#jane shepard icons
vgsedit · 2 years
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like / reblog if you save. please, don’t repost my work anywhere. follow us for more! requests and commissions are open. support me on ko-fi. ✧
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
Mass Effect mod list
Ok I said I'd make a list of the Mods I have installed for Mass Effect. Sorry it took me a while.
All my mods are just tweaks and adjustments, nothing that actually changes vanilla in any meaningful way or alters what the core experience is like.
This list is spoiler free
First off, some pointers;
You will need the Mass Effect Mod manager. It works the same as the Mod Manager used for Skyrim, but this one is specific to Mass Effect. You can find it here
For textures, the Mods and Tweaks manager has automatically included the program needed to mod textures for the game. I don't need to teach you how to use these programs as they have built-in tutorials and on screen instructions that walk you through everything.
I learned this the hard way. Only change textures AFTER you have added all the mods you want (that are not texture based). If you change the textures and then want to add more mods, the mod manager will stop you because this confuses how it applies the mods + textures. So make sure to do ALL your mods before you add texture changes.
Whatever else mods you add, make sure to add the LE1 Community Patch, the Unofficial LE2 patch, and the LE3 Community Patch. These are general patches that fixes bugs. That's it. They just fix bugs. But they are essential.
Ok! With all of that out of the way, here you go! No "read more" thing, we die like men.
1: Default Femshep Retexture.
This was actually one of the main reasons I wanted to mod my game. This mod's texture doesn't change Jane Shepard's iconic design, it just uh... makes it better. Mostly because a bunch of game dev dudes are not the best to understanding things like.... make up.
This texture makes Shepard look less like a straight guy's idea of a drag queen and more like an actual person who knows what they're doing would. It also gives her freckles better placement and makes her eyebrows.... less like that.
I love this mod to death. I nearly cried when I saw how good she looks in-game
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2: Iconic Femshep Hair Fix For LE3
For reasons unknown, Bioware did not give Jane Shepard her iconic hairstyle in the third game. (Probably for the same reason nobody has the right blood colour in the third game either) This makes sure she has the right hair style in the finale.
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3: LE1, LE2 and LE3 Garrus and Turians - Face and Eyes Textures
I'm only linking the first game's but make sure to get the same for the 2nd and 3rd game.
For whatever reason, the Turians often get shafted in the texture department. There is also a bug which has apparently been fixed in the Legendary Edition where Garrus' texture will load in super low res.
This just fixes some resolution issues, fixes their eyes, and just improves the over-all skin texture. Again, this made Garrus and the other Turians look so good I almost cried.
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4: Immersive Emails
When the third game launched, there was an app you could get for your phone (irl I mean) where the characters would message you depending on decisions you make in the game itself. Including getting messages from whoever you decide to romance. Sadly the app was never available in my country, but the screenshots were circulated a lot.
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(He's asking if you wanna fuck)
Anyway, with the app now defunct, this mod adds ALL the messages into the game itself to appear in your in-game emails instead.
Highly recommend not only for the romance ones, but because in one of the best DLCs in the final game, you get to hear everyone essentially yelling at each other in the Normandy Discord chat, and I imagine that's basically what these messages kinda are.
5: Some mods that restore things that were accidentally removed in the Legendary Edition
Admiral Daro'Xen Restored Kirrahe Makes Good Missing Codex Restored (ME2LE) BUGFIX Genesis Intro Dialogue Undo Mod - Legendary Edition
6: Kasumi Dress ported to Citadel DLC
You get a cocktail dress in the 2nd game as part of a mission which has also become rather iconic.
This ports it over to the third game for a specific mission which required formal wear.
This mod isn't essential at all, I just like the 2nd game's dress a lot
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7: Casual Underwear for Femshep
For reasons I'm sure will forever remain a mystery to us 🙄 Shepard's default underwear in the game is like.... lacey and frilly and shit?
