#blackfyre era
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novembermorgon · 1 month
do you have a great bastard oc?
i don't ... but wouldn't that be something ! maybe i'll ponder it and get back to that thought anon . could be awesome . if you have any mom-house suggestions feel free to send em over and i can cook something up
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aangopologist · 2 years
I know it's very unlikely, bur I would love a TV show about the Conquest of Dorne over a Blackfyre Rebellion one.
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windandrose · 1 year
Daeron II is better person than me because unlike him, i will abolish House Bracken for 1) actively belittle my mom and trying to replace her as queen, and 2) strongest backing of blackfyre rebellion
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kazz-brekker · 11 months
*emerges from my writing cave once again* well, here's my 3rd asoiaf fic in as many days, this one being about daeron the drunken and daemon ii blackfyre drowning their sorrows together and talking about prophetic dreams
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visenyaism · 13 days
If the Blackfyre Rebellion Era Targaryens had Dragons which one would Naerys have Ridden (and fed her creep ass brothers to?)
Dreamfyre is Such an Easy Answer so let's say Dreamfyre has retired to a nice cave in the Vale by this point and isnt an option
naerys? the egg placed in her crib hatches when she is seven years old. it has two heads and sickly grey-pink translucent scales and a hole in its heart. it lives for three days before it dies shivering in her arms. she names her Mercy. it cannot save her.
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Meta: A Tale of Three Daenerys’
An element of authenticity George R. R. Martin adds to the ASOIAF universe is the repetition of names. The same names appear repeatedly within specific cultures and the spread and popularity of certain names is used to illustrate how one culture has influenced another. Just look at the wide popularity of Targaryen names throughout Westeros, especially Alysanne.
With Daenerys Targaryen, GRRM has created two other characters with her name, so far: Daenerys, daughter of Aegon IV and Naerys, and Daenerys, daughter of Alysanne and Jaehaerys I. Both of these characters seem to be used to lay the groundwork for elements of the canon era Daenerys’ story and character arc.
Daenerys, the Retconned Princess
In The World of Ice and Fire, Jaehaerys I and Alysanne do not have a daughter named Daenerys. In fact, in the main series, Daenerys of Dorne is referred to as the first. But with the release of Fire and Blood Vol 1, Martin restructured the birth order of Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s children, which included not just reshuffling, but also removing and adding children. One of those additions was Princess Daenerys, who took the place of Alyssa as the second born child and oldest daughter of the family.
So the question is, why did Martin retcon TWOIAF just to add a new Daenerys? Part of the reason is likely to flesh out the reign of Jaehaerys and Alysanne with more information and loss. But why name her Daenerys and not Rhaenys after their grandmother or any other name? There is a wealth of Targaryen names Martin could have given this new child, but he chose Daenerys, the name of one of his main five characters in the core series. He likely made that choice to give additional foreshadowing for the canon era character.
At first glance, the two Daenerys’ don’t have much in common with Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s daughter being born into a stable family and kingdom as their oldest living child who grew into a confident girl but died young, while our Dany was born an orphan and an exile, and grew up constantly afraid, gaining confidence and strength in her teens. In that way, they are narrative foils. But where the foreshadowing comes in is with how Alysanne views her daughter.
Based on a combination of moments in Fire and Blood, there is a possibility that Alysanne had the gift of foresight, like other Targaryens in the series. For some unexplained reason, Alysanne is very insistent on Daenerys becoming queen after her father. This is strange because equal primogeniture is not the norm in their culture. Visenya did not become queen regnant, her younger brother Aegon became king. Rhaena did not become queen regnant, her two younger brothers and uncle became kings, though Aegon the Uncrowned was only a claimant. What’s more, Alysanne never pushes for Rhaena’s rights over Jaehaerys’. But she does push for Daenerys’ rights over her son’s. Why? Because she knows Daenerys will be a great queen:
[Princess Daenerys] so enchanted Alysanne that for a time Her Grace even began to eschew council sessions, preferring to spend her days playing with her daughter and reading her the stories that her own mother had once read to her. “She is so clever, she will be reading to me before long,” she told the king. “She is going to be a great queen, I know it.” – Fire and Blood
This is a rare issue where Alysanne is certain about something, but turns out to be wrong, since her daughter dies before having the opportunity to become queen regnant. It is very possible that Alysanne’s certainty over her daughter’s future and Martin’s purpose for retconning this child into existence was to foreshadow Dany’s eventual position as Queen of Westeros. Often with prophetic visions, they can be misunderstood by the person experiencing them as seen with Daeron the Drunken and Daemon II Blackfyre in the Dunk and Egg novellas. While both of their dreams came true, they happened very differently than what they initially believed. So the great queen named Daenerys who Alysanne might have seen wasn’t her daughter but her distant descendant.
