#but I'm along for the ride regardless 🥳🥳
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
It kinda feels like they were so frustrated about the time in between the first single and CALM being released, that that’s why they’re going about it so differently this time. ~ Rema
With a new label in play and the pandemic having changed how we consume music, it's so hard to guess what the approach is. None of their albums have really been a one to one comparison, they've all been made under such different circumstances, with 5SOS5 and YB being the most similar to me since they're really the only two albums they were able to take their time to create.
CALM is such a complex case it needs to go under a cut lmao
They weren't as open about CALM's process as they had been with previous albums so we never had a distinct timeline of its development beyond the knowledge they started recording in January 2019 and by the time they were doing WDYL promo in March, Ashton was telling people the album was finished while being open about the fact that they were currently unsigned.
Once they signed to Interscope and released Easier in May, they started answering release date questions with vague "we'll see how this single does first" teases, which I always took to imply that if Easier (or later, Teeth) had been a smash hit the way YB was, whatever incarnation of the album that was ready at that point would've been released off the strength of the single. (Whether or not that would've been the same CALM that was ultimately released in 2020 or a different incarnation, we really don't know!)
And I know it's an unpopular opinion but I think this move was a smart strategy, though it's hard to see it that way since we know how things ended up. At that point they were not only trying to build a brand but they needed to get their single success to translate to album success, which is a tough thing to do in a case like theirs, when the songs are more known than the artist.
Early on they mentioned wanting to release multiple songs before the album but the output deadzone between Teeth's August 2019 release and No Shame's February 2020 release has always led me to believe that either contractually or logistically, the WWJ tour interfered with the plan and that's how we ended up with the crush of No Shame/Old Me/CALM all being released within 6 weeks of each other. (Wildflower was in there too but I think that got fast-tracked bc the beginnings of the pandemic was obviously pulling focus from even the most dedicated fans' minds.)
Like I mentioned, 5SOS5 is very reminiscent of YB both in the length of time it's taken to make it and the apparent trial and error process (it's been said they went thru multiple sounds before landing where they did and some of the songs on the album -WWYLM and WIJ- are actually from that earlier incarnation) but what sets this new album apart is how many evolutions it's appeared to go thru. (I hope they speak to this as the release approaches!) With CALM over three years old to them at this point, I can't imagine how ready they must be to focus on new material and I imagine if 2021 had gone a bit differently (going thru 2 management teams and having to find another new label) they could've rallied and released something last year.
Looking to YB for comparison, even with the measured approach to the album, the final stage was a whirlwind, with them releasing WYB in late February but still in the mixing process in March, amidst single promo and rehearsals/departure for the 5SOS3 tour (only for the album to not release until June). And while I do still think the idea of touring both CALM and 5SOS5 together makes the most sense (notice the shift in messaging from 'No Shame Tour' to '2022 Tour'), I'm not sure how realistic it is to expect them to promote a single, an album and rehearse for a tour in just over 2 months. YB shows it can be done, but would they want to? Or do they hold it until they can devote their full attention to promo? Which... wouldn't be until late summer, between tour legs 🤔👀
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1111jenx · 3 years
@ Your next romantic encounter. Who are they? What's the dynamic of the relationship? What's the reason behind this union? 🕊
check out my previous PAC I & II
Hey love its Jenx! Finally after some procrastination and consideration, I have decided to release this PAC for you guys haha, I wanted to do a soulmate reading for you guys but I think it's better to slowly ease you guys into it (?) i guess🥳Nevertheless, enjoy this reading pretty!💕Please keep in mind that since I’m reading for a lot of y'all, some would resonate more while the others might not with some specific details as I’m channeling certain images and different things:)
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Pick one of the images above, remember their numbers (1 — 3 from left to right) & scroll down to read your tailored reading As you pick between the images, think about yourself and yourself only, about all the past you you can recall, focus in the you in the moment and your highest potentials, then use your intuition to pick one.
