#but it actually took my knees out
lemongogo · 1 year
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i dont think im gna finish this but vol.13 elendira means everything 2 me 🤭
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
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skeppy who?
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reel-fear · 2 months
Hey if anyone wants to check out Moving Pictures Redrawn [a fan-made remake of the first chapter of BATIM that Mike n Meatly may have ordered to be taken down? It's unsure at the moment] Guess who downloaded a copy before they did that~
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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it's ALISON!
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mumblesplash · 9 months
absolutely had it with 'skeletal structure'. "oh your joints are stuck like that now they're fused there's nothing to be done your ankle dorsiflexion is stuck under 10 degrees forever" "you can't change the angle of your knee joint" yeah well that's what you think. i can and will make my legs whatever shape i want. bones are a choice
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elizabethrobertajones · 10 months
I'm actually kind of mad after wearing a knee brace (with patella support!) for 2 days because I just went down for breakfast not wearing it and my kneecap was wobbling loosely in its socket like it's done for years and I could FEEL how wrong it was and just had the biggest "you LIVE like this??!" moment and now i GUESS I am wearing a knee brace every time I go near stairs forever because it turns out it's not ideal if parts of your body have their own plans for every joint movement.
Mobility aids <3
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runefactorynonsense · 7 months
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Cozytober - Day 26 - Catnap
#Cozytober#Margot's RF Art#rune factory#rf1#rf#This sketch was actually done back on June 6th of this year. I was knee deep in my Seattle vacation planning/stress and never finished it--#I think I'd just found Home Run Derby tickets finally?? Or not long after that. And I was still scared to death I was making a mistake.#Silly past Margot! It was the best day of your life!#So I remember I did this sketch as just general human pose practice after someone else did the 'tree nap' pose of their OCs.#And so I grabbed it for today's prompt because!! I still liked how the anatomy turned out!#Context my brain goes with;#if I subscribe to the 'Raguna on the run from the Empire' theory then I strongly lean toward the Lynette pairing.#Safe life in Kardia- doesn't feel like the right context most of the time. Not bad. Just. Not as interesting a story.#On the run- This feels like just... a smart choice. Group up once those Empire targeting efforts escalate.#Perhaps he has to deal with the painful compromise and necessity of her lethality because he might be more likely to survive#And he WANTS to survive#AKA- if you can escape. Escape. He's good at it. But if the situation comes down to it.... Lynette can make sure who walks out.#And to reverse the pov- maybe a bit of atonement on her part? All the blood is only on her hands. She'll keep it that way. Let her do that.#He shouldn't have to. It's all her fault anyway.#Also please laugh at me as it took me half an hour to remember the word COMPROMISE. I was so mad.#Rune Factory Raguna#RF Raguna#Rune Factory Lynette#RF Lynette#another ship tag to fill#Raguna x Lynette
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Peeked at twitter again unfortunately, and apparently people are mad that this week's seasonal story update was shorter? Literally it's a season that launches with the expansion. Every single one of those was smaller and lighter on the content.
Personally, I am enjoying that this season's storyline isn't too demanding. Clearly I love when we get a lot of lore, and we still get the usual initial dialogues, a lot of new weekly mission dialogues, ending dialogues and radio message + 2 lore pages. I have so much shit to do with Lightfall AND the exotic mission launched today which added so much new stuff to do so I was super glad that I was done with the weekly story in like 20 minutes.
Obviously the story was shorter due to the exotic mission launching alongside it. This seasonal story is also shorter in general, with only 6 weeks (6 lore pages to earn) which I am honestly relieved about because there's so much Lightfall content that I'm barely catching up with and there's the pinnacle grind that's kicking my ass because I don't want to die in every activity because an enemy looked at me. I get so overwhelmed with content when an expansion launches and there's also seasonal content. Sometimes I wish we got no season with the expansion.
So many people want things to slow down a little because we simply do not have time to grind 24/7, but then there's strange people who want a weekly update to require 6 hours of investement I guess. And of course everything in those 6 hours has to be brand new content, never before seen. If I see a single blade of grass that has been used as texture before, then Bungie is lazy. Obviously. /s
The only legitimate problem with this setup is for people who didn't get the expansion and only have the season. Their season is then not the exact same quantity as others. But it's never those people that make these complaints.
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 days
defeated laxasia 😭
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hussyknee · 1 year
hi! would you happen to know any communities (tumblr, discored, something along those lines) for people with autoimmune disorders? not like a i hope we all get better toxic positivity thing because we arent going to get better and neither a place that kinda sends you into a spiral ig? i'm looking for a community where i would be able to share my struggles with people, listen to theirs, and ultimately just exchange tips on how to make life better for ourselves.
Hi. I just usually followed the #chronic illness, #ableism, #cripplepunk, #disability, #spoonie tags and also @thebibliosphere and @naamahdarling. @compassionatereminders is a general sort of positivity blog by a disabled person, I also follow @cbspoons
To be honest, nearly all my mutuals are disabled and mentally ill in some way so I've never felt the need to go out and actually find anybody? 🤔 I've stopped actively following the disability tags on here a while ago because I was so angry and depressed that seeing other disabled people in the same boat started to depress me more. And if I want info on something specific I just search the tag on here. Goldmine of info I swear.
