kaunis-sielu · 6 years
Biker Boss: 3
“It’s not possible.” Natasha argues, “Stark will never forgive Barnes for killing his parents. Specifically his mom.”
“But if we can prove that Hydra tricked him-“ you muse. According to Natasha Hydra had tricked Bucky into thinking that Tony Stark’s parents were some Irons on their way to kill him, his sister and Steve Rogers. This turned out, horrifically, to not be true but instead caused a huge rift and a massive fight between the Irons, Dora Milaje and Howlies. All started by Hydra to make it easier for them to take over more territory. Your father had bartered an uneasy truce between the three gangs but every now and then there was a scuffle.
“How do you plan on proving that?” Natasha asks, leaning back in her chair, arms crossed across her chest.
“I don’t know, there’s got to be a way. I’m going to have to look through my dad’s papers and see what I can find.”
“That’s a good idea.” T’Challa says, “If the threat of Thanos is as dangerous and serious as Gamora says it’s going to be we need to be united.”
“I trust her judgement. I’ve also done some research on Thanos and Hydra and if you think you can be ruthless he’s worse. He’s been in power for so long because he demands absolute loyalty. Gamora and Nebula told me that he used to make them fight one another, the loser would be beaten and starved for up to a week. These are his own children, when they were children.”
“We need to figure something out, and fast because the Howlies and the Irons are going to be making their way here to make their condolences. You need to be prepared.” Natasha continues, T’Challa has been less vocal but you can see the concern on his face. Quill comes bursting into the room, causing all three of you to reach for your weapons.
“Sorry boss. Someone just rolled up, black bands on their arms. Rocket and Groot are going out to meet them now.”
“Any idea who they are?” You ask standing and heading for the door.
“I think it’s the Howlies.” Natasha stands and joins you at the bulletproof glass window.
“That’s Rogers and Barnes.” She confirms. “I’ll go greet them.”
“Thank you. Nebula go with her.” You want to have one of your people out there.
“I need to go. I’ll make contact with Stark and Rhodes tomorrow.” T’Challa tells you gripping your hand with both of his. “When my father died yours gave me some advice I’d like to pass along to you if he hadn’t. Being a leader means that you are always prepared for war while working for peace.”
“Thank you T’Challa. I’m glad that you and the Dora Milaje are willing to sign another peace treaty with with us. My fathers legacy is a relatively peaceful one and that’s something I plan to continue.”
“I wish you luck. I’ll be in touch.” You hear him greet Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes as he leaves. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, bikers weren’t always the easiest to deal with and your nerves are already frayed. You’re pouring two new glasses of whiskey when they come in.
“Hope he’s not a hard ass.” One of them says lowly, “We could up some of our distribution numbers if he’s like his father.” You’re getting the impression that they don’t know you’re the new boss.
“Drinks?” You ask as you turn, a glass in each hand. The two men in front of you are gorgeous. Straight up the most attractive men you’ve ever seen in person. The one on the left has shoulder length brown hair, bright blue eyes, a neatly trimmed beard and several weapons. His companion has lighter and shorter brown hair, green flecked blue eyes and his own neatly trimmed beard. He only carries one visible weapon, a knife at his hip.
“Thank you ma’am.” The second man says taking his drink from you, his friend nods in agreement. “When’s your boss gonna be joining us?”
“My boss is dead, died about a week ago.”
“You’re the new boss?” The long haired man asks with a smirk, “A little thing like you?” Before either man can move you’ve got a knife at his throat and a gun pointed at the head of his companion.
“Shakespeare once said, ‘She may be but little but she is fierce.’ My Dad always said that quote fit me like it was written for me.”
“Our apologies.” The one whose at the business end of your gun says. “Buck didn’t mean to offend you, we just weren’t prepared for you to be the new boss.” So apparently he’s Steve Rogers, and the one with the long hair is Bucky. You lower both of your weapons and tuck them away.
“It’s fine. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last.” You sit down again and motion for the two men to do the same. “I’d like to write a new treaty with you. My dad always spoke highly of your family and your gang. We’ve always had a good relationship with the Howlies, I’d like to continue to keep that relationship.”
“We would too.” Steve agrees, “As Bucky said we’d like to work with you to expand our product, as well as our protection.”
“Send a proposal.”
“Of course.” Steve nods, “We’re sorry to hear about your father.”
“Thank you.”
“Why haven’t I ever met you?” He asks and Bucky’s brows slowly raise.
“I think my father had hoped I’d be married before he died. Not that he was opposed to a woman taking over the family business but he’d liked to have had a son-in-law to do the actual dirty work.” He gives you a little smile and you know in that instant he’s gonna be trouble.
