#coerced abortion
enbycrip · 1 year
Canada does not get to hide its historical and ongoing genocidal actions and policies towards indigenous people.
And yes, coerced sterilisation *is* both genocide and eugenicist. I wish I didn’t have to keep explaining this to folk, but I do.
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killed-by-choice · 10 months
Mrs. Chen (China 2015)
The victim’s entire name was not stated in the news. She was only referred to as Chen (her surname) or Mrs. Chen.
Chen was from Guangdong, China and had already given birth to 3 daughters. Her abusive mother-in-law demanded that she give her a grandson. When an ultrasound revealed that the next baby was a girl, the mother-in-law forced Chen to have an abortion.
The next time Chen was pregnant, an ultrasound once again showed a daughter and Chen was once again forced to have an abortion by her abusive mother-in-law. This continued until 2015, when after another ultrasound Chen was forced to undergo her NINTH sex-discriminatory abortion.
Amazingly, Chen had survived the first 8 abortions even though they had damaged her internally. The walls of her uterus had been severely damaged from the repeated abortions, making the next abortion even more dangerous. Chen was also suffering mentally from the death of her daughters and was noted to have considered suicide.
During the ninth forced abortion, the badly damaged walls of Chen’s uterus finally gave out. She died of internal bleeding along with her daughter.
Chen’s three surviving daughters were left to cope with the loss of their mother and nine sisters as well as the knowledge of what their grandmother had done to their family.
Chen and her daughters were victims of horrific abuse and sexism. Sex-discriminatory abortions are largely responsible for a massively skewed male-female ratio. Abortion has killed millions of girls and women worldwide.
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Well I guess Tooru Furuya's fucking dead to me now
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prison-of-belief · 2 years
Claire Headley, ex-top scientology executive and member of the Religious Technology Center (David Miscavage's personal organization) on Top Gun and Tom Cruise:
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Transcript: "Glad all you Top Gun fans are enjoying the new movie.
Personally, recent posts about this new movie only serve to remind me of Tom Cruise and his crimes against humanity.
Extreme, you may think?
Destroying families is a crime against humanity. My opinion.
Ask yourself: When is the last time Tom talked to his biological daughter, Suri?
Remember Katie Holmes and her extreme efforts to break free of his and Scientology's control?
Tom Cruise promotes a dangerous cult that destroyed my family too, the same cult that almost cost me my marriage and my life. The same cult that forced me to have two abortions, and which I fled from in 2005 with the clothes on my back and $200 in my pocket, to which they tracked me down, across state lines, to attempt to prevent my escape. Thank God they failed.
So no, I will not watch the movie, nor will I ever support or approve of this scam of a man. Trust me, Tom Cruise knows exactly who he is supporting and the abuses that organization perpetrates. I worked with him while I was there.
No doubt my post will likely "disappear" with Facebook algorithms, I feel better saying it nonetheless. And thank you to my friends who understand. You know who you are."
If anyone is interested on hearing more about Claire and her husband Marc's stories, Marc wrote a book about their experiences called Blown For Good, which you can buy on the book's website.
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papirouge · 2 years
'Listen to all victims' and then it's an abortion survivor like my mom and they wish they had been killed and send death threats instead of listening to them. And then go talk about identity lanes or no uterus no opinion or something when that never mattered to them.
This is my biggest pet peeve of pro choicers right now. It just..... never misses. You can make the test by yourself, anon:
Whenever there's a pro life post featuring the story of someone saying how she regrets her abortion and how it messed her up that gets kinda big (500+ notes) you can be sure there is at last ONE abortionist crawling out from their cave saying "ThaT'S WhY cHoIcE iS iMpOrTaNt" GIRL, that person is literally saying how her ✨cHoIcE ✨ destroyed her mentally, but you still found relevant to drag your silly chOicE propaganda?? BYE.
These people are mentally unable to question "choice". Choice is like a totem that cannot be argued over or questionned. They mock Christians for believing in God ; but at least we are honest in our belief and our faith. Abortionists do actually have a god, which is called "CHOICE" but will pull out endless loops to deny it. Ironically enough, you'll see more debates & arguments among Christians about the Bible, than abortionists hailing the Choice god, no questions asked. But we are the small-minded bigots, right?
