#argentina brunetti
Dial 1119
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It's no insult to anybody involved to suggest that Andre Previn’s title music for Gerald Mayer’s DIAL 1119 (1950, TCM, Apple TV+) is one of the best things in the picture. His percussive, jazz-tinged score sets the stage so perfectly you may wish he had gotten to do background music for the rest of the film. But in the long run Mayer made the right choice in going with only diegetic music. It heightens the suspense as escaped mental patient Marshall Thompson holds the patrons of a second-story bar hostage. DIAL 1119 is a tidy little thriller made on a surprisingly low budget for MGM and enhanced by some great camera work by Paul Vogel. Thompson is good casting in the lead. With his baby face, he’s much creepier than a more obvious heavy might have been, and he wisely underplays most of the time (wisely because when he finally overplays it’s not very convincing, which kills some of the tension). The rest of the cast may have been chosen because they fit the low budget, but some are very good indeed: William Conrad as a grumpy bartender named “Chuckles,” Leon Ames as a cheating husband, Argentina Brunetti as a passenger on Thompson’s bus, Sam Levene as the police psychiatrist Thompson is out to get and particularly Virginia Field as a lush. At times, she seems to be a lady of the evening coming on to the male customers, but that wouldn’t have been allowed in 1950, so when one man makes an offer, she laughs in his face, something Field did very well.
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signalwatch · 11 months
Noir Watch: Dial 1119 (1950)
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Watched:  05/24/2023
Format:  TCM
Viewing:  First
Director:  Gerald Mayer
I went into this film with low expectations and finished it absolutely knocked over by the script, direction and actors - not to mention the camera work, attention to costume, etc...  It's a dynamite package of a movie, and one I'd recommend for folks thinking of character detail done economically.
The movie takes place in near real-time as an escaped psychiatric patient steals a gun on a charter bus and then winds up taking a bar and its patrons hostage while things escalate outside.  It's part of the noir subgenre of hostage-dramas that probably started before The Petrified Forest, but found footing there and worked it's way into a thousand scenarios (check our Key Largo if you haven't prior).  
The cast is mostly folks who were not mainstream stars in 1950, though some became household names.  In it's way, it's an ensemble picture, and feels influenced by theater of the first half of the 20th century, not least of which is the Pulitzer prize winning Time of Your Life.  Only interrupted by a psychotic gunman.
But the pieces are there.  We catch snippets of who each character is just enough so we wonder how they'll react to a gunman sure to kill them.  The young man waiting on word that his wife delivered their baby.  The lush in search of a man for the night.  The reporter who just quit.  The cranky bartender who doesn't think much of humanity.  The aging virgin and the man who is throwing sweet nothings at her, surely with motives both in the bedroom and out, but nothing to do with her.  Then there's the psychologist who wants to save the world and the cop looking to minimize the disaster.  And, of course, the menace of television (this being 1950).  
William Conrad plays the bartender, Signal Watch favorite Sam Levene the psychologist, Leon Ames the Letch, and Barbara Billingsley's distinct voice and face will knock you out of your seat when she shows up in a bit part as an office admin for a newspaper editor.  
Also expect character actor Argentina Brunetti and Dick Simmons as a roving TV reporter.  
In true Hollywood fashion, the two leading women are both too attractive for what I think they're supposed to be, but both sell their roles like crazy.  Andrea King as the late-20's virgin trying to pass for 23 nails her part, and Virginia Field's lush is the movie's primary secret weapon.  Matched closely by the powder-keg-waiting-to-blow Marshall Thompson as the gunman.  
Bumping off Conrad as the turn to the second act was wild stuff and removed any sense of certainty to the film.  But Virginia Field's lush stole the show for me, maybe as crazy and erratic as the gunman in her own way, and more violently ready to live.  Her moment taking down the gunman was unexpected and perfect.  And, of course, Thompson's shocked and childish reaction to being gunned down - just the perfect character note to wrap his arc.  