— 🪐
Pile 1
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Hi Pile 1. I'm sensing a lot of Pisces/Cancer energy as well as Taurus/Gemini energy around your person, a hint of Aquarius/Libra here and there too! Very worldly bit extremely stubborn haha. I think you too have some subtle Venus energy in your chart along with major earth energy. You feel stable to me. You feel like someone people can count on. I think your next romantic encounter will be one hell of a ride. This is a new person coming in for you guys, not an old one. If it is an old one, it's probably someone you wouldn't expect this reconciliation with. You guys are very very different people at your core and I think you, in one way or another is more emotionally and spiritually mature. This person will intrigue you though I can say that for sure, they are going to enter your life when you're feeling very secured and fulfilled materially in life. It's like theres this pride to you that I can't explain using words. You're very self-awared though that's the thing, you're very in your element and you have immense personal power. There's also this thing about you that may intimidate others at first glance, perhaps its the way you dress so nicely or its the way theres just this air of confidence around you. You're probably amazing at mastering the resting b face now don't you haha. I think you come off as an ambivert and thats a reach to be honest. You're very careful with who you let into your life and I'm also seeing a Cat next to you so you may be fond of animals, cats specifically. You're very honourable as a person and you keep your words. You don't like when people break promises either like you actually may back off if you see people continually breaking little promises. I'm hearing "small things are what really counts"? Interesting one aren't you. You know what you want regardless and this person entering your life is a wild card you perhaps never expected.
In the first stage I think you guys can easily get obsessed with one another. Fast. It's like the first impression sticks with you for so long that you can't seem to move on from it. You guys both idealize one another. Your person is fascinated by how abundant you are and learn to appreciate the small things in life more thanks to you. However, I'm seeing some conflicts due to miscommunications and inability to let go of fixed beliefs. If you think you're stubborn, think again. They're your match. And I think despite those small conflicts, you guys are so so very happy with one another. Like you can't get enough of each other. You might want to party or drink with this person a lot, or its more like the loosen you up and show you that its okay to have fun some times and not everything circles back to work and stress. They open you up and bring you to new places is what I'm hearing. You'll appreciate this though, and with the help of your friend (probably air dominant or air placements) and some good counselling from your loved ones, you work through your differences by utilizing these great advices. Also you would surprise with how fast this person wants to commit to you. It's like they came in and just tell you straight up that they want to be with you. They're very very interesting haha, I think they're very bold in that sense and it may seem like they're very cunning or think before they speak. But I'm actually sensing the deep desire to commit and to again, just be with you. You'll learn to finally let down your guard for once and give into it. So much partnership energy here. This is where I'm feeling the most Venus energy in this pile. Your person gives me charmer vibes though. Like they have a smart mouth but I keep feeling that in front of you, they can't ever seem to find the right word haha
I think you have some unresolved trust issue for sure and this person might trigger certain fear in you. You probably find it so hard sometimes to understand why they have so many friends and why you keep thinking that theres a certain sense of superficiality to your relationship. You may feel lonely at times and you simply feel like your person doesn't give you as much attention as you would want them too. I'm seeing a group of 3 girls talking and ranting to one another, this can be your friends who you come to for advices. I think this relationship as beautiful as it is, will teach you great lessons about how sometimes, your judgment can be clouded by yourself. I think while you normally are amazing at judging characters and situations, when it comes to your own, you struggle. I think a part of you is tired even and I think you too, know this deep down. This person is going to come to you and tell you that, calm down, see things my way and let me help you. Being by yourself all the time has hardened you didn't it? Carrying all the responsibilities on your shoulders have made you tired doesn't it? You may feel that the whole world is against you and no one can figure out what you truly feel or think. You may even think that your visions sometimes are too different for others to understand. You have ambition, you have the drive, yet you feel lonely and unlovable at times. Stop and take a deep breath for me. I'm seeing that your person will take you hands and interlock your fingers into theirs as they caress your face and calm you down. You feel so restless my love. You're exhausted aren't you. Being out there working so hard and keeping a good reputation all the time, I know it isn't easy. But your person sees this, your person sees you for who you are and they tell you that they know how much you fears disappointment and being let down. They know and understand your deeply rooted abandonment issues. They see it all. And they tell you for once, trust someone else rather just yourself. You're not alone on this world. You're not a soul or a face that no one will remember long after you're gone. You're loved and you're capable of love and complete success. You don't have to settle for relationships where you feel that you only receive a partial amount of one's love. No. This time it's different. This time you should get ready for all the highs and the lows of your emotions. The serotonin that will runs through your veins everytime you see your person. This time, you can trust again.
This relationship is divinely supported. You're supposed to meet one another at the right time and right place. You'll feel very at home with this person, but you perhaps already tell the first second your eyes met theirs, that you're in for a wild one. I'm hearing that "you should love your body more", that "every cm of you is perfect" and that "you should not cover up your beauty". I'm seeing a lot of white, red and purple around you and a lot of gold, blue and green around your person. You guys might be fond of the outdoors as I'm seeing so much flowers and butterflies. Can't believe I'm just picking this up but I do see a subtle Leo energy around here. You and your person will be very loyal to one another. And it's like they'll be very protective of you. Very very protective. They might not be like that normally though as they just seem very playful and casual, but with you, its different.