“Boss.” Nebula beckons you from the door.
“Excuse me.” You stand and, knowing their eyes are on you, sway your hips more than necessary as you make your way to the door.
“What’s wrong?”
“Thanos. He knows about your father and he’s coming.”
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kaunis-sielu · 6 years
Biker Boss: 2
You’re going stir crazy. It’s been a week since your dad’s funeral and you haven’t left the house. Since Gamora was second in command she’d ordered Drax, Quill, Rocket and Groot to keep you inside the house. No. Matter. What. And Quill, with a smirk, had threatened to tie you up if you didn’t quit trying to leave.
Even though you’ve reminded them several times that you’re the boss, not Gamora, they’re ignoring your orders. All while swearing it’s for your own safety.
If you didn’t literally trust them with your life you’d wonder what was the actual motivation behind this house arrest.
“Hey Boss.” Gamora says strolling into your home office. You glare at her for a second.
“You sure that’s still me?” You growl and she has the good sense to look slightly guilty.
“I’m sorry. I just know how Thanos works and he’s a dangerous man. I know that you’re more than capable but he’s ruthless.”
“Did you just come to remind me why I’m under house arrest or did you have something actually useful?”
“I got in touch with my contacts, they’ve both agreed to try and bring the Howlies and the Irons together.”
“Good. When?”
“Tonight. They’ll come here.”
“What do I need to get ready? Food? Drinks?”
“Dinner would be good.” She confirms so you head downstairs to talk to your cook about getting a meal together.
You shower, do your hair and make up then dress in another black dress. Tradition states that you’ve got one month of public grieving for your dad, even though you know you’ll be grieving for much longer than that. You slide his signet ring onto a chain then hang it around your neck, you go downstairs and pour yourself a glass of whiskey before wandering around the living room until Gamora’s contacts arrive. The first is a female with red hair. Gamora introduces her as Natasha, you’re glad that she’s come to aid you because she’s the type of woman you just know could kill you without breaking a sweat. The second is an African male, the leader of Dora Milaje, T’Challa.
“I was sorry to hear about your father.” He says gripping your hand gently, “He was a good man.”
“And I yours. My father was very close to him and although I never got the pleasure of meeting him I know he was a trusted ally.”
“Thank you.” He says with a smile.
“We need to get down to business.” Natasha says, she’s not mincing words.
“Agreed.” Gamora says from the doorway.
“Alright,” you pass them each a drink then sit down in your chair, “What has Gamora told you about the situation?”
“Not much. Just that some treaties have run out and that you wanted to renew them.”
“That’s not exactly what’s going on.” You
admit sharing a glance with Gamora. You tell them about the deal your father had with Thanos, and how it’s now invalid.
“So you want us to help you do what exactly?” Natasha asks with an arched brow.
“I want you to help me protect my city.”
“How do you expect us to do that? The Dora Milaja has other priorities, other things that we’ve got to worry about.”
“I want to reunite the big five. I you to help me bring the Howlies and the Irons together.” Your declaration is met with stunned silence.
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kaunis-sielu · 6 years
Biker Boss: 12
Steve names Bucky as acting Howlies Boss while he’s recuperating and once the two men are done discussing business you call all of the bosses to a meeting. Aside from Hydra of course. They show up exactly when they’re meant to, Natasha and her right hand Clint, Tony and Rhodes, T’Challa and Shuri, you and Gamora and even Luke and his partner Jessica show up. Your dining room is packed and your home is now probably the safest building in the city. You sit at the head of the table, the bosses and their seconds all fan out on either side of you. Even though Bucky is acting as the Howlies Boss Steve had insisted on coming down to be in the meeting. Even if it did take both Bucky and Dum Dum to get him down. He’s sitting to your right, Gamora on your left. The clock strikes 9 and you clear your throat, silence falling in the room.
“Does anyone need clarification as to why we are here?” You ask, glancing around the room. No one says anything so you continue, “Good. I know that several of you have treaties with Hydra as well as several of the gangs in this room. I don’t have one with Hydra yet, I don’t plan on having one because of their attack.”
“Do you know it was Hydra?” Clint asks.
“We’ve gotten word that it was.” Bucky confirms, “I’ve got an old contact.” He says and after a glance at Steve who nods you continue.
“I want to wipe out Hydra for good. I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life and with Hydra out there I won’t be able to ever relax.”
“How to do you plan on dividing up the territory?” Tony asks and before you can answer T’Challa joins the conversation.
“I think that’s a discussion for another time Stark. We should decide if we’re going go after Hydra first.”
“I agree.” Cage chimes in.
