firestars-five · 18 days
Naming (by Colony & Leader)
The Growling Thunder Colony - Flashy names that draw attention to the cat's personality rather than the cat themself.
Star Bluewhisker - The most creative names she can conjure up, will spend days thinking of something fierce and flashy while considering the personality of the cat. Despises most body part suffixes and never gives them to her warriors unless specifically requested. (Name examples: Darkwatcher, Cindersun, Burningheart, Hazelroar)
The Lurking Shadow Colony - Plain and simple. -Pelt and -fur suffixes are very common.
Star Brokentail - Spends little time thinking of meaningful names but at least diverges from the same suffixes. Occasionally gives pretty good names. (Name examples: Nightshademuzzle, Pinescatter)
The Whispering Wind Colony - Less skill or personality-based, more matching or similar family names. A littermate's name ending in -nose will likely result in the rest of the litter's names ending as -path, catcher, or -pounce.
Star Sedgetail - Willing to branch out from Wind tradition and give a cat a name different from their siblings if he feels it's earned or the siblings are far too different to share suffixes. (Name examples: Adderbite & Bubblewing, Mudclover & Claycatcher, Daisytail & Gorsetail, Emberstep & Ashfoot)
The Tranquil River Colony - Direct opposite of the Thunders. Names are more based on the cat themself than any skill or personality. Body suffixes are very common.
Star Crookedtree - Less kept together names than all the leaders. Still tries to follow River tradition but is more willing to go with what fits a cat. Attempting to take a page out of Bluestar's book and have more "flashy" names. (Name examples: Saugerstorm, Leopardtooth, Sunnysky, Moss-shine)
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lexsiyette · 1 year
Hey guys! I'm LEXSIYETTE! It's your fellow theater nerd!
Normal blog: @lexsiyette
Oc ask blog: @ask-thembruvs
General Life Blog: @gettoknow-lex
Fandom's I'm in
Amanda the Adventurer📺
Little Shop of Horrors🌼
Anything Disney Princess related🏰
Rescue Team Academy (it's a fandom I created)
Steven Universe 💠
Wings of Fire🐉
Warrior Cats 🐱
Welcome Home 👀
Scott Pilgrim 💔
Peanuts 🐶
Back to the Future 🚘
Rainbow Friends🌈
Spongebob 🧽
Mystery Science Theater 3000 📺
KinitoPET 💻
Drawing, acting, singing, dancing, ranting, being creative
OCS TO RP WITH! (Please rp with me I'm lonely please please please)
Ex- Casual rp, he/him. Theater kid that works backstage, gay little boy 🎦
Lexsi- me 🤩
Tidepool (wings of fire)- SeaWing performer💦
HiddenBlaze (warriors)- Tabby she, medicine cat of BlisterClan (or RiverClan canonically) 🐾
K0811(creepypasta)- lil robot gal 💜🤖
Lucas Van Pelt (peanuts)- Self explanatory, Linus and Lucy's little cousin🩵
Olly Octavius (spongebob)- an orange teenage octopus from rock bottom! 🐙
Peridot 1-4L (Steven Universe)- hey, there are multiple peridots, this isn't the canon one🟢
Muscovite (Steven Universe)- a gray type of gem with lie detector powers🩶
Orange Pearl (Steven Universe)- a rebel pearl, summons a hand fan🟠
Newt (Fursona)- a lil actor Tiger guy who carries a lil doll🐯
Maggie (Welcome Home)- info can be found somewhere on this blog 👁️
Kai (scientist's daughter au)- strange girl I came up with, the crystal obsessed daughter of a scientist💎
Alex Hopper (Back to the Future)- Marty's best friend, a theater kid of course because I self insert a lot (no flame please) 🚘
Alexander Mackowics (fame)- trans broadway actor who is my dream self✨
Phoenix (wings of fire)- A gal from a tribe I created (TigerWings)🐅
Pop (wings of fire)- an animus BubbleWing🫧
FullMoon (wings of fire)- a WillowWing🌑
Leo (wings of fire)- a StarWing💫
Sandy (wings of fire)- a GlassWing🔍
Tulip (wings of fire)- a FlowerWing🏵️
PeridotPebble(warriors)- a cowardly gray tom who loves kits❇️
BurntFace (warriors)- a cat in a hat 🤩🎩
My rp format: (insert descriptive parts here) "insert dialogue here"
Just Me
It's pronounced LEX-SI-YET! NOT LEX-SI-YET-I!
