lacosteswag14 · 4 months
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sacz21 · 5 months
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he billion-plus internet-connected gadgets, including computer chips that collect, save, and share data, come under the "internet of things." It simplifies the operation of everything from a capsule-sized device to giant military equipment and measures real-time temperature, weather, speed, wind flow, heart rate, blood flow, and everything else in the universe.
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electroverge · 1 year
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Bluetooth Evaluation Module 2.4GHz Ultra Low Power Wi-Fi / Bluetooth 5.0 UART Interface Module with Integrated Antenna DIP Version
Compliant to single-spatial stream IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 5
Co-existence of multiple wireless protocols managed by an internal protocol arbitration manager
Ultra-low power consumption with multiple power modes to reduce the system energy consumption
Leading edge RF performance providing long range and higher throughputs
Support for 20 / 40 MHz channel bandwidths REYAX Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading comprehensive solutions provider of wireless RYWB116_LITE modules, engineering designs, and supply chain services to electronics manufacturers with over ten years of experience in the wireless and IoT industries.
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fonaccgadgets · 4 months
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reginasrandomthoughts · 11 months
Today I randomly remembered that The Last Jedi exists and had to come face to face with the realisation that i care about the wasted potential of that movie more than I thought,
Like Raylo had potebtial. Narratively speaking.
On one hand we had this guy who comes from a famous, and infamous, family who is being crushed under the weight of that family history to the point that he is losing his own identity, and he IS losing it. And on the other hand we have this girl who is desperately trying to fill the complete void that is her past. They both kind of want what the other has and it could have been a beautiful narrative exploration of the forming of identity and how to find a balance between individualism and the collective...
and then J.J. Abrams shat the bed.
Like tell me how you can fumble something that badly. It's not even the inherent elitism of making Ray into a special snowflake bc there is no way someone not from the special bloodline could ever be important, but it is that too.
It's not like I wanted a boombox serenade, kissing in the rain, fireworks going off in the background conclusion to Raylo, but I wanted them to find an equilibrium bc I thought that the conversation about how your past, or lack of, can define who you become was interesting. I wanted them, as characters, to find their own answer for how they can accept their history as a part of them but still move on to become their own person, to navigate becoming themself.
And yea, sure, I think that the possibility of both of them becoming wanderers post dealing with the First Order would have been my preferred solution. Not even necessarily together, but at least with an awareness of each other. I just wanted those crazy kids to go on a big fucking roadtrip of self discovery.
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moonage-daydreamy · 5 months
'kay hear me out:
james would be an airpods guy - because his adhd ass cannot deal with the wires and their mess. needs his music without any interruptions. nevertheless has lost countless pairs or ones while flying with regulus. it became a thing with them for who could find more with reg being a seeker and all.
sirius would be a wired earphones bluethooth guy (the ones that have a neck thingy) because otherwise he would keep losing them. he couldn't deal with wired ones because they would keep getting them tangled and would lose his mind untangling them. he liked the idea of being tethered but not bound.
regulus would be a headphones guy - because blocking the world out and all that. has the best noise cancelation headphones out there that he religious charges each night to ensure he doesn't have to tolerate idiots; unless it's his idiot (he'll only take down his headphones for james).
remus would be a wired headphones guy because he would always forget to charge them. plus untangling them would give him an out to direct his frustration before moony nights. but trust me they are barely hanging on for dear life. one of the buds got chewed out by padfoot and the wire is like exposed at least three different points. remus likes to think if it works it w o r k s despite sirius begging him to get new ones.
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meownotgood · 8 months
Is aki "just the tip" or the "you can take it" type of guy also i just know this guy would make such pretty sounds
(omg i have my period too 😂 are we all on an aki bluethooth or sum)
aki is a: "of course I can do just the tip, sweetheart" and then he cums like that anyways guy
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medical89 · 3 months
DIY Patient Monitor
It's been a while since I posted! In the last post I presented my DIY wireless ECG. Today, I want to follow up on that post. In the last two years I added more and more consumer medical devices and features to the ECG that one might call it a DIY patient monitor 😀
I recorded myself using it in this video. I deprived myself of oxygen and watched the result on the monitor. See all the alarms going off 🙂
The design is inspired by Philips Intellivue. The alarm sounds I took from their website 😉
In the rest of this post I want to discuss how I came to this result.