That's fine if you like that sort of thing but it really clashes with her personality as well as like... it doesn't make a lot of sense? And in the modder's own words: "I discovered the butt window on femshep's underwear today which sent me into a spiraling modding frenzy (that and fuzzy memories of how awkward the ME3 cutscenes-)"
Anyway this mod replaces the horny game devs' underwear with something that's more in character for her.
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(also low key Athletic underwear is a lot sexier imo)
8: Casual Hubs for LE1
The Team Mates wear their casual outfits while on the Normandy or on a non-threatening world like the Citadel. I like this one because I always felt it must be uncomfortable for them, especially when Shepard is allowed to wear her casual outfits on the ship.
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There is also this mod for LE2
The casual outfits for some squadmates in the 2nd game are optional, such as Jack wearing a prison uniform on the ship which I personally would not put her in because she's too chaotic to keep that sort of thing on.
The woman was gonna be walking around topless for the 2nd game until EA told Bioware "no" ffs.
9: Cerberus Ladies Wear Cerberus
Bioware never patched the 2nd game so that the Cerberus women actually wear Cerberus uniforms. This fixes that.
10: LE3 Opening Remaster
in the modder's words:
"LE3 Opening Remaster aims to improve the opening cinematic of Mass Effect 3, using remastered footage from an early ME3 Xbox 360 demo, as well as diversifies the opening text scroll if the Arrival DLC was completed."
11: Apartment Additions
In the 2nd game you could invite Shepard's SO to her cabin to hang out. Someone made a similar mod for the 3rd game 👀
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12: LE3 Prologue Outfit Customization
The third game's prologue is weird if you have a specific casual outfit you like to put Shepard in (it's the hoodie... we all know it's the hoodie) and she doesn't wear it.
This mod let's you decide which outfit she should be wearing in the opening to better match how you've been dressing her in the 2nd game.
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13: Garrus with No Visor and New Outfits (LE2)
Gives Garrus some more outfits he can wear rather than just his green one and optionally removes his visor when he's wearing his casuals (or always if you just dislike the visor).
The visor is lore important so I keep it on him most of the time... but I have it removed for when he's wearing his casuals because it's just kind of awkward for him to have it when he and Shepard start sleeping together.
Also he just looks better in blue than green ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Mods I couldn't install because I had already installed textures :(
LE1 and LE3 Diversification mods.
"A project designed to diversify LE1 through increased population count, better species' population balancing, outfit/appearance diversification and overall breathing more life into the world."
This includes adding female turian NPCs to the first game (they were only given a model in the 3rd game because something something video games) As well as giving the Elcor their walking animation.
The Diversification project is busy being worked on for the 2nd game as well but for now is only applicable to Omega.
I'm only linking to the first game's mod but you can find the third game's from the same creator.
Please note; Diversification mod and Variety are mod are TWO DIFFERENT MODS and may cause clashes if you install both.
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I want this mod so bad..... I might risk breaking my game just to add it I swear sldjfsdklfjksd
And that's everything I use!
Before anyone asks, I don't have the "ALOT of textures" mod installed despite it being really good for no other reason than it replaces the signs into english text and that just bothers me for some reason. Especially since the most common spoken language by all species is "Trade". So having signs in english just doesn't make sense to me.
Shepard is an Alliance marine. She would know how to read Trade.
There is also a mod to improve lighting to an insane degree but I haven't messed with it because it requires a seperate program to introduce modern lighting engines to older games and I am too intimidated by it to try it.
Anyway I hope this helps!
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ronqueesha · 3 months
I can't find the post where I was asked which Chaos God my various OCs would fall victim to, so I decided to rewrite my thoughts.
I actually can't see Jane Shepard falling to chaos. What I find more interesting and compelling is if we look toward Age of Sigmar and the Stormcast Eternals. I can easily see Jane becoming one of them. Instead of Cerberus bringing her back after her death on Alchera, the god Sigmar inducts this most courageous and heroic warrior into his ranks of nigh-immortal warriors.
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Kallian Tabris has enough rage in her heart to easily be swayed by Khorne. Her desire to see the humans who killed her mother brought to justice would be the stepping stone toward his corruption. Khorne isn't just about wanton slaughter and bloodshed, he also stands for honorable combat and even justice in his own violent way. She would try to use Khorne's power for good at first, to bring bloody retribution to those who deserve it. But that's an inevitable path to damnation.
