#anyway hi anyone who reads these tags
corrodedcoughin · 1 year
little story about little Eddie and his 2 new friends | word count approx 2.5k | general audience rating | steve and eddie are kids and Wayne is a pushover
Wayne sometimes thinks it was a mistake, not taking in the boy. God no, he would never think of Eddie as anything other than an important and intrinsic part of his life, couldn't be without him, wouldn't want to be. 
No, what Wayne worries about is how his readiness to help Eddie feel loved might contribute to the boy's difficulty in making friends.
It was an innocent enough request, Eddie asked for a pet as all young children do. He was so small and so wide eyed, just a scrap of an 8 year old with more feelings than he knew what to do with. Wayne knew he'd never hold up against any request Eddie made but he liked to pretend to himself that he could. And while technically he never pandered to the boy, yes Eddie usually got what he wanted but in a way that suited their means. Or so Wayne tells himself. 
8 year old Eddie asked for a pet and a pet is what he got.
Eddie barrelled into the trailer door, backpack swinging off his arm and ready to be thrown into the corner. Planning to shoot off back out the door to do his usual; lift up rocks and inspect whatever bugs he could find, to grab sticks and imagine them as wizard staffs, to let his imagination finally run wild after hours of sitting still at a desk under too bright lights and too busy class rooms. In truth he wasn't really paying attention to the insides of the trailer, expecting it to be the same as always. It took a very pointed cough for Eddie to register that Wayne was unusually home from work, far earlier than normal, and a further loud clearing of the throat for Eddie to pay attention to what Wayne had placed on the kitchen table. 
Right in the middle of the table, sitting in a beam of sunlight, was a cage and in that cage was what would soon become, Eddie's very reason for being. He crept up close, almost as if scared that any sudden movements would prove the whole thing to be a cruel illusion. He was brought out of his reverie by a pink nose wiggling at the bars, whiskers attached and twitching as the rest of the rat appeared.
'is he-? is he for real?' Eddie said with a gasp, hands inching towards the door of the cage. 
Wayne had to suppress a laugh, trust this boy to be bowled over in wonder at a rat as if it were a puppy. He opened the contraption of the enclosure door and dipped his hand inside, allowing the rat to climb onto his palm. The guy from work assured him that this one was the most tame he had, inquisitive to a fault and oddly enough, desperate to be handled. Quite honestly, the perfect match for his well meaning but excitable nephew-near-enough-son. 
'Yeah, yeah kid it's for real. And he's a she.' Wayne lets the rat sniff at Eddie's hands, little pink hands finding a platform on Eddie's palms, clearly holding himself a still as possible but if Wayne knew this boy, and he did, he knows that Eddie is so close to vibrating out of his skin, that containing that much excitement must be killing him. 
'I don't care. Wayne, I don't! Can she sleep in my room? Does she know tricks? Can I teach her? What does she like? Can I take her to school? Please! Wayne!' He's started now, words pouring out of his mouth, tripping over himself to try and release every thought entering his brain at lightning speed.
'Woah, there' Wayne says pulling the rat up, cradling it in two hands, 'We got to be kind to her alright? She's only small. Doesn't know what loud noises are good and which are bad, okay?' He watches as Eddie nods vigorously, eyes never leaving the creature. 'Now you promised me you'd look after a pet so that's what's going to happen. She is your responsibility. That means cleaning, feeding and loving, got it?' Eddie nods again, tentatively reaching his hands up, the image of Oliver Twist springs to Wayne's mind. 
Wayne comes around the kitchen table, crouches down to Eddie on creaky knees and hands the rat over, filling Eddie's small hands with a heartbeat and fur. Eddie giggles, watching as the rat surveils the new patch of skin its found itself on. 
'Tickles, Wayne' and its said with such love and devotion Wayne almost feels his heart break 
'Yeah son. She does, doesn't she?' 
 Of course it takes less than a week and Eddie and Sam are inseparable. As soon as Eddie gets home he's itching for his furry friend, delighting in the way she scampers around the room, over his arms and anywhere she can get. No matter what though, she always comes back to him. She can be digging in to a particularly interesting crevice behind the couch but she'll always come running back when she hears Eddie make a noise.  
The thing is, Eddie is a pretty lonely kid. Not for lack of trying, don't get it wrong. Eddie tries to socialise he tries to talk to the other kids in his class, get them involved in his imaginary games and play pretend but being the new kid doesn't really do him any favours. Being the new kid that lives in the trailer park and a penchant for biting to show affection does him even less. 
To Eddie, its him and Sam against the world. He can come home and know that his best friend will listen to all his problems, will stay close and won't run away even when he's extra loud or being 'a lot' as his teacher like to tell him. He's so tired of being told to use his 'quiet hands', his 'inside voice' and every other subdued phrase they try to press on him. 
This particular day was a hard one, Sally Winters had said that Eddie was 'bad luck' and the word quickly spread around by recess. Eddie had thought he was making some progress with a couple of kids from the class, was thinking today might be the day that he finally got asked to play but that hope quickly got squashed. He had hopped up to the potential friends with a stick in his hand and a notion of being a pirate when they both looked at him like he was a monster, they couldn't get away fast enough. And Eddie couldn't find a place to hide quick enough before the fat and heavy tears fell from his eyes. 
It was a long day and home time was his only saving grace. 
Wayne knows somethings up, can tell in the way that Eddie isn't even really talking to Sam, hardly looking at the Tv despite the fact that Wayne very purposefully had put the cartoon Lord of the Rings movie on. The sure fire fall back he liked to keep in his back pocket. The trump card to get his kid happy. This time though? No luck. Looking at the kid makes a chasm open up in his gut, deep and full of overwhelming sadness that he just wants to stop, wants to find the solution to make this boy smile like the sun again. They don't talk much for the rest of the night but Wayne makes sure to stay close, stay awake in case he's needed. Eddie spends the time between dinner and bed sitting on the floor, side pressed up against Wayne's leg and playing fetch with bits of Wayne's whittling with Sam, not a word said. 
Eddie wakes up the next morning with a plan and a devil may care attitude. Oh so carefully he maintains his usual routine; says good morning to Sam, carts her around the trailer as he washes his face and wanders into the kitchen, placing her in her secondary cage so she can eat breakfast with Eddie and Wayne - Eddie was adamant that they couldn't have meals without her, 'she's part of the family!' and soft hearted fool Wayne Munson agreed and an additional cage was sourced. 
