#but i like to think it's also pretty varied
monstersflashlight · 2 days
Hello! ^^ I read about the elf with human kink and it got me thinking how can elves different from humans? Like ideas. Cause at the first glance we are similiar except for the ears. And maybe ekves are more beautiful and etheral. Then in culture where they are usually proper and pacifist in a way. But still not much differences. Vampires, werewolves, demons have lists of what doesn't make them human. So how would human pussy be different? In my headcanons I add that elves (both genders) are looking androgynous (flat and no curves) and despite being slender and lanky have sturdy bodies. (And sometimes add height *cough* 7ft *cough*). So humans are appealing by being meaty, soft and having more prominent chests, hips or just vary in bodyshapes (and are teeny tiny). Do you have some ideas to add? (I am new to tumblr and not english speaker and just want to hear more elf headcanons, so sorry if my ask looks/sounds weird.)
Hi anon! Don't apologize for not being an english speaker, I'm not either and here we are.
I can't find the original post to link it but I do think elves have key differences that would make them have human kinks. I think your points are right. I also think elves, because of their beauty, would find humans interesting because our apparence can change over time and theirs can't, so the point of fragility human have could play a role. I mean, they can die but live loooooooong lives so the fragility and how ephemeral humans are could be a point of interest for them because it's so different from their own experience. I can imagine a hundred year old elf being completely confused seeing old ladies all wrinkled but being enthralled by it. Not in a sexual way, lol.
Also what you say about curves: yes. I think, like before, that the fact that human bodies can change and adapt and can be so different, meanwhile elves are pretty and thin and their skin can be different but phisically very similar, so it's boring for them to be with other elves when they could be with humans of any kind or shape.
In a more sexual way, I think elves would go crazy for a full bush because they don't have any body hair. I think they'll go crazy for muscular men and curvy women, just whatever sparks the biggest difference possible. They are tall but lean, so big bodies would be so attractive to them. I'm talking full on horny every time they see some exposed boobs, I'm talking seeing a dude squat at the gym and having to excuse themselves to go jerk off. They would go crazy for it.
And as last think I think their human kink would make them flustered because they get so excited they could cum instantly and even though they have a super stamina, they don't want to be the monster that gets two pumps and that's it. But humans would be all over that because that means they are that excited to be with them. And elves would totally compensate the human later with their mouth on them for hours.
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bethanydelleman · 1 day
Greetings! My today's question is: how scandalous is it to elope and marry in Gretna Green? What consequences does the couple face? Edmund's reaction to Julia's elopement seems to indicate that it's pretty bad, though definitely not as bad as Maria's folly: "At any other time this would have been felt dreadfully. Now it seems nothing; yet it is an heavy aggravation."
Remember that the Bertrams are on the conservative side of moral beliefs, so they aren't the best meter for judging how scandalous something really is to the wider public.
Here are my thoughts:
Obeying your parents was a big part of the moral system of the Regency and elopement is a defiance of your parents. You are acting without their permission or approbation. Given that "honour your mother and father" is the 5th commandment in the Bible and the first one that applies to how we treat other people, it's a big deal (yes, it's before "don't murder")
It's stupid, so society makes it taboo. As a woman, it's a huge risk. If you elope and never marry, you are ruined (the fear with Lydia). If you are an heiress, you marry without a proper legal agreement (marriage articles) and your husband can steal and squander your wealth (the fear with Georgiana). Marriage articles protected women. Lydia's eventual one gives her £1000 that Wickham cannot touch. That is so important for her! Things like a jointure (basically survivor's benefit) were also put in the marriage articles. For Robert Ferrars and Julia Bertram, the risk of elopement was that they may not be accepted back into their families. Given their financial situations, this wasn't a huge risk, but it would be something that would make life difficult for them going forward. Connections are everything!
Both of these things matter so much because marriage is basically permanent. It's not a mistake you can just undo and make up with your parents. I believe there were post-marriage articles that were possible, but if your husband wouldn't sign, you were screwed. Divorce was prohibitively expensive and the criteria were very strict. So marriage shouldn't be a decision of passion without forethought. It's a big deal!