Daenerys of Dorne
The Princess Daenerys who married Maron Martell was initially mentioned in passing in a Dunk and Egg novella, The Sworn Sword, but wasn’t named in the text until A Dance With Dragons where her connection to both the series era Dany and Martell family was emphasized. She is cited by Davos as the person Dany was named after and is the source of the Targaryen blood that gives Quentyn the belief that he can tame one of the dragons. She is also the reason the Water Gardens were built and through that palace was able to impact every generation of Dornish children after her.
Unlike the previous Daenerys, there are quite a few parallels between Daenerys of Dorne and the canon era Dany. They were both the products of extremely unhappy and abusive marriages. They each had significant age gaps between them and their siblings, with their older brother having reached adulthood and had a child or children of his own by the time of their birth. Their brothers married them to men outside of their culture. While Dany was exchanged for the promise of an army to take back Westeros, Princess Daenerys’s marriage was part of a treaty that united Dorne with the rest of Westeros. Both women marry for duty despite loving other men. Each of them are particularly protective and caring toward children. They also look beyond the social status of individuals and see that everyone is equally worthy of protection and a quality life.
While Dany pushes for freedom and justice in Slaver’s Bay, Princess Daenerys used her position in Dorne to benefit children regardless of class:
“Beautiful and peaceful,” the prince said. “Cool breezes, sparkling water, and the laughter of children. The Water Gardens are my favorite place in this world, ser. One of my ancestors had them built to please his Targaryen bride and free her from the dust and heat of Sunspear. Daenerys was her name. She was sister to King Daeron the Good, and it was her marriage that made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms. The whole realm knew that the girl loved Daeron’s bastard brother Daemon Blackfyre, and was loved by him in turn, but the king was wise enough to see that the good of thousands must come before the desires of two, even if those two were dear to him. It was Daenerys who filled the gardens with laughing children. Her own children at the start, but later the sons and daughters of lords and landed knights were brought in to be companions to the boys and girls of princely blood. And one summer’s day when it was scorching hot, she took pity on the children of her grooms and cooks and serving men and invited them to use the pools and fountains too, a tradition that has endured till this day."
"I told the story to Ser Balon, but not all of it. As the children splashed in the pools, Daenerys watched from amongst the orange trees, and a realization came to her. She could not tell the highborn from the low. Naked, they were only children. All innocent, all vulnerable, all deserving of long life, love, protection. ‘There is your realm,’ she told her son and heir, 'remember them, in everything you do.’ My own mother said those same words to me when I was old enough to leave the pools. It is an easy thing for a prince to call the spears, but in the end the children pay the price. For their sake, the wise prince will wage no war without good cause, nor any war he cannot hope to win.– ADWD
It might seem like a simple thing to allow a large amount of commoner children to partake in privileges alongside highborn and royal children, but this is hugely significant since it allows children of higher stations to form positive relationships with children of lower classes. The rest of Westeros does this at a far smaller degree, but usually at the convenience of the highborn. This act essentially put all of the children who stay at the Water Gardens on equal footing, even temporarily so they can all see that at their core, they are all made the same. This allows the royalty and nobility to empathize with commoners which will impact the choices that will impact everyone. Princess Daenerys’ impact on the ruling family kept Dorne mostly out of the War of the Five Kings, meaning that while the common people of nearly every region have been slaughtered and abused in the conflict, only one Dornishman has died so far, Oberyn Martell, a prince in full control of his actions rather than thousands of commoners ordered onto the battlefield.
