#anti hinata stans
leportraitducadavre · 6 months
You know there’s a weird connection between the fandom’s perceived idea of “good writing” and their personal feelings about specific characters. “I like this character, therefore, they’re well written” and viceversa, “I dislike this character, therefore, they’re badly written” –I’ve seen this in many fandoms and with different characters, but there’s no fandom where this is more noticeable than in the “anti Sakura” portion of the audience.
Before we start, let me be clear on something: I don’t personally like Sakura, I don’t consider myself a fan of hers (or her stans, which are just as annoying as Hinata’s), nor I believe she’s the “heroine” of a story that has no room for a character with such status (I’ve said this before, Naruto is the hero and Sasuke is the antagonist -there’s no necessity nor space for anyone else as Sakura is merely the female character with most panel time, yet she doesn’t move the plot forward and she isn’t relevant to the development of other key characters, as most of them completely ignore her existence).
“Likeability” isn’t a determining factor when it comes to labelling a character “well” or “badly” written, such notion relies on subjective factors which makes it impossible to objectively determine the overall value of a character inside a story.
The most important factor to label a character “goodly written” has more to do with how well they represent their theological narrative. For instance, Danzo -who I genuinely despise, is amazingly written, as he spot on tackles the subject of extreme-nationalistic world view, while Itachi -on the other hand, is sort-of all over the place as he subscribes to Danzo’s ideology and defends it with the same actions, yet Kishimoto desperately wanted to keep him inside the “good guys” group, which ultimately failed and took down anything Itachi might have had going for him (besides other inconsistencies as he’s presented as a genius who made nothing but mistake after mistake). There’s a reason why the antagonists are often the ones with the best characterizations, as they aren’t tied to been “morally correct” or “likeable” in order to reflect their thematic plot, which is why the better characters in Naruto happen to be Uchiha (Sasuke, Obito, Madara).
Sakura has no weight inside the plot, as she is mostly used for support of either Naruto and (to a lesser extent) Sasuke, she stands narratively in the same spectrum as most “good” characters of the show, so she’s thematically not much more relevant than the rest of K-11; yet she’s given more depth than many other characters, as she’s a layered character of whom we see both her strengths and flaws, something we can’t say for other characters, such as Hinata.
In the Hyüga princess™’s case, her personality is mostly one dimensional as she is a thematic piece used to deepen Neji’s character. In case you haven’t noticed, she was constructed in opposition to him: She needs to be shy in order for Naruto to take pity on her when Neji insults her (as Neji is mostly arrogant and outspoken), she’s comically bad because Neji is a prodigy, she’s “a freak” (said by Naruto himself) because Neji isn't, she’s a slave owner because Neji is her slave, and so on –the only thing she has that wasn’t built in order to oppose her cousin was her infatuation with Naruto, something she makes a priority.
Everything we “know” about Hinata was mostly fandom-made, Hinata is shy and soft spoken, why is she considered “nice”? We never saw her worrying about anyone but Naruto: She was glad Kiba lost his match and offered Naruto the ointment to treat his wounds, she diminished her cousin’s trauma and endorsed the oppressive system of her clan, we never see her visiting Kiba after he returned from his mission to bring Sasuke back to Konoha (something we see Ino and Sakura do with their respective teammates, and while Hinata was recovering from Neji’s attack, she had enough strength to train and go see the Chünin Exams final stage, at no point is mentioned she was bed-ridden, as Sasuke had enough time to recover from Gaara’s attack before escaping the village), she thought about Naruto’s warm hand seconds after her cousin died and she was the only character not shown to be glad about Shikamaru being alive as we saw her pouting and thinking about how much she wanted to be beside Naruto. Furthermore, is there any scene in which she appears where she’s not thinking or talking about Naruto or where he is not the main focus?
How come a character designed to be nothing more than support (for Neji and Naruto, as her infatuation with him was built in order to have some oppositional force to the idea of “nobody likes him”, as Naruto has an unrequited love for Sakura during the whole duration of the manga) is “better written” than Sakura, who despite herself being also support she has far more thematically ground to move around (Kishimoto explores through her different themes, even if they aren’t relevant to the plot itself, such as romantical obsession, low self-esteem and the decisions/characteristics that are driven by it, female friendship, and few others).
