#commander shepard icons
vgsedit · 1 year
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like / reblog if you save. please, don’t repost my work anywhere. follow us for more! requests and commissions are open. support me on ko-fi. ✧
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clericofshadows · 6 months
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KAIDAN ALENKO - 2/???, FEAT. REGIS SHEPARD MASS EFFECT 1 - NIGHT BEFORE ILOS "I don't know… I mean, the regs against fraternization seem kind of petty now. Taking a stolen ship to face a giant extragalactic war machine…"
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redreart · 1 year
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Icon commish for @soldiermom1973 💜 Thank you!
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secretagentdragon · 11 months
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Revisited my old Liaramancer, Andy (also the only character I've played through the entire trilogy) after like 2/3 years! Probably the biggest ref I've done for a character haha
More character info +ID under the cut:
Andromache "Andy" Jia Shepard Age: 29/31/32 (ME1/ME2/ME3) Morality/leaning: Paragade Sexuality: Bi + demi Romance: Liara Weapon(s) of choice: Sniper rifle, tech
Born in Thessaloniki, Greece, as the middle child of five children, Andy moved to the off world colony Mindoir with her family at the age of 10. They lived a peaceful life there for six years before the colony was attacked by batarian slavers, leaving her the only survivor of her parents and siblings. She was taken in by her aunt and uncle, and moved to Vancouver, Canada, to live with them. She studied computer engineering at a military school in the city, eventually transferring into the Alliance military after graduating.
Most of Andy's military fame prior to serving on the Normandy is attributed to her experience on Akuze, where she was the sole survivor of fifty-one marines after a thresher maw attack, managing to get back to the extraction point thanks to her perseverance, quick thinking, and sheer luck. After this incident she was admitted into the N7 operative program, eventually graduating and earning the rank of Commander.
When on the job, Andy is clipped and professional, always trying to act reserved, though at times her emotions get the better of her. Outside of work, she struggles to connect with people and has difficulty turning her "professionalism" switch off, though she tries her hardest to be approachable. After her "death" and subsequent reconstruction (in ME2) she is much more brutal and upfront. Feeling like her life and all control of it was yanked away from her, she cut her hair and got new tattoos as a way of leveraging some control of herself. Although she ultimately wants to help others, she feels bitter and angry at the fallout of her death and the organization that resurrected her for their own means, Cerberus.
By the time of the Reaper war (ME3), she has mellowed out considerably on a personal front, having found more stability in her personal life after reconciling with her old connections and breaking away from Cerberus. However, the stress of the war and the decisions accompanying it weigh on her every day, and she tries her best to present a calm and collected front to keep up crew morale.
In her spare time, Andy enjoys programming equipment and putting things together, along with working out. She is also a massive fan of romantic dramas and tries to keep up with them regularly.
[ID: Reference sheet for Andromache Jia Shepard/Andy Shepard, a masculine 5'0" Chinese-Greek woman, across all three mass effect games. The first image shows her changes in scars + tattoos across the games. In ME1, Andy has a thresher maw tattoo on her L thigh along with six stars on her R inner forearm and long dark brown hair tied back in a bun (or worn down for casual wear). In ME2, she gains red scarring from reconstruction (ME renegade scars) on her face and various parts of her body, along with a L sleeve tattoo consisting of a night sky on the upper arm and a forest on the lower arm, along with a L collarbone tattoo reading "SR1". Her hair is cut in a short and choppy haircut. In ME3, Andy's hair has grown out to her shoulders and she wears it pushed back. Her red scars have faded somewhat but are still present. The points on the first image read "Cis Female, She/Her, Chinese-Greek, Colonist, Sole Survivor, Engineer - The second image shows her outfits across the games- In ME1 she wears the standard Alliance military outfit, in ME2 she wears military cargo pants with a grey muscle t-shirt, and in ME3 she wears Alliance military cargo pants with a grey muscle t-shirt and the red and black N7 hoodie. Andy also wears an iron ring on her R pinky at all times. End ID.]
