#brother!jack kelly
broadwaytwitter · 2 months
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javey moments from newsies tour that make me go Hmmmmm
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newsiesnoldsies · 2 months
okay imagine this
*smacks printing press*
"now that there is fir-"
*the printing press collapses*
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jack kelly vs the delanceys, lineart and flat colours so far ! god ive missed newsies
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cowboy-caboodles · 7 months
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confident davey is my favorite trope and i think we need more of it. hear me out.
jack, being known as the confident and charismatic leader of the manhattan newsies, always shamelessly flirting with anyone he can, never afraid to push the Delancy brothers (and others’) buttons, he’s jack kelly for christ’s sake. and then davey shows up, and everyone thinks he’s this uptight, quiet smart kid who has no business being on the streets selling papers, but he’s the first person who is able to get Jack Kelly to shut up and listen. so now the newsies are aware there’s something special about this kid, and they start to notice even more when jack loses his ability to think or function or act like his usual charming self the moment davey walks into the room.
idk maybe i’m a sucker for the old “nobody makes me lose my composure except this one person” trope. but like!! davey who shamelessly compliments jack in front of others!! davey who isn’t afraid to kiss him on the cheek at family dinner!! davey who has total control over jack’s charisma and he knows it!!
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loving-jack-kelly · 10 months
here's the thing. jack is a gentle person who was forced into being tough and strong and fierce by circumstance. his hands are calloused and his knuckles are bruised when he picks flowers to display in the window by his bed and when he wipes away tears from a younger boy and when he braids the hair of a little girl who can't do it herself. and davey is a fierce, angry person who has learned to be gentle and quiet and pleasant by circumstance. he isn't used to being in a fist fight but when he stops trying to be otherwise, his words are sharp and pointed and direct even when he's offering comfort and kindness and wit. jack has never had the chance to just be gentle without fighting for it. davey has never allowed himself to exist without a filter.
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jackmkelly · 21 days
cmon jack and crutchie :((
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shsl-fander · 15 days
Jack, teasingly: Yeah, where's *your* boyfriend Race
Race: wheres your FATHER, jack.
Jack: okay FIRST OF ALL-
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I love my brother
I showed him the newsies bloopers and we've been screaming "david" "No" "David" "NOOO" at each other ever since
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i-politely-disagree · 3 months
I really wanna write a fic where Jack and Spot are equally overprotective of Race, so when Race and Spot start dating, Jack becomes a weird sort of helicopter sibling and Spot is just over it.
(half the story would honestly end up being weird filler but I felt the need to share the hc)
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toastyblackcat · 9 months
most the newsies have adhd call that zoomsies
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frogmanfae · 4 months
I think if Crutchie knew how much he was infantalized it would bother him but at the same time he would use it to his advantage
Jack: hey crutchie have you seen that sandwich I had in the fridge it was-
Crutchie: *currently eating said sandwich*
Jack: you are such an ass I hate you
Crutchie: *leaning into the bit* but I'm just a wittle baby :(
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emmedoesntdomath · 11 months
let me make one thing very clear right now- if you are planning on leaving the newsies fandom because the show is closing, no you fucking aren’t. nope. not allowed. sit down. we aren’t fucking quitters, coward. some of us had been here for YEARS before uksies showed up, and then didn’t even get to see the goddamn show. this isn’t the end of the world. go watch a slime tutorial on youtube. cry a little bit. we will be fucking fine, and you’d better not be going anywhere now, so help me god.
(love you all <333)
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sparkedblaze · 17 days
hey not doin much just thinking about jack kelly’s love of cowboys and santa fe and how he absolutely would have seen the headlines about billy the kid and it probably would’ve played into his love of santa fe bc thats where he and his brother and mom all lived happily together for the last time before she passed of tuberculosis. his stepfather abandoned the brothers just before she did and they became orphans (i also thought of a lil jack and delanceys bonding moment when they’re young and in solitary in the refuge and swapping stories through the little tray holes for meals) and im also thinking about thats where jack could’ve gotten the idea to escape the refuge and-
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jack-kellys · 1 year
so i am gonna talk abt the delanceys. and i don’t want that to make you scroll away at the speed of light. i want to talk about them in a broader sense, view them in a broader sense, in the way that we talk about jack and his existential need to leave where he is for the west- and, further, going into analysis, like how “the west” in america in the 1890s is a capitalist venture that is sold to jack as this idea of a new home, a better way to live, something that he needs, when the real home is new york with his chosen family and where no one needs to call him “son”.
i think what matters most in the world of the delanceys, and what puts them into a nuanced political stance as well as a personal one, is their father, the striking trolley worker.
i think it’s fair to assume that as a striking worker demanding better wages, as a union member, he deserves those wages. it’s good that he’s striking, that he’s demanding what he’s owed and doing so with his fellow workers. strikers are the right people to support especially based on the historical context of the trolley strike.
but this guy is… an asshole. he dumped these two children into the refuge and left them there to rot, presumably. there’s a possibility he didn’t know about how abusive snyder is, sure, but he knew it was a detention center and that’s not… where u put ur kids when u care abt them lmao.
so this man is a striking trolley worker who doesn’t give a shit about his own children. he’s an underpaid union member who deserves his dues but also lets his two sons suffer for years alone in a children’s jail. he fights the system to his benefit while submitting his two kids into a different one. the dichotomy is important here- it’s essential to the foil the delanceys are for the newsies.
