#but from the outset there wasn't a character that grabbed my by the throat
obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
what're, like, your sentai recs? i've mostly gotten recommended carranger, kiramager (or was it magiranger?), and eiher changeman or flashman, and the only series i've SEEN is Donbrothers. which. uh. help
I'm actually not as versed in sentai, which I am gradually changing but 50 ep series are very long. my absolutely top pick much watch shows are:
Ressha Sentai ToQger: REALLY LOVE THIS SERIES!!! SUPER FUN DYNAMIC OF CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!!!! THE 6TH RANGER IS MY FAVE OF ALL TIME!!!!!! GENUINELY COMPELLING OVERARCHING PLOT WITH VERY WELL-PACED DEVELOPMENTS!!!!! THE VILLAIN POLITICS ARE REALLY INTERESTING AND THERE ARE A LOT OF VIBES!!!!!!! THE AESTHETIC IS REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!! MADAME NOIR IS THERE!!!!!!!!! MISS KOBAYASHI WROTE IT!!!!!!!!!! genuinely while watching the show there's a lot of moments where I go. wow. I'm glad kids watched this, there's a very positive message that's delivered in a gentle, kind, and entertaining way.
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: super fun. SUPER fun. all of the characters are lovable dumbasses in varying and overlapping flavors. everyone has super strong Just Some Guy energy and it's really interesting to have the majority of the sentai team be suit actors. I think one of the staff said something to the effect of the zenkaiger team being basically a team of losers and they are and it's very endearing. I also really like the writing here, not only is it REALLY funny, there's a lot of good drama with family stuff and one of the antagonists accidentally adopting himself to the main character's grandma, and the space pirates are also there being a nuisance. in general there's a really good variety of dynamics. Miss Komura is the lead writer if I remember right.
I'm in the middle of watching kaizoku sentai gokaiger right now, which is really entertaining. miss komura described the pirates in zenkai as 'pirates playing at being heroes' and the gokais as 'heroes playing at being pirates' and she's so right. the gokais are all like heh!!! we're pirates!!! we don't care about anyone but ourselves!!! and then they go and do stuff like pawn their jewelry so they can pay for meals at a restaurant
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artbyrivaille · 3 years
Hair ☕
Okay, so at the outset, I would like to emphasize that English is not my mother tongue and I am still learning. But writing is my hobby and I decided that I will try my skills here too, in English, I invite you to write requests, I hope you will like it!
3,5k words!
She was strong. She was a good soldier, commander, companion.
But she was also a beautiful woman with an amazing figure who was envied by many. Despite being quite short, because she was only five feet three, she had long slender legs. Overall, she was considered a beautiful woman. However, she had short hair.
Her hairstyle was practically identical to Levi's, but no one accused her of trying to look like him, as she was cutting her hair that way long before Ackerman joined the survey corps.
Oh, she and Levi. It was quite a sneaky topic, let alone the rumors around the body. They were often seen in each other's company, people interpreted it differently.
Some said it was just a friendship and a bond they established when Ackermann was part of her branch at the beginning of his career. And the others insinuated the supposed romance of the two. Well the versions were really different, but the truth was that y/n and good captain Levi were just two great friends. The woman was one of the few people who knew the man's past, and shared with him some facts about her. Because they both came from the Underground, however, and managed to get out of there on their own, and not with the help of scouts, as was the case with Levi.
At first they were not very sympathetic, quite the opposite. They had very similar characters, which theoretically should indicate that they will get along well, but that was only theoretically. In practice, they got on their nerves terribly.
But despite this aversion to a man, it was precisely this that helped him the most after the death of Farlan and Izabel. She provided him with comfort, help and warmth.  Something no one else could give him. It was thanks to her that he recovered so quickly, and he was in the place where he was at the moment.
At some point their relationship began to take a less formal path. More and more often they stayed at each other's offices, helped each other with Erwin's sentences, that is, documentation. They drank tea together, despite the fact that the brunette was a coffee advocate, she made an exception for Levi and almost completely gave it up. They had similar problems, especially those with sleep, may both of them suffer from insomnia, so when the entire corps was asleep, they sat in the two of them over documents, or simply spent their free time together.