Or, call me Lexsi. Or Ex.
Be creative with my pronouns! Call me "frog" for all I care!
I'm Aroace 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
Favorite Actor: Roger Bart
Current Project: Rescue Team Academy, Tigal, OCs, becoming a Broadway star
I hope you have a nice day!
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
Hello friend it is me, only a few days late with some thoughts about the latest The End of the Dream chapter.
first thought I would like to share is: yesyyesyesyes yessyes. Very extremely good.
I am obsessed with what Mumbo and Scar have in this AU. So much so that I am going to have to mention all of my favourite Them moments, in fact.
“Mumbo chuckled […] “Hundreds of years, [….] He never gets tired of it. Human stories.”” It's so good. That fondness. Seeing someone you care about being happy about something and just quietly enjoying it is one of my favourite relationship tropes actually. And also: hundreds of years. I am looking at that and thinking about it not just in relation to how well they know each other, but also their roles in the community of Hermit Town. How long have they been there? How long have they been running their less-than-legal business? I am turning it in my head Stitch.
“When Scar says home he means – someplace else” Oh? Lore? I am eyeing this very much. I am looking at rift!Scar and rift!Mumbo like I want to know his backstory I want to know his backstory I want to know how they met pls [honorific of choice] author tell me more.
“I got Mumbo his wings, too! Don’t they suit him?” Scar voice: compliment my boyfriend.
The whole "Mumbo is flammable" saga. The mix of care and teasing. It's so perfectly in character for them.
“You’re really going big with this” “we need big” we. Stitch. He’s building a home for them Stitch. Yes I know he's building a vault but… he's building a home for him and his husband (and the guy staying in his husband's house who will also one day be his husband <3)
I love the little detail of Grian trying to work out how elytras would work. It's so in character for him to want to understand something like that.
I am turning the memory snippets over and over to try to find any kind of clue about the Grian mystery. Is the fact that he is having these glimpses near the rift significant? (Almost certainly). Grian recalled the kids were wearing school uniforms but did not mention that to Scar and Mumbo. Was that significant? Water runs through the pillars… Bubblewators leading to something beyond that Grian hasn't remembered yet? It is an important pillar but what makes it that? Is it linked to the inscriptions? Why does Grian question whether or not it was an accident… and was it? I love it! Getting one answer only to be confronted with a dozen new questions.
Also? World lore! I love it. I am eating it up and taking notes. The fact that there are tunnels indicates that the rift might have been opened before? or maybe even that someone put it there in some way. I am Scared and Worried and also very excited to find out the answer.
“And it is our vault – If there’s something dangerous underneath it, I think we should probably know, right?” Please have my immediate reaction notes to this quote: 'Oh no nono. Fool me ONCE. There's something creepy going on below that vault you mark my word.' AND THEN THERE WAS! HHHHHHH that scene Stitch. I read it three times in a row. I just love how you used the perspective here! Grian being compelled to go to the Rift the same way you as a reader feel compelled to keep reading to find out what is up with the rift while also going 'oh no. this is gonna go wrong for him… Please keep walking I want to see what happens.' And the way you know there is a lot more going on than Grian is noticing. I think it marks a well written scene when you as a reader look at it and go 'oh I wonder what that would have looked like from another character's perspective.'
And the Rift! I know I already said it before but I really did just read that part three times in a row because it's so well-written. The horror elements of the compulsion are so well handled. And again there are more questions. Why does the rift want people to pass through it? Is the rift sentient enough to want anything? GAH it's so good I love it.
