finelythreadedsky · 1 month
Rebecca, why is your Iphigenia (and Polyxena) tag "It begins and ends with a girl"? Where is it from and why did you choose it? I was talking with a friend about my own story and a character's role in it and the tag popped into my head, so I wanted to ask some more about that sentiment :)
i don't think it's from anything, but i've been using it for so long that honestly i don't remember why i chose it. it does speak to how much in greek myth everything comes down to girls, who are so often metaphor or instrument or vessels. a girl and a pomegranate makes a winter. a girl and her laundry makes an epic. a girl and a god makes a city or a nation, usually with not more than a name, a place, and a hero for a son. of course it takes a girl to start a war and to end it. they're the raw material out of which myth builds civilization.
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tweedstoat · 1 month
Fantakuchen situation: The picture used for the article has something that a) I'd never associate with a Fantacake and b) LOOK AT THAT, THAT LOOKS LIKE OUT OF FOUND FOOTAGE HORROR MOVIES.
Which is why I also laughed so hard my stomavh hurt about the tags which say "That is not a Fantacake, that is a Situation." 'Zustand' really translates as state of being and using it in that way is probably most like how British or Irish people use 'state' in "Look at the state of you!"
Fantacake seeing how its been massacred:
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But also im intrigued by fantacake.....Is it like the soda??? How do u make cake out of fanta??? Brb off to go down a Wikipedia rabbit hole
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fvriva · 5 months
12 for Winter and her girlfrieeeend
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12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Winter, being my oc in particular, is much easier for me to answer for.
Winter is self destructive in that she has a tendency to punish herself when she falls short. Some of it is through learned behaviors of self-deprivation. She's starved herself and kept herself awake (and training) as punishments for failure before. She also tends to push everyone else away from her preemptively when she feels emotionally inadequate, especially with her own sense of her lesbian identity and feelings for Elmindreda. She's petty, she's vindictive, and she's at her worst when she's in this state, so she's learned to remove herself from the situation as a means of damage control.
As for Elmindreda, here's what @the-goblin-cat to say about her:
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ask me questions about my ocs
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lizardsfromspace · 1 month
Hello good person saw your Megachurch post and want to tell you about the Fuldaner Schlosstheater. They're the theater of Fulda and while I am sure they have a lot more going on, I only ever notice the big Musicals they are putting on each year, which are ALWAYS medieval themed. Robin Hood. (Normal). The Medicus. (Still normal enough). Die Päpstin (the one about that rumored woman pope. Getting weirder). I think this year it's Bonifatius??? AGAIN??? They already did one ... about Bonifatius. The Apostle of the Germans who founded Fulda (either him or his disciple Sturmius) and is buried in the crypt of their cathedral. Like. I've been meaning to share this for years now with people and you seem to be the person for it.
Thanks for telling me about this. Fascinated by this theater that's always doing medieval musicals and can't stop doing a musical about a dead Saint who's buried in their city's crypt
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paperuniverse · 3 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3 💜💜
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@breitzbachbea Thank you both! I’ll just answer with three though cause I can’t think of six lol.
Never broken a bone
Both my dog and cat are seniors at 16 years old
I hate having my nails long
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🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? Not really, because I end up singing along and then not writing. I get too much into the jams. I listen to a bunch of video essays though, especially ones about writing advice. And sometimes I just sit in silence, typing away. Not related to writing, but I do listen to Pink Floyd's The Wall on repeat ever so often.
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write? I use Pages, because I was born and raised with Apple. xD Lately, I've started using the Notes app for writing too, because I can write on my phone on the go, and then copypaste it directly to the Pages document.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped? I have three wips with nothing published I'm waiting to get back to, because I still love the ideas, I just have a hard time continuing them. I'm not scrapping them, two of them are 80k+, I'm in too deep. Back, ages ago though, I started a bunch of fanfics that I only got a few pages into, then never finished. For example, I have a file on my computer which is half a page long called "science fiction AU" I wrote in 2013, and there's no indication of what the story was going to be about going forward apart from spamano happening. There's just a (bad) introduction to Lovino and half an introduction of Antonio, with some shoddy world building (something about space slavery? Ew), and I am never continuing that. :'D
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3 18 and 20!
Ask Game
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
There are different things about different fics that i like about them but i think probably would go with To Remember, To Forget for a more serious fic and the cat one was really fun to write
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
From the cat fic
"He admitted that he too, would probably react with much hostility if some random person picked him up and forcefully removed him from his current residence next to the garbage can, so he couldn’t judge."