Even though Dany is still a queen at war in the series, there are similarities between her motivation and choices. As noted above, both Daenerys’ have a weakness for children. Princess Daenerys fills the Water Gardens with “laughing children”. Dany wishes to do the same:
I want to make my kingdom beautiful, to fill it with fat men and pretty maids and laughing children. – ACOK
But more than that dream, when it comes to children Dany shows she is willing to take direct action to protect and avenge them. When the slavers of Meereen murder slave children and taunt Dany by mounting their bodies on milepost, Dany made sure to see them herself: "I will see every one, and count them, and look upon their faces. And I will remember.” (ASOS) Then she avenged them by killing the exact number of slavers in the same way the children were killed. Even when she doubts whether she did the right thing, she insists it was done for the children. Then, when Drogon kills a child, Hazzea, Dany tries to chain all of her dragons so that never happens again, though she only manages to capture two of the three. Despite the fact that she considers the dragons to be her own children, it only takes the death of one child to push her to imprison them, showing just how much she prioritizes the lives of these people. Even when it comes to the children of the slavers, Dany refuses to harm them regardless of what crimes the adult slaver commit:
Dany had grown fond of her young charges. Some were shy and some were bold, some sweet and some sullen, but all were innocent. – ADWD
Where the strongest parallel comes into play is with the way both Daenerys’ realize that there is no fundamental difference between people of different social classes since they are the same when brought down to their bare essentials:
On another island two lovers kissed in the shade of tall green trees, with no more shame than Dothraki at a wedding. Without clothing, [Dany] could not tell if they were slave or free. – ASOS
As the children splashed in the pools, Daenerys watched from amongst the orange trees, and a realization came to her. She could not tell the highborn from the low. Naked, they were only children. All innocent, all vulnerable, all deserving of long life, love, protection. – ADWD
The only thing that separates the highborn from the low or the free and the enslaved are societal restrictions. Since there are no natural physical differences between people of different ranks in society, that means they are all deserving of freedom and good lives. While Princess Daenerys acted upon this realization to effect change through the inclusion of all children from different walks of life into the Water Gardens, Dany fights for the freedom of slaves and allows freedmen places of power in her government and gives them a voice at court alongside people who were born free. Here are just a few of the many examples of Dany attempting to establish equality for the freedmen:
Reznak would have summoned another tokar next, but Dany insisted that he call upon a freedman. Thereafter she alternated between the former masters and the former slaves. – ADWD
Rylona Rhee had played the harp as sweetly as the Maiden. When she had been a slave in Yunkai, she had played for every highborn family in the city. In Meereen she had become a leader amongst the Yunkish freedmen, their voice in Dany’s councils. – ADWD
“The freedmen work too cheaply, Magnificence,” Reznak said. “Some call themselves journeymen, or even masters, titles that belong by rights only to the craftsmen of the guilds. The masons and the bricklayers do respectfully petition Your Worship to uphold their ancient rights and customs.”
“The freedmen work cheaply because they are hungry,” Dany pointed out. “If I forbid them to carve stone or lay bricks, the chandlers, the weavers, and the goldsmiths will soon be at my gates asking that they be excluded from those trades as well.” She considered a moment. “Let it be written that henceforth only guild members shall be permitted to name themselves journeymen or masters … provided the guilds open their rolls to any freedman who can demonstrate the requisite skills.” – ADWD
Princess Daenerys also helped to cement a permanent peace between House Targaryen and House Martell with her marriage uniting Westeros. That combined with the tradition of creating a closer bond between people of different classes and the continued caution on thinking of the people while making decisions that will affect them, she continues her legacy of peace. Our Dany also keeps the people who choose to follow her at the forefront of her thoughts with every decision she makes. She too wishes for peace and takes action to achieve that, even at her own detriment.
“Peace is my desire. You say that you can help me end the nightly slaughter in my streets. I say do it. Put an end to this shadow war, my lord. That is your quest. Give me ninety days and ninety nights without a murder, and I will know that you are worthy of a throne. Can you do that?” - Daenerys IV ADWD
She thought of Doreah, of Quaro, of Eroeh … of a little girl she had never met, whose name had been Hazzea. Better a few should die in the pit than thousands at the gates. This is the price of peace, I pay it willingly. If I look back, I am lost. - Daenerys VIII ADWD
Like all good queens she put her people first—else she would never have wed Hizdahr zo Loraq—but the girl in her still yearned for poetry, passion, and laughter. – ADWD
While the three Daenerys’ don’t have anything close to similar lives, each of the Daenerys’ of the past seem to intentionally have call backs or call forwards to the series era Dany. Both of them seem to foreshadow Dany’s current and future storylines with pushes for social progress and her future as the reigning Queen of Westeros. So far, Martin has included only three characters with this name, but with the positive change Dany is bringing to Essos and will bring to Westeros when she helps save the world from the Others, it would only be natural for the name to grow in popularity.