As Mary Crawford points out, if you give good dinners a lot of people will accept you no matter what, but respectable families may shun you.
So to sum up, it's taboo and frowned upon because it's dangerous. To me, it kind of seems like the way we view smoking today. And I think different families would have varied reactions to it, some may cut their children off forever, some may reconcile after a few years, or they may decide to accept the marriage for social reasons (not losing another child like Sir Thomas or to save their reputation like the Bennets)
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anghraine · 23 hours
Hi! I was wondering, sorry for the dumb question, but are Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy hairstyles accurate for the time in the 2005's adaptation of P&P? I always associated 18th century (even the late part) with log hair for men or just wigs, so I'm curious. I associate them more with the 19th century, but I'm sure I'm completely wrong.
Hello! It's not dumb at all, and I only delayed answering because I was busy, but I'm taking a brief break. Disclaimer, though, that I'm not a historian and especially not a fashion historian.
The 2005 adaptation is not aiming for accurate representation of a particular year, but seems to be inspired by the fashions of the late 1790s, perhaps as late as 1800 or so for very fashionable characters. One of the aesthetic concepts behind the costuming IIRC was that it would reflect the era of P&P's original composition by Austen (1796-1797), but also reflect the attitudes of the characters to both fashion and life generally. Older characters wear the styles of their youths (whatever those may be), while even younger ones vary among themselves.
The idea, again going by memory, was that Jane's costumes would be more up-to-date than Elizabeth's and lean towards more early Regency-like hairstyles and delicate pastels, where Elizabeth often wears earth tones and is slower to adopt modern styles (I do not personally see Elizabeth this way, but it's the concept behind her costuming). Darcy starts out as nicely-dressed, but extremely buttoned up (literally), but wears his coat open and in a fashionable vibrant blue when he comes back to Hertfordshire, his hair in more disarray etc.
With regard to hair specifically, the question of accuracy wrt length/powder depends on the character. The hair powder tax that contributed to the change in men's fashion was passed in May of 1795, if I'm remembering correctly. I think the abandonment of hair powder was initially fairly politicized as a form of opposition to Pitt's government, but IMO the Darcys and Fitzwilliams are pretty strongly coded as people who would be in opposition to Pitt, so it's entirely possible that Darcy would have abandoned hair powder and cut his hair off well before the story begins. I have a post about this in relation to book Darcy here, actually.
Would the shorter hair have looked like Matthew Macfadyen's in P&P? Probably not exactly, but it's not so different from hairstyles that can be seen in paintings at the turn of the (19th) century, and Bingley's odd hairstyle also seems to deliberately refer to the oddities of this transitional era of fashion. Bingley could have still been wearing powdered, longer hair at the time, but I can easily envision him imitating Darcy even if he doesn't care about the politics of it. So late 1790s versus early 1790s does make a difference!
The novel, incidentally, does reference Mr Bennet still using a powdering gown, as I mention in the linked post. This doesn't have to mean he's still powdering his hair, and I think he would be exempt from the tax anyway if he still wished to, but it's entirely possible for P&P to take place at a time where some men would powder their hair and others wouldn't.
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zivazivc · 2 months
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guess who
I've seen a few artists I like making human art and I got inspired to make my own.
First version was based just on their character designs and personality, and what inspired their look in the first place. Second version happened when I took into account their backstory and what I imagine human versions of their parents' would look like. I don't consider either of these "canon", because to me they're just trolls but it was a fun experiment to try.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming of me drawing little colorful dolls
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canisalbus · 3 months
Different Italian anon, but the thing with Tuscan C is that it's pronounced like a very strong H sound, which is extra weird cuz the letter H makes no sound in Italian, normally. It sounds the way Spanish pronounce the J. We say it's "aspirato". So then people from there will say things like Hoha Hola (coca cola), and it's funny. It's also extremely contagious, I got family in Florence, you spend 3 days with them you start doing it too before you even realize.