Tzeentch would absolutely love Sarit Ramesh. At her core, she will always be the sickly little girl who grew up in the slums of Neon, whose lungs were permanently damaged by the city's industrial runoff, and whose body will always be frail and weak. She wants to fix these problems by improving herself through technology. Seeking change and growth by replacing her own body parts. She is also much too smart for her own good, and is willing to throw laws and morality out the window if it means she won't live another day in pain. The changer of ways can latch onto these plots and schemes, and turn her into a very capable servant.
You'd think that Iona would be the perfect servant of Slaanesh, since that chaos god is often stereotyped as the god of sex, debauchery and perversion. Maybe her Saints Row counterpart would be swayed by the dark prince, but Pathfinder Iona is actually much more vulnerable to Nurgle. Her entire slutty, outgoing persona is a shield to protect herself from the deep existential dread of her near-immortal half undead existence. Iona does not want to live for a thousand years, but she will. So she deals with the pain by self-medicating via sex and drugs. However, that core of hopelessness and inevitable decay is precisely where Nurgle lives. And he would love to corrupt her.
A Nurgle worshiping Iona would not become a bloated, festering, rotting sack of meat like most of his servants, however. Iona would keep her looks, and she would retain her hyper sexual lifestyle for the same reason she adopted it in the first place. It's just that everyone she sleeps with would find themselves deeply infected with the plague god's newest and most deadly sexually-transmitted gifts. Spread from Iona's most intimate encounters, infecting the world with the same despair she has been consumed by.
The OC I could actually see falling to Slaanesh is Zoe Iwasaki. While she does have a kinky side, it's not what the dark prince would actually latch onto. Like I said before, Slaanesh is often stereotyped for their sexual nature, but that's not actually what they embody. Slaanesh is actually the god of excess, passion, obsession, decadence and pain. Zoe has a pit deep in her soul that she thinks will only be filled with money and power. She is angry at the world for the things her father and other people did to her, and she wants to get revenge but not through bloodshed or even legal justice. She wants to prove everyone wrong by making herself wealthier, more powerful, and a legendary icon of Night City that will be remembered forever. She pushes herself to extremes to see this done, and she manipulates, deceives and hurts others just like she was hurt in pursuit of this goal. (poor Judy) This pursuit of an impossible goal is what drives many people toward Slaanesh, and Zoe would be a perfect victim.
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crescentbunny · 4 years
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Hi, yes  still here, still on my shit. 
Read my fanfic you wont be disappointed. More within.
Update: Colored version
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fiannans · 3 years
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The closer we get to the ME Legendary Edition the more nostalgic I feel, so throwback to these 2013 sketch commissions of my beloved space babes Jane and John by the incredible @domirine!
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meorix · 4 years
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Jane Shepard | Mass Effect 3 Please like or reblog if u save/use 👽
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i cannot fucking BELIEVE that in a mass effect icon maing frenzy i forgot to make an icon of the MAIN CHARACTER
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edgepunk · 5 years
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2 years ago I made a default Shepard pride icon dump but I felt like it needed an update so [patch notes]:
changed the lesbian fShep icon with the new updated lesbian flag
added icons with the trans flag
as always: like/reblog if using
credit not needed but appreciated
if you want more pride icons/ the link isn’t working then don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask
[Download on Google Drive]
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residentevil2remake · 6 years
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padme4000creations · 6 years
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littleredrenegade · 6 years
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I  W O N T  L E T  F E A R  C O M P R O M I S E  W H O  I  A M
Independent Commander Shepard from Bioware’s Mass Effect
》multi-ship and multi-verse
》para/multi-para/one-liner friendly
》mun and muse 21+
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vgsedit · 2 years
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like / reblog if you save. DO NOT repost. follow for more; you can commission your oc for only $5 or request whatever you want. if you’re feeling generous, buy me a coffee. ✧˖°
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flame2ashes · 2 years
I’m so used to Mark Meer’s voice for Shepard that hearing Kaidan’s voice come out of John’s mouth is a little jarring fjdklafjkldsa
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ronqueesha · 2 years
Which of your OCs is the best/worst dancer?