The DIY ECG from last post was a good basis (https://www.tumblr.com/medical89/650543279114469376/diy-wireless-ecg?source=share).
I got a BP with bluetooth capabilities (https://www.medisana.com/en/Health-control/Blood-pressure-monitor/BU-540-connect-Upper-arm-blood-pressure-monitor.html)
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And a pulseoximeter with bluetooth (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005549153646.html)
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I reverse engineered (aka hacked) both of their bluethooth communication to get the live data into my website instead of their apps. I.e., get the BP after it was measured or retrieve the oxygen concentration every second. Then I extended my ECG application and it's web interface to include this information.
The application now also includes alarms, just like a real patient monitor. Cyan alarms are triggered if a device is not connected correctly, red alarms if a vital value is outside of its limits!
I also wired up the power button on the BP to my ECG so I can start it from the website using the BP button. When entering a number in the text field next to the button, the BP is taken automatically every x seconds 🙂
The shock button is wired up to a TENS unit and can give shocks.
I also made a program that can sync shocks and BP inflates to a video, but that's a story for another day!
Hope this was interesting for you and feel free to contact me to ask for more details 🙂
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akihiko1016 · 7 months
Sony WF-1000XM4を2年ほど使ってみて。
New Post has been published on https://akihikogoto.com/2023/11/16/23954
Sony WF-1000XM4を2年ほど使ってみて。
Sony WF-1000XM4を2年ほど使ってみて。
Sony WF-1000XM4。
音質、サイズ感、ノイズキャンセル、 bluethooth の接続、切断。
ですがバッテリーまわりについて これは設計のミスだろうなと思われるほどひどいかなと思いました。 購入してから1年間の保証がついていて 私はイヤフォンの左右とも別の時期ですが バッテリーの異常で交換してもらっています。
両方とも交換をしていただいて 新しいものになったはずですが、
現在でも左のイヤフォンのバッテリーの減りが異常に早いです。 11:05分から使い始めて 11:53には左のみ半分くらいのバッテリー。48分使用。 12:29 さらに36分後38%くらい。 左のイヤフォンは大体2時間もたないくらいです。
カタログより引用 –
” ノイズキャンセリングON時、本体のみで8時間、付属のケースで2回分充電して合計24時間使用できます。さらに、ノイズキャンセリングOFF時は本体のみで12時間、付属のケースで2回分充電して合計36時間使用できます。” —
Sony WF-1000XM5も新しく出ましたが 改善されるかと思いきや、いまだに似たような 症状の問題があるようです。
私はもうこの辺りの問題が見直されない限り Sony WF-1000XM シリーズは買わないかなぁ。
本当に残念です。 早く直してソニーさん。。期待してます。
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animadiicristallo · 1 year
ho sempre l'auricolare bluethooth addosso, quando esco, quando faccio la spesa, quando esco a mangiare fuori.
non riesco ad ascoltare qualcuno senza la musica che mi calma per tutto.
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lumeha · 2 years
I'm extremely annoyed because my Bluetooth headset no longer works. I've owned it for less than a year, and I know it was not the best quality purchase (... because I am not that rich), but I can't seem to find a way to make it work again, and I don't really know if there are any repair shops that would take a pair of kind of crappy bluethooth headset to repair them
I kinda, you know, want to keep them because I like them since they are very comfortable, and to avoid buying a new pair because they've only lasted less than a year :/
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543634 · 2 years
really enjoying my bluethooth speaker
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the-oddest-inkling · 30 days
Yup, turns out God really doesn't want me to keep any Razer Products.
Downsides of both keyboards:
The Prize: I bought both keyboards from Amazon Warehouse and made a good deal, but still.
Blackwidow V3 Pro: The RGB lightning is really not that bright for some reason. And the bluethooth function which was the reason why I even bought it, doesn't work on my pc for some reason. :(
Blackwidow V4: My hands are just too small, because the layout is kinda weird and too large.
I will get the Corsair K55 and K70, because I feel like I prefer Mecha Membran keyboards for some reason.