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crazykuroneko · 1 year
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I'm not trying to make light of the case (because it isn't), but if this was a line from a movie/TV show, i'd say "what a banger". But the fact this was literally said in real life, that this mother really believed that and said that just for the sake of her son's career, it's insane.
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star-anise · 11 months
The thing about "parents' rights" and "protect the children [from hearing that other ways of life than ours are possible and okay]" is that it is literally, in the purest sense of the word, patriarchy.
The word literally means "rule by the fathers". We're generally used to hearing it describe how adult women can be dominated by adult men. However, that's not where patriarchy ends; feminists have been less eager to address how within that system, women can exercise power and domination of their own through the traditional gender roles of motherhood. Their maternal rights to power and dominance may have traditionally been lesser than paternal ones, but they were never less than their minor children's. Even single-mother or female-only families can be, in this sense, patriarchal.
Patriarchal families are a complex system that grants parents complete legal and practical control over nearly every aspect of their children's lives. The patriarchal family controls where the child lives, who takes care of them, what rules they have to follow, how they are educated, who they associate with, what healthcare they receive, what religion they practice, and whether they can work or control any money they earn or that is given to or for them.
Normally discussions of patriarchy are a lot more abstract. But right now it's very concrete and real: we are fighting to limit the family's control over children on issues where we can observe that families sometimes tend to make decisions that are bad for the children's welfare or that disrespect their human rights.
Whether a minor child can get an abortion. Whether they can receive gender-affirming care. Whether it's okay to lie or coerce your child to ensure they follow your religion. Whether they deserve to be educated about factual histories or scientific theories that are necessary to understanding the world around them. Whether they deserve to learn accurate, age-appropriate information about consent, setting boundaries, how their bodies and the bodies of other people work, what a normal range of gender and sexual identities look like, what healthy or unhealthy relationships look like, and what sex is, how it works, what its positives and negatives are, and how they might navigate the world, whether or not they ever want to have it.
Hell, on some levels we're still arguing about whether it's okay to hit your kids, or whether children have the right, similar to the rights adults have, not to be assaulted or abused.
Because there are a LOT of people who say: No. Parents should have 100% control over any or all of those issues. If the parent says no, the child is not allowed to do or have any of those things, and nobody else should be allowed to interfere and provide them to the child without their parents' consent.
Pointing this out often results in parents saying, "Oh, so you want just ANYONE to be able to go up and talk sex with kids? You want kids to be able to decide to jump off cliffs with nobody stopping them???" As though parents are the single protective force in the universe, the only thing standing between their child and the ravages of absolute chaos.
On the contrary: most of the time the argument is for children to receive care and guidance from adults who are monitored to ensure they treat children in safe and appropriate ways, who have spent many years studying the best and most rigorously tested of our collective understanding of how to prepare children for happy, healthy lives.
And we are arguing against people who believe that the only important qualification needed to refuse children that kind of care is to be ranked above them in their family hierarchy.
In conclusion...
Fuck the patriarchy. Children have human rights too.
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helena297 · 7 days
Red Light district is based on prostitution and sex-oriented businesses, it is one of the main tourist attractions of the city and it offers legal prostitution.
Most of the women in Red Light district are being trafficked from Romania, Albania and Brazil(mostly Eastern Europe). They are being sold, raped, forced to have cosmetic surgeries and coerced abortions .One young woman says that she had been forced to Amsterdam says “We are being sold just like something in a shop” which is not far from the truth.
Of course the police is doing nothing, more then that they are enjoying it, because it’s legal, which shows that legalising sex work does nothing. The number of sex assaults have increased in Holbeck since the legalisation of red light district. “If anything, they are even more vulnerable because by giving them a designated area it risks normalising prostitution and everything that comes with it."
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pro-birth · 1 year
A Southwest Virginia family is suing a Bristol abortion clinic, Dickenson County’s Department of Social Services (DSS) and several individuals for allegedly pressuring their 15-year-old daughter into having an abortion against her will and without legal consent in January.
The civil suit claims a DSS employee pressured the girl into the abortion and that the DSS’s local director tried to retroactively get judicial consent “for the unlawful abortion.” Both are named as defendants along with the abortion clinic’s director, whom the suit accuses of joining in the social worker’s efforts to persuade the girl. The suit also names a doctor from the clinic as a defendant.