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ofthehands · 3 days
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For pride month, my most passionate TCM headcanon
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the-punforgiven · 10 months
Idk why the thought only just now occurred to me but I guess in the ever ambiguous definitions of what half-plate is in d&d I suppose landsknecht armor would probably fit pretty well for that
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time-slink · 1 year
How do you go about composition? Especially with color values.
I'm constantly struggling with this and i KNOW the answer is mainly practice but it can't hurt to have more perspectives
definitely still learning this one myself! but here’s some earlier iterations of my zine piece a bit back, if that helps! it’s much easier to start in bnw so you don’t get overwhelmed.
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and then some annotation of one of my favorite works of art on this blog! (rewriting it under the cut if you can’t read my handwriting)
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in short, i'd say go into the drawing with an idea of where you want the viewers eye to go first, then base your color and value choices around that. this is also something to think about in the sketch phase! like above, both his arms and his leading leg point towards his face, the main focal point :)
one: first focus; most detail
fur points towards the face at its lightest
two: second focus, high contrast very saturated
now that your eyes are down here, three: the axe
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oh2e · 5 months
The way The Thick of It jokes about Hugh Abbot (Chris Langham), Huw Edwards and Philip Schofield and I, here in 2024, sit knowing things they do not
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donuts4evry1 · 1 month
After reading through Dungeon meshi and reading + watching content about Kui’s character design, I realized something (as I’m sure many other artists did):
My own character designs, while interesting enough, didn’t really properly reflect the character. And in my case, they didn’t really properly reflect animals I was basing them off of.
For body types, the only thing that separated my characters was height. Legs and arms stayed the same, stomach and cleavage were relatively flat. My style is mostly simple, but if I truly want to do the jellies justice and give them good gijinkas, I need to do more. (I could also work on my facial features, but I still haven’t grown out of the button nose yet. Haha. For the record, though, I do have somewhat varied eye shapes and styles thanks to Mairuma-kun. Yay!)
If you see me retroactively redesigning characters to reflect this… oops. I’m realizing it might’ve been a bit of a mistake for me to post about all my characters so early in development (especially when I had no Idea what I was doing), but I guess it’s not a bad thing to document the design process.
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Was Kaeya and Diluc’s whole Confrontation before or after he left the Knights? Bc if it took place AFTER…
It wouldn’t have been fire from Diluc’s Vision that hurt Kaeya, now would it?
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Bc according to the manhwa; Luc left his Vision as his resignation#//And allogenes without their Visons can’t use their respective elements#//So then#//It would have been the DELUSION’s fire that hurt Kae. Not DILUC’s#//Idk; good concept; I’m pretty sure Kae’s Vision story contradicts it tho#//But then it WOULD make sense why Luc was so quick to draw his blade and fight him over his truth#//Instead of hearing him out and trusting him; considering how close they were said to have been#//‘like twins’ they were said to be#//I do like this idea ngl#//WAIT WAIT#//THAT WOULD ALSO EXPLAIN WHY KAE WAS SO QUICK TO BLAME LUC FOR COLLEI’S FIRE CRIMES#//BC HE RECOGNIZED THE DELUSION’S FIRE#//I don’t think he actually SAW Crepus use it#//So either he could be operating on what he read in Luc’s discarded account of the incident#//Or he somehow SAW the flames firsthand to suspect Luc of all people FIRST#//Bc when he threw the accusations; Luc didn’t have his Vision back yet; so WHY accuse him of a fire crime otherwise#//Idk maybe I’m thinking too hard abt nothing lmao#//But it’s still a good plot bunny!#//Prolly also would make sense why Kae still wants to stick around him and not hold a grudge over the Confrontation either#//Bc Luc wouldn’t have been in his right mind; having the Delusion on him. the thing could have seriously messed with his emotional state#hc; kaeya#hc; diluc#//Canon between my muses on here; can vary for respective counterparts
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
what do you think of 'grasp' so far
like that Pridebaru fic where he gets kidnapped by Reinhard
ooh this is an interesting question… anon im curious as to why you asked me HAH but i suppose im flattered!!! very grateful to have the chance to speak my Opinions… (warning this is gonna be kinda long i have a lot to say 😅 i put it under the read more!!)