Honest question: It’s her sad background reason enough to like Hinata? Do you truly need a “compelling” backstory in order to claim a character is “better written” than others? Sakura was bullied because she was shy, Hinata -being the Hyüga heir, wasn’t shown to suffer the same fate at the hands of her classmates. Think about it this way, while Sakura was being bullied and had to be helped by Ino, Hinata was being trained by her father and witnessing Hiashi torture her uncle while Neji cried, helpless! –and just a few years later, she used that exact knowledge to insult him! So she’s not really that nice after all!
What is it with the obsession of both fandoms with the idea of “potential” and how, apparently, they were “robbed of it” (what “potential”? When did Hinata even hint at improving her fighting techniques? She was defeated every single time! When did Sakura, who canonically has a smaller chakra pool than both Sasuke and Naruto, have the possibility of surpass literally Ashura and Indra’s reincarnations? Them having more panel time will mean absolutely nothing as we’ll see them doing the exact same thing we already see them do only twice as much. “Potential” is about exploring a latent ability of them, Hinata has none and Sakura’s chakra flux control was properly exploited!).
There’s more to say about this, but I’m honestly tired at this point…
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meowmada · 3 months
Hinata haters that also hate sumire and himawari are just proving the fact that hinata hate comes from simple internalized misogyny
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mdr-reikas · 1 year
Shitty pro Sakura memes: a collection
These are memes that popped on my pinterest page every now and then, and they all range from reducing Sakura to “she doesn’t have a flat chest, so she’s a good character”, to “Hinata is a housewife, so she sucks and Sakura doesn’t” (which sounds a lot like internalized misogyny, but ok). Anyway, enjoy!
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madaraswarfan · 2 years
so you're saying neji was mean to hinata? good, as he should.
can't believe she grew up, watched neji suffer his entire life and then die for her and never once questioned their unjust system or try to do anything.
and don't tell me it was neji's "choice" , she doesn't know what goes through his mind, all she know is that it's his duty to protect her even if it costs him his life. and what does she do when he die? nothing. not a single word until the end of the manga. she was still thinking about naruto actually, who knows when did she ever stopped thinking about him anyway. it's as if she's got one brain cell and that's what it does.
can't tell if she's a psychopath or just brainless like that but a bitch need to pick a struggle really. not strong despite everything handed to her,no talent, no sign of intelligence in anything she did or say, no compassion towards anyone, and no taste in men.
and to think some of her stans are proud of her for liking naruto instead of sasuke because that makes her better and "not like the other girls"..I don't know how they arrived at the conclusion but it doesn't make her different, maybe just tasteless.
actually, if she liked sasuke that would make her much better! because if that was her role model instead of naruto and his ninja way that he can't keep with it she might actually try to change something and correct what's wrong instead of doing nothing, at the very least have compassion for the victims.
but no, even that she did wrong.
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anubisthe1 · 11 months
"Omg sakura haruno has so much potention!!"
Just go to ao3 babe, just go to the ff zone where others write her to be likeable. Dont talk to me about canon sakura when her biggest hater its her own author.
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
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Like yeah no shit Einstein. Lol.
What even is this argument? Don't hate on GOT season 8 because it was horribly written. 😭
Don't hate on corporate polluters, they only wanted to cut corners and make tons of money unethically. 😭
Don't hate on Ted Bundy, he only wanted to get the thrill of raping and killing lots of women. 😭
Lol, we are with you chief, we know Sakura was written like that. Also, just so everyone knows, water is wet and ice is cold (well unless you are on Gliese 436 b, in which case, it's 🔥).
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maoam · 2 years
This video is over a decade old.
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plumsaffron · 2 years
Reminder that Sakura was jealous of Hinata's "bulges", remember that the next time you go off about Hinata
Reminder I don't care of Sakura's jealously. Slave masters get no sympathy, no empathy. Just more darts from Pain (Nagato).
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leportraitducadavre · 6 months
I deleted the reblog but the casual transphobia of the Hinata fandom when speaking about Sakura's body baffles me, are you seriously willing to go to such lengths in order to defend a 2D character whose entire relevance rests upon being the stalker of the main character?
You can't call yourself feminists nor expect a feminist critique of your favorite character if you're not willing to conduct yourselves with the same levels of respect, you buffoons!
