#c: karen pierce
nerds-yearbook · 8 months
A cyborg named Garth A7 from the year 2087 travelled back in time to the year 1966 in an attempt to prevent Professor Sigmund Marx from revealing a discovery that made mind control possible and thus the horrible future Garth came from. Garth was not the only time traveling cyborg as two Tracers followed him back in time as well guided by a homing device inside Garth ("Cyborg 2087", flm)
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tiniedemon · 1 year
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god is a woman, and so is death
kenny mccormick / fem!death!reader
cw | death, vivid descriptions of death, su!c!de, mentions of nsfw situations
kenny mccormick died every day. he’d died every day since he turned three, in gruesome and painful ways. you couldn’t help but feel bad each time you came to reap his soul. he would cry every time, mourn his own death, mourn the following day, because he knew he’d wake up. the crying continued into his teen years, when he’d overdose in a bathroom, or drink himself to death. kenny wasn’t scared of death, rather beaten down by the lifetime of resurrection he was cursed to.
his eighteenth birthday had rolled around, and he’d spent it alone. you had a habit of checking in on him even with your list of souls piling up. one major perk of being death itself was the ability to be in multiple places at once. the biggest downfall was being unable to talk to your dear kenny unless he was dead or on the brink of it.
he was sad, his head leaned against the wall, his lips pouted and cheeks streaked with tears. you felt bad for him. he’d had a falling out with his friends once his drug habits had started at fourteen, and he’d spent every birthday alone since then. your heart, the metaphorical one you wished you had, hurt for him. kenny was lonely, and that saddened you.
a bottle of prescription sleep medication laid beside him in the bed, half the bottle emptied on the sheets and the other half digesting in his stomach. you knew he’d soon pass, as it had been nearly an hour since he’d taken them. through the fog of the distanced planes, you could hear the muffled screaming of his parents’ intoxicated fighting.
you reaped his soul for the millionth night, and held him within your cold grasp as he mourned. he mourned not for himself, but for the friends he’d hurt. you could sense it within him, that he was desperate to change.
his nineteenth birthday rolled around 365 deaths later, and yet again, he spent it alone. he’d briefly hung out with his sister, relished in her company, but she was understandably desperate to be away from the abusive household she was raised in. this left kenny on his own, a gun in his hand. he’d grown his hair out, pierced his face, given himself a dozen tattoos. you had to admit, he was truly growing into himself.
you reaped his soul as a gunshot echoed in his childhood home. he was understandably sad, but not for himself.
“can you take me to karen?” he asked meekly, a sad smile on his face. you obliged, fizzling out of your current location in favor of one across town. karen was peacefully asleep in a friend’s bed, freshly showered and well fed.
“she looks well,” you spoke to your blonde accomplice, smiling in his direction. he cast you a glance, a smile, and tilted his head back.
“yeah, she does,” he whispered, and took a seat on the floor. you followed suit, laying your scythe at your feet. kenny eyed it with curiosity, you could see his stare from the corner of your eye.
“you can touch it,” you murmured, shifting it closer to him. “it won’t really harm you since you’re dead.”
kenny was hesitant, his transparent hand halting just above the blade. you watched him with a soft smile, resting your head against your hand, your elbow propped against your covered thigh. his fingers touched the blade, caressed it gently, admiring the shimmer and the texture. you could feel it prickling in the core of your chest, your very soul touched by your favored spirit.
the clock struck midnight, and your partner fizzled away, destined for a repaired body and a new death.
kenny died earlier the following day, his body crushed by a semi after he’d stepped into traffic. you reaped his soul with a smile, for you knew you’d have more time with your new companion.
“you’re back early,” you mused. he sighed, looking at his mangled body in the freeway. his eyes jumped to you, a slight smile on his face.
“i wanted the company,” he responded easily. you sighed, shaking your head, your hood rippling with the motion.
“you don’t have to kill yourself just to talk to me,” you muttered, sitting on the side of the freeway. kenny sat beside you, hand falling to rest on the blade of your scythe. your soul sang, the skin of your chosen body prickling with the sensation. kenny took notice of the shiver coursing through you, his eyebrows furrowing over his blue eyes.
“you’re shivering. can you feel temperature?” he asked. his fingers caressed your soul, a sickly sweet feeling. it had been centuries since a spirit had felt confident enough to befriend you, let alone touch the direct manifestation of your being. you’d forgotten how euphoric it was, having such a close relationship with someone. you could feel pieces of yourself embedding themself within him, small particles shifting from the blade of your scythe to the skin of his transparent fingers.
“no. we primordial deities aren’t capable of feeling earthly sensations,” you explained. you were a tad embarrassed to confess the reason for your actions, deciding to withhold information unless asked of you.
“do you have a body?” kenny asked, sinking to lay on the grassy ground. you nodded, longing rolling over your body as the contact left your soul tie. you lay beside him, legs crossed over one another, one hand resting behind your head.
“we choose our bodies. most of the time, death chooses something daunting and scary, but since the retirement of our last reaper, i got to step in. i’m quite a big fan of the mortal body, so i chose to look like one of you,” you responded. he hummed, head shifting to look at you. you glanced back at him, the curiosity in his gaze amusing you.
“can i see?” he asked. you chuckled, shifting your hood back from your head. your hair pooled in the grass beneath your head, your skin prickling under the light of the earthly sun. it had been decades since you’d last felt the sensation, and you hadn’t realized how much you’d missed it.
“woah,” kenny breathed, his blue eyes wide. you chuckled, watching as his hand crept closer to your face. “and that’s, like, a real body?”
“yeah, it’s just like yours. flesh, but no blood, unfortunately,” you chuckled. he breathed out in astonishment, fingertips tracing your face.
“you don’t have organs?” he asked. you shook your head with a grin, grasping his hand in your own. he hissed, pulling it back with a shocked expression on his face. “you’re so cold.”
“we don’t have blood to keep our bodies warm. it sucks. we’re basically corpses.”
“that doesn’t sound enjoyable. you can’t, like, choose to have organs and stuff?” you hummed, a thoughtful look on your face. you hadn’t considered the possibility of organs, but you could look into it. the idea of becoming more human piqued your interest.
“i suppose i could look into it. maybe i could pick something other than this cloak while i’m at it. it’s too heavy.” kenny chuckled, a smile crinkling his eyes.
“i can’t imagine it would be light. it’s a thick ass cloak.” you nodded along, a smile on your face.
the next time you reaped him was nearly a week later. he’d taken your words into consideration, and hadn’t resorted to suicide for his next visit. he’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and a window unit had fallen out of a three story apartment building and killed him.
“i didn’t kill myself this time,” he spoke proudly as your form came into view. you rolled your eyes, smacking him upside the head.
“yeah, but you still died, dummy. be more careful,” you scolded. he scoffed, arms crossed over his chest.
“how the hell was i supposed to predict that?” he whined. you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose between two fingers. “you got an outfit change?”
your head snapped up, a smile on your lips at the subject change. you flaunted your outfit, twirling in place, scythe secured in your hand. you’d chosen a plain pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve top, feet cushioned by a pair of simple black boots. you’d tried your hardest to mimic the appearance of modern women, but you didn’t exactly have access to pop culture trends.
“yeah! what do you think?” you inquired. you were hopeful that he’d like it, for a reason you couldn’t quite place. you were quite fond of him, possibly even stretching to a deep love. especially with the recent development in your closeness, with his soul directly tied to yours. you couldn’t help but care for him.
“you look hot,” he blurted. you were bashful in the face of his compliment. you would’ve blushed if you only had the blood for it. coming from an attractive being, the compliment meant a lot more to you.
“thank you. i quite like it. it’s very light and airy,” you spoke. he chuckled as he took a seat on the steps of the apartment building. you sunk down beside him, scythe resting on both your thighs and his.
“do you have, like, a house?” he asked. you mulled it over, then nodded. it wasn’t necessarily a house like something a human lived in. it was more of a decorative office you used only when kenny was living. you explained as much to the blonde spirit, who was eager to see it.
your bodies materialized in your home office, the walls shimmering a bright white, casting a faint glow over the space. multiple beanbag chairs were scattered across the room, a globe covered in red dots displayed on a dark wood desk. a decorative guitar hung on one of the shining walls, along with a signed elvis poster. a tall bookcase towered in a corner, adorned with books you’d collected from the mortal world over the course of centuries.
