#back exercises
hidden-pleasure-3 · 7 months
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thefreckledgymrat · 5 months
Week 107, Day 541
Back Width
Crucifix Pulls - 38.5lbs 3x15
This is honestly one of my favorite back day exercises😍
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indecentpause · 2 months
Hi! if u don't mind could you share some of your back strengthening exercises? I need to start fixing myself literally I cannot do pushups because the pain is so bad
hi anon! I would love to share my videos with you! I have a very bad ankle so all my exercise has to be done with assistance of a chair, so they're all for seniors even though I'm not a senior XD but they're still good and helpful:
this one here is a good one to start with, with basic stretches to get you loose so you don't damage yourself while you're exercising. it's from a physical therapist!
this is from another physical therapist, also including stretches but more focused on the strengthening
and this one is from a yoga instructor; I don't like the way she talks but once I learned the right way to do them safely, I just mute the video to watch to guide me while I listen to music XD. it's meant to be done with her other videos as a supplement but if yoga's not your thing, it's good on its own, too. I do very highly suggest some kind of yoga, though, whatever you can do with an instructor or video you like, seated or standing or just five minutes. the flexibility helps a lot!
I definitely suggest starting with something slow and easy like this, and work your way up to harder exercises so you're less likely to hurt yourself. even just walking is good for your core, it that's an option for you. if you want to look up other videos, try to do stuff from physical therapists! those are the safest and most likely to help. I know PT is expensive, I certainly can't afford it, but doing exercises designed by physical therapists is definitely your most helpful and safest option.
and remember I AM NOT A DOCTOR I'm just some person on the internet trying to go on my own personal health journey. so if you have a doctor that says something different, listen to them!
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sensible-tips · 1 year
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Fitness Friday
A great reference for knowing which exercises target which muscles of the back.
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fitnessrays · 13 days
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fitlifemantra · 1 month
Barbell Back Exercises
Building a thick and wider back is crucial for an individual to look good in any outfit. Building back involves pulling exercises and lifting heavier compounds. Training back is important to increase your overall strength and fitness. With a good V taper back, you can look pretty damn good when you remove your shirt. Here are some barbell back exercises that will help you build a thicker and wider back.
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tiffanyjulie69 · 3 months
Tone Your Arms and Back with These 3 Simple Dumbbell Moves
<h2>Awesome Upper Body Workouts with Dumbbells</h2> <p>Dumbbells are fantastic tools for getting fit and building muscle. Whether you're just starting out or are a more experienced lifter, these handy weights can supercharge your workouts. In this article, I'll show you some easy dumbbell moves that will sculpt your arms, back, and shoulders.</p> <h3>The Standing Bicep Curl</h3> <p>This is a classic move for targeting your biceps, the muscles on the front of your upper arms. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing forwards. Keeping your back straight, slowly lift the weights up by bending at the elbows. Curl the weights all the way to shoulder height before slowly lowering back to the starting position. That's one rep!</p> <h3>The Shoulder Press</h3> <p>The shoulder press works your shoulder muscles hard. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lift them up to shoulder height, palms facing forwards. Inhale as you lift the weights directly over your head. Pause for a second, then slowly lower the weights back down as you exhale. Go slow and be careful not to strain yourself, especially when you're just starting out.</p> <h3>The One-Arm Row</h3> <p>For your back muscles, try the one-arm dumbbell row. Hinge at your hips and bend forwards so your back is almost parallel to the floor. Hold a dumbbell in one hand with an overhand grip. Pull the weight smoothly up towards your ribs by bending your elbow and squeezing your shoulder blade. Lower slowly and repeat on the other side. This move really works your mid-back.</p> <h3>Tips for Better Results</h3> <p>Hopefully these simple dumbbell moves will kickstart your upper body workouts! A few tips: always warm up first with 5 minutes of light cardio, choose a weight you can control comfortably for 8-12 reps, and go slow with good form to avoid injury. Be consistent with your workouts 2-3 times per week to see real gains. Soon you'll be rocking some pretty impressive guns!</p>