Y/n did not even know the exact moment when she began to care in this other, more intimate way on the short captain. It came overnight. Of course, she was behaving the same as before, after all, she was not some horny teen, but a mature woman, but at the moment when she was going to the black-haired's office, or she just knew that he would see him, her body was flooded with heat. And maybe she wouldn't care so much if it wasn't for the fact that she had short hair.
She loved the short haircut, the long hair simply irritated her and disturbed the soldier's everyday life, but she was afraid that they might be an obstacle to any closer relationship with Ackerman.
She sat quietly in her office filling out paperwork for Erwin. She nervously tweaked her hair, which was longer than usual, because every time she tried to cut it, something was getting in the way and that was how it was already quite long.
The silence in the office was broken by the sudden opening of the door through which entered a black-haired man with pliers and a towel in his hand. He closed the door with a bang and set the items on the coffee table, then looked at the woman poring over reports and other documents.
"You have long hair." He said suddenly and walked closer to her chair, and when he was next to him, he entangled his hand in her dark strands. She breathed a breath and leaned against the back of the armchair, massaging her temples at the same time giving herself to the caress.
"I didn't have time to cut them off because of the last expedition, and with all the crap Erwin did, I have more work to do than ever. And Hanji keeps following me all the time and asks if I managed to convince Bushbread to do experiments on titans." She explained in frustration then exhaled her mouth with a whistle.
"Tch, fucking shitty glasses. Come on, rest a little, cut off your hair, and you will give me a haircut." He replied then pulled the woman's chair back and, grabbing her hand, led her to the bathroom. She was so tired of it all that she didn't care, and the presence of a cobalt-eyed woman was calming, so she didn't resist. "Get your hair wet." He gave the order, which she followed by putting her head in the shower and then she wet her hair with a stream of water. Ackermann handed her a towel, which she grabbed and dried her hair.
Let the two go back to the brunette's office, meanwhile she took off her jacket and threw it on the couch, which Ackermann only huffed, but said nothing. She sat down without a word on the low stool that the man had prepared at that time. He ran a hand through her hair a few times and began carefully trimming it.
"Can I ask you a question?" She finally gave up y/n, unable to withstand the silence in the room
"You ask them anyway, so why do you ask me for permission." The bored man replied by which l/n raised the corner of her mouth in a small smile.
"What do you think about women with short hair?" She asked, and black hair stopped breathing for a moment. What the hell was that about? Is this some kind of provocation?
"What am I supposed to think. They are no less feminine because they do not have long hair, their appearance does not define a person." He replied quite neutral, not realizing that he had just kindled a little ray of hope in his friend's heart. "And why do you ask?"
"Because I care about someone, and all in all, I wanted to know your opinion." Ah yes. His heart leapt into his throat, and his stomach seemed to have a 3D maneuvering device.  Someone did she like? But who the hell. After all, the only men with whom she spent time was himself, Erwin, sometimes he encountered Moblit in the company of Hanji and Mike. Who could steal her heart enough to make her care about her hairstyle? Probably Erwin. That fucking perfect general.
Maybe Levi didn't have complexes as such, but he was always a little jealous of Smith. He had a perfect body, he was tall, intelligent, had a high position in the military, and he came from a non-poor family. He was nothing compared to the blonde, he had nothing to offer. And he would like so much to have her with him.
"I'm done." He muttered softly brushing single hairs from the woman's clothes. She got up from the stool and unintentionally combed her dark hair. She looked beautiful, but he wouldn't tell her that.
"Your turn." She said and took the pliers from his hand. This time it was he who sat on the stool. He involuntarily smiled under his breath and closed his eyes at the woman's gentle touch. He was literally like a docile kitten. Why couldn't she be his?
He had been avoiding her like plague for about two weeks. He was irritated by the lack of a black-haired woman around him, but he knew that if it was like before, he would take the blow even worse.
A blow that would never come.
Y/n really didn't know what she could do wrong. After all, everything was fine, and then overnight Ackerman began to avoid her. Maybe he just got bored?
At first she explained his ignorance with overwork, in the end everyone in the command had their heads off. But when one day in a row she saw him sitting quietly with Petra, she knew it was not it. By the way, seeing a redhead in his company, something broke in her. What did this teenager have that she did not have? Did their relationship really mean nothing to him? So many questions, so few answers.