12/10 chapter, it does indeed fuck. Everyone, please go read Rift AU!
Hello friend it is I, only a few days late to responding. It’s fine. ADHD is gripping my head in a vice. Everything’s fine.
YEEEES I love the redscape in this fic I am. They make me vibrate out of my skin I love them. The deserve only more Redscape moments.
SCAR’S TENDERENESS FOR HUMANS!!! Look – Look. One of these days, one of the Rift AU fics is just going to be a very thinny veiled essay about how much I love people. Lkhadkgl Especially in this world where I imagine some level of humanity has existed for thousands of years. AND HMMMM Isn’t that a fun question. What came first – Scar’s black market dealing or King ren hm hm hm.
[the honorific I us is Ms] MMM LORE I AM VIBRATING I WANNA JUST DUMP IT SO BAD BUT I MUST RESTRAIN MYSELF!!! I broke everything about it down to Atherix a while ago and I need to dig through our discord and compile all my Rift Notes into one document. Also I uh. I still need to actually give Mumbo lore whoopsie
YES!!!! He’s like almost literally preening over Mumbo come on. They’re so gay.
I love how you’re like ‘this is so heartwarming and cute’ and Atherix was 5 seconds from strangling me over the flammable saga.
HES BUILDING A HOME FOR THEEEEEEEEEEEM HES DOING IT FOR THEEEEEEEEEM Sure he claims its just for him but he certainly uses We a lot if that’s the case. 😉
Grian’s bird brain is working so hard I’m pretty sure you can hear the gears grinding in his skull. I also really wanted to give Mumbo a big ole cape that’s actually secretly wings bc. I mean. Come on. The vampire conundrum possibilities.
Yeeees I love all these questions. I obviously can’t answer them for you because Grian will answer them one way or another eventually [or will he] but it’s good to see that memory section is really generating the kind of questions I hoped it would. I have A Lot of Thoughts about what’s going on inside The Rift [Or on the other side of it hm hm]. I WANNA JUST LIKE. Dump them so bad but I also want to actually write them well so alas, they stay in my head for now. Even Atherix doesn’t know whats going on over there.
World looooooooooooooooore!!! World lore world lore world lore!! My beloved world lore. I actually need to go in and make a document that keeps track of all the world lore for me because I uh. I need to keep track of it. But! I wonder why those tunnels and such are there indeed.
HHHHHHHHHHHH YES!!!! Something dangerous indeed. Sometimes writing doesn’t need to be subtle, sometimes I need you to Know What Is About To Happen without Actually Knowing. Isn’t that fun.
And yes! I really love the way the whole Rift Scene came out tbh. I wanted it to feel confusing and disorienting because it was That for Grian. It’s like being at the head of a rollercoaster peeking over the edge of the first drop and seeing what you have in store for yourself. I love it. I’m also excited because I have started writing out the next chapter which means we all get a peek at what it looked like as they relive and try to figure out what just happened and I am. Vibrating in my seat.
Yeees the Rift my beloved. I have a document of different ‘test’ descriptions for it and I think I’m going to play around with it some more because I really love how it came out in this chapter. God. Imagine just being mumbo or Scar and SEEING that, the way it awakened and dragged Grian towards it. This supposedly nonsentient light in a cave wall. I love how fucked up it is.
