gaysontodd · 5 months
do you think wolfwood smokes weed
tristamp wolfwood a hundred percent. it pisses legato and conrad off magnificently and he knows he cant do anything materially to them so he settles for irritating the hell out of them. and he likes it and also zazie the beast hates the smell.
tri98 would if somebody offered but like he doesnt go out of his way to find drugs, he sticks to drinking too much and regular not-tobacco
trimax would be super unwilling if somebody offered but he would smoke anyway because he thinks he deserves to have a bad time
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beeffizz · 2 months
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Wanted to fill out this OC sheet by @bitegore for my man Deep Dark
kinda obsessed with him atm if you couldn't tell
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rage-mode-138 · 9 months
That time @bitegore reblogged a volcano a billion times.
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galacticvii · 2 months
Hzy what's your favorite Catra moment?
Love when she showed up to princess prom in that snazzy suit and danced with adora 😩🙏 but also equally love the end when she's rehabilitated and living her best life ❤️‍🩹🥹
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heavenpierceher · 2 months
3 14 23 and 24 for Baïla from the edgy oc asks also?
(quick background: Mákina Baïla, pro bono backalley cyborg doctor, cëll's ex, now just kind of his coworker slash coconspirator. this is her)
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3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
she kind of doesn't know when to quit, especially on people. there's more than a few people she had a big falling out with because they disrespected her and she'll say that they don't talk anymore but they come crawling back to her for help or support or advice and she lets them. this is to be fair a somewhat admirable quality in terms of being compassionate but it is materially bad for her life
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
as someone who can be trusted, a reliable community figure but also A God Damn Person Who Also Needs To Sleep At Night Sometimes And Not Get Shot At With Guns
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
resentment or regret - she'll verbally express this jokingly, but tells herself she's not in the kind of position to feel that way. she has a hard time expressing genuine resentment as a subset of not liking to criticize people, and she tries to avoid professing to nostalgia.
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
god if she'd never dated cëll she'd probably have the nobel peace prize or something at this point. i think she'd be more of a community figure than she already is, probably a more vocal, outspoken leader instead of sticking to the metaphorical shadows for safety. she'd realize she's good at public speaking
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knee-stockings · 1 year
tragically, a note: battery acid spaghetti (tried it) is basically nothing. it's just like drinking sweetened + citrus-flavored energy drinks. ENORMOUS letdown ngl
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are you being fr. I cannot express the depths of my disappointment
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alcorian · 1 year
Bumblebee with a cane is canon! He's from the exRID comics! :D
(They ran parallel to MTMTE and follow Cybertron rather than the Lost Light ship)
i have to read that now :D
i use a cane and i've been making "x transformer uses a cane" AUs since i started using one
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bahoreal · 1 year
do you like. have an art tag. dont mind me i want to go look at everything LOL
i just made a post about this looool no i dont cos im a mess of an artist, my art tag used to be #jay sucks at making stuff, but that was so negative so i stopped using it. my text post tag is #shut up jay, so thats maybe worth checking... thank you for enjoying my art ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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ew :3
You, my good dragon, are ProblematicTM due to the following charges:
You are a furry, specifically a scalie. We all know that enjoying anthropomorphic creatures is unforgivable.
You read, write, proliferate, and enjoy such questionable material as various dark fic, including an ambitious series of character death-focused pieces. The court record will show that major character death is not broadly palatable and therefore ProblematicTM.
You are an active DreamWidth user and only ProblematicTM people use such quiet social media/journaling platforms. See Appendix B: my own DreamWidth reading page full of your musings and works.
When you reblog my posts, they blow up (comparatively) and I, an obscure user, am flooded with notifications of a volume that I am not accustomed to.
You are a skilled artist in various forms of media and I enjoy seeing your art, especially the deer/not deer art. I'm sure that's not allowed somehow but I don't have a statute to cite about it.
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vergess · 2 years
Happy birthday!
aksljdfhs Oh fuck I forgot I keep telling websites I was born on 9/11/2001.
I'm just being a pissant about "Congratulation, now you're a terrorist forever, enjoy the racism kiddo" day. My birthday is actually at the opposite equinox lmao
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gaysontodd · 5 months
what's your current favorite wolfwood scene?
in tri98 i am captivated by the part where he prays over vash, opens one eye and goes 'its a prayer to the Big Guy' and vash asks if it works and wolfwood goes 'thats entirely up to us' stellar. incredible. im weeping
tristamp is probably the bit where he is praying over the graves and being a very bad priest. like, forgot the last rites, couldnt even make some shit up, managed to pray that theyd enjoy their last meal kind of bad priest
trimax wolfwood is every part but especially the part where hes fucking blind bc his brain was pulverized and his eyes are taking a while to come back and he knocks milly the fuck out because she runs at him and he Cant See Who It Is.
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transatos · 1 year
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"i've got claws and fangs for a reason", for the title game :D
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it | Accepting
I bounced around a handful of ideas, but honestly I feel like this would be a backstory one-shot for Backslash (the beastformer I introduced for Shatterpoint and promptly killed off, that's not a spoiler, nobody expects characters in that "minor antagonist" role to live through a fic). I kind of regret not developing him more, because his whole plot role hinges on him defying Shockwave because he's just that much of an asshole and I feel like I could spin that into a backstory where he's some kind of bounty hunter who went into that job because, well, title line and it's the easiest way to make money while hunting people. You only ever hire him for jobs where you want the target dead, because again, title line.
Maybe I'll invent an identical twin for him and do that plot later. If TFP can get away with Skyquake and Dreadwing...
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how disgusting. why would you make this account? blocked and reported- NO BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE 😭😭😭 anyway can i request soundwave?
lmfaooooo dont scare me like that /lh of course you can request soundwave
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Soundwave from Transformers HATES B1tegore and is going to Kill him!
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heavenpierceher · 2 months
1 2 and 8 for RISC from the edgy oc asks?
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
everything that's ever made them scared. mostly the "bomb implanted in me" bit though
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
they're interested in art and produce it fairly regularly, both procedurally, something analogous to photography, and with their hands, though they tend to prefer drawing things with only straight lines at 90 degree angles.
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
no they're stupid and would blow someone's head off in broad daylight and then try to kill everyone who subsequently became an obstacle. subtlety is not a strong suit of theirs
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rawtenwork · 2 years
Starscream for the character bingo :D
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Starscream, in any and all continuities, deserves better. 💜
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