#automated reality
ankhmeanswombman · 3 months
Reproduction and Character Masking: An Endless Chain of Sorrow
I’m a lover of authenticity and sovereignty, and in my experience most people are not. I have mentioned before how most individuals are automated organic androids, except they are becoming more and more inorganic, genetically-modified. There may be some silver linings to humanity’s increasing convergence with technology though. They need to build up what they have lost and redevelop intelligence and peace which they have thrown down the gutter after aeons of self abuse. Maybe the Prometheus Project isn’t such a bad idea. If the average person lacks both EQ and IQ, is addicted to conflict, and is a remedial junkie so as to ignore the piling karma, maybe it is best for the elites to retrain this person into the image of a more advanced being. Prometheus after all was the light bearer, guiding the beast out of the darkness of ignorance and into divine wisdom of good and evil, the discernment of which is lost to many in these trying times. The average persons lack of understanding of free will and karma has decayed their minds exponentially, because they cannot visualize the bigger picture, recognise pattern, or understand that there are consequences for every thought and action. They live as though they are completely detached from both body and spirit, such is the result of glorifying patriarch-consciousness and phallic philosophy. The lack of respect shown to the body is magnified every day through the collective consciousness, and if the vessel, a manifestation of spirit in 3D, is damaged, spirit itself may vacate the dense formation known as body to the point where spirit no longer rules it, but rather a set of primal, devolved automated instructions designed simply to perpetuate the Godless vessel sans conscious spirit. The evolved being must understand that the devolved being has been spiritually absent for a long time, which is why character-masking is rampant, they do not even know who they are which is why they adopt a new identity every year or simply stare at a screen to figure out who to copy-paste into next. The more old school approach would be simply termed keeping up appearances, and as we know, what appears to be a certain way, is not always true in reality, as maskers improve their techniques with each passing epoch so as to survive, fearing the natural death that awaits the ego. Ego is not meant to survive for long but it is a smart parasite which ensures that the soul stays dead so as to keep itself going. Reproduction as it exists today is simply a mechanism for competing with God, which is why ego is so fervently obsessed with it. Ego is at constant war with spirit, so copulation must always try to thwart parthenogenesis or anything higher up the Great chain of Being than itself. Because most people have banished their own souls to the underworld while welcoming hell-demons to possess their vessel, they naturally do not care about why higher concepts are hidden from public view, the real truth is that everything is hidden in plain sight, which ultimately means there is no hiding to begin with and all things are visible to those who actually wish to see… and if you don’t, well good luck decaying and rotting in a hell of ignorance, lest you be reborn through the fire. Those who are obsessed with masking/keeping up appearances are also obsessed with physical reproduction via coitus through the Hermetic principle of gender, and usually their reasons for engaging with both are the same; continuity of an automated reality, why you may ask, who knows, not even them, as there is no end goal. Just keep going. They view both the self and the other as a machine to extract token niceties or bodies to keep the beast-system going. The world is predator-prey because the vast majority is soulless, thus ruled by duality. Creativity for the average person begins and ends at physical reproduction which is why they emphasise it, and because they have no creativity derived from mentalism, they reproduce ideas derived from others and recirculate these ideas and mannerism in a continuous cycle under the guise of politeness.
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skinnypaleangryperson · 6 months
This is, genuinely, one of the most unintentionally funny things that I've seen today.
"Do you think this sums up your community?"
What, complete and absolute scams and mayhem from the people behind it, careers being ended left and right, and even more trashy and toxic posts from the fans that are constantly abusing each other and the creators to the point of mental insanity daily? Yes, absolutely.
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: December 5
"Funeral Bell" by Phildel
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klysanderelias · 1 year
Y'know the thing that irritates me the most about 'AI art' is that it's such a bad name for the phenomenon we're seeing. If I hear the phrase 'AI art' it should be in regards to some fucked up almost incoherent shit that is entirely inhuman. I want to see a picture envisioned by something that doesn't share any of my assumptions and sensory organs and culture. I want AIs to speak in a language that only means something to them. I'm not interested in replacing human artists, I want to experience the joy and terror of hearing whale song for the first time knowing that it was written for a world alien to me.