Body-shaming is never okay but, in this specific case, I don't think this is comparative to the simple idea of "body-shaming" because the comparison is not only about Sakura and/or Sarada's "masculinized" body but also to the use of the term "trans prostitute" in a pejorative manner and as a way of categorizing trans identity in conjunction with sexually exploitative work.
This is done in order to diminish the relevance of trans identities by linking them to the idea of "boys" and "masculinized body types" as opposed to the notion of "feminized body types" (as if women are standardized individuals and anything outside of that curvy body type you lot love to associate Hinata with, is somehow masculine), while at the same time tying them to sex-work, which is an archetype and a job that the trans community has not only been pushed into but also attempts to disassociate itself from.
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!Giant rant + an entire Hnata salt shaker under the cut! If you're a hardcore stan of her i suggest skipping it! Read at your own risk!
I genuely liked Hnata in the beginning, i liked her shy and quiet personality, i was interested to see her overcoming her self confidence and prove herself to Hiashi, and even try to help Neji (despite the awful thing she said for him) but i was delusional man, she was introduced as Nruto lover and it didn't go any further... i belived Kishimoto (such a dumb girl). But hey Studio SP kinda tricked me too, in the Bikochu arc she was so amazing! Savinh her teamates and Nruto all alone, thinking in training to get better and stuff like that... it was filler, but i still had my hopes up. But then i watched Shippuden and i finally perceveid that she wasn't going any further than loving Nruto.
I don't mind her crushing him, neither having a giant part of her attached to a love interest (i like Orihime plz), but it was not just a giant part of Hnata, it was literally EVERYTHING! Analyzing everything she did in the entire manga 98% was for Nruto related. Kishimoto couldn't just make her a cute shy weirdo, he needed to reduce Hnata to Nruto! All her training and making her confidence better, was to confess to Nruto, comfort Nruto and fight for Nruto. Fuck proving herself to Hiashi, fuck trying to help Neji, fuck trying to get better in order to help her teamates in missions...
Kishimoto made her become so annoying with it! Everytime she appeared i knew it was gonna to be Nruto related and if it wasn't? Well it would become about him! It was unbearable at the point of making her seem extremely selfish and thinking that only she and Nruto exist in the whole world. Like she was ready to get her team eliminated from chunnin exam because a boy? In Pain arc she literally prefered to confess her love and die instead of trying to free Nruto (which was the only hope for the village)?? The scene where Neji died, instead of being of both her and Nruto suffering with their lost, was about she caring more Nruto feelings than her cousin??? KISHIMOTO WHY?
Not to mention, how everything aside of Nruto in her life seems so irrelevant, Kurenai, Hanabi, Neji, Kiba and Shino, barely had anything with her? It seems way more that they care about her than the reverse, because gosh forbid Hnata or having a life outside of Nruto right Kishimoto?
It's hard to like her that way! I tried my best, but i couldn't anymore after seeing she would be a Nruto simp forever and have nothing outside of it.
I understand why people like her, because i already did! I still like her shy and quiet personality and think she's cute, but canon Hnata behaviours annoy me way too much! Despite that i wish she was better and i try to make her justice in my fanon content of her outside of tumblr btw, i love the Hnata i created in my head and her fanon version, but it will never stop me for disliking her canon self.
Despite everything, i don't hate her, i don't want Hnata to die or be tortured, i want try to make her better as she should be! I already hated her a time, but after seeing how i was falling the trap of bittersweet shippers and people who put her down to uplift their faves, i perceveied it was just pettiness, - especially because they spent more time hating Hnata rather than Kishimoto who did all this sh!t -, and none of them wanted her to be a better character and person, which is what i wish.
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happypanda101 · 2 months
The Sakura/Hinata Hypocrisy
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So, this post was inspired by a brief conversation on discord. And before anyone tries to pull the anti card, no. Just because I love Sakura does not mean I hate Hinata. I like Hinata. I think she’s a sweet character who had a lot of potential. And I really with the SakuHina friendship was explored more, their very cute.
But anyway, onto the post!
So, I have honestly thought about making a post about this for a long time, but was nervous to. Cause well… look at the Sakura/Hinata stans. Those guys will go for the throat for their girls.
But can you all just acknowledge the hypocrisy in this fandom?
