#bully clique
jimothy-hopkins · 1 year
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I made a Bully oc ref sheet! It’s free to use for anyone!
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kaskas0 · 1 year
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yanderemommabean · 7 months
Oh, oh, oh! Yandere virus, but it one day coming into school, the girls who normally bully you are acting strange. When you see them in the hallway, you are expected to be laughed at or shoves to the ground. However, you didn't expect to be shoved against the wall as they stare you down with a dangerous and lustful glint in their eye, telling you about all the plans they have in store for you. They force you to wear matching clothes and make sure everyone knows who you belong to and not to even try anything. Maybe you're forced to live in the house. Bonus if the other hold you down as the ring leader eats you out, as the others tell you how cute you are uwu
“Ah ah ah. You aren’t going anywhere” A voice chirps in your ear. You wince, sighing as the three surround you once again as class is dismissed and everyone heads to the dorms for the evening. Honestly, if you were perhaps a bit stronger, a bit less self conscious, you might spit in their faces and make a run for it. Sadly, you aren’t some badass (and admittedly, one dimensional) character and are frozen in place as they wait for the others to leave. 
They don't intervene. They know better. These young women have power, wealth, and beauty in their arsenal, and aren't afraid to use it to get what they want, and to silence anyone who complains. Phoebe, Sadie, and Naomi, all from powerful families who more or less run this college and the town. You don't doubt they paid the administrators and dean to get into this place, while you had to work hard and prove yourself. 
None of that matters at the moment. Currently, Phoebe was twirling her fingers in your hair like you two were close friends or even dating, smiling almost wickedly at you as her eyes, usually hazel, now with an odd pink ring, stare at you like you were some prey about to be eaten and devoured. Usually they just shove you around and make fun of your clothes, but today…Something's off. Very very off. 
“Isn’t she so cute you guys?” She says, sickly sweet, you want to say mocking but no, it's like there’s something more flirtatious with it. “Oh definitely, I just want to sink my teeth in her, you know? Make her whimper” Naomi adds on, hand to her cheek as she stares at you like one would a puppy being precious. Oh god hearing that made you think they were about to hurt you or humiliate you in some way. 
Sadie just sighs, not in your direction, looking over her shoulder to make sure the halls were clear, and once they were truly empty of everyone else, she made sure the grip on your wrists were tighter. “Listen up. We have some new rules set in place, and you, adorably obedient as you are, are going to follow them”. Oh wow. The audacity. Then again you never really put up a fight so, are they really wrong? What other choice did you have anyway? If they wanted to, they could make your family kicked out of town and their jobs nonexistent. It’s best to just grit your teeth as best you can. 
While you tried to listen, Phoebe made sure she got closer, her hand on you as well, but more exploring, sliding up and down your sleeve and trying to dip her fingers into the hem to feel your wrist, dragging them up and down softly as Sadie began to speak again. “You’re ours. Simple as that. No more avoiding the lobby when we’re there, no more trying to get little study dates away from the school library, no more trying to hide from us”. “I'm sorry what-” “Ah ah, she’s not finished cutie” Naomi says with a gentle touch slowly sliding to your waist, her cold fingertips acting like they wanted to slide under your shirt to feel the warmth of your skin, her brown eyes also having that odd pink ring in her iris. “Go on Sadie, she’ll be good and listen. She always is” 
You felt your cheeks grow impossibly hot, words failing you as all three of these girls began to more or less feel you up and tell you that…That you were theirs? Whatever that could mean? Sadie just sighs, more playful this time as she cups your cheek and makes you look at her, the same weird coloration in her eyes. “You’re ours. No more private study dates, no more drabby clothes, no more avoiding food when we’re in the commons or cafeteria, just a lot more rules and a lot more dress code for you. Tsk, I can’t tell if I want you in a skirt, or if I'd stab any bastard who’d look at you when you wear one. Maybe some cute pants? Ugh they’d still lay their eyes on you either way, makes me want to just call mom and have the banks foreclose their houses”. 
“Please Don’t-” “Ah ah, don’t even try it. You’re ours, if we want to punish people for looking at our puppy, we will” Phoebe comments, her fingers moving to hold your hand and give the top of it a gentle kiss. “Speaking of puppy” Naomi mentions, nodding her head towards the others, and before you can blink you’re turned over, face to the wall. You hear Sadie murmur something as she rummages through her bag for a moment, and you feel her hands slide around your throat before something clicks behind your head, and your eyes widen in horror.
“There we go! I made sure it wouldn’t be too tight, the guy who made it for me was such an artist about it, I love it! If he would’ve said no, you know I’d have his business ruined” She mentions casually, getting a few soft giggles in agreement. 