Pile 2
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Ah I'm seeing so much Leo, Libra, Taurus, Aquarius and Sagittarius energy for you and your person.This pile makes me feel so calm. You guys might have shared a group of friend of have mutuals with one another. I would even say that its likely you guys may have encountered one another at some kind if gathering before and just forget about it until you meet again:) You might inherently not get along well with them though. You might view them or they might view you as flighty, unstable and too "out there". Like someone no one can pin down. I just heard "not my type of people" haha isn't this enemies to lovers type beat. It's like you guys just feel drawn to one another for some reason and because you have the same group of friends, you have to put up with the other in the beginning. This person in particular might be very original, as in they're a rebel and heart and enjoy going against the norm, like truly enjoy it haha:) They're so unconventional and seems to be always occupied all the time to the point where it makes you become judgy. Like I'm seeing you're being like "Why are you like this?" to them haha, but they will be just as playful back and i see you guys having some great debates. Very smart ones. Both of you are geniuses in your own ways. That person might have some Scorpio placements by the way. I'm just sensing a lot of hindered tensions between you guys at the start. A true love-hate relationship. This is so normal though, since I think you guys are all very prideful people. Especially you, you're not as highkey about it as others might think but theres just this sense of "I know myself and trust me, I really do" when it comes to you haha, its like you've been through a lot and you're tired of people second guessing you. They're like that too though, but more oblivious. I think they might have Leo Rising or Leo Venus. Cause for them I'm seeing them being very much of a show off and they have a lot of people around them too, they're very good looking and have a specific charm to them.
As you go through the relationship I'm seeing so much more tensions between you guys. Like a scene just appeared in my head where you guys are just arguing about something and one person stops the other by kisisng them LOL. Very cliche but effective. It's like theres so much fire in this pile for some reason. The other person would take a second or two being stunt before asking something along the line of "What do you think you just did?" Very very sassy. But the feelings and emotions between you guys is undeniable. Both of you fantasized about having a crazy romantic encounter with one another but quickly dismiss it just as fast. A true slow burn. And I think it would take a third person for you guys to realize your feelings too. Like I'm seeing a new person coming in between you guys and this would get one of you, CRAZY mad haha. Like the person would just hanging around and flirt with one of you in-front of the other and this would drive y'all insane. Theres just so much care and affection between you guys. Like it stems from a love-hate friendship to something much more.. stable? Like you guys care for one another more than friends and because it starts off so randomly, there's so much respect established. I think after the stunt that this new person pulled, one of you, preferably your person will take a step back and be like "holy fuck, I have feelings for them." But interestingly, instead of running away, they're going to face it and put in efforts to approach you. You tame the player. Congratulations haha. Woah I'm also seeing that you'll run away though. For some of you, especially for the ones that have Sagittarius placements, you'll literally RUN away because you're so confused and you don't want to confront your own feelings. For the rest of you, you'll just be like "great, what now."
Your person will approach you with an offer for sure, they would bring you flowers and approach you like a true gentleman. Perhaps they would even ask you over dinner or something romantic like that. Whatever they're doing, I'm seeing that they're determined to do it the right way. They want to grow with you. They want to explore the world with you. I'm seeing that growth is a big factor in your relationship, growth is what brings you guys together in the first place. I also think that your person will open you up like no other and you too, will open them up. They would talk to you about their issues via their childhood and their past relationships, its like they would tell you a story and you'd be like that makes so much senses, because whatever happened in their past, is what changed them to the person they are today. I think you'll cry hearing this for some reason. For some of you I think you're naturally very empathetic and you might dislike showing this a lot out of fear of being used. But your person won't judge you. They have seen you at your best and your worst and you did too. Theres a sense of unexplainable balance and relief I'm feeling. I think you have really beautiful hair by the way. Something about your hair and your scent that gets them so soft. Its like when they smell you scent and be in your presence, they feel so comfortable.
I think comfort is something not a lot of relationship truly have. Like its very hard for people to be completely comfortable around someone new. But with you and them, its like a ride of die love. You truly want one another to be happy even if its at the cost of your own. Unconditional love is something that just happens between you guys. Sometimes you don't even have to say anything to understand one another. Very telepathic bond. Its like you love each other romantically but also platonically. A best friend kind of lovers. You guys can be yourself with each other and never having to hold back your opinions. I'm seeing a lot of balance give and take. So much fun and joy too. And its like you're demand to be respected and appreciated? They can't seem to say no to you though. Like you give me very cut-throat energy, take it or leave it vibes haha. This pile really softens my heart. You guys have the perfect amount of growth and healing. I'm so excited for you loves.