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knightsickness · 3 months
For the saints ask, maybe the Blacks from the Dance era. Though I feel it would be more of a folk-saint type deal where it can be very controversial. I’ve wanted to do an ASOIAF book of saints as well, so I’ve thought about it quite a bit😄! The only one I could see being a canonized saint would be Jacaerys since he’s still fondly remembered and possibly Baela or Rhaena (though we don’t know much else about them). From the same era I can definitely see Helaena being canonized since she was probably the most beloved of Alicent’s children according to Fire and Blood. While I also picture Addam Velaryon being canonized too! Another more controversial one would probably be Daemon Blackfyre. I could picture him maybe being a folk-saint since he was described as ‘…he was the Warrior himself.’ Bloodraven as well, though due to how the common people viewed him, I’d say as another folk-saint (even more so since he seems much closer to the Old Gods than the Seven). Then finally (just to cut my rant short😅) I’d say Naerys, Aemon the Dargonknight, and Baelor the Blessed for obvious reasons😄. I could also see some saints being more ‘taboo’ in some regions of Westeros than others, even if canonized. I have a lot more but I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks about possible ASOIAF saints!
i think abt asoiaf saints a lot (i have a bunch of asoiaf/hotd saint posts from a while ago) + am happy other ppl r interested in them too ! saint cults and the canonisation process r part of my degree however i do think we disagree on some of the candidates
under a cut bc this is super long
my main criteria for identifying a potential saint are a) proximity to the seven (in the same way as proximity to life of christ - mostly seven pointed star + pre conquest semi-mythical figures, so hugor and his 44 children or ser galladon) and/or performance of miracles (e.g. baelor and the snakes) b) violent death preferably for the faith in some way (or martyrdom through self-denial or holy self-harm e.g. maegelle dying from the sickness she was tending or baelor’s fasting) c) pious enough for it to be noted in canon if a guy is remembered as ‘the devout’ he’s in d) noted for embodying one of the seven a famous mother a famous maiden a famous warrior e) opponent/victim of some major enemy of the faith because -> f) someone there is a political or economic benefit (especially to oldtown or the faith) to canonising. thomas becket was not spectacularly popular or saintly in life but died violently in a church because of a king the church already didn’t like his impossibly quick three year canonisation (usually took a decade at least) was incredibly politically charged. no candidate has to fit all of these one is enough to go on my maybe list and the more they fit the better
i also have a few things i think broadly exclude from formal canonisation so a) public affiliation with one of the other faiths (old gods rhollor etc) b) affiliation with witches/use of blood magic c) enjoying/having a lot of sex (esp if a woman) and d) this ones kicky and headcanon (but this is all headcanon) but formal brother-sister marriage. the faith never liked targ incest but puts up w it mainly bc of physical dragon intimidation i think they would still be twitchy about canonising incest saints. not saying there’s no targ saints but saying the ones i see for that mainly the ones that actively don’t do the targ incest thing baelor volcel-aemon septa rhaena magaelle. naerys an exception bc it was an established point in medieval virgin saint stories that rape did not count against your virtue + she was obviously a victim of an enemy of the faith famously super pious etc she ticks boxes
imo even though team black were broadly nicer and the kids remembered more fondly if you can give team green anything it’s that they branded themselves as the godly team against the godless team black heathens down to the ground they had that locked. even the green council debates pointedly moralising through a faith lens and esp considering its the firmly greenie oldtown making these calls i think its all easily spun that actually anything bad they ever did was in the name of the seven and trying to maintain andal tradition and keeping the realm out of rhaenyra’s sinful hands etc etc its all bullshit obviously. if the faith is feeling kicky enough to canonise people from the dance its not nice and liked but not especially pious jace its alicent saint of the mother struggling against godless incestuous targ traditions or gwayne hightower with a clear vested hightower interest or criston pious warrior died violently in a religiously charged conflict
baela and rhaena to me both also nice and well remembered they are generally popular political figures they just don’t have much to do with the faith i don’t think anyone’s attributing them theological significance. jace most likely of the strong boys to be a folk saint just bc he did more + still had the violent death but he just isn’t pointedly pious he’s in no way noted for faith which is fairly important even in small local cults. you don’t start to think this guy’s blood might do miracles bc he personally has god’s ear just on a whim
daemon blackfyre superr interesting candidate i think semi-canon folk saint considering we know people were taking pilgrimages to his death site to leave flowers. the fought like the warrior thing is fun bc its often restated clearly part of the narrative + v explicit seven link but maybe not formally canonised as the hightowers backed daeron. would like f&b2 to pass clearer judgement but folk saint daemon blackfyre really good. however do not see saint bloodraven even slightly sorry .. people did not love that guy they were scared of him he was infamously fucking a witch and is arguably the most famous old gods evil wizard westeros ever had. i’d buy saint aemond before saint brynden and aemond is NOT canonised
i think ur completely right abt the faith’s canon saints being controversial and not venerated everywhere - popularity of saints fluctuated based on usefulness of their patronage but also proximity to their major shrine points (usually birthplace or death site) bc being near a pilgrimage site was huge for the local economy, but also notable most medieval saints were from the classical world and so too far in the past to be very controversial. there is certainly a divide in real life between the historical life and the saint life of thomas becket, the standout new medieval saint, and the church could v much tell selectively
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goodqueenaly · 4 months
Forgive me if you’ve addressed this before over the years. You’ve covered a lot.