Sakura tries, she fails: “what a useless bitch!”
Hinata tries, she fails: “She did her best! What a queen!”
Are you guys hearing yourselves? Do you not hear the utter hypocrisy of what you just said?
And it can be the other way around, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that I’ve mostly seen it go down this way.
SP’s favouritism for Hinata really didn’t help either. I know a lot of Hinata fans call her fight with Pain her best moment, but canonly, this happened.
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Her fight was all but one page.
Just about one page less then when Sakura jumped in front of Sasuke to protect him from Gaara.
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(Can’t find the other part sorry)
But despite the fact that these two situations were basically similar, Sakura is hated on while Hinata is endlessly praised.
Can we all just accept the fact that these girls were done dirty by the story?
Sakura’s development wasn’t as drastic as Naruto and Sasuke’s, but it was there. But that all gets thrown away for her love interest.
Hinata’s development and arc in part 1 was very interesting and I was excited to see her grow. But again. That all got thrown away for her love interest.
Because apparently women can’t have any goals outside of men, and if they dare move on from a gut they liked, that makes them a “bad person.”
And whenever they do get big moments, it’s quickly thrown away, for what? The men. And you know what part gets me the most? If Sakura and Hinata were written as men, they’d be better developed, better written, and everyone would love them.
I love Naruto, but I unfortunately can’t read the story with rose tinted glasses like I did when I was younger. The women in this series deserved way better than what they got.
Anyone, Sakura and Hinata’s friendship is adorable. I wish people would stop putting them against each other. Look how cute they are!
Anyway, thats it. Thanks for putting up with another Ted talk of mine.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Sasuke and Neji stans who're also Hinata antis are so obvious with how they don't actually care about abuse victims.For starters,nobody who does pits us against eachother based on 'who had it worse' because it's just basic decency not to,for seconds they expect Hinata to have fixed the system as a literal child with no political power that'd been disowend by her dad,for thirds they don't actually potray Sasuke and Neji's trauma responses and only have them be rude and angry and violent over their abuse instead of showing stuff like dissociation and bad/lack of self-care habits,for fourths they make fun of Hinata for her stutter and autistic traits and even her body including scenes where she's a minor and fetishize Sasuneji's own autism-codings to fawn over them that they'd call them cold-hearted bitches for if they were women,for fifths they ship Sasuke with NARUTO because he was obsessed with projecting his coping mechanisms onto him to invalidate his own and call their dynamic 'gay history' and for sixths and last they treat irl abuse victims like shit the second they don't agree with them.You're not revolutionaries girlypops,you haven't done activism or direct action in your lives and you dedicate loads of time to bodyshaming,victim blaming amd adultifying an anime girl while saying your male faves are female-coded
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stopthebig3 · 11 months
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To the Sakura stans who ship sasusaku and narusaku in my mentions liking my anti hinata posts, (and being too lazy or incapable of making such posts themselves) know that Sakura is also a useless and selfish character that Kishimoto despises..
Kishimoto wrote her as selfish. She never cared about Sasuke as a person, she doesn’t even know who he is. She only knows he’s hot. Her crying every five seconds doesn’t mean she cares about him, it means she cares about herself. Both of her confessions were about herself.
The fact you guys can see Hinata is useless and selfish but can’t see the same with Sakura, despite the fact it’s underlined in the manga over and over again, only shows that you overlook things in characters you relate to. Sakura doesn’t even make a good self-insert considering everytime she makes a confession, she is brutally rejected, by both boys.
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This is Sakura uselessly moping over the fact Sasuke didn’t care about her getting stabbed. You know, instead of focusing on the task at hand like a good shinobi would, she focuses on the fact a guy that never showed interest in her still doesn’t. Her whole attack before getting stabbed wasn’t based on any well thoughtout plan but was solely fueled by her selfish need to satisfy her own ego as we see in her inner thoughts just before.
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Here she had another moment of realization that she isn’t that important to Sasuke. But she still pushes on because self respect is not something she has.
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And here is yet another moment in which she realizes she isn’t that significant to Sasuke. But since she is stubborn and refuses to take no for an answer, she gets all angry and starts to scream her selfish confession, despite it’s not even relevant to the situation. I mean look at her, I remember someone said she looks like she is getting ready to fight lol. And then she gives her self pitying confession that some people think is love. Sad.