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lisatyler707 · 3 months
Master the Rope Pulldown Exercise with These Form Tips
<h2>Mastering the Rope Pulldown Exercise</h2> <p>The rope pulldown is a very popular resistance training exercise that works your back muscles. In this article, I'll break down the proper form for rope pulldowns and give you some tips to get the most out of this exercise. But first, let's talk about how many reps and sets you should aim for when starting out.</p> <h3>Beginning Rope Pulldown Reps and Sets</h3> <p>As a beginner, it's best to start light and focus on perfecting your form before lifting heavy weights. Aim for 2 sets of 20 reps each time you do rope pulldowns. Make sure to use a weight that isn't too challenging by the last few reps. Over time, you can gradually increase the resistance and number of reps once the lighter weight feels easy.</p> <h3>Proper Form for Rope Pulldowns</h3> <p>Here are the key points to keep in mind when doing rope pulldowns:</p> <ol> <li>Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent to engage your core and keep your back straight. Lean forward slightly from your hips but keep your shoulders back.</li> <li>Grip the rope handle with both hands shoulder-width apart and a relaxed wrist. Pull your shoulder blades down as you grab the rope.</li> <li>Slowly pull the rope down in a controlled motion until your arms are almost straight overhead. Then open your arms out to the sides, rotating your forearms inward to keep the rope straight.</li> <li>Hold for a second at the bottom to really contract your back muscles before returning slowly to the starting position.</li> </ol> <h3>Tips for Better Results</h3> <p>A few extra tips to focus on:</p> <ul> <li>Don't let your back sway - rely only on your back muscles, not momentum, to pull the rope down.</li> <li>Keep your elbows pinned firmly to your sides, only moving your forearms through the movement.</li> <li>Rotate your forearms outward as you straighten your arms to target your outer back muscles.</li> <li>Sometimes open your elbows out to the sides during pulldowns for an added challenge.</li> </ul> <p>Mastering the form for rope pulldowns will ensure you're training your back muscles safely and effectively. Stick with lighter weights at first, slowly increase over time, and really focus on perfect form with each rep.</p>
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peterbrian128 · 3 months
Sculpt a Back at Home: 3 Awesome Lat Exercises You Can Do Without a Gym
<h2>No Gym? No Problem! Here are Awesome Lat Exercises You Can Do at Home</h2> <p>A lot of us want to get fit but find it tough to fit workouts into our busy schedules. Whether it's academics, jobs, or other commitments, it's hard to head to the gym. But don't worry - you can totally train your back muscles (called lats) from the comfort of your own home!</p> <h3>Bodyweight Rows</h3> <p>This exercise works your upper back. Most people use weights for it, but you can do it with just your bodyweight too. Get on your knees with bent legs. Hang weights in front of you or use your imagination since you don't have any! Then pull the "weights" up to your chest by squeezing your back muscles. Pause for a second at the top before slowly lowering back down. Feel the burn?</p> <h3>Single-Arm Row</h3> <p>This targets one side of your back at a time. Grab a weight in one hand and put your other hand on the same-side knee to balance. Then lift the weight straight up by pulling with your back muscles. Hold for a second at the top and lower slowly. Switch sides and repeat - your back will thank you!</p> <h3>Dumbbell Pullover</h3> <p>Works your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings too. Lay on the floor holding weights above your chest. Open your legs shoulder-width apart and straighten them to parallel the floor. Engage your core and sweep the weights overhead by arching your back muscles. Pause, then return the weights by relaxing your back. Feel that stretch?</p> <h4>Give Them a Go!</h4> <p>Those are some sweet moves to chisel your lats without ever leaving home. Pick one or do them all - your back will grow stronger in no time. Remember to lift smoothly and control the movements on both the way up and down. Stay safe and don't push too hard, especially when first starting out. Before you know it, you'll have a back you can be proud of without a gym membership. Get practicing!</p> <p><em>By Jonathan P., Certified Personal Trainer</em></p>
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josephchristopher972 · 3 months
Strengthen Your Back and Boost Confidence with 3 Easy Exercises