As far as is know, is Betha the only Queen of the Seven Kingdoms to, based on her familial background and upbringing, likely keep the Old Gods? If so, do you imagine this was a factor raised at the Great Council by lords aligned strongly with the Faith against Aegon?
That’s actually a great question, and one I haven’t considered! 
Yes, as far as we’re aware, no other queens during the Targaryen kingdom in Westeros (and obviously not under the Baratheon dynasty either) worshipped or otherwise honored the old gods. (This conclusion obviously does not count de facto crown princess Sansa, of course.) Granted, we know very little about the personal piety of virtually any of the Targaryen queens (Betha included); Naerys, and to a much lesser extent Alysanne and Aelinor Penrose, represent pretty much the only queens about whom GRRM has given any insight regarding their personal religious feelings. However, given that there were no queens from the North, nor any other Houses (besides House Blackwood) which are specifically noted to worship the old gods elsewhere (of which House Blackwood is really the only certain one anyway), I think it’s fair to say that none of the other Targaryen-era queens worshiped the old gods. 
Whether Betha’s religious feelings (real or presumed) would have factored into the debates at the Great Council of 233 AC and even beyond … maybe. Certainly, Westerosi politics historically has been no stranger (no pun intended) to criticisms of religiously unorthodox figures and their supposedly negative influences, from Lelia Lannister during the Hoare dynasty on the Iron Islands to Larra Rogare during the Lysene Spring under Aegon III (and indeed, I’ve suggested such criticisms may have been leveled against Jeyne Manderly, wife and perhaps widow of Rickon Stark). Too, according to Yandel, that “most outspoken of [Aegon V’s] foes” specifically referred to the “gods-given rights and liberties” of which the king allegedly sought to deprive his vassals; however, the quote does not mention which “gods”, old or new (or both), to which the speaker referred, nor the source of the complaint, leaving the potential religious context to the issue unclear. We also do not have a strong understanding of the relationship between the Faith and the crown in 233 AC (or, indeed, during Aegon V’s reign afterward), although there certainly had already been intriguing intersections between the two entities: consider, say, the High Septon under Daeron II, who used the Faith's prejudice against bastards to explain and criticize the rebellion of Daemon Blackfyre, or the nameless septon who used specifically theological arguments to denounce Bloodraven (and was executed for doing as much), or even my speculation on the installation of the office of High Septon permanently in King’s Landing (in its Avignon-esque exile from Oldtown). More directly, the fact that the High Septon of 233 AC was willing to absolve Aemon of his maester’s vows so that Aemon could become king might, perhaps, suggest a desire on the part of the Faith to support the surviving son of Maekar who had no troublesome ties to the old gods, rather than the son whose wife worshiped those strange and ancient gods. 
Again, none of this is explicit canonical evidence, but all of these ideas and suggestions may indicate that Betha’s familial religion was used as an argument against Aegon V’s kingship , at the time of the Great Council and/or during his reign. How could Prince Aegon be trusted as a prospective defender of the Faith, so the argument might have gone, when his own queen worshiped god who were, to borrow Yandel’s phrase when describing the Andal Invasion, “little more than demons”? How could the Faith support the succession princes who may well, so these Faithful might have feared, have been raised to worship those same old gods, and been encouraged by their no-good-very-bad mother to turn away from the light of the Seven? Would Betha have been assumed to share the penchant for sorcery and evil popularly associated with that other Blackwood-blooded old gods worshiper, Brynden Rivers? For those perhaps already inclined to distrust the hedge knight-trained "half a peasant" Prince Aegon, the fact that the prince's wife and the mother of his heirs worshiped gods other than the Seven might have been useful ammunition in their arguments against his accession, or during his reign afterward.