‘it does indeed fuck’ is the funniest way you could have ended this but you know what I appreciate it. Thank you for reading and enjoying it!!! Sorry it took me so long to reply OTL
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in-this-paradise · 17 hours
The worst Type of Bubblews User - Part 1
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444namesplus · 7 months
Aboo Aboods Aboothim Aboothitch Abountiond Abourgeluxe Abournext Abous Aft Aftenchan Aid Aigh Aight Ainim Allassy Allcod Alless Alo Amard Amid Amnecam Ampac Ana Ander Ang Anget Anoth Anothem Ansa Ansaw Anshisseet Anta Antimellcom Antioun Anywall Anywallaps Anywarg Anywart Anywasomell Anywaying Arch Ard Argelcof Argelven Arinit Aripenhed Arkneed Artia Ash Asherew Ashvinsa Assequoia Ast Asto Astrangdom Astric Atch Atchashell Atiesh Atrip Bac Bace Bachythick Backhee Backs Backwoop Ball Ballcample Ballcome Ballefter Ban Bangle Banibblay Banim Banywan Banywaying Bat Batch Batiatimels Beack Bead Beamel Beamided Bece Beck Bee Beed Beence Beet Beetlefore Beford Befou Befoutsaing Beftep Beftery Ber Berfuck Berfur Bergetle Berry Bieck Biereadron Biery Biesia Bion Biournesice Biours Biscooke Biscra Bishy Bisruck Biss Bit Bitchout Bitchy Bitim Bitirchorger Blast Ble Bled Bleford Blefortime Bler Bles Blesheackher Blesiansh Blet Blippinsh Blo Blocks Blooker Blord Blorup Blove Bloving Blowall Blowania Booked Bough Bourned Bousaw Boutter Bric Briones Briot Brioted Brix Broking Brom Bron Brong Brop Brought Brout Broutsa Browaskushoe Brown Bubblew Bubblooby Bubbloop Bubblor Bubblorger Bubs Buff Buffall Bur Burnecart Burned Burneed Burs But Buthing Buthm Buttanyway Cad Caded Cadied Cadracke Calle Calooking Cam Camagged Came Camids Camiltes Camnexamos Camoniand Camplacs Campletler Canta Cantive Car Card Cargoldbe Carice Carionitted Caris Carknes Carounds Cartackheye Cartiand Carting Cat Catchaver Catiana Catrack Charowly Chee Chem Cherres Chimelf Ching Cho Choke Chy Chythe Cir Circadiating Circampack Circan Circhatramid Circhy Cireaded Ciren Cirl Cive Civen Civenchyth Civenting Cives Civiltere Clubblion Clubblock Cluxe Cods Com Coods Crackwoopen Crag Craggelacke Craggerry Cramansh Cramid Cramnes Crantag Crat Cratch Cre Cred Crew Dan Dana Dard Darger Darget Daron Dart Dave Daven Ded Dedle Del Delcoffall Dels Delsonds Denchave Der Ders Dia Dian Diang Dianywant Diatchought Dic Dickeroned Dicoff Died Diergerough Diff Dinch Dingdonds Dink Dis Doger Dogetlery Doldiamill Doldic Doldierought Doldint Doldiscods Doll Dollink Dom Dome Domega Domelcome Domelhoked Dond Donds Donecard Donit Doods Doogeto Dook Dooke Dooppids Dra Drack Drackilizat Drag Drame Drample Dran Dratrack Drickwook Dring Drioth Driscom Drix Droke Dron Drour Dun Dunder Dunto Ega Egave Egaven Egavers Egre Egreack Egredle Egypen Egypentiat Egypter Entir Eve Event Everom Everry Eves Evid Eving Evingdon Examan Exame Ext Extrip Extrish Extrupi Fad Fadelf Fall Fallike Fallippinch Fard Farowly Fartiotessy Fee Feet Feeto Fer Ferrenhe Ferry Fil Filike Fill Flack Flard Flash Flashed Flassels Flay Flifer Fliot Fliotes Flippentep Flippi Fliza Flizathrel Ford Fore Foren Forenheat Forentive Forew Forg Foung Fourned Fournes Fours Fout Fre Freadelhor Fred Fregype Freluxe Frenhed Frent Frenty Fres Froked Frokerry Fronit Frowly Fur Furgery Furne Furs