When breakfast is finished Eddie begins his usual rigmarole of dragging his feet to get out of his pjs and into his clothes, reluctant to grab his bag and go out the door. Same old protests as Wayne watches him walk out towards the school bus. 
What is a new addition to the routine though, is Sam Munson hiding up the sleeve of a school boy and about to go on a secret and very dangerous mission. A mission to survive the school day. 
Surprisingly, Eddie manages to keep Sam secret, keep her safe, the whole morning. He came prepared with snacks to make sure she was entertained and happy, he couldn't stand the thought of her being sad, her eyes get so big and her tail droops as well as her ears, it makes the whole of Eddie ache. But no, she's happy, or happy enough at least. 
So the morning goes without a hitch, Eddie making noises to cover up any squeaks and keeping a hand in his pocket to reassure Sam, stowed in the pocket of his hoodie. He knows he's seen as 'weird' so what's a few extra noises? They are let out for recess and Eddie breathes a sigh of relief, thinking this is his time to let Sam out, knowing she's desperate for some fresh air. Sure, she's peed in his hoodie pocket, but he can't really tell with it's dark colour and the layer of t-shirt between the wet material and his tummy. 
He runs off to his usual corner, stuck between a bush and a tree and gently tips Sam out of his pocket, she scampers around his feet and gratefully accepts a broken off bit of cracker between her hands.
'Thanks for coming with me Sam. Everyone is so mean, its so stupid. I don't care. You are a better friend than any of those losers' He crouches down, hoping to find a twig to play fetch with. A game that he delights in, is immeasurably proud of her for learning it so quickly. 'Gonna find you the best stick Sam. Promise. Best stick for the best friend' 
He continues muttering to himself and doesn't notice that he's getting progressively louder after finding a twig and beginning the game. Doesn't register that he's drawn unwanted attention with his happy shouts and encouragement until a body is crashing through the shrub he's hidden himself behind. 
Sam doesn't notice either until the unexpected form is right in front of her and she bolts, running as fast as her legs will carry her and Eddie is right behind her, muttering under his breath as he trips over his own feet in an attempt to catch her 'oh shit oh no oh no oh no' He's pushing himself as hard as he can but it doesn't count for much, he never was the fastest. He keeps trying though but then a faster body is accelrating past him, in a evident bee line for Sam. 
Without thinking, Eddie lets out a painful 'NO!' terrified of what might happen.
He knows people think rats are dirty, thinks they don't deserve love and don't deserve life. He doesn't want to imagine what this person's intent might be. Sam reaches a dead end up against the wall of the school and the body, the boy, stops infront of her. Scoops her up? Cradles her into his chest? Eddie...Eddie doesn't know what to think, he's prepared to fight this kid but then the boy is looking up at him with curious hazel eyes. Stroking Sam's head gently and with intent.
He holds Sam out, careful with his motions, trying to blow his brown floppy hair out of his face without disturbing the animal in his hands 'is she okay? is she yours? did I hurt her? she looks okay, is she?' Eddie gingerly steps forward and plucks Sam out of the boys hands, gives hera thorough inspection as the other boy continues 
'I didn't mean to scare her I swear! I didn't even know you had her! I won't tell, I swear I wont! You know...you shouldn't really have a rat in school. If I promise not to tell can I play with you? I'm Steve' 
Holding her close, Eddie squints at the boy, at Steve, and thinks. Thinks about how he looks nice, about how soft his hair looks and how he asked Eddie, Eddie!, to play, that he didn't give him a wide bearth and that he held Sam with such care. It isn't even a hard decision.
They spend the rest of recess together. Eddie shows Steve just how smart Sam. That she can play fetch, that she can run across one arm to the next, over your shoulders without losing balance. That she can twitch her whiskers and it seems like she's laughing at the joke Eddie tells her. That she laughs at the joke Steve tells her! Steve learns that she's named after somebody called Samwise and it doesn't matter that he's a boy because Sam is brave just like Samwise and smart and cares just as much. That Sam is Sam and Eddie is Frodo and together they can take on the world. 
Steve asks if he can have a name too and Eddie calls him Legolas, doesn't tell him why. Doesn't say that Steve reminds him of the pretty elves described in the books Wayne reads out loud to Eddie. It doesn't matter, not really. 
Recess ends and they shuffle back to the school doors, both of them lagging behind the others.
Eddie steels himself, knows he has to bring his misfortune up so that he can own in, so that his new friend doesn't find out from someone else. 'I'm bad luck you know. Sally...she said it. now everyone wont talk to me. I wont be mad if you don't either. I've got Sam. We'll be oaky! So you can just go, I don't care!' He knows he's getting wound up, he can't stop himself. He just wants the bandaid ripped off so he can start feeling sad quicker, get it over with sooner.
Before he can register is, Steve is wrapped around Eddie in a flash of a hug, careful to keep his tummy away from squashing Sam. 
'Not bad luck to me. See you tomorrow Frodo' Steve whispers next to Eddie's ear and shuffles through the school door. 
Eddie is in a daze of joy and happiness, thoughts rumbling through his head but none of them sticking as he journey back into his class room. Pure happiness radiating out of his body, he takes Sam out of his pocket and holds her up to his face 'Sam you made my bad luck go away!' kissing her on the forehead as he hears his teacher scream 
So Wayne thought the already unpopular kid having a rat would make things worse. Turns out, he was wrong. Very, very wrong. He might have to start pocket inspections before school though.
also on ao3 if that's the preferred reading format for you
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 months
"are people not into that?" i ask, after posting my weird niche shit to the internet, despite knowing it to be weird niche shit.
#jsyk sylkius or anything adjacent to it does not “Do Numbers” in any way and i observed this some time ago#i assume that's the “rival ships” element at work but who knows really#that sort of thing is like femslash in that everyone approves of it but nobody actually reads or writes it#but who would have thought sylvie beating loki with a stick would not bring in droves of readers???! shocking twist there!#& i don't consider sifki a rarepair but my rarepair standards are VERY strict like if there's >5 fics a pairing is basically mainstream#chasing popularity would annoy me though & i just don't have the mental spoons to try writing stuff i wouldn't personally read#yeah i *could* put my blorbos to work in a coffee shop but what cost to my own enjoyment levels? AT WHAT COST FANGELA???#you can't please everyone so you may as well just please yourself and if anyone else likes it you've found some fellow freaks so yay#i don't mean please yourself in a wanking sense. though feel free to do that too it probably counts as a cardio workout idk.#BUT ANYWAY#fic related#ps i am v glad there's the “warning: loki” tag because i think/hope it acts as a filter for 'he did nothing wrong in his life ever' types#who are Valid & etc obviously but i write my morally grey characters to be morally grey and the tag might help avoid conflict#though tbh i write almost every character to be morally grey in some way so i can't claim to have left my comfort zone here#(i'm not joking when i say the 1987-89 run of Dr Who shaped my entire future fannish life from a young and apparently v impressionable age)
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
honestly your dpxdc clone au gives me life, its adorable as all hell and im a sucker for found family but with that being said, its so freaking hysterical to me that Danny is going full feral liminal menace at Wes any time hes near and Wes himself is still 100% into it the freak (affectionate) and thats not even pointing out the paralles it could possible create since danny and dames gives massive parallels to dick and damian and dick does have a thing for redheads.