“Here sweetie! Have a look at how cute you are when you show that you belong to us” Naomi says, handing you her phone as a mirror. You feel weak and shaky as your fingers come up to touch the bright pastel pink leather, a metal heart in the center pressing against your throat. You reach around to feel the back and feel a harsh shock to your fingers, making you yelp. 
“Oh, sweetheart, don't try and take it off! It was so expensive but I got a cute one to work as a shock collar. Shower safe but anytime you take one, one or all of us will be with you, so you won't have to worry about taking it off yourself. We’ll talk more about the rules later in our dorm”. You shiver, unable to think of how to talk. What in the fuck could you even say? You just had a designer shock collar put on you by your bullies! Who are now acting like you were their chew toy or pet no less. “O-our dorm?”.
Phoebe nods, gently stroking your hair “Yeah, duh! How else will we keep a better eye on you? Cameras are fine and all but I prefer to make sure you’re warm with one of us sharing a bed with you. Plus, it’s easier to kiss you good morning faster”. “K-Kiss?!” You almost shriek, only for Naomi to softly hush you with a finger to your lips. “Now now, don’t get loud! We don’t need that just yet”. She pouts, hearing her phone going off and checking the time. “Well, we have to split for now, I have a dinner with mom and dad. You two take her to the dorm and tell me how she acts! Don't do anything more pretty please? We said we’d share her”. 
You don't get much out before Naomi heads off, Phoebe and Sadie gripping your arms a bit too firmly to lead you, talking back and forth like you weren’t making a practical death march down to their dorm room. 
Oh God what’s going to happen once that door is shut?
-Mommabean (Hiya! Sorry for lack of smut but I am proud I wrote this much at least lol. If you beans want i can do a part two! Wanted to try and flesh this out before anything too intense ya know? Anyway I hope you like! Lemme know if you do!)
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hija-ck · 3 months
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moves and counter-moves ♟️
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florallylly · 4 days
less steve harrington "i try to be a good guy despite my past" and more steve harrington "i've always been a good person (albeit probs annoying asf), you just stereotyped me based on my interest in sports"
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rockabully · 10 months
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bully doodles bc i havent been able to draw anything good recently and i was struck w some disgusting brainrot for this game
yeah it's all greaser clique doodles tbh theyre the only clique in the game i genuinely w full passion care about
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cheatingtime · 3 months
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nllick · 4 months
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I love them so much🫂
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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“Is someone sitting here?”
“I said, is someone sitting here?”
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Evan plucks out one of his earbuds and gestures broadly to the empty seat at his table, “No, take it.”
“Thanks,” I sit down and begin unpacking my school bag. I look up a moment later to meet his confused expression. 
“Are you not going to take the seat?” He says, “I mean, take it, as in, go bring it to another table?”
“Nah, I want to sit here.”
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“...With us?” He exchanges a look with Michelle, who shrugs. They let a long silence stretch on, but I won’t be intimidated. I’m here now. We will be sitting together for this class and there’s nothing they can do about it. 
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He clears his throat, “Well… usually you sit up next to Jill. She’ll probably think it’s a bit weird if you just switch seats.”
“I don’t care about that. Do you care about that?”
He hesitates, “Well, no.”
I shrug, “Okay then,” I rummage through my pencil case and yank out a fresh 4B pencil, “Do you need this? Yours is looking a bit gnawed on.”
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He scowls and slides his tooth marked pencil under his sketchbook where I can’t see it and I chuckle, “I was joking, I only have one 4B pencil, actually, you can’t have it.” And I swear that I can hear Jen’s voice in my head. That’s not the way to make friends with someone, she points out. Try again.
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I quickly look for something else to talk about and spot a scrawl of lyrics on the inside of his sketchbook cover. 'Smile like you mean it' next to a scratchy drawing of an upside down grin, “Hey, you like The Killers?”
“Uh, yeah I guess.”
“I love The Killers, actually, I just got Day and Age for Christmas and-”
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“Jude, shush,” Michelle hisses, “the teacher is talking.”
I glance quickly over my shoulder at Miss O’Reilly who is as usual saying something grandiose about art using broad, sweeping hand gestures. I listen for three seconds before I determine that it is not important.
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“Michelle Tengu,” I turn back to her with a smirk, “are you a teacher’s pet?”
“No, I’m just trying to listen.”
“To what? Draw a cross in the middle of an oval and put the nose there and the eyes there and bla bla bla, which, by the way isn’t even accurate. You’re going to have to unlearn it all when you go to art college.”
“Who said I’m going to art college?”
“You changed your mind?” 
“Okay shut up, she’s coming over.”
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Miss O’Reilly rests a hand on my arm, and I’m certain I’m about to get into trouble again, but she just says “...and Jude and Michelle, you can be the next pair.”