i really like grasp!! pride if reinsuba seems to be pretty popular in this fandom (which im guessing is because reinhard and pridebaru are both like. powerful in their own ways. and they have the most feral relationship out of any version of reinsuba) and tbh i eat up any pride if reinsuba content every time. i enjoy their dynamic and i like seeing the different takes people have on it!! grasp is particularly fun for me in that iirc there isnt really much fics specifically about reinhard capturing pride, plus reinhard’s characterization here is super interesting. grasp emphasizes how much reinhard genuinely cares about subaru and also emphasizes reinhard’s softness—even as hes. you know, kidnapping pride, imprisoning him, gaslighting, etc etc. and grasp’s reinhard is Specifically most likely from the main route, judging from the events he describes. i love seeing darker versions of reinhard in general, and i suppose it’s unique to see a reinhard from the main route act like this. though i will say that reinhard in like ch6 does say he doesnt “give a fuck” iirc which. im sorry i cant imagine reinhard saying that 😭😭 but i do like the addition of him going fuck you to the literal council though!!
on the other hand, though, i feel like grasp’s pridebaru characterization isnt sharp enough for my personal taste. like i know grasp’s pridebaru is still like not that far into pride if—like he was whisked away right before he killed petelgeuse. but at this point i still feel that like. hes jaded and accustomed to violence and i feel like he would be A Lot More Pissed Off in this situation (being imprisoned by reinhard of all people). like the way i see pridebaru, he very much Is Pride, you know? hes stubborn as hell and he wants to be in control and Powerful at all times and he LOATHES reinhard specifically for his power and heroism. i just feel like that even while pride is afraid of reinhard here for knowing personal shit about him + insisting that main route events happened (ie subaru being close with emilia, saving the day, etc etc), i still feel like prides gonna like double down and do Everything he can to make this difficult in any way for reinhard. like i feel like to pride, hearing reinhard talk about this other version of events is like. prides like hearing about basically some other version of himself, which probably sounds like hearing about a literal stranger to him bc Why would he even be friends with reinhard. itd sound totally alien to pride. but this is like, all my personal opinion and i mean no disrespect!! that and 95% of my personal taste in fiction is like composed of the most unhinged things, meaning that my general (kind of biased) consensus with most ifbarus is that you might as well write them to be as insane as possible T^T so take my opinion with a grain of salt maybe, i suppose!
but anyway that aside thats just a very long explanation of basically saying while grasp’s pridebaru take isnt a personal favorite of mine, i do really really enjoy the fic and seeing reinsuba shenanigans happen in it!! and ill definitely be tuning in for each update whenever i get the chance :o
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soulsxng · 10 months
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"Would you care if people had sex at one of your places of worship, Melo? Since Heaven is usually seen as being full of prudes, what do you have to say to that, as their God of Divinity?"
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"I don't really have any places of worship these days, but I suppose I wouldn't have really cared, as long as they didn't make a mess of things. If it were one of my followers or disciples, that is. Even a friend or something."
"Someone random? I think I would be amused, but if it went on for too long, it would get old. Sort of a similar feeling to when you stay somewhere, and the couple in the next room is having sex while you're trying to sleep or something. I'd probably think something along the lines of 'hurry up and get on with it, or go home if you want to make a night of it', you know? And if they didn't leave, then I would mess with them until they left. If they get to have their fun, then I get to have mine; it's only fair."
"I do think I see the appeal though. Like having sex with the follower of another deity; sorry, but tonight I'll have them praising my name. They'll be worshipping me, not you."
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"As always, you have impeccable taste. Same sort of mood as when you're fucking a ruler or something like that."
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"Oh, I know exactly what you mean!"
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yellow-faerie · 3 months
In typical fashion for me, I have fallen into AU hell for Doctor Who and I am really living it up over here
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yardsards · 4 months
local man forced to think about their father: one dead, countless injured.
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brood-mother · 6 months
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i'm finally in the prague arc of the monster anime and every time tenma comes back on screen i feel like i'm recreating that "pushes aside the cute sheep to see the even cuter lamb again" simpsons meme with him and grimmer
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