Thanks for the great question!
The best would be Zoe Iwasaki, although you'd probably never know it if you met her.
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(screenshot by @arcandoria)
Zoe was not born to be a daughter, or even a human being. She was born solely because her wealthy corpo parents needed a prop to show in front of their equally rich and well-connected peers. Her parents were afraid of losing their standing among their social group, and thus losing potential sources of money, if they didn't follow along with others of their age group and start a family.
So they ensured that Zoe excelled at every subject in school, had multiple socially-acceptable hobbies, and was nationally recognized for her many talents. All so her parents could brag about her accomplishments when the time was right for such conversations. This included multiple dance lessons, including ballet and other forms of dancing that had multiple recitals and public displays of prowess.
The dark side of all this success was that Zoe had no choice in the matter. She got perfect grades in every class, or she was punished severely. She had to be the best dancer in her troupe, or she was punished severely. Anything from having her possessions destroyed to physical violence were the repercussions of not being a perfect toy for her parents' aspirations. And that was the least of what they did to her.
So yeah... Zoe is a great dancer, but she'll never show anyone.
The worst dancer is no contest, Jane Shepard.
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Everyone is familiar with the horrible Shepard Shuffle. The Commander's iconic awful dance move that earned universal (but well meaning) mockery from her shipmates. Even people outside of the Normandy crew eventually learned of the Commander's total lack of rhythm and coordination when various recordings and vids leaked to the extranet.
And somehow, it got even worse after the Reaper War.
When Jane lost her right arm, she spent years learning to re-orient herself and find new balance with her changed body. Unfortunately, all of that effort was wasted when she tried to dance. Shepard's awkward flailing got even worse as her body lost all sense of control and balance without a right arm to keep the shuffle in check.
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💕 valentines ... ! 💕
free to use but a like/reblog would be appreciated!
proper sizes and alternates under the cut!
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fandom-lover20 · 3 years
Requests Are OPEN
(I’m happy to do crossovers for anyone who like one)
I’ll do more than just romance ideas as well, if you want a father/daughter or best friends, siblings etc. that’s completely okay. This is also the same masterlist for if anyone wants any Match-ups, gifs, icons basically just anything you want. If it's in italics then it's because those are my favourite or the ones I just find easiest to write. One-shots: Whatever relationship you like, characters included and either writing prompt or small idea of what you want to happen Match-ups: Fandom (as many as you like), gender/pronouns and sexuality, basic description of physical features and some hobbies/interests, style, any extra info if you like
⭐  - Headcanon
❤ - Romance
💋 - Smut
💛 - Fluff
🌹 - Angst
Requests are open for the following fandoms: 
The Alienist
John Moore
Laszlo Kreisler
Lucius Issacson
Marcus Issacson
Sara Howard
The Breakfast Club
Allison Reynolds (the basketcase)
Andrew Clark (the jock)
Brian Johnson (the nerd)
Claire Standish (the princess)
John Bender (the criminal)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
Rupert Giles
Willow Rosenberg
Xander Harris
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Alex Blake
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Elle Greenway
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Kate Callahan
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
DC - (I'm not the biggest fan so the character list for this is short)
(any characters from)
Wonder Woman - I haven't watched 1984, sorry
Caleb Prior
Tobias Eaton
Tris Prior
Doctor Who
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Amy Pond
Artie Abrams
Blaine Anderson