“this place is dope as fuck,” kenny spoke as he circled the room, admiring all of the knick knacks and wall decorations you had stolen over the years.
“this is usually where i am if i’m not watching over you,” you spoke as you sat in one of your many beanbag chairs. kenny shot you a cheeky smile, mischief glowing in his eyes.
“you watch over me?” he asked suggestively waggling his eyebrows. you rolled your eyes and held your hand out, throwing the pillow that materialized at his head. he scowled at you, but continued his scope of the room.
“it’s not like that, dummy. though i have shown up in the middle of quite a few… unideal situations. it’s scarring, you know,” you huffed. kenny smirked at you again, wiggling his eyebrows as he approached.
“so you’ve seen my dick then,” he spoke. you rolled your eyes again, setting your scythe in his lap as he plopped down in one of your beanbag chairs.
“quite a few times. you were really frisky as a teenager,” you sighed, cringing at the memories. “how do you even do it that often? isn’t procreation, like, a once every few weeks type of thing?”
kenny snorted, his head tossed back with laughter. you were a bit embarrassed about your lack of knowledge, but in your defense, you didn’t have nineteen years of earthly life experience to go off of.
“no, god no. it’s nothing like that. it’s more of whenever you get the urge. like, multiple times a day even,” he spoke through chortling laughter. you hummed, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
“i don’t think i like the sound of that, actually. it sounds painful. i’ve reaped hundreds of souls who have died from it,” you mumbled. kenny broke out into laughter again, rolling off the beanbag chair, holding his stomach.
“were they old?” he asked. you nodded with a frown. what did age have to do with anything? apparently a lot, because he laughed somehow harder on the floor.
“oh my fucking god. they had heart attacks,” he exclaimed. “old people can’t handle sex the same way young people can.”
“so they didn’t die from the sex itself?” you asked, brows crinkled with confusion. kenny had hoisted himself back into his chair and was gulping in deep breaths to calm himself. he shook his head with an amused grin, eyes twinkling.
“no, babe. they didn’t die from sex. they died because they’re weak and already almost dead.” you were bashful again, his use of pet names leaving you a tad embarrassed. was this how humans felt around people they cared for? you hated it quite a bit.
“i guess that makes sense,” you mumbled.
“what do all the dots on the globe mean? are they people who died?” you nodded, shivering as kenny’s elbow brushed over your scythe’s blade.
“those are souls i need to collect. i’m constantly collecting souls, even when i’m physically with you. i’m always in hundreds of places at one time.”
“you always shiver when i touch your reaper thingy. why’s that?” you hesitated on answering. it was embarrassing, the fact that he was basically stroking your soul every time he touched it, but you did promise yourself you’d tell him. you sighed before you answered.
“the blade is an extension of my soul. the only way to reap a soul is with another soul, so every reaper is equipped with their own soul scythe.” kenny hummed, his fingers tracing the wooden staff of your tool.
“so when i touch your scythe, it’s like i’m touching your soul, or something?” you nodded with a slight cringe, shifting in your seat.
“pretty much, yeah. it’s an odd feeling, one i haven’t had in centuries. it’s like, if someone touched your intestines through your skin. it’s pleasant, just strange.”
kenny hummed again, mischief in his eyes as he brushed his fingers over your soul blade. you shivered, nose crinkling. he chuckled amusedly, letting his palm rest against the metal. you swatted at his arm, feeling the intrusive caress deep within you. it was almost nausea inducing. if you had organs, you’d most likely be sick.
“i wish you’d stop doing that. next time you die, i won’t reap you.”
you were lying of course. the next time kenny died you were already there, a black skirt brushing your ankles and a tight top hugging your chest. kenny whistled upon seeing you, looking you up and down with a smirk.
“you look fine as fuck today, babe,” he hummed, hand tentatively placing itself against your cheek. you’d be blushing if you could, due to the pure bashfulness you felt.
“i thought you might like a skirt,” you muttered, embarrassed. you could feel metaphorical butterflies floating in your nonexistent stomach. seriously, was this how humans felt? you couldn’t imagine feeling this way for your entire life.
“i do love skirts,” he mused, once again looking you up and down. you smiled slightly, awkwardly shifting in place.
“you’re quite the flirt, kenneth. while i do enjoy it, i would also prefer if you didn’t make me feel nauseous all the time.” kenny grinned, smug, his eyes twinkling with delight. his hand came down upon your scythe blade, wrapping around it, drawing a violent gasp from you.
the sensation was similar to being rammed into a wall, the aftermath more along the lines of someone directly touching a nerve. you were shaking, your body weakening due to both the bittersweet caress and the edge of pain overshadowing it. you were shaking so much, in fact, that your knees were beginning to buckle beneath you.
“that was kind of hot,” kenny muttered, swiftly slipping his arm around your waist, supporting your entire body weight against him as he released your scythe. “sorry about that. just testing things.”
“don’t you ever fucking do that again,” you hissed, punching him once in the chest. your tool fell to the ground with a loud clang, ricocheting before coming to a complete rest. kenny wore a guilty smile, turned suggestive as he noted the position the two of you were arranged in.
“i’d do it every day if it meant i got to hold you like this,” he drawled, arm tightening around your midsection. you scowled at him, found your footing again, and rested a palm flat on his chest.
“you do realize i am death itself, right? you shouldn’t flirt with a deity,” you scolded, though it was only half hearted. you were ashamed to admit it, but you did quite like it when he touched you. it was comforting, feeling the warm touch of someone recently departed from life.
“i wouldn’t flirt with death if death wasn’t so beautiful,” he shot back, a crooked grin on his face. you huffed, relaxing within his grasp, a smile creeping onto your face.
“i’m pretty sure it’s listed in the handbook somewhere that i’m, like, not allowed to fall in love with my souls,” you murmured. “i’ve never been a rule breaker before, but if you keep up with this whole romance thing, i might just become one.” kenny’s eyebrow shot up, his nose mere inches from yours as his eyes jumped between your lips and your eyes.
“you’d break the rules for little old me?” you froze, wide eyes locked on his darting gaze, hand fisting in the loose band t shirt he wore when he died.
“this is so wrong on so many levels.” you could barely speak around the shock in your body, unconsciously leaning towards him. “i can’t be with you, but god, do i want to.”
he kissed you then, the warmth of his soul touching your lips. he tasted sweet, all his life memories flooding into your brain at the touch of his lips to yours. that was new. you didn’t know it was possible to see a human’s memories, but here you were, seeing the world through kenny’s eyes, feeling every emotion he’d ever felt.
it was overwhelming, your knees buckling yet again, your body held up by kenny’s ghostly arms. he kissed you like his life depended on it, like he’d never kiss you again. you were desperately chasing the movements of his lips, filling slowly with every moment of his life, every death and every minute he’d spent with you. he thought so strongly of you, every memory related to you hitting you harder than any other.
“be mine,” he breathed against your lips, hand trapping your head by the back of your neck. “i don’t care what you are, i want you to be mine.”
“okay,” you agreed in a shrill voice, pulling him in for another desperate kiss. you ached for him, yearned for him, in every way you never thought you could.
you knew one day he’d die, and he’d stay dead, and once that day arrived, you’d retire and disappear into the void. but for now, you’d kiss him, and you’d love him, as deeply as your metaphorical heart would allow.