This movie would have made a great stage play, but then you'd miss out on the street scenes, the chaos below, the @#$%-up at the paper that almost gets them killed...  So, yeah, this works for me as a movie.  It would probably now be a mid-season TV cliffhanger somewhere, but I like that it's so self-contained and has only the info we need to care about the hostages and turns the knife for the returning GI's and what they went through at abroad and at home - and some should never have been given a gun.
Anyway, a great, tight film that I'll certainly re-watch.
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/RHkhwGV
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Título Original:  Whisky Romeo Zulú
Año: 2004
Duración: 107 min
País:   Argentina
Director: Enrique Piñeyro
Guion: Enrique Piñeyro  
Música: Eduardo Criscuolo
Fotografía: Ramiro Civita
Reparto: Enrique Piñeyro, Mercedes Morán, Alejandro Awada, Carlos Portalupp,i Martín Slipak, Paulo Brunetti
Productora: Aquafilms
Género: Drama; Thriller
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classicfilmfan64 · 2 years
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James Stewart, Debra Paget, Jeff Chandler, Argentina Brunetti - Broken Arrow (1950)
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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7 Faces of Dr. Lao (George Pal, 1964)
Cast: Tony Randall, Barbara Eden, Arthur O’Connell, John Ericson, Noah Beery Jr., Lee Patrick, Minerva Urecal, John Qualen, Kevin Tate, Argentina Brunetti, Royal Dano, Eddie Little Sky. Screenplay: Charles Beaumont, based on a novel by Charles G. Finney. Cinematography: Robert J. Bronner. Art direction: George W. David, Gabriel Scognamillo. Makeup: William Tuttle. Film editing: George Tomasini. Music: Leigh Harline.
Occasionally funny, occasionally scary, occasionally clunky, and even occasionally sexy (in the scenes when the god Pan thaws out Barbara Eden's stereotypically frigid librarian), 7 Faces of Dr. Lao is mostly a tour de force for Tony Randall under the seven faces that makeup artist William Tuttle provides for him. (Tuttle won an honorary Oscar for his work.) The special effects won't pass muster in the age of CGI, but they're rather endearing in their antiquated way. I do wish that someone had coordinated the pronunciation of Dr. Lao's name -- Randall pronounces it “Low,” but other members of the cast rhyme it with “now.” 
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mariocki · 3 years
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Shockproof (1949)
"Now listen: this is important in your case. You may not associate with, or correspond with, or make any contact with any individual of known bad reputation, or any present or former inmate of a penal institution -"
"Harry Wesson was never in any -"
"I know all about Harry, you don't have to tell me! He's never landed in the pen, but he's come close a dozen times. Now, I'm telling you he's the wrong sort for you, and my orders are to stay away. Disobeying my orders means you break parole. Breaking parole means you go back to jail, is that clear?"
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michigandrifter · 5 years
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Broken Arrow 1950
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badgaymovies · 5 years
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Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com, The Great Caruso by #RichardThorpe starring #MarioLanza, "Fans of the musical genre and Lanza himself will be in heaven" RICHARD THORPE Bil's rating (out of 5): BBB.5.  USA, 1951.  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.  Screenplay by…
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lifejustgotawkward · 7 years
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365 Day Movie Challenge (2017) - #249: The Brothers Rico (1957) - dir. Phil Karlson
Don’t bother with The Brothers Rico unless you’re a Richard Conte fanatic, or if you’re a film noir completist with a specialty in Columbia’s output from the 1950s. Conte plays Eddie Rico, a former mafia accountant who is forced to collude with mobsters once more when his two younger brothers, Gino (Paul Picerni) and Johnny (James Darren), decide to rat on some organization members after helping to pull a heist. The film drags in many scenes, despite a fairly brief running time of an hour and a half, and it is disappointing that the two lead actresses, Dianne Foster (as Conte’s wife; I quite enjoyed her as the femme fatale in a more hard-hitting noir flick, Drive a Crooked Road, made a few years earlier) and Kathryn Grant (as Darren’s wife; she married Bing Crosby that same year), give uninspired performances. The Brothers Rico offers some good supporting performances from Larry Gates, Argentina Brunetti and Rudy Bond, and of course Richard Conte is always an appealing leading man, but his films Cry of the City (1948), Thieves’ Highway (1949) and The Big Combo (1955) are far worthier of a noir fan’s time.