yeesSSSSS! I was planning on hoarding this to myself but i can't not reply. and i'll be able to find this again with the clone^2 tag so win WIN. i'm so glad you are as delighted by this as me. It's so hilarious to me that Danny just becomes a complete freak whenever he spots Wes, and I'm the one who wrote it into existence. Like- like i don't know how to explain my vision in words but like, its like Danny sees Wes and immediately goes 'what can I do to make his day worse'. And then he goes and does it.
(honorary read more because i talk a lot)
He's relatively normal around his friends too, which makes him going full-fledged unhinged around Wes even funnier to me. Like, Danny will spout weird shit sometimes to Sam and Tucker, but usually its prefaced with him talking about patrol or there would be context before he said anything. With Wes? Though?? he will just. say anything, completely unprompted. Slings an arm around his shoulder like they've been buddies since primary school and then spits out a weird new fun fact he learned about the bodily anatomy while researching his latest cold case. All vaguely-threatening but utterly insane things to say as way to start a conversation.
And sometimes its not even that, he'll walk up to Wes and ask him if he saw the latest daytime fight between Phantom and Skulker. And then he'll say "yeah i missed it myself but I saw clips of it being posted online" and then watch Wes mentally explode him with his mind. or he'll disparage Phantom for having such a young partner with him, "Can you believe he'd let a kid fight ghosts with him? I'd never let my brother ghosthunt with me if I was Phantom."
All of this with such a deceptive look on his face but the most delighted, shit-eating gleam in his eyes. Wes is chewing glass and he wants to yell that he does let his brother fight ghosts with him. Also you told him yourself that nothing would've stopped your demonic (Wes' words) little brother from joining you.
Damian gets in on the fuckery occasionally, but since he's not around often with Wes about, it doesn't happen nearly as often as it does between Wes and Danny. Sam and Tucker know he's screwing with him too, and both of them are a little wary about him being careless with his secret id. But he's been doing this since he was 14-ish and it hasn't backfired yet. So. They're not actively stopping him.
Danny walks back to his lunch table after terrorizing Wes and Tucker just asks him what he said, because Wes was about as red as a tomato when he walked away. Danny offhandedly sighs and innocently says he tried to have a conversation about Phantom with him. Wes didn't seem to like it all that much. Weird.
And yes, yes. Wes is totally into it and is slightly enraged about this fact, because not even he knows why he's into it. The freak (affectionate). Danny gives him this troublemaker smirk, and i did say smirk, and Wes doesn't know whether or not if he wants to smack him or kiss him. Or both. Like, yeah, pine, white boy, pine.
(And this is a dramatized image but I'm also highly entertained by the idea that Wes keeps getting routine dirty looks from various peers because they, too, have a crush on Fenton. Except Fenton doesn't talk to anyone else unless its his friends and sometimes Valerie, and Weston, the guy who keeps accusing him of being the local vigilante, is somehow routinely having conversations with him?? And BLOWING IT?? Like everyone else thinks he's fumbling so bad, and yet fenton keeps tALKING to him.)
And yes!! i'm always so pleased whenever someone brings up the parallels D+D have to Dick and Damian, because that was lowkey my intention when I was making the solo clone damian au. Although it was supposed to be more implied since I don't really know much about Damian and Dick other than they're very close and Dick was Damian's Batman for a year. And then of course the very smaller parallel (??) 'what if' between Bruce and Damian and D+D in clone^2 considering who they are both clones of.
And man this just makes me want to talk about when batfam meet D+D because I just want them to see D+D be so brotherly towards each other. Like I want them to see Bby Dames wearing his goofy fun fact shirts and stealing Danny's hoodies/flannels/etc and blatantly lying about it when Danny asks. Only for Danny to then throw him over his shoulder like Tadashi from BH3 and jump around.
And also. I do not know what Damian Wayne's (DW as I'll call him) stance on being called "Dami" is - the general consensus I've seen is that its usually used as a playful nickname in order to get a rise out of him, and he doesn't really like it.
But baby Dames being called that freely, and often, and its sometimes used to get a rise out of him but thats typically what nicknames do. Its used as easily as his full name is with the same amount of affection. And its like his main go-to nickname. "Dami" and "Dames" with the occasional "Bud/Buddy", "Squirt", "Little man", etc. Not once is he ever called 'demon-spawn'
(which i know is a fanon nickname but its a relatively popular nickname)
but yeah, uhhh. i think thats all of my thoughts on the matter. for now lmAO
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plusultraetc · 2 months
I saw a post about this a hot minute ago and I'm so mad I can't find it BUT. While I LOVE Present Mic as a popular radio personality, there isn't really that much concrete evidence to support that idea. (Which, to be fair, there isn't a lot of concrete evidence about the careers/public perception of a lot of pros outside of All Might, Endeavor, sorta Hawks, etc., so you can pry that headcanon out of my grasp with a crowbar and so on.) That being said, I think a really fun angle to explore re: Present Mic as a radio host-pro hero-UA teacher (that I may or may not have the bare bones of a fic about👀) is the idea that Mic debuted as a very successful hero and entertainer, and experienced pretty steady growth in both aspects of his career for a few years before he took a teaching position at UA.
Hero rankings are based on incidents resolved, and can be damaged by taking any amount of time off (such as when the Wild Wild Pussycats took, what? A couple of months off from hero-ing? and their ranking plummeted by several hundred places). Teaching is time consuming; it's the kind of job that often necessitates 'bringing work home' with you in the form of grading, lesson planning, etc. Obviously it would cut into Mic's focus on his hero work and his radio show, and obviously that would affect not only his actual ranking but how much attention his career/persona garnered. After all, there is an influx of new heroes every single year when hero courses across the country graduate. It takes work to stay relevant in this universe.