<h2>3 Easy Back Exercises for Teen Girls</h2> <p>Worried you'll bulk up if you work out your back? Not to worry - these gentle moves will sculpt your muscles without adding unwanted size. Plus, a stronger back can boost your posture and confidence. Let's get started!</p> <h3>Exercise 1: Superman Hold</h3> <p>Pretend you're flying like Superman. Lie face down and reach your arms out in front. Brace your core and simultaneously lift your upper body, legs, and arms a few inches off the floor. Hold for 5 seconds then slowly lower back down. Aim for 2 sets of 10 reps.</p> <h3>Exercise 2: Arm Raises with a Stretch</h3> <p>Sit up tall with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean slightly forward while holding dumbbells. Raise your arms straight up overhead, then lower and stretch to each side. That's one rep. Do 2 sets of 12 reps to work your mid-back.</p> <h3>Exercise 3: Rowing Plank</h3> <p>Get into a high plank position on your knees. Brace your core and row one arm at a time up towards your chest by bending at the elbow. Slowly lower back down and switch sides. Aim for 10 reps per arm for 2 sets to tone your upper back.</p> <p>With just 10-15 minutes a few times a week, you'll start seeing definition in your back muscles. Take it slow and listen to your body - consistency is key. Soon you'll love how fit and confident you feel from head to toe.</p>
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freeonlineworkouts · 4 months
Back Exercises: What exercise works most of the back?
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emagrecercomsaude7 · 4 months
Best exercises to build lower lats today (V-taper)
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christyfeliciano · 5 months
Exercise For Hips - How to Strengthen and Stretch Your Hips
Strengthening and stretching your hips are integral in order to avoid pain, injury and future damage - not to mention create a more toned physique!
Start by sitting comfortably on the floor, with soles of your feet together and knees softly bent. Move right leg out in a circular fashion until it feels comfortable to do so.
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Leg Lifts
Leg lifts are an important exercise to strengthen hips, yet many times they're performed incorrectly, leading to strain in the lower back and muscle imbalances.
Make sure your hands are placed flat on the floor by your sides or placed beneath your knees for stability, engaging your core and glutes to maintain an anatomically neutral lower back position. Raise one leg straight up until chest height; once at its highest point pause for several seconds before slowly lowering back down towards starting point on floor and repeat for desired number of repetitions.
Add resistance to increase its difficulty by using weighted dumbbells or resistance bands as resistance. Doing this will enable you to work your hip and butt muscles even harder; for those suffering lower back pain, placing yoga or foam rollers between their knees for extra support could also prove effective.
Performing prone leg lifts correctly will strengthen your abdominal, core and hip muscles as well as allow you to walk, stand and move with greater ease during many activities. By strengthening your hips you'll be able to go hiking, take long walks, run races and play sports without experiencing aches and pains affecting you - plus doing these exercises regularly may reduce chronic hip pain risk!
Knee-to-Chest Stretches
The Knees-to-Chest Stretch targets the hip flexors and lower back muscles to relieve tightness that could otherwise cause low back pain. Simply lie back with one leg resting against the floor while pulling its opposite leg toward your chest until you feel a stretch in both hips and low back - this exercise can be repeated daily in order to prevent or relieve pain in these muscles.
Start this exercise slowly by stretching just one leg at first to ensure a gentle introduction and no discomfort occurs. As soon as that has taken place, gradually raise both legs together if possible - however passive stretching should always be used first as this reaches lower back muscles more effectively when your legs and hips are as relaxed as possible.
Position yourself comfortably on your back, using a pillow or support pillow behind the knee if necessary, and bend the left leg at the knee. Slowly draw it toward your chest using either your hands on its back for assistance if necessary - hold for 30 seconds then switch legs.
This stretching movement targets both hip flexors and lower back muscles to relieve disc herniation and pain in lumbar vertebrae, providing relief to sitting users by loosening up lower back muscles. It is an effective stretch for anyone seated for extended periods and looking to relieve tightness in lower back muscles. This exercise also helps to increase more sex pleasure and good hip shape.