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7loveneverfails · 23 days
Praying for a woman whose story I read this morning. She was coerced into having an unwanted abortion at 17 weeks. The boyfriend who made her get the abortion abandoned her to start a relationship with someone else and she is now buried in grief and guilt and shame.
I don't know her name, but I know God knows her. Say a prayer for her.
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queerandprochoice · 11 months
So I’m about three weeks post-op for my hysterectomy and I’ve been thinking about something a lot lately.
I have O- type blood, meaning I’m a universal blood donor. Anyone can receive my blood, and O- is in constant demand because of this. If there’s no time to blood test in an emergency situation, O- is essential.
I’m nearly 26, and I’ve never donated blood. Why? Because I’ve never been eligible. The guidelines for donation are extremely strict in order to protect both donors and recipients. You have to meet age requirements, weight requirements, sexuality requirements, and can be ineligible because of a host of health conditions, because of certain medications, having new tattoos or piercings, travel to certain areas, etc. You can get turned away for being even slightly anemic.
Blood donations save lives; just one donation can save three people’s lives. It’s relatively quick, mostly painless, and extremely low-risk. But we don’t force anyone to donate; it’s entirely voluntary. If I was required to donate blood as frequently as possible, I theoretically could save a dozen or so people a year, but we don’t do that because that would be a violation of my rights. We don’t force people who are ineligible to donate anyway because it still might save a life. We don’t try and pressure people into donation if they don’t want to. Nobody says “well if you didn’t want to donate blood, you shouldn’t have gotten your blood typed.” There are no fake blood donation clinics that coerce you into donating if you’re ineligible or uninterested. There are no incentives or bribes or remuneration to convince people to donate blood, aside from a juice box and maybe some cookies. We don’t make cis men donate every 56 days, or cis women every 84 days. We don’t let underweight or underage people donate. We don’t deny people certain medications because they might want/have to donate blood. We protect the privacy of blood donors.
Blood donations save lives, but we only allow people to donate under extremely safe and 100% voluntary conditions. Are there some legitimate problems with some of the requirements, especially those related to gender and sexuality? Yeah absolutely, a lot of them are super outdated and homophobic. But the point is that our society values personal choice and bodily autonomy, as well as the health and safety of the donors, over potential lives saved. The same principles of consent and bodily autonomy apply to organ donation. You can’t even remove organs from a corpse to use for transplants unless that person had consented while they were alive.
Before I went into surgery, I also had to sign a consent form that would allow me to receive a blood transfusion if it was necessary.
We don’t allow forced blood or organ donations, and we have pretty stringent requirements for blood donors, because we value safety, consent, and bodily autonomy over quantity of life. And yet, anti-choicers want to force people to undergo pregnancy and birth—a far more dangerous, lengthy, and painful ordeal—because “it’s a life.” A ten year old isn’t old enough to donate blood, but is apparently old enough to carry a pregnancy to term.
It’s pretty fucked up how when it comes to abortion rights, it seems like health and safety, consent, and bodily autonomy suddenly don’t matter anymore.
Also, please consider donating blood if you can.
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unbidden-yidden · 1 year
Anyway, time to clean out the bloated follower list:
Abortions are healthcare
Abortions that are not coerced are often the right choice for folks
People who had an abortion and it improved their lives are good and moral and ethical people
Bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom are important and include trans healthcare
Trans people are the genders we say we are, and if you disagree you're not only a bad person, but you're also scientifically, morally, ethically, and factually wrong in every way that matters
Trans unity is the only way forward and everything inconsistent with it is aiding and abetting the people who want us silent and/or dead
Jewish self-determination in our ancestral homeland is no more or less important than everyone else's; you either believe self-determination in one's ancestral homeland is a right or you don't, but excluding Jews and only Jews is antisemitic
Jewish survival and continuity is important, and our lives are not worth less than other groups
If your leftism doesn't include fighting antisemitism in all its forms, you're a bad person and a bad leftist
Literally all of the above can boiled down to trusting people to know themselves and valuing the lives of people like me. I will not be arguing about any of the above, because I should not have to defend my humanity or the humanity of those like me.
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The only wrong abortion is that which women are forced or coerced into getting. All the rest are good actually, yes all of them.