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jcmarchi · 17 days
Leveraging AI, Digital Twins, and AR/VR for Enhanced Aircraft Maintenance and Repair
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/leveraging-ai-digital-twins-and-ar-vr-for-enhanced-aircraft-maintenance-and-repair/
Leveraging AI, Digital Twins, and AR/VR for Enhanced Aircraft Maintenance and Repair
Leading aircraft manufacturers have been under intense pressure since early January, when a panel blew off a brand-new Alaska Airlines 737 Max midflight. While this issue was front and center for one manufacturer specifically, the event has spotlighted a lengthy series of safety and manufacturing problems that have piled up for the industry over the years. These events have placed traditional maintenance and repair procedures under focus, and have intensified the need to leverage new technologies to improve procedures.
The integration of advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), digital twins, and Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) is drastically changing these traditional approaches to aircraft maintenance and repair. Airlines and aerospace manufacturers are increasingly turning to these innovative solutions to optimize maintenance procedures, enhance safety protocols, and reduce operational costs.
The aerospace, defense and other industrial sectors have a mission need to modernize their infrastructure to improve the operational efficacy by using digital twin technologies. The existing processes of operation, training and maintenance heavily relies on two-dimensional paper-based manuals with minimal digital modeling available.
The lack of existing digital models severely hampers operational efficiency, mission planning and aircraft readiness. Digital twins now revolutionize the way we design, build, operate, and repair physical objects and systems. The digital transformation of the industrial processes requires it to incorporate digital twin technologies that help provide the best possible tools for decades to come.
Aerospace manufacturers still face a bevy of challenges, including a lack of extensive 3D CAD models. For legacy aircrafts, very limited 3D models are available, and most of the models, requirements, and specifications are in 2D form. Generating accurate 3D models using dedicated scanners and digital modifications based on the 2D data using traditional methods is very expensive and time consuming. Additionally, most 3D scanning software keep the models in proprietary formats significantly limiting the usefulness of the models due to restricted interoperability.
Additional challenges include the ability to Incorporate the generated 3D models into existing SysML workflows and/or creating flexible workflows which are not tied into proprietary models and systems. To simulate the standalone behavior of each model and sub-system, as well as the interaction between different sub-systems, manufacturers need to incorporate the 3D model and their physical behavior into a system simulation model using SysML. This requires creating a framework for ingesting all the individual and combined system requirements into a SysML workflow, parameterizing the model configurations, simulating, and monitoring the behavior of individual components as well as their interactions.
AI-Powered Predictive Maintenance
Aircraft maintenance has traditionally relied on scheduled checks and reactive repairs based on reported issues. However, AI-driven predictive maintenance is now transforming this approach by leveraging data analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict potential failures before they occur. Airlines are harnessing AI to monitor vast amounts of data collected from sensors embedded within aircraft components, engines, and systems. This real-time data is analyzed to detect subtle patterns indicative of impending malfunctions or performance degradation.
AI algorithms can detect anomalies in data patterns, such as engine temperature fluctuations or irregular vibration signatures, which might indicate underlying issues. By continuously monitoring and analyzing this data, AI can accurately forecast when specific components might require maintenance or replacement, enabling airlines to schedule repairs proactively during routine maintenance intervals. This shift from reactive to predictive maintenance not only enhances safety by reducing the risk of unexpected failures but also optimizes operational efficiency and minimizes downtime.
The Role of Digital Twins
Digital twins are virtual representations of physical assets, such as aircraft, created using real-time data collected from sensors, historical maintenance records, and operational inputs. This technology enables aerospace manufacturers and airlines to simulate and visualize the performance of aircraft components and systems in a virtual environment. By integrating AI algorithms into digital twin models, operators can gain valuable insights into the health and operational status of individual aircraft and their components.
For aircraft maintenance, digital twins offer a transformative approach by providing a comprehensive understanding of an aircraft’s condition and behavior. Maintenance crews can utilize digital twins to simulate different operational scenarios and assess the potential impact on aircraft performance and maintenance requirements. This allows for more accurate planning of maintenance activities, optimized spare parts inventory management, and enhanced decision-making based on predictive analytics.
Digital twins also facilitate remote monitoring and diagnostics, enabling maintenance teams to identify issues without physical inspection. For instance, using real-time data from digital twins, AI algorithms can recommend specific maintenance actions based on the current condition of critical components, thereby reducing the need for manual inspections and improving overall maintenance efficiency.