“For what?” I mouth to Michelle, and she shakes her head and mouths back, “I don’t know, you were talking over her, eejit.” 
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“And that leaves Evan, who can go up to the top and work with Jill.”
“Aw what?” He protests, “this is my seat, Miss.”
“Well today you are sitting with Jill.”
“That’s Jude’s seat,” He stabs an aggressive finger in my direction, “He moved today for no reason.”
“Miss,” I pipe up, “I’ll go with Evan, it’s fine.”
“No, I want boy-girl-boy-girl. Evan, just go and sit with Jill please.”
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I turn around and mesh gazes with Jill who is glaring at me with confusion and disgust. “Evan?” She mouths, “Why are you down there? I don’t want to draw Evan. Ew!”
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I ignore her and turn back to Michelle as Evan packs up his things and makes a big show of stalking away, “So I’m drawing you and you’re drawing me, yeah?” 
A weary sigh, “Yeah, I suppose.”
“Nice to have a challenge.”
“What do you mean?”
“As in, really ridiculously good looking people are the hardest to draw.”
“For God’s sake.”
I smirk, “C’mon, it’s funny.”
“Excuse me, I can’t draw your mouth when it’s moving, so keep it shut.”
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I snicker into my sketchbook and begin marking out the shape of her face, “You’re funny, Michelle. Did you know that?”
The corner of her mouth ticks up, “Yeah, and you’re a pain in the arse.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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violetnerves · 2 months
The Bullies Clique in Bully/Canis Canem Edit is goofy like the entire group besides Russell can be summed up as:
- The fruity, not closeted theater kid that reads Manga and watches Soap operas and wants to be an actor. (Probably the most normal one, let's be honest.)
- The possible paranoid schizophrenic who hates shoes and thinks he's smarter than he actually is. (Also the only mature one.)
- The probably on-the-spectrum kid whose special interest might be martial arts and ninjas (Probably likes Naruto too).
- The loud closeted LGBT kid.
- The OTHER loud closeted LGBT kid. (Daddy issues edition.)
- The OTHER probably on-the-spectrum kid whose special interest might be BULLYING PEOPLE and was traumatized as a young child by being force fed junebugs by his cousin.
That entire group is held up by Russell in the same way Atlas holds up the Heavens in Greek mythology.
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
- More In General Bullworth Headcanons -
Jimmy had to BEG his mom to let him stay in Bullworth for the summer.
Derby’s favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake.
Pinky is a lesbian and she’s totally gay for Lola.
Ted and Damon have the most bromosexual relationship ever.
Gary has to cuddle a pillow in his sleep.
Mrs. Phillips cries over some of her students,.
Davis can run for days literally nobody knows how he does it.
Bucky is a Disney princess. The rats and squirrels love him.
Parker loves Deftones.
Absolutely nobody likes Algie, they just tolerate his existence.
Ethan learned most of his self defense moves from the hobo.
The hobo teaches the kids more useful stuff than Hattrick smh.
Chester DEMANDS to be carried by Chad when the ground is just too hot for his little paws.
Casey doesn’t even know how he hasn’t repeated a grade yet with how dumb he is.
They also bet on rat fights.
Bo gets confused for Ethan all the time.
The jocks listen to Fergalicious unironically.
This led to one time where Jimmy accidentally walked in on them having a dance off in the locker room.
Luis got the moves to say the least.
Edgar works at an IKEA and likes to Tokyo drift the flatbed carts.
Justin is actually very mean and enjoys bullying tf out of Bif.
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kaskas0 · 1 year
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Gary looks so tired
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marcmorrigan · 1 month
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yeah these three sure did grow up in the same household
OCs: ren (she/her) | seyva (they/them) | pasha (he/him)
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monstersinthecosmos · 10 months
not for anything but friendly reminder that ~fandom discourse~ about where women belong (or people you perceive as women) is misogynistic as fuck. or what they're allowed to say, or what they're allowed to write about, or what they're allowed to enjoy.
next time you see someone having a tantrum and vaguing, especially if their posts from week to week completely contradict each other, perhaps analyze if the common denominator is "a gross woman said something and now i'm mad" without otherwise adhering to any actual principles.
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also like.
the average kid obsessed with their leader mentions him ten or less times (gord mentions derby eight times, parker six times, kirby mentions ted five times). while the leaders don't usually make names at all
peanut mentions johnny THIRTY TIMES. but johnny still mentions peanut ZERO TIMES
and idk sometimes it hits me in the back like a fucking truck
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rockabully · 10 months
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a johnny and lola from the same sketch page as my last art post that i didnt like very much but whatever
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