So now I'm thinking of like. Present Mic but with the level of fame/popularity of a celebrity who was big a handful of years ago, but you don't hear so much about anymore. Like, yeah, they're still active, and still have a (often very dedicated) fanbase, but they've kind of been shuffled out of the spotlight a little bit. This also makes his lackluster reception at the entrance exam so much funnier imo, because those students would have been like 8-9 when he stopped just doing hero/radio stuff and started teaching, but they're teenagers now and Present Mic is sooo not in anymore.
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ao3screenshotss · 9 months
sometimes i worry about my internet footprint and the fact that it might stop me from getting a job in the future or something (i literally run a blog posting screenshots from fanfics i read) but then i think ‘well damn, if they can find all this information about me then i don’t deserve the job cause i know i wouldn’t put in that much effort to find information on someone’ and i feel better
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caruliaa · 6 months
just bc im a lesbian doesnt mean tht i wont at times become deeply entranced with the beauty of male actor or character. it just means i wld rather be locked in a room with a man with a knife than do anything romantic or sexual with one
#NO OFFENCE TO MEN AS PEOPLE THAT EXIST. but also i shldnt have to say tht after saying this yk#also b4 u say ooh ur aro tho why do u need to specifcy u wldnt do anything romantic w a man when i wldnt with a woman either#i am actually pretty romance favorable. like i would be in a romantic relationship with a woman if it wldnt ruin my life#with how it is rn . i think i like and want all the parts tht make up a romantic relationship i just dont experince romantic attraction#but anyway i was here to talk abt my sexuality not my romantic orientation#this post was originally like 'im remembering why there was such a huge overlap with my og major starkid hyperfixation#and me identifing as bisexual' but the thing is is the main main guy from starkid i remember being attracted too#was infact . rob. and thats aged badly bc of it being revealed that hes a fucking creep since then#but also just now not that we should ignore tht but regardless of that i just. dont see it at all#maybe it is that news subconsiously turning me off him but i really dont see that much what i liked abt his appearance#but who rly inspired this post to me is infact . jeff blim ? which is suprising just from the fact tht i dont ever remember#having tht big of a crush on him with that og starkid hyperfixation. but well he is a very beautiful man . giggling a little bit. sorry .#also becoming a bit obsessed with joey richter but thts just standard lesbian obssesion with a weird little man#not attractive to me im just obssesed with him. hi#also posting this now so when i finally watch the fnaf movie i can rb it abt josh hutcherson#anyway. does anyone read these tags do these long rants i go on like. turn ppl off of my posts. sometimes i wonder#flappy rambles
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bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
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As sharp and serious as a pistol to the eye
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eldritch-thrumming · 9 months
i saw that review on letterboxd of all the rhetorical questions for barbie and like… the more i think abt it, the more i’m certain that the review’s author fundamentally misunderstood the film. barbie land is not a utopia in the way that adults would think abt a utopia, like the author seems to imply… barbie land is canonically shaped by little girls playing with their dolls. that’s why we see a supreme court. thats why there are nobel prizes and authors and lawyers (also because that’s how the toys are marketed… would there be a mermaid in ur utopia??? there would be in mine!). that’s why barbie and ken don’t necessarily know what a boyfriend and girlfriend are “meant” to do (not to mention that the author’s assumption that sex is fundamental to a romantic relationship is problematic at best). that’s why barbie is indifferent to ken (i personally had the life size barbie and my sister had the barbie dream house—we had the working woman barbie game, i had the genie barbie gameboy game, we had countless barbie dolls; we didn’t own a single ken doll lol). barbie land is a world created by and for little girls as they play with their dolls (she says in a comment on the original post “don’t little girls play with their dolls in a sexual way?” and yeah, sure, some do. but i didn’t and i’m sure there are others who didn’t… just like there are some girls who completely mutilated their own dolls and made them into horrifying creatures)… that’s why stereotypical barbie starts having an existential crisis—because a grown woman begins to play with her doll again and starts reshaping barbie land… we, as the audience, are meant to understand this as an outlier to how barbie land is canonically created. the author also calls ken “crass” and “slovenly”… maybe after he builds the patriarchy in barbie land he becomes “crass” but i wouldn’t call him slovenly at any point in the film (i suppose this is just semantics tho).
also, please stop saying that barbie land is a reversal of the real world. it isn’t, even if that may have been the filmmakers intentions. again, barbie is indifferent to ken. she does not abuse him, she does not treat him like he exists to service her by cooking or cleaning or providing other favors for her… barbie does not oppress ken in the way that men oppress women in the real world (we have no idea if he owns property or where he lives and she doesn’t seem to particularly care—extremely different from the fact that women couldn’t have their own bank accounts or credit cards, get a mortgage on their own or divorce their husbands through no fault divorce until the second half of the 20th century in the us… within a lot of our mothers and grandmothers lifetimes!!!!) and it is a complete disservice to conflate or equate the two. we actually see barbie drawing clear boundaries around her time and space in regards to ken—this is not a reversal of misogyny as women and girls experience it in the real world, by any stretch of the imagination.
is the film perfect or revolutionary or radical? of course not. it was produced by major studios and corporations in hollywood. of course the barbie movie is a fucking commercial for barbie, like… to expect anything different is just extremely dumb on your part if u saw the trailer, saw the marketing, saw the interviews, bought a ticket, and sat ur ass in the theater, like be fuckin serious. but don’t do women and girls a disservice by discrediting the world and thoughts and ideas it could open up for them by seeing themselves be taken seriously on screen in a major summer blockbuster with stupid fucking questions because u want to feel superior to everyone else because YOU and ONLY YOU see through the capitalist marketing of lipstick pop girlboss feminism (especially when juxtaposed with the way the female characters are treated in oppenheimer, which we cannot help but compare to the barbie film with the viral marketing of barbenheimer).
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writerot · 2 months
his default recall is so cool..........