Incorporating 3D Technology Into Digital Twins
Leading digital twin solution providers today are reshaping how industrial sectors utilize AI and spatial computing for digital twins, automation and robotics applications. These providers leverage the advancements in immersive XR interfaces, AI, and cloud technologies to provide an open, modular, high-precision, and scalable AI-powered cloud platform for fast, accurate and cost-effective 3D digital twin creation that boosts efficiency, automation and productivity in manufacturing, operations, training and sustainment.
With the proliferation of high-quality sensors, namely high-resolution color cameras, depth sensors (such as LIDARs), motion sensors, and eye-trackers, built into these COTS devices – providers have access to very high-quality spatial data to generate accurate 3D spatial maps in near real-time. Companies are primarily limited by the computation and power (battery) of these mobile devices. Today’s platforms streamline 3D scanning and digital twin workflows while using cloud computing to enable affordable consumer hardware to exceed its standard capability.
These solutions overcome mobile device limitations in battery life and computation by processing data in the cloud (on premises/air gapped or remotely such as AWS GovCloud). This enables rapid generation of detailed 3D models with millimeter accuracy from sensors in mobile phones, tablets, and XR headsets with full fidelity of the model and no noticeable lag.
By moving the most intensive processing tasks to the cloud, AI-driven software produces high quality point clouds from inexpensive COTS devices. This significantly accelerates digital twin creation compared to traditional methods. Today’s newer commercial solutions enable fast and accurate 3D point cloud generation using an XR headset as the capture device, while processing all the data on a server PC.
AR/VR Applications in Maintenance and Training
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are reshaping aircraft maintenance procedures and technician training programs. AR overlays digital information onto the technician’s field of view, providing real-time guidance and instructions during maintenance tasks. For example, AR can superimpose schematics, checklists, or diagnostic data onto physical aircraft components, allowing technicians to perform complex repairs more accurately and efficiently.
VR, on the other hand, is revolutionizing technician training by offering immersive and interactive simulations of maintenance procedures in a virtual environment. Trainees can practice complex tasks, such as engine disassembly or wiring repairs, without the need for physical aircraft access. VR simulations can replicate different aircraft models and scenarios, providing hands-on experience in a safe and controlled setting.
Benefits and Future Outlook
The integration of AI, 3D spatial digital twins, and AR/VR technologies in aircraft maintenance and repair functions offers a multitude of benefits for airlines and aerospace manufacturers. Enhanced predictive maintenance capabilities reduce operational disruptions, extend aircraft lifespans, and optimize maintenance costs. Digital twins provide a holistic view of aircraft health, enabling proactive decision-making and streamlined maintenance processes. AR/VR technologies improve technician efficiency and proficiency, ultimately enhancing overall safety and reliability. With these technologies at the forefront, aerospace manufacturers and airlines can greatly improve the process of aircraft maintenance and repair.
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carolrochamentoring · 4 months
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Símbolo representando a palavra Tarô, criado com meu comando autoral no ChatGPT4.
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xpbrandai · 4 months
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At XpBrand.AI, we’re not just shaping the future of market research; we’re crafting experiences that resonate, inspire, and transform the way brands connect with their audience. Join us in this journey of redefining insights and experiences. Schedule a call for more information!
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thesmokinpossum · 9 months
the registrar's office at my old college is really out there acting like they're soooo overwhelmed and I just know it's a lie, I know there's currently an employee there working 10 minutes and then spending 50 minutes on tiktok or facebook or whatever, I just know it deep in my soul
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Top 5 Essential Technologies To Boost Your Business
Technology is a vital tool to transform a small business. Enterprises must adopt new technologies to boost their operations in this evolving landscape. According to Forbes, digital transformation is a must in this age as it is instrumental in staying competitive, minimizing costs, and having a firm grip on the market. The media buzzes with AI and tech, but which technologies are most crucial…
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marketxcel · 10 months
The Future of Market Research: Unveiling the Top 10 Emerging Trends
The landscape of market research is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by the convergence of technology, consumer behavior, and data-driven insights. Embracing these six emerging trends empowers businesses to connect with their target audiences on a deeper level, adapt to changing market dynamics, and make informed decisions that drive success
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“What exactly are the followers of the church doing”
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ourjobagency · 11 months
Top 7 Trends in Salesforce to Watch in 2023
Salesforce has been a trailblazer in the world of customer relationship management (CRM) software for years, helping businesses connect with customers, streamline processes, and drive growth. As we step into 2023, the platform continues to evolve, introducing new features and capabilities to meet the ever-changing demands of businesses and consumers alike. In this blog, we'll explore the top seven trends in Salesforce that are shaping the CRM landscape in 2023 and beyond.