And this way almost every evening she landed in Erwin's office with Hanji with a bottle of whiskey or vodka, depending on what Smith had in the bar. Erwin and Hange really couldn't comprehend the change in brunet's behavior, and the sight of a really hurt l/n was so pathetic as to be nasty.
And so the next evening the three gathered in Smith's office where they once again debated about the captain's behavior.
"I do not feel it completely, so change the attitude towards people overnight. 
I know that our curly pedantic has its own rules, but without exaggeration." Hanji announced, finishing the rest of the whiskey from her glass.
"Maybe something made him do it?" Smith replied, then grabbed his chin.
"Tch, and this thing is called Petra Ral, really fascinating." Black-haired girl summed up pouring herself and Zoe whiskey.
Their conversations were so loud that they interested Ackerman who was just about to make himself a cup of tea. But when he heard three familiar voices, he stood at the door of Smith's office, listening to what was being said.
"Don't take it for granted." Erwin said and frowned by the high concentration of alcohol in his glass.
"So what could be the reason Levi is ignoring me then? Just like logic Erwin, there are two options, or he has something to me and he distorts what is unfortunately but impossible because he always treated me only as a friend. Or he just shoots with Petra, and that's what I believe more. "Did they talk about him? What romance with Petra? And y/n cared for him the way he wanted it, but he's just an idiot and he broke it? He held his breath for a moment and tried to enter the room, but stopped himself and continued to stand still.
"Like it or not, I have to agree with the above.  Although I keep my fingers crossed for the first version." Squeaked at the end of the woman, which caused a loud sigh of disapproval from y/n.
"Shut up Hanji, I don't want to hope again for something that will never happen." She growled angry and hurt. She really cared about him. Not on any Erwin, Moblit or Mike, but on him. On a goddamn Underground thief with a hard character and misophobic aspirations. Damn it, don't let this be a dream.
He walked away from the door and headed for his office. He has even forgotten why he left it at all. He sat down at the desk and stared blankly at the sky until the very morning, trying to put everything in his head. He must try to fix what he broke.
Like a day like every other day. There was no expedition, no surprises, just an ordinary day in the recon. Well, maybe almost. Because Ackerman had been nervous and a little stressed since the morning. And it wasn't just because he wanted to talk to y/n seriously, but largely because he couldn't find her anywhere. As to spite that day, she sank underground, his only salvation could be Erwin. Which office was on his way to. The evening and dinner time was approaching, so he wanted to come to him before her, to look for the presence of a woman at the last meal, if necessary.
He entered the office without knocking, Smith merely looked up from the mountain of documents he had probably been studying since this morning, then turned him back to the sheets of paper.
"What you want Levi?" He asked breaking the silence prevailing in the room. He was pretty sure why this one had come to him, but preferred not to reveal all the cards at once.
"Where is y/n"?  Erwin sighed and then put down his quill and straightened up in his chair. He was afraid of Levi's reaction, but what could he do if the milk had already spilled?
"She went on a mission. She should be back in two or three days at the most." He replied with a straight face in the middle being a bit irritated by the reaction of the black-haired man.
"What mission? And why the hell didn't I know anything about this." Ackerman asked, very angry with the news once again.
"Maybe because you've been avoiding her for a long time? Maybe because it's a secret mission, I'm not obligated to tell you everything, Levi. I respect you and treat you as a friend, so I will give you some friendly advice. Think about what you really want and don't screw it up. I don't think I need to tell you what I'll do to you if you hurt her, not to mention Hanji." A faint smile affected his lips at the end of his speech.
"It's none of your business anymore. Thank you for the information." He replied coolly and, not worried about the threat of his friend, left his office.
So he was supposed to wait? He hated waiting. Uncertainty burst him from the inside, these few days will probably be a real nightmare for him.
It was well past nine o'clock, so most of the Corps' soldiers were resting in their quarters. Only a few officers were still in the courtyard. And Levi was watching them from his office.
Week. She has been gone since fucking week.