#not me arts tag#ive never used his default skin so i didnt even know what it looked like until now....ough#i wish u could mix and match sounds or recalls with skins................#i honestly forget half the time hes supposed to be like. Cool and Suave and a Competent Badass#because my brain is always like. god hes so small and floppy and will die if you breathe on him wrong#also hes always crying and breathing heavily in my ear so im just like. poor guy#he should be at the bed taking a nap not fighting....... who made him fight.... stop that he doesnt belong on the battle field#he might be a badass hitman or smth but my brain is like#this is just a sad theatre kid who took gymnastics#''aphelios how is your assassin training going'' aphelios who has only been reading the acrobatics textbook: my what#is there anyone still reading these tags. hi there#i have a lot of thoughts on him. im very obsessed with his animations#like he has a laugh animation for every weapon.......#all the various weapon animations...#maybe the real reason we wont have a legendary for 10 more years is all the animating they have to do#i mean his base animations are so good id honest be like OK if they reused them#cant rly do much better than already Top Tier animations#unless we get an alune legendary.....#hope alune is super awesome and badass and all the aphelios voicelines are a really shy awkward guy or smth#like you look so cool and awesome fighting and the whole world doesnt know ur listening to a lil guy in your brain the whole game#the contrast would be very funny methinks#if anyones still reading this. yes i know riot made up some reason about budget or whatever for voices#but i choose to believe aphelios is head empty no thoughts and thats why he doesnt talk to alune#(STILL GOOFY OF A REASON... lots of VAs can do both genders of voices.... like. what about kindred and kayn....)#then again wouldnt be surprised if they were overbudget on the animations but still smh my head into oblivion#can relate to a guy who simply doesnt wanna talk#(said after 10000 tags of talking to myself)#i should really put my thoughts onto a separate post or blog or something#anyways have i mentioned i think hes really cute
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foulfaced · 11 months
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oh boy two am! perfect time to start a new drawing :D
anyway this was just to get this poto x 14dwy crossover out of my head but i think itd maybe be fun to finish? and maybe let anyone who wants to add their mc in a blank space but who knows lol
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sonknuxadow · 6 days
they werent lying that knuckles series barely has knuckles in it
#i pirated that shit Btw just so we're clear. also gonna talk about it a little bit in the tags#nothing too spoilery but also might not wanna read if you want to go in knowing absolutely nothing? idk#anyway he WAS a main character still he was present for a decent amount of the first couple episodes#but the amount of screentime he gets just starts dropping after that . hes barely there at all in the second half ???#and it feels like theres a lot of scenes mostly focusing on wade and his problems and not near as many for knuckles and his whole deal#overall it feels more like a wade show with knuckles in it than a knuckles show with wade in it. which sucks#and human characters having plot relevance isnt the problem here i dont mind human characters at all i think they can be really fun#its the fact that the human characters are taking over the story and spotlight when the show is called knuckles#and all the marketing makes it look like knuckles is the main focus#and i also would have preferred if they just went with a differnet character to be knuckles' human friend#because i dont particulraly care about wade. and the knuckles (and sonic and tails) i know would not be friends with cops </3#well at least the story wasnt knuckles training wade to be a better cop like a lot of people were expecting but thats like.the bare minimum#also aside from the issues relating to knuckles' screentime (or lack of screentime) i thought the ending was unsatisfying#regardless of all that though there WERE some parts i enjoyed or found kind of funny or whatever. because knuckles so cutesy as always#knuckles being a cute little guy is the most important part of the show actually#and i liked the parts with sonic tails and maddie even if they were only there for like 5 minutes#(i really wish those three had gotten more screentime. i feel like they could have easily worked in at least one more scene with them)#and its a minor thing but the opening sequence is cute. was honestly expecting just a title card or something#overall the show is just . kind of okay i guess. not the worst thing ive ever seen but still disappointing ? idk how to explain..#my expectations also werent very high in the first place#so maybe im being a bit more generous than i would have been otherwise. idk#and i definitely would not recommend this to anyone who already dislikes the sonic movies . youll probably hate this more#like people who thought the human characters got too much screentime in the second movie would lose their minds if they saw this
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query-quadrant · 3 months
I've had a pitch crush on someone for a while! I really hate them! >:)
But one of our hatefriends just told me they might be pale for me? >:O
If they are, what do I do??? How do I make them hate me properly? :(
I don't pity them! I don't even know why they pity me! Or if they even really do! :?
It's really confusing and I don't want to have to reject them and then have to try and ask them out! That's not gonna go well!!! >:(
yeah i dont know that sounds awful i think personally id just die
questionable advice: either try upping the annoyingness and going all out with pitch flirting or just sit them down and just actually ask them if they pity you or not maybe youll get lucky and they dont but either way at least youll know right so that sucks a little less than not knowing
bad advice: kill their lusus maybe thatll make them really mad at you
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nilesmoon · 2 months
infinite wealth if sawashiro said "who gives a shit about ebina im going to hawaii with ichi" and then the rest of the game is a family vacation
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#Ok so here's my dream scenario. It starts w kicking kiryu out of the narrative bc girl. I love the guy but he does not need to be here!!#kicking him out of the narrative also banishes the ebina stuff. I'm still keeping him around but#he'll be basically built up to be the main antagonist of 9. We're ONLY focusing on the cult stuff for 8#the way 8 closes him off is already sequel bait so give him a proper focus game w 9#Anyways now that that's out of the way. My worstie sawashiro does indeed become a party member.#His moveset is mostly blade damage w some blunt damage mixed in. YES I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT GAME MECHANICS#His singular elemental move is him flicking a cigarette at the enemy. Yes this is based off of that one scene w ichi in 7#ANYWAYS I HAVE MANY IDEAS I CANT TYPE THEM ALL OUT RN BUT. FAMILY VACATION ARC. PLEASE#ITS INSANE TO ME HOW KASUGA 'I LOVE MY FAMILY' ICHIBAN WAS NOT ALLOWED TO PROPERLY INTERACT W HIS FAMILY???#AND THE MAJORITY OF SAWASHIROS CONFLICT INCLUDED CAST MEMBERS WHO DIDNT GIVE A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT HIM????#I keep thinking back on that scene where ebina shows him passed out on that chair and THE INTENDED AUDIENCE FOR#THAT SCENE WAS AN OCEAN AWAY LIKE GIRL. WHAT WAS THE POINT???#well another perspective of that scene would be that sawashiro would be glad that ichi wasn't the one that came to rescue. which is. Misery#me when characters are defined by their guilt 💥💥💥💥😵💥💥💥😵‍💫💥💥💥😱💥💥💥💥😫💥💥💥#Well. If y'all read all these tags. thanks. If anyone is curious about this self indulgent au that I've created feel free to hit me up#(Please hit me up I'm desperate to talk abt the arakawa family misery and I deeply wish this game was even more miserable)#rgg#nile talks
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klesek · 6 months
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novem-bur day 14: walter crondale !! i wouldve posted walter on his day but i ended up making it way more complicated than i could finish in time so im just gonna post it whenever i finish it lmao. so in the meantime have a doodle :3
prompt list
#wilbur soot#walter crondale#wilbur soot fanart#art#novem-bur#im probably gonna make this sketch into a thing for my trig project due in a couple weeks lmao#like i was just drawing this then i went OMG THE BG IS LIKE SECANT GRAPHS ❤️❤️#so. it works for my trig project lmao#kinda sad i didnt finish the bigger drawing in time bc it was fwiatc and i wanted 2 explain walters whole deal in fwiatc.....#well whatever i'll explain it here . for anyone reading the tags. bc i want to#so walters whole thing is that hes 1. married to rustbur and 2. a watcher and 3. caused the whole story to happen#like while looking for his husband (who was supposedly dead after crashing in the pacific while fighting in ww2)#he decided to check other timelines as well. specifically other timelines with ppl named 'wilbur soot'#so he accidentally-on-purpose put them all 2gether and then joined after everyone was there. for funsies#i love walter so much hes gay hes a god hes besties with sally the salmon and Jesus Christ Himself he has a cat named after every single us#-president its lived to see his full name is walter herbert oglevee morrison soot-crondale (after the guy who reported the hindenburg irl-#-w the script wilbur read out while doing the og walter crondale bit) hes so so special to me i want to throw him into a trash compacter#<- hed b fine anyways . walk out without a single scratch#i love him#anyways go read party in the [REDACTED] in the fwiatc series it is my favoritest thing ever#thank you forever and ever for that zo#and for the 50% of fwiatc youve basically written for me#ok this is not the right time or place to get sappy i have a chapter to finish
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
The Power Of Suggestion.