Garing Gart Ged Gelf Gelho Geore Geort Ger Gerry Getop Gir Girch Girchaventy Gire Given Giventown Giver Givergerfuck Givesick Givess Givids Givil Givill Givilled Glaps Gle Gler Glew Glooding Gloods Glooke Glove Glovic Glovid Goll Gollew Gooby Goodinchoker Gooke Gookin Gookink Gookitim Gootevill Goted Goten Gotep Goterfuck Goth Gre Grel Han Hanywastep Haress Harowarchy Hass Hatick Hatinds Havence Havering Havillas Heack Heamill Heen Heence Heime Heimos Helac Helcod Hell Hels Hem Heren Herged Herregaville Herren Herry Hers Hey Hicousaw Hign Higna Hime Himell Hin Hind Hing Hinglarond Hisruh Hit Hithick Hities Hoff Hoffeed Hok Hoked Hokinta Hoo Hoodiamneck Hookeroked Hookitivice Hoopencheed Hoottentery Horeampaiden Hountiece Hournee Houss Ifeed Ince Ind Inded Inds Ing Inimoked Ink Jast Jibbis Jibbisruck Jibbit Jibbitchas Jibblaying Jibblip Jord Jordan Jordave Jored Jorentive Jorg Jorgetowly Joruh Kil Kilter Kin Kinch King Kingelsom Kinshed Kit Kith Kitionder Kitir Kund Kunk Kunt Kusack Kusherre Kushythery Kuss Kustupier Lack Larknesic Lartic Lash Lay Les Lew Lif Ling Linglas Link Lins Lioneshigh Liza Lizatch Lizating Llaps Lock Loo Looby Looke Lookill Loop Loops Lor Loreshel Loruck Loventy Lovid Lovil Lovink Lowall Lowallaring Lowiting Lowly Mag Magged Magn Mand Manotep Mans Mansaight Mansaw Mar Marchy Mard Maric Marout Mart Mat Match Matimegaric Matimel Megren Megypter Melcather Melvent Merry Mid Mill Milted Mokerreat Mokind Mon Monimer Mont Monty Mor Morgoods Mort Mortier Moruh Mos Mot Moth Mother Move Movink Mus Musack Musaign Mush Musheluxe Mushem Mushoking Mushou Musseed Necatching Ned Nee Neelf Neels Nes Neshed Neshyna Nesid Nextracks Niat Nibbiss Nim Nime Nitiesheim Nor Notta Notters Nut Nuthrokinds Nuttep Nuttevid Offe Offer Onitiver Ontop Ope Opence Openchy Oper Operel Opperew Oppi Oppids Oppip Ought Ound Ournes Ours Outh Pace Packwooger Paid Paids Paing Pains Pass Passeentime Passymbis Pen Pid Piderokiltep Pier Piess Pinds Ping Pingeores Pingloo Pink Pip Pipen Pippen Pis Piscoody Piscountam Plack Pled Pric Prick Princh Pring Pringelubs Prink Prix Pusa Pusaign Push Pushem Pushoe Pushoff Pushvills Pushvind Pushving Pustentand Pustran Pyrag Pyrami Pyrantami Pyranywas Quaden Quadentag Quoia Quoian Quoiang Rach Rack Rame Ramot Reack Readriong Readrom Reat Reating Red Renteve Res Resiang Rew Rhy Rhyna Sackhee Scodiantana Scoffad Scom Scomelver Scoog Scooked Scou Scough Scout Scra Scrach Scragna Scramatch Scran Seed Seedle Seence Seench Seenty Selay Self Selsom Seluxe Selve Sequad Sequoiang Sheadisseet Sheat Sheed Shem Sher Sheye Shvillaps Shyna Shytheelver Sia Siang Sic Sid Skund Slo Slock Sloo Slook Slovillew Slowarowan Sme Smegave Smoke Smokillet Smot Smovenhem Snor Snot Snoten Solliff Sollion Son Sonee Sonia Sont Sount Sountinchy Sour Sout Soutterread Sted Sten Stent Ster Sterrellcome Steve Stevid Sto Strace Strinchy Stris Striscought Strup Stunded Stunten Stup Stupi Stuptind Stur Symbied Symbion Symbiondel Symbishe Symbithit Tac Tach Tack Tackwoods Tagn Tagna Takerry Tamid Tamill Tamoruh Tampack Tampastep Tana Tand Tans Ter Teren Terournee Terry Teve Thad Thave Theamids Theat Theatch Ther Therfuck Therg Therick Therournee Therred Thers Thigna Thingdoll Thisruh Thit Thitiren Thittevink Thm Tho Thoothm Thre Threamord Throme Tia Tian Tiang Tianter Tice Tick Tiece Tieck Tiesiatick Tim Timove Tingerfucke Tink Tir Tive Tivids Tivills Topisruh Toppipe Tops Town Tra Trache Tracs Trami Tran Tring