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mercurioweathley · 8 months
quando eu saí daquela prova que definiria o resto de toda a minha vida, depois de ter ido mal para cacete, e ter tirado a nota equivalente à um futuro baseado em morar debaixo de uma ponte e viver à base arroz, feijão e carne desfiada, eu não sabia sequer o que pensar. como agir. o que dizer. preferi então não dizer nada e ignorar o imenso grupo de milhares de pessoas à minha frente, que discutiam alegremente sobre as provas que acabaram de realizar como se a vida fosse maneira. apenas me certifiquei com o inspetor se eu estava de fato liberada, como aquelas pessoas pareciam não estar, e recebi um sim como resposta, o que me confirmava que todas elas estavam ali deliberadamente, escolhendo estar ali e não em outro lugar. coloquei meus fones bluethooths que ganhei do Luís, o funcionário que trabalha com a impressora da minha escola, puramente porque eu sou muito legal e rapidamente criei uma longa amizade de longa data com ele, que é muito legal também, e os coloquei no ouvido. logo em seguida escutei a instrumentalização única da música "Sky", de Playboi Carti soar pelos meus ouvidos, e a aumentei no volume máximo, deixando-a invadir meu cérebro por inteiro. e, enquanto a sentia lentamente perfurar e explodir os meus tímpanos, torci para que ela estourasse toda a minha existência junto, de dentro para fora. ali mesmo. enquanto sentia uma falsa sensação de flutuação por causa daquele som que a esse ponto já dançava por dentro das minhas artérias, pensei em como podia explodir junto com ele, e, como a voz de playboi carti diz, ir lá para longe, para cima, onde o céu é o limite e não se encontra muito mais do que aquilo mais para baixo. uau, eu estou elevada para caramba. penso agora, horas depois, percebendo que eu acabei não explodindo ou me transportando lá para o céu, e portanto me encontro aqui inteirinha, que assim eu posso então apenas fumar quilos de maconha plantada no jardim da amiga da minha mãe e ficar chapada para caceta, até eu conseguir cair do céu (seja lá como eu chegaria lá, para falar a verdade, levando em conta que afinal a música não me transportou fisicamente para o céu como eu acreditei enquanto escutava ela soar através de meus ouvidos) e não sentir nadinha e apenas rir. rir do fato que eu falhei na droga do meu baccalauréat e provavelmente vou viver para sempre sem teto, ou no meu quarto cor de rosa da casa da minha mãe, o que para mim estaria ok se eu não fosse pirar completamente ali e acabasse me jogando do segundo andar do pequeno condomínio onde moramos (o que, eu concluí depois de muitos meses, seria sim o suficiente para eu me matar, caso eu faça direito de maneira estratégica. se não, eu apenas me estafelaria toda (eu sei que não é uma palavra criada, mas concluo que ela faz sentido para mim, e logo, deve fazer algum para você também) e viveria paraplégica, dormindo em uma cama dura e tomando sopa de legumes através de um catéter intravenoso). provavelmente morreria igualmente virgem e sem um amor verdadeiro porque à aquele ponto eu não deveria estar transando e sim fazendo algo de útil com a minha vida vazia. apesar disso tudo, começei a obedecer a minha avó e a rezar todo santo dia, então tá tudo sobre controle, visto que, segundo ela, eu rezando como estou fazendo, deus vai me dar a entrada para a faculdade dos meus sonhos, a minha carreira bem sucedida completa, um salário de 200 mil reais por dia e uma porsche cor-de-rosa perolada, mesmo se eu me saí mal e porcamente no meu vestibular. então tá tudo mais que bem. oh, deus, se deus não exisitisse, eu estava frita! estou agradecendo à ele. e à playboi carti, por ter inventado essa música que me faz parecer a ideia de explodir de dentro para fora, deixando todo o meu interior vermelho vivo à mostra, um tanto aceitável.
bac de sciences po - 26/09/2023
o texto mais bizarro e destruturado e aleatório que eu escrevi, mas me pareceu entediante demais apenas chorar por horas por causa do meu bac HORRÍVEL e de como minha existência toda é uma grande falha, e ao invés disso escrevi isso. me desculpa por tudo.
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fonaccgadgets · 4 months
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