the delanceys are strike breakers. strike breakers are, obviously, paid under the table to disperse union-led strikes and protests to uphold a system that benefits the rich- who of course will always benefit from underpaid work. the delanceys take money from this upheld system when they get the opportunity and beat strikers bloody who don't get to benefit from this system like they do. because they do benefit from that elitist system, since they are choosing to make money off of it outside of their usual job. right.
but within those strikers is their father. the father who left them to rot, who let wiesel scrape them out of that jail and enlist them at a dead-end newspaper gig. so the brothers hate this father, this striker, this piece of family. and this father is making all this noise with these other people- these people who support their father as his coworkers and fellow union members, and the delancey brothers' leave that strike with their fists red with more blood than solely their father's, since they're angry and good at it and the money is hefty.
and their childhood is semi-revenged, but at what ethical cost? they've served broken bones to plenty of workers just trying to fight for their fair pay- something that the delanceys can relate to, by the way, since it isn't like their wages are too stellar for how many hours they're forced to put in. but they put down these people--innocent sans their father--because they have the opportunity. opportunity for them is bringing others down, and when they have the choice, they take it. gladly. "it's honest work" is shrugged off and believed. "i take care of the guy who takes care of me" is snide. uk costuming has them wearing nicer work coats over their newsie-like attire, concealing their similarities and choosing to align themselves more with the elite, since that's...the only protection they can turn to besides each other. the elite gets them extra pay, and keeps them one rung above the newsies to sneer down at them from. they fight via using the system, since systems are all they've ever been apart of, and when they see one that might benefit them for once, they latch onto it.
and, of course, they're strike breaking again, with adult men and their uncle at their side, against their personal foils- the newsies.
the newsies either don't have family like the delanceys, or frequently have to be apart from theirs. lots of them don't have a sibling they can return to daily, or any at all. most don't have parents or family members. or homes to go back to after work. the system they are stuck in is one that does not work for them unless they make it work, making their own numbers and cash by gambling how many papers they can sell in a day to earn every cent back and then some. creating a system within a system--whereas the delanceys mold themselves into one that exists, again, to the elite's benefit--to survive.
and then, the newsies and their chosen family of brothers choose to revolt against their system in an attempt to dismantle it, or at the very least negotiate it.
and the delanceys' reaction to this, to another strike, to a group of kids going against their system (of which would benefit oscar and morris to join, tbh, unless they don't classify as "working kids" of the city, perhaps putting them at around 18 years old...)?
disdain and more snide comments! "not that i'm complaining, my skull busting arm could use a day of rest" "you working, or trespassing?/what's your pleasure?" and putting pressure on scabs to keep with the system- specifically more with uksies, oscar and morris are sort of dusting tommy boy off and whispering to him. trying to split apart the family the newsies have made with each other. and then ofc they beat the actual shit out of the newsies and in uk they have bats they are full on swinging, whole shoulder into it. you did not uphold this system, and it will destroy you for it.
and it nearly does, because then jack scabs, right? and oscar and morris are in pulitzer's office as the man talks jack through the deal, through the cash. as he must've to oscar and morris earlier that week about strike breaking the newsies. and all three of them all have these nearly matching bruises and cuts on their faces.
and then all three of them go to the cellar, the lowest floor of the elite. together the three of them are in this location with this context. two strikebreakers and a scab. taking the elite's money for their benefit, be it in a moment of fear, resignation, or greed. all the oldest kids in the play, the three who've seen the scars and rips and tears in this world more than any of the others. and for like twenty seconds of stage time jack oscar and morris are the same brand. until of course oscar and morris punch into jack's gut--since they're only "given discretion to handle him as they see fit" if he misbehaves, which jack hasn't, so they punch where people won't see/check--and remind him that he's still below them (literally shoving him to the floor ofc), that they're still closer to the elite.
and yeah, they are, because later, jack again refuses the system, and tosses the money back on the table after rebelling against his terms. in true foil fashion, once jack recognizes that his actions align that which he needs to destroy, he renounces them, while the delanceys remain on the other side of the coin they share with jack.
the delanceys, as a storytelling device, right, are meant to represent what the newsies could fall to, seen with the three initial scabs and then jack in act ii. they are this constant threat of sort of equal size to the newsies through the whole show, always kinda lurking. always being a possibility to become if the newsies ever forget what they fight for and against.
also, jack is....kind of.... like their dad, in their perspective. he's parental with the newsies, he leads them, guides them, and protects them, as well as constantly getting the better of the delanceys. why should someone like a father get to fight the system again? not on their fucking watch.
i think it's pretty clear that oscar and morris are meant to represent corruption on the small scale, thematically, while pulitzer is corruption at the top- since it all trickles down. and i think it's really important that this motif is consistently upheld within the brothers, since it sort of alters the message of the show to at least drastically change that abt them. they are the nearest branch of corruption to the newsies guys. that is so fucking cool
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cowboy-caboodles · 5 months
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Javey Sleeping Positions!!
I just KNOW Jack is the type of person to fall asleep anywhere, in any position, at any time, while Davey sleeps like he’s about to be cremated
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
jack and race would start a fight club in middle school and davey would be the one trying to tell them not to do it because the teachers will catch them only to inadvertently tell them the best ways to do it without getting caught and then end up as the accidentally ringleader by being the one to make sure people are fighting as safely as possible so when the fight club finally gets broken up jack and race are absolutely enraged that not only is davey getting in trouble with them when davey really didn't want anything to do with it but also davey is getting all the credit for being the brains behind the operation.
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