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Okay okay so I’m not sure if anyone’s asked this but do you have any cool facts/headcannons about the characters that you’d like to share?
hmm idk if you mean them in general or the DPau specifics? assuming it's my main au but if not just tell :D
every piercing the characters have? you can assume kenny made them and you'll almost surely be right XD
butters and stan were in the goths at the same time at one point :3
ike joined the goths like a month after stan left them, tricia and karen literally dragged him out of there ("stop corrupting our computer nerd you assholes!")
firkle still hangs out with TaTI (tricia and those idiots) even after that XD
butters craig and kenny = autistic communication
bebe = straightest-looking lesbian queen
wendy = aroace icon
plural cartman canon ( @richierambles your fucking cult 😔 /aff )
carol (paraguayan) and laura (peruvian) used to share tea in spanish when their kids were little, due to this craig and kenny had playdates often :) this eventually stopped tho :(
timmy gets an AAC on his teens and he's suddenly one of the kids who cuss more in the whole school (slay)
he gets in trouble with PC principal for saying the c and r slurs (timmy like ".-. dude u dumb fr")
most of the CD songs are sung by stan but butters has sung 3, jimmy 1 and kenny 2 :)
jimmy often helps with the lyrics but he doesn't like singing as much
ike plays baseball at some point
death-caused chronic pain kenny!!!
kenny likes drawing :3
butters and heidi being vent buddies (they both fucking hate cartman)
karen stealing kenny's parka when it doesn't fit anymore
late night calls between stan and kyle<3
actually stan just texting/calling kyle whenever he can't sleep
clyde becoming a bit insecure about his weight since when he's selected as the 2nd fattest kid in school
autistic craig
creek hanging out in a gap under the stairs at school when either of them gets overwhelmed
clyde venting to tweek about stuff (mainly his mom's death but a bit of everything) and tweek being surprisingly good at listening<3
jimmy being friends with literally everyone at school
nichole being the same (legally impossible to hate her<3) (inspired by my incredibly nichole-coded classmate)
tolkien, stan, red, wendy and craig play Brawl Stars because i say so :3
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leixo-demo · 1 year
which weapons do you think your splatbands faves would main? ^-^
I'll go around all existing bands (this is long af):
- Ichiya: Modified Eliter, this one was fabricated to pierce through salmonid shields, is enough powerful to create a hole in a wall. He doesn't use it anymore since he moved out to Haikara City
-Ikkan: Modified Dynamo, he got to learn how to modify weapons but they tend to be dangerous, he made ichiya's Eliter
-Namida: Blaster, she has an inner craziness that is limited throught out her terrible fear to deal with people
-Murasaki: Trislosher, wasa present given by Namida, even though he doesn't play them much he uses it
-Paruko: Can't play turf wars and doesn't enjoy them anyways
-Noiji: Clash blaster, 1) It's noisy 2) It's chaotic, enjoys to play only league with Raian
-Raian: Shooters, Brellas, He isn't big of a player but enjoys collecting old vintage weapons
-Shikaku: Can't play??? but watches the matches of Noiji and his best friend Raian
Hightide Era
-Taka: Nzap, he's terrible at playing but feels he looks cool posing with the weapon, however he's number 1 Kuze's fan (he's like a father to him)
-Nishida: He's too of a busy man to even show sny interest on it, he is also really supportive with Kuze
-Kuze: Slayer, Midliner, He's versatile with his weapons, he usually plays with .52 Gal or Nozzlenose. Despite his Drummer career, he won important matches and ended with his team on the top 100 leaderboard of the entire Country
Wet Floor
-Mizole: Wet Floor branded new inkbrush, yeah it's like a mop but acts the same as a normal inkbrush, his ink color is actually cyan
-Kagi: Bloblober, his skin tone doesn't allow him to enter in many matches tho
-Rayan: Wet Floor branded splat dualies, yes they have an entire set of wet floor weapons themed in cleaning products
-Tsumabushi, I think his species can swim in ink but,,, can't give him a weapon, he seems to like other stuff
-Kazami, Crabs can't play turf wars but find the new splatana wiper really cute
-Ryū-chang, Octobrush,his long lineage led him to use this one, as he says he loves his "big slappy". He also performs tradicional calligraphy with it
-Paul, Splattershot Jr, he now reached an age to play turf, he's actually learning how to play rainmaker
-Karla, Nobody expect Ryuu has seen her playing turf wars, that only time she was carrying a Hydra
-Taichi, Doesn't like to play at all, he thinks he looks all stupid with a tiny weapon on his fins
-Ikkan: Alredy mentioned him, he stopped playing any turf once he moved along with Ichiya to Haikara City. He feels and looks unconfortabled to play or watch it
-Warabi: Dapple Dualies, can't play and doesn't want to, he hates the fact his tentacles are malformed and makes it hard to swim straight (it's like joycon drift) besides he's too of a business man to even have the time to play silly games
Bottom Feeders
-Tangle: Can't play and seems to dislike it
-Fuka: He doesn't enjoy it neither
-Finn: Tetras Dualies, doesn't play neither but that's the only weapon they would use
-Blow: Splatlings, all types, he's the backliner of the group and the most violent one of the 3, he dedicates every victory to his wife and daughter
-Muruta: Can't play??
Ink Theory
-Mayaya: Can't play but im sure she wishes to decorate one
-Āchin: Can play but it's scared of it, she's gothic but terrible at handling turf weapons
-Yōko: Splosh-o-matic, we all know why, it looks like s trumpet
-Karen: Can't but admires Yōko playing
-Bibi: She would play if more weapons were gilded, Splash-o-matic and Golden Dynamo (rip)
-Kitamura: She has a dream to hold the heaviest weapons, she has the determination too
-Beika: little hater, rapid blaster and Carbon Rolelr
-Kikira: Doesn't play, but I'm sure she would be a Slayer
-Uotora: Ehem ehem, Tri-Stinger, Jet-Squelcher, Dualies Squelcher and Chargers, SHE IS BIG NERDY OF BANKARA TURF WARS AND GOES INSANE EVERY TIME THEY DROP A NEW KIT
-Dedf1sh: On her childhood Turf wars wasn't even a thing and once she became a Dj (at her 20ish) she was first introduced to it but never tried, she tried to play it with her bestie at the time but they couldn't swim straight...
-Clam 004, I don't think they can't fully swim cus of their shell like muruta ((But urchins can,,teheheh))
-Omega3: I don't even believe they would turn stuff like war like a game when they take it really religiously, they just do music dedicated to complete their food cycle culture
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francesderwent · 5 months
I read 32 new books this year, and will probably finish the 33rd this evening! and on top of that, I reread at least 34 books that I can remember (Modern Faerie Tales/Darkest Part of the Forest/FOTA, The Hero and the Crown, Scorpio Races, Scholomance, P&P, most of the Wimsey books, most of L&C, Assassin's Apprentice, Ronan of Rin, THG), for a grand total of 67!
new book list under the cut, books I would recommend marked with an asterisk:
*Royal Assassin, Robin Hobb Tempests and Slaughter, Tamora Pierce The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Suzanne Collins *Classic Scrapes, James Acaster *The Monsters We Defy, Leslye Penelope *Lord Peter Views the Body, Dorothy Sayers Arrows of the Queen, Mercedes Lackey *A Shilling for Candles, Josephine Tey *Busman’s Honeymoon, Dorothy Sayers Queen of Blood, Sarah Beth Durst Nine Liars, Maureen Johnson *The Mysterious Affair at Styles, *Murder on the Links, Agatha Christie Mistborn & The Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages, Brandon Sanderson Jennifer the Damned, Karen Ullo *Midnight for Charlie Bone, Jenny Nimmo *The Stolen Heir, Holly Black *The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne (Being an Account of Their Daring Exploits and Audacious Crimes), Jonathan Stroud Vespertine, Margaret Rogerson *Piranesi, Susanna Clarke *The Screaming Staircase, *The Whispering Skull, *The Hollow Boy, *The Creeping Shadow, & *The Empty Grave, Jonathan Stroud *Small Spaces, Katherine Arden *Anne of Windy Poplars, L.M. Montgomery *The Bodyguard, Katherine Center *Woodwalker, *Ashes to Fire, & Creatures of Light, Emily B. Martin
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luvliewriting · 1 year
could u write something where dutch is really into the reader but they’re not together and then he gets jealous
Did He Say Something To You?
Pairing: Dutch Van Der Linde x F!Reader, slight Josiah Trelawny x F!Reader
Warnings: groping, jealousy
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The outlaw girl was found outside of her tent with Mary-Beth and Karen getting ready for the party in Saint Denis that the camp was invited to by Josiah. Mary-Beth and Karen were talking about their dates while Y/N was pining their hair and touching up makeup, careful to not have any drop onto her dress. Mary-Beth had bought a blue one and Karen a red one. Y/N pulled on her shoes, feeling the butterflies in her stomach flutter and made her feel like she was gonna have to throw up.
Weeks before the party when they first got the invite, Y/N had received an ask to dance by the leader of the camp Dutch Van Der Linde. Of course she had accepted, not that it calmed her nerves at all. She was so nervous going with Dutch Van Der Linde, not that she knew why to be exact. They were friends and he doesn't like her the way that she likes him. At least that's what she thought.
Dutch wasn't sure how he felt about Y/N. He didn't wanna admit that he had feelings for Y/N but he knew she was his and no one else's. Dutch couldn't let another guy have her or touch her.