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Shiera and Bloodraven by InTheArmsOfUndertow
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novembermorgon · 1 month
For that possible great bastard OC. I know it might be rather far fetched but just…. The idea of a Bolton great bastard. Maybe not for your OC but…. Just… what a concept
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she ended up being a reyne based off twt suggestions mostly because it's really funny considering my other blackfyre rebellion/s era oc is a lannister . big cat themed homosexuals a plenty i guess ...
ill consider cooking up a bolton concept for u as well anon when i have time . love you .
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alannybunnue · 1 year
Ok, We Made History: Westeros x Demigod!Reader
Yes, i am already making the masterlist, since i already can see that this is gonna be a long one with many different eras of the story.
So let's anticipate the chaos
The reader, Daughter of the Drowned God
The Eras and their Myths
Her pet
Her titles
The Iron Throne Curse
How the Faith views this situation and The Pretenders (The Pretenders Part 2)
Meera The Pretender (her ending fate)
Her Favorites
Elenei, her oldest sister
Her people and the origins of her trust
Aegon's Conquest:
The Beginning
Her first encounter with the Dragons
Harren Hoare and Argilac Durrandon
The Storm God true motives and the beginning of a war
She is taken by the Sky
Dance of the Dragons
She was tricked
Who stole her?
Daemon and the necklace
Blackfyre Rebellion
Aegon IV causes a war for the Demigoddess
The great bastards fighting for the reader
She runs away with Shiera Seastar
Robert's Rebellion
Rhaegar using Lyanna to supress his feelings for the Demigoddess
Rhaegar tries to run with the Demigoddess
Her betrothed shall take her away
She saved Elia Martell
Game of thrones
Reader leaves the Iron Islands to live in Winterfell with Theon. (First concept of it)
The Demigoddess adopted Theon
Unspecific Eras:
Maegor fucked up real bad and now Westeros is paying for it
Aerea Targaryen used as a message from the Drowned god
Baelor the Blessed and the Demigoddess
Shiera and the Drowned God became besties
A/N: That's mostly it, i hope i didn't forgot any major Era, if i did, hit me with a rock, will ya?
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ocsoficeandfire · 2 months
Lady Galyne Borrell
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Status: Free!
I've used her in a small fic before, but I didn't like where it was going so I deleted it. Galyne grew on me, though, so I would love to see someone using her for their own imagine / fic / drabble <3 Send me a PM, an ask or reblog if you are interested in using her for a story :)
Divider by @anlian-aishang
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Lady Galyne Borrell of Sweetsister
House: Borrell
Region: The Vale
Parents: Father Waylar Borrell (dead), Mother Sanda Longthorpe. No siblings, but has living male Borrell cousins.
Time: Can be used for every era. During the Dance of the Dragons, Jacaerys Velaryon got the Borrell's support for House Black. The Borell's overlords - the Sunderlands - got them involved into the Blackfyre Rebellions. Ned Stark sailed from Sweetsister to White Harbor. Ser Davos Seaworth is left on Sweetsister in ASOIAF.
Age: 19
Religion: Faith of the Seven
Marital Status: Single
Spice level: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🖤🖤
Personality: Galyne is relatively quiet and modest. She usually bites back most remarks and even though she is not well-versed in courtly life, she can adapt very well through her stoic attitude. She is a fast learner and even though she tends to be quite distant and even ruthless when the situation escalates, she is generally a pious, well-meaning young woman. She is very proud of her heritage and will defend it to great lengths.
Physical Appearance: She is described by others as 'plain and awfully average'. She's chubby, of average height and has green eyes. Galyne has remarkably long, wavy mouse-brown hair, which she takes great pride in. She is relatively pale, has ruddy cheeks and a smattering of freckles over the bridge of her nose.
Special quirks: She tends to embroider the Borrell crab on every dress she wears. Because she is a Borell, she has 'the mark' - a sort of webbing between her three middle fingers.
Face Claim: None
Moodboard prompts: Dark Sea, Sea Storms, Irish coast, siren aesthetic.
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alisa-ioana · 4 months
My babys 🥹
I will always love the relationship between Aegon and Viserys, they were sharing everything from the moment Viserys was born 🥺 and when they were reunited they were close again 🥰 it really warms my heart that in a way they were the Aemon and Baelon of their generation.