The one in which T/oji, G/eto and G/ojo are all hanging out, when G/eto decides to tease G/ojo a little, and they find out something very interesting about their other friend. This is purely indulgent snz nonsense and they will all be sneezing because I say so and because I want to, is my fic, sue me~~ Um so this is absolutely AU, because well… obvious reasons… but just picture the G/eto + G/ojo dynamic exactly as it was (cough lovers cough), but adding T/oji to the mix as he is, just a touch less murderous intent &lt;3.
And SOSOSO much credit to @lycheeehehe for getting me feral over this man and also for the idea that he’s suggestible. (hope you don’t mind the tag <3) PLEASE go check out their headcanon list for him!! I am absolutely using their ideas in this <333 To anyone who bothers to read this nonsense, thank you! And I hope you enjoy~
Characters: G/eto, G/ojo, and T/oji Word Count: 2.2k 
(References to swearing, mild violence implications and smoking, in case anyone doesn't like those!)
Getting a day off at Jujutsu Tech is almost unheard of. There’s always some student that needs training, some mission to oversee, or a mission to do yourself. Getting a day off is almost unheard of, but getting some free time is not. Especially when you happen to be the strongest teachers. I mean… who’s gonna stop you? 
This is what leads to Gojo and Geto having a picnic outside in the middle of the day. Geto lets out a sigh, relaxing against the blanket, bathing in the warmth of the spring sun. Next to him Gojo shovels mochi into his face at a rate Geto finds a touch alarming.
“Slow down a bit. Remember, we’re all meant to share those.”
“You’re the one who bought my favourite flavour of mochi! Besides, I brought the alcohol, and you know I don’t like that stuff. Fair trade, isn’t it?”
“Even if I agreed, he doesn’t drink either, so you still have to share.”
“Speaking of which, he’s late. Like always.”
“Cut him some slack. Unlike you, Toji still takes his job seriously.”
“Hey! What is that supposed to mea- Oh, hello there!”
Geto sits up, eyes scanning the field, only seeing Toji’s approach thanks to Gojo’s wave. ‘Despite knowing him for over five years now, I could never get the hang of sensing his presence. I believe he enjoys that fact. It seems to annoy him at times that Gojo catches on so easily.’ Geto offers a laugh, sitting up to meet Gojo’s gaze, sunglasses askew just enough to show the mischief in his eyes. ‘He called out before Toji on purpose, entirely to piss him off.’
“Punctual as ever, Toji.”
“Whenever I arrive I’m on time, long as it’s when I want to get there.” 
“Vague as ever as well. Either way, it’s of no matter, good you got here when you did. Satoru’s nearly finished the mochi.”
“I have not!”
Turning away from Toji and back to Gojo, Geto doesn’t miss the powder hanging off his lips. ‘Talking with his mouth full. Still distasteful, even by his standards.’ Grabbing a seat, Toji lets a sigh out, leaning down onto his back much like Geto was previously doing. He throws a comment at Gojo from his position.
“How many pieces remain?”
“There’s at least- uh… t- two…”
“Is that counting the one in your mouth?”
“I’ll take that as a yes. I want the other one. Throw in some of that meat and we’ll call it even.”
“You mean a sandwich?” 
“If I wanted a sandwich I would have asked for one. I said meat.”
A smirk forms over Toji’s face, Geto letting out a chuckle as Gojo passes over the mochi, a sulk starting to form. Reaching into the basket, Geto pulls out a few sandwiches, tossing the bread back in as he hands Toji the meat by itself. ‘Who am I to judge what people eat…’
“Thanks. Now, can I take a nap here, or do you wanna spar a bit first? Been a long day.” 
“Can wait till later.”
Gojo offers, waving in a vague gesture before leaning his head down into Geto’s lap. In return Geto lets his hands wander through the white hair, stroking it as Gojo purrs. The sunglasses slowly slip down his nose until Geto pulls them off, setting them aside next to the basket. They stay like that for a minute, light snores starting to pour from Toji, until a smile starts to spread against Gojo’s face.
“What are you-”
“Hey Fushiguro, think fast!”
The cup Gojo tossed lands squarely on Toji’s face, Geto suppressing a laugh at the yelp that escapes from the gruff man. A glare shoots out at Gojo, Toji sitting up with a vicious grin, something dark starting to spread into his eyes. ‘Despite knowing he’s our ally, that look never gets less terrifying.’ 
“You wanna fight, Gojo? I’ve been craving a good ass kicking.” 
“Better run, Satoru. Got a feeling he’s about to beat you to a pulp.” 
“I’m sorry! I take it back!”
“I’ll start with that pretty face of yours.”
“Hey- woah- I need my face! How else am I supposed to get out of situations that go bad?”
“Maybe try not letting them go bad? Or, and here’s a new concept to you, don’t be the reason they go wrong, and maybe you won’t get blamed?” 
His mouth hanging open, Gojo raises an arm to mockingly drape over his face, Geto still finding himself being used as a human shield. ‘Despite the dramatics, we all know Toji couldn’t put a scratch on your face. Not anymore, at least. You have better control over infinity, and he doesn’t have the motivation.’