AI-Driven Personalization:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses engage with their customers, and Salesforce is no exception. In 2023, expect to see AI-driven personalization take center stage, allowing companies to tailor customer interactions based on their preferences, behavior, and historical data. This will not only enhance customer satisfaction but also boost conversion rates and drive customer loyalty.
Integration of IoT and Salesforce:
The Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping various industries, and Salesforce is embracing this trend by integrating IoT data into its CRM platform. This integration will enable businesses to gather real-time insights from connected devices, optimize operations, and provide proactive customer support. Expect to see IoT-enabled Salesforce solutions gaining traction across industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and retail.
Blockchain for Secure Data Management:
Data security and privacy are paramount concerns for businesses and consumers alike. In 2023, Salesforce is likely to incorporate blockchain technology to enhance data integrity and security. Blockchain can provide a tamper-proof, decentralized data storage mechanism, ensuring sensitive customer information remains safe from cyber threats and unauthorized access.
Hyper-Personalization with Customer Data Platforms (CDPs):
Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are becoming increasingly popular as they consolidate customer data from various sources into a unified profile. Salesforce is expected to leverage CDPs to achieve hyper-personalization in 2023. By understanding customer behavior across channels, businesses can deliver highly targeted and relevant marketing campaigns, fostering deeper customer connections.
Low-Code/No-Code Development:
In 2023, we will witness an acceleration in low-code/no-code development on the Salesforce platform. These user-friendly tools enable businesses to build custom applications and automate processes without extensive coding knowledge. This democratization of development will empower organizations to innovate and respond quickly to changing market demands.
Extended Reality (XR) for Enhanced Customer Experiences:
Extended Reality (XR), which includes Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), is gaining traction in the CRM space. Salesforce is likely to integrate XR capabilities to offer unique and immersive customer experiences. From virtual product demonstrations to AR-powered customer support, XR will redefine how businesses engage with their audiences.
Voice Technology Integration:
As voice-activated devices become increasingly popular, Salesforce is expected to integrate voice technology into its CRM platform. This integration will simplify user interactions, making it easier for sales representatives to access information on-the-go, analyze data through voice commands, and improve overall productivity.
Salesforce continues to be at the forefront of CRM innovation, and 2023 promises to be an exciting year with these emerging trends. AI-driven personalization, IoT integration, blockchain-enabled security, and hyper-personalization through CDPs are all set to revolutionize customer engagement. Furthermore, low-code/no-code development, XR integration, and voice technology will shape the future of the Salesforce platform, making it more accessible, immersive, and efficient for businesses worldwide.
As these trends continue to evolve, businesses must stay agile and adapt their strategies to leverage the full potential of Salesforce and gain a competitive edge in the dynamic world of CRM. Embracing these trends will not only enhance customer experiences but also drive revenue growth and long-term success.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
The Fusion of Robotics, AI, and AR/VR: A 2024 Revolution in Manufacturing
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-fusion-of-robotics-ai-and-ar-vr-a-2024-revolution-in-manufacturing/
The Fusion of Robotics, AI, and AR/VR: A 2024 Revolution in Manufacturing
In 2024, the manufacturing industry is currently at the doorstep of a transformational era, one marked by the seamless integration of robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR). This fusion is not merely a technological trend but a paradigm shift reshaping how materials are produced, processes are optimized, and workers interact with machinery. Today’s technologies are reshaping how these advanced technologies are evolving manufacturing, ushering in an era of unprecedented efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness.