From playing together, to having their lessons, to sharing a room and very much possible visiting Stormcloud tougher and planning on how Viserys was going to claim one of the big dragons just like their father did 🥲 and Daemon teaching them how to wield a sword, ride a horse and dragon, telling them stories, after all Daemon had waited all his life for a son and now he had two that were pretty much perfect in every way, any father would be proud of having them as his heirs ( of course Darksister was being prepared to be Aegon's and I wholeheartedly believe Daemon was making Viserys a valyrian steel sword so he could be a great warrior and make a great name for himself). Rhaenyra obviously loved her babies and cuddled them, taking them with her on Syrax, reading to them, and pampering them to no end and being very proud of her littlest boys.
I especially love how well they complimented themselves, Aegon the older brother tall robust incredibly beautiful with deep purple eyes and hair so light it was almost white. From what we can see he was very kind and compassionate but also had character...his council should say 😁, very headstrong too. And Viserys not as tall and robust or as beautiful as his brother but still incredibly beautiful (if the lyseni were impressed with him, one can just imagine how beautiful he was) (headcanon here but I like to think that while Aegon took after Rhaenyra in looks Viserys took after Daemon except his hair that was exacly the same as Rhaenyra's) and also smart as no one else in his family, he certainly was precocious as his mother but he also had a hint of mischief and sharpness that his father possessed 😍.
They somehow managed to get the very best traits of their parents without the negative ones, they were also fiercely protective of each other for sure and their family.
Something that has me thinking is that if they were in my (very correct mind you) opinion that perfect and proved to be good for the dynasty both as princes delighting everyone (obviously like their mother) with the endearing team of two they made and later on as kings and Viserys as hand most of his life providing the realm with heirs (not all of them good or worthy....but I'm not going to complain much) and as much stability as they could, how much better would they have been had they not been traumatised 🥹 imagine a proud Aegon being a dragonrider with his very loyal Stormcloud and a warrior welding blackfyre, also treating everyone with kindness but also with coldness if the situation requires it. And Viserys riding Vermithor (well he was compared to the old king in terms of becoming as good as him or even better, I really like the idea of him claiming this legendary dragon and of course proving that you don't need a cradle dragon to be a Targaryen as the conquerors that were the founders of the Targaryen dynasty and none had cradle dragons) and wielding darksister while also helping his brother and being his hand, they would have brought a new era of splendour and grandeur for their house and westeros.
Of course this new era would have been possible too because of the women they choose to spend their lives with, in Aegon's case obviously Daenara Velaryon the ray of sunshine that would have been a very incredible queen, really kind and famous amongst the small folk and the nobles. And for Viserys his sister Visenya would have been the best option, not only is it a great Targaryen match for a prince and princess of the blood but also I think that Viserys having a woman at his side that would love him and cherish him (also the added bonus of him not being married and having children by 13 ew). And Visenya would have claimed Silverwing and although she would capable of being delightful she would also match Viserys in mischief (and she would be practicing witchcraft because she thought it would be fun because of Queen Visenya's reputation and then she ended up liking it 😌).
Here I leave you a picture of how I imagine my two darling boys in their teenage years (the first one is Aegon and the second one is Viserys).
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Needless to say that Daemon and Rhaenyra would have been incredibly proud of their boys both in the canon and in my headcanon of how they could've been had they not been traumatised. And who wouldn't be proud of them, and yes I know they may have some faults but honestly I don't really care, and even less after seeing the fandom ignore them or using them as a gotcha against the 🥦 🤷🏼‍♀️, so yes Rhaenyra loved them dearly because they were her sons and also the ones she had with the love of her life in the happiest time she had and Daemon well he always wanted a son and now he has two with the woman he loved and that finally could marry and they also exceed every expectation being better that anyone would imagine 🖤❤️.
Rhaenyra looking at her littlest boys like yeah I made them 😌🥰🩷
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And Daemon like yeah my two perfect boys 😉😎❤️‍🔥
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And lastly Visenya like yeah they are my big brothers 😍😚💖
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End of rant💌
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cityof2morrow · 7 months
Bella Brand: Blackfyre 001
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Published: 11-7-2023 | Updated: 11-20-2023 SUMMARY “Inspired by the wealth of Bella Goth lore from the Sims/SimCity franchises (aka the “simsverse”), the Bella Brand Series includes more than a dozen sets and 230+ new business-themed items. Lore suggests that the wealth/influence of the Gilman, Crumplebottom, Bachelor, and Goth families increases considerably under Mortimer and Bella Goth, especially the latter. So, this series imagines what a prestigious Bella-based brand might look like…” Mysterious sims with a taste for glass, goth and lace will love the Blackfyre Collection, brought to you exclusively from the Bella Brand. Indulge your “bold and beautiful” era with an intimate item from this exciting new collection! Another remix of the original Bella’s Secret set (HChangeri/WR/Retail Sims, 2006 via LiquidSims Archive) and some fun new additions.