Britney Pierce
Finn Hudson
Jake Puckerman
Kurt Hummel
Kitty Wilde
Marley Rose
Mike Chang
Noah Puckerman
Quinn Fabray
Rachel Berry
Santana Lopez
Sam Evans
Tina Cohen-Chang
The Greatest Showman
Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Charles Stratton
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz
Phillip Carlyle
P.T Barnum
W.D Wheeler
Grey’s Anatomy (up to the end of season 9)
Addison Montgomery
Alex Karev
Amelia Shepard
April Kepner
Arizona Robbins
Callie Torres
Christina Yang
Derek Shepard (McDreamy)
Finn Dandridge (McVet)
George O’Malley
Izzie Stevens
Jo Wilson
Lexie Grey
Mark Sloan (McSteamy)
Meredith Grey
Miranda Bailey
Owen Hunt (McSoldier)
Richard Webber
Teddy Altman
Harry Potter
Angelina Johnston
Blaise Zabini
Dean Thomas
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Pansy Parkinson
Ron Weasley
Seamus Finnigan
(Young) Tom Riddle
Bellatrix Lestrange
James Potter
Lily Evans
Narcissa Malfoy
Newt Scammander
Nymphadora Tonks
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
The Hunger Games
Effie Trinket
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthrone
Haymitch Abernethy
Joannah Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Primrose Everdeen
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Marta Cabrera
Ransom Drysdale
Kong: Skull Island
Houstan Brooks
Jack Chapman
James Conrad
Mason Weaver
Lab Rats
Adam Davenport
Bree Davenport
Chase Davenport
Donald Davenport
Douglas Davenport
Leo Dooley
Marcus Davenport
Tasha Davenport
Mamma Mia
Donna Sheridan
Sam Carmichael
Bill Anderson
Harry Bright
Sophie Sheridan
Marvel Cinematic Universe (I haven’t watched WandaVision but it’s on my list, I just don’t want to ball my eyes out)
Baron Helmet Zemo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Darcy Lewis
Jane Foster
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Peggy Carter
Peter Parker
Peter Quill
Sam Wilson
Sharon Carter
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
The Mighty Ducks
Adam Banks
Charlie Conway
Connie Monreau
Dean Portman
Dwayne Robertson
Fulton Reed
Gordan Bombay
Greg Goldberg
Guy Germaine
Jesse Hall
Julie Gaffney
Lester Averman
Luiz Mendoza
Russ Tyler
Ted Orion
Terry Hall
Eleanor Bishop
Kate Todd
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Nick Torres
Timothee McGee
Tony Dinozzo
Ziva David
Now You See Me
Daniel Atlas
Dylan Rhodes
Henley Reeves
Jack Wilder
Lula May
Merritt McKinney
One Tree Hill
Brooke Davis
Haley James-Scott
Lukas Scott
Mouth McFadden
Nathan Scott
Peyton Sawyer
The Originals
Davina Claire
Elijah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Joshua (Josh) Rosza
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Pitch Perfect
Barden Bellas
Beca Mitchell
Emily Junk
Fat Amy
Pieter Kramer
Bumper Allen
James Hunt
Niki Lauda
Scandal (seasons 1-3)
Abby Whelan
David Rosen
Fitz Grant
Harrison Wright
Jake Ballard
Mellie Grant
Olivia Pope
Quinn Perkins
Stephen Finch
Sherlock (RDJ Movies)
Irene Adler
John Watson
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock BBC
Greg Lestrade
Irene Adler
Jim Moriarty
John Watson
Mary Watson
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Suits (I'm halfway through S3, just finished thingy oils plotline)
Donna Paulsen
Harvey Spectre
Louis Litt
Mike Ross
Rachel Zane
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf
Adrian Harris
Allison Argent
Bobby Finstock
Chris Argent
Derek Hale
Issac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimara
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate/Hale
Noah Stilinski
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
Alice Cullen
Bella Swan/Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Edward Cullen
Embry McCall
Emmet Cullen
Esme Cullen
Jasper Hale
Leah Clearwater
Paul Lahote
Rosalie Hale
Seth Clearwater
The Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman
Bonnie Bennet
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Enzo St. John
Damon Salvatore
Jenna Sommers
Jo Laughlin
Kai Parker
Matt Donovan
Stefan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Lexi Branson
Liv Parker
Vicki Donovan
Charles Xavier
Kurt Wagner
Dean Youngblood
Derek Sutton
Jessie Chadwick
Coach Murray Chadwick
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