And he was consumed not only by uncertainty, but also by fear. Because they didn't know anything, not even Erwin, who entrusted the woman with this mission. Through it all, the captain was irritated and angry from day to night. Everyone wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Even Petra must have found out about his bad mood when some two days after y/n's departure, she felt bad for the fact that she smiled at him instead of focusing on cleaning. The last time he was afraid was when he first left for exeption.
Suddenly, a horse ran into the courtyard, on the back of which was a scout, but he was clearly unconscious, barely clinging to his mount. At first, Ackerman did not move from his place, but when he heard the screams about the return of squad leader l/n and summoning the medics, he sprinted out of the office.
When he was already leaving, he saw only a brunette, which two cadets were carrying on a stretcher to the infirmary. There was blood everywhere, and the worst case scenario flashed through his mind. She might have died.
He knew that they would not let him into the infirmary anyway, and the cadets didn't know anything, the only option was once again Erwin. What a mission it was to make her come back like this.
He hurried to Smith's office and threw open the door. He did not care about the surprised face of Hanji, who was sitting on the blonde's couch, but he walked over to the man and grabbed him tightly by the collar of a white shirt.
"What was that mission? And why did you send her over there alone, don't you care that she's just fighting for her life?" He was screaming at the top of his throat, he didn't care what everyone thought of him right now, he didn't care about the consequences, he only cared that he could lose her before he actually possessed her.
"In Stohess there is a man who leads the gang. It interfered with various shipments and the like. They are also active in the Underground. The task was to diversify into their ranks, apparently she did not quite succeed." He replied with stoic calm which made the black-haired man even more angry.
"Have you been really fucked up? Such a mission is not a job for one person, it is for the rest. Such matters should be handled by the MP's, not us!" He shouted and pushed the blonde back so that he almost fell from his chair.
"Only that they interfered mainly with transports to our corps. Mostly those not entirely legal. You know very well that a large amount of drugs and medical equipment we have is not entirely legal, but it is needed. I wanted to send the two of you on this mission, because both of you know the Underground, but she did not agree to you taking part in this mission. Probably because you were not getting along at that point." The man explained succinctly, and Ackerman said nothing. It was his fault, his goddamn fault. If only he wasn't such an asshole, nothing bad would have happened.
Until now, a silent Hanji came up to the shorter man and put her hand on his shoulder, the latter turned towards her, close to crying. Holy shit what she did with him.
"You'll finish later, for now, go to her." She ordered, and he nodded and without a word headed for the infirmary.
"When will she wake up?" He asked one of the medics, who was just finishing treating single wounds on the body of an unconscious woman.
"She should wake up in the morning. But probably not for long, he has to rest a lot now. She lost a lot of blood, it is surprising that she was even going here alive." She replied and got up from the small stool, putting the remnants of bandages and other medicaments on a silver tray. "But take it easy, she will get out of this, squad leader l/n is a damn tough woman, not just character.  She will lick it." She added after a moment with a slight smile on her face trying to cheer the man up.
"I know she's strong." He replied quietly, his head bowed and his hands folded.
"So just be patient. I think she survived because she had someone to return to." She laughed softly and just left the room, leaving the slightly confused captain with the unconscious woman.
He slowly walked over to her bed and sat down next to it on the wooden chair. He grabbed her chilled hand and pressed it to his lips, giving it a tender kiss. He had to wait.
And so the hours went by, and Levi spent them thinking about his feelings for the woman and simply gazing at her adoringly.
She was so beautiful, he loved everything about her. From a smile that could not be seen too often, ending with short hair. He was lazily combing them almost all the time, not being surprised how pleasant they are.  He did not even notice that it was starting to dawn, and the soldiers of the corps were slowly waking up to start another day of service. He also did not notice that Erwin accompanied by Hanji arrived in the room in the meantime, but when they saw the man sitting next to the y/n, they only smiled at each other and left, leaving them alone, of course they gave each other high five for fruitful cooperation.
"Wake up now, because these feelings will blow me up soon." The words were coming out of his mouth involuntarily. His eyes were closed, he tried to focus, to be patient. "I overheard your, Hanji and Erwin conversation about me. I really was an idiot. I shouldn't be away from you, that's why you're here at all. If I hadn't, you wouldn't be lying here, I wouldn't have allowed it. I have plans to blame Erwin for letting you go on this mission alone. But you don't know how much I was bursting from the inside by the thought that you care about someone, and that someone is not me. I was so fucking jealous. Ugh, feelings are a pain in the ass. You don't even know what you're doing with me. I just love you, and I love everything about you." There was a silence in the room, and the man breathed a sigh of relief, finally blurted out into the crowd of thoughts.
