#chase x Kaz
thelittleangryitalian · 2 months
Chase: *working on a project*
*the sound of the front door opening*
Kaz: Chase!
Chase: What?
Kaz: I CAUGHT A BIRD!! *muffled chirping sounds*
Chase: *distractedly* That's nice.
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that-girl-glader · 2 months
I would like to thank all the new comers to the labrats fandom because let's be real...that fandom is small and has a fic shortage..were we fans are grasping on what little we have. And you new comers have provided us with some good eating with your fics omg!!!
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tootalltech · 25 days
I JUST FUCKING FINISHED LAB RATS: ELITE FORCE AND. IT ENDS? LIKE THAT?????? I KNEW IT WAS ONLY ONE SEASON bc lets be real you cant beat lab rats and god knows wth theyre doing with the writing in elite force BUT THE CLIFFHANGER???? like i knew i was coming up on the last episode. i was perfectly aware of that. I THOUGHT THE THING WITH ROMAN AND RIKER WAS GOING TO BE RESOLVED. LIKE. HELLO. amazing to me that the writers of that show were so confident theyd get renewed for a second season that they just let the finale end like that.
i also just couldnt look at roman properly the entire show bc thats just jay from descendants. thats just booboo stewart. disney has like 5 actors and its okay <3 but thats just him.
i also desperately need someone to explain what the thing with chase and kaz is to me. dont get me wrong, i dont dislike either of them or the ship itself. i love chase. and i dont know mighty med very well but kaz is silly. i understand they could have a dynamic going on. but like. where. did it come from. what evidence is there. in the show. i was expecting so much more based off what ive seen on here. like i was ready to be at least A Little queerbaited. i think there might be more evidence for chase and sebastian guys im SO sorry but if anyone wants to try and tell me something i missed then feel free!
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angelwiththeblue-box · 10 months
they way they’re the only good thing in elite force
taglist: @blueskiesandstarrynights @depressedtransguy @thedragonemperess @tronagon @lab-trash @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @genuine-possum (lemme know if u want to be added or removed)
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hixen · 2 months
I found this TikTok last nite and showed @yeehawthethird and thought it was funny so I’m going post it here Yee enjoy
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lab-trash · 10 months
Kaz: You didn't tell your Dad we were sneaking out on a date, did you? Chase: I kinda sorta... didn't tell him anything? Kaz: Chase, that's irresponsible! He'll be worried sick! Call Douglas this instant, and tell him that you're spending the night at AJ's house, okay? Lying. It's the responsible thing to do.
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phantomstatistician · 5 months
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Fandom: Lab Rats: Elite Force
Sample Size: 639 stories
Source: AO3
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davenweenie · 2 years
Lab Rats HCs!!!
-Chase has nicknames for all of his teammates as well as his siblings. He even had some for some of his students.
-he calls Bree ‘bee’ and it started when they were only just little kids and were called Subject A, B and C. B is bee to him. He also calls her breezy or speedy because that’s what Mr Davenport used to call her before they had names.
-really cliche but he calls Leo 'Lion' because he thinks it’s funny when Leo gets all flustered when he does it. Leo gets embarrassed because he knows he’s not really anything like a lion. He also calls him ‘butter fingers’ and ‘handy man’ and he thinks he’s funny with that one since Leo’s bionic in one arm.
-he calls Adam ‘Atom’ and I love this nickname for Adam. I think I saw it in a fic about how the kids got their names and it was because Mr Davenport called him atom bomb (I think, I might have just imagined it) in the fic. Chase pick up on stuff really easily, that includes nicknames for people. He also calls Adam ‘hulk’ which everyone loves.
-Kaz has many nicknames from Chase, his favourite one is ‘fire boy’ and this one’s actually canon. He also calls him ‘Azzy’ which I have definitely stolen from a Chaz fic. Chase also calls him ‘button’ and nobody is sure why it started.
-he calls Oliver ‘drink dispenser’ and ‘refrigerator’ which he thinks is absolutely hilarious. Everyone calls Oliver ‘Oli’ or ‘Oli-pop’ which Chase has picked up on. He also has take to calling him ‘liver’ which Oliver hates.
-Skylar’s nicknames are ‘E.T’ ‘alien’ and other alien references. Chase also started calling her ‘toes’ after he found out about her weird alien feet. He also makes a lot of Star Wars jokes around her.
-Mr Davenport is ‘Donnie Darko’ or ‘weird man’ which Chase has absolutely no idea why he started.
-Douglas is ‘trash man’ or ‘rat man’ which stems from him being previously homeless.
-Chase has emetophobia (phobia of vomit) and refuses to eat anything sugary after he had hurled after eating loads of cake when he wasn’t used to real food yet.
-Bree can somehow always whip out bars of chocolate or random packaged food whenever people need it. Like she always has food stashed away somewhere on her.
