Rakitic the kind of limited minutes that suggest he was either caught swearing in church or singing the Real Madrid anthem in the showers.
The burning question now is whether Valverde also the chutzpah to accept that 4-3-3 is now making his team weaker and change formation.
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How weight matters when it comes to Joint Pain?
Do you occasionally experience pain in the joints of the legs? Or Are you worried that you may develop arthritis as one of your parent suffered from it? The best way to overcome or allay such fears or even prevent yourself from getting arthritis is by regularly checking your weight.  
Being overweight increases one’s risk of developing osteoarthritis (the most general joint disorder that is occurring due to wear and tear of a joint). First and foremost excess weight results in added stress on weight-bearing joints. The Knee, say for instance. Also secondly, the trouble in other joints such as hands might get triggered due to inflammatory issues related to weight gain thus contributing to further problems.
How does weight gain affect Knee joints?
Understanding the link between the weight and knees will be helpful. When we walk at the ground level, the force we exert on our knees is equal to nearly one and half times of our body weight. This means that a man weighing around 200 pounds would exert about 300 pounds pressure on his knees when he takes each step. With an incline, the pressure exerted would be even more. Thus the force on each knee is nearly 2 to 3 times the body weight of a person when he moves up and down in a staircase. When squatting to tie a shoe lace, the pressure exerted is four to five times the body weight of a person. Similar is the pressure exerted when we stoop down to pick up something we have dropped.
The best way to cut pressure on knees is to lose weight. Also losing weight will even help to protect the knees. Years of research carried out has proved that young adults who are obese can cut the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the latter stages of their life if they lose their weight by just 10 to 15 pounds. Consulting a good doctor if you are slightly obese would help in nipping the problem in the bud and not suffering at a later stage. In case you are some who are already undergoing the problem of knee-joint pain, there are some good Orthopaedic Hospitals in Pune that offer very good treatment.  Also, the doctors associated with these orthopedic hospitals are experts in Joint Replacement Surgery in Pune.
Best methods and tactics to shed weight:
Nothing can beat physical activity to help one to lose weight. But exercise alone won’t be of much help. Each pound that one may want to lose roughly sums up to about 3500 calories. Even if one plans to lose about half to one pound per week, one needs to shed around 250 to 500 calories per day. The best way to lose 250 calories in a day would be by burning 125 calories through exercise and eating sensibly through dieting by eating fewer calories to lose the remaining 125 calories.  
For some one planning to lose weight, eating 100 calories extra without taking the effort to burn the same would result in gaining nearly 10 pounds extra at the end of the dieting phase. Indulging in routine treats by way of eating candies or cookies, one or two scoops of ice cream would tip the weighing scale in the other direction.
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woodworkinghere1 · 4 years
Meals Information for Sustainability
Breaking News Today -
Make meals which have much less impression on the atmosphere in six simple steps.
You’ve already made recycling a lifelong behavior, you proudly reject single-use plastic straws and bottles on the each day, and also you carpool or take public transportation each time attainable — if Earth may speak, it might thanks profusely for doing all your half to scale back your carbon footprint, stop world warming and save our oceans. However is there much more you could possibly be doing to assist? Sure, and it begins along with your meals decisions.
Select Your Substances Properly
Fueling your physique and mind with the very best vitamins attainable doesn’t should take a again seat to a mission of sustainability. In actual fact, these two initiatives simply go hand in hand. And in contrast to abs, which everyone knows start within the kitchen, sustainably sourced substances truly begin within the fields.
“Over the past 100 years, our meals system has gone by way of a major transformation from small native farms to a big industrial system,” explains Margie Saidel, MPH, RD, LDN, vp of vitamin and sustainability at Chartwells Okay12. “As our existence have developed, so have our consuming habits. We now demand a big number of cheap meals, always of the yr, that are closely processed and preserved. It seems that the way in which we’ve all loved consuming for thus lengthy is damaging the environment and planet. Sadly, the result’s the onset of local weather change and the upcoming battle to feed our rising world inhabitants.”
Fortunately, it’s not all gloom and doom. Saidel says we will all do our half to eat extra sustainably, and one after the other, we will create change — beginning with the next:
1. Put crops first
It’s healthiest to fill half your plate with fruit and veggies as a result of crops can present the protein your physique wants, together with nutritional vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals to keep up well being and safety from illness. However this isn’t restricted to leafy greens — don’t overlook about legumes, lentils, tofu, tempeh and seitan, that are just a few examples of wonderful plant protein sources.