"Even my short hair?" Silence, a hoarse voice broke the silence in the room. The man immediately opened his eyes and straightened in his chair, a smile spread across his face at the sight of the woman's open eyes.
"Even short hair." He replied and once again ran his hand through it, and placed the other on her cheek.
"I heard everything, you idiot. Love you too." She said and smiled broadly as he reciprocated.
"I love you too." He replied and pressed their lips together in a kiss.
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Chapter 5 Respect all, trust few
Exsomnis: Wakeful, Vigilant
Summary: Fresh Doctor out of residency you didn't expect Conyers to be this uneventful until everything happened at the same time. From the outset, an odd meeting with what seems like a steadfast Detective but it was only the beginning.
Notes: English is not my native language, I'm trying to get better at it, please be indulgent ^^
Based on the movie Prisoners by Denis Villeneuve (so I don't own any of the OG characters) if you haven't seen it, I recommend you do (maybe before reading) :) The story takes place before and through the event in the movie.
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A bunch of folks gathered in front of the Birch’s house that night. People were murmuring about the disappearances, their curiosity sometimes being way too intrusive. Plush and toys disposed on the grass between candles, sobbings were heard. 4 days had passed since the abduction, as a doctor, you knew they could still be alive even without water and food, but children are delicate, the thought of someone hurting a child made you sick. The first suspect, Alex Jones, had been released but was now missing too it was a big mess. Your internal ranting got interrupted as you catch a glimpse of a familiar face.
Loki was there, scanning the little crowd, you wondered if he had seen you. Still watching him out the corner of your eye, he started to make his way into the mass, your heart rate accelerated seeing his determined features, for a second thinking he’d seen you and come to you but instead he kept going forward, your eyes following his figure intently until he started running towards the houses. You gasped slightly.
“what the…” your body faced the way he ran, you felt Erin’s hand on yours.
“What is it...?” she glanced beside you trying to see what got your attention but failed to.
You didn’t want to alarm her as you didn’t know what you had just witnessed. “Nothing, damn it’s cold,” you hushed up, blowing warm air on your gloves’ hand.
 Erin had begged you to stay with them tonight, a good bottle of wine seemed like a good idea to somehow cheer up the three of you.
Erin sat on her carpet. “What do you think happened to that kid, the Jones kid?”
“Must have run away,” Rachel answered, grabbing a candle off a shelf. You just shrugged.
“Hey what did you see back there?” Erin inquired eyeing the candle Rach just light on.
“Oh nothing,…just Detective Loki was there. Surely in case, the culprit showed up to satisfy any perverse desire.” You three shuddered at the thought of the kidnapper being there in the crowd.
“Did he see you? He could have come over.” Rach propped herself up on the couch.
“Yeah, I could have invited him tonight.” Erin nodded.
“I don’t think a community gathering, especially for two missing girls, is the right place to banter. Plus he was certainly on duty. “
They both grimaced sipping on the red liquid.
 Calls were the only way to talk with him at least for a few minutes but this night’s call with Loki ended up quite tense...
“Are you sleeping?” your voice was a bit sluggish because of the wine,  his however not at all. 
“I don’t have time for that” he retorqued.
“I know but ..., you have to rest!” you begged
“Is it the doctor talking? I don’t need sleep advice right now. I have to go!” He hung up immediately.
“what the…” you look at your phone in disbelief, "moron...”
 And this is who police are saying is a person of interest in the investigation of the two missing girls. Now, this unidentified man who was last seen at last night's candlelight vigil, fled on foot when the investigating detective attempted to question him. Police caution the public not to approach this man, but call police immediatly if they do see him.
 You came by the station on your day off, to kind of get things right with Loki. Quietly stepping in the open space where you knew his desk was, he wasn't there.
“Can I help you?” An officer asked lifting his head from a cubicle.
“I'm looking for Detective Loki?” Clenching the coffee cups on your chest a little bit.