-Chase mothers People a lot. He’s the one that carries around plasters and hydration for people on outings, he for some reason always has a snack on hand like Bree does. His are usually healthy and nobody wants them though.
-Kaz and Oliver are the only ones on the team that know how to human properly. Skylar is an alien, Bree and Chase grew up in a basement so they struggle to function like normal humans in society. They don’t understand certain aspects of being people. They didn’t know what Easter was until Kaz and Oliver came along. They still didn’t understand what Santa was and what his purpose is supposed to be. They don’t understand things that are normally natural to do for humans. Chase couldn’t understand the concept of homophobia because it was so normalised in the basement.
- (TW for homophobia and hate crimes) Chase and Kaz were almost hate crimed coming home from a date once. Six guys had started following them and yelling at them. They (Kaz and Chase) didn’t say anything and carried on walking. One of them grabbed Chase and Kaz went ballistic. He got so mad that even his hair lit on fire.
-adding to that, Kaz’s hair can ignite like a match if he’s mad enough. So far he hasn’t figured out how to do it on command.
-they have meals together almost every night. Kaz almost always cooks and man can cook really good food. Having 11(?) siblings means he taught himself to cook so that he could feed his siblings when their parents couldn’t be bothered to.
And to finish off I want to say how happy I am to see all the likes and reblogs on my posts. A couple have had hashtags talking about how much they love these HCs and how they imagine the same things as me and it makes me so incredibly happy. Thanks to everyone who actually likes these!
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kukos-satellite · 2 months
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Chase and Kaz headcanons ♡
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Kaz is more open to being affectionate to Chase
2. Who is the little spoon (and who is the big spoon)?
They often take turns but it would be mostly Chase who would be the little spoon
3. What do they argue the most over?
They would argue about how dumb they can be when they are out in the field — especially if one had gotten hurt
4. Favorite activity to do together?
Playing card and board games
5. What is the favorite feature on their partner?
For Chase, he adores Kaz’s smile so, so much. For Kaz, it’s basically everything on Chase but if he had to choose one he would choose his smile
6. What is their favorite personality trait on the other?
They like how both of them because stubborn which can cause some minor arguments between the two of them
7. Nicknames or aliases for the other?
Matchhead, Lava Boy from Chase; Smarties, The Brain, Pretty Boy from Kaz
8. Who tends to show more emotion whenever they go somewhere?
9. Who remembers more about the other?
Chase because of his memory system
10. Who would take notice of the little things?
Kaz and he would put them down in a notebook
11. Who initates physical contact more (even if they are in public)?
Kaz, he tends to grab Chase’s arm or his waist
12. Who kisses more than the other?
Kaz and his favorite spot is Chase’s cheekbone
13. Who tends to wake up first?
14. Most likely to stay in bed/Who tends to wake up late?
15. More likely to be served breakfast in bed?
Kaz but he isn’t a big fan of serving breakfast in bed
16. Who the told the other ‘I love you’ first?
They don’t say ‘I love you’ they just simply say, ‘I don’t hate you’
17. Who cooks (and who is the better cook)?
They both do but Chase does it more often while Kaz does the cleaning up
18. Who trusts people more than the other?
Kaz because simply Chase wasn’t around people till he was about 13/14 years old
19. Who would propose first?
Kaz, 100%
20. Who would think about children?
Both of them actually but decided that they would wait till they are ready (mentally and financially)
21. Do they share their food?
They share their snacks but not their meals
22. What hobbies do they share?
They collect things together and to a normal person the things they have collected is ‘nothing special’
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mushed-kid · 1 year
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thelittleangryitalian · 2 months
Leo: Is anyone in this house straight?
The Elite force: Oliver
Oliver: I’ll have you know I kissed Kaz once
Chase to Kaz: You kissed Oliver?
Kaz: We were twelve!
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fandomcentralsposts · 2 years
watching lab rats elite force they were so boyfriend-y in this ep
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lab-ratatouille · 2 years
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(sorry) (not really hA)
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angelwiththeblue-box · 10 months
oliver: so i saw you spending a lot of time with chase lately
kaz: no, oliver, it’s not what it looks like i swear!
oliver: oh really? so no reason for me to be jealous?
kaz: no reason! me and chase are just dating, okay, he’s my boyfriend.
oliver: so there are no best friend feelings at all?
kaz: you are still my one and only best friend, he’s just the love of my life, nothing more!
oliver: but i’m still the platonic love of your life, right?
kaz: of course!
chase: what the-
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jeireilostt · 1 year
Kaz, steals a random object on a mission:
Chase: Kaz, you gotta stop stealing!!
Kaz: Mess me with that gay shit
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tophsazulas · 2 months
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I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a fortnight
I touched you, I touched you
Chaz - Fortnight (Taylor Swift)
(Requested by @for-a-fortnight (love the new username kit btw!))
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