2. Concentrate on seasonal and native
Have you ever grown accustomed to having all kinds of contemporary produce out there at your supermarkets always of the yr? “Because of our world financial system, we import fruit and veggies from across the globe to make them out there to us even when they’re out of season regionally,” Saidel says. “Consuming seasonally signifies that you eat produce when it’s grown in your native space.” This strategy places extra emphasis on supporting native farmers and reduces the time and distance between harvest and market. Search for farmers markets and community-supported agriculture in your space. You’ll take pleasure in contemporary merchandise that had been grown in your neighborhood or close by that style nice — and if there are specific objects you crave year-round, you possibly can protect them by canning or freezing.
3. Choose sustainable seafood
Select seafood that’s both caught or farmed in a means that protects the harvested species and different species, in addition to the ocean itself. It’s loads simpler than you may assume to find out how sustainable your seafood is — the famend Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch helps you make sustainable decisions with a free cell app that classifies fish in “greatest,” “good” or “keep away from” classes for a wholesome ocean.
4. Eat complete meals
Entire meals imply as near their pure kind as attainable (learn: much less processed). Some simple substitutions to ease you in embody mixing half whole-wheat flour with half white flour the following time you make cookies (the youngsters received’t discover!) or mixing half brown and half white rice along with your favourite meal. As well as, Saidel says contemporary produce, seeds and nuts of their pure kind are unbelievable decisions to offer the widest number of vitamins attainable to keep up your well being and stop illness.
5. Scale back animal protein
“Many individuals don’t notice that animal meals manufacturing has a devastating impression on the atmosphere due to greenhouse fuel emissions, land used for livestock feed as an alternative of meals to feed people, and the huge water necessities of animal meals manufacturing,” Saidel explains. “This doesn’t imply that you must quit consuming meat — however there are a selection of issues you are able to do to play your half in defending the planet.” She says that eggs, dairy, poultry and pork have a decrease environmental impression than purple meat, so swap up your animal protein sources to eat fewer hamburgers, steaks and roasts. You can also scale back your standard portion measurement of animal protein by combining each plant and animal sources (e.g., mix your burger with mushrooms or legumes or have a beef and bean burrito). You can also experiment with recipes equivalent to a plant-focused stir-fry, salad, grain bowl or pasta dish during which animal protein just isn’t the star of the present however performs a extra supporting function. Lastly, while you do buy meat, at all times select grass-fed, pasture-raised natural meats.
6. Scale back meals waste
The USA Division of Agriculture estimates {that a} whopping 30 to 40 % of the meals we purchase results in landfills. “You are able to do your half to scale back meals waste beginning in your personal house with just a few adjustments to your routine,” Saidel says. “Begin with planning meals for the week and take your ingredient record to the grocery retailer. Even higher, plan your meals with the intent of using the meals that’s in your fridge or pantry. You can also freeze leftovers to make use of one other day.” Lastly, retailer meals accurately to increase its life by utilizing the free FoodKeeper cell app from Foodsafety.gov.
The post Meals Information for Sustainability appeared first on Breaking News Today.
source https://daily247.net/food-guide-for-sustainability/
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mohamed44 · 4 years
Proper Techniques To Lose Weight Successfully - Weight Loss
Is there such a thing as fast weight loss or are many people fooling ourselves into thinking that there is? I mean, apart from physical appearance weight affects someone in many alternative ways.
 If you're a person who is after all over-weight, I'm sure that you simply have health concerns like high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, high pressure, and belly fat to fret about. These health issues put you at extreme risks and that they can greatly affect your overall health or shortened your life.  I'm certain to - that being overweight and unhealthy isn't doing anything positive for self-esteem either. If you're at the purpose where touring is a problem, my friend it's pass the time for you to urge help and lose those unwanted pounds. this might require an extreme make mover and lifestyle change. But let's face it your overall health is at stake here. Truth be told - your life is at stake. There are plenty of positive changes that come from you engaging in a very weight loss program. for example, you'll melt off, increase your energy state, lower your cholesterol, and your high pressure. Looking beautiful, moving into a size 4 dress, or just losing weight for a category reunion shouldn't be your motivation or your only reason for enrolling in a very weight loss program.  you must get more involved in physical activity because exercising could be a lifetime thing which over time will improve your health. So do not be one among those individuals that are trying to find that miracle diet pill or out of this world super supplement. Trust me once I say - many of us are looking. They switch from one diet pill to a different within the hopes that one would do what the opposite couldn't. The key to losing weight isn't on the supplement shelves of health and nutrition stores. it's within the diet that you simply consume on a day to day - especially after you've got completed your exercising for the day. Now do not get me wrong, a number of the supplements within the health stores can facilitate your along with your weight loss goals but they're to not be relied on for total weight loss.  