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aceghosts · 1 year
OCs as Characters
I was tagged by @nightbloodraelle, @fourlittleseedlings, and @nightwingshero to do this quiz. Thanks!
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini, @marivenah, @direwombat, @detectivelokis, @voidika, @baldurrs, @purplehairsecretlair, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @commander-krios, @clicheantagonist, @captastra, @strangefable, @eclecticwildflowers, @confidentandgood, @indorilnerevarine, and anyone else who wants to do this!
Blue Murphy
Aladdin (Disney)
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Robin Hood
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
Commander Rooney Shepard
Ellen Ripley (Alien)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs)
Captain Marvel (MCU)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Hunter Delaney
Anakin Skywalker (SW)
April Ludgate (Parks and Rec)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
The Joker (The Dark Knight)
Janis Ian (Mean Girls)
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thornaelle · 1 year
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Miranda Shepard chibi icon commission for @commandersarah!
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saucywendeee · 1 year
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Selene Shephard
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hardcore-like-eezo · 1 year
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Citadel -- Shore Leave
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kibagib · 2 years
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5 slots available for custom Pride-Shep icons like this one on my ko-fi
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togepies · 2 years
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drew a new icon while my power was out
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citadrells · 1 year
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holding my shepard tight & sending nuclear cosmic vibes to the illusive man and his allies
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galactia · 2 years
meme for roleplay muns!
21. What time of the day is your favorite to write?
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Definitely evening/night! I tend to be a when-the-inspiration-strikes girl, so I can sometimes pop off in the morning or whittle throughout the day, but evening is my favorite.
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felassan · 2 months
Article: 'Mass Effect Merch Is Back At Insert Coin, And Some Of It's On Sale'
"Suit up, commander. The Normandy needs you. Eight products from Insert Coin's Mass Effect range have been restocked, most of them sporting Shepard's iconic N7 logo."
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gimjarack · 1 month
The entire galaxy seems to treat commander Shepard as this "bloody icon" as Miranda put it, and yet Miranda also unintentionally brought up an interesting point-Shepard is just ONE PERSON.
Is Shepard really all that remarkable? Like truly? After all we did DIE at the beginning of Mass Effect 2, and it's not like we took down Sovereign with our bare hands or anything. Shepard's best asset is just their decision making, the calls they choose to make.
To me, Shepard is constantly stressed the fuck out knowing that she's being placed as the figurehead of the galaxy, the supposed Messiah sent to save us from the Reapers. That's a huge weight to bear for anyone!
So yeah thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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aceghosts · 1 year
Who Would Direct Your OC's Life?
Hey everybody! I was tagged by @strangefable and @voidika to take this uquiz. Thanks! 💙
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini, @marivenah, @detectivelokis, @baldurrs, @jinfromyarikawa, @fourlittleseedlings, @clicheantagonist, @direwombat, @nightbloodraelle, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @dickytwister, @astorythatwritesitself, @captastra, @indorilnerevarine, @derelictheretic, @harmonyowl, @purplehairsecretlair, and anyone else who wants to do this!
Blue Murphy
Sofia Coppola
Does Lana Del Rey inspire you? Be honest.
Commander Rooney Shepard
Kathryn Bigelow
You're so deconstructed and complex, wow. Love that for you!
Hunter Delaney
David Cronenberg
Yeah… You're literally a freak.
Blake Maddox
John Carpenter
They're after you, aren't they? What are you waiting for? Run!
Emerson Wright
Abel Ferrara
Stop clogging the prayer line with your guilt and shame, baby. Go for a walk or something, sometimes <3
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7classyantiquestores · 7 months
“Alright. Sit tight, little guy. Anybody gives you trouble, go for the eyes.”
— Commander Shepard, in the ME3 Citadel DLC, to the pet hamster, which is internally referred to as the space hamster.
“Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!”
— Minsc, iconically, from BG1, to Boo the miniature giant space hamster.
Today years old when I finally put this together.
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