Y/N was pleased with her appearance so she grabbed her dagger in case and stuck it inside of her boot before exiting. She slowly moved over to where everyone else was around their horses laughing in their fancy entire. She spotted a tall boy wearing a suit and top hat, reading outside Dutch's tent. She knew it was her Dutch. Y/N walked up behind him and covered his eyes with her hands.
"If you'd like to surprise me then you'll have to try harder, Y/N," Dutch had a smirk on his face, "plus not many people would even dare to touch me."
"Aren't you no fun," Y/N playfully pouted while Dutch tucked the bookmark between the pages of his book and turned around to face his date. Dutch's eyes widened before a grin came to his face, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."
Dutch shook his head but was unable to remove his eyes off of her, "you look beautiful, m'lady."
"Thank you," she spoke with a blush creeping onto her face, "shall we get going?"
"Yes," Dutch agreed and held out an arm. Y/N held onto his arm, being led to the horses as he picked her up and placed her upon The Count, Y/N attempted a protest to ride her own horse but was dismissed. Dutch climbed up on The Count behind you, pulling on the reigns as the rest of the camp followed him to the Saint Denis party.
Dutch's chest vibrated with his laugh, she looked up at him, his piercing eyes having a calm demenor as they rode throughout the night, getting closer and closer to Saint Denis. A torch burning brightly held by Hosea who led the group. The group all rode in many silence, maybe a couple hushed comments or small talk but for the most, it was quiet and calm.
Dutch looked down at Y/N, a ghost of a smile came to his face as he watched her face taking in the surroundings and enjoy the silence. He chuckled, leaning his face down to whisper in her ear, "impressed are we?"
"Very," Y/N nodded her head before they finally entered Saint Denis, meeting up with Josiah who led them to where the party was happening.
At the building that the party was happening at, there was an empty area in the middle of the room where the party goers would be dancing. Dutch and Y/N joined the people dancing in the room, his hand on her waist and her hand on his shoulder, and their other hands clasped together as they began to move around. Y/N smiled at him, "only one dance Dutch."
Dutch chuckled, "I'm sure I can get more out of you."
"You'd be lucky," Y/N smirked up at her friend. Dutch stared into her bright e/c eyes seeing how the makeup she wore really made them pop. In Dutch's eyes, she was beautiful, the most beautiful girl he's ever seen; even prettier than Molly. Dutch never really fancied anyone before, sure he liked Molly for a bit but not the way he liked Y/N, it wa different and even then, he wasn't sure how he felt about her.
Dutch was used to the women throwing themselves at him, he was a handsome man and he knew so. But Y/N didn't throw herself at him, they were friends. But to fancy her? He didn't think it was possible. At least not until this moment when he saw her for the first time this night.
Once the band had finished, Y/N had tried to move but Dutch held her in place. Dutch smirked at her attempts to get away while Y/N grew frustrated, "Dutch I said one dance."
"And I said I'd be sure I could get more from you," Dutch's smirk only grew, hidden slightly by his mustache. He pulled her body closer to him, feeling her breath against his skin covered by his suit, "and I don't plan on letting you go till I'm ready to."
"Dutch," Y/N had whined making Dutch chuckle. She knew that Dutch was stubborn and would intend to keep his word, "I'm never gonna dance with you again!"
"You say that now, Y/N," Dutch replies smoothly.
Y/N scowled, "I intend on keeping this promise."
"It's not that awful," Dutch spins her around and brings her back into his chest, "I am, for once, enjoying myself."
"Only because I'm being tortured!" She groaned.
Dutch smirked, "that certainly does help."
Y/N sent Dutch a nasty look and he only sent her a charmed smile. Y/N couldn't recall ever seen Dutch smile so much, she found in captivating and she wished that he looked like this more. He didn't look like an evil person, he looked like every normal person and her dream.
"I'll go get us some drinks," Dutch tells her, leaving a gentle kiss against the back of her hand before dipping away to where the drinks were being served. Y/N wasn't left alone long however, Josiah Trelawny had come up and asked Y/N to dance. She had agreed after complitating whether she should or not. She had gone to the party with Dutch but it was just as friends.
Josiah was a good dancer, not as smooth as Dutch was though. Although she excused this with Josiah constantly looking around, almost in fear. "Who are you looking for?" Y/N asked.
"Dutch." Josiah answers honestly.
"Why are you acting so afraid of him?" Y/N asked.
"I'm not," Josiah scoffed.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "I beg to differ. Did he say something to you?"
Josiah shook his head, "no. Why do you ask?"
"Just asking," Y/N says before Josiah freezes at a voice behind him.
"Dancing with my date, Trelawny?" Dutch Van Der Linde came back. Josiah turned around and looked petrified, like he had looked into the eyes of a gorgon.
"Dutch," Y/N stepped forward and in front of Josiah, getting between the two men, "do you fancy going on a walk with me? Maybe outside to get some fresh air?"
Dutch stiffly nodded before she grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the grand party and Josiah. The cold night air of Saint Denis hit Y/N as she was wearing a dress outside on December 24th. Snow had covered the ground in a thin layer of white and a light snow fall was hitting the exposed skin on both of them. Dutch however, was fumming so much that he didn't ntoice how cold it was.
"Who does he think he is?" Dutch hissed out to himself in anger, Y/N looked at him confused but she couldn't get a word in as Dutch started to speak again, "does he not remember my words?"
"You did talk to him!" Y/N hissed in anger, "what did you say to him?"
Dutch looked at her. He didn't have time to think any of this through, to listen to his conscious. He pinned Y/N up against the wall of the party building, catching her off guard which earned a gasp from her lips. His hand snaked under her butt and to her thigh which he raised up till her leg was wrapped around his, pressing her body against his and the wall. Y/N looked up into the dark eyes of her friend, not sure of what to expect. But what he said next was certainly not what she was expecting.
"I told him that you were mine," Dutch spoke before pressing his lips against Y/N. Y/N found herself kissing back almost immediately even though she was surprised. She would've have ever imagined that Dutch had liked her back or had any feelings towards anyone. But here he was, kissing her, groping at her thigh, his top hat knocked to the ground by her hands meeting in his hair. Dutch pulled away and looked at his friend, "you're mine and no one can take you away."
Y/N was at a loss for words so she just stared into his eyes.
"Say it," Dutch rested his forehead against hers, "say that you're mine. Please, Y/N. Be mine?"
Y/N had a small smile on her face as she spoke, "I'm yours."
Thank you for reading and please reblog or comment as it really helps out my reach (likes are appreciated but aren't helpful)
Taglist: @margowritesthings @lay-z
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mint-berry-crunch · 11 months
Oh boy, OH BOY, where to start with this guy?
I think I'll start out with his appearance, then move on to his identity, likes, dislikes, and misc. shit.
But before we get into it, minor TW for mentions (slightly in-depth!) of bad home life, an eating disorder, and mental illnesses. It's the first thing under the cut; I put a ✨ when it's safe to read again.
Ok, so, I definitely hc Kenny as underweight, for more than one reason. One being obviously that his family is poor, and can't afford much food, but I also think that Kenny has an eating disorder. ARFID, to be specific. It's not to lose weight, either; I think it formed because Kenny would rather his little sister Karen get to eat more food than him. His parents are also CLEARLY abusive, it's stated and even outright shown. I think that one of their abusive punishments is withholding food when Kenny does something they perceive as "bad," or even just when he makes them mad.
Kenny, I believe, also has a slew of disorders, mostly from his traumatic life. I think he's got:
ADHD, AFRID, C-PTSD, DPDR, and Cotard's syndrome. The C-PTSD is self explanatory- his life is shit. And I already explained the ARFID. But as for the others, I believe he has: ADHD just based on the actions he takes in the show. DPDR, as a symptom of his C-PTSD, and coping mechanism to the trauma of dying over and over and over. Impossibilities aside, if that were to happen to someone in real life, they would likely have a VERY hard time with their sense of reality. Cotard's syndrome, I considered not listing. Because Kenny really DOES die. But after thinking about it, I DO think he has it. I think his DPDR causes him to not be able to tell if he is really alive, or if he has died yet again.
All the triggering stuff is out of the way now.