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radwitchhh · 24 days
This mother's day. Remembering all the mothers who didn't want to become mothers but had to go through coerced pregnancies for centuries. All the teen girl children who were denied abortions and were forced to carry children of their m@le rapists. All the mothers who suffer immense trauma during and after childbirth, and thus disassociated themselves from their babies and at times, wanted to k!ll their own infants because no one understood their pain. Mothers who perform extreme domestic and emotional labour for their babies but never get anything in return except for patriarchal glorification and romanticization, so that they continue sacrificing their lives when they don't want to
Mothers who lost their children because of m@le supremacist custody laws. Mothers who are raped by their own sons. Mothers who are violated by their husbands while they are pregnant. Mothers whose health was compromised because everyone prioritized their babies' health only. Mothers who are accused of being selfish for prioritizing themselves when they are entitled to it. Mothers who are Gods, who create us all but the insignificant father gets to take complete control over the children.
Surrogate mothers, whose wombs are exploited as privileged folks oppress them via mass commodification of their bodies and their capability of giving birth. Mothers who kill their m@le partners for abusing their daughters. Mothers who are shamed for breast feeding and showing their pregnant bellies in public. Mothers who are the natural protectors, because every cell of her body gives life and strength to her children. Mothers who give away their food and utility shares to their children and survive on crumbles.
Mothers of P@l3st!ne who are suffering alone and have lifelong traumas, as they are carrying the dead bodies of their children daily, made to go through c-sections without anaesthesia and are giving birth with no aid, relief, food and water. Mothers of Congo losing their children to mine exploitation daily. Mothers of Sudan being abused by Ar@b militia m3n. Mothers of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon. Mothers of Iran mourning their daughters' lost lives after their abuse by the m@le supremacist I$lam!c regime. Mothers of Afghanistan whose daughters can't study and who can't move around the country without the permission of a m@le guardian.
Mothers in South Asia forced to go through multiple pregnancies because their in-laws want a son. Mothers in Sindh and Punjab suffering fistulas. Mothers in India, Pakistan and China made to see the murder of their new born infants because their babies are females. Black and Hispanic mothers in US denied abortions and facing medical misogyny. Indigenous mothers fighting to protect their lands. All the refugee mothers of war and climate change displaced with no homes. Mothers in garment factories of Bangladesh making clothes of the whole world in abusive working conditions. Mothers who are called misogynist derogatory labels of "uterus havers" and "menstruators", when only females can be mothers and no m@le can ever be.
Animal mothers being brutalized in the meat and animal industry. Mother cows, chickens, goats, sheeps and pigs abused for irregular and exploitative meat and milk production. Mother orcas fighting elites to protect their children. Mother dolphins mourning the deaths of their children due to m@le created pollution in the ocean. Every animal mother finding it difficult to survive and keep her children safe as m@les ruin the goddess Earth's natural ecosystems daily.
Also, motherhood is not a monolith, mothers are not angels and don't have to be. While, mothers are divinely great there are mothers with internalized misogyny, who further make their daughters suffer the same misogynist traumas. Mothers who sell their daughters into prostitution and arranged marriages, and continue being strongest foot soldiers and secondary agents of patriarchy. Mothers who brutalize their daughters with fgm and breast ironing. Mothers who deny food to their daughters.
Mothers are the Creators, the Gods who have faced oppression by the m@n's world for centuries. The whole world of m3n will shatter without the labour of these Gods. You can love or hate your mother as a daughter based on the relationship you have with her
Happy mothers day to the creators of all human beings!!!
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I don't know how to explain it to you, but I've been thinking a lot lately about 80s!James dating the most naive and sensitive girl to ever walk this earth. Like, sensitive in every way. Specifically with loud music (loud sounds in general) and very crowded places. She loves making colorful bead bracelets and giving them as gifts, and James loves teasing her, teasing her in any way. So much so that at the beginning of the relationship, this was a problem 'cuz she always cried when he got the name of a stuffed animal she had wrong... y'know what i'm saying? (I would love to read something like this written by you, something that follows this line i hope it doesn't sound so stupid)
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80s!James and hypersensitive!girlfriend headcanon
⭒ James was initially hesitant to introduce himself and talk to you when he first saw you, after seeing how sensitive, shy and naive you appeared to be around your guys' mutual group of friends. He only made his way over once he saw you were being bothered by someone who was an obvious plus one, his earlier doubt and delay dissipating once he acknowledged how uncomfortable you looked.