“He went to the archive, he should ... well never mind.” he pointed behind you. Turning on your heels, Loki stopped at the door, your hand lifted a little from the coffee lids as a wave. A little smile appeared on your lips, he didn't smile back.
“Come with me.” He said not showing any emotions at all. You followed him to a room, all the blinds were done, a large table with a few chairs in the middle, you put the coffee on it and turned to him, he closed the door and leaned on it, crossing his arms. You breathed in.
“It's really not the right time.” He finally talked. At first, you were baffled but you knew better.
“I thought a good coffee and some support would help…” you answered comprehensive and stepped forward to go, but he didn't budge from the door. He blinked a few times and for the first time you entered the room, he looked at you.
He shook his head, “sit”, he gestures to the chairs, it was more like a shy demand than an order though. You leaned on the edge of the table.
“Coffee?” You proposed glancing beside you at the two steaming black coffee, his demeanour changed as he approached the table, planting himself right before you. He was unnecessarily close yet it was definitely not unpleasant, his body warmth radiating around your own. He had rolled up his sleeves, you could see he had another tattoo on his right arm.
He reached out for the coffee, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the burning caffeine going down his throat, you watched him all along in silence.
“Talk to me. I know it's a difficult time right now, you reached for his hand, but I need you to take care of you.”
His rolled his eyes taking a few steps backwards, his hands on his hips, turning his back to you. You continued keeping a soft voice.
“You can't go around sleep-deprived, you might miss something Loki!“ 
“What do you want me to do, hm?” He turned back. “Go home, sleep 8hours straight and come back like that, we're counting hours,” his finger pointing to the ground.
“I’m not saying holidays, all I’m saying is to take some time, at least 2-3 hours of sleep each day, you're not the only Detective here, they know the case.”
“How would you know!?“ he waved his hand at you.
You didn't answer, the point wasn't to argue or lecture him but to make him aware that he had to look after himself.
“You won't be of any help if you keep on going like that. I'm telling you because I care, for the girls, the families and you!”
“Don't you think I care?” His voice went up.
“That's the point, you surprised yourself as your voice rose a notch, caring is what makes you the effin good Detective you are! Unless you're caring beyond your own good and senses. You're looking for answers, but if you neglect yourself you might not find some.”
A silence fell, he stayed leaned on the blinds crushing them, revealing the open space behind, your mind drift there for a minute watching a woman officer bringing in a man in handcuffs. 
You didn't felt him approached until he was nudging at your knee. His left-hand slide on the table reaching your own, he rested his other hand on the table on the other side of you, his head hanging low, you bet his eyes were shut. The silence was necessary, he needed calm to escape, just for a moment, the mess outside that room, to assess your discussion. 
Lightly moving your left hand onto his tattooed skin, to finally brushed the nape of his neck you felt him tense at your touch. He leaned in his temple against yours.
“I'll try. he inhaled, forgive me …I wish I could be there...”  
“Hey, you whispered back feeling his cheek on yours, some stubble prickling at the softness of your skin, out of sight, not out of mind.”
He looked at you then, your eyes bouncing between his blue ones as he stared at you, his hand caressed your cheek then slide down your neck.
"Loving the sight tho" he smirked a little.
You chuckled at the cheesiness although it made you fluttered, your hand slide from the back of his neck to his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his thorax. His other hand slightly brushed the skin over your knee, you blessed yourself for wearing a dress today. The tension between you two was perceptible, his eyes on your lips as he leaned closer, you force yourself to swallow, finding it hard to breathe now that he was so close. 
“Loki, the chef is asking...for you”
The door opened in a flash, you hastily retrieved your hand and rubbed it with your thumb, looking away. Loki took a step backwards, his hands back on his hips. 
“I’ll be right there.” he nodded at the officer whom left confused, before looking back at you. Standing further away from him now, he frowned at the distance you had put between you two. 
Without saying much you walked to him, stopping to kiss his jaw languidly. His hand snaked around your waist resting on your low back, you sighed slightly resting your lips near his.
“Call me whenever you need.” you whispered before slowly pushing yourself away.
“Take care and be careful out there, please.” he pleaded, you winked.
Chapter 6 - The Void screams back
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