I think that Kenny has snake bites and an eyebrow piercing. He just gives those vibes, doesn't he? Like, come on, he TOTALLY has face piercings! Same with a mullet. Like, Kenny is THE most mullet-having mullet haver I've ever seen!! It's less of a "hillbilly country bumpkin" mullet, and more of a tik tok alt mullet, and it actually looks kinda good on him.
I also think he wear Hawaiian shirts under his parka. At first he didn't like them, not even wearing one when he went to Hawaii and just keeping his parka on, but after a little while, he realized that he loved button-up shirts, but that normal button-ups were to formal for him. His solution? Hawaiian shirts.
I think he's genderfluid. Genderfaunet, in specifically. He uses he/him/they pronouns. This is because he's almost always a boy, but is sometimes non-binary, so usually prefers he/him. He's straight and even when he's non-binary, he still calls himself straight. It's just a personal preference of his.
I think Kenny's intelligence is definitely above average. However, his strengths don't lie with schoolwork. Instead, he's better at real-life problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. I'd place his IQ at around 120, although he never got tested. His worst subject in school is math.
Some things he likes are: Rock music, the aquarium, dogs, "bad" weather, nature, sports, urban exploration, social media, cars, and video games.
Some dislikes are: Reading, drawing, writing, speaking (sometimes), school, and closed spaces.
When Kenny gets to be in high school, he works at a gas station with Stan and steals cigarettes from behind the register. Kenny's job as an adult is at Sea World.
Kenny has GOT to be my favorite character. He's funny, but can have serious story lines that you can take seriously, unlike, for example, Cartman. He's got some things about him that are very relatable to me and a lot of other people and he's just overall a great character!
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nem0c · 1 year
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Vietnam War - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, June 1968
Sourced from: http://natsmusic.net/articles_galaxy_magazine_viet_nam_war.htm
Transcript Below
We the undersigned believe the United States must remain in Vietnam to fulfill its responsibilities to the people of that country.
Karen K. Anderson, Poul Anderson, Harry Bates, Lloyd Biggle Jr., J. F. Bone, Leigh Brackett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Mario Brand, R. Bretnor, Frederic Brown, Doris Pitkin Buck, William R. Burkett Jr., Elinor Busby, F. M. Busby, John W. Campbell, Louis Charbonneau, Hal Clement, Compton Crook, Hank Davis, L. Sprague de Camp, Charles V. de Vet, William B. Ellern, Richard H. Eney, T. R. Fehrenbach, R. C. FitzPatrick, Daniel F. Galouye, Raymond Z. Gallun, Robert M. Green Jr., Frances T. Hall, Edmond Hamilton, Robert A. Heinlein, Joe L. Hensley, Paul G. Herkart, Dean C. Ing, Jay Kay Klein, David A. Kyle, R. A. Lafferty, Robert J. Leman, C. C. MacApp, Robert Mason, D. M. Melton, Norman Metcalf, P. Schuyler Miller, Sam Moskowitz, John Myers Myers, Larry Niven, Alan Nourse, Stuart Palmer, Gerald W. Page, Rachel Cosgrove Payes, Lawrence A. Perkins, Jerry E. Pournelle, Joe Poyer, E. Hoffmann Price, George W. Price, Alva Rogers, Fred Saberhagen, George O. Smith, W. E. Sprague, G. Harry Stine (Lee Correy), Dwight V. Swain, Thomas Burnett Swann, Albert Teichner, Theodore L. Thomas, Rena M. Vale, Jack Vance, Harl Vincent, Don Walsh Jr., Robert Moore Williams, Jack Williamson, Rosco E. Wright, Karl Würf.
We oppose the participation of the United States in the war in Vietnam.
Forrest J. Ackerman, Isaac Asimov, Peter S. Beagle, Jerome Bixby, James Blish, Anthony Boucher, Lyle G. Boyd, Ray Bradbury, Jonathan Brand, Stuart J. Byrne, Terry Carr, Carroll J. Clem, Ed M. Clinton, Theodore R. Cogswell, Arthur Jean Cox, Allan Danzig, Jon DeCles, Miriam Allen deFord, Samuel R. Delany, Lester del Rey, Philip K. Dick, Thomas M. Disch, Sonya Dorman, Larry Eisenberg, Harlan Ellison, Carol Emshwiller, Philip José Farmer, David E. Fisher, Ron Goulart, Joseph Green, Jim Harmon, Harry Harrison, H. H. Hollis, J. Hunter Holly, James D. Houston, Edward Jesby, Leo P. Kelley, Daniel Keyes, Virginia Kidd, Damon Knight, Allen Lang, March Laumer, Ursula K. LeGuin, Fritz Leiber, Irwin Lewis, A. M. Lightner, Robert A. W. Lowndes, Katherine MacLean, Barry Malzberg, Robert E. Margroff, Anne Marple, Ardrey Marshall, Bruce McAllister, Judith Merril, Robert P. Mills, Howard L. Morris, Kris Neville, Alexei Panshin, Emil Petaja, J. R. Pierce, Arthur Porges, Mack Reynolds, Gene Roddenberry, Joanna Russ, James Sallis, William Sambrot, Hans Stefan Santesson, J. W. Schutz, Robin Scott, Larry T. Shaw, John Shepley, T. L. Sherred, Robert Silverberg, Henry Slesar, Jerry Sohl, Norman Spinrad, Margaret St. Clair, Jacob Transue, Thurlow Weed, Kate Wilhelm, Richard Wilson, Donald A. Wollheim.
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sickz6mbie · 4 months
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Remember to give credits.
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Angela Mason - Supernatural
Alicia Marks/The Red Queen - RE: the final chapter
Anna - Mange (2012)
Annabel - Soul Survivors
Ava Wilson - Supernatural
Bela Talbot - Supernatural
Bettie Page - Bettie Page, Queen of The Nile
Bianca - Jane Wants A Boyfriend
Billy Hitchcock - Final Destination
Caroline Munro in DOTC
Castor Zuse - Tron: Legacy
Chrissy - Jay and Silent Bob, Strike Back
Clare Pierce (young) - Tiny Beautiful Things
Courtney Cox in Shameless
Crystal Romanowski - Small engine repair
Danielle - The New Guy
Daughter - I Am Mother
Dean Winchester in 15X14 - Supernatural
Debbie Hyatt - Saturday the 14th
Del Luccetti - Wayne
Duke Orsino (funny/clumsy scenes) - she's the man
Emily - Cherry (2021)
Gina - City by the Sea
Gina - MTV Downtown
Gretta James - Begin Again
Gwen Stacy (most scenes) - Spider-Man 3
Inès Kami - Disparu à Jamais
Jack - Rachel, Jack & Ashley Too
Jennifer - My First Mister
Jessie Burlingame - Wrong Turn
Junior - Junior (2011)
Justine (blood, crazy, sad scenes) - Grave/Raw (2016)
Justine - Titane
Karen Page (young scenes) - Daredevil
Katrina Clark - Me before you
Keith Toshko - Barbarian
Kelly Baker in DOTC
Kelly Keefe - Shameless
Koa - 65 (2023)
Lisa & Jackson - Red Eye
Lisa Reisert - Red Eye
Lucille Sharpe - Crimson Peak
Magda - Warning (2021)
Maren Yearly's outfits - Bones and All
Marinette Pichon - Marinette (2023)
Mia - Fish Tank
Missy Pantone - Bring it on
Monique Valentine - she's the man
Natasha Romanoff (young scenes) - Black Widow
Olivia Taylor - Wilderness
Oswald Cobblepot (season 5 scenes) - Gotham
Pamela Barnes - Supernatural
Penelope Lockhart - Seeking a friend for the end of the world
Regina George verse (all Reginas) - Mean Girl movies
Ruth C. - Never let me go
Sidonie - Madame Claude (2021)
Sissy - Jay and Silent Bob, Strike Back
Sophie (all scenes) - Aftersun
Sophie - Silent Night (2021)
Tommy D. - Never let me go
Valerie - Valerie and her Week of Wonders
Veronica Miller - The last song
Viola & Olivia - she's the man
Violet Mulligan - Begin Again
Wendy Darling - Peter Pan & Wendy
Yolanda - Saturday the 14th
Yvonne - She's the Man
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roguelibrarian · 5 months
books I read in 2023
Threw together a list of books I read this year plus brief thoughts about them Just Because.
The Marsh King's Daughter by Karen Dionne - I was so, so ready to like this book and then like one chapter in suddenly got hit with the reveal that the backstory to it is the racist trope of "big scary Native man kidnaps a pure, virginal white girl to be his wife." So....fuck that shit.