⭒ What started off as a mindless and minor threat being thrown at an already fully drunk and nearly close to blacking out stranger for you, slowly turned and evolved into a mutual agreement, a friendship, and then eventually, a relationship. You would subliminally intercept any girls James didn't seem like he'd be interested in talking to on his own, and in return, he'd make sure you were left alone and as far away from the party's speakers as physically possible- him purposefully keeping the flinches you made whenever the cacophony of beats would accelerate and blare from them, and when too many people brushed against and bumped into you, in mind.
⭒ One night, the mansion was too overcrowded, and you were almost shaking in fright. Your breathing became labored once you realized James was no longer in sight, and you didn't see it possible for you to be able to escape the situation by using the front or back doors of the house. So, you did what you thought would be the second-best option. You fled upstairs. Your legs nearly collapsed beneath you, and the friends that had dragged you back here once again, slowly disappeared and became smaller in the ever-growing pit with every uncertain step you took further upstairs. Before you could have searched for a bathroom or an abandoned bedroom, James came turning towards the staircase you were ascending on. You quickly loosened your death grip from around the wooden railing and instinctively pushed yourself forward, directing yourself into the taller man's chest.
⭒ James took you in his arms for the first time with careful hands and ease, already knowing from your trembling frame that you were on the verge of having a panic attack. The ringing in your ears dwindled down to a constant back burner of a buzz as he guided you up the last few stairs, and toward his bedroom. Before your impending embarrassment could overwhelm you, or you could attempt to apologize, James guided you to sit down on the edge of his bed and took your unsteady fingers and intertwined them with his. That was the first night and time James proved to you he could be there for you, as long as you would allow him to be. "I'm right here, and you'll be alright," he whispered to you, his tone confident, yet gentle. A warm pad of a thumb traced the ridge of a line on the inside of your sweat clad palm, light blue irises grounding you as you fought to control your erratic and painful heaves of aborted exhalations. "Take a deep breath for me, come back to me. That's it."
⭒ But you were there for him as well. Your hypersensitivity allowed him to feel comfortable enough around you to be vulnerable. On the occasional nights you were invited back to the mansion or coerced back by your friends, you both found solace in each other's company. You'd lie in bed with him as music and drunken cheers continuously barreled on downstairs, listening intently as he confided in you about his own anxieties. About his fears of the band growing too big too fast, his fear of the band falling apart, and him losing his best friends and members because of it. His anxieties that came with him not being able to control what was happening around him, and to himself. You'd steadily hold onto his hand and run your fingers through his disheveled mane, while he'd lie his head on your shoulder and grip the fabric of your shirt, like it was his one and only anchor. And on certain overwhelming and exhausted days for him, it was. Other and often times, conversation would be lighthearted, hysterical laughter lifting the weight from both of your guys' shoulders as you each took turns exposing small parts of your opposite personalities through embarrassing stories from the past. You both would share books and overly folded and torn pages from magazines, you being teased every time you realized you were tricked into looking at a Playboy, your cheeks a blazing bright red, and James' smile wide and boyish and youthful. Handsome, even.
⭒ The first time James invited you over during the day, he surprised you by instead taking you out to the carnival. Your usual fear of large crowds and loud sounds was mostly taken care of, as James made sure to have you both arrive early and be the first in line before they even opened up that morning. Every time someone ran too close by you or screamed a little too loud, he'd wrap an arm around your shoulders and distract you with a new game, or gently guide you away to someplace quieter. Your heart fluttered in your chest for the first time after he won you the first of many stuffed animals that day, the proud and soft look on his face as he handed it over to you was forever imprinted in your mind. A branded memory that you held close to you.