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DETAILS Requires ALL EPs/SPs. You need Mesh Set 001 (Simmons, 2023) and the Display Counter (BellasSecret_Counter_Somedaythesun)from the TS2 Maxis Match Lingerie Store Set (SomedayTheSun, 2023) – these items are required for all textures to display in-game. The counter uses recolors from the Bosenklavier Model B grand piano (Bon Voyage EP). Find recolors for the counter interior in the Bella Brand: Retail Floor Set (Simmons, 2023). Recolors may include swatches for items in other Bella Brand sets such as signs, packages, cosmetics, etc. Objects in Sims 2 are limited to two recolorable parts, so not all items are recolorable in the same way. Find additional recolors for Bella Brand sets on this site under #ts2recolors, #co2recolors, and #co2bellabrand.
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ITEMS Blackfyre: The Victoria (1334 poly) Bella Brand Display Rack 001 (384 poly) Bella Brand Display Rack 002 (256 poly) Blackfyre: A Gothic Bust in Lace (2886 poly, HIGH) Blackfyre: Another Bust in Glass (308 poly) Blackfyre Plunge IPX Bra (486 poly) Blackfyre Widowmaker (547 poly) Blackfyre Boy Shorts Pile (166 poly) Blackfyre Bikini Panty Pile (276 poly) Blackfyre Corset (556 poly) Blackfyre Bra & Panty Set (571 poly) Blackfyre Boy Shorts (172 poly) Body by Bella Blackfyre Bra (450 poly) Body By Bella Blackfyre Panty (152 poly) Blackfyre Babydoll Dress (551 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA
*A known game bug may disable some shelf slots. If you cannot access more than 2 slots on the hosiery/lingerie racks (the ones with 4 or 6 bars), download ONE these fixes: MORE_Custom-objects-placeable-on-shelves (Numenor, 2006) MORE_Custom-objects-placeable-on-shelves+LOCKEDTILES (Numenor, 2006) Object Freedom 1.02 (Fway, 2023)
Functional Apparel Objects Apparel objects are debug items and show up as “clothing pile” in the catalog (Misc > Dressers). They must be placed on one of the DEBUG displays/shelves or they’ll float. Once purchased, take them out of the sim’s inventory and choose from one of the following: Purchase Clothing. Select an outfit (or several) of any type. Each apparel object is worth §100 towards the TOTAL cost. Sims save more money (and your businesses make more money) if they use one apparel object per new outfit. Sell. Recycle the object for §100 simoleons.  If you exit the Buy Clothing window without adding anything to your shopping cart, §100 will be added to the sim’s household funds instead. Apparel objects are worth §100 regardless of how much sims pay for them on OFB/community lots. Pricing an item below this amount can function like a discount sale (i.e., pay $75 in-store and §100 towards the purchase or a 25% “discount/rebate.” You can decide whether this counts as cheating). Pricing it above this amount is not recommended since sims will end up losing extra money. Debug objects have slots which “catch” fellow clones if you place them too close. To prevent this when trying to clutter them close together, turn “snap objects to grid” OFF and “move objects” OFF.
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CREDITS No copyright infringement intended. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. CCA = Creative Commons Attribution. Thanks: @catherinetcjd, @gayars, @gummilutt, @haziewhims, @kashmiresims (Rach’), @somedaythesun, whoward, Easy Shine Removal Kit (PF Forest, 2023), Reducing GUIDs/OBJs Tutorial (HugeLunatic, 2022), Sketchfab and Blender Communities. Sources: SEE CREDITS (ALT).
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visenyaism · 10 months
top 5 barbie and ken duos in asoiaf
5. daemon blackfyre and bittersteel
5 1/2. bloodraven and shiera seastar but in a evil way
4. samantha tarly and whichever fucking hightower that was
3. asha greyjoy and her soyboy polycule
2. rhaenyra and laenor when they were in their delusional arrogance extreme lying city girl beard4beard era. needed more of that it was everything to me
1. davos & melisandre and stannis. he’s just some guy!!!
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