So Many Beginnings by Bethany C. Morrow - Heck yes. Excellent book. It's a retelling of Little Women set in the Roanoke Freedmen's Colony. The author leans into how aro-coded Jo is. Also Beth lives.
Renegades by Marissa Meyer - Yeah, I didn't finish this one. I got so bored.
Common Bonds: A Speculative Aromantic Anthology ed. by Claudie Arseneault, C.T. Callahan, B.R. Sanders, and RoAnna Sylver - I mean it's an anthology, so some of the stories just did not work for me, but I am ecstatic over the concept alone and most of it was amazing.
The Companion by Katie Alender - Creepy as shit in the best possible way. My one complaint is that after 200 pages without a hint of romance, suddenly a character showed up who was so obviously meant to be the main character's love interest and that part was exhausting. Otherwise excellent, amazing, chilling as hell, and you know I love me some abuse narratives.
All These Bodies by Kendare Blake - I wanted to like this one so bad and it's not that I didn't like it, but it was just kinda...mostly okay? I felt like I was supposed to be creeped out and scared and tbh I should have been because there's some pretty disturbing shit in this book but all just fell so flat.
Sounds Fake But Okay: An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much Everything Else by Sarah Costello and Kayla Kaszyca - Bad. Just bad. Oh my g-d this book was so bad and irritating and just...if you want to learn more about aspec people or think you might be aspec yourself, please read literally anything else. I won't go into detail because I wrote a whole post about it here, but just...bad.
Ace and Aro Journeys: A Guide to Embracing Your Aromantic or Asexual Identity by The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project - So, this was definitely better than Sounds Fake But Okay overall, but there is a thread of deep discomfort with the existence of sex-repulsed and romance-repulsed aspecs that keeps popping up throughout the book. It is pretty clear that at least one of the authors (and probably more than one since there were several and apparently no one raised a strong enough objection to get any of this shit scrapped or rewritten) really Does Not Like sex-repulsed and romance-repulsed people.
The Wicked Remain by Laura Pohl - Second part of a duology, and the first book was definitely better. I low-key suspect that this book might have just been Once Upon A Time fanfiction with the serial numbers filed off. That said, I am always here for queerplatonic relationship rep and stories where the Cinderella character ends up single.
Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce - Series of four books, but I'm putting all of them together here because a) my thoughts are kinda the same and b) this post is already too long. I'm not gonna say much because I have a whole post about this series in my drafts already so I'll just leave it with yeah my nostalgia for these books has worn off quite a bit.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - This was another reread and yeah it still holds up just as good as the first time I read it. Literally this is one of my favorite books.
The Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo - Another reread. Excellent. Love a sequel that's just as good as the first one. Also one of my favorite books.
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo - Yeah I was on a rereading spree this year. This one is also so damn good.
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo - Last Grishaverse book on the list, I promise. So good. Nina went completely off the rails in this one and I love every second of it. Really everyone went off the rails a little bit but Nina most of all.
The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan - I have a post about this one here so I won't say too much in this post but g-d I love how unapologetically Jewish this book is. No stopping to explain things to any goyim who might be reading. No coddling goyishe feelings while portraying antisemitism. This book is for Jews and that's beautiful.
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson - Yet another reread. Actually, genuinely accurate portrayal of how PTSD triggers work. First sign of healing not being a romantic relationship but being the main character telling a shitty friend to fuck off. Literally the only thing stopping me from wholeheartedly shouting "I love this book so much" is that there's a random use of the r-word because this book is from the 90s and back then it was basically illegal to publish fiction about teenagers without having your characters use that word.
We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation by Eric Garcia - So I've got mixed feelings about it but ultimately I'd say this book is a net positive. Definitely recommend it for nonautistic people and for autistic people whose only exposure to the autistic community is through spaces like tumblr. Just don't have this be the only book you read about autistic people, you know?
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rotteneldritchhorror · 10 months
wait we’re allowed to ask about south park? fuck it tell me your south park headcanons fuckboy
well shit this is gonna be a long post because i dont just love the main boys (love is a strong word for some of em) but i also love random obscure characters and even background characters that never speak soooooo....
also! before i start! i mostly headcanon these characters under the idea that theyre like- 19 since i dont have many thoughts other than canon for while theyre the age theyre at in the show itself
Kenny (starting with my favorite who i project the most onto i think): 5'9, pansexual (and romantic), genderfluid girlboything princessgender princessboy genderfuck genderpunk ADHDgender hypererotigender wingedgender transfemme who steals money from their parents to buy estrogen off of like- amazon in bulk and probably sells some to other transfemmes with shitty parents who wont let them transition. for pronouns, is definitely fine with any and all, literally impossible to misgender this creature, but prefers he/she/they/it/xe/ze/angel pronouns. probably started growing his hair out at like 15 and gave up on trying to keep it short and managable, steals makeup from the dollar store for both herself and it's sister, definitely goes punk at some point (all of his pants are crust pants cause they dont get washed /j), and has a shit tonne of patched clothing both for necessity (he still owns his parka even though hes too big for it, probably cut up the sides and sized it up with a bunch of old clothes that dont get used anymore in the family, definitely has stick and poke tattoos (he probably gave a cute lil bow or heart stick and poke tattoo to Karen and angelself a matching one so theyd always have a reminder of each other no matter what) and definitely is the resident bootleg piercer for those who wanted them when they were younger but their parents didnt let them (Craig, stan, probably kyle, definitely tweek) or those who just straight up dont have the money to get professionally pierced. full of many disorders, specifically: autism, ADHD, bipolar, c-ptsd, BPD, combined generalised and focal photosensitive epilepsy, and probably some level of psychosis from all the trauma and drugs
(thats so much and its just one character lol- welcome)
i dont have many hcs about the other 3 main boys?
Kyle: asexual (sex-favourable or indifferent), biromantic, 5'11, transneu agender enby who uses he/they pronouns. has ADHD and his canonical diabetes
Stan: 5'10, bi demiboy and nonbinary man who uses he/they/it pronouns. Puerto Rican/asian/white mixed (i flip flop between east asian or south-east asian, or both- but we vibe). has depression ADHD, BPD and autism, probably got more into grungy/fairy grunge/whimsigoth fashion as he got older, or at least tries to marry goth, grunge and hippie fashion cause he definitely still holds the values associated with those subcultures, probably got suppppeeerrr into politics and protesting at some point, probably steals signs, probably collaborates with Kenny to steal from big stores (just kenny does it to survive and stan does it out of principle)
Cartman: 5'4 and VERY insecure about it, bi and transfemme but like super hyper closeted (i think he probably eventually gets more chill with his own sexuality, but is super super mega bigoted about literally everyone else. him being into men is fine but anyone else is a fag (derogatory). i have hcs for his disorders but i feel like listing them automatically sounds like im demonising them when im not
Butters: 5'5 (and eric fucking HATES her for it), demisexual and pan, nonbinary genderqueer genderfae bungender/traumabungender sanriogender hellokittygender autigender transfemme demigirl who uses she/they/he/bun/soft/lu/🌸/🌈/☀️/🌧/🫧/🪻/🩰/🧼/🎀/🌀 pronouns. has... so many disorders. Autism, c-ptsd, ptsd, night terrors, dissociative amnesia, DPD, delusional disorder, Alice in Wonderland syndrome and a complete blindness in his left eye (for kinda obvious reasons? maybe?). bun changes their name (legally) to Marjorine Leopold Stotch as soon as she turned 18 (without her parents permission), but still uses the nickname Butters because it doesnt feel that gendered to lu. soft sometimes has delusions of being in VR or dead. His parents refuse his diagnoses because it means they did something wrong (which they obviously did lol) so they dont give him medication, Marj mainly gets 🌸s meds from Kenny, Tweek, Tammy Warner (from that one episode where kenny gets a girlfriend whos a 'slut'), and the goth kids (most of them because they have been perscribed the medication, or, in Kenny's case, because they buy/trade perscription drugs). started transitioning without 🌈 parents' knowledge.