If they were, which means you'll take them for the remainder of your life. If you're serious about getting your weight in restraint and stealing your health back, then you'll need the assistance of your physician and a registered dietician. He or she is within the best position to assist by recommending the simplest weight loss programs or regimen for you. Of cause they're going to must provides a physical examination first to see your overall health. Once they obtain your results, they'll safely make a recommendation on the correct weight-loss technique and diet plan for you. The dietician will inform you of the actual fact - that so as for you to melt off fast, safely, and effectively, three basic aspects of your life must be changed. They are: What you eat. How you eat. Your behavior and activity level. Fast tips to a secure weight loss goal I know that trying to work out the correct formula to losing weight fast and safe, will be very confusing and in some cases - a touch overwhelming to some. Especially with all the various array of knowledge that's available on the topic. Still so as for you to stay healthy along the way, you actually have to know the way to melt off fast and safe without resorting to diet pills or starving yourself.  Before you start your journey to your weight loss goal, there are five basics that you simply must adhere too. you want to make a significant commitment, eat only healthy foods, soak up fewer calories, get quality nutritional supplements, and exercise a minimum of half-hour three to fourfold per week. additionally, you must: Eat more often.  - By eating more frequently, you'll keep your body metabolism-revving which implies your body will constantly burn more calories. you would like to feed your body every three hours so it won't think that it's being starved; thus, rather than it burning fat, it keeps it and you never lose a pound. Don't feed your emotions.  - Many people - myself included eating once we are under emotional stress. this can be very counterproductive to your weight loss efforts. Normally hunger isn't the explanation for our overeating. Our emotions are. So to prevent emotional eating, talk along with your dietitian.  He/She will facilitate your choose the healthiest foods necessary for weight loss. Set realistic goals - the flexibility to focus and have a correct mindset - enables someone on a diet to quickly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and a correct mindset, a person who has made a change in their diet will never be discouraged and lose focus. Listen because the body speaks.  - Each and everyone's body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and diet plans. Try substituting one program for one more to compensate for the body's reaction. Your exercise program must be suitable for your body, as others don't seem to be able to exercise as rigorously as some other person can. If walking is all that you simply can do, then walk - for this has proven to be the simplest variety of exercise anyway. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it is also best to place on a touch lean muscle and appearance good at an identical time. Listen because the body speaks - Each and everyone's body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and diet plans. Try substituting one program for an additional to compensate the body's reaction. Your exercise program must be suitable for your body, as others don't seem to be able to exercise as rigorously as somebody else can. If walking is all that you just can do, then walk - for this has proven to be the most effective style of exercise anyway. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it is also best to place on a touch lean muscle and appearance good at an identical time. Eat more fiber.  - By including a healthy amount of high fiber foods that are low in calories in your daily diet, you satisfy your hunger for much longer. High fiber foods cause you to full much quicker and that they stay in your stomach for much longer. By these forms of foods remaining in your stomach longer than other sorts of foods, they hamper the speed of digestion; thus, there's better control of your glucose. one serving of whole-grain bread moves fat through the systema alimentarium faster. Grains transform glucose which spikes the body's insulin production level; thus, making the body more energized. Keep away from fried foods - Especially foods that are deep-fried as they contain an excellent amount of saturated fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, these white meats can contain more fat than when a chunk of beef is fried. If you're on a strict diet, you ought to follow grilled foods instead. the explanation for this is that they are doing not have or they contain less amount of saturated fat after the food is cooked. Avoid Sweets and salt the maximum amount as possible - For you to realize your weight loss goal fast and safely - you ought to avoid foods that are high in simple sugars like frozen dessert, cookies, and candies. you ought to also avoid foods that have a high salt content.
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Because foods that are high in salt and sugar will cause you to retain water and that they will increase your food cravings likewise. Take in many fluids - Drink a minimum of eight glasses of pure calorie-free water a day. after you drink enough water, your cells receive the mandatory nutrients they have and your body gets detoxified at the identical time. Since weight loss depends on how well your body eliminates wastes, your body must stay hydrated. All in all, discipline and consistency remain the most effective practice and also the key to you achieving your rapid weight loss goal. But you continue to must incorporate a diet that contains healthier foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, engage in regular physical activity a minimum of 3 to 4 times every week, and take the correct quantity of supplements, for complete success. Once you follow these simple but effective steps, you ought to see great results that are able to put you a step closer to achieving your weight loss goal faster.