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
My titles are terrible but i like Sea of Shooting Stars and Employees of the Month
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faunabel · 1 year
hello! :D did you draw the art in your icon? it's so cute like a squishy marshmallow that you press down on and it bounces back up!
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captkirkland · 2 years
I am currently working on keeping my promise to you aka getting the references together buuut could I get one of these things: - Spooky Lovi (just bc I am thinking of all the ghosts I sent/will send you. Doesn’t need to be Sicilian specific spooky tho, just spooky Lovi) - Ludwig! I wonder what the boy looks like in your style. - Nekotalia kiddy kat of your choosing - I am feeling so bad for this one, even though you do say you like drawing the kids but … perhaps the Simonides in like beach wear … So he can show off the body hair he grew. Or instead of the Simonides, just t4t Dilan & Omar, bc the suave nerd and his strong girlfriend are very cute and the transphobes can die mad about fictional and real trans people living their best lifes.
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patcaps · 1 year
22. Favourite place you visited this year?
O2 Shepherd’s Bush to see Hot Chip <3
end of the year ask game
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needcake · 2 years
❌💋 and 🥰!
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Oh, I never say never. I am kinda squiky about some things, but if the story calls for it, I'll go there. Even if I have to delete it later because it's going a way I don't want it to go.
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
I love them! Especially if they have very very awkward first kisses, those are my favorites. Overall, I think first kisses are overrated and hyperfocused on, I much prefer second and third kisses hahaha but being a fan of slow burn I want that big first kiss moment, you know? I want them dumb bitches having that big OH moment and I want them being very awkward about it until they get it just right *fans self*
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
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kitaychan · 1 month
Tagged for heads up seven up by @breitzbachbea (who ofc is always serving with their writing). Thank you!
Seven lines from the chapter of Nerium Oleander that is going to give me gray hairs as I edit because what kind of detective story can be lacking a chase scene? Certainly, not this one (or maybe yes, we'll see when the edition is over)
The chase is thrilling but the surroundings are blurry, the sweet smell of cotton candy overwhelms him, it's nauseous, sickly sweet as he pushes away the onlookers that stay on his path. With heavy breaths, he stretches out his hand trying to grasp onto the man, but he's faster than him, a sleazy snake that eludes from his reach.
I'm tagging @darcymariaphoster @spinyfruit @the-heaminator @fizzycherrycola @mimizuku9 and @fluffywhump if you want to ~
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teethhoarder · 19 days
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DenNor Commission for @breitzbachbea as a gift for their friend
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fvriva · 11 months
Fiore is a great one. I had one Shops AU where Franci and Rella had a flowershop called Fiorella. (And incidentally, Fiorella is also the name of the singer of "Il cielo di Irlanda", which is a song in Italian about the beauty of Ireland).
I've always found "felicia/feliciana" (with feliciana being the better of the two) like, kind of lazy? like while yes, romance languages feminize masculine terms pretty easily, it's kind of dumb to go with the exact same name but with eyelashes on. felicia as well is too anglo of a name to my ears but I'm not actually Italian so who knows
fiore on the other hand (again, to my anglo ears) sounds a little, idk, spunkier? perfectly befitting nyo ita's more fiery personality
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lightning volcanic wind!!!
⚡️Lightning - Have you ever spontaneously added something to your story that you wouldn't have added normally? If so, what made you do it? YES! There was a whole flashback in my Rapunzel AU Romano, Romano, Let Your Hair Down that wasn't supposed to be there. The story was finished, and I was just editing a chapter a week. But then, I suddenly got the idea for a oneshot set earlier, to explain some of the backstory. So I wrote it out, thinking it would be a nice extra story. Then I realised half the characters' motives and behaviours were only explained in that scene, and literally who was going to stop me from adding another flashback? There was one in an earlier chapter, so I debated myself and concluded it was weirder to only have one flashback, and that's how a scene about spamano as young teenagers who got major trauma happened. So by degrees, it slowly got added. Arguably, we could also say everything in my current WIP after chapter one–
🌋 Volcanic Eruption - What's your biggest flaw as a writer? Probably my hatred of describing things. I mostly clean it up in editing, but the amount of characters with no features described standing in a blank void is embarrassing. Probably why I like writing fanfiction and don't have OCs, I don't have to describe the characters, you already know what they look like.
🌬 Wind - What was the easiest part of your WIP to write? Okay, it's not really a particular part or anything, but Antonio being a conniving, scheming asshole is my lifeblood. Everytime he goes off on a weird obsessive tangent in his head or says something extremely snide, I am in my element.
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faunabel · 1 year
I still voted for Rome bc #Daddy, but I could not date that mfer. So I think I get your point here, totally, but age is not the problem, me reading too much ancient historiography is XD
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