Craig: 5'11, gay and demiromantic, outerspacetix voidgender/agender man who uses he/it pronouns. is just- very mixed- its indigenous/south-east asian/peruvian/black/white and is adopted. has ASPD and autism. his 'exception people' (i dont know if thats the official phrase for it, but people with ASPD apparently can have certain people that bring out strong emotions in them- dont take my word for it though, this is second hand info from someone with ASPD i used to watch on tiktok lol) are Tweek, Thomas (from the tourrettes episode) and Stripe (yes, his guinea pig- sh). he's pretty okay at masking emotions when he needs to (mostly to make his boyfriends feel better and in an attempt to sooth their anxieties). he probably starts getting into grunge/punk at some point during his teens- he probably has a patch jacket/battle jacket thats covered in a mix of political and astrology/space related patches. his spin is space, absolutely.
Clyde: 5'8, spanish/east asian bi man (i go back and forth on whether or not to make him cis or trans or like demiboy??? or just a nonbinary man??? idk- just masc), uses he/they/it pronouns and has ADHD and PTSD.
Jimmy: 5'11, Cupiosexual, demiromantic (both bi oriented), is a cis or genderqueer guy and mainly uses he/him but doesnt really care much if you call him anything else, probably has a couple birth marks and cooovveerrsss his crutches in stickers (he probably has a bunch of random stickers related to all kinda shit, 2/3s of which arent even his, he has like- a shit tonne of stickers related to space, and robots, and dark academia, and hearts, and super heros, or whatever the fuck because his friends just give him stickers sometimes)
Tolkien: 6'0, genderfaun enby, omni with a preference for feminine people, has autism and ADHD, uses he/they pronouns, and has a couple scars from canon events (eg; a scar on his forehead from when cartman pelted him with a rock, and a gunshot scar on his shoulder from cartman shooting him)
Tweek: 5'8, nonbinary tweekgender (namegender) demiboy, gaygaygaygaygay, uses he/they/it/tweek/tic pronouns. has ADHD, autism, anxiety disorders and a panic disorder, paranoid personality disorder, C-PTSD, claustrophobia, tourettes and psychosis. he gets triggered by coffee if he hasnt been around coffee for a while (after a while it becomes less triggering and more part of the constant anxiety and paranoia), has psychotic delusions and hallucinations of bugs, the smell of coffee, gangstalking, etc. hes weirdly friends with the goth kids????? tic hangs out with them (as well as Kenny, Craig and butters) a lot, getting to traumadump, rant about anxieties, and just kinda gossip? and it helps it mellow out a bit. (also tweek has a bunch of scars to do with scratching tics, ripping out piercings, etc)
Wendy/Wendyl: 5'9, south east asian, bi, genderfluid/genderfaer, uses she/they/he/fae pronouns and is autistic. her spin is politics and feminism, he has a couple (brightly colored) patch clothes (definitely a pair of patch shorts and a patch skirt). has a couple scars on their knuckles and one on their cheek from fights she's gotten into (both in canon, and during protests or general people fucking with her). fae definitely does kickboxing and probably hosts an underground self defense class for non-men.
i can probably get into more obscure characters now but this is already long enough and im slowly running out of spoons so im kinda done for now
thank you for listening to my autistic ramblings :)
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mykawinchester · 21 days
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The Whipper of SoLa
☽ ᴍᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ☾
"When the darkness looked away
And the stars don't frown on me
When the fire's burning blue through you
We're alive inside a flame
And the night's a brighter shade
When the fire's burning blue through you."
Drown by Karen O & Dark Mouse
Dead Island 2 Soundtrack
☽ ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜ sᴘᴏɴsᴏʀs ☾
Wraith - Nope Rope
Wraith - Aspen Leggings
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ 🇧​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇾​​​​​ 🇬​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇸​​​​​ ☾
Head: Lelutka - Avalon
Body: Reborn
Body Mod(s): N/A
Skin: Voegel - Millie
Body: Velour x ItGirls - Picasso Babe - Slim Muse
Eyes: Someone - Duality
Ears: Andore x LEX - miHD
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ ����︎ 🌑︎
☽ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ ᴇɴʜᴀɴᴄᴇʀs ☾
Hair: Truth - Meadow
Lashes: Someone - Delicate Lashes
Eyes: Hexumbra - Penny
Duckie - Restless Eye Bags
Just Magnetized - Insomnia - Violent
Details: Top1Salon - New Face Set
Lips: None
Nails: Stoic - Manicured Claws
Lilithe - Skogsra
Lilithe - Selene
Lilithe - Meliae
Lilithe - Cerridwen
Hexumbra - Face Bats
Wound & Blood Layers:
Salt & Pepper - Thana
Rouxs - Bad Guy
Landgraff - Rough Behavior
KRR - Internal Bleeding (Mouth)
Knife Party - Feast (mouth)
This is Wrong - Carrie
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ ғɪᴛ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ☾
Imbue - Crop Denim Jacket
Imbue - Maddy Tank
Wraith - Aspen Leggings
Safira - C-string
Blueberry - Can't Relate Boots
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ ᴇᴍʙᴇʟʟɪsʜᴍᴇɴᴛs ☾
Ysoral - Malie wedding ring
Ysoral - Clem Lip Piercings
Little Fish - Angel
Andore - Kally
Killjoy - Starfall Tunnels
Real Evil - Royalty - Queen Ring
Rotten - Dainty Nose Junk v2
Violetility - Moth Septum
Violetility - Moth Rings
Wraith - Nope Rope
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ☾
Pose: Custom
[Bad Unicorn] "Brown" PK Power Box - Short
DRD - San Mora - Shipping Container - Red
HISA - Flora wildflower grass - Grass Greens
SlumCity SchoolBus-(GRUNGED) x2
NOMAD // Renovation Set
NOMAD // Floor Protection Cardboard
Urban Jungle - Trash Cans
Urban Jungle - Wheelie Bins
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collymore · 1 month
Pay cheques that rely heavily upon clickbait!
By Stanley Collymore
Harry is going to England for a designated and well known about in advance, event. So it's pretty asinine and baffles me, as I'm sure it does any other similarly too very intelligent person, why everytime that Harry goes there or to Europe for that matter, the British media: simply and rather specifically the Daily Mail, crucially its literally Queer hacks like Andrew Pierce rather distinctively in tandem with its irrefutably feminine variety, of very dysfunctional Dykes, failed marriage, and quite distinctly menopausal Karens - you know the ones I mean -  who distinctively, so love to delusionally and essentially fancifully report that Harry is really obviously unquestionably begging   to undoubtedly meet with Charles, William, or some other discernibly undeniably quite useless player in this Windsor, monarchical, family!
I know that this kind of, at best, lying and simply dishonest stuff makes money for your rag and guarantees you your pay cheques, by getting the risibly clearly dimwitted, gullible, and undoubtedly rather unquestionably, intellectually challenged clickbait cretins to very instantaneously naturally respond like the logically characteristically significantly, obviously controlled Pavlov dogs, that they simply are. However clearly considering that Harry doesn't actually talk much, if ever frequently to members of his Windsor family; then literally, to anybody unquestionably with a functioning brain it is patently obvious, that actually regarding this upcoming official situation, that Harry is actually, attending in England, that somehow, he'll essentially either be asking for, far less so, be avidly expecting any kind of encounter crucially with these familial, individuals!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 2 May 2024.
Author's Remarks: It's a truth rather fully acknowledged by the clearly intelligent and well-informed that prized idiots and inane sycophants unquestionably think that their pathetic and dangerously, delusional version of what they regard as the truth is all that matters; sadly for you imbeciles it very discernibly isn't! But who, with a rather functioning brain, really cares?