Proper Techniques To Lose Weight Successfully - Weight Loss diet for fat loss vegetarian, how to lose calories, how to lose jaw fat, how to lose only stomach fat via Weight loss Tips https://ift.tt/2VbbLr4
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nationalcashoffer · 4 years
Tips & Tricks for an Eco-Friendly Holiday Season
Tips & Tricks for an Eco-Friendly Holiday Season
Holidays come with a spell of enjoyment and an overabundance of presents. However, they can produce bushels of waste that can have severe damage to the environment. Luckily, a few easy, careful tweaks can make a significant impact on keeping the environment clean. This includes;
  Reduce Energy in Your Home
There are lots of ways in which you can cut down the energy that you use in the home. This will lead to lesser energy bills and extra cash in your pockets, which will, in turn, be a win for you as well as a win for the entire Earth. Unplug all the pieces of equipment when they are not in use. During the holiday season, you might have many people in your house and thus having lots of clothing to wash. Clean all the clothing on cold (since about 85 % of the energy that is used to machine wash the clothes usually goes to heating the water) and make use of a clothesline or drying rack to dry your clothing when they are done with washing. To reduce your energy in your home is exactly as simple as the click of a push button. If you feel uncomfortable to take every one of these steps at one time, try each of it at a time until your household is entirely energy efficient!
  Recycle and repurpose
Why should you buy new when you can make use of what you have already purchased? It is surprisingly effortless to recycle as well as up-cycle. Here are several of the easy, eco-friendly ideas that you can try:
  • Pick decorations that you will use again and again. You can decorate with live plants.
• Go for reusable bags or reusable cloth wrapping for your gifts.
• Keep the gift bags as well as bows to use again in the future.
• Let your guests go home with the leftovers after the holiday meals.
• Recycle the wrapping paper, cards, and envelopes provided that they are not glittery or metallic.
• Check if there is a tree-recycling program in your locale.
• Indeed, you can continue doing these things throughout the year and not only during the holidays.
  Reduce the Wastage of Water
Live an eco-friendly life by using a reduced amount of water and by cutting off bottled water purchases. Put aerators taps in your bathrooms. Aerator taps are an economical and easy way to put a green touch to your bathrooms and kitchens. This petite metal filter immensely reduces the usage of water, prevents water from splashing, and also shapes the water flow by allowing air in. This investment is worth it.
  Add solar panels to your roof
Fixing a solar power in your house this holiday season is a one-time investment which would really lessen your electricity bills. Going energy means not needing to rely on the usual energy infrastructure. It will be a great point of dissimilarity when the would-be guests scroll through the listings looking for a home that is necessary for them (if you install in your rentals)
  Acquire the correct Light Bulb
It is not to say that you replace every of your light bulbs even if they are still operational. However, when one of your light bulbs gets exhausted, change it with an eco-friendly brand. You can replace your previous bulb with a compacted fluorescent light. This is because CFL bulbs usually last over five times longer, and they use a much lesser amount of electricity than standard luminescent light bulbs. Besides, they are brighter, and this means that you may able to manage with fewer lights in your home!
  Use Reusable Bags
This helps to cut down waste as well as making your surrounding eco-friendlier. Use Canvas Bags in place Of Plastic. The majority of the stores usually offer a canvas bag option to their inefficient common paper and plastic bags. Even though canvas bags may cost a little amount to get them, they are really much more helpful than you may think. Canvas bags are stronger than usual paper or plastic bags, and they usually carry more goods. They can as well be used for storing items or packing items when you are moving. This makes it handy in more than just one way.
  Avoid Disposable Containers
Try as much as you can, to avoid additional packaging during the holidays. When this is more easily said than done, purchasing food in bulkiness, serving food with completely washable utensils, as well as making home-produced items (such as cookies and hot chocolate) in vast quantities might help. Remember also to cover your gifts in reusable or sustainable items, such as old newspapers, or unnecessary maps. If every American family cover three of their gifts in reusable items this holiday, it will help to reduce waste significantly!
  Turn off your appliances
Conservation of Energy is among the most important things that you can do to lessen your carbon footprint. When you leave your electrical on a standby mode, they unnecessarily use up a lot of energy. Always press the off switch off button, and you will see a considerable improvement, and most evidently in your monthly energy bills. Turning off your appliances at the mains switch is one way to conserve energy. Instead of leaving them standby will save vast amounts of carbon which will save you your coins on the energy bill
Recycle your Car
You might not know this, but recycling your car is among the best ways of living in an eco-friendly life. While making the changes, you might look to find additional gas-friendly natural as well as organic means of cleaning that are extremely less harmful.
  Buy local
From food to clothes, the nearer to home the cheaper they would be, these kinds of stuff are made and purchased at a low price,Therefore the fewer the carbon is produced with their shipping. Not just that, but you will support the home economy, and this means that with time, you will probably have even additional home items to select from.
The post Tips & Tricks for an Eco-Friendly Holiday Season appeared first on National Cash Offer.
from https://nationalcashoffer.com/tips-tricks-for-an-eco-friendly-holiday-season/
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