⭒ "Please don't cry, sweetheart, you know I was just fucking around. Of course, I remember the name of your favorite, childhood stuffed tiger. His name was Lucky!" He tried to reassure you, after you began to cry at the idea of him forgetting something so monumental and important to you. Translucent tears cascaded themselves down your flushed facial features, as James absentmindedly bent down to place a consoling kiss on the precipice of your forehead. You both froze in place, before stuttering out twinned, awkward bouts of shy laughter. You gripped the hind legs of your pig stuffed animal and averted your eyes, hoping your erratic heartbeat and the butterflies clashing in your midsection weren't audible enough to make it up to his ears. Insurmountable relief flooded through you, as a calloused and ringed finger delicately tapped itself on one of the many beaded friendship bracelets covering the entirety of your left wrist. "How about you make me one of these, and we'll call it even after I win you a few more of these little guys?" James let out an amused sounding guffaw once he expertly ducked away from one of your usually soft and painless punches, after his next words playfully aggravated you. "I'll even let you name one of them Lucky Jr."
⭒ The sun was lowering itself in the sky, by the time James braked and parked in front of your family's dimly lit home. You wrung your hands together in your lap, undecided and contemplating on whether or not you should be the one to speak up first. You nearly jumped in your seat, after his voice lightly reverberated in the small confines of the car. "I had a good time." James announced, as his stomach muscles tightened, and his fingertips whitened underneath the pressure he exuded around the steering wheel. You squeezed your knees together and nodded, hoping none of your new gifts would slide away and make contact with the floor. "I did too, thank you for taking me." You murmured in response, warmth filling your chest as you watched James grin, despite his body language being a juxtaposition to the action. You sucked in a shuttering breath as he leaned over you to push your door open, the ends of his dirty blonde hair coming down in waves to caress the side of your bare forearm, as he fully made his way back into the driver's seat once again. "Since you don't feel comfortable with men walking you up to your front door." He joked, his smile slowly falling as he watched your eyes rake all over his face, as if they were now only taking him in for the very first time. The words you spoke next, stole all of the oxygen that resided in his being. "You're not just a man, James. To me, you are so much more than that." James sat still in place for a long moment after you whispered a goodnight and took action to make your way outside of the vehicle, dazedly waving back at you after you tossed a halfhearted one behind your back, before clumsily footing your home's front door open- with your hands fully occupied with his prizes, your gifts. He lowered his head down with a resounding groan, not even flinching as his forehead made contact with the cool to the touch, worn-out leather covering and stretched around the steering wheel. God, he was so fucked. He was falling in love with his best friend. Little did he know, so were you.
⭒⭒ "Did you run out of beads, or something?" He asks you, a seemingly permanent upward quirk on his lips as he leans forward and over the center console separating the two of you in his car, helpfully twisting his limb as you triple knot the braided fabric around his much larger wrist. You absentmindedly shake your head no, biting back a smile of your own as you hear him let out a confused, yet content sound. "Everyone else has beads, I wanted this one to be different." You admit, inwardly shying away after you raise your eyes, and they meet his own. James keeps his eyes set on you for a second too long, before looking down at the bracelets you made once again. Yours is a sage green, interconnected and intertwined with small, yellow flowers. His, a light blue, with a deeper shade of flowers making their way around the entirety of the fabric, yellow dots of color embracing the inside of each one, causing them to stand out even more against his healthily tanned, soft skin.
"You wore a sage green and yellow dress on the night we met for the first time." James verbalizes and realizes, as the image of you pops in his head. Your shaky smile and wide eyes, as he watched you try to get away from the man harassing you near the sound system. Your smile turning genuine and soft, as he asked if you were alright, and when he playfully came up with a way for you to help him back for the rest of the night. Your light titter of amusement, and finally, your nod of agreeance. The soft looks you two shared throughout the rest of the duration of the party, and the murmured goodnights you two parted with, you both being reluctant to separate and walk away.
Your bitten back smile turns into a wide grin as he vividly remembers your first meeting from all those months ago, your left hand resting on top of his wrist. Your fingertips absentmindedly shift the backing to the side so that the front would be fully visible, as James tentatively flickers his eyes back up to yours. "I wasn't wearing light blue that night, was I?" He asks you. You slowly inhale and straighten up in the passenger side seat, your free hand anxiously beginning to tug at the bottom hem of your t-shirt. You nervously lick your lips and shake your head no, missing your best friend's eyes as they helplessly follow after the movement.