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identity-library · 1 month
Diverse Sexuality (TV Shows)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
José "Joey" Gutierrez (Gay)
Marcus Benson (Gay)
All Saints (1998)
Charlotte Beaumont (Bisexual)
Andor (2022)
Cinta Kaz (Unspecified WLW)
Vel Sartha (Unspecified WLW)
Code Black (2015)
Carla Niven (Lesbian)
Malaya Pineda (Lesbian)
Noa Kean (Bisexual)
Community (2009)
Craig Pelton (Unlabeled MLM)
Frankie Dart (Unspecified WLW)
Dead End: Paranormal Park (2022)
Barney Guttman (Gay)
Logan Nguyen (Gay)
Norma Khan (Bisexual)
Zagan (Pansexual)
ER (1994)
Courtney Brown (Lesbian)
Kerry Weaver (Lesbian)
Kim Legaspi (Lesbian)
Maggie Doyle (Lesbian)
Sandy Lopez (Lesbian)
Ever After High (2013)
Apple White (Unspecified WLW)
Darling Charming (Unspecified WLW)
Glee (2009)
Adam Crawford (Gay)
Alistair (Unspecified MLM)
Blaine Anderson (Gay)
Brittany Pierce (Bisexual)
Dani (Lesbian)
David "Dave" Karofsky (Gay)
Elliott Gilbert (Gay)
Hiram Barry (Gay)
Kurt Hummel (Gay)
Leroy Barry (Gay)
Santana Lopez (Lesbian)
Sebastian Smythe (Bisexual)
Spencer Porter (Gay)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Amelia Shepherd (Bisexual)
Arizona Robbins (Lesbian)
Callie Torres (Bisexual)
Carina DeLuca (Bisexual)
Dayna Knox (Lesbian)
Eliza Minnick (Lesbian)
Erica Hahn (Lesbian)
Levi Schmitt (Gay)
Mika Yasuda (Bisexual)
Nico Kim (Gay)
Taryn Helm (Lesbian)
Teddy Altman (Bisexual)
Hazbin Hotel (2024)
Alastor (Asexual, Aromantic)
Angel Dust (Gay)
Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar (Lesbian)
Cherri Bomb (Bisexual)
Husker (Pansexual)
Sir Pentious (Bisexual)
Vaggie (Unspecified WLW)
Valentino (Pansexual)
Vox (Bisexual)
Heartstopper (2022)
Ben Hope (Unspecified MLM)
Charles "Charlie" Spring (Gay)
Darcy Olsson (Lesbian)
Isaac Henderson (Asexual, Aromantic)
Nick Nelson (Bisexual)
Tara Jones (Lesbian)
How I Met Your Mother (2005)
James Stinson (Gay)
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (2015)
Alix Kubdel (Aromantic)
Caline Bustier (Unspecified WLW)
Gisèle (Unspecified WLW)
Juleka Couffaine (Unspecified WLW)
Marc Anciel (Unspecified MLM)
Max Kanté (Asexual)
Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Unspecified MLM)
Rose Lavillant (Unspecified WLW)
Zoé Lee (Unspecified WLW)
Modern Family (2009)
Cameron Tucker (Gay)
Gil Thorpe (Gay)
Mitchell Pritchett (Gay)
Pepper Saltzman (Gay)
Ronaldo (Unspecified MLM)
New Amsterdam (2018)
Elizabeth Wilder (Bisexual)
Lauren Bloom (Bisexual)
Leyla Shinwari (Lesbian)
New Girl (2011)
Melissa (Unspecified WLW)
Reagan Lucas (Bisexual)
Sadie (Lesbian)
Private Practice (2007)
Amelia Shepherd (Bisexual)
Raising Dion (2019)
Kat Neese (Lesbian)
Saving Hope (2012)
Bree Hannigan (Lesbian)
Maggie Lin (Bisexual)
Sydney Katz (Lesbian)
Shadowhunters (2016)
Alexander "Alec" Lightwood (Gay)
Aline Penhallow (Unspecified WLW)
Magnus Bane (Bisexual)
Olivia Wilson (Unspecified WLW)
Samantha (Unspecified WLW)
Station 19 (2018)
Amelia Shepherd (Bisexual)
Carina DeLuca (Bisexual)
Dayna Knox (Lesbian)
Eli Stern (Bisexual)
Emmett Dixon (Gay)
Maya Bishop (Bisexual)
Michelle Alvarez (Lesbian)
Nikki (Bisexual)
Pam Williams (Lesbian)
Travis Montgomery (Gay)
Steven Universe (2013)
Bismuth (Lesbian)
Dogcopter (Gay)
Harold Smiley (Gay)
Pearl (Lesbian)
Peridot (Asexual, Aromantic)
Ruby (Lesbian)
Sapphire (Lesbian)
Stumptown (2019)
Dex Parios (Bisexual)
The Owl House (2020)
Amity Blight (Lesbian)
Darius Deamonne (Gay)
Eda Clawthorne (Bisexual)
Gilbert Park (Unspecified MLM)
Harvey Park (Unspecified MLM)
Hunter (Bisexual)
Lilith Clawthorne (Asexual, Aromantic)
Luz Noceda (Bisexual)
Willow Park (Bisexual)
Total Drama (Franchise)
Bowie (Gay)
Raj (Gay)
9-1-1 (2018)
David Hale (Unspecified MLM)
Evan "Buck" Buckley (Bisexual)
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson (Lesbian)
John Russo (Unspecified MLM)
Karen Wilson (Lesbian)
Michael Grant (Gay)
Tommy Kinard (Gay)
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)
Carlos Reyes (Gay)
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand (Gay)
0 notes
erla-film · 6 months
0 notes
riiseandfall · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
karen fukuhara . demi woman . she / they ➶ I RECOGNISE THAT FACE ! that’s CETO CASCA , the THIRTY - ONE year old TRAINER from DISTRICT FOUR . they’ve been in the capitol around TWELVE YEARS , long enough to gain a reputation for being so AMBITIOUS & VINDICTIVE . they’re so lucky getting to live in the tribute center for the duration of the games! ( character IS part of the uprising ) 
Basic Information Full Name: Ceto Casca Nicknames: C (by a select few) Age: 31 District: Four Gender: Demiwoman Pronouns: She / they Orientation: Demiromantic Bisexual Profession: Deckhand, Diver, Trainer
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Karen Fukuhara Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark brown Height: 5'2" Piercings: Pierced earlobes, upper lobes, orbital conch in left ear Scars: A scar across her lower stomach, a scar across the back of her right calf, a small scar on the left side of her forehead
Father: Perseus Casca Mother: Pyxis Casca Siblings: WC Significant Other: Vienna Idal (deceased), N/A
MBTI: ISFP-T (The Adventurer) Temperament: Melancholic Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Primary Vice: Envy Primary Virtue: Kindness Element: Water
There was a time where Ceto idolized the Games. Being from a career district, that was hardly surprising. It was all glory and honor, that was what they were taught in the academy. And like so many of her peers, Ceto sought to volunteer one day, to bring pride to her district.
It would be an easy mistake to overlook her, at a first glance she certainly doesn't appear a threat. But it would undoubtedly be a mistake. She was among the top in her group at the academy, not the best but certainly a contender.
Among that group was a young woman known as Vienna. Quick-witted and deadly with a sword, she was loud and proud and so different from Ceto-who preferred to keep to herself.
They trained together day after day and it got to a point where they met up outside of the academy. It was secret, of course, the budding relationship. It was something they knew they shouldn't do-but they were drawn to each other, each making promises they knew they likely would be unable to keep.
And as their relationship grew, Ceto found themselves growing wary of turning eighteen-of the year where one of them might have to go into that arena. What if they lost one another? It wasn't a thought they liked to dwell on, and Vienna was the only soul they ever confided in.
Part of Ceto was worried her partner would laugh, scoff--judge her for her fears. Instead? Vienna comforted her. Told her about the future the two of them would have one day. It was a future Ceto liked to dream about--a happier life for the two of them.
They were idealists. But reality is much harsher.
Ceto was among the top of her class--so when her name was drawn for the 82nd Games, it was not expected that anyone would volunteer for her.
But Vienna did. Stepped forward and was guided to that stage while Ceto could only stare in shock. This wasn't the plan, what are you doing?!
The goodbyes before Vienna boarded the train were far too brief, Ceto didn't want to let her go, told her over and over that something felt off. But Vienna simply laughed and kissed her goodbye, said she would see Ceto soon.
Another promise Vienna couldn't keep.
When they watched Vienna die, they screamed and sobbed and begged for Vienna to come back to them, she had promised.
But she never did. Not in the way Ceto wanted. A funeral was held. It wasn't enough.
Ceto went to the Capitol the next year, tried to train and help as many others as they could to stay alive. Part of them hoping that maybe-maybe there would be another Katniss and Peeta. But there wasn't. And it wasn't enough either.
Nothing was enough, it didn't matter how many people said they were sorry or that Vienna brought pride to Four-what good was pride when part of Ceto had died in that arena alongside Vienna?
How many others had felt like this? Countless people had to have felt this grief and rage. And it wasn't fair. There had to be a way to stop it.
It didn't take long for the rebels to contact Ceto.
They long to see the Capitol fall, to see the Games--and all the pain carried with them ended.
But mostly?
She hopes she is making Vienna proud.
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