Tringdollask Trucke Truckingdom Truh Truptesiat Tund Tup Tupterfucked Turs Twe Twel Twelhoked Twelliked Twels Twelubbiting Typtereadier Und Ung Untaked Upishisheim Uptered Vid Vids Viliked Viling Vill Viltesia Vin Vind Ving Wall Waloodicom Wands Wanor Wans Wansaw Wanshy Want Wanto Warknes Wartia Wayinds Waying Wayinibble Welf Wenheat Wenhedletle Whoff Whoking Whoodiamant Whou Whough Whout Whouthigh Wingedled Wink Witch Witchis Witchough Witire Woo Wooby Wood Wooking Woopen Wrom Wron Wrough Wrous Wrowallaps Wrown Yought Yourbubbiss Yourg Yournecame Yours Yoush Youshem Youshishvill Youssequad Youst Yout Youtta Youtted
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amizaninaok · 3 years
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demoniccrypt · 4 years
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How about Bubblewing (m) and Sweetfur (f)? They are siblings
Bubblewing - A cheerful and optimistic tom. Bubblewing always sees hope in every situation and will try his best to bring that hope to others too. He’s somewhat chatty and extroverted, great comapany on any patrol. He and Sweetfur are close and they both try and appeal to their leader for peace in tense times, they will often volunteer to think of ways to reduce tensions, between the two of them they are often successful, 15/10
Sweetfur - A gentle and caring she-cat. Sweetfur seeks to look out for all her clanmates, she knows what subtle signs of distress to look for so she will often try and quietly talk to a cat to see if they need any help. She’s very popular in her clan due to her motherly nature and she has forged many close friendships with her clanmates. She prefers not to fight under any circumstances unless she has to, but will never turn down a friendly scrap with Bubblewing, some of her fondest memories as a kit come from playing warriors in the nursery with him, 13/10
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Plastik Wrap Punten Bumiaji Batu, 0851-0308-8255 (Tsel)
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Distributor Bubble Wrap Punten Bumiaji Batu , Distributor Bubble Wrap Di Punten Bumiaji Batu , Distributor Bubble Wrap Murah Punten Bumiaji Batu , Pabrik Bubble Wrap Punten Bumiaji Batu , Pabrik Bubble Wrap Di Punten Bumiaji Batu .
Bubble pack atau bubble wrap yaitu plastik pelindung packing bergelembung yang berfungsi sebagai peredam benturan atau goncangan untuk barang-barang pecah belah atau rawan mengalami kerusakan guna menghindari kerusakan yang mungkin ditimbulkan saat barang dipindah atau dalam perjalanan pengiriman. Plastik Bubble Wrap ini sangat cocok untuk pengusaha online shop yang ingin menjaga kualitas barangnya sampai ke tangan konsumen.
Bubble Wrap Malang sebagai Distributor Plastik Bubble Wrap Termurah Di Malang dengan 3 cabang yang ada di Kota Malang & Kota Batu. Kami menyediakan Bubble Wrap Clear/Bening maupun Bubble Wrap Warna Hitam, yang dijual baik secara grosir maupun eceran. . Ukuran 1 Roll Bubble Wrap : Panjang 50 m x Lebar 125 cm
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HUBUNGI : WA +62 851-0308-8255 (Tsel)
By : Isti Maya Sari
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chameshida · 2 years
So y'know how there are 4 or 5 dragons from HTTYD 2 that are still unknown? Could probably find em on the wiki? I was wondering if you would ever make those into custom species?