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This was how Naruto was acting after Sasuke almost butchered Sakura. He wasn’t approving and was telling Sasuke not to do it, but he wasn’t that angry either.
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Or here, after Sasuke put Sakura in a murder genjutsu. “Hey that’s not nice” but overall doesn’t care much. When will you Sakura stans realize Kishimoto doesn’t care about her nor has any respect for her? Even when Sakura confessed to him, Naruto wasn’t heartbroken. Sakura is just a tool to Kishimoto, and he is well aware both Sasuke and Naruto deserve better than Sakura any day. He even implied twice that Sasuke never kisses Sakura.
You people simply sacrificed all reading comprehension, standards and logic at the pink altar of a subpar female character. Hopefully you people are at least young so there’s some room to grow. Sorry if this feels like an attack, but I’m tired of seeing Sakura stans liking my Hinata posts and Hinata stans liking my Sakura posts when both characters have the same bad traits and are constantly being trolled by Kishimoto. It’s hypocrisy.
But I see this person reblogs Sasuke Retsuden stuff so it’s not like she cares what the actual author of Naruto thinks. Wonder if she has even read the manga. Fanfic written by someone completely different is much better I guess.
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madara-fate · 6 months
Hey Mads congrats on your marriage and wedding hope you had fun and enjoyed yourself 😊😊😊😊
Now I have a bit of a rant hope you don't mind hearing me out, as we know the Naruto fandom is just for lack of a better term just a mess as you also know I'm both a Sasuke and Sakura fan individually and together so here's my thing I'm sure you already have noticed and I know you spoke on this before but the hypocrisy is just mind boggling within this fandom for one I'm not the biggest Naruhina fan but I still respect it and like it just fine, but the constant back and forth war between Sakura and Hinata Stans is so irritating and tiring and I hate to say it feels like self inserts at this point and just as Sakura hate is forced so is the Hinata hate. For one fans act as if Sakura was in competition with Hinata for Naruto when Sakura never wanted him in the first place or had eyes for him at all and she unequivocally supported Hinata and her feelings canonically and also the glaring hypocrisy of say certain so called "Sasusaku fans" who ship NaruSaku and Sakura with just about everyone but throw a tantrum online when anyone mentions SasuHina or SasuIno SasuNaru and any other Sasuke related ship that's not Sakura related which I believe you can ship what you want but the fact that even on Twitter you have SasuHina fans getting harassed and made fun of for harmlessly shipping the 2 only for these so called "SasuSaku" shippers to turn around say it's perfectly fine to ship NaruSaku or just as bad KakaSaku or worse that if Sasuke never married Sakura he'd just be alone and simping over Sakura and that she had many options and would easily just move on but somehow he'd be regretful of not choosing her and would have no one as if he isn't canonically one of the most sought after characters it's such an annoying double standard I wish they'd just come out as multishippers and admit they don't understand either character and their personalities or development instead of causing so much unnecessary drama with other fans it's like they completely erase who Sakura and Sasuke are to fit whatever narrative or headcanon they have and it completely misses the point of the characters.
Then when they headcanon either one of them as sadistic cheaters who would try to make the other one jealous or humiliate one another Sasuke or Sakura it's such disservice to who the characters actually are individually and together in canon with "fans" like these who needs antis they do it for free.
Your rant hit the nail on the head.
Also, the Sasuke stan in me just has to say one more thing...
as if he isn't canonically one of the most sought after characters
Sasuke isn't just one of the most sought after characters, he is canonically the most sought after character! 😁
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Just putting that out there ^_^
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naruhinalife555 · 8 months
Stupid you can trash me all you want but it will never change the fact that you are mentally ill Stay with your filth you ugly human being
I don't like Sakura exactly because of people like her how dare she post my name I have the right to ask what I want if you asked why a lot of people don't like Narusaku this is the answer they are just filth pathological liars not only do they steal Naruhina's stuff from the movie they also create a fake Using the author's characters without this permission is simply a shame, think carefully if you want to support this garbage!
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Kishimoto said only good thing on NaruHina and this makes me happy 😊❤️❤️
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
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HiNáTĀ iS tHë sPïrItuAl HêRœ oF tHîs ÃRc.
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