Sit-to-Sit Stretches
Sitting for long periods can tighten up hip muscles. This seated stretching exercise will help loosen them and decrease risk of injury or discomfort when working, studying or playing sports.
Begin by sitting comfortably on a chair with feet no wider than the width of your hips, with feet together, feet touching no wider than hip-width apart and weight distributed equally between both feet. Shift your weight back onto one foot while leaving the other foot straight, slowly turn left shoulder as far as comfortable for 5 seconds and hold there, before returning back to center and repeating on other side for additional stretching benefits to neck and shoulder flexibility. This exercise also improves posture.
Butterfly stretch is another seated hip stretch you can do while sitting, which begins by starting in long-sitting position but gradually moving the hips towards butterfly stretching pose. To avoid an arch back arching too quickly while stretching this way.
To perform this stretch, begin by sitting in a chair with both feet flat on the floor and knees bent at right angles. It is best if the chair doesn't feature arms as this will inhibit hip movement. Next, cross your right ankle over left knee using hand pressure against this leg until body relaxes into stretch further.
Hip Circles
Hip circles are one of the best dynamic exercises you can do to develop flexibility and strength in the hips, helping to develop both flexibility and strength simultaneously. They target both hip flexors and posterior chain muscles such as gluteus medius - an adductor muscle responsible for rotational movements of the thigh - through standing hip circles alone or at the end of a warm-up session, using sticks, poles, or simply by standing on one leg. Prone hip circles (also called "pigeon stretching") add an extra intensity by forcing someone's knee bend outside at front before then extend back behind them again for further challenging effect on hip flexors flexors flexors flexors to engage.
Like with all dynamic stretching and movement patterns, the key to successful hip flexor strengthening exercises lies in always leading with your hips and pelvis instead of your torso. Doing otherwise could result in injury as it causes lower back and shoulder rotation - not something desired when trying to build strength in hip joint tissue.
For maximum intensity and focus when performing hip circles, combine them with other lower body movement drills like lunges or glute kickbacks. By doing so, you'll target outer hip muscles which often go untouched when doing other exercises - strengthening these outer muscles will result in stronger glute muscles overall! This is important because stronger outer hip muscles create a more stable and powerful glute region overall.
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himecity · 5 months
一之瀬瞳(96I&101Hip)のBack Ex*50
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satyawan9saitama · 6 months
You feel your body only when there is pain. You don't feel your head unless you have a headache.Now you are sitting and when the legs start aching then you feel your leg. Your attention goes when there is pain there. Pain is like a child wanting attention from the parent.your body when you have not paid attention to it, it starts painting. When you put your attention there, the attention itself energises the part of the body. We don’t take care of our body, we don’t do enough exercise. We eat all this food with so many chemicals, pesticides, fertilisers and all that… all those pesticides get into the body and they cause all this pain, once you detoxify yourself, you will see how this pain will go.
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gymft1 · 6 months
Do you want to build and bulk up your leg muscles in the gym? Then you need to include straight bar leg exercises in your training schedule.
The question is, why are straight bar leg exercises one of the most important and best training plans for building leg muscles?
Because these exercises are compound exercises that target leg muscles from all areas. Since leg muscles need a lot of exercises and contribute to many movements, you will need more than one exercise to build and strengthen them from all sides. These straight bar leg exercises will help you build and build your shoulders the way you want. They will also give you more fitness and strength.
In this video, we offer you more straight bar leg exercises. And if you want to diversify your training program, you are in the right place. I will leave you in the description some links to different shoulder exercises and some other exercises for the rest of the body.
Non-literal translation:
If you want to have strong and muscular legs, you need to include straight bar leg exercises in your workout routine. These exercises are compound exercises, which means they work multiple muscle groups at the same time. This is important for building strong and balanced legs.
Straight bar leg exercises are also effective for building muscle mass. They can help you add size and definition to your legs.
In this video, we show you some of the best straight bar leg exercises. We also give you tips on how to perform these exercises safely and effectively.
If you're looking to build strong and muscular legs, straight bar leg exercises are a great place to start.
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