Pile 3
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The energy in this pile shocks me haha. A lot of water energy, specifically major Pluto/Scorpio or Aries energy and Moon/Cancer energy. Loads of fire too and a hint of Mercury/Gemini/Virgo. This goes for both you and your person. Let's get into this:) I think for you and your person known each other before, if not you guys were romantically involved and it seems that you can't forget or move on from one another? For the others I think this person perhaps met you when they were still struggling to get out of a toxic relationship or some kind of ending and its like seeing you ignited something in them? It seems that your person really working hard to get to you though haha, if anything, it seems that they're the chaser. They're so determined to get to you and I think they're someone that succeed in life too. It's like they know what they want and they're not afraid of going after it. They seem so calm and mature. I think this person is older than you and they have a very stable career. They might be the strong, silent type and they rather show you than tell you things. They've been through a lot and I think once they're invested in something, they're in for the long haul. This can even be long distance too since I'm seeing them travelling to seem some of you and I think in the past they could have been with someone's who really lowered their vibration and brought out the worst in them. They were very immature before and I think they're changing it for you? Aw thats so cute. Its like I think they can be very practical and seemingly harsh in their words at times tho. But they know you dislike it and you're sensitive to energy, so they will tone it down just for you. They're so prideful though, it seems to me like they can't let you go for some reason? If you're not used to people being possesive of you. Buckle up love cause this one is going to be very very controlling. They are, deep down, has a lot of flaws though. Like I think you see through their perfect facade and see how vulnerable they are deep down. I also feel that you won't question their feelings too. You're the type to respect one's emotions and encourage them to open up now don't you? You have a very beautiful heart my love. I think you soften them up a lot , like finally I think they feel that they have reached the threshold of their home.
However, I think theres some kind of layers of secrets here. It seems that theres this fear deeply rooted in them, where they're afraid of losing control and you truly seeing them for what they are. The calmer and more understanding you are, the crazier and more addictive they get. It's like they can't get enough of you. I think they see you as their angel, their "best kept secret". Their need to be possesive over you, however, is concerning. Its like they want you all to themselves and they don't want you to be near any one else. This stems from their insecurity and fear of changes. I keep seeing an image where you're finally fed up with their bs and as you walk out of the door, they're on their knees begging you to stay with the promise of them changing, and you fall for it, every-time. I cant help but be concerned with they way they love to be honest. Very different from the 2 piles up top, you are someone who's very endurance to the point of self-sacrificing. Its like you would take a bullet for the one you love energy. And if I'm being honest, this relationship feels so painful but deep at the same time. Its like one second things are good and great and the next you're balling your eyes out because of the words they said. I think trust is a big thing here. And I think you'll question a lot of the time if you can even trust him. Like they just know how to push you buttons but you have so much love for them. They refuse to completely give themselves to you but would want you all to themselves. Think about it, do you really want to be with someone like that?
You have this thing to you thats so unique. I'm in aw when I see how you're capable of loving someone to the point where you're willing to lose yourself. You are a kind soul, and I keep hearing that its because you were influenced by a female figure to be this way? You yearn for others pain and I think among all the piles, you're someone who's most likely to experience a lot of gut feelings and you're also the one that tend to absorb others emotions. Theres a need to fix people? To change people? Why is that? Why do you feel the need to help others so badly?
I think this relationship will teach you a lot about patience and it will give you the strength to cut ties with things that no longer serve you. This person might even trigger wounds in you that relate to a male authority figure in your life whom you used to look up to yet have a complex relationship with. Theres a lot of emotions buried deep down and I'm seeing a lot of patterns being repeated. This relationship, will be very significant to you and after you leave this person, you'll reach the you that you had dreamt about ever since you were a kid. I'm seeing so much blue around you and black/white around you person. You're like a true goddess deep down. It might be a good idea of reach out to a female figure that you're closed to for help and advices. You know that this relationship is going to be painful but I know that you're never going to stay with someone that does not love you for who you are but rather than who they want you to become. I keep hearing "father" too. So perhaps your views on your father may change the way you see relationships a lot. Be brave my dear. March on out there and shift your energy, start right now so you finally put yourself in the drivers seat, to finally take control over your own destiny.
— Thank you guys for reading it til the end🤎 For more posts like this please be sure to check out my masterlist <3 be sure to reblog if you enjoy this too beautiful!!
saint jenx🪐
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