“You wound me, Toji!” 
“Another handful of meat and I’ll consider the assault forgiven.” 
Reaching down to grab the meat, Gojo’s uncovered eyes meet the warm sun, his face immediately ducking into Geto’s chest. Geto in return sighs, grabbing the sunglasses to prevent further outbursts he’ll have to clean up. Toji sighs, grabbing the meat himself while the others are distracted. 
“ihh’TIShh’kiew-! eh’gnchh’kiew-! hehh- aiYIShhiew-!” 
“Bless. Why did you have to aim that at me?”
“It came on fast. Besides, you’re the one who took off my sunglasses, so really it’s your fault.”
“Oh, is that the game we’re playing?”
“What do you mea-”
“It’s not my fault you’re so sensitive, Satoru.” 
Geto smirks as a cautious look crosses Gojo’s features, his nose twitching already. ‘He’s smart enough to know where I’m going with this. Looks like he’s reacting before I even get started.’ A hand raises to scrub at his face as Gojo casts a desperate look towards Toji, who for his part, seems utterly confused. ‘I guess I’ve never showed him this little party trick. He’s in for quite the show.’
“I mean, even the sun sets you off? What doesn’t get your nose itchy? Look at it now, it’s already twitching again.”
“S- hehh… Suguru… dohhhhn’t…” 
“It looks almost like a bunny, all scrunched up like that. It must be tickling so much.”
“hAH’aIYshhiew-! heH- dtshhh’kiew-!”
“Oh, bless. Even after those, your nose is still trembling. Does it almost feel like the tickle is gently buzzing through your nose, touching every sensitive-”
“ihh’gEShhh’kiew-! huh’tiSHhew-! huhh… hh- aiyshh-keashh-aiiishhh’iew-!”
Glancing over at Toji to catch his reaction to this little episode, Geto’s surprised to find his head ducking into his chest in a tight bob. Meeting his eyes however, there’s no sign of distress, a gruff chuckle spilling from his chest as Gojo’s eyes start to water. ‘Hm. Must have been nothing. Guess I’ll continue the show.’
“Suguruuu~ thihhhs isn’t- heHh-!  fa- ahh… fair!”
“Sorry, didn’t quite catch that, what did you say? It’s a bit hard to hear you through those ticklish breaths.” 
“eh’GEchh’iew-! hheHHh-! nnNTShh’kiew-! heh’AIYshhiew-! G- god it tihhhckles…” 
“How bad? Almost like a feather is tracing your nose?” 
“hH’INchhiew-! hahh-! teschhh’kiew-!”
“What was that?”
“Nothin’ that I heard.”
Geto’s eyes snap off Gojo, searching for the source of the noise. Toji’s response draws his attention, but there’s no indication across his face that he’s lying. Deciding to focus back on his boyfriend ‘Who’s currently attempting to rub his nose off his face apparently-’ Geto lets out a warm laugh, mischief that would rival Gojo’s flashing through his eyes. 
“Getting in every corner, leaving little puffs of fluff behind as the tickle-”
“heh’IShhiew-! aihhh… heHhh-! guhh… uhhH- kiEShh’diew-! hNNChh’kiew-!”
“hH’knGt-! eh’dnT-!” 
The sound comes again, this time Geto doesn’t miss Toji’s head snapping to his chest with each noise. Once he raises it again, there’s not a trace of any irritation, except a faint hue of pink starting to form around his nose. Geto meets his eyes, watching the tint spread down his cheeks. 
“Are you- sneezing?” 
“And what of it? Happens sometimes, I’m human after all.” 
This catches Gojo’s attention, shifting his focus from his own nose to Toji’s face. His sunglasses tilt down as he seems to analyze the man glaring him down. Geto matches the gaze, catching the way Toji shifts nervously under the stare as his nose starts to scrunch again. 
“You sure that’s all? You seem a bit itchy.”
“Just drop it. I’m fine.”
“Well alright!”
Geto offers a warm smile, letting his eyes close as the crinkles form in his cheeks, before pretending to turn his attention back to Gojo. ‘I have a theory to test… but I have a feeling if I’m too obvious he’ll retaliate. Or, more likely, escalate to violence.’ Meeting eyes, Gojo gives him a nod, quite understanding of the plan.
“Look at how pink your nose is getting, it’s practically quivering. I bet you have to sneeze so bad, don’t you?”
“heH’ITChhhiew-! uhh… hihH-! kieshhhew-! hehHhhH-! heH- hH’geNShh’kiew-! aiyshh’diue-!”
Despite knowing it’s not meant for him, Gojo’s nose remains just as sensitive to suggestion, a fit bursting from him before he can prevent it. Geto’s focus shifts back to Toji, watching as his own nose twitches, a fist raising to crush it as his breath snags. Gojo starts to smirk, lightly pinching his own nose to get a few words out before he sneezes again. 
“It’s just so itchy.” 
“hH’KNgT-! innGDT-! eh’dehNGT-!”
“It’s ahhlmost like the tihhh… tickle… hehHH-! The tickle is just spreaahhhh… spreading throug- heH’IShh’kiew-! Through my n- nose…. hH’tnSHhh’diew-!”
“hH’RRSHHh’oo-! ah��RRUSHH’shoo-! eH’GNZSHhh’aah-!” 
Giggles burst from the duo before they can stop them, Toji shooting them a dark look, one that’s completely undercut by the way his nose twitched. Geto gets a hold of himself first, managing to meet the glare with a smirk of his own. 
“Geto I swear to god-”
“Your nose is twitching, Toji. Does it itch? Is the tickle slowly spreading up from the tip-”
“I hhhhate you- uh’RSHHH’aa-! ahRUSHhzshho-! 
“hh’tiESHh’iew-! hehh… ahhh-! hah’aiiyshhiew-!” 
“Fuck- heH’NNZSHhh’aa-! aiRSHH’ouh-!”
Matching sneezes echo from Gojo as he doubles over into his lap, mirroring Toji’s movements as they both palm at their noses. Just as Geto’s about to start laughing again at the adorable sight, he takes notice of the evil grin Toji’s wearing. ‘This can’t be good…’
“Hey Geto.”
“Play wicked games, win wicked prizes.”
Before he can ask what that means, Geto’s face pales at the cigarette Toji pulls out and lights in one fluid motion, raising it to his lips. Geto opens his mouth to protest but gets cut off by a waft of smoke Toji blows right at his face. 