There are 4 of them. I love them very much! especially The one that play with Hiccup fire and the red death look a like one, if they got name they'd definitely made it to the top ten. I'd check that wiki page everyday hoping someday I wouldn't see them on the page because they finally has a name.
I don't want to make them my own, I didn't make them after all, so I don't see myself doing the custom species. I may throw headcanon here and there though. Like giving them the placeholder name if I refer to them in the story (not the one I come up with my own though, usually the popular fanon name I found for these species like Firefang or Bubblewing) I also have a suspicion the hiccup fire one is meant to be movie!Gobsucker and the monsterous Nightmare one is movie!Prickleboggle. Nothing confirming though and probably never will so now I will see them as seperate species.
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jrncalostories · 4 years
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melaniemurphymyer · 7 years
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That thing Facebook does, where they remind you of previous posts you shared "on this day," is often bittersweet for those of us who have lost a child or other loved one. This post was from when I used to write on #bubblews. I wrote a lot about grieving Caety on that site. Too bad they shut it down, but thankfully I had copies of most of what I had written there. . #Caety #grief #grieving #grievingmother #grievingmom #lossofadaughter #lossofachild #childrengonetoosoon #childloss #mamagrief #parenting #motherhood #writing #amwriting #memoir #writersofinstagram #writingcommunity #cysticfibrosis #cysticfibrosisawareness #cureCF #livingwithloss #copingwithloss #sometimesjoy
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lexsiyette · 2 months
OCS TO RP WITH! (Please rp with me I'm lonely please please please)
Ex- Casual rp, he/him. Theater kid that works backstage, gay little boy
Lexsi- me 🤩
Tidepool (wings of fire)- SeaWing performer
HiddenBlaze (warriors)- Tabby she, medicine cat of BlisterClan (or RiverClan canonically)
K0811(creepypasta)- lil robot gal 💜
Lucas Van Pelt (peanuts)- Self explanatory, Linus and Lucy's little cousin
Olly Octavius (spongebob)- an orange teenage octopus from rock bottom!
Peridot 1-4L (Steven Universe)- hey, there are multiple peridots, this isn't the canon one
Muscovite (Steven Universe)- a gray type of gem with lie detector powers
Orange Pearl (Steven Universe)- a rebel pearl, summons a hand fan
Newt (Fursona)- a lil actor Tiger guy who carries a lil doll
Maggie (Welcome Home)- info can be found somewhere on this blog
Kai (scientist's daughter au)- strange girl I came up with, the crystal obsessed daughter of a scientist
Alex Hopper (Back to the Future)- Marty's best friend, a theater kid of course because I self insert a lot (no flame please)
Alexander Mackowics (fame)- trans broadway actor who is my dream self
Phoenix (wings of fire)- A gal from a tribe I created (TigerWings)
Pop (wings of fire)- an animus BubbleWing
FullMoon (wings of fire)- a WillowWing
Leo (wings of fire)- a StarWing
Sandy (wings of fire)- a GlassWing
Tulip (wings of fire)- a FlowerWing
PeridotPebble(warriors)- a cowardly gray tom who loves kits
BurntFace (warriors)- a cat in a hat 🤩
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The emphasis is in content quality, which is what visitors look for and is attracted to while searching the Internet. Take a look at some of our great SEO results here. Some may not apply, but it is a great idea to get as much of an idea of the vendor's approach and philosophy on social media as possible. BLOG POSTING - Your website can benefit from great blog posts. None of them can compete with the Bubblews pay out (assuming you get paid - lots of complaints about non-payment). Whether your SEO project is large or small, our team of experts can provide the resources and solutions you need to get the job done right. By keeping in mind small local businesses to medium-sized and large corporations, we customize a strategically planned SEO campaign that will help in targeted goals for your business in a relatively short period of time. To see seo consultation fees go to https://www.cheapseolinks.com/product/seo-consultation-gold-monthly/.