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thenewdemocratus · 6 years
Pink Fairy Girl: The Unholy Wife 1957- Diana Dors & Rod Steiger Star
Pink Fairy Girl: The Unholy Wife 1957- Diana Dors & Rod Steiger Star
Source: Pink Fairy Girl
Source: Pink Fairy Girl: The Unholy Wife Trailer Diana Dors
I believe Diana Dors, or someone like her would be perhaps the last person you I could imagine being a killer, especially a murderer and a women who murdered multiple people. But that is exactly what she plays in this movie as someone who likes being married to a wealthy man and the money and lifestyle that comes…
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 6 years
Cayaoa bruneti
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By José Carlos Cortés on @quetzalcuetzpalin
Name: Cayaoa bruneti 
Status: Extinct
First Described: 1979
Described By: Tonni
Classification: Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Galloanserae, Anseriformes, Anseres, Anatoidea, Anatidae, Anatinae 
Cayaoa is a relatively well-studied extinct duck from the Gaiman Formation in Chubut, Argentina, living approximately 23 to 20 million years ago, in the Aquitanian age of the Miocene of the Neogene. It is known from more than just foot bones, but also multiple wing bones, leg bones, and other portions of various individuals. These fossils together indicate that this duck was actually flightless! It had reduced wings and very robust legs, and it was similar in size to the Moa-Nalos of Hawai’i. However, it doesn’t appear to be a Moa-Nalo, but rather a foot-propelled diving bird, almost intermediate on the way to the diving bird Chendytes. It is also, interestingly enough, the earliest known flightless proper duck! It’s wings were extremely reduced, and its bones were very dense, like that of modern penguins, indicating high levels of adaptation for a diving lifestyle. 
Buy the author a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/kulindadromeus
De Mendoza, R. S., C. P. Tambussi. 2015. Osteosclerosis in the extinct Cayaoa bruneti (Aves, Anseriformes): Insights on Behavior and Flightlessness. Ameghiniana 52 (3): 305 - 313. 
Noriega, J. E., C. P. Tambussi, M. A. Cozzuol. 2008. New Material of Cayaoa brunetti Tonni, an Early Miocene anseriform (Aves) from Patagonia, Argentina. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 249: 271 - 280. 
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acdvsocialistas · 4 years
Noticia Brasil Online HomepageBRASIL RAFAEL BRUNETTI em BRASIL STF derruba fim do DPVAT e assim como a Câmara e o Senado, simplesmente não deixa Bolsonaro governar Pronto, o que todos sabíamos se tornou claro. O STF, assim como a Câmara e o Senado, simplesmente não deixa Jair Bolsonaro governar. Agora, votou por maioria pela derrubada do fim do DPVAT. O brasileiro vai voltar a pagar a taxa. Esse é o povo que trabalha contra o Brasil! LEIA MAIS: A REDE partido da sumida Marina Silva esta contra a decisão de extinguir o DPVAT e vai ao STF reclamar Cancelar inscrição de notificações Próxima Leitura: Thiago Lacerda, apoiador do "ele não", e do "Lula Livre"é detido por posse e uso de drogas » BOLSONARODPVATSEGUROSTF Artigos Relacionados Argentina aprova lei de Emergência Econômica que aumenta impostos para a classe média Um projeto de lei chamado de “emergência econômica” foi aprovado hoje (20) na Argentina através… Alexandre Garcia, sempre brilhante faz balanço do 1º ano de Bolsonaro: ” Nenhum escândalo de corrupção” O jornalista Alexandre Garcia fez um balanço sobre o primeiro ano de governo do presidente… Thiago Lacerda, apoiador do “ele não”, e do “Lula Livre”é detido por posse e uso de drogas O ator Thiago Lacerda foi detido na noite desta sexta-feira (20), no bairro do Leblon,… ULTIMAS BRASIL Justiça Politica ENTRETENIMENTO Todos os direitos reservados | Ver Versão Não-AMP Powered by AMPforWP whatsapp
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some kind of wacky lady in argentina straight up wrote RPF about cristina and got it published?  i put it on my kindle and tried to read it and i’m so horribly confused by what’s going on and who is telling the story.  0/10 fail leave it to the professionals, graciela brunetti
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badgaymovies · 4 years
The Lawless (1950)
Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB. 