“ih’gxxt’choo-! heh’kxxt’chh-! inxxt’chho-! hh’txxt’chh-!”
“You know what? This actually is pretty funny.” 
“tnxxgt’choo-! eh’kshhnt’oo-! eh’keshh’ieuu-!”
Gojo’s practically rolling around with laughter as tears spill freely from his eyes, Toji chiming in with a rough laugh of his own, cigarette hanging from his mouth mockingly. ‘Touche but- knxxgt’chh-! I’m not done in that easily.’ Even his thoughts are interrupted by sneezes. Still, Geto rubs his nose, deciding to use this to his advantage. 
“Y- you’re right… hh’dnNShh’iue-! It just ti… tihhhh… tickles so much… it’s like there’s- knxxgt’choo-! This soft feeling slowly- hnXGT’chh-! Invading my nose, running frroohhhm… from the bridge, all the way down… d- down… eH’dnxgt’choo-! Down to the tip.”
The reaction is just as he planned, Toji’s nose practically red from the abuse it’s suffering, starts to scrunch again, giving him only enough time to wrench to the side as the fit begins again. Gojo doesn’t even bother, his trembling nose being pressed into his hands as he harmonizes with his own outburst. 
“huH’RRZZShhh’oo-! hehh- hh’zzASHHH’oo-! Geto you- hnNZSHh’uuh-!”
“aiyshh’kiew-! huhh... heh- ihhh’tiEShhiew-! knEShh’diew-!” 
“rrRUSHhh’aa-! You’re a dihhhck. hEH’RDJShh’ouh-!” 
“aiyshhiew-! hehh.. I h- have to… huHhh-! hh’keshh’chiew-!” 
Not able to get the cigarette out in time, Toji leans forward with a light cough, blowing smoke right onto the other two. Gojo’s not as allergic as Geto, but having it blown right at him gets his eyes watering up immediately, Geto not even getting a breath before the next series of sneezes overtakes him. 
“eh’gnxsh’ue-! hH’keshh’shuu-! hehknxt’choo-! inxxt’choo-! heh’knxxt’chh-! eh’dnShh’uee-!”
“heH’AIyshh’kiew-! ehh… hiH’eSHh’diew-!”
“Weak, the b- huhh… Both of youuu uhH’RUSHH’aa-! AERSHH’oo-!” 
“Not sounding so invulnerable yourself, Toji. eh’aIYshh’diew-! ehhh-! hah’dieshh’kiew-!”
“Okay, okay, you two. We give, you win Toji. hh’knxt’choo-!” 
“Like usual.”
The sneezes slowly fade out, laughter replacing them as all three find themselves laying down, gazing up at the sky as they wipe the tears from their eyes. Geto can’t help but smile at the scene, three of the strongest people at Jujutsu Tech reduced to a panting mess from a cloud of smoke and some words. 
“I didn’t know you were as sensitive as Satoru.”
“I’m not. Just a tad suggestible is all.”
“I see.”
“You tell anyone you die, you got that Suguru?” 
In lieu of a response, Geto offers an innocent smile, reaching over and tapping the tip of Gojo’s nose. He gets a whimper in response, Gojo twisting around to bury his nose in the blanket as the sneezes start again. Toji winces at the action, chuckling lightly as Geto lays back down. 
“hehHH-! eiSHh’diew-! Hahh… hah’kESHhh’iew-!”
“Seems he maintains his position as the most sensitive.” 
“Ru- hUH’tIShh’kiew-! Rude.”
“Gross, Satoru.” 
“Th- thanksfor- iHH’keSHh’diew-! Thanks for your concern T- tehH’eSHhh’iew-! Toji.” 
“Geto, you better make sure he washes that before you put it back.”
“hAHhh… eh’geSHhhh’kiew-! enchshhh’iew-!”
Laughter descends over the three friends once more as Gojo leans into Geto, his arm casually draping across Toji’s chest. Normally this type of overly clingy affection was not stood for, but after the events of today, Toji lets it slide. The three of them close their eyes, bathing in the sun’s gentle embrace once more. For a moment, just a moment, they’re not the strongest, sorcerers, killers, or anything. 
They’re just three friends sharing a blanket on a warm spring day. 
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 days
Just had the idea of doing a Roxy askblog that's based on it being a secret blog she's not allowed to have and every so often if someone asks her something she just says stuff like "To the Fazspy reading this, I'm not the real Roxy." to try and throw the staff off her trail lmao
Will probably never make a blog like that, but it could be kinda funny. Maybe I bring the idea of an 'ask Roxy anything' game back where I draw the answers for it instead so it's not a whole ass blog dedicated to Roxy being a sneaky lil shit on the internet
#there's several reasons I probably won't do it but it's a fun spin on stuff#roxy exploring the closed off parts of the plex in first person lmao#taking pictures like 'look see? its right there!' and she's pointing at literally nothing because the camera doesn't see what her eyes see#could be funny!#but doing things is... I would say it's improving but not really#it's improving in a maybe it is maybe it isn't sort of way so who knows if I'll ever get to do it anyway#ANYWAY yeah I'll probs not do this. literally no one would interact with it#the people are bored of my plex history stuff anyway so like... yeah it's cool I know when something won't work#an askblog only works if it gets asks and uh yeah the amount of askblogs I've seen die off within a week here because of that is crazy#no thank you to that I think!#I'm not putting the effort into something like that just to have it die so fast#hi if you read this far go find an askblog and pester the shit out of them it's fun#I haven't seen any around for a while but I also can't view half of tumblr on my phone#so it's really fucking hard to see them even if I follow them :(#but yeah if there's any sb askblogs out there or anyone that wants to have a go at it tag me in a post.#I WILL show up to be silly in your inbox though I may not always remember the plot if there is one#again. I can't see half of tumblr on mobile and that includes blogs but I'll do my best man#askblogs are fun! they're goofy and chaotic!#highly recommend!! I haven't ran one in years but they were very fun!!#ANYWAY Roxy just making posts like 'Jerry. Sandy. I know what you two keep doing in the Gator Golf caravan. :)'#just name dropping random plex guests to be like 'I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE' for shits and giggles#'who are they?' 'oh just two morons that dont know I know Everything Ever. Don't worry about it.'#ya know?? fun! goofy shit! could be funny!#random pictures from inside the plex like 'lmao they think I cant see them' and its just a fucking wall like yeah I wonder why#maybe it's the fucking wall in the way who knows? it's a mystery sdfdsf#pop rox talks
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