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So, to attain more targeted customers, always select an effective SEO services. If your website is targeted by referrer spammers you may not be able to identify your website’s actual bounce rate unless you filter the traffic out. In most cases the more formal consultation meetings are supplemented by ad-hoc telephone consultations, which if involving several committee members, may be telephone conferences. For such kind of business owners, there must be a consultation team that guides them about the importance of Drupal in their business. In fact, there is much more that a search engine optimization agency in India will do for your site so that it ranks higher in search engines. While there is always risk with any SEO strategy, they need to base their projections on credible information so it isn't just up to the luck of the draw for the outcome. The essential points one should keep in mind while selecting a WordPress development company. As in any advertising campaign, that headlines purpose is to keep the visitor reading the next lines of the content your search engine optimization company has placed below the headline. We require a complete competitive analysis before we formulate a optimization strategy.
SEO Consultation Fees
Professional SEO experts perform complete analysis of a website and provide you detailed SEO plan with the required search engines optimization techniques which need to be executed. They work hard with sincere attempt for satisfying their client's site more accepted with prolonged optimization techniques. This includes on site content writing, and on page optimization. You definitely get what you pay for with website design, which is why trying to save a little money and ending up with a site that's plagued with problems simply isn't worth it. I have a lot of data and experience to back up my opinion of a site. Google has the power to elevate your website, but they also have the power to cast you aside in favour of higher quality websites. SEO Services USA works with business owners who have real business goals. Seo company India, seo services, seo consultant india search want your website or videos to rank high on google learn from an seo services company professional that walks the talk for his. For a free seo consultation follow the link.
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However, they are not sure about the products and services you offer. E-commerce SEO consultants will help you build your website's authority and will help you make the search engines believe that your website is valuable to the internet and is something that people are willing to see and explore. Are you a small business owner who's checked Google recently only to see you're not on first page anymore? We send out monthly reports to showcase the seo work that we are performing. Sometimes, it's been seen that people want to hire a SEO Company India for specific purpose like only for web promotion or content writing. Detailed description of the project you would like to receive the proposal for. Would you like better search engine rankings? For a business looking at all the different providers it can become quickly confusing and when faced with a deadline and a growing need for a better online presence, making a choice is difficult and critical. When are you looking for these successes to be achieved by? Not all pay-per-click ads are created equal.
Building Backlinks - Contextual Link Building
If you are a novice to the world of backlink building then you are probably wondering ways to get backlinks to your site. Almost every single site owner needs to face this problem. Link building is actually probably the most essential requirement of off page SEO. Many people don't know such a backlink far less how to find any. Getting other folks to hyperlink to your website can be so crucial.
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The more quality backlinks possessed by a website, greater popularity and importance it achieves. A website's page rank depends on Google through the quantity of quality back-links it's. True enough, backlinking plays an extremely significant role in determining a website's success in relation to seo.
A Reputable SEO Expert Abides By Ethical Standards Reputation and integrity are necessary elements inside the whole world of search engine optimization. While some SEO services decide to do things the proper way, others want to use back-room methods to circumvent current regulations. SEO pros who use spamming, link-baiting as well as other questionable tactics, are often called "Black Hat" SEO advocates. While these individuals may provide instant solutions, however the methods they employ may hurt, or customize the credibility of your web site inside long term.
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You can place links on related blogs inside comment section. I have found that getting links from blogs that are inside the comment section less valuable in comparison with having them directly inside content from the site. When you reply to a blog ensure you have read your site post and write an informed and educational response. This will improve the chances of the owner accepting this page. You can use this search on Google  to find blogs which can be related to your internet site. Just remember to add quality content with their blogs and you ought to get your comments accepted.
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Building valuable backlinks exposes your website to lots more people. When someone visits a related website seeking information, they'll likely will discover your link. Chances are good which they opt to click onto your site. Your preschool business gains a potential customer. These are people who might never have found your neighborhood business whether it were not for that backlink. Build quality back-links along with your preschool business reaches an extremely larger client base.
To discover what an seo consultation consists of go to https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/227229.
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