“Okay. So please state your gang and your intentions.” You say, “Guardians declare war on Hydra.” Your heart is pounding in your chest, you’ve just declared war and if you’re the only one who does you’ve just signed the death certificates of you and your whole gang.
“Howlies declare war on Hydra.” Steve says, grasping your hand with his. “They’ve already tried to kill me once so what’s another round?” He tries to joke but you cling to his hand like it’s all you’ve got.
“Aw hell,” Tony groans, “Irons declare war on Hydra.”
“Widow Makers declare war on Hydra.” Natasha says, after a quick glance at Clint.
“Defenders declare war on Hydra.” Luke says, and Jessica nods her agreement.
“Dora Milaje declares war on Hydra.” T’Challa says, the last gang in the room to declare war.
“We are at war.” Steve says softly, “Let Hydra be wiped from the face of the earth.” He says holding up his glass. Everyone in the room imitates him then you drink.
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kaunis-sielu · 6 years
Biker Boss: 11
You sit on the bed waiting for him to wake, a book is being ignored in your lap as you text with Rocket letting him kow it’s time to plan for war. Bucky’d promised to get in touch with Natasha to let her know about the attack on Steve.
He hasn’t said anything else, not since he accused you of being in love with Steve. Something that you didn’t confirm or deny, even though you had a strong suspicion that he was right.
“Bucky.” His voice startles you causing you to drop your phone.
“Where’s,” he pauses and clears his throat, “Where’s Bucky?” He asks sounding much more like himself.
“I think he’s downstairs, do you want me to go get him?”
“Yes. But first I wanna kiss you.” He says reaching his hand up toward you. You can’t help the laugh that passes your lips, then leaning down you press your mouth to his. His hand goes to the back of your head and he kisses you deeply, it’s reassuring that he’s okay, he’s alive. When you pull apart you brush your fingers through his hair, smoothing it back.
“Are you feeling okay? Claire said you could have painkillers.”
“I’m real sore, but I need to talk to Buck.”
“I’ll get you some pain killers when I go to get him.”
“Thank you Doll.” When you go downstairs you find Gamora and Bucky deep in conversation.
“He’s awake. Wants to see you.” You tell Bucky, as his eyes meet yours. The relief that crosses his face is obvious.
“I can take him the painkillers. He’s gonna wanna talk business.” You pass him the meds and the water bottle then turn to Gamora as he leaves.
“Anything I need to know?” You ask
“The Widow Makers and the Dora Milaje are pissed. They have treaties with all parties involved and the attack is messing with those. The Defenders are staying out of it even though it happened at Luke’s place.”
“What about Stark and Rhodes?”
“Still around, Quill put them up in the Blue room, and the Yellow room.”
“Any news from our troops?”
“Thanos has made no move.”
“Shot twice but alive, the cops have him.”
“Damn it. I’d like to know whose plan that whole shit show was. If they were intentionally a horrible shot or just bad luck.”
“The shooter hasn’t been ID’d yet.”
“So we don’t know for sure that it was Hydra?” You ask, pouring a cup of coffee.
“We don’t.” She confirms.
“What’s your gut say?”
“It feels like a Thanos thing.” She says as she takes the coffee you offer her. “I think now is a good time to strike.”
“Thanos is down two men, if not three and if he knows how you feel about Rogers he’s going to expect you to be consumed with worry about him.”
“Why does everyone seem to think Rogers and I are madly in love?” You ask, a brow raised.
“Cuz you clearly are.” Tony says stalking into the room, “He awake yet?” You nod.
“He’s meeting with Bucky now, Gamora thinks we should go after Hydra now.”
“Talk to your old man first, see what he thinks.”
“First of all, he is not my old man. Secondly I have my own gang, our gangs are not one. I have treaties I’m working on with the Irons, Howlies, Widow Makers, Defenders and Dora Milaje. I was planning on one with Hydra but I’d rather just wipe them out.”
“If Pierce and Hydra is really behind what happened to my parents then I’m in. I still think you should talk it over with Rogers but that’s up to you.” Tony says hold his hand out to you. You shake it then turn to Gamora.
“On it.” She says before you need to tell her to reach out to T’Challa and Natasha. “I’ll get in touch with Cage too, see if he and the Defenders have changed their minds.” You nod and she slips out of the room.
“You’re planning on killing him aren’t you?” Tony asks, studying your face.
“Yea. I am.”
“Because of Rogers.”
“No, because if I don’t, he’s just going to keep coming for me. I’m going to end this for me, for my father, for you, for any family he’s torn apart. It’s time to put Thanos in the ground and it’s going to be me because I’m the least threatening. He’s going to underestimate me and he’s not going to live to regret it.” You promise and a slow smirk crosses Tony’s face.
“Now you’re acting like a Biker Boss.”
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