If you want information however, you really can't beat Disability Twitter. It hasn't gone anywhere, Muskapocalypse notwithstanding, and it's been a huge convergence point for information sharing and advocacy for Long Covid in the West. Iman Barbarin would be your starting point, she's @crutchesandspice on Tumblr but more active on Twitter. The Fat Doctor is also an essential follow (except their tweets are protected so they have to approve your follow request) and so is Kivan Bay. Honestly there's a huuuge overlap between Trans Twitter, Fat Liberation and Disability Twitter because they all come under the disability justice umbrella. Downside as always is that it's all very US-UK-focused.
You can follow me too if you like (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, chronic fatigue, arthritis, bipolar, salad bar of mental illness), but fair warning, I am extremely suicidally depressed rn, even though I've been getting a lot of help finally. I put all my downspirals under a cut and tag the shit out of those posts, but this blog might not be the best for your own mental health just fyi. 😬
Followers feel free to add any blogs you can think of!
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see there’s kinda an issue with the doctors being named after the actor because hurt’s and martin’s doctors already have alternate names without a number plus then you have to use numbers anyway for tennant’s 3 doctors
I mean, I think the war and fugitive doctors having those unique names isn't necessarily an argument against just using the actor names, necessarily. I think it is v polite of them to fit into the catalogue of doctors without fucking up the numbering of the doctors.
Whereas if you consider stolen earth tennant doctor and journey's end doctor to be 2 separate doctors, well then you're just causing problems on purpose, aren't you,
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nexus-nebulae · 2 months
brrrrr (/pos)
#weight talk#<- just in case even though this is pos#but like. okay ive been. SEVERELY underweight all my life#like i looked like a skeleton you could see all my bones it was AWFUL#i just. I've literally always hated looking like that i hated looking like a walking corpse i mean i looked ILL#but recently i started taking remeron for anxiety#partially bc my anxiety keeps causing me to not eat properly bc i feel sick constantly#so i kept ending up in the ER for malnutrition and dehydration and my liver getting messed up#well i started the remeron for the panic attacks bc daily panic attacks suck but the psych mentioned it could increase appetite#and it???? did????? I'm eating on a slightly more regular schedule???? I'm eating more than once a day????#and like. ok I've always weighed like 100lbs#highest i ever got was 111 when i was 16#and then it dropped 10#and then dropped 10 more in the span of 3 months while i was in and out of ER#and i was genuinely starting to panic over it bc i could PHYSICALLY FEEL my muscles getting eaten bc i had no fat left#like i was getting drastically weaker by the day my knees still won't stop buckling#but in the about three months I've been taking those meds I've. gained 10 back#I'm actually gaining weight like me and my mother are genuinely SHOCKED this genuinely hasn't happened since i was fucking TWELVE#and just now i took off my shirt and noticed. holy shit. my stomach doesn't go CONCAVE when I'm hungry anymore#like whenever i couldn't tell if i was hungry before i would just look at my stomach and be able to tell if it was too curved inwards#but now!!!!!!! it doesn't do that!!!!!!! and I'm genuinely fucking ecstatic like oh my god i don't look dead anymore#I've always wanted to gain weight i feel like i would be 100% more comfortable in my body as a fat trans man#and i can't talk about that to anyone bc they always say it's either self harm or fetishistic#when no i just genuinely feel more comfortable in my skin thinking of myself that way#and now i have confirmation that i would genuinely be happier that way with this bc the sheer joy i have at not being underweight anymore#i mean I'm still a bit under but at least im gaining SOMETHING like at least i dont look like a drowned street cat#seeing the very slight rolls and folds in my stomach when i move the right way makes me happy
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drunktuesdays · 2 years
Lea! We have never interacted but I first found your blog during the Teen Wolf days - loved your fics 😍 - and your blogging voice is peak humor to me. No matter that we haven't shared a fandom since then; I can't imagine how e.g. actually watching wrestling could bring me half the joy that I experience from chortling ignorantly over your posts. Anyway, last week I came across this whiteboard in an elementary-school hallway. I thought of you immediately and I'm still perplexed over what it could mean... No need to answer this ask; I just wanted to finally say hi and share my confusion with you! ❤️
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THIS MESSAGE HAS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LAID ME OUT. first of all thank u very very very much for sticking around and finding my blog funny despite everything. but what is going on with this white board????
one of your elementary school teachers left a problem up as a little test for anyone brave enough to accept the challenge. a young brilliant and directionless janitor passed by it and said live audition? buff men? bald shaved heads? PAPER TOWELS????
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IT MUST BE auditioning pro wrestlers.
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mycological-mariner · 8 months
All the fun hobbies require me to be in some kind of physical pain, I just wanna wave swords around in peace, man, not sit out when my heart isn’t pumping or just push through when my knee is screaming. Madness I say.
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falderaletcetera · 1 year
was anyone going to tell me that benoit blanc was the originator of "compels me though" or did I just have to see that in the film myself
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nellectronic · 8 months
i don’t want to do this i don’t want to do this i don’t w
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