Robotics and automation for manufacturers
Robotic automation has long been a cornerstone of modern manufacturing, streamlining repetitive tasks, enhancing precision, and augmenting human labor. However, recent advancements in robotics have elevated their role from mere tools to intelligent collaborators. Powered by AI algorithms, these robots possess the ability to adapt, learn, and optimize operations in real-time. Whether it’s assembly line tasks, material handling, or quality control, robotic systems equipped with AI are changing the speed, accuracy, and flexibility of production processes.
Leveraging intelligent technologies
The Intelligence of Artificial Intelligence is a key component. AI is the driving force behind the cognitive revolution in manufacturing. By harnessing vast amounts of data generated throughout the production lifecycle, AI algorithms can uncover insights, predict outcomes, and optimize operations with unprecedented precision. From predictive maintenance and demand forecasting to supply chain optimization and resource allocation, AI empowers manufacturers to make data-driven decisions that drive efficiency, minimize downtime, and enhance overall productivity. Moreover, AI-driven analytics enable manufacturers to unlock new levels of customization and personalization, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of consumers.
The use of data isn’t enough to power this evolution, and manufacturers are also realizing the importance of bridging the physical and digital worlds. AR/VR technologies are blurring the lines between the physical and digital realms, offering immersive experiences that revolutionize manufacturing workflows.
The role of AR/VR to power AI and robotics
On the shop floor, AR-powered smart glasses provide workers with real-time visualizations, instructions, and contextual information, enhancing training, troubleshooting, and task execution. VR simulations, on the other hand, enable manufacturers to design, prototype, and optimize products in virtual environments, minimizing costs, accelerating time-to-market, and fostering innovation. By leveraging AR/VR, manufacturers can transcend the limitations of traditional manufacturing methods, unlocking new possibilities in design, collaboration, and customer engagement.
What sets this technological revolution apart is not just the individual advancements in robotics, AI, and AR/VR but their synergistic convergence. When integrated seamlessly, these technologies create a holistic ecosystem that amplifies their individual capabilities, leading to transformative outcomes across the manufacturing value chain.
For instance, AI-driven robotics can collaborate with human workers in real-time, guided by AR visualizations that provide insights and instructions, resulting in unparalleled levels of efficiency, quality, and safety.
How generative AI creates additional benefits
And when it comes to AI, today’s Generative AI technologies are giving even more power to manufacturers. ChatGPT is the latest technology driven by AI that uses natural language processing. It leverages deep learning algorithms to enable users to converse with chatbots. What has captured the attention of manufacturers, designers and engineers is that it is an advanced system that can understand complex questions and provide very accurate answers almost immediately.
Because it was developed with conversational AI capabilities, it can immediately comprehend user queries and generate natural-sounding responses that are tailored to the conversation context. It also has built-in memory capability that stores information from past conversations to better respond to subsequent messages.
Today’s leading manufacturers are building AI-models like ChatGPT to help create virtual worlds in the metaverse to run simulations and increase productivity/efficiency metrics. More specifically, AI tools like ChatGPT and the metaverse can help create a 3D environment that replicates the real world, and the data used can be harnessed for analysis, running simulations and interacting with data more efficiently.
The use of robotics, AI and AR/VR in manufacturing streamlines operations, reduces costs, and increases productivity by enabling access to advanced technologies without the capital expenditure and technical complexities of setting up and maintaining these systems internally. This deep level operational strategy allows today’s manufacturers to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the benefits of automation. Combined with other advanced technologies such as AR/VR, AI and IoT, manufacturers across a number of industries will realize true competitive advantages and become category leaders of tomorrow.
This fusion of robotics, AI, and AR/VR is reshaping the manufacturing landscape, heralding a new era of innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness. By harnessing the power of these advanced technologies, manufacturers can unlock unprecedented levels of agility and customization, driving sustainable growth and prosperity in an increasingly dynamic global economy. As we stand on the cusp of this transformative journey, embracing collaboration, innovation, and responsible stewardship will be paramount in realizing the full potential of this technological revolution.
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tecboogle · 1 year
Explore the latest tech trends and insights with our expert analysis. Discover how emerging technologies are shaping the future of our world. Join the conversation today! Looking for insights into the future of tech? Our blog covers everything from AI to robotics, VR to AR, and beyond. Stay ahead of the curve with our informative articles.
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carolrochamentoring · 4 months
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Minha versão AI- Comunicóloga Digital Quântica. Criado com meu comando autoral no ChatGPT4.
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