USA, 1950.  Pine-Thomas Productions.  Screenplay by Daniel Mainwaring.  Cinematography by J. Roy Hunt.  Produced by William H. Pine, William C. Thomas.   Music by Mahlon Merrick.   Production Design by Lewis H. Creber.   Costume Design by Rosemary Odell.   Film Editing by Howard A. Smith.
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The marketability of a giant-identify movie star voice actor gave means, maybe inevitably, to an much more insidious trend: immediately basing a personality's look on the well-known actor providing its voice. Photographs of the 13 actors who've stuffed the time- travelling hero's footwear - from the inaugural Doctor, William Hartnell, to Peter Capaldi who will step into the role within the extremely-anticipated Christmas episode - had been used to develop the picture. He's really talented and versatile, and he is one of the highest-paid actors of at present! McKellen is a British actor with quite a lot of talent as an actor, having popularised his two most effectively-recognized performances as Magneto within the X-Males franchise, and Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings franchise. Stevie Marvel, probably the most well-known musicians of our time, was born blind resulting from a situation known as retinopathy of prematurity - an eye fixed illness that happens in a small percentage of premature infants where irregular blood vessels develop on the retina. Nicholson been nominated for an Academy Award 12 times and has received three times (twice for Greatest Actor and once as Finest Supporting Actor). One may find plaques to hold on their walls with famous John Wayne quotes on them, helping anyone to recollect some of this most poignant traces from his movies. Melissa McCarthy continues her conquest of Hollywood today, and is at the moment one of many fastest rising feminine actors. The point to take home is that so long as you work onerous, and you know the way to change into a working actor by a sequence of properly-deliberate steps as a substitute of meandering around , you'll get there ultimately. He's tied with Walter Brennan for many appearing wins by a male actor (three), and second to Katharine Hepburn for many acting wins total (four). Identified for his roles in Pirates of the Caribbean , Alice in Wonderland , and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Depp is as well-known as they come. Chief Dan George was nominated for a Greatest Supporting Actor Academy Award, making him the primary Native American to receive the glory. Movement pictures that characteristic him as a number one actor or supporting co-star, have grossed a total of $2.55 to $three.04 billion on the North American box workplace, putting him because the sixth (as strictly lead) or the eighth highest-grossing movie star (counting supporting roles) of all time. Among the most famed Sicilian actors in Hollywood are The Minnellis, Frank Sinatra, Argentina Brunetti (actress/author: It is a Wonderful life), Sonny Bono, and Al Pacino. As a struggling wannabe actor he was sleeping in his car, barely affording meals whereas out on casting calls and auditions. Just as most actors, Steve Carell was working loads of odd jobs on the time of trying to outlive as a budding actor in the 90s alongside doing small bit components right here and there. The son of actor Suresh Oberoi, Vivek made a promising debut in 2002 within the edgy gangster film Company, established himself as a matinee idol that very same yr within the romantic drama Saathiya, started courting one of many biggest stars in the business, Aishwarya Rai, and then proceeded to blow his momentum with a string of poorly chosen tasks and a rising status for being tough.
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Tiempo Muerto Storyboard
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Here’s a sequence I did for “Tiempo Muerto” an Argentinian & Colombian movie.
Dirección: Víctor Postiglione Guión: Víctor Postiglione
Protagonistas Guillermo Pfening, María Nela Sinisterra, Luis Luque, María Eugenia Arboleda, Claudio Cataño, Consuelo Luzardo, Carlos Duprat, Martha Pineda, Bernardo García, Tao Sierra
Productores: Mauricio Brunetti Productores ejecutivos: Nastassja Bischitz (Argentina), Deisy Marroquin (Colombia)
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