"The light blue represents your eyes," you begin and confess, a small flicker of hope lighting anew in your gut, as James sucks in a deep breath and shifts closer. "I was making mine over the past few days, and what you wore didn't matter to me, not as much at the color of your eyes did," your hair falls free as you lift your head from against the headrest, lowering your hand from your shirt to use it as leverage to push yourself flat against the console. "Your eyes were the first thing I noticed about you when we first met, and you calmed me down. And now they're the first thing I search for whenever I know you'll be around."
A warm and large hand reaches forward to cup your nape as James whispers out your name, the softness in his tone enough to bring tears to your eyes. You blurrily blink as silver rings etch themselves in the tendrils of your locks, and as he slowly guides your head forward. The wake of goosebumps gather and multiply on your wrist as it makes contact with the divider, as James brings his other open palm up to delicately caress your cheekbone. Light and royal blue and yellow make safe haven in your right eye's peripheral as you're held in the most gentle way, and as your best friend looks down at you with his own set of blown, wide open eyes.
"If I'm reading into this wrong," James trails off, his expression turning into a grimace at the thought alone. You look back at him with longing, before lifting your hand from the console and encircling it around his wrist nearest to your face. He expels a sigh of relief at the familiar warmth in the smile you send his way, ignoring the pressure against his ribs as he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours. A light breath of a laugh is breathed out in the small space between you two, and you squeeze his wrist in reassurance, feeling alive and understood at the feeling of his incessant and abnormal heartrate pulsing beneath your fingertips. "How are you the one confessing first? I thought you were the shy and oversensitive one."
Your smile is overabundantly large as James kisses you before you can answer, the fabric of your guys' bracelets rubbing against each other as you press your lips on his and savor the feeling and taste. You both don't pull back until you're gasping for air, and as soon as you both reopen your eyes and look at each other once again, laughter ensues. You rest the weight of your head in his palm connected to your nape and look up at him gently, a sigh of contentment making its way out of your plush and kissed red set. Those same light blue irises from that first night, peer back down at you, filled with adoration and devoted conviction. "I think you confessed to me a long time ago, I was just too nervous to acknowledge it," you speak into the charged and electrified air surrounding you two. You unlatch your hand from around his wrist to raise it and graze the pads of your fingertips against his smile doted skin, and his lifted, already swollen lips. "You once told me to come back to you when I was having a panic attack, but I don't think I ever left. I think I'm always present when you're around. You bring it out of me."
James damply and disbelievingly chuckles, before placing a trembling kiss to your fingertips. You gently detach and wipe away a stray tear from the corner of his right eye, a few of your own already making their way down your jawline. "I love you; you know." You confess through a mused grin, the tone in your voice easy, because admitting it now was the easiest thing in the world. James beckons you forward once again, kissing you breathless before admitting his love back to you, although you already know what his next words will be.
"And God, do I love you."
⭒⭒⭒ Bright lights, heavy bass and thousands of screaming fans erupt from around you, yet all of your prior anxieties and worries are gone as you watch James and the rest of Metallica perform on stage, the partial noise cancelling headphones you're wearing giving you enough balance and security to be able to fully enjoy yourself. You lean back against the barricade and smile widely, the pride and joy you have for them nearly beaming out of your chest, as you look at the fruition and proof of all of their hard work over the past few years.
James' voice bellows out the next few lines of the song, before he makes his way over to the edge of the center stage, and squats down in front of you, his mouth outstretched in a euphoric and blissful smile. Something he always deserves to wear. He cheekily raises his left hand, and you do the same, the light and royal blue gemstones in his engagement ring shining just as brightly as your sage green and yellow ones. You both share muted I love you's, the sounds of cheers and sung back lyrics too loud for your guys' indescribable joy to be audible. But you both know how true the words you mouth back to each other are.
You twist the gold-plated jewelry around your ring finger as you sing along with the crowd, fully embracing the experience, and all that is yet to come.
As long as you had James by your side, and James had you, you two were prepared for anything.
(note: your request was so much fun to write, and it wasn't stupid at all. don't doubt yourself, babe! i hope i did it justice and you enjoy it ♡)
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pro-birth · 2 years
The pro-choice ethicist Daniel Callahan of the Hastings Center lamented the fact that most pro-choice advocates strictly maintain “an embarrassed, sheepish silence on what would seem to be a matter of obvious concern for those committed to choice….That men have long coerced women into abortion when it suits their purposes is well known, but rarely mentioned.” [X]
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